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Just Desserts 4: Well Deserved Punishment (FFF/FF)


TMF Regular
Jan 25, 2015
Here's the finale of the Just Desserts mini-series.

Links to previous entries:
Part 1: Just Desserts (F/F, Multiple F/F, intense, long)
Part 2: Just Desserts 2: A Trip to Hell (FF/F)
Part 3: Just Desserts 3: Where Nightmares Come True(FF/FF)


Mikelle rolled over with a groan. Her entire body ached. Nothing had been all that pleasant for her since she’d arrived in Iofiel’s domain. Iofiel had panicked after she’d shown up, convinced that news that she’d captured Seraphina had already spread somehow, and ambushed Mikelle before the silver-haired demon could so much as knock on the front door. The next couple hours had been filled with downright brutal gang tickling until she’d passed out from exhaustion before being thrown into one of Iofiel’s nightmare rooms. She really wished the convicts who’d transported her here hadn’t interpreted the order quite so literally. The room they’d thrown her into was filled with dirt, twigs, and rocks, and she’d accumulated a good number of scrapes across her entire body from where she’d landed. To make matters worse, a sharp pain in one of her wings gave the demon the sinking impression that she probably landed on it in a bad way.

The stoic demon propped herself up into a sitting position before gingerly touching the injured wing. Even a slight poke forced her to let out a hiss of pain. ‘Yep. Definitely broken,’ she thought to herself. Luckily, Seraphina had made certain to teach her some basic healing magic. It wasn’t much, but it’d at least be enough to keep the injury from bothering her too much until she could get back home for better medical attention. She charged her hands with the spell before placing her hand on the injured spot again. This time, a chilling feeling of relief spread from the spot instead of pain.

The spell would take a while, so Mikelle took the opportunity to take stock of her surroundings. The dirt path she’d been lying on proved to be a game trail surrounded by a forest of large, sturdy oak trees and dense foliage. It struck her as vaguely paradoxical how far she could see. Simultaneously, the bright full moon above her cast enough light for her to see the next hundred meters or so down the trail, but anything past a tree or two off to the sides was in pitch black darkness. What trips Mikelle had taken to the mortal realm had always been to more populated areas so she didn’t have much experience with this sort of environment, but she had a feeling that a more natural forest didn’t block off light like that.

A rustling sound further down the trail drew the young woman’s attention. Emerging from the foliage to stand in the middle of the trail was a large wolf, though it was a bit different from any wolf Mikelle had seen in pictures. It stood nearly twice as tall as she did when drawn up to her full height and had fur that more closely resembled black bristles that ended in sharpened points. Despite that, it was easy to see at a glance that the creature was emaciated to the point where its ribs were clearly visible and its stomach was depressed enough to make out its spinal column from all angles.

Mikelle didn’t so much as change how she was sitting seeing the creature stop to leer at her with eyes maddened by hunger. “Hello. And who would you be?” she called out in a calm voice. The silver-haired woman knew a lesser demon when she saw one. The beast lowered its front legs and head as if to bow.

“GreeTINGs, bleSSED anGEl of THe loRD. We ARe knOWn As thE NIghTMarE Of prEY,” it replied. Its voice was odd, oscillating between high pitched whines and throaty growls oftentimes midword in a rough approximation of speech. Evidently, a wolf’s mouth wasn’t the best form factor for communicating in a human language. Mikelle opened her mouth to object to being in any way associated with the divine before belatedly realizing that it was probably referring to Kammotas. “have YOu COME tO righT THis FOUL insurrECTion?” it asked.

“Yes.” Mikelle felt it was probably for the better to leave out that she hadn’t even known anything was wrong until Iofiel had ambushed her. Or that there’d been any form of insurrection at all, for that matter. It struck her that it would probably be prudent to take the opportunity to learn more about the situation. “Though I don’t know how any of it came to be. Tell me, nightmare, what caused your master to turn against us like this?”

The wolf-like creature sat down on its haunches before speaking. “REbellION. A pRIsonER’s feAR HAD aWAKeneD a GIFt to REad mINds. They USEd iT to EScaPe theIR NighTMare aND leAD othER daMNEd SOuls in reVOLT. EVen MIStreSS IoFIEL waS HeLPless tO sTOp TheM.”

