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Do feet ever get annoying?


TMF Novice
Mar 18, 2007
Yeah, I've been wondering about this for a while. Myself, I am a fan of upper-body tickling. however, UB is getting less and less popular. at least 95% of all stories, videos, and artwork are feet related. So is the discussion. Also, if you look into a lot of non-tickling artwork here and on other forums, its pics of feet =_=

Bottom line: Do you all ever think that there is too much foot content and too little UB content?

I just downloaded an FM HD bondage vid and there is a scene with two girls tied and tape gagged on a table barefoot that made me go nuts.

Feet never get old.
For most non-converts, our favorite area of the body is innate and unshakeable. Foot saturation is annoying to someone not into it, but most people here just encourage the trend, sadly enough.

I think there r just more people into feet than upper body. Even the majority of female lee's
r feet oriented. Just a matter of percentages.

I enjoy all aspects of tickling, but particularly upper body. All the questions about feet definitely get old. I mean, I like to have my feet tickled, but the more I hear about feet, the less I want to talk about them/get mine tickled. This seems like more of a foot fetish site than anything. In my opinion, a tickle fetishist (or enthusiast, like me) likes to tickle or be tickled just about everywhere. There's nothing wrong with having a foot fetish, but as an upper body fan I'd definitely like to hear more about that.
Obviously as you can tell by my screen name I tend to go for the upper body more than feet but my focus is on the tickling and where a woman is ticklish more that a specific body part.

My focus is more of the ticklish reactions I get from tickling her. The laughing, and squirming are far more important for me than the body part I am tickling. For the most part I could be tickling her feet, tummy armpits, neck, ribs, wherever and be having just as much fun.

Over the many years I've watched the tickling community the one of the things I have come away with is that there is a huge variety of ways of enjoying tickling and every person has they own unique take on it. There are individuals on this site that I am totally in tune with and others that I have nothing in common with the exception of the common thread of tickling.

If the upper body lovers want to see more upper body content, then the upper body lovers should make it!
Well, as someone who likes tickling (all over) but who also has an associated foot fetish, I have to say that all these 'foot guys suck and their interest is ruining the site' topics make me feel a little bit ostracised. :(

I can see where people are coming from (I like UB too), but could we please generalise a little less?
Well, as someone who likes tickling (all over) but who also has an associated foot fetish, I have to say that all these 'foot guys suck and their interest is ruining the site' topics make me feel a little bit ostracised. :(

I can see where people are coming from (I like UB too), but could we please generalise a little less?

I hear ya. I think about 60-70% of the people on here have foot fetishes, so it's bound to be brought up a lot. Hell, I like feet (not LIKE like feet, but still...), but a lot of times it feels like a foot fetish board, with a lot of tickling.
The foot fetishists are lucky,...

--- They, in effect, get two fetishes for the price of one. I've certainly never hesitated at upper body tickling,.... in fact I think I would attribute a higher percentage of upper body ticklishness than foot ticklishness to those women with whom I've been acquainted. But I've also never kissed an armpit, nor marvelled at the beauty of a ribcage. To a bonafide foot fetishist, the female foot is an artistic sculpture rivalling Michalangelo's "David," with symbolic meanings as far as the eye can see... and that's where we get our "bonus," if you will,... It's a lot more than just tickling, and it's virtually impossible to separate tickling a lady's foot from the enjoyment of its other attributes. It's a package deal.
Never thought about. The people I've told call me a sadistic bastard (jokingly) for good reason, I tend to find their most ticklish spot and focus on it, only switching areas just to keep them off balance. If touching their feet makes them break down in tears from ticklish agony, I'd be more than willing to tickle it until they're a sobbing mess. Followed immediately by a deep and relaxing massage and cuddling (the only 'lees I've done extended with are women) as a kinda "sorry I was a jerk" thing. (Unless they told me to absolutely not touch that area, I'm sadistic, not stupid.)
Yeah, I've been wondering about this for a while. Myself, I am a fan of upper-body tickling. however, UB is getting less and less popular. at least 95% of all stories, videos, and artwork are feet related. So is the discussion. Also, if you look into a lot of non-tickling artwork here and on other forums, its pics of feet =_=

Bottom line: Do you all ever think that there is too much foot content and too little UB content?

