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Sarah's boarding school Nightmare Part 2 *FF/FF


Apr 30, 2008
Link to Part 1

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Sarah ate slowly and nervously in her new school’s dining hall. She trembled and found it hard to keep her food on her fork, memories of her recent tickle torture vivid in her mind. She ate with Emma, the redhead who was a firm favourite of ‘the sisters’. Jane and another slim girl sat at her table all silently eating the cottage pie, potatoes and vegetables that despite being tasty did little to raise the girls’ spirits. The detention had lasted around an hour and all four girls dreaded the night-time fun the prefects would have.

Anna had shunned Sarah and the other girls once recovering and tried to blend in with larger girls at a different table, hoping to avoid further torture by not associating with the prefects’ preferred victims. Sarah was reminded of something she heard on the radio once; about how zebras pushed weaker members of the herd to the outside of the pack when predators were stalking them in order that they could escape, whilst the predator satiated their appetite upon weaker members of the herd. Sarah was both angry and terrified, she secretly hoped Anna’s ploy would fail but mostly dreaded being tied to her bed and tickled or tortured in other ways. Eventually the silence began to make Sarah nervous so she tried to take her mind off her impending ordeal by asking the other girls about the library.

“The library isn’t a good hiding place” Jane whispered in reply, despite the fact that Sarah had been asking about how many books there were on classical mythology.

“I will try to help you” Emma interjected, placing a hand on Sarah’s before adding; “I cannot promise that they won’t still torture you, but I will do my best!”

Dinner moved on to pudding which consisted of treacle pudding and custard. This was real comfort food for Sarah and she felt slightly better after her ordeal and less terrified despite the proverbial ‘Feather of Damocles’ hanging over her head. It also comforted Sarah to know she had at least one friend. After dinner Sarah and Emma found a quiet corner of the common room to read and talk. Emma pointed out how books could be used as camouflage to avoid being spotted, despite Mary hating books as she was almost entirely illiterate.

“I think she must be nearly twenty, she shouldn’t even be here but her father knows the headmistress’s husband and they have some kind of deal” Emma told Sarah in whispered tones whilst looking around to check there was no chance the stout brunette was in earshot.

Sarah listened quietly as Emma continued;

“Apparently she has weekly torture sessions with the headmistress if she doesn’t improve, since Mary is as thick as cow-shit these occur pretty much every week. I don’t know what the headmistress does to her, but she has gotten angrier and more vindictive as a result. Still she is not as bad a Big ‘Bess…”

“Big Bess?” Sarah asked.

“Yes she was the former ‘Sister Superior’ until Claire beat her up” Emma replied.

“Claire beat her up?” Sarah asked, the Irish prefect still frightened her but she didn’t seem as violent as Mary or the other prefects.

“Supposedly, last year Claire was a ‘pleb’ like us and a favourite victim of Bess. Only Bess didn’t go in for tickle-torture she used to...” Emma stopped talking mid-sentence as another ‘pleb’ walked past.

It was the girl whose feet Jane had been forced to lick; ‘Vicky’ Sarah thought as she dreaded what cruel tortures this ‘Big Bess’ had inflicted on the poor girls of St Catherine’s.

Once Vicky was out of earshot Emma continued; “well let’s just say tickling is nothing by comparison.”

“Did she ever torture you?” Sarah asked.

“On my Eighteenth Birthday, my first night here!” Emma replied, her tone indicating she wanted to change the subject.

Sarah took the hint and changed the conversation. The girls talked about their homes and favourite books to take their minds off what was to come. Emma told Sarah about the best places to avoid getting caught without seeming like she was hiding as that would only make the sisters tickle her worse. She also explained about the derelict buildings which were still unsafe after a bomb landed there decades earlier in a German air raid. Emma explained that you could hide there but if you got caught the headmistress would punish you in a way that made the detention Sarah had just been through ‘Look like a picnic’. Eventually the girls had to move to finish their ‘home work’ which was to be done in a special study room with bars on the windows, reminding Sarah that there was no escape from St Catherine’s.

All too soon as evening fell bedtime approached. Sarah began to get increasingly nervous, she couldn’t stop clockwatching and fidgeting; she fretted over her long light-brown hair bound in pigtails. She knew if all four prefects tortured her at once she would go insane, she dreaded wetting the bed on her first night. As she fretted Emma placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t let them see you are afraid!” The redhead whispered.

As much as Emma’s words comforted Sarah she was still incredibly nervous. She decided to keep her panties on under her thin night-shirt, she also put on a thick pair of woollen socks as it was colder up north than she was used to. Emma was in the bed next to Sarah’s and Sheila and Jane nearby. Sarah was exhausted but her mind was racing, as terrified as she was she hoped Claire would be the one to tickle her, something about the way the Irish brunette softly stroked her made Sarah feel cherished and protected.

Shortly after lights out the sisters arrived. At first nothing happened they paced up and down quietly enjoying the fear from their victims. Sarah tried to stay still hoping not to draw their attention but whenever she heard their footsteps approach her bed her heart would start pounding, especially when the footsteps stopped and the deadly silence engulfed her world. Sarah could only hear her own heartbeat in those moments, she dreaded the sisters pouncing on her and felt such relief when she heard the footsteps pace away on the wooden floor.

Anna was not so lucky, despite trying to distance herself from the weaker girls Mary had gotten a taste for torturing the lanky straw haired girl and all four of the sisters pounced seizing Anna’s wrists and ankles. Anna instinctively struggled but knew it was in vain, within moments leather cuffs were secured to her wrists and ankles and she was tightly stretched out on the bed with her feet poking through the holes of the foot-board and her arms tied tightly above her head. Anna was a tall girl so the sisters bent her arms and tied them at the elbows too. Anna resisted the urge to beg but struggled and giggled as the sisters gave her body the first few teasing tickles through her nightgown.

“Thick am I?” Mary acidly whispered in Anna’s ear.

Anna didn’t respond, being too busy hyperventilating to find the words. She didn’t know it but Claire had thrown her to the wolves. At dinner she had lied and said the lanky girl was mocking Mary’s intelligence after the other prefects had left. Claire felt sorry for the girl but Anna could endure Mary’s wrath for one night to keep the brute away from the new girl. Still Claire felt a little bit sorry for poor Anna; the girls had suffered together under Big Bess’ reign of terror, and Anna had helped her escape torture several times. Still Claire could think of no better way to get Sarah all to herself and just hoped the laxatives she had slipped in Mary’s food would take effect before Anna suffered too much, and that Mary would realise she needed the loo before they took effect…..

Anna was due to suffer even without Mary’s indignant wrath, the blondes had bought the lie hook-line and sinker and were tying Anna’s long toes back to the bedframe stretching and splaying them out with little loops of string they had prepared in advance. The blondes liked feet especially Jessica and Claire knew Anna was in for a hell of a night, Amy had already stuffed Anna’s socks into her mouth as a makeshift gag and secured them in place with another pair.

‘Oh well, at least that leaves the new girl to me!’ Claire thought to herself’ whilst waiting for an opportune moment to slink away. She teased the backs of Anna’s knees until the other prefects were engrossed in their work. Mary had kicked off her shoes and straddled Anna, she dug into the lanky girl’s upper body with relish showing her underarms, ribs and tummy no mercy. Mary had always been cruel but was extremely sensitive about her intelligence and Claire wondered if she had goaded the stupid brute too much. Mary’s feet were wide and chunky in their black socks. Claire knew they were ticklish too, the headmistress would torture them weekly, sometimes more if Mary didn’t show academic improvement. Some of things that cruel woman did made Claire shudder, she hoped she could spare her little sparrow from such an ordeal.

At the foot if the bed the blondes had started a little party for Anna’s trapped feet. They began by using two old toothbrushes to scrub between her toes with one hand whilst tickling her arches with the fingertips and nails of their other hand. Anna’s toes were completely immobile thanks to the blondes’ handiwork with the string but Claire could still tell that the blondes’ administrations were pure hell for Anna by the way they clenched and pulled at their bonds. Claire tried not to feel too guilty and started to explore Anna’s inner thighs, her administrations were effective but she couldn’t stay in that area long as Mary was too close. The brute shifted down the bed slightly leaving Claire with limited tickle-options.

‘Oh well time to pay my Sarah-mouse a visit’ Claire thought to herself slinking away.

Claire could walk quietly, tip-toeing around Bess had given her a cat’s grace and she knew which floorboards did and didn’t squeak. Unlike her earlier reconnaissance she moved completely stealthily rather than making just enough noise to terrify her victims. Sarah was so focused on listening to Anna’s torture she didn’t notice Claire approach. Sarah could tell they were tickle-torturing the poor girl but didn’t know exactly how. She knew Mary was straddling her and making a lot of noise but she was unclear what was happening to the poor girl’s feet. Her curiosity was soon cut short as Claire pounced and was suddenly on top of her.

