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Buffy vs. the Tickling Demon


1st Level Orange Feather
Apr 3, 2001
Buffy vs. the Tickling Demon (m/f, f/m, f/f)

NOTE: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters are registered trademarks of Warner Bros. Inc. The author uses them here only for this work of fiction.

OPEN on the campus at night. A guy and a girl are strolling across a forested area, obviously on a date.

. . . yeah, so I haven't really made many friends here yet.

Give it time. You're a lovely girl. I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends before you know it.

GIRL (blushing)

She yawns, stretching her arms over her head. With a glint in his eye, the boy reaches over and gives her a quick poke in the side. She jumps and lets out a squeal.

Hey now! Don't do that!

The boy smiles and continues to tickle around her sides.

What's the matter? Little ticklish?

She begins tittering and tries to squirm away.

Yes! Hehehehehehe!! Hey, come on!! Heeheheehehehee! Cut it out!!

But the boy picks up speed, tickling harder. His smile grows and his eyes get wider, almost entranced. He continues tickling until an unseen figure smothers the girl's mouth with its hand and yanks her body into the bushes. The girls muffled scream is the last thing we hear before:


FADE IN on Buffy in the gym, practicing her fighting moves. Willow peeks her head in and sees Buffy training intently.

Almost done?

BUFFY (without pausing)
One more hour.

CUT to

Willow and Buffy exiting the locker room and walking down the hall.

I don't understand why you put yourself through that much punishment. You're already in good enough shape to kick any vampire's ass without breaking a sweat.

Gotta stay conditioned. Besides, it's good to learn to deal with pain. Being the Slayer's not just hunting and fighting. Demons love to use torture to try and break you.

I doubt any demon could torture you.

And I plan to keep it that way.

Xander enters, sneaking up behind them. When he gets close to Buffy, he reaches out and grabs her ribs. Buffy spins around and laughs out loud, startling Willow. Xander laughs at them both.

Dammit, Xander! How many times have I told you not to tickle me!

I can't help it! It's just so much fun.

It's not fair. You know how ticklish I am.

That's what makes it fun.

He reaches out and tickles her side quickly, and she leaps away.

You do know I could break you like a dry twig, right?

All right, all right, sorry.

The three walk off, but Xander, a step behind the girls, can't resist giving each of them another quick tickle. As they exit the scene, we see that someone has been watching them. It is the guy from the opening scene, with the same sinister look on his face.

CUT to the LIBRARY, where Giles is waiting, immersed in a book. Buffy enters; she has changed out of her gym clothes and into something more fashionable. She knocks on the table to get Giles' attention.

Hey Giles. You wanted to see me?

Yes, Buffy. Have you heard about the recent disappearances on campus?

At this point, kids disappearing isn't really news anymore. Why, what's up?

Two students have gone missing the last two weeks, one boy and one girl. I have a feeling it might be connected to this.

He shows Buffy the book. She skims the page quickly.

What's a . . . .vellicator?

Well, in this case it's some sort of demon. I believe I've heard the term before but I can't quite think of where. At any rate, according to this prophecy the Vellicator is due to return to Earth within the next week. I'm sure these disappearances are tied to his minions somehow.

Human sacrifice? Demonic experiments? Or maybe just a snack?

I'm not really sure yet. The origin of this name is what's giving me the hardest time right now. You would probably do well to keep your eyes open for any unfamiliar characters with any unusual traits. I don't think these are going to be your ordinary, run of the mill spawns of the underworld.

Cool. I could use a new challenge.

Just be careful.

BUFFY (exiting)
You know me. I always am.

CUT to Willow hurrying down the hall, arms full of books. The sinister looking fellow who was watching her earlier turns the corner just in time to bump into her, spilling her books.

Oh, goodness! I'm so sorry! Excuse me!

WILLOW (embarrassed)
Oh, it's all right.

She kneels to collect her books. He kneels to help her and catches her gaze.

