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Spy Story 3 - ffm-f non-consentual tickling and forced orgasm


TMF Expert
Nov 12, 2003
Warning, extreme sexual situations, and not as much tickling as my previous stories. But I had to finish this storyline. I hope you enjoy it!

Spy Trouble 3 – The Game’s Afoot!

Three days before the New York City Mayoral elections, we find Felicia Moorehead answering phones as an aide to former Washington Senator Marcus Adams in his campaign headquarters. Standing 5’8” (almost 6 feet tall in heels), with long honey-colored hair and stunning green eyes, Felicia looks like a model. She is sporting a smart grey pinstriped skirt suit with a low cut white blouse. The men in the office can barely think in her presence, and the few women there seem to regard her with a grudging admiration. The others in the office believe her to be a political science major at NYU who models part time. In reality, she is a CIA agent, an A6 agent at that, the highest level of field operative.

She infiltrated Adams’ group about six weeks ago, two months after discovering that Adams is not quite what he appears. The information came from Agent Sonia Martini, after a particularly grueling interrogation. Once thought to be a traitor, it was discovered that Sonia had been recognized as an agent and brainwashed. Her ticklish interrogation broke her brainwashing and she revealed knowledge of a plan to take over Manhattan island by Adams. After numerous psychological tests and therapy to deal with the invasion of her mind, Sonia has been reinstated to the CIA, though she is only working support, and under close observation, until she is deemed ready by Domino, the Director Chief of the A6 group. Being allowed to support Agent Moorehead on this op was a big step forward for Sonia. She is eager to help, because in her brainwashed state, her actions caused the capture and torture of two deep cover operatives. Since being cleared by a formal inquest and her cooperation in this operation, she was allowed to continue on this case in support of the lead agent. Personally, Sonia and Felicia became fast friends after her interrogation, and she doesn’t want to let her new, and only, friend down.

At the briefing a month ago, Sonia revealed that Adams was actually the head of the terrorist group, the Crimson Feather. Felicia was attempting to infiltrate them when she captured Sonia during an FBI raid that almost cost her three months of undercover work. The Crimson Feather had turned Sonia through brainwashing and was responsible for the elimination of key rivals of the Senator through torture and intimidation. It was through this positioning that Adams, a relatively obscure politico was able to set himself as the most likely candidate for Mayor of New York.

Adams himself was a bit of an enigma. A young Senator at 27, he only served one term. And he seemed to come from nowhere. The CIA folder on him was less than 10 pages, including 2 8X10 pictures. Short at 5’7” and round of body, he had a slender face and soft features. And for such a dominating personality, he had a remarkably soft voice, almost a loud whisper. With a bushy moustache and long sideburns, he looked almost like a parody of a politician. But the bills he introduced at the senate were sound. Without anyone or any reason to question him, he ran virtually unopposed to win the seat in Washington. There was some talk of him being big in the small town of White Salmon (population of about 2,200). Something about him made people uneasy, but nobody could quite figure out why. Unmarried, chubby, and overly friendly, most people chalked it up to him being a politician.

This was something that rattled in the back of Sonia’s mind as she watched the monitors before her and communicated with Felicia. Embedded in a “Vote for Adams” pin that Felicia wore on her lapel was a miniature video camera and transmitter with mic. A secondary listening device was enclosed in the right side fake pearl earrings she wore, the left being a receiver that stimulated the small bones of the inner ear directly, so no sound could be heard. This way, A6 could keep in contact without visible cues. A backup video camera was in the button of her shirt, barely containing her breasts. There was something else that Sonia felt was “off” about the Senator, but she couldn’t nail it down. She remembered feeling strange when she shook his hand at their first meeting, but the details eluded her for the moment. Suddenly, Sonia perked up in her chair as Adams came into Felicia’s line of sight.

He walked up and asked Felicia, “How’s my star today?”

She replied, “The Washington Heights/Inwood Tenants Association has pledged their full support, and wants you to stop by tomorrow morning. Your schedule is free from 9:30 to 11. Should I inform them that you’ll come by then?”

“Excellent, I have other business up that way at noon anyway. Tell them I’d be delighted.” A look of almost sinister delight altered the Senator’s otherwise jovial face momentarily. Felicia wondered if Sonia picked up on it. She did. “Big day coming up fast, gotta reach out to those voters!” And then he toddled off.

By getting in good with Adams, Felicia was able to gather quite a bit of intel. She had been able to discretely take photographs of invoices for hundreds of barrels of liquid nitrous oxide, dynamite, and she found a scrap of paper which had “mp Flight Scho” and a partial address in upper Manhattan on it. She had made a list of people working at the office and had noted whom she believed to be Crimson Feather agents. Of the 20, only 5 were under suspicion, and of those only one was male. He was a young man, about 24 she guessed. Handsome and athletically built, he was a James Bond look-alike with a light new beard and minus the accent. His dark hair, which he seemed to be trying to let grow out, occasionally hid his pale blue eyes. His name was Robert Teakell. He was unusually clumsy around the office, too clumsy. Only a highly trained agent like Felicia would be able to pick up the subtleties of how he would trip and catch himself on the edge of a desk which had important papers on it. Something about the way he looked at her sometimes made her feel uneasy and relaxed at the same time. Robert wasn’t all that he seemed, and yet she could sense he was much more…

One thing about Robert that was important was the fact that he was Adams’ personal secretary and always went everywhere with him. If Felicia wanted to know what Adams had going on uptown, Robert would have the answer. He strolled over to her desk and said, “The boss wants you to come with us tomorrow morning to see the tenant’s association you mentioned.”

“Ok. Should we meet here or should I go directly there?”

“I’ll come pick you up in his car before we get him.”

“Can you get me from Mike’s Deli? It’s just down the block from my place, on First Ave.”

“No problem. Be there at 7:30 sharp-p.” As he leaned in to say ‘sharp’, Felicia winced slightly at a burst of feedback from her earpiece. She didn’t know if he heard it, but she thought it was loud as she heard it in her other ear as well. He stood straight up.

“Got it!” She offered a smile as she tugged nervously at her left earlobe. He went into Adam’s office and the door closed. She picked up her phone and dialed the number for time and weather. Then she whispered into her cleavage, “What the hell was that?”

Sonia’s voice in her ear responded, “Sounded like feedback. Does the hottie wear a hearing aid or something? They can cause that.”

“Hottie?! (Sonia giggles) I don’t think so, but his ears are pierced and he has diamond studs in them. You don’t think…”

“That would only happen if his set was on our secondary frequency. And no company but ours can even acquire that freq., hun. So there must be another reason. But I have confirmed to you that he is high level Crimson Feather.”