“Well hello my little pet!” The Irish brunette whispered.

Sarah was frozen with fear, her heart beating quickly. Claire had caught her completely by surprise the way her grandmother’s cat sometimes jumped onto her shoulder from absolutely nowhere.

“Now since it is your first night I thought we could play a little game…” Claire whispered as she adjusted to get comfortable.

Sarah’s eyes widened in the moonlight, this was better than the pure torture Anna was receiving but she was still extremely nervous.

“… I want to slowly explore your ticklish body and find out exactly where you are the most sensitive. If you can keep still and quiet there will be no need to tie you down or gag you.” Claire slowly whispered whilst toying with one of Sarah’s pig-tails.

Sarah whimpered and nodded, she was both terrified and curious.

“Gooooood!” Claire purred, taking Sarah’s acknowledgment as acceptance, she leaned in and whispered ever so quietly; “And if you are really quiet the other sisters might leave us to our little game…”

Sarah was still nervous but something about the way Claire spoke to her made her feel warm and tingly. She curled her toes in the thick wool socks and squirmed as the lithe Irish Brunette repositioned her on the bed, making her lie on top of the covers.

“Now I can either start tickling from your feet up or work from your wrists and neck down?” Claire quietly whispered.

Sarah thought for a moment before meekly whispering; “Neck please”

“Okay I am going to need you to stretch out like a star-fish and stay that way” Claire whispered as she gently pulled on Sarah’s elbows encouraging her to stretch out to expose her soft ticklish body.

Sarah obeyed meekly and shut her eyes. She giggled and squirmed as Claire softly blew in her ear. Sarah turned her head to move away and was rewarded with the first soft touches of a soft feather Claire had secreted in her cardigan. The sensations were soft but unexpected and Sarah giggled and squirmed.

“Ah! Ah! Aah!” Claire chided, adding; “You have to keep still!”

Sarah tried to obey but the feathers were so tickly and the skin of her neck so soft and sensitive. She collapsed in giggles and submissively made futile attempts to defend her neck and face. Claire seized her victim’s wrist and returned them to their correct place above her head.

“Now since you can’t keep still I will have to hold you!” Claire teasingly explained to her straddled victim, adding; “Luckily I can tickle you with more than just my hands!”

As Sarah looked up both scared and scintillated her captor suddenly delved into her shoulder and neck with her mouth, nuzzling the soft delicate skin of Sarah’s neck. Sarah squealed forgetting the crueller torments her cries could bring. She struggled slightly against Claire’s hold on her wrists; but only instinctively. Although the close contact of the soft Irish girl’s mouth and face against her sensitive neck drove Sarah insane the coddled, sensitive girl began to tingle and curled her toes in her warm wool socks. She forgot about Mary and the blondes and just struggled and giggled completely enraptured by the submissive delight of being tickled by Claire.

Sarah’s squeals and cries actually did more to ward off the other prefects than attract them, the blondes saw Claire monopolising the new girl and decided to have more fun with Anna and their other pets. Mary meanwhile was still angrily engrossed with Anna’s upper body and had reduced the lanky straw-haired girl to silent laughter by digging in to the torture-spot just above each hip. The torture of Anna’s long sensitive toes had ceased temporarily but the blonde’s had coated each foot from heel to toes in raspberry jam procured from the School’s kitchen. Now the blonde’s stalked the dormitory terrifying the recumbent ‘plebs’ who feigned sleep in the hope of avoiding being chosen as the next victims of the sadistic prefects.

The blondes began lifting back the girl’s bedsheets to just above the ankles of each girl, they exposed Emma’s small soles and watched the pale feet twitch from the cold air. Emma had cute toes that curled and flexed, the poor redhead tried to keep still and pretend to be asleep but couldn’t help squirming and fidgeting in a manner that delighted the on-looking blonde prefects. The torture wouldn’t start yet, this was part of the ritual to increase the anxiety of their poor tickle-victims. One by one the blondes exposed each of their favoured tickle-toys soles until Vicky, Jane and a few other girls joined Emma in awaiting whatever cruel administrations the prefects had in mind. All of the girls pretended to be asleep despite Anna’s frantic struggles and Sarah’s squeals and giggles which would have kept even the heaviest sleeper awake. The girl’s knew the routine and hoped that they could outlast their rivals to avoid being chosen, still the ritual of having their feet exposed as they listened to the prefect’s footsteps and whispers made them nervous; this was all part of the torture and would make the imminent tickle-torture the harder to endure.

Claire had finished nuzzling Sarah and decided it was time to explore her new toys underarms. After her victim had failed several attempts to keep still the Irish brunette suggested Sarah hold onto the bedposts, this being her final chance to keep still or else lose her nightie. Sarah desperately held on her knuckles turning white and her face turning red. Claire’s fingertips were smooth and soft but skilled at tickle-torture, she could have easily broken her new toy but much preferred keeping her on the cusp of what she could endure and watching her struggle. The hollows of Sarah’s underarms were as smooth as silk and responded to even the slightest touch. Claire couldn’t wait to tie this mousy little girl down and see how much she could take but for now she would satisfy herself with slowly exploring her sensitive young body.

From her position straddling Sarah Claire moved down to explore her poor victim’s ribs and sides. The new sensations surprised Sarah and she instantly let go of the bed posts, pulling her arms down to defend herself and flailing as Claire grabbed her skinny arms; subduing her submissive tickle-victim.

“Uh-oh! It looks like bye-bye nightie whitie!” Claire teased in her soft Irish lilting voice.

Sarah blushed as Claire dismounted from her and began to unbutton her thin gown. The slim teen’s heart raced as her captor fussed over her long light-brown hair and helped her sit up. Sarah had just enough scope to take in one of the blondes tickling Emma’s feet with a long stiff goose feather in the next bed, she was also aware of the all-out tickle assault with which Mary was still brutalising Anna further down the dormitory. As Sarah caught her breath she thought ‘Whilst that tickled, Claire didn’t actual torture me…’ Still the shy girl was indecisive, until her captor spoke again;

“Time to take off your nightie, unless you want your arms tied as a second punishment!” Claire’s tone was teasing without a hint of malice and yet Sarah dreaded being tied to the bed.

Slowly the shy teen obeyed, shivering with both fear and excitement she sat up and began to remove her thin night garment. Claire helped her softly cooing and petting her submissive tickle-slave, rearranging her beautiful hair once the garment was off. It was a shame Sarah had put her hair in pig-tails: Claire thought, she loved the way the long flowing locks had flailed as she tortured this girl on the desk that afternoon. The cold bite was gone from the air but still Sarah’s nipples hardened as they were exposed to the cool air. Sarah’s heart raced, her whole body blushed; she had never been naked in front of another adult before. Claire’s soft alabaster face comforted her as her captor smiled Sarah squirmed and quivered but also tingled inside, a slight submissive smile betraying her nervous excitement. Unseen to her dorm-mates Sarah curled her toes in their wool socks as Claire straddled her again, gently returning her victim’s wrists to their place at the headboard and watching her precious pet giggle and squirm underneath her as her long dark hair softly danced in the hollows of her underarms;

‘Wow! Even the slightest touch of my hair tickles this girl!’ Claire thought to herself, her eyes sparkling as she got an idea.

Sarah squirmed as Claire delicately picked up the ends of each of her pigtails. Claire had been playing with her hair softly throughout their tickle-session, but so far she had mostly stoked the loose hair above her braids, tucking errant hairs behind her ears and softly cooing. In the brief respite as Claire sat over her Sarah took in the more intense torture Emma was suffering. She had vaguely logged the soft feather tickles the redhead had endured alongside her own torture but now as her own heart raced and she took quick short breaths the silence was broken by her neighbour’s cries. The blondes had abandoned their feathers, now each held one ankle whilst skittering their nails over Emma’s soft pale soles. Emma held tight onto her bedposts desperate not to lose the game and be the blonde’s tickle toy once more.

Sarah looked back up to Claire, her brief look at the next bed enough to frighten her and make her thankful she had Claire as a torturer. The Irish brunette played with the tips of her long pigtails, swishing them in the air and smiling now her victim’s attention had returned;

“You know you have really pretty hair!” Claire purred in her soft lilting Irish voice.

“Th-th-…th…th…thh…thank-you!” Sarah meekly squeaked in reply.

“I love the colours and how soft it is!” Claire continued before adding; “But most of all how every part of you is designed to make you the perfect tickle-slave!”

