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After The Halloween Party


TMF Poster
Nov 25, 2005
Enjoy folks! This was written like the last one on Werdsmith on my phone so I apologize for any poorly punctuated lines.

Vanessa finished the last batch of cookies, pulling them out of the oven. She smiled as she put then individually on the pumpkin shaped orange plate. The plate then was placed with the other goodies on the table. The rubber glove was in the freezer so the punchbowl would have a floating hand in it. The bowl of candy corn was next to the dish full of rice krispie treats. Vanessa loved Halloween and she and Bradley looked forward to the party tonight.

The block of houses Vanessa and Bradley moved into was typical of family housing on this particular overseas military base. Small but quaint, some of Bradley's neighbors were jealous of their house, which was among the newest. It was close to work, the grocery and the gym. The park on the post was a short jog away. The phone rang in the hallway. Vanessa read the caller ID: her mother.

The conversation was typical. Vanessa humored her mom.

"Yes mom the scenery us amazing"

"No Mom the house is on the base were just fine. I told you not to pay attention to the news."

As Vanessa talked to her mother she walked by the photos in the hallway. One showed her and Bradley on the beach in Virginia. Next to it was a photo of her and Bradley after climbing a mountain in the middle of Seoul. She had done more that most her age of twenty nine and she loved every minute of it.

"Okay Mom love to Dad...I'll talk to you soon...yes Mom...gotta get ready for the party...love you Mom...goodbye."

Vanessa hung up the phone and walked into the bedroom. Opening the small closet she began laying out her costume for tonight's festivities. A tall and lean brunette, Vanessa picked a costume to accentuate her form. First she laid out the dress. It was purple and green with short sleeves. The dress was divided into four quadrants with a thin golden seam between them. Green was on the top left and bottom right with purple opposing. It was short and barely came mid-thigh but Bradley did not mind. She was an instructor at the post gym so why not show off every now and then? Next to it she laid out the tights, with one purple leg and one green, the same shades as the dress. Lastly she pulled out the jester's hat and slippers with their jingly bells. It was advertised as a Mardi Gras costume but Vanessa did not mind. Thank goodness for the internet.

Vanessa sighed at her husband Bradley came through the door. He set his bag down next to the door. He kissed her pulling her in close. Bradley worked some long hours so any day he was home before four was a blessing. He looked happily in her eyes as he counted his blessings.

He picked up his bag and walked into the living/dining area. The open floor plan of the houses made parties ideal.

"That is quite a spread hon," said Bradley, "I hope they bring an appetite."

"I love the new cookie recipe," said Vanessa,"You will too!"

So began the evening routine. Eating on the couch because the table was full of Halloween fixings, Bradley and Vanessa talked about the day. Bradley said Pat his new colleague a year younger than Vanessa and him said he was coming tonight. Vanessa smiled. She remembered meeting him briefly a week ago. He eyed her up and down with his deep blue eyes which made her shiver. She got back on track by talking about her volunteer work at the school on base. They finished their meal of chicken sate and rice, they began to get ready. Guests would be arriving in an hour.

Bradley's choice this year was an astronaut. He sported boots and an orange jumpsuit with all sorts of patches. As he zipped up and adjusted himself, he peered into the bedroom to see Vanessa walking towards him, her soft slippers jingling.

"God you look good!" said Bradley.

"You're not so bad yourself, Buck Rodgers," Vanessa said winking and licking her lips. Her husband's look told her all she needed to know.

The guests began arriving at six. John and Martha, dressed as Barney and Fred Flintstone were first. Soon after Peter and Susan, old friends from the early days rang the bell sporting Batman and Catwoman outfits. More friends soon followed and before long everyone was talking and sipping wine and beer while the music played.

The bell rang while Bradley and Joe whom he knew before he married Vanessa were reliving the glory days. Vanessa peeked through the peephole and recognized Pat. They met briefly earlier that week.

"Well hello again Pat!" Vanessa opened the door. He was quite handsome with close cropped blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Nice to see you again Vanessa!" said Pat as he came in. Pat was enamored with Vanessa's costume and how it hugged her body. Pat was in a black robe which he explained was a wizard outfit. Vanessa blushed slightly as she showed him in. When he saw Bradley they began chattering.

Pat kept his eye on Vanessa as he socialized. He watched her dart back and forth playing hostess. Her dress was quite short and he enjoyed the view. New in town and single, he himself turned a few heads when he was off duty. When he would mingle with Bradley and Vanessa he tried standing close to her. He also helped bring plates out or clean things up. Bradley did not seem to notice as he played host. He poured drinks and refilled goodie plates. He made sure he rotated between people chatting.

Trish, who was Vanessa's gym partner was dressed as Peter Pan in a green short jerkin and green tights. She pulled Vanessa off to the side.

"He is here," said Trish excitedly. She gestured with her soft drink towards Pat who was mopping the floor with Bradley at darts.

"Well go talk to him," urged Vanessa, "he doesn't have a date."