“Affirmative. I’ll check in again at lunch. Out.” Felicia hung up and went to the water cooler. She noticed Robert and Adams standing over his desk looking at what appeared to be a map of Manhattan. Adams was marking something when Robert looked up and saw her. He smiled, then went to the door and closed it. Felicia knew that map was important, and she would have to risk an entry in that office tonight. She confirmed the plan with Sonia and Domino. It was risky, so close to the election, but they agreed that it was necessary.

Just past midnight, Felicia made entry through a rear facing window. Dressed all in black in what looked like a wetsuit made of spandex and Ninja-style tabi boots, she crept towards Adams’ desk carefully avoiding any pools of light. With her night-vision contact lenses, this was a relatively easy chore. She quickly snapped a few digital pictures of Adams desk, upon which was a map of Manhattan with three spots circled in red. All of the entry and exit points to Manhattan were circled in green. There was also a detailed weather map of the tri-state area over the next 5 days and a receipt for 20 barrels of diesel fuel. Some of the pieces were starting to fall into place for Felicia. Her thoughts were cut short by the sound of many footsteps approaching the outer door of the office.

Without a moment’s hesitation, she threw herself headlong out the window. Extending her arms to the right, she caught the string of the flag hanging on a pole near the window. The string stretched a little and she used her momentum to swing herself onto the fire escape of the adjoining building. Thankfully, it was in the shadows and she made a quick descent. Sticking to the shadows, she raced to her car parked four blocks northeast of the office. When she was sure that she had not been spotted or followed, she dashed to the car and drove home where she quickly uploaded the pictures and wrote a few quick notes about her theory to Domino. Then she quickly went to sleep.

At 7:25AM she was waiting in front of Mike’s Deli. From behind the counter, “Big Mike” the proprietor and a top CIA “eyeball” (surveillance expert) watched and reported periodically. A black Lincoln Town Car pulled up and the door opened. Robert stepped out and held the door open for Felicia. He took her hand and helped her in. He glanced at Mike, threw him a wink, and reentered the car. As it pulled away, Mike reported the incident and the license plate number of the vehicle. He knew he had seen the guy before, but couldn’t recall at the moment.

In the back seat of the car, Robert told the driver to take the FDR to Dyckman Street, then he closed the opaque partition separating them from the driver. “Well Felicia, did you sleep well last night?” He looked at Felicia with a strange predatory glint in his eye.

‘He knows’, was the thought that flashed in her mind. “Like a tick on a hound dog.” She replied coolly.

Robert leaned back and smiled. That smile made her uneasy. “We have to make a stop before we meet Adams at the Tenant Association. There’s something we need to drop off for his later appointment…”

Soon they arrived in an industrial looking section of Upper Manhattan. There was a power station and a couple of warehouses. Next to one warehouse was a small office. It was here that they stopped and pulled into the driveway. As they went around front, Felicia could barely contain a gasp at the sign above the door. It read “Uptown Blimp Flight School”. Her mind flashed on the scrap of paper she saw in Adams’ office that day. Another piece dropped into place, but now she feared that her cover had been compromised. “Come on”, Robert beckoned as he opened the door. He put his briefcase on the desk and moved to a side door in the office. It opened into the adjoining warehouse. As Felicia stepped in she noticed dozens of 50 gallon drums of something. On closer inspection, it proved to be liquid nitrous oxide. To her left was a huge flight simulator for learning to fly a blimp. There were also 2 trucks loaded with nitrous and diesel fuel. The place was empty, and in one corner of the room was a table with what looked like restraints built into it. It was here that Robert was headed.

She followed, not quite sure how to proceed. The decision was made for her, as Robert turned and sprayed her in the face with a knockout gas. She was down before a thought could register. But before her vision faded to black, she saw Adams step out of the shadows with a gun in his hand. He lowered it as he approached and said, “Good job, my boy. It went just as you said…” Then oblivion took her.

She awakened to find herself stripped to her lacy underwear, strapped to the table with her wrists bound together above her head and her ankles bound to opposite corners of the end of the table. A pillow was under her low back, causing her to arch. She felt vulnerable, but prepared. She wasn’t gagged, which meant that screaming would be useless. She turned her head to the left and saw Robert. His eyes seemed to suggest that she should remain quiet. She turned her head to the right and saw Adams talking to a woman. She had been out for about an hour. She missed her last com check, which meant that A6 would be searching for her. When Adams stopped talking and turned he smiled wickedly. Then from behind him Sonia stepped forward. Felicia was about to speak when Sonia interrupted her.

“It was quite a close call that night when the F.B.I. raided us. I barely managed to elude capture and had to go into hiding for some time. I finally contacted Robert and he arranged for me to be brought back to Crimson Feather HQ.”

Felicia’s heart sunk. If the Crimson Feather broke Sonia out, Felicia was likely on her own. Sonia stepped forward and grabbed Felicia’s face roughly. “I can’t wait to begin!” Felicia couldn’t be sure, but the slightest hint of a wink passed between Sonia and Robert, and then between Sonia and her. Unsure of herself because of the after effects of the gas, Felicia tried to prepare herself mentally for what she guessed lay ahead. Adams approached and said, “You must tell us what your superiors know. If I cannot proceed with my plan, I have to go with my contingency plan.” At this, Robert and Sonia looked puzzled. “Surely you two don’t think I didn’t have a backup plan? Just because I haven’t yet shared it with you, do not think I am without resources.”

Felicia spat, “Do your worst, pig. You’ll find out soon enough!”

Adams smiled and replied, “Robert, Sonia, give our guest a taste of what’s to come.”

Robert began to slowly spider his fingertips in Felicia’s arches. At the same time, Sonia’s nails danced along her ribcage and in the hollows of her armpits… Now Felicia was sure she saw Sonia wink at her, and giggles bubbled up and escaped her quivering lips. She managed to utter the word ‘never’, then they stopped momentarily… Felicia quickly began deep breathing techniques to regain her composure.

“Well then, work her over you two… And excuse me for a moment…” Adams hurried off to a room on the left. Before entering he shouted “Begin!!!” then he ducked in. Sonia and Robert began tickling Felicia. Felicia laughed and squirmed and writhed as 20 fingers explored and tickled her body, but something wasn’t right. She remembered how mercilessly she and Domino tickled Sonia to break her. But Sonia and Robert seemed to only be tickling her enough to keep her laughing and writhing. It was less than she received at the hands of Domino and a world away from what they did to Sonia. It finally dawned on her that Sonia and Robert WERE her backup.