That helped clarify some of Mikelle’s own experiences here. It struck her as unusual how the strawberry blonde prisoner lounging around in Iofiel’s room had immediately suggested that they try tickling her. To Mikelle’s knowledge, nobody outside of her sisters and Kammotas knew how horribly ticklish she was. That prisoner getting the idea by reading Mikelle’s own tickling-obsessed mind made as much sense as anything else.

A part of her doubted that last part though. The Iofiel she knew was a bit of a doormat, but was otherwise competent at her job. She highly doubted any number of escaped prisoners would be able to overwhelm her cousin as long as they were still in the domain she ruled over. Those doubts she decided to keep to herself.

“Nightmare of Prey. Tell me how to leave this place,” she ordered. Her injured wing was at least repaired enough to not bother her anymore and the numerous scrapes covering her body had been taken care of while they were talking. It was time to get going. The demon assuming the form of a wolf raised itself off its haunches before beckoning down the path with its head. It waited until Mikelle stood up to follow before beginning to pad its way forward.

“OuR miSTRess ALWays gaVe hER prisoNERs A cHAnce tO ESCape theIR nIghtMaREs. A CHanCe of suCCESS WoULD mAKe THe stiNG Of FailURE HURt aLL thE MOre,” it explained as they walked. An applaudable idea in Mikelle’s mind, but she couldn’t help but note that the mind reading convict probably wouldn’t have been able to cause any problems if she never had a chance to break free to begin with.

After several minutes of walking a brightly lit cabin appeared at the far end of the trail. The idea behind this particular nightmare was clear to Mikelle now. The prisoner would be trapped in a simulation of dark, spooky woods. They would attempt to make it towards the safety of the cabin only to be chased down and eaten by Nightmare of Prey before they could make it. It was a simple enough scenario that leaned into a mortal’s primal fears of the darkness being home to all manner of predators.

“Thank you,” said Mikelle after she reached the door. Nightmare of Prey once again lowered its head in a bow.

“MaY thE BLEssiNGs oF oUR LoRD Be EVer uPOn You. MAy HIS evIL raIN MisERY UPon tHE World,” the wolf-like demon intoned. Mikelle reached out to open the door and froze mid-turn. The light leaking from the partially opened door proved able to pierce through the unnatural darkness of the surrounding forest. The sight she caught out of the corner of her eye chilled her to the bone. Eyes. Countless eyes stretching back further than she could see in every direction. Each and every one driven insane with hunger. It suddenly occurred to her why Nightmare of Prey introduced itself as “we”. The forest was filled with lesser demons just like it.

And all of them were eyeing her like she was a shred of meat being dangled above a pit filled with starving dogs.

It took everything Mikelle had to take the next few steps as calmly as she could. Once she was through the threshold, she slammed the door shut behind her and engaged the locks she found on the other side as fast as her shaking hands would let her.


Mikelle took a second to calm her nerves. Her situation didn’t give her long to rest though. The cabin door had led directly back to the hallway of Iofiel’s mansion. Footsteps coming from an adjoining corridor made the angel-winged woman scurry behind a nearby statue of a woman wearing only a loosely wrapped length of cloth around her privates screaming in terror. As suspect as Iofiel’s taste in decor was, the statue proved large enough to shelter Mikelle from sight as long as she kept her wings folded tightly behind her back.

The demon waited until the footsteps faded into the distance before sticking her head out. A part of her felt ashamed of herself. Even if she was injured, the idea of having to hide from humans rankled her nerves. Pragmatism won in the end though. She had to admit to herself that she was in no condition to fight, especially not against a fellow demon like Iofiel. It was far better for her to avoid detection for now.

Creeping forward silently with an ear open for oncoming danger ended up proving to have unexpected advantages. The sound of a woman calling out in the distance sent her diving underneath a covered end table.

“Hey! Hey! Do you know where the event is?” she heard a woman call out in a high pitched voice. A slightly deeper one called back.

“You mean the one where we get to tickle the angels? That’s downstairs. Take the stairs over there, hang a left into the West Wing, then it’ll be the third hallway on your right. Just follow the laughter if you get lost.”

“Thanks!” Both of the voices were getting closer. By Mikelle’s estimate, they should be roughly at the intersection by now.

