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Tina 6: Elk City Redemption. F/f (part two) [NEW!]


4th Level Red Feather
May 5, 2001
Here is the second and final part to Tina's adventures in prison. More adventures are on there way but for now I hope you enjoy the conclusion to our ticklish blondes tortorous stay on the inside! :D

Tina quickly leapt up from the desk as the three men let her up, as she ran towards the door one of the guards grabbed her unbuttoned shirt and pulled her back in their direction, she thought fast and slipped from it. In nothing but panties and a pair of track pants Tina desparetley struggled at the locked door, her huge breasts bobbing up and down as she angryly fought the door handle.

"Please! Please I've learnt my lesson!" Tina pleaded to the three men as she turned with her back to the large iron door. "I won't tickle anyone ever again! Please...please can I have my shirt back...I swear I won't tickle anyone."

"Get her pants." Harvey said cooly as the three men suddenly started advancing towards the half naked blonde. "Your lessons over when I say its over girl."

Tina quickly darted to her left but the young guard was fast and bear hugged her from behind, trapping her arms to her sides. The guard turned with Tina lifted off the ground while Harvey and the other guard stopped Tina's kicking legs and pulled her prison uniform pants clean of her beautifully smooth, long legs. Now in nothing but a pair of tiny white panties, which were becoming increasingly moist, Tina wiggled to break free of her ticklers.

"Now don't be silly girl" Harvey said as he picked up Tina's right foot and locked in the crook of his arm, while the other guard did the same with her left. "All girls like being tickled."

"No God! Don't! I'm beehehNO!HA...PLEHAHAH" Tina screamed in laughter once again as the tickling sensations evily shot through her sensitive soles. "HAHAHAEHE NOEHAHAHA"

With his hands securely locked onto the sides of Tina's breasts, the guard that stood restraining her began to dig his fingers into the soft squishy and ever so ticklish love cushions. Tina went wild and suddenly flicked her head backward cracking the poor guard straight in the nose.

"OOF!" Tina got winded as her back hit the floor when the guard dropped her, her feet still in the hands on Harvey and the other guard.

"What happened?!" Harvey asked as he and the guard ceased the tickling. "What the hell happened?!"

"Nuphing, dohn't worhry aboht iht." The guard said nursing his nearly fractured nose. "Stuhbid bidtch."

Suddenly the guard let go of his nose and kneeled square over Tina's tummy, pinning her to the floor. Without prior explantion he quickly and simply ripped Tina's panties clean off, leaving the poor ticklish girl completley nude.

"No! NO! NOT THAT NOT THAT!!" Tina screamed as she began hitting the sturdy guard on the back with her weak fists. "I'LL DO ANYTHING I SWEAR PLEASE!!"

The thing about Tina was, her feet were her most ticklish spot, that was until she became horny. Once Tina was 'in heat' her smooth wet mound became incredibly sensitive, even more so than her feet. She had had this done before, have her feet and mound tickled then she would orgasm and her whole body would become ten times more sensitive, then she would orgasm again and again becoming increasingly sensitive to the ticklish touch everytime. Tina had had it done before, and she hated it more than anything in the entire world.

"Youhr gahna pay bidch." Said the angry sore nosed guard as he sent his fingers dancing all over Tina's sweet moist love muscle.

"NAHAHAHAHAHAHAA HAHAHAHA!!" It was instant insanity as the three men began tickling their respective areas. Tina was now in her own personal hell. "HAAHAHAHAHAHAH! AHHAHAAHA"

Despite the sound proof walls the two guards standing out side the door could clearly hear Tina's wild screams of torture. Tears of torture ran down Tina's face as nipples hardened, her arms waved randomly and her body prepared for a orgasm of momentic proportions.

"HAHAHAHAA HAHAHAHAOOOHH OHHH GOOHAHAHAHOOOOH" Tina's body shuddered and vibrated with pleasure as the three ticklers stood back to watch the gorgeus spectical. "OHHH OHHH hee hee OHHhohh ooOOooo"

The three men gave each other pleased yet slightly akward looks as they watched the young blonde writhe in tortured pleasure on the cold lino floor. Tina's legs straightened and bent seductivley as she came and prayed that they would not start tickling her again. When Tina opened her eyes the men were gone, the door was open and her clothes were in a pile next to her.