The sound of a flush caused Robert and Sonia to really ham it up. Felicia took her cue from them and blurted “I’ll talk, just please stop! I need to pee!”

Adams came over, rubbing his small hands together. “Very good. If escape is your plan, forget it. That room is solid brick with no window. And the door will remain open.”

Felicia nodded and was unbound and escorted to the bathroom. She quickly sat down when she realized something. Adams trip here was too fast to have been a “sit-down” job. But the seat was down when she got there. A piece of the puzzle became clear to her and she mouthed her discovery to Sonia. Sonia smiled then ordered Felicia to hurry up. They walked back to the table. Felicia began to “cooperate”.

“Well, I figured out part of your plan. You have 4 blimps and a lot of liquid nitrous oxide. My guess was that you plan to detonate the blimps, turning the liquid to gas in the process, over the locations I found on the map effectively covering all of Manhattan with laughing gas. The remaining explosives would be used to bomb the tunnels and bridges, effectively cutting off Manhattan Island. I assume you have groups of armed troops equipped with gas masks ready to move in and assume control.”

“Very perceptive. But who know of your findings?” Asked Adams, leaning in.

“I sent all my findings to my director last night!” Felicia said defiantly.

“Pity, I really wanted to see that plan in action. But I guess now I have to go to plan ‘B’”.

Robert asked now, “What is plan ‘B’, sir?”

“As soon as I make this phone call, you will find out! I didn’t want to do it this way. This way is violent and mean. But I have no choice.” Adams reached into his vest pocket to withdraw his phone. As he pulled it out, the three others rushed him. Felicia grabbed the phone, Robert grabbed Adams in a chokehold and Sonia grabbed Adams by the crotch.

“EEEEEEK!” A high pitched squeal left Adams lips. “What’s going on!?!”

“You’re right, Felicia. Adams is a WOMAN!” said Sonia, with a devilish smile playing across her full lips.

Robert looked confused, Felicia chimed in, “Adams was last in the bathroom. ‘He’ only took long enough to pee, but the seat was down when I went in, and there was not a drop on it. Along with the small hands, soft voice, slender face on a big body, and height, it finally made sense.”

Robert nodded understanding. The women made quick work of removing Adams’ clothes as Robert held her. Marcus Adams turned out to be Marcellina Adamski. Stripped of her wig, fat body suit, sideburns, mustache, and clothes, she turned out to be a very attractive woman. Five foot seven, with full breasts, a narrow waist and long legs that terminated in well-pedicured toes at one end and a firm round ass at the other. Robert secretly said a word of thanks, as he had occasionally found his eyes drawn to Adams.

They strapped her onto the table in a bra and panties. Felicia ordered Robert to watch the security monitors as she and Sonia attempted to get the truth out of Adamski about Plan B. Sonia and Felicia talked for a few minutes, deciding on a plan of action. Adamski shouted, “You’ll never get a word from me! Americanski PIGS!” She spat in their direction.

“A Russian spy. How cliché.” Sonia could barely contain her giggles at Adamski’s anger. “You will talk to us, dearie. You will BEG to!”

Felicia popped Adamski’s bra freeing her ample breasts. Sonia handed her 4 long stiff feathers from her bag. Adamski’s eyes grew big. She was horribly ticklish, and even during her training in the Secret Police, she never learned to overcome it. With 2 feathers in each hand, Felicia began to run them all over Adamski’s breasts, sides, pits, and belly. In moments, the room filled with laughter. Between hearty belly laughs, she said “Do your worst, you can’t break me!” As ticklish as she was, she was more stubborn. If she could hold out, maybe she could cut a deal.

“Do our worst? Ok!” Sonia teased as she began to tickle along the toelines of both Adamski’s feet. Her nails occasionally scratching lightly at the soft skin between each toe. At the new sensation, Adamski tensed every muscle before collapsing in a fit of laughter. She twitched and writhed, but fingers and feathers assaulted her feet and upper body. Felicia and Sonia knew that they would need help, and that they would have to get tough with this one. They had the sense that time was running out.

Robert had contacted headquarters and the strike team was dispatched to round up the Crimson Feather agents before they could put Plan A in motion. Adamski, between giggles and quick breaths, said “Plan B will go into motion at Midnight regardless of what you do to me!” At that, Sonia and Felicia stopped and called Robert over.

Adamski needed to stall a bit to regain her composure. It was just a matter of time before they got the truth, but if she could delay, her plan would still come off and other Crimson Feather agents would accede to power. But 9 hours was a long time to stall… She continued, “Telefon… Ever hear of it?”

Robert responded, “It was a movie in which sleeper agents were given a hypnotic command word or phrase and they would execute their orders when they heard it.”

“Correct. We have sleepers in 15 states. At the command base, if my victory here was thwarted, they will begin making calls. Ordinary people who were kidnapped and hypnotized will receive those calls. Then they will attempt assassinations on their state and local leaders. The vacuum will be filled quickly with agents like myself. Once we control enough government positions, we will effectively control the country. My play here was a test to see if we could take a large city by force. It would have worked, if not for your interference. And nobody would have lost their life. But now…” A cruel smile formed on her lips.

Robert, Felicia, and Sonia all looked at their watches. A little over 8 and a half hours till midnight. With mission prep and briefing, they figured they needed to acquire full cooperation within 2 hours to stop the plan. Felicia called them together and they leaned in whispering. When Felicia finished outlining her plan, Sonia and Robert looked at Adamski with concern. “Will she survive that?” Robert asked.

Felicia nodded at Sonia and she approached Adamski. “We need that information. And we need it fast. I almost feel sorry for you. Understand that if we fail, you will be imprisoned at our secure facility. And what happens to you now, will happen daily for the rest of your short life.” Adamski was about to retort, but at the look in Sonia’s eye, the words dried up and died in her mouth, leaving the salty taste of fear. Sonia took out a switchblade and popped it open. She then cut Adamski’s panties and pulled them off.

Felicia said “Stations!” and the others moved into position. Sonia took a double vibrator out of her bag. Then she attached an IV to Adamski. “We need to prevent you from passing out, so we will keep you hydrated and we have a special cocktail of stimulants and a little truth serum to help you along.” Explained Felicia. “Oh, there’s also a mild aphrodisiac in there. The effects are quick. Coupled with the stimulation you have already had, I expect that you’re about ready…”

Sonia pulled Adamski’s panties aside and slipped a finger into her pussy. It came out glistening. She slipped the lubricated finger into Adamski’s anus, causing her to stiffen. Then she slid the double vibe into her. She turned it on low. Adamski cursed at them. Sonia said, “They used a similar technique on me. The tickled and teased me to near orgasm over several hours. At the end, my brainwashing was broken, and so was my will. I would have told them anything to just let me cum. But you are getting the reverse treatment. We are going to MAKE you cum. Over and over and over. Till you can’t stand it anymore.”