GUY (acting bewildered)
I'm Max.

Nice to meet you, Max, I'm Willow.

They stand up. not breaking eye contact.

Willow . . . what a wonderfully unique name.

WILLOW (blushing)

He grins at her.

CUT to the CAFETERIA, where Xander is carrying his tray and looking for a table. From one side, he hears someone whistling to get his attention. He turns and sees a sexy girl with a come-hither look in her eye alone at a table. She kicks the empty chair towards him, and raises her eyebrows. Xander smiles and happily goes to join her.

CUT to the STUDENT LOUNGE, where Buffy and Xander are sitting and talking. Willow scampers over to join them.

Guys! Guess what! I just met the most amazing guy. His name's Max. We're going to a movie Saturday night.

What a coincidence, Xander was just telling me about the girl he met.

XANDER (proudly)

Yup, looks like it's an Audrey Hepburn movie and popcorn for one for Buffy again this weekend.

WILLOW (sympathetically)
Oh, Buffy, you'll find someone.

Yeah, probably a demon named the velli-something.

More trouble from the mouth of Hell?

A Slayer's work is never done.

CUT to the same spot on campus where we first saw Max and his unfortunate date. He is there with Willow this time, again making polite conversation.

Come over here for a second, I want to show you something.

He leads her towards the bushes.


Just look. I noticed this the other day.

She wanders in closer, straining to see anything noteworthy.

I don't see anything . . .

It's right over . . . there!

He gives her a shove, and with a scream Willow disappears into the dark behind the bushes. Max follows her.

CUT to the same spot, a little later that night. Xander and Veronica are walking past now. She's wrapped around his arm, and he's boasting up a storm.

So, naturally, I had to come in and save the day.

VERONICA (coyly)
Ooooh, I love a big strong man.

She runs her hand over his chest. He enjoys it until she slides her fingers a little to close to the side of his ribcage, causing him to flinch.

What's the matter?

XANDER (saving face)
Oh, nothing.

Her hand strays again, a little lower, and this time he flinches and barely contains a yelp.

Oh, now don't tell me a strong guy like you is ticklish?

XANDER (covering)
Nah, of course not.

Really? Then you won't mind a little test!

With that, she digs into his side, and he can no longer keep it together. He begins laughing and tries to break away, but she's weakening him too much for him to put up a fight.

All right!! Hahahaha!! All right, I give!

She doesn't pay attention. Instead she takes advantage of his weakened state to lead him towards the same bushes into which Willow disappeared. As Xander continues to laugh and plead, she gives him a shove and he falls into the same darkness behind the bushes, with her right behind.

CUT to Buffy's room. She is curled up on the sofa, watching TV and munching on popcorn. She is dressed casually, in an old T-shirt, sweats, and white socks. She looks fairly bored, until she feels something lightly flicking at her foot. It barely registers the first time, but a second later it's back, sort of a scraping sensation right under the ball of the foot. She twitches her foot, tries to brush it away, and for a few more seconds it's gone. Then the flicking returns, right under her toes, and this time the ticklish sensation makes her giggle. She checks but sees nothing there. Then the sensation spreads, tickling the toes of both feet.

EEEhehehehehe!!! What the hell?

She rubs her feet to try and drown out the sensation, or feel for something that might be causing it.

Get it together, Buff.

Despite this, the ticklish feelings continue, making Buffy thrash around and wiggle her feet.

Ahehehehehehehehehehehehe!!! Wh-what is that? Hehehehehehehehehehe!!!

She tears her socks off but sees nothing on her bare feet which might be causing the tickling. It escalates, and she throws her head back in laughter and kicks her legs in the air.

Ahhhhhhhh!!! Make it st-stahahahahahahap!!

And then, suddenly, it does stop, and Buffy collapses into a heap on the couch, trying to catch her breath. She is terrified and confused. She curls up and rubs her feet to wipe away the lingering tickling sensations.