“As she finished Claire swished the tips of Sarah’s hair in the hollows of the slim girl’s underarms. Sarah squeaked and instantly pulled her arms down before obediently returning them to the top of the bed, quivering nervously as she did so. Claire beamed: ‘already she had an obedient tickle-slave!’ She continued to softly teased Sarah with the tips of her own pigtails delighting in the desperate struggles of the slim submissive sweetheart who squirmed and writhed on the very edge of her endurance. Sarah could barely stand the soft swishing of her own pigtails, she turned pink then red as she tried to keep her arms up. The fact it was her own golden locks that drove her to such insanity only added to her ecstatic humiliation. Still she tried to keep her arms up, partly from fear of being tied to the bed but also for the sheer thrill of the game she played with her benevolent captor who cooed and purred and made her feel so precious and tingly.

“Good girl! I just love the way you squirm!” Claire cooed, wondering at the battle between her victim’s sensitivity and obedience.

Sarah turned a deeper shade of red. She had forgotten about her nudity but was still deeply embarrassed, to be this helpless both scared and exhilarated Sarah. A part of her wanted to scramble back into her nightie pull the sheets up over head and somehow escape this nightmare. But there was another part of Sarah that not only relished the scintillating sensations that played on the borders of her sanity, but also felt comforted by the soft Irish girl’s coo’s and smiles and wanted to submit to this alabaster skinned beauty entirely. As the slow soft tickle torture continued the submissive part of Sarah grew and her fear diminished, with each swish of her own pigtail tips and each caress of her captor’s dark hair Sarah grew less frightened and more captivated. Her breathing became fast and the strange new tingling sensations she felt grew; especially in her loins. Sarah was scared but embraced the new sensations, growing redder and redder and hotter and hotter with each puff and pant. Claire had noticed the signs and decided it was time to slow her victim’s pleasure and escalate her torture; she quickly dropped Sarah’s pigtails and dug in to her sides just above her ribs. The effect was immediate and Sarah pulled her arms down to defend herself, forgetting about the strange new sensations and struggling and flailing desperately.

“Naughty tickle toy!... Looks like you want to be tied to the bed after all”. Claire teased whilst seizing Sarah’s wrists.

Sarah panted and sighed and allowed herself to be dominated as she lay flustered wondering what had just happened to her. Just before Claire’s unexpected tickle-assault the tingling sensation had started to grow and feel amazing, Sarah wasn’t sure but she felt as if something wonderful had just been about to happen. As she lay squirming the room that had vanished from her perception came back as she looked from side to side nervously as Claire arranged the cuffs and ropes to secure her to the bed. The blondes had abandoned Emma and were tickling Jane and Vicky whilst discussing which should be punished.

“So Emma is definitely getting punished tonight, Jane squirms nearly as much so she should join her at Anna’s feet!” The blonde that Sarah thought was called Jessica insisted.

“No the winners of the game get to lick Anna’s tootsies!” The other blonde replied, adding; “The losers get tickle punished by us!”

“What about Sheila? We haven’t tickled her yet!” The first blonde insisted

“Good idea Amy!” Came the reply

In her brief respite Sarah noted that the blonde she thought was called Jessica was in fact called Amy. As Sarah struggled she looked around for the glamourous brunette, she couldn’t remember which bed was Sheila’s. Sarah managed to catch sight of Anna still tied to her bed, Mary was gone: Sarah didn’t know why or where and didn’t have much time to give it thought. Claire tightened her restraints so that her wrists were comfortably secured to the headboard of the bed such that when straddled Sarah’s upper body was stretched helplessly tight.

“Now that you can’t move, our little game is going to change; you need to be quiet for me little mouse! Otherwise I will have to gag you!” Claire explained teasingly wiggling her fingers above Sarah’s underarms.

Sarah gulped, she knew she was in for it now. She could hardly move and her sensitive young body was stretched out and exposed because of the way Claire was straddling her, even though the wiry Irish brunette had shifted down to access more of her victim. Sarah’s underarms would be first, there was no doubt about that. Claire enjoyed her victim’s desperate squirms as she slowly lowered her hands wiggling her fingers in a fluttering dance that had Sarah giggling and squirming before they had even made contact. Slowly the fluttering fingers descended until they were mere inches above the soft sensitive hollows of Sarah’s underarms when Claire stopped but kept her fingers wiggling knowing they were still in view and this trick would raise both the anticipation and anxiety of her already distraught victim. Sarah’s nerves were shot, she was already giggling and babbling unable to stand the psychological torture her captor was putting her through.

Suddenly Claire dropped her hands and scrambled her fingers all over Sarah’s underarms. The slim girl shrieked, squeaked and whooped: bucking and thrashing as her sensitive upper body was explored. Claire didn’t just focus on Sarah’s underarms but skirmished across the terrain of Sarah’s sensitive body, making hit and run attacks on all the likely places and finding none disappointing. This kind of tickle assault was worse than the all-out assault Sarah had endured on the table during detention: true she now only had one torturer but Claire was an expert at finding her spots before quickly swapping to another target with another technique, all the while build up an intimate knowledge of her victim’s sensitive spots and the amount of pressure to apply.

A few beds down Sheila was suffering the wrath of the blondes. The glamourous brunette had worn socks to bed: a crime punishable by having them stuffed in her mouth as a gag. The blondes took little time to strip Sheila and stretch her out in a tight spread eagle. Claire was disappointed, Sheila had good responses and they could have spent a nice long time slowly removing her silk nightgown and teasing their prey. Instead the glamourous brunette was stark naked and tied down in a in a humiliating position that exposed very spot of her sensitive tanned body. Claire focused on tickling Sarah as the blondes made their final preparations before leaving to finalise Anna’s humiliation, this involved a light teasing tickle whilst explaining to Sheila exactly what they were going to do to her once they returned.

“We are going to tickle you until you piss the bed you stuck up bitch! Why do you think you are better than us?!” Amy hissed

“This is lovely red varnish on your toes Sheila, do nice of you to make your feet look pretty for us like this! Perhaps you like us torturing you?” Jessica purred.

Their words clearly frightened Sarah who squirmed as Claire softly explored her tummy and thighs, her eyes soft with pity and her heart wishing she could return to the tickles she was sure her prey had enjoyed so much earlier. Claire removed Sarah’s socks discretely and gave the soft feet a quick tickle before using the wool socks as a gag. Sarah squirmed and fidgeted, exhausted by her ordeal and nervous as a result of the blonde’s brutal treatment of Sheila.

Meanwhile, now at the other end of the room the blonde’s reapplied a little jam between Anna’s toes and brought Vicky and Jane from their beds to kneel at the foot of the bed. Each girl had their ankles tied so their soles faced up whilst their arms were pulled through the slats of the footboard where they were tied at the elbow leaving their hands free to tickle the backs of Anna’s knees. A firm leather collar kept each girl’s head close to Anna’s soles being secured to the footboard with two slender chains. Jessica took great delight in “the winner’s” humiliation, she knew Jane especially hated being forced to lick feet and had resisted the teasing tickles to avoid just such a role in her sadistic scheme.

“Now you both need to lick and tickle, any slowing down and you will be tickled as well!....” Jessica explained with her eyes twinkling.

“….And after you are done I will taste each foot and if I taste Raspberry Jam you will be tortured!” The cruel blonde concluded.

Both Jane and Vicky knelt stunned and humiliated, this was their reward for winning the prefect’s sick game?! Yet more soles to lick!....
They both begrudgingly began to lick at the raspberry jam only to have their soles tickled as a reward for their insolence. Jane held it together whilst Vicky now had jam smeared on her face.

“You will have to do better than that!” Jessica taunted them.

“…..And remember to tickle the backs of her knees!” Amy added whilst looking around for more victims to dominate.

Anna squirmed in revulsion and humiliation, the wet tongues tickled slightly as did the fingertips tickling the backs of her knees. She was glad Mary had left, she didn’t understand why. The great ox of a girl had previously had Anna pinned down in an inescapable tickle-hell of silent laughter when Anna vaguely heard her captor’s tummy rumble through the delirium of her torment and the next thing she knew the brute was running for the door leaving Anna to catch her breath and thank God the torture had stopped.

The blondes meanwhile had swung by Emma’s bed on their return to torment Sheila. The redhead feigned sleep as the two girls dragged away her sheets. Emma protested and squirmed slightly; not enough to lead to punishment but enough to keep her captors satisfied, she hoped Sheila would receive the lion’s share of torture given the blondes’ dislike of her vain beauty. Emma was at least allowed to keep her nightie and persuaded to wear several pairs of socks.

“Whilst we usually punish wearing socks in bed, I think your soft pale soles deserve the princess treatment!” Amy declared.