Adamski’s face showed her uncertainty at how she would handle this. She had no words of bravado. And before she could get her mind around what she was told and form a strategy, it began. Sonia cranked the vibe to medium. Robert began spider tickling her arches. She stiffened and exploded into laughter. Felicia tickled her nipples by sawing the blade edge of 2 long feathers on either side of each nipple with 1 hand and tickling in the hollow of her armpit with the other. Sonia leaned forward and slipped her tongue into Adamski’s deep navel and wriggled it around, as her right hand tickled her armpit and her left hand tickled Adamski’s inner thighs and shaved mound with feathers.

Peals of laughter pored out of Marcellina Adamski. Her body bucked and writhed trying to twist away from the tickling fingers and feathers. But there was a heat building in her lower belly. She knew that an orgasm was already building, and she had no way to stop it. Felicia took one of her nipples in her mouth and swirled her tongue around it. At that moment, Sonia flicked the tip of 1 feather across Adamski’s swollen clit. Bright colored balloons exploded in her vision. Her muscles spasmed as a powerful orgasm rocked her. Sonia switched the vibe to low, and they all kept tickling… In moments, a second, more powerful orgasm washed over Marcellina. She cried out loud ‘yeses’ between laughs and gasps for breath. Her muscles were on fire. Every nerve was hyper sensitized. And still they tickled.

Robert was sawing feathers between the toes of 1 foot as he tickled the arch with his fingers on the other. Then he would switch. Felicia’s fingers, had now replaces the feathers tickling her breasts and sides. Whenever she would tweak her nipples, it was like being struck by lightening. Sonia, alternated licking her navel and nibbling her ribs. But all the while, stroking her inner thighs, mound, and pussy with the feathers.

Moans of pleasure mixed with laughter, as another orgasm rocked her. Immediately after that one subsided, another one followed. She had no time to recover. She prayed that she would pass out, but the stimulants kept her from that mercy. Three more mini orgasms shook her. She looked through teary eyes and saw that this had only been going on for 20 minutes. Sonia turned the vibe on high. The vibrations emanating from her pussy and anus sent waves of pleasure throughout her body. Robert turned up his intensity, sucking her toes and flicking his tongue between them as his fingers spidered all over her arches and the sensitive spot where the arch and ball of the foot meet. A monster orgasm hit her with that new sensation. And still they tickled. She seemed to be riding a continuous orgasmic wave.

Sonia and Felicia each took a nipple in their mouths. Felicia’s fingers danced all along her ribs from hip to armpit. Sonia’s fingers worked her navel and kept feathers all over her pussy. She liked the reaction she got when the feather would travel the length of the crease of her inner thigh, then across the clit. Marcellina’s mind was gone. All she knew was the incessant tickling and the hum of her orgasming body. Sonia turned the vibe on full and concentrated the tip of 1 feather on her clit. That was it. A sound like a fire engine issued from Marcellina’s strained throat, then rapid-fire laughter and hiccup-type moans. A major orgasm hit her with the force of a Mack truck. As it trailed off, all she could do was lay there trembling. And still they tickled.

In a dry raspy croak, she said, “E-eee-eeee-nnu-nuufffff-ff…”

Felicia heard it and motioned for the others to stop. Sonia clicked the vibrator off. “I will die if you continue,” she whispered. “I will tell your director everything.”

Robert dialed his communicator to Domino’s emergency frequency. “This is a Priority Alpha message for the Driector Chief, acknowledge!”

Domino’s voice came through, “Acknowledged. Confirmation authority A6-Tango-India-Charlie-Kilo-Lima-Echo… Go ahead…”

Robert handed the communicator to Felicia, who held it to Adamski’s face. Marcellina was thoroughly defeated. She gave details to Crimson Feather HQ and who was responsible for the Telefon program. Within minutes, a task force was mobilized and being briefed. The whole time that Adamski was relaying information, Sonia was lightly running a finger up and down her sole, looking her in the eye. This was to let her know what she was in for if this was a double cross. But it was legit.

At midnight at A6 HQ, Felicia, Robert, and Sonia are in Director Chief Domino’s office. A loud pop startles them and something ricocheted off the ceiling. Domino turned the high-backed chair and began pouring the champagne into one of the flutes in her hand. She handed one each to the team and, beaming a bright smile, said, “Great work. Over 3 years undercover and infiltration work and we bring down the biggest domestic terror network.” She pulled 3 small leather display boxes out of her drawer. “These medals come from the President, with his thanks. Obviously, he can’t deliver these in person, and you can’t have them in your possession, but the department, the President, and your country is grateful for your achievement tonight. A couple of CF agents escaped, but they will be on the run and rebuilding for a long time. The country has gained a rest, and you three have earned a vacation!”

The three looked at each other and smiled. Domino handed each of them an envelope containing a ticket to Puerto Rico and an itinerary outlining a week-long stay in a resort on Dorado Beach. Two days later, we find our intrepid agents relaxing on the beach drinking mojitos. Felicia’s watch starts beeping. “Time for my massage.”

Sonia and Robert nod. They each had appointments for massages that day. Felicia arrived in the private massage therapy room and stripped off her bikini. She lay face down on the table with a towel covering her sweet bottom. A stern looking woman with a German accent entered and said, “I vill begin in a moment, dear. Let me just get prepared…”

Felicia nodded and closed her eyes. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, but she ignored it. If she had looked up she would have noticed that when the masseuse reached over and locked the door, a tattoo of a red feather peeked out from under her collar…

The End???
sounds like more!

nytoetapper said:
Warning, extreme sexual situations, and not as much tickling as my previous stories. But I had to finish this storyline. I hope you enjoy it!

Spy Trouble 3 – The Game’s Afoot!

Three days before the New York City Mayoral elections, we find Felicia Moorehead answering phones as an aide to former Washington Senator Marcus Adams in his campaign headquarters. Standing 5’8” (almost 6 feet tall in heels), with long honey-colored hair and stunning green eyes, Felicia looks like a model. She is sporting a smart grey pinstriped skirt suit with a low cut white blouse. The men in the office can barely think in her presence, and the few women there seem to regard her with a grudging admiration. The others in the office believe her to be a political science major at NYU who models part time. In reality, she is a CIA agent, an A6 agent at that, the highest level of field operative.