“Don’t thank me yet,” the lower voice laughed. “There’s a pretty long line. Everyone wants a turn with them…”

“Oi, whatcha doin’ hidin’ down there?” Mikelle nearly jumped out of her skin hearing a third voice right behind her. She mentally kicked herself. Now that she inspected her hiding place a little, it was obvious that the tablecloth didn’t reach all the way to the ground. Her feet were clearly still visible from outside. Taking a deep breath, she mentally prepared to cast a spell before pushing through the tablecloth to face the person addressing her.

“Uh… Why are you naked?” A large woman nearly a head taller than Mikelle stood in front of her wearing a black and white striped prisoner’s uniform. The convict scratched her temple in confusion while looking Mikelle over in shock. “And what’s with those wings? Now that I look at them, they’re kinda like… Uwah!”

The convict never got to finish asking her questions. Mikelle’s fist had sunk into her stomach. That alone wouldn’t have been enough to make her do much more than grunt in pain, but then the silver-haired demon detonated the spell she’d prepared beforehand. The large woman was sent flying back several feet by the explosion that emanated out of her ball up fist to land heavily on her back.

Mikelle immediately spun around and began preparing some more spells. Their altercation hadn’t gone unnoticed. The two convicts she’d been eavesdropping on were standing down the corridor with their mouths agape with surprise. Mikelle didn’t give them an opportunity to piece together what was going on. She sprinted at them in a headlong rush to shove the palms of her hands into their stomachs. Detonating the spells she had prepared sent a magical impact into them that felt like they’d both just been hit in the stomach with a bag of bricks. Both women crumpled on the spot gasping for breath.

“Help! Everyone, help! We got an intruder over here!” a shout from back down the corridor caught Mikelle by surprise. The large woman she’d knocked down earlier was propping herself up on her elbows to shout as loud as she could. Mikelle cursed to herself. She should’ve packed more of a kick into her spell for that one.

The angel-winged woman broke out into a sprint. The overheard conversation just now was ringing in her ears. Taking a bet, she made a break for the nearest staircase. Doors were opening all around her to see what the fuss was about and she could hear the sound of running footsteps coming towards her from every direction. She climbed down the steps as fast as she could in an effort to get ahead of them.

Peals of agonized laughter entered her hearing when she made it down to the bottom. Turning towards where it seemed to be coming from, she broke off running again. And not a moment too soon from the sounds of it.

“Grab her!” “Get the angel woman!” she heard voices shout behind her. Mikelle took a moment to glance behind her and immediately regretted it. Her pursuers were converging together behind her into a large mob of black and white striped uniforms. There was no way she could fight her way out if that many of her jumped her all at once. She prepared and immediately executed a physical enhancement spell to aid in her flight.

Turning a corner towards where the laughter was loudest met her with the sight of a long line of women. Many of them were turning around to look at her quizzically. “What’re they shouting about?” “Something about an angel woman?” “What’s going on?” Thankfully, the crowd before her was reacting with confusion. Mikelle shouldered past a convict standing in her way in a break towards the door.

Shoving her way past the confused woman standing at the door greeted Mikelle to the sight of Gwyneth and Seraphina bound side-by-side lying naked on X-frames. A quartet of women were standing around each of them, including Iofiel and the strawberry blonde convict who’d proposed tickle torturing her earlier. Everybody had stopped what they were doing to stare at her in shock and confusion. Mikelle took advantage of her magically enhanced strength to muscle her way in between them in a mad dash towards her sisters’ bound arms.

Iofiel was the only one to realize what she was trying to do. “STOP HER!” Mikelle heard her cousin scream. But it was too late. The silver-haired woman dove to grab both of her sisters’ hands.

To everyone standing in the room, it felt like the room had been lifted up several feet before suddenly being dropped back down again. Except instead of landing where it’d been before, it continued to drop without stopping. The walls lurched and heaved from the waves of magical energy emanating from the three angel-winged demons. Mikelle hadn’t had the time necessary to open a portal to go back home in a more elegant way. Instead, she’d forcibly connected herself to her sisters and initiated a transfer on everything around her all in one go.

The impact of the room slamming back down into reality knocked everyone off of their feet. Mikelle accidentally let go of her sisters’ hands as she was sent tumbling to the floor between them. Alice, the shapely mind reading convict, was the first to recover. She quickly scrambled to her feet intent on grabbing hold of the fallen demon.