CUT to the library, where Giles is closing up for the evening. There is a knock on the door, and he answers it. Buffy is standing there, looking haggard.

Giles, you're not going to believe what just happened.

CUT to a dark room. Not much is visible, other than Willow and Xander sitting on a bench in the center. Their feet are locked in a pillory, and their wrists have been manacled together high over their heads. They are both unconcious. Willow comes to first, and when she notices the predicament it jarrs her into lucidity.

Xander! Xander! Wake up!

She is close enough to him that she can shift her weight and nudge his shoulder with hers. Finally, he comes to as well.

Wh-what? What's going on?

He notices he cannot move his arms or legs, and he too is shocked fully awake.

Willow? What the hell is this?

WILLOW (terrified)
I don't know. But it's not good.

Two figures emerge out of the shadows.



They eye their captives with sadistic glee. Veronica wanders towards Xander, Max towards Willow.

Don't they look delicious?

Perfectly helpless.

XANDER (struggling with his bonds)
What the hell's going on here?

Why are you doing this?

Why, to satiate our master, of course.

Willow and Xander exchange a knowing look.

They're demons. Of course. I finally meet a nice guy, and he's a demon.

XANDER (muttering)
Shit, Buff, where are you?
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CUT to the LIBRARY, Buffy and Giles are seated.

What is it?

I was just sitting there, when all of the sudden it felt like . . .


BUFFY (sort of embarrassed)
Like . . . something was tickling my feet. I know it sounds crazy, like supernatural forces don't have anything better to do than go around tickling girls' feet.

Giles is puzzled at first, but then realization dawns on him.

Vellicator . . .

This is connected to that demon thing somehow?

That's what it means. I wouldn't have come up with it if you hadn't mentioned this. Vellicating means tickling.

Wait a minute -- you don't mean this Vellicator character is some sort of . . . tickling demon?

Precisely. This thing must feed off ticklish laughter. Those missing students were most likely abducted by its followers and tickled to death, to give it strength for its return to Earth.

Buffy seems shaken.

G-giles, I can't fight this thing. I don't stand a chance. It kicked my ass without even being around.

Oh, come now. You've stood up to brutal pain and exhaustion, faced every kind of insidious torture dreamt up in Hell. Don't tell me you can't withstand a little tickling.

You don't understand. You have no idea how ticklish I am. I can't stand it, I absolutely can't stand it.

Well, we have to do something to stop it.

He rises and searches through a nearby stack of books.

What's the worst threat a tickling demon could pose to the world anyway?

GILES (perusing a book)
It survives on tickle torturing, and like any other demon it doesn't have an ounce of mercy. Hundreds of people would be kidnapped and tickled non stop until they died from exhaustion.


Yikes indeed. And we can probably assume that it holds the all-too-popular grudge against the Slayer. You'd be first on its list.

BUFFY (shuddering)
Oh, God. So how do we stop it?

I'm checking for that. In the mean time we can only hope whoever's trying to feed this beast isn't up to anything right now.

CUT to Willow and Xander. Max and Veronica circle them slowly.

You should feel honored. You are to become food for our master.

What else is new?

Just so you know, you've got lousy instincts. We're both close, personal friends of the Slayer herself.

That's why we chose you, dear! She'll have no choice but to try and rescue you, and then she will give our master the strength she needs to return to Earth.

You see, we are going to inflict . . . let's just call it, a very specialized method of torture. Depending on the victim's willpower, it can take a number of days to actually kill you. Our master feeds off one's suffering. And the stronger the victim's willpower to resist is, the more strength that suffering provides to our master.

And what mortal could possibly have a stronger will than the Slayer?

Yeah, well good luck, cause you'll never break Buffy. Never.

Oh, I believe we shall. You see, we already happen to know that she's particularly susceptible to our brand of torture. And while some may be able to resist it for a great duration, no one is totally immune.

And just what would that be?