She infiltrated Adams’ group about six weeks ago, two months after discovering that Adams is not quite what he appears. The information came from Agent Sonia Martini, after a particularly grueling interrogation. Once thought to be a traitor, it was discovered that Sonia had been recognized as an agent and brainwashed. Her ticklish interrogation broke her brainwashing and she revealed knowledge of a plan to take over Manhattan island by Adams. After numerous psychological tests and therapy to deal with the invasion of her mind, Sonia has been reinstated to the CIA, though she is only working support, and under close observation, until she is deemed ready by Domino, the Director Chief of the A6 group. Being allowed to support Agent Moorehead on this op was a big step forward for Sonia. She is eager to help, because in her brainwashed state, her actions caused the capture and torture of two deep cover operatives. Since being cleared by a formal inquest and her cooperation in this operation, she was allowed to continue on this case in support of the lead agent. Personally, Sonia and Felicia became fast friends after her interrogation, and she doesn’t want to let her new, and only, friend down.

At the briefing a month ago, Sonia revealed that Adams was actually the head of the terrorist group, the Crimson Feather. Felicia was attempting to infiltrate them when she captured Sonia during an FBI raid that almost cost her three months of undercover work. The Crimson Feather had turned Sonia through brainwashing and was responsible for the elimination of key rivals of the Senator through torture and intimidation. It was through this positioning that Adams, a relatively obscure politico was able to set himself as the most likely candidate for Mayor of New York.

Adams himself was a bit of an enigma. A young Senator at 27, he only served one term. And he seemed to come from nowhere. The CIA folder on him was less than 10 pages, including 2 8X10 pictures. Short at 5’7” and round of body, he had a slender face and soft features. And for such a dominating personality, he had a remarkably soft voice, almost a loud whisper. With a bushy moustache and long sideburns, he looked almost like a parody of a politician. But the bills he introduced at the senate were sound. Without anyone or any reason to question him, he ran virtually unopposed to win the seat in Washington. There was some talk of him being big in the small town of White Salmon (population of about 2,200). Something about him made people uneasy, but nobody could quite figure out why. Unmarried, chubby, and overly friendly, most people chalked it up to him being a politician.

This was something that rattled in the back of Sonia’s mind as she watched the monitors before her and communicated with Felicia. Embedded in a “Vote for Adams” pin that Felicia wore on her lapel was a miniature video camera and transmitter with mic. A secondary listening device was enclosed in the right side fake pearl earrings she wore, the left being a receiver that stimulated the small bones of the inner ear directly, so no sound could be heard. This way, A6 could keep in contact without visible cues. A backup video camera was in the button of her shirt, barely containing her breasts. There was something else that Sonia felt was “off” about the Senator, but she couldn’t nail it down. She remembered feeling strange when she shook his hand at their first meeting, but the details eluded her for the moment. Suddenly, Sonia perked up in her chair as Adams came into Felicia’s line of sight.

He walked up and asked Felicia, “How’s my star today?”

She replied, “The Washington Heights/Inwood Tenants Association has pledged their full support, and wants you to stop by tomorrow morning. Your schedule is free from 9:30 to 11. Should I inform them that you’ll come by then?”

“Excellent, I have other business up that way at noon anyway. Tell them I’d be delighted.” A look of almost sinister delight altered the Senator’s otherwise jovial face momentarily. Felicia wondered if Sonia picked up on it. She did. “Big day coming up fast, gotta reach out to those voters!” And then he toddled off.

By getting in good with Adams, Felicia was able to gather quite a bit of intel. She had been able to discretely take photographs of invoices for hundreds of barrels of liquid nitrous oxide, dynamite, and she found a scrap of paper which had “mp Flight Scho” and a partial address in upper Manhattan on it. She had made a list of people working at the office and had noted whom she believed to be Crimson Feather agents. Of the 20, only 5 were under suspicion, and of those only one was male. He was a young man, about 24 she guessed. Handsome and athletically built, he was a James Bond look-alike with a light new beard and minus the accent. His dark hair, which he seemed to be trying to let grow out, occasionally hid his pale blue eyes. His name was Robert Teakell. He was unusually clumsy around the office, too clumsy. Only a highly trained agent like Felicia would be able to pick up the subtleties of how he would trip and catch himself on the edge of a desk which had important papers on it. Something about the way he looked at her sometimes made her feel uneasy and relaxed at the same time. Robert wasn’t all that he seemed, and yet she could sense he was much more…

One thing about Robert that was important was the fact that he was Adams’ personal secretary and always went everywhere with him. If Felicia wanted to know what Adams had going on uptown, Robert would have the answer. He strolled over to her desk and said, “The boss wants you to come with us tomorrow morning to see the tenant’s association you mentioned.”

“Ok. Should we meet here or should I go directly there?”

“I’ll come pick you up in his car before we get him.”

“Can you get me from Mike’s Deli? It’s just down the block from my place, on First Ave.”

“No problem. Be there at 7:30 sharp-p.” As he leaned in to say ‘sharp’, Felicia winced slightly at a burst of feedback from her earpiece. She didn’t know if he heard it, but she thought it was loud as she heard it in her other ear as well. He stood straight up.

“Got it!” She offered a smile as she tugged nervously at her left earlobe. He went into Adam’s office and the door closed. She picked up her phone and dialed the number for time and weather. Then she whispered into her cleavage, “What the hell was that?”

Sonia’s voice in her ear responded, “Sounded like feedback. Does the hottie wear a hearing aid or something? They can cause that.”

“Hottie?! (Sonia giggles) I don’t think so, but his ears are pierced and he has diamond studs in them. You don’t think…”

“That would only happen if his set was on our secondary frequency. And no company but ours can even acquire that freq., hun. So there must be another reason. But I have confirmed to you that he is high level Crimson Feather.”

“Affirmative. I’ll check in again at lunch. Out.” Felicia hung up and went to the water cooler. She noticed Robert and Adams standing over his desk looking at what appeared to be a map of Manhattan. Adams was marking something when Robert looked up and saw her. He smiled, then went to the door and closed it. Felicia knew that map was important, and she would have to risk an entry in that office tonight. She confirmed the plan with Sonia and Domino. It was risky, so close to the election, but they agreed that it was necessary.