“Too late,” Mikelle muttered with a grin. A glowing ring of light suddenly formed around the convict’s outstretched hand. The woman stared at it numbly, too caught off guard to understand what was going on. Mikelle took her time pushing herself back up onto her feet. Rings of light were beginning to solidify around the limbs of all the humans in the room. Once someone had all four limbs bound, they were lifted into the air with accompanying shouts of surprise. “You’re in my domain now. None of you are getting out of here without my say so!” the silver-haired demon announced.

The only ones left unbound by the end were Mikelle and Iofiel. Regardless of how much either wished for it, it wasn’t possible for them to exert their control over their respective domains on a fellow demon. Iofiel was backing away from her cousins with a panicked expression. Her eyes were darting every which way looking for a possible avenue of escape, but the door had been rendered unusable. Mikelle’s desperate jump through dimensions hadn’t properly connected the room to the rest of her domain. The door quite literally led nowhere now.

“Surrender, Iofiel. This is your last chance,” threatened Mikelle. Iofiel’s gaze settled on her. Something was off about her gaze now. The black-winged angel stared at her cousin with wide eyes. Mikelle could only assume that having had the tables turned on her so abruptly was pushing her over the edge with panic.

“No… No it isn’t. I can still win. You’re weak! I can still beat you!” There was a noticeable tinge of desperation in her voice. Rather than retreat or surrender, Iofiel took a few unsteady steps forward and raised her hand to begin forming a ball of magical energy in front of her.

Mikelle swore to herself under her breath. She’d really been hoping that Iofiel wouldn’t notice. Even with her sisters’ help, transporting an entire room like this across dimensions would’ve been taxing at the best of times. Just standing up straight was proving to be difficult at this point. Looking to either Gwyneth or Seraphina to save her wasn’t possible. Even if they weren’t still tied up, both of them had passed out from the strain of their hastily established connection. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that she wouldn’t be able to fend off Iofiel if her cousin were to attack her now.

“That’s quite enough.” Just then, the entire room began to shake again while a booming voice echoed out. Both demons were sent tumbling onto the ground by the floor suddenly shifting beneath them. This time it felt like the room was being dragged around across the ground before coming to a halt as suddenly as it’d begun. Moments after the shaking stopped, a great rending sound filled the air. The roof was torn clean off the room to make way for a giant blood red finger to gently pin down Iofiel before she could get her feet under her.

“Thanks, boss,” said Mikelle in a tired voice.

“Hello, Mikelle. And Gwyneth and Seraphina too. It’s good to see you three return.” A giant face became visible above them to regard the three of them with a gaze filled with fatherly warmth. “Though I would’ve been much happier to see you three arrive back home in good health.” Kammotas the Cruel was a devil who stood taller than most skyscrapers. The first joint on his finger alone was larger than any of the women in the room. Special magic had to be cast to prevent his booming voice from shattering all of their eardrums every time he spoke, and even then it came across as quite loud.

“No! No…” Tears of terror were beginning to flow down Iofiel’s panicked face, barely visible from beneath a fingerpad that nearly covered her entire body. Under more normal circumstances Mikelle would’ve felt a bit sorry to see her cousin like this, but after everything that had happened until now the only thing she felt was relief. It was finally over.


“Here,” said Mikelle as she placed a pair of coffee cups on the conference table.


“Thank you.”

It’d been a day since Mikelle, Gwyneth, and Seraphina had arrived back home. Kammotas had deemed it appropriate to give them a night’s rest to recover from their ordeal before having any of them give a debrief. The three were now reporting to one of the conference rooms after a slight delay for Mikelle to go on a coffee run, with an extra soda tucked in the crook of her arm for herself, to help them all wake up. The fact that her sisters were still groggy was readily apparent by how they’d come to the meeting dressed. Mikelle was the only one who’d bothered to put on normal clothes having opted for a simple shirt and miniskirt. Gwyneth was still in her brass knuckle print pajamas and Seraphina hadn’t bothered putting on clothes period.

The meeting room used for in person discussions with Kammotas the Cruel was a bit peculiar in nature. Since Kammotas was larger than the building itself he wasn’t capable of coming inside to talk to any of them. Gwyneth had spent an evening with a sledgehammer knocking out one of the upper floor conference room walls to allow him to peer inside. The sisters now sat side by side along a conference table looking out at their boss, who sat at a gigantic desk and office chair over a nearby park. The only thing separating them was a guardrail the devil had insisted on being installed for safety’s sake.

