Golden Feather Winners 2002
Best Video of the Year 2002
Strip Tickle by (Magic Touch Productions)
Tickling Video Company of the Year 2002
Magic Touch Productions
Best Model (Ticklee) 2002
Syddra (TC Videos)
Best Model (Tickler) 2002
Wallstreet (Self Produced)
Best Web Site 2002 (Commercial)
Best Web Site 2002 (Noncommercial)
Rockings Site
Best Author/Story (Fiction) 2002
Dave2112 for 'The Torturer's Apprentice'
Best Author/Story (Nonfiction) 2002
Milagros for 'Double Trouble'
Best Original Artist 2002
FTKL & BZ Tickler for Vellicatrices Unlimited
Special Recognition for Contribution to the Tickling Community 2002
Hall of Fame Model Year 2002
Whitney Prescott
Hall of Fame Video Year 2002
Courtney & Tovia's First time (Magic Touch Productions)
Hall of Fame Pioneer Award Year 2002
Max Speer

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