Just past midnight, Felicia made entry through a rear facing window. Dressed all in black in what looked like a wetsuit made of spandex and Ninja-style tabi boots, she crept towards Adams’ desk carefully avoiding any pools of light. With her night-vision contact lenses, this was a relatively easy chore. She quickly snapped a few digital pictures of Adams desk, upon which was a map of Manhattan with three spots circled in red. All of the entry and exit points to Manhattan were circled in green. There was also a detailed weather map of the tri-state area over the next 5 days and a receipt for 20 barrels of diesel fuel. Some of the pieces were starting to fall into place for Felicia. Her thoughts were cut short by the sound of many footsteps approaching the outer door of the office.

Without a moment’s hesitation, she threw herself headlong out the window. Extending her arms to the right, she caught the string of the flag hanging on a pole near the window. The string stretched a little and she used her momentum to swing herself onto the fire escape of the adjoining building. Thankfully, it was in the shadows and she made a quick descent. Sticking to the shadows, she raced to her car parked four blocks northeast of the office. When she was sure that she had not been spotted or followed, she dashed to the car and drove home where she quickly uploaded the pictures and wrote a few quick notes about her theory to Domino. Then she quickly went to sleep.

At 7:25AM she was waiting in front of Mike’s Deli. From behind the counter, “Big Mike” the proprietor and a top CIA “eyeball” (surveillance expert) watched and reported periodically. A black Lincoln Town Car pulled up and the door opened. Robert stepped out and held the door open for Felicia. He took her hand and helped her in. He glanced at Mike, threw him a wink, and reentered the car. As it pulled away, Mike reported the incident and the license plate number of the vehicle. He knew he had seen the guy before, but couldn’t recall at the moment.

In the back seat of the car, Robert told the driver to take the FDR to Dyckman Street, then he closed the opaque partition separating them from the driver. “Well Felicia, did you sleep well last night?” He looked at Felicia with a strange predatory glint in his eye.

‘He knows’, was the thought that flashed in her mind. “Like a tick on a hound dog.” She replied coolly.

Robert leaned back and smiled. That smile made her uneasy. “We have to make a stop before we meet Adams at the Tenant Association. There’s something we need to drop off for his later appointment…”

Soon they arrived in an industrial looking section of Upper Manhattan. There was a power station and a couple of warehouses. Next to one warehouse was a small office. It was here that they stopped and pulled into the driveway. As they went around front, Felicia could barely contain a gasp at the sign above the door. It read “Uptown Blimp Flight School”. Her mind flashed on the scrap of paper she saw in Adams’ office that day. Another piece dropped into place, but now she feared that her cover had been compromised. “Come on”, Robert beckoned as he opened the door. He put his briefcase on the desk and moved to a side door in the office. It opened into the adjoining warehouse. As Felicia stepped in she noticed dozens of 50 gallon drums of something. On closer inspection, it proved to be liquid nitrous oxide. To her left was a huge flight simulator for learning to fly a blimp. There were also 2 trucks loaded with nitrous and diesel fuel. The place was empty, and in one corner of the room was a table with what looked like restraints built into it. It was here that Robert was headed.

She followed, not quite sure how to proceed. The decision was made for her, as Robert turned and sprayed her in the face with a knockout gas. She was down before a thought could register. But before her vision faded to black, she saw Adams step out of the shadows with a gun in his hand. He lowered it as he approached and said, “Good job, my boy. It went just as you said…” Then oblivion took her.

She awakened to find herself stripped to her lacy underwear, strapped to the table with her wrists bound together above her head and her ankles bound to opposite corners of the end of the table. A pillow was under her low back, causing her to arch. She felt vulnerable, but prepared. She wasn’t gagged, which meant that screaming would be useless. She turned her head to the left and saw Robert. His eyes seemed to suggest that she should remain quiet. She turned her head to the right and saw Adams talking to a woman. She had been out for about an hour. She missed her last com check, which meant that A6 would be searching for her. When Adams stopped talking and turned he smiled wickedly. Then from behind him Sonia stepped forward. Felicia was about to speak when Sonia interrupted her.

“It was quite a close call that night when the F.B.I. raided us. I barely managed to elude capture and had to go into hiding for some time. I finally contacted Robert and he arranged for me to be brought back to Crimson Feather HQ.”

Felicia’s heart sunk. If the Crimson Feather broke Sonia out, Felicia was likely on her own. Sonia stepped forward and grabbed Felicia’s face roughly. “I can’t wait to begin!” Felicia couldn’t be sure, but the slightest hint of a wink passed between Sonia and Robert, and then between Sonia and her. Unsure of herself because of the after effects of the gas, Felicia tried to prepare herself mentally for what she guessed lay ahead. Adams approached and said, “You must tell us what your superiors know. If I cannot proceed with my plan, I have to go with my contingency plan.” At this, Robert and Sonia looked puzzled. “Surely you two don’t think I didn’t have a backup plan? Just because I haven’t yet shared it with you, do not think I am without resources.”

Felicia spat, “Do your worst, pig. You’ll find out soon enough!”

Adams smiled and replied, “Robert, Sonia, give our guest a taste of what’s to come.”

Robert began to slowly spider his fingertips in Felicia’s arches. At the same time, Sonia’s nails danced along her ribcage and in the hollows of her armpits… Now Felicia was sure she saw Sonia wink at her, and giggles bubbled up and escaped her quivering lips. She managed to utter the word ‘never’, then they stopped momentarily… Felicia quickly began deep breathing techniques to regain her composure.

“Well then, work her over you two… And excuse me for a moment…” Adams hurried off to a room on the left. Before entering he shouted “Begin!!!” then he ducked in. Sonia and Robert began tickling Felicia. Felicia laughed and squirmed and writhed as 20 fingers explored and tickled her body, but something wasn’t right. She remembered how mercilessly she and Domino tickled Sonia to break her. But Sonia and Robert seemed to only be tickling her enough to keep her laughing and writhing. It was less than she received at the hands of Domino and a world away from what they did to Sonia. It finally dawned on her that Sonia and Robert WERE her backup.

The sound of a flush caused Robert and Sonia to really ham it up. Felicia took her cue from them and blurted “I’ll talk, just please stop! I need to pee!”

Adams came over, rubbing his small hands together. “Very good. If escape is your plan, forget it. That room is solid brick with no window. And the door will remain open.”

Felicia nodded and was unbound and escorted to the bathroom. She quickly sat down when she realized something. Adams trip here was too fast to have been a “sit-down” job. But the seat was down when she got there. A piece of the puzzle became clear to her and she mouthed her discovery to Sonia. Sonia smiled then ordered Felicia to hurry up. They walked back to the table. Felicia began to “cooperate”.