Max and Veronica exchange a look. Then Veronica sashays behind Xander, presses her body up against his back and runs her fingers down his arms. When she reaches his armpits, he jumps, causing her to snicker with delight. Willow sees this, and is suddenly terrified again.

Oh no . . . you wouldn't . . .

Veronica just stares at her and continues to stroke Xander's underarms. He shifts around in his seat, tightens his lips, doing his damndest not to react.

Come on baby, don't fight it.

He's straining not to let it out, thrashing around as much as his bonds will allow. But it doesn't take long before the laughter bursts forth.

Bwaaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! All right!! All right!! Stop!!

Aw, I can't stop now. The fun's just starting!

She continues to scratch her nails under Xander's arms, digging in a little harder. He is screaming with laughter now.

No more! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! No more!!!

Willow is looking on, speechless. Max comes up behind her and pokes her in the side. She jumps three feet off her seat and spins her head around. Her face is frozen in fear.

Don't do this . .. .please . . ..

Max raises his hand and extends the index finger. He begins to wiggle it slowly, grinning at her. As she shakes her head and pleads, he advances it closer and closer to her vulnerable underarm.

Oh no . . . .no please don't . . . please . . . pleeeeheheheheheheheheheeee!!!

Her face scrunches up in giggly laughter as he makes contact with her tender underarm. He swirls his finger in slow, small circles around the hollow, causing Willow to squeal and titter. Then he attacks with all five fingers, tickling her underarm and her upper ribs. Her laughter becomes louder and heavier. When he does the same to her other side with his free hand, she arches her back and thrashes her head around, whipping her hair all across her face.


As Max and Veronica continue to tickle torture their victims, all that can be heard is a cacophony of anguished laughter.

CUT to the LIBRARY. Giles is still sifting through the book, while Buffy looks on impatiently.

Find anything yet?

If you're so anxious to go fight the most sadistic tickler in the known universe, be my guest.

I'm just afraid he might be anxious to fight me.

Well, I can help you in one way. I believe that I could implant a post-hypnotic suggestion in your subconcious which would help you block out your ticklishness.


Yes, ticklishness is largely a psychological trait. With enough effort some people can manage to control it or block it out entirely, at least for a while. But to do it so quickly would require the help of hypnosis.

Just so long as I don't end up clucking like a chicken.

Well if I don't hypnotize you you'll end up laughing like a hyena.

You're really easing my fears here, Giles, thanks.

It's an awfully foolish fear anyway.

Yeah, say that if this Vellicator gets his hands on you.

Don't be ridiculous, Buffy, I'm a grown man, I'm not ticklish.

Buffy eyes him incredulously.

Get real.

Didn't you hear what I just told you? Many people can cancel it out. I happen to be one of those people.

She rises and wanders towards him with a mischievous grin.

Really? So . . . you wouldn't care at all if I did . . . this!

She comes up behind him and grabs at his ribs. No reaction; he keeps reading as though nothing has happened. Buffy is frustrated.

Or . . . this!

She grabs a little lower and digs in. Still nothing. Defeated, she walks away.

Told you so.

You're no fun.

So I've been told.

There is a knock at the door.

Don't get up.

She opens the door, but no one is there. She looks around and notices a video tape on the floor. She picks it up and brings it into the library.

Got a VCR around here?


BUFFY (showing him)
This just came.

GILES (pointing to an inlet room)
In there.

She goes in and pops the tape in the VCR. When it plays, she sees Willow's face in a tight close up. Her face is as red as her hair, and her eyes suggest she's been crying. In the background, a male voice is laughing hysterically.

WILLOW (she is reading)
Buffy? You've gotta help us. We've been kidnapped by the followers of the . . . (can't make out the word) Vellicator? Is that it?

She jumps and lets out a laugh.

No! No! I'm reading!

She composes herself and carries on.

We are currently being t-tortured. If you do not go to the student union by midnight, they will continue to torture us until . . . .until

She squeals with laughter again.