“That’s troubling to hear. It does my heart wonders that you all came back to me through all that,” commented Kammotas after all of them were finished telling their parts of the tale. His blood red face was lost in thought as he leaned back into his chair. “Obviously, Iofiel cannot go unpunished for this. It does no good for us all, neither for your safety nor for the company’s image, to let such betrayal go unanswered.”

Of the myriad things Kammotas had gotten his nickname “The Cruel” for, treatment of his employees wasn’t one of them. It was a point of pride of his that he did everything within his power to look after the wants and needs of the demons under his command, and he did not take kindly to even the implication of harm coming to any of them. Though he sometimes took it to exasperating extremes if you asked Mikelle. He had a bad habit of reading online self-help articles on management and trying to implement everything he gleaned from them in the name of office morale. The devil was currently dressed in a floral Hawaiian t-shirt and sky blue swim trunks that clashed horribly with his leathery, blood red skin. If she leaned off to the side, Mikelle could see a plastic floral lei hanging from one of his horns. None of the sisters had the heart to tell him that they didn’t have the foggiest clue what “Casual Friday” was nor what was supposed to be casual about having to make a special trip to Earth to buy swimsuits and tourist’s clothing for it.

“Iofiel shall be punished by the three of you in turn,” the devil announced after a moment’s thought. “Seeing as Mikelle was the one to resolve the incident, it seems appropriate to award her the first opportunity at punishment along with first pick of the rioting prisoners.” Gwyneth and Seraphina had somewhat sour expressions hearing that, but otherwise nodded in agreement. Mikelle couldn’t blame them. From what she’d heard, Alice and Iofiel had spent a little over an hour tickle torturing the two of them before ramping it up with another 3 hours of bringing in escaped convicts to assist by turning it into a gang tickling. They must’ve wanted revenge pretty badly.

The meeting was adjourned soon after. There was more to discuss, but Kammotas was unwilling to drag things out while his employees were still recovering. The three demons shuffled out of the meeting room together.

“Hey, do you two have some free time?” Mikelle turned to address her sisters the moment the door closed behind them.

“I guess?”

“What did you need?”

“I just got two new high profile prisoners. I was wondering if either of you had some free time to help break them in.” It took a couple seconds for Gwyneth and Seraphina to process what she was getting at. Grins slowly formed on their faces. Mikelle held out her hands towards them, which both of them eagerly took.

The portal they opened led into what appeared to be a roped off area in a medieval town square. Kammotas had told Mikelle to put Alice and Iofiel into a holding cell while they figured out what to do with them, so she’d taken the opportunity to prepare the pair for their upcoming punishment. Alice had been bound naked standing against a pole. Her hands were tied together above her head with just enough tension to almost force her to stand on her toes. Iofiel was sitting next to her in a pair of old wooden stocks that forced her to spread her legs wide open while her arms were bound off to her sides to a thick wooden board behind her. Lesser demons had spent the past day milling around the area incessantly taunting them about the tortures Mikelle, Gwyneth, and Seraphina were going to inflict on them.

“Hello!” called out Gwyneth after stepping out of the portal. Seraphina gave them a taunting wave with a huge smile spread across her face. Iofiel had looked miserable from the constant verbal abuse and seeing the three demons approaching was threatening to push her over the edge into straight up crying. Alice seemed more angry than anything else. Her eyes practically bugged out of her head at the sight of them.

“You!” she shouted. Her feet made a few futile attempts at kicking some dirt at the demons. “Let me out this instant! I was so close. Now I’ll never get a shot at coming back to life!”

“Yeesh, I didn’t think she actually believed that’d work,” Gwyneth muttered to herself. Giving the kicking woman a wide berth, she circled around to Alice’s back before getting closer. The bound inmate was left trying to crane her head around to continue glaring at her.

“Hello, dear. I hope you weren’t too lonely without me.” At the same time, Seraphina approached Iofiel. The icy tint in her voice made the helpless demon try to make herself as small as possible by pushing back into the stocks. Seraphina gently seated herself in the dust by her cousin’s feet, causing them to begin preemptively wiggling in a panic. “Don’t worry. I’m going to treat you really nice. Just as nicely as you treated me!”