It had been three days and Tina had left Marie and any other fellow inmate alone from her tickling ways. The other inmates didn't know where Tina had breifly dissapeared to the other morning, although they had a slight idea, and when shower time came around they were going to test their theory.

"So?" The tall red head said as she turned her shower off and faced Tina. "We're all dying to know where you were the other morning?"

"What?" Tina said as she swept her hands through her long wet hair. "...oh that. Just the warden wanted to see me, nothing really."

"It can't be nothing if the warden wanted to see you." A shoulder length haired blonde said as she scrubbed her inner thy. "Spill the beans tickler."

"No, look it was nothing really." Tina said to her new little audience. "It was some registration thing or something."

"'Fraid not girl." The big breasted brunet standing opposite Tina on the other side of the divider said. "If you don't tell us what they did to you, we might just have to get it out of you...tickle it out of you."

Tina quickly turned off her shower, standing soaked and soapy she knew she couldn't weasel her way out of this. She looked around to see the room silent and everyone staring in her direction, waiting for a response. Tina knew she had to tell the truth, but the truth would not only reveal her greatest weakness but open the nightmarish possibility of having all these women tickle her. It was no wonder the ticklish blonde hesitated.

"I was...look" Tina began not quite knowing what to say to the attentive twenty-odd nude women. "The warden and his guards just said I wasn't allowed to tickle anyone...its to disruptive."

"Then?" Asked a curious voice from futher down the room.

"Then...then they tickled me a bit." Tina said hopping the thought to tickle her now hadn't entered their minds.

"Not what we heard." Said the blonde with shoulder lentgh hair. "We heard you came when they tickled you."

"Well what do ya say girls?" The big breasted brunet said looking the nervous Tina up and down. "Shall we test the rumour?"

As all the girls began working their way towards Tina, all wiggling their fingers and whispering taunting phrases like 'Koochy koochy koo' Tina frantically looked around for escape. She was surrounded, nearly thirty women were about to begin tickling her helplessly ticklish nude body and there wasn't a thing she could do. All hope was lost and Tina froze.

"Please...please lets get someone else." Tina began to plead as the women got dangerously close. "You don't know what...hee..noha HhahHAHAHNOAHAHAH"

With over one hundred and fifty fingers already poking, proding and stroking over her sensitive torso Tina lost the use of her knees and quickly dropped to the floor. Totally weak against the attacks there was no hope for fighting back, Tina was lost in a world of tickles.

A small group of about six girls couldn't seem to squeeze into the small naked huddle around the screaming Tina so they took it upon themselves to grab ahold of her frantic kicking legs and dance the night away on her feet. With one girl kneeling over Tina's calfs so her hands were free and Tina's soles faced the celling the six girls quickly, and with the utmost randomness, ran their sixty torturing fingers over Tina's soft ticklish soles and toes.

Tears fled down Tina's red cheeks as it seemed like every inch of her naked soap sudded body was being unstoppably tickled. Words simply weren't possible for the young blonde who's nipples were already peaked to the limit. This was hell, and if Tina had been able to think any actual thoughts she would have come to the horrible relisation that this could go on every day for the next two years, and all joking aside if that were the case she would most definetly go insane.

Going insane wasn't on Tina's mind at that moment, being insane was all she could be. There were no thoughts, as far as thoughts go. There was simply wriggling and hysterical tortured laughter. Tina had never been tickled by so many people at once, ecspeically so many naked people which only aroused Tina more.

"HAHAHAHJAHAHAHAHAHO OoOOAHOHOAHAO" As Tina came not one of the inmates ceased their activity, barley any of them even noticed as the moans were quickly drowned out by Tina's insane laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAH AAHAAAAHAHA"

Tina was helpless from the start but after the orgasm, with the addition of the exhausting effort it was taking to involuntarily laugh and her added sensitivity Tina was completley beyond help. Even more troubling for Tina was that another orgasm was right around the corner and that simply meant more sensitivity, which meant more ticklishness. Tina screamed amongst her laughs but her muffled pleas fell on deaf ears.