Eeeeek!! I'm reading, I'm reading!! Stop!! They will continue to torture us until we die from exhaustion. If you do not wish to witness the ordeal we are facing, turn off the tape now.

A few seconds later, the camera turns on Xander. Veronica is mercilessly tickling all along his sides, from his underarms to his stomach. Max is kneeling in front of his feet, tormenting them with a large feather. Xander appears to be in pain from laughing so hard, veins standing out on his face and neck, every inch of him trembling. The camera returns to Willow.

Please, Buffy. Don't let them keep t-t-t. . . .no! not there! No more, please!! Nahaha--

The tape cuts off there.

Buffy returns to the main room.

Giles, we need a solution, fast.

CUT to Xander and Willow. Veronica is massaging his lower ribs intently, making him howl with laughter.


Ooh, I think I found a spot right here!


Give him a break! This is cruel!

Maybe I should. Maybe I should turn my attention elsewhere.

She skitters her nails up Willow's side quickly. Willow shrieks. Max, meanwhile, begins unlacing Willow's sneakers.

I wouldn't be worried about him too much if I were you.

Oh, God no! Please, not my feet! Please, I'll do anything!

Sorry, dear. Only the Slayer can save you now. Which reminds me (he checks his watch) Veronica, would you hurry up to the student union. Our guest of honor should be waiting for you by now.

But Max! I'm having sooooo much fun with this one. He's tender in all the right places.

She works his waist, poking and pinching and stroking with expert precision. Xander jumps around as though receiving an electric shock.


She stops and frowns, allowing Xander his first chance in hours to catch his breath and relax.


Just think of all the fun we'll have with the Slayer when she arrives.

Veronica's evil smile returns.

Oh, Max, you always know how to cheer me up.

She heads off, giving Xander's foot a quick tickle as she goes. He yelps.

We'll get to these when I get back.

XANDER (barely breathing)
Oh . . . thank God. . . . finally . . .

Oh, don't worry. I won't make you wait.

He kneels between Xander and Willow, places one hand on Xander's foot and tickles with all five fingers. Xander's laughter renews, strong as before. Willow, now shoeless, tries to cover one white socked foot with the other meekly. Max grins at her and begins to dance his other five fingers lightly over her soles. A steady stream of giggly laughter pours forth from her.

CUT to the STUDENT UNION, where Buffy is in fact waiting. Veronica emerges from the shadows, unseen, creeps up behind Buffy, and gooses her waist. Buffy jumps, more startled than anything.

Hmm . . .perfect.

Where are my friends?

Come with me.

CUT to the dungeon where Willow and Xander are being tickle tortured. Max has removed Willow's socks, and is now using a feather on each set of bare feet. When Buffy enters and sees this, she freezes in her steps for a moment. She quickly regains her composure and pulls Max away from them.

All right, I'm here. Let them go.

WILLOW (out of breath)
Oh . . .Buffy . ..thank God.

Oh, but we're having so much fun! Aren't we, kids?

Neither of them have the breath to respond.

I'm the one you want, right? Leave them alone.

MAX (approaching her)
My dear, you have no idea what you're in for.

BUFFY (coolly)
You really think you can break the Slayer? Tougher demons have tried and failed.

Yes, but they didn't know your, er, weakness, did they?

BUFFY (shrugs)
I don't know what you're talking about. Do you really think someone who fights vampires regularly and who's been to the mouth of Hell and back can't withstand a little measly tickling?

Well, if you're as tough as you claim, you won't mind meeting our master.

Well I didn't come here just for laughs, now did I?

Very well. Come this way.

He leads her to another section of the dungeon, occupied by an insidious restraint device.

Get in.

BUFFY (eyeing it)
I don't think so.

If you wish to face off with our master, you must meet her on her terms.

She hesitates.

If you wish, one of your friends could go in your place. I doubt they'd put up much of a fight in their shape.

No! I'm going.

Wise decision.