With that, Seraphina grabbed one of Iofiel’s feet to allow her to begin slowly dragging the nails of the other hand from the balls of her feet down to her heels. Iofiel was furiously shaking her head from side to side while pleading for her to stop.

“Wait! Wait! You got it all wrong… I was forced into it. I was just following Alice’s orders!” Iofiel pleaded.

“Bullshit! Using these three was your idea,” Alice shouted. “You said that nabbing the devil’s favorites was a sure fire way of making him listen!” Anything she had to say was cut off by Gwyneth’s fingers sinking into Alice’s side in a pincer grip. The convict’s mouth slammed shut in an effort to prevent herself from yelping with surprise. With Gwyneth standing behind her, she was helpless to predict where the hands would probe next.

“Don’t you just love it when they turn on each other?” Gwyneth taunted. Her hands kept moving to goose a spot for a second before grabbing onto another part of her victim’s sides completely at random. She found it amusing how Alice would squirm a little more each time as the quick tickles began to wear her down.

“It’s certainly amusing. It’s almost like they think it’ll save them.” Seraphina was opting for a more steady approach to breaking Iofiel. Her hand retained an iron grip on the black-winged woman’s foot while her tickling hand kept the same tempo. Every time her fingers made their way to the bottom of her heels, they would reverse on a trip back up to the balls of her feet again. Gasps were leaking in between Iofiel’s continued futile attempts at talking her way out of her predicament.

Mikelle couldn’t help but smile at the sight. No matter how many times she saw it, it always made her happy to see her sisters’ having fun tickling like this. The only question was who she should help out first. Her eyes glanced back and forth between their two prisoners. Both were practically shining with ticklish spots just waiting to be exploited. Mikelle settled on strolling over to sit behind Seraphina, who shot her a smile, and grabbed Iofiel’s free foot to join in on the fun.

“She has a really bad spot right around here,” said Mikelle. The nail on her index finger scratched at a bad spot near the base of Iofiel’s big toe. Seraphina followed her example and was gratified to see their victim stiffen up under their combined teasing. Giggles were becoming audible in between Iofiel’s continued attempts to beg. “Gwyn! Bring your hands up a couple inches and about an inch closer to her bellybutton!”

“Thanks!” Doing as she suggested earned Gwyneth extracting a yelp out of Alice. Alice had begun twisting her body from side to side in an attempt to dislodge her hands, but the lack of slack on the ropes around hands kept her from doing much more than rotate around the pole. Gasps, yelps, and giggles poured out of her mouth no matter how hard she tried to stop them. Gwyneth was easily able to keep up simply by keeping her arms loose. She worked over the spot for a while to get a feel for it before deciding to give a new tactic a try. Remembering how much she’d hated it when Alice had alternated between her worst spot and other locations, the sadistic redhead began goosing all around her victim’s sides again with the occasional return to the spot Mikelle had pointed out for her.

The effect was somewhat dampened by Alice reading her mind. The convict grit her teeth in frustration. She was able to see ahead of time when Gwyneth was about to attempt to catch her off guard by focusing on that spot again, but with it came the sense of sadistic glee her tormentor was getting out of it. She couldn’t stand how much fun these demons were having toying with her like this. Her head was filled with vows of revenge at the same time the shapely woman was left helpless to do anything but squirm and giggle.

By comparison, Iofiel was having a full blown panic attack. She was fully aware of the sorts of suffering mortals claimed by Kammotas’ company were put through and was terrified by the idea of being on the receiving end. Having two of her cousins exploiting her feet wasn’t doing any good for her mental state. A squeal pierced the air when Mikelle suddenly wrapped her fingers around to tease the skin on the top of her feet before wiggling all of her nails against her arches. The sudden attack combined with Seraphina doggedly scratching away at the delicate webbing between her toes broke down the last of her defenses. Iofiel was left tittering, giggling, and squealing with laughter.

It only got worse when Seraphina remembered a tickling session she watched Mikelle put one of her previous prisoners through. Her hand stopped tickling to reach around and pluck a feather off her wings. Grasping it between her fingers, the busty demon began to scratch the quill against the side of one of Iofiel’s toes as gently as she could. The effects were instantaneous. Iofiel let out a shriek feeling the sharpened tip tracing across the hyper-sensitive skin.