Emma moaned, she had hoped the sisters had forgotten about this. Every now and then they would force a girl to wear triple socks and larger shoes whilst applying lotion and using pumice stones at frequent intervals. The idea was to make the soles super sensitive and terribly ticklish, this had been her fate until a few weeks ago when Claire decided she looked better in sheer stockings. True Emma had lost no sensitivity since the frequent pumice stone, soaping, scrubbing and socking sessions had stopped but she remember the terrible feeling of each tickle session getting more intense than the last as her sensitivity grew. The stockings had been a small mercy as they made her feet all the more ticklish still, but at least Claire tormented her in that strange caring way. Emma guessed the blondes had swung back to the idea as a result of Claire being distracted by her new toy who now squirmed on the bed desperately trying not to laugh as her tummy and inner thighs were tickled.

Sarah was losing at each of Claire’s little games, now she was not only gagged and tied spread-eagled to the bed in just her knickers but her toes had been cleverly tied back to the footboard. Meanwhile the blondes tickled Emma as they applied the multiple pairs of socks, their red-haired captive struggled a little and cleverly tried to distract them from making her torment worse;

“Please don’t tickle me like you tickled Sheila!” Emma begged submissively.

“Oh we haven’t even started torturing Sheila yet!” Amy replied, taking Emma’s bait.

“I say we make Ginge-emma here lick Sheila’s pretty toes!” Jessica chipped in.

“No the preening tart would probably like that! How about we make them kiss?...” Amy added.

From her bed Sheila groaned and squirmed, she was angry and humiliated her heart thumping as the blondes discussed and debated precisely how they were going to torture her. After guiding Emma’s already soft soles into triple stocks they frog marched the slim redhead past Sarah’s bed to Sheila’s. Each blonde took a turn tickling Sarah’s taut soles as part of the procession, Claire smiled at them as she curled around her prey like a snake, the wiry Irish brunette had kicked off her shoes and was using both her hands and feet to tickle her prey, her toes being too much for Sarah’s armpits whilst the slim girl’s knees and thighs proved to be a goldmine of sensitive ticklish spots. Claire was annoyed with the blonde’s new-found confidence and perversity but needed to keep them on side for aftermath of her clandestine poisoning of Mary.

As the blondes brought their captive to Sheila’s bed they came to a compromise: Emma would have to kiss and tickle Sheila whilst the blondes would tickle the pair of them, for every time the pair broke contact they would each receive and additional torture to be meted out as and when the blondes saw fit. As they gleefully discussed the finer points of the game and the cruel punishments they would inflict upon their victims the blondes positioned Emma into place. The redhead was forced to straddle Sheila with each ankle cuffed and secured to slightly larger leather restraints around Sheila’s calves and knees. Emma’s wrists were enclosed in similar leather cuffs that secured her to Sheila’s narrow upper arms. This position was not only humiliating but also uncomfortable for Emma. As Claire glanced over she realised that the blondes had essentially covered Sheila’s naked shame with their other tickle toy, she was thankful that they had left the redhead’s nightie on since its removal would have been too much for Emma: Claire made a mental note to try to acquire Emma as well as the new girl. The blondes were getting greedy.

“Okay now kiss!” Amy announced, forgetting Sheila was still gagged.

Obediently Emma awkwardly kissed Sheila on the cheek before the blondes realised their mistake.

Both Amy and Jessica began to tickle the pair to cover their mistake in leaving Sheila gagged. Jessica tickled Emma’s upturned soles as well as teasing Sheila’s thigh and knees. Amy meanwhile tickled the nooks of Sheila’s elbows slowly working her way down towards the poor girl’s underarms. With a look she indicated that the underarms were where Emma should tickle. Emma remembered she was supposed to tickle as well as kiss and obediently began to lightly tease the soft underarms whilst supporting herself on her elbows. The tickling took Sheila by surprise and she squealed as Amy removed the sock gag.

“PERVERTED BITCHES!!!!!!” Sheila screamed before Emma grabbed her face and kissed her on the mouth.

“Oh we are going to make you pay for that!” Jessica declared ignoring Emma’s feet and focusing on Sheila’s thighs with a hard kneading motion.

“Ahh haha hahahahaaa! NOOOOOO!” Sheila laughed and wailing as she broke from Emma’s reluctant kiss.

“One torture earned for Sheila!” Amy announced as she made her way to the foot of the bed.

“What about Emma?! Jessica asked as she reached under Emma to punish Sheila’s tummy.

“She is being a good tickle slave, we will torment her but she is obeying us nicely” Amy replied as she started softly caressing each of Sheila’s soles.

Sheila went ballistic as Amy tickled her feet and broke contact again despite Emma trying desperately to keep her in place. Sheila’s feet were super sensitive even without stockings and the blondes had tied each of her toes individually to the footboard as they explained their cruel plans. The worst thing was Sheila knew Amy had barely begun and had completely lost control, she desperately struggled and tried to buck Emma from on top of her: something her bonds would not allow her to do.

“How about one torture for Ginge-emma and three for Sheila!” Jessica asked as she returned to torturing the brunettes’ legs.

“Sounds good to me!” Amy replied, using gentle strokes from Sheila’s heels up her arches to the balls of her feet and back down again, occasionally exploring her perfect toes and the sides of her feet to keep her administrations unpredictable.

Jessica joined Amy at Sheila’s soles, the girls taking one foot each to Sheila’s utter horror. Both the girls had sharp effective nails maintained to be the perfect torture tools for such sensitive feet, each girl also had a collection of feathers, brushes and other paraphernalia at hand for more advanced torture. For now though the pads of their fingertips and the sharp crescents of their fingernails were enough to drive Sheila insane. Emma continued to tickle the poor brunette’s underarms and try to keep her embraced in a kiss but this was impossible as the glamorous teen thrashed and struggled. Jessica began to use her tongue to lick between Sheila’s toes at which point the captive girl began to howl loudly.

Amy decided it was time to gag Sheila once more. As she made her way to the top of the bed she found Emma wrapped around Sheila using both her hands as feet as tickle-tools as well as nuzzling and kissing one side of her quarries neck. Amy knew Emma was a gentle girl and her enthusiasm showed her desperation to avoid further torture. As she reapplied the socks gag with a large rubber ball to keep Sheila quiet she praised Emma;

“Keep that up and you will get one very bearable punishment! We are going to break Sheila tonight!” As Amy spoke the fire in her eyes frightened Emma.

The redhead continued her assault on Sheila’s senses burrowing into her neck and shoulder with her face driving the poor girl to insanity. She also remembered to cleverly use her toes in the nooks of Sheila’s knees and keep up the underarm torture. As Emma tickled from her bound position she found herself getting warm, Sheila’s hip and thighs pushed against her crotch as a result of a way that the redhead had collapsed in her bondage. With each desperate struggle Sheila rubbed against Emma in a way that felt good to the captive redhead. Emma tried to squirm away whilst continuing her torturous embrace, she knew if she stopped she would be punished and was sure the blondes would punish her if they noticed what was going on as well. Emma had known ‘the sisters’ to punish girls for achieving orgasm as a result of stimulation whether accidental or on purpose.

At the foot of Sheila’s bed the blonde’s had stepped up their assault on Sheila’s soles. Amy had threaded feathers between each of Sheila’s toes and would tug on them slightly one at a time as she tickled her victim’s soles. The cruel blonde danced her wicked nails over Sheila’s heel and arch again and again, without forgetting to include the ball and side of the lovely foot. Jessica continued to lick and use both hands in a similar fashion to Amy but with more stroking and teasing.

“You know these toes taste funny, like you have used some cream or lotion on them!” Jessica announced between feasting and tickled.

“Hmmmm hmmm Gwhmmm!” Sheila replied through muffled laughter and screams.

“Hmm another pair of sensitive feet for the princess treatment!” Amy decreed.

“Oh yes she is a princess isn’t she!” Jessica replied.

“And I think Emma should be her faithful handmaiden!....” Amy added, starting her favourite tickle fantasy.

“Both tortured in the stocks and on the rack until they betray one another!” Amy added, she loved medieval scenarios and dreamed of having a tickle-dungeon as the evil sorceress.

The two blondes continued to tickle Sheila’s feet mercilessly, after a while Amy found the lotion Sheila had used before putting on her socks and put it to good using it as a lubricant for a stiff bristled hairbrush she had amongst her arsenal of tickle-tools. Sheila went absolutely berserk as a result causing her bed to rattle and shake as she desperately tried to escape but it was no good: the blondes had tied her down tight and the toe-ties kept her soles and arches as immobile as her heels. Jessica joined in using a hairbrush and lotion whilst still flickering her tongue between Sheila’s perfect toes. The blondes knew already that Sheila’s arches were the most sensitive spot but did not neglect the rest of Sheila’s soles and continued to tease along the tops of her feet with their free hands. The effect was devastating; Sheila had been tickle-tortured before, but never like this. The blondes had slowly become to resent the way Sheila showed off her good looks and now she was paying the price.