He locks her into the device, a tall rectangular frame, resembling a doorway, with manacles at the top and bottom. She is locked in a standing position, with her arms chained high over her head and her feet tied together at the ankles and chained to the sides of the device, several inches off the ground, stretching her body taut and vulnerable. Aside from some slight forward and backward swaying, she can't move anything other than her head.

All right. What now?

Now? Now your torture begins.

He back away from the device, and for a moment Buffy is just hanging there in peace. Then something yanks her sneakers off her feet. She wiggles her feet and stifles a giggle.

BUFFY (to herself)
Giles, I hope this works.

A strange sensation creeps over her, as though something is crawling up her legs. She bites her lip and tries desperately to remain still. She can't understand why Giles' hynosis isn't working. Then, as if reading her thoughts, a disembodied female voice pipes up.

Your pitiful attempts to block out your ticklishness are useless. No one can resist my touch.

Now the sensation crosses Buffy's waist, crawling up her ribs, and she can no longer keep it together. She twists around in mid-air as restrained laughter escapes from her.

Mmmmphhhh!! Aaahhh!! Ahahahahahahahahaha!!! No!!

The invisible tickling continues, reducing Buffy to hysterics before long. She thrashes around as much as her bonds will allow, flailing her head every which way and heaving with laughter. Soon, a humanoid figure materializes in front of her in the person of a beautiful young woman. She inhales deeply, then lets out a triumphant laugh.

Back at last! (she advances on Buffy, drinking in the sight of the helpless girl) Thank you so much, dear. Your wonderful susceptibility has given the me the strength I need to return to this world. Though, I must admit, I had expected the mighty Slayer to put up a bit more of a challenge.

She pinches around Buffy's waist, illicating more shrieks and giggles.

But, c'est la vie, right? You're going to make a most amusing first victim.

Fuck you. Is that all you've got?

VELLICATOR (pleased)
Not by far! As feisty as you are ticklish, I see. I love that.

She wraps her fingers around Buffy's midsection and begins to wiggle them lightly. Buffy instantly begins screaming with laughter. Vellicator delights in her reactions, and slowly slides her tickling fingers up and down Buffy's sensitive sides.


Aww. Poor tough Slayer's got a weak spot, huh? I think she's got more than one.

The invisible tickling returns to Buffy's feet, supplementing the torment Vellicator is inflicting manually on her torso. Although Buffy is still wearing her socks, she can feel the feathery touches on her bare soles. She wiggles her feet wildly and tries to scratch one foot with the other to override the tickling, but to no avail. Her laughter becomes even louder and higher.

Nahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Stahahahahahahahahahahap!!! Pleeeeeease!!! No m-more! N-nooooohahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Vellicator slips her index fingers into the hollows of Buffy's underarms and begins to stroke there lightly, while still teasing Buffy's upper ribs with her other fingers. Buffy is in tears from laughing so hard. She is drenched in sweat and her hair has matted against her face. She barely has any energy left to even try thrashing around. After awhile, she finally passes out. Vellicator backs off and admires her handiwork. Then she turns her attention on Willow and Xander, who had been watching the display with a mix of horror and sympathy. Vellicator approaches them slowly, flashing a sadistic grin.

Well, I suppose I can play with you two until the poor girl comes to. I see my little helpers have already warmed you up nicely.

BUFFY (gasping for air)
N-not so fast, bitch.

Vellicator turns and sees Buffy waking up. She is hanging limply from her wrist shackles, but she raises her sagging head and stares at Vellicator.

I'm not through with you.

Vellicator laughs and moves back towards Buffy.

Want more? I love a tickle victim who just can't get enough.

Actually, I've got a challenge for you.

Really now? What sort of challenge?

You're real tough when you're dishing it out. But how well can you take it?

Are you serious? I'm the most skilled practicioner of tickle torture in the universe. Do you really think you can beat me at my own game?