With her arms now pinned and her legs locked securley in the bounds of the six women who tickled her poor soft feet Tina could feel every individual finger as it poked the sides of her breasts, stroked her smooth underarms, played on her ribs, dug into her sides and danced lightly around her cute butt. Every touch tickled like crazy zapping from her toes and the soles of her feet to the middle of her torso then down to her sweet juicy love muscle which once again exploded with unwanted pleasure.

Tina would have been curling and streching her feet like crazy had they not been completley restrained. The women kneeling over Tina's calfs was forcing Tina's feet to stay locked in place. Taut and streched with her toes on the cold floor fifty random fingers wiggled under Tina's toes and lightly pranced all over the tight white soles which were increasingly ticklish.

"Hahah hah hah...oooOOOooha ha" Tina gasped for air and cooed in her thrid orgasm as the women turned her onto her back, not completley ceasing the tickling. "ah hah hah...ooople...noOEEEHAHAHA"

Before Tina could finish even begining to beg the girls had pinned her and began tickling once more. This time it was even worse, they could now attack her entire breasts and ticklish tummy. Worst of all, they were now free to slide around Tina's soaking sensitive mound. Thrusting her hips foward in uncontrollable spasms of lust and ticklishness was not uncommon for Tina in such situations but for the inmates that tickled her they knew it was a sign. The sign of a mix of torture and pleasure showed told the girls that had Tina exactley where they wanted her. They had never seen any so ticklish, and they were going to exploit it to its full extent.

"What the hell?!" Tina heard which suddenly broke the tickling just as she saw one of the girls about to toung her left nipple. "Break it up! C'mon, Thats enough!"

The ticklers quickly scattered and ran for towels as the angry guard entered and helped Tina to her feet. Tina could barley stand and the guard kindly walked her out of the room, giving the rest of the girls a dirty and angered look on the way out. Tina weakly thanked the guard and slept like a log.

Tina spent the next week worrying when and where the next attack would come from. None of the girls talked about it, they simply acted like it never happened. Tina's fellow inmates were as friendly as could be, they showered like normal and Tina avoided the urge, no matter how strong, to tickle the other women. Infact the next tickling incident of any significance wasn't for another eight months.

It was a cold winters day when Tina had been assigned to laundry duty. A little less than a week before a bus load of new inmates had been set into play, and unfortunatley for Tina, five of the new kids were looking to make a name for themselves. Tina stood alone folding sheets in the large concrete room, surrounded by shelves full of white linen and the standard blue uniforms.

"Your Tina right?" Came a girls voice from behind Tina. "Tina Taris?"

Tina turned around to see five curious looking girls starring in her direction. The girls stood in a semi circle and all looked around twenty years of age, every one of them with the bottoms of their shirts pulled up through their collars and looped over, showing off their sexy thin tummys. The confident looks on their faces meant they weren't to messed with, not that Tina had any idea why they had come in the first place.

"I'm Tina Taris, Is there a problem?" Tina said with a curious smile. "...Hey what are you doing? No!"

Without words two of the girls grabbed Tina's arms and forced her back onto the table. Two more girls grabbed her ankles and ceased her kicking while the free girl simply stood inbetween her legs looking down on Tina. Tina struggled but it was no use as they strapped freshly clean towels around the corners of the table, restraining Tina's arms and legs.

"No! What are you doing?!" Tina demanded as the girls stood back to admire their struggling victim. "Why are you doing this, I don't know you!"

"Would I be true in saying that you have a fair amount of respect within these walls?" The girl in the middle said, who was now obviously the ring leader of this little operation. "I would, wouldn't I? And I would also be true in saying that if we were to dominate you we would be the ones to gain a certain amount of respect. Hence this."