“Well, I figured out part of your plan. You have 4 blimps and a lot of liquid nitrous oxide. My guess was that you plan to detonate the blimps, turning the liquid to gas in the process, over the locations I found on the map effectively covering all of Manhattan with laughing gas. The remaining explosives would be used to bomb the tunnels and bridges, effectively cutting off Manhattan Island. I assume you have groups of armed troops equipped with gas masks ready to move in and assume control.”

“Very perceptive. But who know of your findings?” Asked Adams, leaning in.

“I sent all my findings to my director last night!” Felicia said defiantly.

“Pity, I really wanted to see that plan in action. But I guess now I have to go to plan ‘B’”.

Robert asked now, “What is plan ‘B’, sir?”

“As soon as I make this phone call, you will find out! I didn’t want to do it this way. This way is violent and mean. But I have no choice.” Adams reached into his vest pocket to withdraw his phone. As he pulled it out, the three others rushed him. Felicia grabbed the phone, Robert grabbed Adams in a chokehold and Sonia grabbed Adams by the crotch.

“EEEEEEK!” A high pitched squeal left Adams lips. “What’s going on!?!”

“You’re right, Felicia. Adams is a WOMAN!” said Sonia, with a devilish smile playing across her full lips.

Robert looked confused, Felicia chimed in, “Adams was last in the bathroom. ‘He’ only took long enough to pee, but the seat was down when I went in, and there was not a drop on it. Along with the small hands, soft voice, slender face on a big body, and height, it finally made sense.”

Robert nodded understanding. The women made quick work of removing Adams’ clothes as Robert held her. Marcus Adams turned out to be Marcellina Adamski. Stripped of her wig, fat body suit, sideburns, mustache, and clothes, she turned out to be a very attractive woman. Five foot seven, with full breasts, a narrow waist and long legs that terminated in well-pedicured toes at one end and a firm round ass at the other. Robert secretly said a word of thanks, as he had occasionally found his eyes drawn to Adams.

They strapped her onto the table in a bra and panties. Felicia ordered Robert to watch the security monitors as she and Sonia attempted to get the truth out of Adamski about Plan B. Sonia and Felicia talked for a few minutes, deciding on a plan of action. Adamski shouted, “You’ll never get a word from me! Americanski PIGS!” She spat in their direction.

“A Russian spy. How cliché.” Sonia could barely contain her giggles at Adamski’s anger. “You will talk to us, dearie. You will BEG to!”

Felicia popped Adamski’s bra freeing her ample breasts. Sonia handed her 4 long stiff feathers from her bag. Adamski’s eyes grew big. She was horribly ticklish, and even during her training in the Secret Police, she never learned to overcome it. With 2 feathers in each hand, Felicia began to run them all over Adamski’s breasts, sides, pits, and belly. In moments, the room filled with laughter. Between hearty belly laughs, she said “Do your worst, you can’t break me!” As ticklish as she was, she was more stubborn. If she could hold out, maybe she could cut a deal.

“Do our worst? Ok!” Sonia teased as she began to tickle along the toelines of both Adamski’s feet. Her nails occasionally scratching lightly at the soft skin between each toe. At the new sensation, Adamski tensed every muscle before collapsing in a fit of laughter. She twitched and writhed, but fingers and feathers assaulted her feet and upper body. Felicia and Sonia knew that they would need help, and that they would have to get tough with this one. They had the sense that time was running out.

Robert had contacted headquarters and the strike team was dispatched to round up the Crimson Feather agents before they could put Plan A in motion. Adamski, between giggles and quick breaths, said “Plan B will go into motion at Midnight regardless of what you do to me!” At that, Sonia and Felicia stopped and called Robert over.

Adamski needed to stall a bit to regain her composure. It was just a matter of time before they got the truth, but if she could delay, her plan would still come off and other Crimson Feather agents would accede to power. But 9 hours was a long time to stall… She continued, “Telefon… Ever hear of it?”

Robert responded, “It was a movie in which sleeper agents were given a hypnotic command word or phrase and they would execute their orders when they heard it.”

“Correct. We have sleepers in 15 states. At the command base, if my victory here was thwarted, they will begin making calls. Ordinary people who were kidnapped and hypnotized will receive those calls. Then they will attempt assassinations on their state and local leaders. The vacuum will be filled quickly with agents like myself. Once we control enough government positions, we will effectively control the country. My play here was a test to see if we could take a large city by force. It would have worked, if not for your interference. And nobody would have lost their life. But now…” A cruel smile formed on her lips.

Robert, Felicia, and Sonia all looked at their watches. A little over 8 and a half hours till midnight. With mission prep and briefing, they figured they needed to acquire full cooperation within 2 hours to stop the plan. Felicia called them together and they leaned in whispering. When Felicia finished outlining her plan, Sonia and Robert looked at Adamski with concern. “Will she survive that?” Robert asked.

Felicia nodded at Sonia and she approached Adamski. “We need that information. And we need it fast. I almost feel sorry for you. Understand that if we fail, you will be imprisoned at our secure facility. And what happens to you now, will happen daily for the rest of your short life.” Adamski was about to retort, but at the look in Sonia’s eye, the words dried up and died in her mouth, leaving the salty taste of fear. Sonia took out a switchblade and popped it open. She then cut Adamski’s panties and pulled them off.

Felicia said “Stations!” and the others moved into position. Sonia took a double vibrator out of her bag. Then she attached an IV to Adamski. “We need to prevent you from passing out, so we will keep you hydrated and we have a special cocktail of stimulants and a little truth serum to help you along.” Explained Felicia. “Oh, there’s also a mild aphrodisiac in there. The effects are quick. Coupled with the stimulation you have already had, I expect that you’re about ready…”

Sonia pulled Adamski’s panties aside and slipped a finger into her pussy. It came out glistening. She slipped the lubricated finger into Adamski’s anus, causing her to stiffen. Then she slid the double vibe into her. She turned it on low. Adamski cursed at them. Sonia said, “They used a similar technique on me. The tickled and teased me to near orgasm over several hours. At the end, my brainwashing was broken, and so was my will. I would have told them anything to just let me cum. But you are getting the reverse treatment. We are going to MAKE you cum. Over and over and over. Till you can’t stand it anymore.”

Adamski’s face showed her uncertainty at how she would handle this. She had no words of bravado. And before she could get her mind around what she was told and form a strategy, it began. Sonia cranked the vibe to medium. Robert began spider tickling her arches. She stiffened and exploded into laughter. Felicia tickled her nipples by sawing the blade edge of 2 long feathers on either side of each nipple with 1 hand and tickling in the hollow of her armpit with the other. Sonia leaned forward and slipped her tongue into Adamski’s deep navel and wriggled it around, as her right hand tickled her armpit and her left hand tickled Adamski’s inner thighs and shaved mound with feathers.