Mikelle couldn’t help but smile seeing her sister experiment. The silver-haired woman reached a finger out and tapped the toes on the foot Seraphina was focused on. Rings of light formed around Iofiel’s toes to function as toe spreaders. Seraphina gave her a nod of thanks before letting go of the feather in her hands. Rather than fall to the ground, the instrument continued to scratch away at the exposed toes just as if Seraphina was still wielding it. It would continue scratching away until it had covered all of the skin on one toes before jumping on to the next. Mikelle’s magical toe spreaders would obligingly pull their victim’s toes apart to allow the feather to continue its work in between each new set uninhibited. Seraphina and Mikelle nodded in satisfaction seeing how the automated torture tool continued to extract a steady stream of squeals and laughter out of Iofiel.

Seeing that Seraphina had gotten a good start on this one, she plucked a feather off of her own wing and handed it over to her sister while scooching over to make room in front of the foot she was working on. “Thank you.” Seraphina took it with a nod of gratitude. Seating herself where Mikelle had been, she wielded the feather to inflict the same treatment on Iofiel’s other foot to devastating effect. Having the treatment doubled was clearly too much for their bound cousin to handle. Iofiel was left repeatedly banging her back against the board holding her in place while letting out increasingly desperate pleas for mercy.

Gwyneth wasn’t having as much luck breaking down her new toy. Her hands were exploring around Alice’s ribs, breasts, and hips, but she was never able to catch the mind reader off guard. That wasn’t to say the tickling wasn’t proving effective though. Prodding around where Alice’s D-cup breasts met her ribs was proving effective in forcing the prisoner to cackle with laughter while shaking her head from side to side. Mikelle decided to step in to join in the fun herself. She slid in front of the bound convict to spider her nails all over the shaking melons in front of her. Alice’s laughter redoubled and she lashed out in a kick in an attempt to drive her new tormentor away. With a thought, Mikelle summoned another glowing ring around Alice’s ankle, forcing the leg to stay stuck out in front of her. Alice was left awkwardly hopping around on one foot while shrieking with laughter.

“Cootchie cootchie coo~” Mikelle taunted in a sing song voice. “Oh Miss Mind Reader, care to tell me where I’m going to tickle you next? Tell me or I’m never gonna stop tickling these lovely boobies!” she taunted. The way the convict was trying to glare at her was downright adorable. There was little Mikelle found cuter than a prisoner’s attempts to remain defiant before the endless tickling broke them.

Alice’s cheeks burned with frustration. Breast tickling was proving to be a whole new level of humiliation for her. Worse still was how effective Mikelle was proving at it. The silver-haired angel’s fingers were finding sensitive areas on Alice’s boobs the woman herself hadn’t even been aware of. She shrieked with laughter and arched her back as far as her boundage would allow feeling her breasts be lifted up to allow the nails to explore the tender undersides. It was distracting enough for her to temporarily forget about Gwyneth, who seized the opportunity to ladle on the misery with a shovel by going back to that sensitive spot on her sides. At this point the bound convict was completely helpless to stop herself from laughing non-stop under their combined assault.

The convict’s mind reached out to touch Mikelle’s, desperate to be able to brace itself against the assault on her vulnerable body. What she saw made her mind recoil in shock. The forefront of Mikelle’s thoughts were about all of the ticklish spots across her entire body and the worst possible ways to exploit them. They were overlaid all across Alice’s body from the tip of her head down to her toes. In particular was one spot, which glowed far brighter than all the rest…

“Time’s up. Guess I gotta punish you now!” Mikelle taunted after seeing the shocked expression on Alice’s face. Getting the convict to read her mind was exactly what she’d wanted. She stopped with the breast tickling to reach up and dig her fingers into the depths of Alice’s armpits. Alice’s head flung back as her ear piercing scream filled the village square. Mikelle’s fingers were pushing upwards while jostling about as fast as the angel-winged demon could to send waves of ticklish agony radiating out of the spot. Alice let out one scream after another. That spot was nothing but pure agony for the convict that overwrote everything else.

Mikelle continued to abuse the spot for another 5 minutes without stopping. The only break their prisoner got from the abuse throughout it all was the two demons swapping places so Mikelle could reach around to hammer her armpits while giving Gwyneth directions on how to toy with her breasts. Tears were beginning to form in Alice’s eyes by the end. Her face hurt from the huge smile plastered across her face and her lungs ached from having to work overtime making her scream without any chances to breathe. When the tickles finally stopped, the convict was left wheezing for breath.