Trisha tried talking to him. While he chatted with Trisha, Vanessa thought he looked distracted. She was all about getting attention but Pat kept coming back to her. She tried telling herself it was nothing. She served more cookies.

And so it went. The partygoers chatted and gossiped about so-and-so and who was doing what. The boys threw darts, the ladies watched and poked fun. There was plenty to eat and drink and no one resisted dancing The Monster Mash. Old friends and new colleagues filled the room with laughter. Soon Vanessa placed a board game on the table. Headbandz was the label on the box.

Vanessa sat down opposite Pat at the table with guys on one side and ladies on the other. Vanessa sat in the middle of two other women. Next to Vanessa was Trisha. She caught herself staring at Pat. Sarah, opposite of Trisha was Alice in Wonderland, her blonde hair rolling off her shoulders. Sarah's husband Mark was throwing darts with Rob, who was losing. Mark being dressed like a chicken made it even more entertaining.

Bradley sat next to Pat opposite Trisha. Rounding out the boys team was Gerald, who removed his Darth Vader mask for the game. Bradley did not notice the glow in Pat's eyes as he eyed Vanessa while she gave instructions. Everyone on her cue put on the plastic headband and each team took turns trying to guess the card that was on their head.

"Am I a vegetable?"

"Am I an animal?"

"Do I have wheels?"

As the game progressed through much laughter, Pat felt something running up and down his leg. He looked at Vanessa who blushed and smiled. Trisha vied for his attention trying to ask the most questions. Pat was finding it hard to concentrate. He thought Vanessa was resting her foot on his shin and was certainly getting his attention. But Vanessa stayed focused, only looking at Bradley when it was his turn.

"Do I have handle?"

"Do I have wings?

Pat deduced from the sensations in was a right foot sliding up and down inside his leg. Vanessa certainly would not do this in front of her husband, he thought. But it continued. Trisha's apparent dissatisfaction went unnoticed. She is such a tease, and a bold one thought Pat. The sensations were pulsing through him. He felt flush and was caught a few times not paying attention. Vanessa still was playing it cool, he thought. She'd be a great poker player.

Trish was leaning back in the chair. She kept trying to be more active in the game but Pat only could look at Vanessa. Pat felt trapped in his chair and the mingling voices of the game and the party were being tuned out. The stocking foot now grazed past his knee and he caught s glimpse of a green stockinged foot. Pat ignored Trisha's glares and sighs only looking at Vanessa. Vanessa tried to ignore it.

The foot in his lap went higher still and almost bumped the table. Pat smiled and so did Vanessa. After all her team was about to win. Pat was in ecstasy and he tried to hide it as best he could. He barely noticed that girls threw in their last chips and tossed their hats in the air.

"Yah hoooo!" Trish, Sarah, and Vanessa cheered in unison. The guys grumbled about losing. The foot disappeared and Pat came back to reality. Soon the table was cleared and mingling was mixed with clearing tables and bagging goodies for guests to take.

Trisha was not very sociable after the game. She helped clear and was gracious but did not say much. Pat kept his distance from Vanessa. Soon guests left a few at a time. The house was slowly cleared. Everyone thanked Bradley and Vanessa for a great time. Soon Bradley and Vanessa were on the couch. It was 1000pm or 2200 for military folks.

Vanessa propped her stocking feet on Bradley's lap. She pointed and flexed her feet and curled her toes. Bradley massaged his tired wife's feet while they recounted the evening. While they discussed gossip Vanessa adjusted her soft jester hat while she sighed in contentment. Bradley's handiwork made her relax. He was good at that.

Bradley leaned over to Vanessa and whispered in her ear,"Do you wanna?" he asked.

Vanessa blushed. While the party was exhausting, she was never one to waste a Friday night. She nodded meekly. He walked into the bedroom and when he emerged he had some silk rope in his hands. Vanessa sat down on a carpet on the floor, her hat n slippers jingling. Her heart began quicken as she knew what was coming.

Bradley's rope work was quick and thorough. First he bound her ankles together, crossing them with her slippers still on. He then ran a rope to Vanessa's wrists which were also crossed and bound. In a short time she was face down on the tan carpet in the living room, utterly helpless. She shook side to side and tugged at her bonds. There was no escape.

Bradley, still in his astronaut orange jumpsuit knelt next to her. Vanessa could not see him and her hat like her slippers jingled. He gently slipped her shoes off, placing them next to her. Without a word Bradley ran his fingers over her stocking feet. Vanessa gasped and kicked in a futile attempt to worm away. As he traced small circles on the balls of her helpless feet she began to giggle uncontrollably. He held her feet with one hand and tickled with the other as Vanessa descended into ticklish laughter.

A loud beep interrupted their fun. Bradley sighed and looked at the source, his issued Blackberry. It blinked red at the top. Its message was simple:


It was from the boss. He had to go. The office was down the street a few minutes by car.

"I gotta go sweetheart," said Bradley gravely, "I will be right back.". This was not the first time.

He started to unbind his captive wife.

"Stop," Vanessa commanded, "You won't be long."