Emma continued her snake-like torment of the poor brunette, hoping to escape further torment herself. The redhead was jealous of the new-girl’s soft treatment at the hands of Claire who had decided it was time to focus Sarah’s sensitive feet. The soft Irish brunette knew she could break the poor girl easily but preferred to slowly build up the foot-torture whilst returning to tickle legs and thighs, all the while learning not only which spots tickled her little toy the worst but also elicited the secret pleasure she knew Sarah was experiencing as a result of her soft administrations. Claire looked over to see Vicky and Jane still licking Anna’s soles, Mary had yet to return but the humiliation of all three girls was clear. Claire knew it would not be long until Jessica remembered to check on that cruel game and decided to flip Sarah over before either of the blondes looked up from Sheila’s soles. The pair were so engrossed in tormenting the poor girl Claire knew she could have Sarah face down before the even noticed.

“So I think you deserve to be tickled whilst lying down on your front, if you obey I will continue to be gentle and protect you from the other prefects, if you struggle or try to escape they might notice a ticklish little girl wanting to be punished!” Claire whispered in her soft lilting tones.

Sarah was almost delirious, it was like Claire had hypnotised her. She submissively allowed herself be untied and rolled over onto her front, her sheets were crumpled up underneath her as she lay prostate on her bed in just her panties. Soon Claire had her arms re-tied to the headboard at the wrists and elbows the other way around so she essentially hugged her pillows and sheets. Expertly Claire re-tied Sarah’s feet, cuffing her captive’s delicate ankles to the slats of the footboard so the soft pink soles poked through. Claire marvelled at how compliant her tickle-toy was; even splaying her toes to be retied faced down this time. Sarah was nervous but hoped obedience would earn her mercy, also the tingling sensation that had begun in her loins had spread throughout her entire body and a part of her wanted to see what would happen if her gentle captor kept tickling her. As the last of her toes was tied she tried to wiggle her feet but it was impossible, she was completely immobile her soft soles stretched out, having been positioned perfectly at the end of the mattress.

Claire marvelled at her handiwork; Sarah’s soles were like a pure canvas ready for her artistic administrations. Claire loved tying back girl’s toes like this, each toe was trapped in a little loop that pulled it back against the bedframe being tied to the metal bar at the base of the footboard. Claire had even managed to thread most of the string to the side that touched the mattress stretching out Sarah’s soles to the maximum tension without hurting her. When this wasn’t possible Claire had brought the other end back round underneath to pull the string back to the far side of the metal bar. It was truly a masterwork of toe-bondage that she would soon enjoy as she prepared to use her expert skills in tickle-torture.

Claire began softly using the tips of each finger to slowly trace a pattern up and down each of Sarah’s soles. The effects were instant and to Claire’s great satisfaction. Sarah began to giggle, tremble, shake and struggle as a result of even this gentlest touch. Her soles remained almost motionless aside from her toes curling against their perfect restraints. Sarah knew this was just the beginning but it was already too much for her to bear, desperately she struggled trying to claw at the headboard of her bed but finding her restraints denying her even this futile attempt at escape. After only a few minutes of this soft torture Sarah finally broke unable to maintain the dignity not to beg for mercy, she broke down into soft giggles interspersed with pitiful pleas and delightful whimpers cascading from her young, tormented psyche.

“Nooo hooohooo, sto-hoo-hoo-oooop! WHIMPER I ca-haa-haa-ant ta-aaa haha-ake it!” Sarah pleaded.

“I think you can! I think you can take a lot more!” Claire teased in her soft lilting Irish voice, overjoyed at this response and pleased it coincided with Jessica’s trip to check on Anna, Jane and Vicky.

“I do-hoo-hoo-on’t lii-hii-hiii-ike it!” Sarah protested as Claire started using a feather to breeze between her trapped toes just above the balls of her feet.

“I think you do!” Claire retorted teasingly as she continued to use the feather on the most sensitive spot of Sarah’s feet whilst slowly teasing her victim’s arches with her other hand.

Claire’s response startled Sarah. She realised that although this was torture she relished every second, whilst she dreaded what her captor would do next she relished the tingling excitement of waiting to find out. Her cruel captor kept up the soft tickling as she giggled and whimpered all the while squirming until her bedsheets were ruckled up underneath her tummy and legs, bundling up her and more under her bucking and writhing body. Claire began to use the sharp end of two feathers to scratch up and down Sarah’s soft arches tracing a devilish, meandering path from her heels to the balls of her small, trapped feet. Sarah exploded;

“Ah haha!... No! No Stop!... No! Not like that!.... I can’t take it!” She wailed desperately as the new sensation filled her world.

“You stopped begging!... I liked hearing you beg, keep begging unless you want the tickling to get worse!” Claire teased returning briefly to feather swishes and soft fingertip tickles that whilst a respite were still too much for her victim to bear.

“Plea-haha-hee-hee..ease I beg you! Show mercy!” Sarah pleaded submissively through giggles and futile squirms.

Claire smiled as her victim continued to beg coyly and in a fashion that, although convincing, let her know that her victim loved the soft gentle tickles. Jessica had returned from dominating Anna and her designated plebs. She loved their humiliation and was inspired to try to inflict similar tortures on Sheila. The glamourous brunette was given a short break as the blondes argued over whether or not to remove Emma from her position atop Sheila and force her to kneel at the foot of the bed. Emma continued to softly tickle Sheila and kiss her neck, just in case her captors noticed she had stopped and decided to punish her. Sheila continued to squirm but not with the wild thrashing and bucking that had accompanied the pure foot torture that Amy had kept up for what seemed like an eternity. Emma cooled down as the distraught brunette stopped convulsing in ticklish agony. The redhead was sure she hadn’t been noticed by Amy but during Sheila’s wild spasmic attempts at escape the constant rubbing against her fellow captive had caused Emma to climax twice. The redhead had concealed her ecstasy by continuing to kiss and nuzzle Sheila’s soft neck but it was Amy’s total focus on Sheila’s soft soles that had saved her. Still Emma was terrified she would be discovered, she had heard rumours of ‘the sisters’ torturing girls by tickling their nether regions and keeping the release of an orgasm just out of reach. Emma quietly continued to tickle and nuzzle as the blondes argued;

“I say we make Emma lick her feet as a punishment!” Jessica insisted.

“But she is doing a good job and we have already done that twice!” Amy retorted.

“But Sheila will hate it and if Emma is such a good little slave she should prove it!” Jessica continued.

“Do we even have any more jam left?.....” Amy asked.

“No I left Vicky licking the last of it from Anna’s soles” Jessica replied, defeated.

It had been a good power-trip for the blonde prefect. Upon arriving at Anna’s bed Jessica had decided that Jane had done the better job of licking jam from the lanky girl’s trapped soles and so had positioned the obedient brunette on the bed with some loose restraints and told her to tickle Anna’s upper body as a reward. Vicky meanwhile had been left with the very last of the jam smeared all over Anna soles. Jessica had even wiped the jam from the poor brunette’s face and re-applied it to Anna’s other sole ensuring she had a reason to punish the poor girl later. Back at Sheila’s bed Jessica wanted to play the same perverse games with Sheila’s long sensitive soles.

“If I may offer a suggestion…” Claire interjected from several beds over where Sarah squirmed and giggled.

“… If Emma is to be rewarded for her obedience then perhaps she should take a turn tickling the new girl” Claire concluded.

And just like that the three prefects lifted Emma from her position on top of Sheila and secured her at the foot of Sarah’s bed. Now Sarah had two girls tickling her sensitive feet whilst Sheila’s naked body was exposed for the blondes to torment and tease. Amy cruelly teased the glamourous brunettes’ nipples with an array of feathers until they hardened to pert aching nubs under the administration of both soft and stiff plumes. At her feet Jessica was far more brutal scrubbing at Sheila’s immobile soles with a selection of stiff bristled brushes that were cruelly enhanced by a small bottle of oil purloined from the kitchens.

Sheila screamed into her gag, the pure hell her soft feet were being subjected to counterpointed by her growing arousal from Amy’s expert nipple tickle torture. Sheila’s humiliation increased as her soft olive skin turned pink then red. Her nipples hardened to the point that she could no longer stand it, a part of her desperately wanted Amy to stop whilst at the same time she also felt her arousal growing: her pussy was wet and throbbing and her desperate screams turned to a pitiful wail as her sensitive lithe body was erotically exploited.