“Okay, Gwyn. How about you give this spot a shot?” Terror flooded into Alice. She immediately recognized that this was the same cruel treatment she’d inflicted on Gwyneth yesterday, and the red-headed woman was eager for payback.

“N-no! Stop!” she broke down pleading. Mikelle and Gwyneth smirked at each other.

“Fine then. Tell us where we’re going to tickle you next then.”

“Guess wrong and we’re gonna punish you again!”

Alice wanted to cry. Both of the demon’s heads were filled with thoughts of how much fun they were going to have tormenting her. Having to read all of those sadistic ideas while searching for how they were going to tickle her next was downright cruel. The convict panicked seeing Gwyneth hold up a hand in front of her and begin slowly folding her fingers down. “R-ribs and hips!” she guessed.

“Correct! Here’s your reward.” Fingers immediately began poking, prodding, scribbling, and squeezing away at those spots. Alice howled with laughter under the combined assault. Gwyneth was digging her thumbs into the flesh right in front of her hip bones while reaching her fingers around to make tiny scratches all over the sides. Mikelle’s fingers were massaging in between the ribs to exploit a long stretch of nerve endings spanning up and down her ribs. It was better than the combined armpit and breast tickling, but not by much. Alice howled and screamed, shook and twisted as if her life depended on it. Nothing bought her even a second of relief from the torture. Pleas were freely accompanying her laughter at this point. The punishment lasted for an agonizing 10 minutes that felt like hours to the suffering prisoner.

“Time to guess again,” announced Gwyneth the moment the tickling stopped. Alice’s heart froze.

‘Already!? Don’t I get a break!?’ she mentally screamed to herself. The convict couldn’t think straight anymore. The harsh tickling had thoroughly scrambled her thoughts. This time, she wasn’t able to come up with an answer before Gwyneth’s fingers counted down into forming a fist.

“Bzzzt! Time’s up! You must really wanted us to punish you to not even try to answer, huh?” teased Gwyneth with a look of sadistic glee. Her hands reached towards Alice’s armpits, intent on digging in just the same way she’d seen Mikelle do it.

“Wait! WAIT! I said wait! Boobs. You’re gonna tickle my boobs!” Alice shouted in a panic. Her back was digging into the pole in a terrified attempt at escaping Gwyneth’s outstretched hands. She desperately began bouncing and shaking her chest in front of the angel-winged demon. “D-don’t you like them? See how much they jiggle? They’d be great to tickle! Pleahase… Nohot there. Anyhwhehehere buhut thereheheHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Gwyneth gave Mikelle an amused smile. The demeaning display Alice was putting on did nothing to stop her hands from making contact with her armpits. Mikelle took a step back to admire her sister’s handiwork. The red-headed woman’s fingers were digging into the spot perfectly to exploit the spot, and from the huge smile on Gwyneth’s face she wasn’t about to stop any time soon.

Mikelle leisurely strode over to where Seraphina was still playing with Iofiel. Her eldest sister had figured out how to replicate her toe binding spell while she was away. There was now a feather scratching away with its quill between each and every one of Iofiel’s spread toes. The black-feathered demon was cackling madly with laughter as Seraphina busied herself by sitting at her side to dig into her exposed stomach. Mikelle made her way around to Iofiel’s other side to join in. There was a juicy spot inside Iofiel’s navel you could reach by pushing up towards her breasts that Mikelle was certain her sister would appreciate knowing about.

“Come now. Crying already? It hasn’t even been an hour. I’m not stopping until I’ve paid you back for what you did to my sisters a thousand fold!” Seraphina jeered. Iofiel’s shrieks of laughter matched Alice’s in volume after Mikelle joined in to skitter her fingers all over the bound demon’s inner thighs.

The silver-haired demon idly tried to remember the last time she’d had this much fun. Gang tickling a victim alongside her sisters was proving to be a lot more enjoyable than going at it alone. Mikelle swore to herself that she’d invite Gwyneth and Seraphina over to play more often going forward. With the eternity of agony that awaited their prisoners, the three of them would have plenty of opportunities to have some fun at their expense again in the future.
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