Yes. :D
Yeah, I've been wondering about this for a while. Myself, I am a fan of upper-body tickling. however, UB is getting less and less popular. at least 95% of all stories, videos, and artwork are feet related. So is the discussion. Also, if you look into a lot of non-tickling artwork here and on other forums, its pics of feet =_=
Bottom line: Do you all ever think that there is too much foot content and too little UB content?

This thread sounds eerily familiar, even if it is just your first post.


Red Feather has a point there: this is going to turn into a boring war of "my fetish is better than yours".

The question is ill-conceived.
This is a matter of demand and supply.
There is no such thing as "too much something".
You can't get more of your favourite fetish - by reducing the supply of somebody's else.
Market does not work that way.

Besides, people can lash back rather viciously, when you threaten to jeopardise their fun.
You want to curtail foot contents?
Somebody will post TONS of them, and 95% will become 99.9%.

You want more UB? Support artists and producers, so they'll provide more UB.
There is no other way around it.
Nicely said, Kalamos

--- It IS what it IS, eh? The TMF reflects the true tenor of its membership. And while it's easy enough to understand the UB guys feeling marginalized, that does not change the fact that content is naturally going to mirror the actual mathematical breakdown of the whole crowd. To try to artificially "correct" this would be a disaster and a crime.

--- I like classical music, but that puts me in the distinct minority when it comes to the office radio. I got used to it.
Well, as someone who likes tickling (all over) but who also has an associated foot fetish, I have to say that all these 'foot guys suck and their interest is ruining the site' topics make me feel a little bit ostracised. :(

It's basically this; You have a liking, but feel different because it's not the most common thing. So one day you're browsing the internet and find a site where people who all have the same liking as you are. You feel like you've just found somewhere where you can finally embrace your liking with like-minded people.

But then you start to see that most said people who are there aren't even interested in said liking as much as they are another liking, and are only there cuz the associate the two as one. Then you have the other liking shoved in your face constantly and made out to be more important to the site than the one it is built around. And whenever someone does give something that is more associated with your liking, people with the other liking come in and complain that it isn't based around theirs. And those people that do give to your liking are under constant pressure to base it around the other liking, and so it is done due to the desire for it to be liked.

All of a sudden the place you felt like you finally could relate to people doesn't feel so close, but rather just a different facet of what you had before.

"Ostracized" describes how people that aren't into feet may sometimes feel here, due to the constant need to shove a pair of feet in everyone's faces and say "This is why we're here". This is something I know from speaking to other people. There's nothing wrong with liking feet, but it'd be a better place if so many didn't try to shove it down everyone's throat I think. Just my two cents.
That was very well said, Excess.

I am an affirmed UB tickler. I find tickling a woman's upper body quite sexual. There are posts on this site I don't even bother to look at because they deal with feet. When reading some "UB" stories, they transition into foot fetish stories while providing very little tickling content. It is disappointing to me to see. It's almost like being coerced into liking some aspect of tickling because (dare I say it...) it's more "mainstream"than what I like.

I agree with Kalamos and Pied Piper.

I happen to know for a fact that the tickle fans who actually buy stuff (Yup, I went there.) are mostly the folks into foot tickling. The artists who tend to favor F/F and M/F foot tickling (i.e.- Saudelli, BAC, Mandell, and myself) are the ones who tend to get the spotlight ... and better sales. This is no boast nor is it "forcing what we like on others". The supply here is based upon the demand and the numbers show that the foot stuff is what sells.

As Kalamos so eloquently put it, "You want more UB? Support artists and producers, so they'll provide more UB. There is no other way around it." Even better ... start your own group that caters to what you like, if you don't like what's being presented here, Dynamo Joe and Excess. There are foot people out here who avoid looking at UB posts, just as you avoid foot posts ... and THAT'S the beauty of having the freedom to CHOOSE which posts you read, and which you don't, instead of trying to regulate the stuff that you're personally tired of.

In short, take the stuff you like and leave the rest, and the rest of us to what we like.

End of rant.

Excess & Joe,....