Sarah was unaware of Sheila’s plight. At her footboard Claire was giving Emma a masterclass tutorial in the finer points of tickle torture, talking her through feather and finger techniques. It was clear to Sarah that Claire had a similar affection for the pale redhead as she did for her, Sarah would have been jealous had the soft touches not been enough to drive her to the brink of insanity. Claire slowly explained the best way to use feathers between trapped toes, from breezing soft floaty-light feathers along the toe-stems just above the ball of the foot to the torturous sawing technique best used between toes with stiff goose feathers. Emma was quite the prodigy but seemed to lack the same flair with fingertip techniques. Claire decided to rectify this by sitting behind the slim redhead and using feathers on each of Sarah’s trapped toes whilst Emma practised torturing Sarah’s helpless arches and soles. All the while Claire whispered in her protégée’s ear things like;

“That’s good but don’t neglect her heels…”

“Very good, well done for remembered to swap between soft fingertips and just the start of your nails….”

“Good job for varying your target areas, don’t forget the tops of her feet though…”

As Emma improved on her technique and learned the best spots of her naïve and helpless victim Claire smiled to herself and wrapped her legs around the slim redhead and squeezed hard with her thighs. The wiry Irish brunette tingled as she softly dominated the two girls, she was certain the new girl loved to be softly tickled whilst she had longed to see how Emma would respond if given the chance to be the one to do the tickling. The results were satisfactory, but not overwhelming, whilst Emma’s efforts pushed Sarah’s endurance to the limits that did not take very much and it was apparent the redhead was glad of this reprieve from being the one on the receiving end but she tickled Sarah’s soft soles with neither passion nor sadism.

‘Hmm I wonder….’ Claire pondered, perhaps this girl needed the chance at revenge rather than merely doing onto others as others had so cruelly done unto her….

Several beds over Sheila’s torture had been taken to the next level. Jessica licked, lapped and sucked Sheila’s soles from her delicate arches to succulent toes. This was if anything, a reprieve from the brush and oil torture that had the glamourous brunettes’ soles almost glowing a soft pink. It was Amy who inflicted real torture, she had selected several special feathers and was applying them expertly to Sheila’s private parts. She had used some to tease the area around Sheila’s crotch getting closer and closer to her dripping wet slit until finally the time had come to tease her sex with just the right feather. Finally Amy selected a soft thin paintbrush to truly tease the poor girls throbbing clitoris with just enough pressure to keep the preening tart on the very edge of orgasm but hopelessly far away the sweet release she craved. The cruel blonde had kicked off her shoes and wiggled her toes in their sheer stockings, she loved the way the cool air felt against her stockinged toes despite knowing even the softest touch would have her in hysterics.

Claire noticed the way her fellow prefect curled her toes in her stockings as she sexually tortured her victim, Luckily Sarah was oblivious to the whole scene as she had buried her face amongst her cushioned as she laughed and begged for mercy. Still Claire was disappointed Amy had turned so sadistic and pondered punishing her ticklish feet in those stockings, she would have to deal with Mary first though….

For now Claire had to ignore Sheila’s plight and focus on Sarah’s soles. Emma had knack of using her fingertips on the soft taut skin outstretched skilfully from heel to toe by Claire’s masterful bondage. Claire herself had taken to using the sharp quill end of her feathers in devilish patterns over the pink balls of Sarah’s feet. The new sensations drove the slim girl insane and she bucked and thrashed on her bed, the ruckled bedsheets rubbing against her in a way that seemed to sooth the increasing torment inflicted upon her soles. Claire noticed the peculiarity of her victim’s movements but judged she had a few minute more at these soft feet.

“You can also use this technique on her heels…” She softly cooed in Emma’s ear as she traced a slow swirling pattern around Sarah’s smooth unworn heels.

Emma smiled and continued to tickle, she quite liked the way Claire had wrapped her legs around her; even though she was trapped she felt kind of safe. The soft Irish brunette had even whispered in Emma’s ears that she knew Emma had climaxed, but there was no malice or hint of punishments to follow so the slim redhead relaxed. After a while Claire released her and left her loosely manacled at the foot of the bed.

“Keep it up and use both fingers and feathers, her legs need some attention” Claire whispered as she left the redhead to her prize.

Soon the lithe prefect had wrapped herself around Sarah like a snake, her toes found their way to Sarah underarms once again whilst Claire positioned herself to focus upon the backs of Sarah’s knees. The new soft touches drove the petite girl insane and she began to kick as soft fingertips danced in the exposed hollows of sensitive skin.

“No! No! Haahaaa haaahaaa!!! Haa haaa! Stop! Haa Haaa Please No More!” Sarah submissively begged, protesting with new energy as she squirmed and kicked the little her bondage would allow.

As much as the tickling was torture she felt herself get closer and closer to the same tingling state. Every nerve dancing with electricity as she panicked and squirmed, there was something about the way her bedsheets rubbed against her that almost made her want more.

“Yes! Lots more!” Claire cooed in reply loving the squirms and high pitched laughter and pleas for mercy.

Claire changed to a soft stroke up and down the backs of her victim’s thighs and calves pausing slightly at the backs of the knees to either swirl or flutter her fingertips occasionally quickening pace instead with an extra swipe. The effect was less torturous but more unpredictable slowing Sarah’s laughter and inevitable march towards orgasm as she writhed and squirmed. At Sarah’s soles Emma used one feather and one set of fingers to keep a slow teasing torture, as Claire had instructed she should keep it soft but unpredictable.

Claire decided it was time to go for Sarah’s inner thighs and swiftly moved up to the soft pale skin with a gentle stroke followed by a gentle squeeze. The result was an instant squeal accompanied by a frantic struggling followed by deep ragged breaths, Emma temporarily stopped tickling as Claire uncoiled and withed like a snake to bring herself up to whisper in her victim’s ear.

“Do you know what an orgasm is Sarah?” Claire asked.

Sarah breathed heavily and shook her head in reply, her eyes wide and her heart beating furiously as her mind raced, she had learnt about human reproduction in Biology class but only from a scientific perspective and she couldn’t remember ever hearing the word “orgasm” amongst the alleles and zygotes her old teacher talked about.

“Well you are about to have one my little bookworm!...” Claire teased softly stroking a feather across the back of Sarah’s neck, before continuing;

“There is a lot they teach you in books, but not everything. Tomorrow you will meet me in my office and I will instruct you in the fine arts of tickle-torture and sexual ecstasy. Tonight’s pleasure is on the house, but as of tomorrow you are my pet and all sexual thrills will be punished by ticklish squeals”.

Claire loved the look of excitement, wonder and terror in her new pet’s face as she slowly explained what she was about to do. Emma resumed tickling Sarah’s soles softly curling her toes in their multiple socks and dreading the ‘princess treatment the blondes’ had promised. She deeply wished she could be Claire’s pet instead of this new girl and enviously ran her fingers from heel to toe and back up again, softly blowing on the trapped toes.

Claire returned to torment Sarah’s legs writhing like a snake and loving the feel of her victim against her. She decided against stimulating the girl directly and patiently waited for Sarah’s struggles to bring a climax about from the way she rubbed herself against the ruckled bedsheets. Jessica passed by on her way to torment Anna and Vicky and offered Claire a wink admiring the way she used her toes in the poor girl’s armpits. Meanwhile in the next bed Amy kept the glamourous blonde on the very brink of an orgasm, it had only been minutes but to Sheila it felt like hours. The cruel blonde gave Sheila just enough time to cool down as she removed her victim’s gag and looked deep into the gasping brunette’s eyes;

“Beg, and I might just let you climax tonight instead of tomorrow morning. Climax without begging and you can expect this treatment night and day at every session in our study for a week”. Amy’s angelic face was blank without a hint of the cruel sadism that had corrupted her young heart.

“Amy please!... Mercy!...” Sheila begged in a hoarse voice, broken and humiliated she was desperate for the torture to stop and for the orgasm that had been cruelly kept out of reach.

“No mercy! More torture for Moorish tarts!” Amy replied returning the soft paint brush to the area around Sheila’s throbbing clitoris.

Sheila just squirmed, writhed and gasped, her giggles supressed by the immediacy of her need for sexual release. It wasn’t just her beauty and preening that brought her the wrath of the prefects. Sheila had some Italian, Spanish or Moroccan ancestry and the girls hated her for her lithe, olive tanned skin. There was no opportunity for the girls’ to sunbathe at the northern boarding school and Sheila’s natural complexion gave her the tanned skin tone of a movie star. There was malice and jealousy but no racism behind these little games, sometimes she would be a captured Spanish spy being interrogated, other times the prefects would pretend to be the Spanish inquisition themselves.
Normally it was Claire who would instigate these historical themes but somehow the idea of Sheila being a Moorish concubine had stuck in Amy’s head. The torture Sheila suffered was far crueller than Claire’s little games though, the brush not only titillated and teased her throbbing clit but also tickled terribly.