"No I won't," answered Bradley, "and you won't be going anywhere."

He rolled her on her side and they kissed passionately. Bradley, still in an orange jumpsuit, walked briskly for the door, grabbing his keys. The door closed behind him but he was in too much of a hurry to notice the heavy door did not shut.

Pat walked to the single quarters down the street. It was a twenty minute walk from the party to his small apartment, called bachelor quarters in military speak. As he walked he noticed a distinct lack of jingle in his pocket. A firm hand thrust into his slacks revealed emptiness. Damn it, he thought as he turned around and began to walk
the house. It was dark and starting to drizzle. He cursed under his breath.

A few minutes later, he arrived and noticed the car was gone. Dammit, he muttered. He saw the lights in the house were on. Maybe Bradley was home. The curtains were drawn so he could not peer through the windows. He knocked on the door. To his surprise, it slowly creaked open. He stepped inside as he heard Vanessa call out.

"That was quick hun."

Pat put his keys into his pocket, saying nothing. He left them on the wooden cabinet by the front door. Although he totally had impure thoughts about Vanessa, he was not the type to home wreck. He planned to just leave. Something caught his eye from the small foyer. It was a pair of green and purple stocking feet bound rocking back and forth behind a chair in the living room.

Silently he moved to where he could see Vanessa, still dressed like a jester. She was all alone and completely helpless.

"Bradley?" Vanessa called out again.

What to do? What if Bradley came home? None of these questions had easy answers. But Pat nonetheless moved forward, kneeling next to Vanessa out of sight. He looked at his watch, making a mental note of the time.

"Bradley? Hun?" Vanessa's vision her hat was pulled down over her eyes. The band stay tight, effectively blinding her. This was new, she thought. Bradley never did this before.

"Bradley what was wrong?" Vanessa asked who she thought was Bradley.

Suddenly she felt fingers digging into the back of her thighs. She burst out in ticklish laughter as she wriggled helplessly. Up and down the fingers tickled and pinched. She arched her back and rocked side to side as she was overwhelmed by this intense tickling. Bradley was not usually this intense starting off.

Nails raked up and down her captive soles. Vanessa shrieked and began giggling uncontrollably. Her feet were quite ticklish even so that these opaque tights did not help. Up her arches and down her insteps spidered strong fingers. She tossed her head side to side. Not being able to see made things quite worse.

Suddenly she felt an arm wrap around her bound ankles. One hand tickled and teased her soles while the other pinched at her waist. She began to sweat and the laughter made her weak. The hand tickling her waist switched left to right, back and forth. The constant change up while tickling her feet was driving her crazy. She begged for relief. The tickling was constant and not like Bradley's normal slow buildup to all-out tickling. Had he been researching how to spice things up?

The tickling on her feet stopped abruptly. Those same nails scratched down her arms to her sides. Vanessa pleaded for a break but the tickling hands tickled her from her waist to her underarms. Vanessa had tears willing up in her eyes as her laughter was wearing her out. The fingertips pressed into her ribs and hips. She howled with laughter, drowning out her begging.

The tickles then came to her tummy as one hand worked its way under her firm abs while the other playfully tickled up and down her soles. She tried folding her self up to protect herself but Bradley's rope work was too tight. Her body was wracked as she could not escape her torment. Fingers prodded near her belly button and under her toes. She swayed and rocked while the tickling seemed to never end.

Vanessa gasped as she felt tickling on the back of her thighs towards her butt. The spidering up and down the seam on her tights was maddening. The fingers pinched and poked her glutes, making Vanessa gasp and laugh hysterically. The tickling went out to her hips and then back to the center and then up and down. She pleaded for an end helplessly through her laughter. Tickling her was sending shocks through her body making her moan between giggles. Bradley knew how to end a session with a bang but tjis was new for him. She was exhausted but this new wave of tickling was stimulating and exciting. She begged to be let go.

Pat's excitement was visible through his jeans. This was the most fun tickling he had had in months. He checked watch. Fifteen minutes. For fifteen minutes he tickled Vanessa head to toe. He had to go, he thought. Bradley was sure to be home soon. He pulled down her dress as he found it and left, this time the door closing shut as he walked quickly down the sidewalk and across the street. He walked quickly through the drizzle. It was time to get home.

Bradley came through the door hurriedly. He put his hat up on the hook by the door. He was so stressed about having left his wife tied and helpless on the floor. He hastily hung up his things while he began spouting excuses.

"Honey I am so sorry. The alarm would not clear and the boss held me up...anyway hun im so sorry," said Bradley as he turned to his bound beauty on the carpet. She was just as Bradley left her.

"Now where were we," he asked as he knelt next to Vanessa. He began running his fingers along her soles. Vanessa was panting and sweaty.

"No no no no more please!" she pleaded weakly. She tried to face Bradley, the sound of his voice reassuring as her sight was blocked by her fluffy hat.

"What do you mean no more Vanessa?" asked Bradley in a tone that was confused and angry.


That was awe some hope for another part
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