-- You guys both said what was bothering you, and you both said it very well. I applaud that sincerely. It would be nice if the numbers were more evenly matched,.... because that wouldn't bother the foot fetish crowd a bit. You see,... taking this personally is where the error occurs. The foot contingent is hardly trying to crowd out the UB contingent,.... I daresay they never give it a thought. It's just the phenomenon playing itself out. It's how it is. A publisher with whom I did a little underground work in the late 80's told me the tickling market was "90% feet."

-- For my own part, I try to respect the principles at work here,..... I write stories, and I've got a couple of DYNAMITE stories which I have withheld -- because they're purely foot stories,..... no tickling (damn it) I'd love to be able to write them here, but I realize it would draw criticism. Fair trade-off. And as I mentioned earlier in this thread, I've never hesitated where upper body tickling was concerned. My heart goes out to the minority in this case,...
Bingo, Pied Piper.

I got the exact same info about the tickling market, back in 2002 ... and I'm certain it was from a different source. It's been that way for years - decades even. C'est la vie. And yes, taking it personally is definitely the error here.

I can understand the issue with feeling "left out".
Details just do not add up, though.
UB fans make it seem like a foot-fetish conspiracy: "ach, those pesky foot fans are trying to convert us all! Flee for your dear lives!!!"


It is just a feeling, but I think some tickling fans are not bothered by foot contents themselves.
What is bothering them is being confused with foot fetishists, whom they probably consider... less proper, shall we say?

And the issue here is with fetishism as a whole.
When we join a fetish site, they tell us that, as fetishists, we are sisters and brothers in arms [or legs, or feet, or whatever].
While having a fetish might make us more tolerant and aware of other people's kinks, it does not mean that we have to embrace anything fetish-related.

You consider armpit tickling your fetish? Fine with me.
You find foot-contents boring or gross? I can live with that.
Being a fetishist means you get turned on by some particular situation or part of the body - often to the exclusion of everything else.
You can't change what makes you tick, and what makes you sick.

So, when somebody tries and tells you: "you have a fetish, so you have to like mine too because we are kindred spirits" that's just pure nonsense.
You have the right to express your likes and dislikes - as long as that won't disrupt the forum harmony [too much] and won't ruin your fellow users' fun.

Just my 2 cents...
To answer the poster's original question; HELL NO! Feet NEVER get annoying! I love female feet and if that bothers you, then that's just too bad!
because that wouldn't bother the foot fetish crowd a bit. You see,... taking this personally is where the error occurs. The foot contingent is hardly trying to crowd out the UB contingent,.... I daresay they never give it a thought. It's just the phenomenon playing itself out. It's how it is. A publisher with whom I did a little underground work in the late 80's told me the tickling market was "90% feet."

Ah, but if this were truely the case then we wouldn't see, as has been stated so many times, members of the foot contigent complaining about lack of feet/asking that there be more feet 50% or so of the time when the clip, for example, doesn't have feet, or even just doesn't focus on feet. You may not give it a thought, but plenty of others clearly do apparently. And it isn't just playing itself out, but rather being pushed along a path by the majority as much as possible, just like most things.

It may be an ugly truth, but it is a supported truth none the less...

Kalamos said:
UB fans make it seem like a foot-fetish conspiracy: "ach, those pesky foot fans are trying to convert us all! Flee for your dear lives!!!"
Let's hope this isn't how you really see it, or you're missing the point entirely, atleast my point.:p
But in that case, it's a small minority of people who are aggravating UB fans and not 'Foot Guys' as a whole.

I've seen people (presumably the same sort of guys requesting foot material on UB threads) post stuff on foot pic threads like: 'dude, where are her soles?' or 'Can we see her soles?' Now I have no real preference for one specific part of the female foot whereas some obviously just like the soles. If I were to make a post saying: 'I'm really sick of sole-guys posting these requests in foot threads... these threads are for all aspects of feet, not just soles!'... We'd be in the same ridiculous mess all over again, just on another level.

The problem (if there even is one, I'm unconvinced) is people who are too fixated on one thing. You can draw the lines and divisions anyway you want and it won't make much difference. Ultimately, what are you going to do? You can't stop people from liking what they like or from having their own particular fixations.
Perhaps Myr should create a "Bitching and Whining Forum" and make this the first thread? Jesus Pete, what's the big deal? If this were a "Feet Only" or "UB Only" site, THEN some complaining would be in order. Until then......
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