If I can, then you agree to leave me and my friends alone and go back to Hell -- at least for another century.

And if you can't?

Then I'll become your slave. Instead of just wearing me down now, you can keep me alive and feed off my extreme ticklishness for years.


Intriguing offer. You know, I can easily make you my tickle slave right now, without all the formalities. Why should I agree to this?

I can also help you find more victims. I'll do your bidding for you, just like Boris and Natasha over there. Come on, how big would you be in Hell once word got around that you had not only vanquished but enslaved the Slayer?

Vellicator considers it.

All right, Slayer. You're on.

She releases Buffy from the torture device and climbs in herself. Buffy locks her in place, then turns her back to her. She reaches into her inside jacket pocket and produces a pair of rubber gloves and a long, stiff feather.

BUFFY (to herself)
I hope this works.

She slips on the gloves, turns back towards Vellicator and holds up the feather. Vellicator seems amused.

You don't mind if I use this, do you?

You do it however you like, dear. Won't make a bit of difference.

Well, we'll see about that.

Buffy carefully touches the tip of the feather to Vellicator's bare underarm and twirls it. Vellicator jumps, her breath hitches. A look of shock comes over her. Buffy continues to stroke her underarm slowly with the feather. Before long, Vellicator is laughing.

What . . .hehehehe . . . the hell? . . .ahahahaha!!

Oh, didn't I mention? I soaked it in holy water first. Penetrates any demonic defenses, you know.

Ahhh!! Ahahahahaha!! Bitch!!

Tsk, tsk. It's not wise to be calling people names when you're in the position you're in, and I'm in the position I'm in.

She runs the feather down Vellicator's side, across her waistline, and up her other side in one slow, tortuous line.

Ahahahahahahahahaa!!! You'll ahahahaha pay for heehhehehahahah this!!

Promises promises. (she wiggles her glove-clad fingers at her) I soaked these pretty good too. Let's see if they work as well.

Buffy digs her fingers into Vellicator's side, around her stomach, sending the demon into deeper throes of laughter.

Yep, I'd say they work just fine. Now, let's see, where else might I get a good reaction? Admittedly, I'm not the tickling expert you are, but I do seem to recall that this is a fairly common sensitive spot.

Buffy kneels and drags the feather across the bottoms of Vellicator's feet. The demon screeches, tries to kick, but her own bonds are holding her firmly in place.

You know, this is kinda fun! Kitchy-kitchy koo!

Buffy coolly continues tickling Vellicator's feet without mercy, until the demon's human form begins to dematerialize. Her screams of laughter can still be heard echoing off the walls as she vanishes from the present plane of existence.

BUFFY (rising)
Aww. I was just starting to enjoy it.

She discards the feather and the gloves and hurries to release her friends. As she is undoing Willow's bonds, she surveys the area for traces of Max or Veronica.

Say, what happened to the Tickle Twins?

I'm not sure. I think they ran off after they saw what you did to that thing.

Probably returned to their rightful positions in the underground S&M community.

Buffy, how the hell did you know you could tickle that thing to death?

Just a hunch. Most demons are real pussies when you turn the tables on them.

She releases Willow and begins to work on Xander's chains. She pauses, and smiles at Willow.

Say, maybe we shouldn't release Xander until he promises not to tickle us anymore.

Whaddya say, Xander?

Oh no! Don't worry, I've had my fill of tickling for the rest of my life.

Buffy winks at him as she frees his arms.

That's what you think.
Well, well what an amazing read, so good that I could actually imagine the characters acting this out as well as hearing their voices speak the words.

That was great but then I'm biased as I loved Buffy, Giles, Angel, Faith, Drusilla and of course Spike :firedevil even if some episodes could be a bit corny lol.

Shame, actually that Dru wasn't in this, imagine her with her painted nails and Spike, wow.

Great work :dogpile:
This is possibly the best fanfic I've ever read.
All are in character, the banter is spot on and it's genuinely enthralling to read.
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