“No please!... I can’t take it anymore!... You have to stop! You have to let meeeee….” Sheila wailed as she felt the little brush push her tired and trembling womanhood too far.

Sheila’s pleas for mercy turned to an unearthly primal howl as the floodgates burst and her body exploded in an earth shattering orgasm. Amy had kept her nipples hard with brush strokes and feathers expertly applied in the short respites given to Sheila’s throbbing pussy. All this contributed to the immersive pleasure that rushed through Sheila’s trapped body. After the first wave of pleasure she was under as Amy skilfully followed her clitoris with the brush bringing the second of many orgasms crashing into the first. Sheila’s face was a silent rictus of agony and ecstasy as her howls were replaced by desperate breaths for air as her nervous system was overwhelmed.

Amy was cruel and precise, following the clitoris with one brush whilst teasing the pussy lips and soft flesh of Sheila’s undercarriage with another broader brush. It took great skill to keep stimulating Sheila as her pussy desperately thrusted against a penis that wasn’t there. Amy curled her toes in her stockings cackling cruelly as Sheila hit the biting point between the pleasure of release and the agony of overstimulation.

“You didn’t beg! You are going to have to be punished!” Amy purred as she decided to explore Sheila’s soft body with her stocking clad soles.

Sheila silently mouthed a protest as Amy began to kiss her tummy and tease her legs with her stockinged feet. She had dreaded this sexual torture ever since the girls found out why she was sent to St Catherine’s, Sheila had been caught with a boy; un-spoiled to her father’s eyes but still disgraced. Amy had suggested the torture, jokingly at first but since only Claire had chided her and Jessica and Mary laughed she slowly gained confidence in trying the cruel technique. Now as Sheila approached the point of passing out Amy decided to see if the rumours about post-orgasm sensitivity were true and began exploring Sheila’s soft, supple hyper-ticklish body. Jessica returned just in time to take up position at the writhing brunette’s feet.

“Did you?... Did she?.....” Jessica asked, excited and inquisitive.

“She begged like the whore she is, then climaxed without permission so we will have to punish her tonight and every night… and as often as possible in our study” Amy replied before turning her back to kneel over Sheila straddling her just above the knees.

Jessica couldn’t resist her fellow prefect’s soles and quickly fluttered her nails and fingertips over Amy’s stockinged soles. Amy gasped and shrieked and lost balance, humiliated by how easy it was to disable her with a surprise tickle.

“Jessica!... She gasped, still surprised by the assault.

“That is for breaking her without me!” Jessica replied.

“…. Don’t do that!” Amy replied, her former power trip punctured.

The blondes went about torturing Sheila’s hyper-sensitive body, re-gagging her and showing her no mercy. Amy made her climax again just by tickling her nipples and both girls spoke cruelly of what they would do to her over the coming week. The two blonde’s shared an office that would be Sheila’s prison for the girls to study every inch of her ticklish body. Luckily Sarah was oblivious to the sexual ordeal the glamorous brunette suffered; being trapped between agony and ecstasy herself.

Claire was aware though and glad that her new tickle-toy was in the oblivious stages of early orgasm. Claire knew that her victim’s entire world had melted away and just wished she could push her far enough to finish the ordeal. It was getting late and the prefects only had so much time for their night-time play sessions. Claire tickled Sarah’s thighs mercilessly and watched the slim legs bounce and twitch all the while rubbing the ruckled bedsheets deep into her. Claire was tempted to slip a hand round Sarah’s midriff and run her fingers down the front of those cute knickers but she had decided against that for tonight and stuck to her decision. Still she watched the young girl’s bum bounce up and down with each involuntary twitch. Suddenly Claire had an idea and the moment the scales fell from her eyes her hands left Sarah’s soft inner thighs. Second later Claire’s expert fingers assaulted the white fabric of Sarah’s knickers tickling her pert buttocks all over. Sarah squealed and tried to escape by burying herself deep into the bed grinding hard against her twisted bedsheets as she did so. Claire was not a fan of tickling buttock muscles but it did the trick, she quickly returned to Sarah’s inner thighs before spanking Sarah softly and making a second assault.

“Ooooh!” Sarah replied, not once in her life had she been spanked but she was surprised by how good it felt.

Seconds later as she instinctively tried to escape the tickles the world moved for Sarah. It was like nothing she had ever felt before, the rest of the dormitory had long since vanished leaving only Emma’s fingers on her soles and Claire’s roaming exploration of her senses. Now her mind knew exactly where to go. Images of her beloved magazine flashed through her mind: The bondage, the tickling, the desperation expressed through their women’s hands and faces. Every nerve in Sarah’s body was on fire as Claire tickled her thighs and legs. Sarah grinded against the sheets panting and sighing, her face flushed red with exertion. Claire was elated too and pushed her body close enough to Sarah to share in her release: Claire’s ‘little secret’ being perfectly positioned within her panties to bring her to orgasm simultaneously. Only Emma noticed Claire rubbing herself against Sarah as the slim girl welcomed the third rush of pleasure as her tickling did not cease.

Emma knew about Claire’s ‘little secret’. The smooth wooden bead wrapped in leather and sewn into her panties in just the right place that she could position it next to her clitoris whenever she got turned on. Claire had shown it to Emma in one of their sessions in her private study, the panties were kept within a hollowed out book. Emma had no idea why Claire had shown it to her and accepted the soft tickle torture on Claire’s desk as a preference to the crueller administrations of Mary or the blondes. She would miss the protection being Claire’s favourite tickle-toy gave her.

Finally the time came for the games to stop. Sarah passed out being able to endure no more ecstasy and was coddled and swaddled by Claire after being redressed in her nightie. Sheila was left tied naked to her bed covered with her sheets. Emma was instructed to untie Sheila at false dawn and prepare her for breakfast and an early morning session at the blonde’s study which Emma would also be required to attend. Anna, Jane and Vicky were untied and returned to their beds, seething and humiliated all three girls considered overthrowing the blonde’s. Without Bess or Mary as their muscle the blondes were not a match for the three girls and each considered what they would do if they ever had the chance to turn the tables on their captors.

From her hidey-hole Mrs Green watched silently, it had been a good night of sadistic tickle-torture and she had rubbed herself to orgasm five times as her students tickled one another. She was glad she had tricked the new girl into becoming a victim for ‘the sisters’ and that Claire had been the one to slowly tease her, she wasn’t sure what had happened to Mary but had been glad when she left, the great bull’s appetites usually broke girls too fast instead of bending them to their limits to watch them shake and scream.
Mrs Green was especially impressed with Amy, especially the final torture she had inflicted upon Sheila that only she had seen. Amy had taken the little pot of gel Mrs Green had given her and applied a small amount to Sheila’s nipples and pussy before covering her with the sheet. Mrs Green tingled still from the small amount she had used on herself and knew that despite not using all the compound given to her she had in fact applied a generous amount. It was apparent it had awoken Sheila from her exhausted slumber by the way the poor girl struggled whilst tightly bound. Sheila was desperate to rub herself against anything but unable to as a result of the pillow under her lower back. The poor girl had been re-gagged and it would be a long night for her already exhausted body to overcome the scintillating effects of the stimulating gel.

Desperately Sheila thought about the boy she had been caught with that got her expelled, then about her girlfriend at her old school she had never been caught with whom she desperately missed. Nothing was good enough though, despite having been taken to heaven and hell a dozen times her young body ached to be touched and she writhed in her bondage hating Amy and wanting to inflict tortures a dozen times worse than this, she knew the blonde prefect was foot-ticklish and longed to lock her in set of stocks and see how she liked being the captive of a Moorish princess. But it was no use, Sheila was trapped and helpless. Mrs Green had one last peek at the poor girl’s plight, it would be enough to satisfy her sadistic erotic desires for a week but she knew that there would be more cruel entertainments to come in the days that followed.
Viewmaster's Sarah series is my favorite. I'm going to give my own ranking of the 5 stories, and some general feedback on View's work.

I rank Sarah Part 2 the highest. By now we know the characters, and the tickle torture is very detailed. Sarah is a great character who is tortured by the tickling, but also enjoys it to a degree. My favorite part is when Claire turns her over and carefully reties her. We sense Sarah being both nervous and at the same time eager with what is to come. Claire savors looking at her exquisite bondage.

The bonus story with the blonde prefects has worked its way up the ladder with me. Such fine attention to detail in the tickling foot torture.

Sarah Part 3 is also an excellent edition where our main character is introduced to worship tickling.

Sarah 1 is a great intro with some good opening tickling.