"No! You don't have to do it like this!" Tina began to plead ecspecially when one of the girls began slowly untying Tina's left shoe lace. "NO! Don't do it! Please, I'll get you respect! I'll keep you safe! Don't!"

Tina continued to plead as her shoe dropped to the ground and her petit white sock was devilishly slipped from her foot. Tina's foot wiggled frantically in its bareness as she tried to predict which angle the attack would come from.

"EEE!" Tina shrieked as she felt a long nail scrape up the silky soft sole of her foot. "Don't do this!"

"We know your ticklish." The jet black haired ring leader began. "We know you have respect. We know we can dominate you. And most importantly of all, we know you laundry shift isn't supposed to end for another two hours. Do what you will with her girls, she's our toy for the next two hours."

With big grins on their faces the five girls quickly took an area each, the ring leader instantly began ravaging Tina's left foot with her ten dancing fingers while the brunette standing to her left quickly began moving Tina's other shoe. The girl with bleach blonde hair wasted no time as she lifted Tina's shirt and proded quickly at her helpless belly button while the second brunette quickly undid the buttons of Tina's shirt and the youngest looking girl followed the new path of bare skin and tickled down Tina's torso as the buttons came undone.

"Shut her up! Shut her up!" Yelled the ring leader over the top of Tina's screams of laughter. "Shut her up now!"

With a quick stroke of genius the youngest girl grabbed a clean pair of white panties from the shelf behind her and managed to keep Tina's thrashing head still just long enough to tie the around Tina's head like a make shift gag. Tears of ticklishness began to roll down Tina's hysterical face as her laughter and squeals were suprisingly muffled a great deal by the thin panties.

The tickling on Tina's feet and torso was bad, but it was no where near as bad as what had happened in the showers eight months back, but that wasn't the point. The point was, at this moment in time it tickled like crazy and she knew with out a doubt that these five wicked girls had no intention of stopping, atleast for the next two hours. Tina's toes spread and her feet wiggled as freely as possible, these girls weren't professionals, they weren't going for impact they were going for time. They weren't wasting their energy on streching Tina's feet back or removing any more clothes. They'd opened Tina's shirt, that was enough.

"Make yourselfs comfortable girls." Said the girl with the bleached hair. "We're going to be here a while."

A terrified look appeared briefly on Tina's face as the horrible relisation of their plan kicked in. These girls weren't going to give Tina a break. They were simply going to tickle her for two hours straight, they were going to torture her. Time passed and Tina's laughter grew silent, her thrashing died down as exhaustion kicked in and her lust couldn't quite bring her to a complete orgasm as the ticklers did nothing more than tickle to arouse her. Each girl simply stood there tickling their chosen spot and driving Tina quite mad.

"There, Stop." Said the ring leader as she stood up and watched Tina go totally limp as the tickling ceased. "That was two hours. Personally I can't believe she made it...Well, lets go."

Later that night near shower time Tina didn't show up but the five witches who had tickled her did. They all stood in a row with almost twenty other girls in the room showering away. By now everyone in the prison had heared about Tina's unfortunate incident, mostly due to the bragging from the five newbies.

"So I hear you tickled Tina huh?" The tall red head said to the ring leader, again standing in the middle. "That true?"

"We totally tortured that bitch. She came like, ten times." The ring leader lied. "Thats one weird girl, Ha ha."

The other four girls of their little group laughed along without noticing the other girls advancing on them in the room. The ring leader quickly looked around in fright as she felt her biceps being grabbed from behind.

"What are you doing?" The naked soapy ring leader said as she looked at her friends being restrained in the same manner and the guard shutting the one and only door as he left the room. "No! Help! Help us! I'm sorry! Let go!"

The five girls began to scream as they were surrounded by almost four girls each who took it upon themselves to teach the five young beauties a lesson of respect. Tina stood outside the door as she watched the guard walk past and exchanged smiles with him. As the the five girls screamed for mercy and their hysterical laughter grew, Tina leant against the wall and listened to the sweet sound of justice, tickling style.

The End.

Don't forget to tell me what you think! ;) :D
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