Peals of laughter pored out of Marcellina Adamski. Her body bucked and writhed trying to twist away from the tickling fingers and feathers. But there was a heat building in her lower belly. She knew that an orgasm was already building, and she had no way to stop it. Felicia took one of her nipples in her mouth and swirled her tongue around it. At that moment, Sonia flicked the tip of 1 feather across Adamski’s swollen clit. Bright colored balloons exploded in her vision. Her muscles spasmed as a powerful orgasm rocked her. Sonia switched the vibe to low, and they all kept tickling… In moments, a second, more powerful orgasm washed over Marcellina. She cried out loud ‘yeses’ between laughs and gasps for breath. Her muscles were on fire. Every nerve was hyper sensitized. And still they tickled.

Robert was sawing feathers between the toes of 1 foot as he tickled the arch with his fingers on the other. Then he would switch. Felicia’s fingers, had now replaces the feathers tickling her breasts and sides. Whenever she would tweak her nipples, it was like being struck by lightening. Sonia, alternated licking her navel and nibbling her ribs. But all the while, stroking her inner thighs, mound, and pussy with the feathers.

Moans of pleasure mixed with laughter, as another orgasm rocked her. Immediately after that one subsided, another one followed. She had no time to recover. She prayed that she would pass out, but the stimulants kept her from that mercy. Three more mini orgasms shook her. She looked through teary eyes and saw that this had only been going on for 20 minutes. Sonia turned the vibe on high. The vibrations emanating from her pussy and anus sent waves of pleasure throughout her body. Robert turned up his intensity, sucking her toes and flicking his tongue between them as his fingers spidered all over her arches and the sensitive spot where the arch and ball of the foot meet. A monster orgasm hit her with that new sensation. And still they tickled. She seemed to be riding a continuous orgasmic wave.

Sonia and Felicia each took a nipple in their mouths. Felicia’s fingers danced all along her ribs from hip to armpit. Sonia’s fingers worked her navel and kept feathers all over her pussy. She liked the reaction she got when the feather would travel the length of the crease of her inner thigh, then across the clit. Marcellina’s mind was gone. All she knew was the incessant tickling and the hum of her orgasming body. Sonia turned the vibe on full and concentrated the tip of 1 feather on her clit. That was it. A sound like a fire engine issued from Marcellina’s strained throat, then rapid-fire laughter and hiccup-type moans. A major orgasm hit her with the force of a Mack truck. As it trailed off, all she could do was lay there trembling. And still they tickled.

In a dry raspy croak, she said, “E-eee-eeee-nnu-nuufffff-ff…”

Felicia heard it and motioned for the others to stop. Sonia clicked the vibrator off. “I will die if you continue,” she whispered. “I will tell your director everything.”

Robert dialed his communicator to Domino’s emergency frequency. “This is a Priority Alpha message for the Driector Chief, acknowledge!”

Domino’s voice came through, “Acknowledged. Confirmation authority A6-Tango-India-Charlie-Kilo-Lima-Echo… Go ahead…”

Robert handed the communicator to Felicia, who held it to Adamski’s face. Marcellina was thoroughly defeated. She gave details to Crimson Feather HQ and who was responsible for the Telefon program. Within minutes, a task force was mobilized and being briefed. The whole time that Adamski was relaying information, Sonia was lightly running a finger up and down her sole, looking her in the eye. This was to let her know what she was in for if this was a double cross. But it was legit.

At midnight at A6 HQ, Felicia, Robert, and Sonia are in Director Chief Domino’s office. A loud pop startles them and something ricocheted off the ceiling. Domino turned the high-backed chair and began pouring the champagne into one of the flutes in her hand. She handed one each to the team and, beaming a bright smile, said, “Great work. Over 3 years undercover and infiltration work and we bring down the biggest domestic terror network.” She pulled 3 small leather display boxes out of her drawer. “These medals come from the President, with his thanks. Obviously, he can’t deliver these in person, and you can’t have them in your possession, but the department, the President, and your country is grateful for your achievement tonight. A couple of CF agents escaped, but they will be on the run and rebuilding for a long time. The country has gained a rest, and you three have earned a vacation!”

The three looked at each other and smiled. Domino handed each of them an envelope containing a ticket to Puerto Rico and an itinerary outlining a week-long stay in a resort on Dorado Beach. Two days later, we find our intrepid agents relaxing on the beach drinking mojitos. Felicia’s watch starts beeping. “Time for my massage.”

Sonia and Robert nod. They each had appointments for massages that day. Felicia arrived in the private massage therapy room and stripped off her bikini. She lay face down on the table with a towel covering her sweet bottom. A stern looking woman with a German accent entered and said, “I vill begin in a moment, dear. Let me just get prepared…”

Felicia nodded and closed her eyes. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, but she ignored it. If she had looked up she would have noticed that when the masseuse reached over and locked the door, a tattoo of a red feather peeked out from under her collar…

The End???
tired of writing about spys??????? Write about anything else, you have a great style
I really really got involved with the story. I could envision it very well with the way you wrote it. Very very good job. Nice opening ending.
Thank you, spareme and Sultry. I think I may have some future adventures for Felicia and crew. But I am also open to suggestions. If you have something in mind, please let me know.
wow super fantastic..love how they broke her..but please continue with this..it didn't end..i want to see what happens next..great descriptions..i so love interrogation scenarios..
Izzy, my dear. Thanks, as always, for your kind words of support. I'm glad you liked my reverse of the usual torture of teasing and denial. I do plan more misadventures for our intrepid spy and her new team. But I need to step away for at least one story to get new perspectives and fresh story ideas. In fact, as I write this, a new story idea comes to mind...

Stay tuned...
Man, what a hot and sexy story! Just the thing I needed before going to my dull, boring, and mundane job.

You can write about spies or anything else as long as you write in this manner. Great work-I look forward to reading more of it.
Thank you very much. I have a few ideas rolling around the ol brainpan. Let's see what develops...

Well written and deliciously entertaining...not to mention more than mildly erotic. *applause*
Great Story

What a great story, once I started it I couldn't stop. :bugeyed:
I had to go back to the first to see where it all started.
I hope you are going to do more!!!

Thanks, Adrian
Simply an amazing series. You are right up there with some the best writers here on the forum. Thanks allot for posting this.
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