The birdfeeder one doesn't do it for me. Birds on feet does not strike me as tickling so much as just plain torture. Sharp claws, pecking beaks, likely bird poop...that one pushed the envelope more than I found enjoyable.

There have been some interesting storylines launched since then, and some excellent writing. But disembodied feet and Lilliputians tend to take me out of the story.

But all in all his attention to detail is what makes him one of the best writers here. I'll always check out his(or her?) work.
Viewmaster's Sarah series is my favorite. I'm going to give my own ranking of the 5 stories, and some general feedback on View's work.

I rank Sarah Part 2 the highest. By now we know the characters, and the tickle torture is very detailed. Sarah is a great character who is tortured by the tickling, but also enjoys it to a degree. My favorite part is when Claire turns her over and carefully reties her. We sense Sarah being both nervous and at the same time eager with what is to come. Claire savors looking at her exquisite bondage.

The bonus story with the blonde prefects has worked its way up the ladder with me. Such fine attention to detail in the tickling foot torture.

Sarah Part 3 is also an excellent edition where our main character is introduced to worship tickling.

Sarah 1 is a great intro with some good opening tickling.

The birdfeeder one doesn't do it for me. Birds on feet does not strike me as tickling so much as just plain torture. Sharp claws, pecking beaks, likely bird poop...that one pushed the envelope more than I found enjoyable.

There have been some interesting storylines launched since then, and some excellent writing. But disembodied feet and Lilliputians tend to take me out of the story.

But all in all his attention to detail is what makes him one of the best writers here. I'll always check out his(or her?) work.

Thanks :)

Yeah the birdfeeder idea has been less than popular...
The strong sheer stockings I described were to protect the victims' feet from gwtting scratched and translate the sharp talons and beaks to unbearablebun-predictable sensations. Maybe that wasn't clear.

I got the idea from this;
Here's an idea. It's Claire's birthday. The prefects lead her into a banquet room. Already on the table are silver plates and covers before each chair. Claire is seated in a specific place by one of the prefects, the other prefects taking seats around. She senses this is no ordinary meal. And did her plate just move a little?

Food is brought on by young waiters and placed steaming in bowls on the table.

"Here, here," a prefect begins. "A special present for our friend. Go ahead, Claire, happy birthday."

Claire lifts off the cover to find two bare feet held snugly in place. Not just any feet. She recognizes of course the slim, pale soles of her pet, Sarah. The toes wiggle in anticipation.

Above the toes are pegs and strings for toe tying. All up to Claire, of course, it's her birthday.

The waiters dish food onto her plate around the trapped feet: mashed potatoes, carrots, peas, turkey slices.

The other prefects uncover their plates. Claire, of course, recognizes the feet of Anna, Emma, Sheila.

And that knew girl, Cindy, the defiant little thing with dark, curly hair and tiny, unblemished feet. Claire heard muffled cries from beneath the table. That no doubt would be Cindy, who had to be gagged to prevent her swearing threats at them all. Claire wondered if it might be time to change pets and see if she could break Cindy of her feisty resistance.

But first, dinner.

"I know you can hear me, my pet. If you don't want the toe ties hold absolutely still."

The Irish girl dipped her fork into the mashed potatoes and placed some on the balls of the girl's feet. Mushed it down a little to spread it.

She then picked up some peas and placed them between Sarah's toes.

On her heels, Claire poured a little wine. Then licked them clean. Squeals came from below, and the toes wiggled a little, but the peas did not fall through.

"Good girl," Claire cooed softly. "Now be strong."

Next, she dislodged a pea from the girl's toes with her fork and rolled it toward the mashed potatoes. Sarah's toes splayed and the rest of the peas fell between then.

The fork continued toward the mashed potatoes, still sweeping the pea, and pressing harder, raked through the potatoes toward the girl's arch. Sarah could be heard to cry, "aaah!", and he feet wiggled furiously as Claire raked mashed potatoes and the sole pea all the way to the pink heel. She then forked the food into her moth.

"Delicious. But I'm afraid the toe ties will be required."

She heard a "no" from below, and the slender feet wiggled and fought, until Claire calmed them by softly laying her hands on them. "There, there, if you want me to be gentle, be still." Claire softly rubbed the smooth soles like she was the foot whisperer. When she was sure Sarah had calmed, Claire started hooking up the toe ties. There was a moment of resistance in the feet, but Claire silenced it by holding the fork in the center of the arch. "If you want me to be gentle, pet..."

The feet remained still while Claire secured the ties. She rolled up a towel that had been provided, presumably for washing, and placed between the tops of Sarah's feet and the bottom of the special plate. This allowed her to really stretch the soles by tightening the toes ties. When she was done, she playfully rolled peas from the heel. Because the towel forced the heels higher, the peas rolled straight down, most of them finding the plate, one of them reaching the toes and lodging there.

Claire placed the palms of her hands on the completely immobile thin soles, pink in the heels and a little in the balls.

"Save room for desert," one of the prefects told them, "jello, chocolate pie, and of course ice cream."

"Did you hear that, pet? Of course I will share all of that with you. And when I'm done I'll make sure these feet are scrubbed as clean as the day you were born."

With her palms still gently on the soles, Clair teased the toes stems with her finger nails.

"Good thing I brought my appetite," she said.

Something like that, only with your skill and eye for detail.
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Here's an idea. It's Claire's birthday. The prefects lead her into a banquet room. Already on the table are silver plates and covers before each chair. Claire is seated in a specific place by one of the prefects, the other prefects taking seats around. She senses this is no ordinary meal. And did her plate just move a little?

Food is brought on by young waiters and placed steaming in bowls on the table.

"Here, here," a prefect begins. "A special present for our friend. Go ahead, Claire, happy birthday."

Claire lifts off the cover to find two bare feet held snugly in place. Not just any feet. She recognizes of course the slim, pale soles of her pet, Sarah. The toes wiggle in anticipation.

Above the toes are pegs and strings for toe tying. All up to Claire, of course, it's her birthday.

The waiters dish food onto her plate around the trapped feet: mashed potatoes, carrots, peas, turkey slices.

The other prefects uncover their plates. Claire, of course, recognizes the feet of Anna, Emma, Sheila.

And that knew girl, Cindy, the defiant little thing with dark, curly hair and tiny, unblemished feet. Claire heard muffled cries from beneath the table. That no doubt would be Cindy, who had to be gagged to prevent her swearing threats at them all. Claire wondered if it might be time to change pets and see if she could break Cindy of her feisty resistance.

But first, dinner.

"I know you can hear me, my pet. If you don't want the toe ties hold absolutely still."

The Irish girl dipped her fork into the mashed potatoes and placed some on the balls of the girl's feet. Mushed it down a little to spread it.

She then picked up some peas and placed them between Sarah's toes.

On her heels, Claire poured a little wine. Then licked them clean. Squeals came from below, and the toes wiggled a little, but the peas did not fall through.

"Good girl," Claire cooed softly. "Now be strong."

Next, she dislodged a pea from the girl's toes with her fork and rolled it toward the mashed potatoes. Sarah's toes splayed and the rest of the peas fell between then.

The fork continued toward the mashed potatoes, still sweeping the pea, and pressing harder, raked through the potatoes toward the girl's arch. Sarah could be heard to cry, "aaah!", and he feet wiggled furiously as Claire raked mashed potatoes and the sole pea all the way to the pink heel. She then forked the food into her moth.

"Delicious. But I'm afraid the toe ties will be required."

She heard a "no" from below, and the slender feet wiggled and fought, until Claire calmed them by softly laying her hands on them. "There, there, if you want me to be gentle, be still." Claire softly rubbed the smooth soles like she was the foot whisperer. When she was sure Sarah had calmed, Claire started hooking up the toe ties. There was a moment of resistance in the feet, but Claire silenced it by holding the fork in the center of the arch. "If you want me to be gentle, pet..."

The feet remained still while Claire secured the ties. She rolled up a towel that had been provided, presumably for washing, and placed between the tops of Sarah's feet and the bottom of the special plate. This allowed her to really stretch the soles by tightening the toes ties. When she was done, she playfully rolled peas from the heel. Because the towel forced the heels higher, the peas rolled straight down, most of them finding the plate, one of them reaching the toes and lodging there.

Claire placed the palms of her hands on the completely immobile thin soles, pink in the heels and a little in the balls.

"Save room for desert," one of the prefects told them, "jello, chocolate pie, and of course ice cream."

"Did you hear that, pet? Of course I will share all of that with you. And when I'm done I'll make sure these feet are scrubbed as clean as the day you were born."

With her palms still gently on the soles, Clair teased the toes stems with her finger nails.

"Good thing I brought my appetite," she said.

Something like that, only with your skill and eye for detail.

No that is a good story segment right there, not sure I could do anything to improve it :)
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