"Fortuna Audaces Iuvat"
I felt like a discarded rag doll.
I lay on the ground in an uncomfortable position unable to move myself.
The Houri had raped my mind. She had entered and it was no subtle breach. She went deep into my mind, exploring and tearing things apart as she went. She dug up painful memories and left them bare and raw and hurting. She tore at my weakened will and humiliated me. The next step was to simply bind me to her, but she deemed me too weak to be of any use to her.
That was her mistake.
She had gone through my experiences with Constantinius centuries back and watched my relationship with Ray. She mocked me for my weakness. Laughed at me. She ridiculed me.
My centuries long existence as J'sella the Ifreet was deemed unworthy. I felt weak. I felt dirty. I felt unworthy.
And while I waddled in the pool of self pity and despair, I felt a single cinder flare from within my darkened core.
I felt within the pain and the humiliation a spark.
It's the moment you finally say:
No more.
Ah, there was tinder to kindle. Yes there was. There was hurt. Humiliation. Raw emotion. And the spark was strong and the oxygen that fueled it was my pride.
I was J'sella.
I was power incarnate.
I was no one to be treated this way.
And Ray was in trouble.
I burned within and I felt power rush through my being. I felt anger build. I felt the need to demonstrate, the need to show my power.
I let go.
Within moments the mansion was in flames. It burned and I relished it. The crackling of the wood and the bursting of glass for comforting.
It was warm and alive and I felt my energy return.
I was J'sella.
J'sella the Blight!
J'sella the Torch!
J'sella the Destructor!
"Woe to he who steps in my path!" I shouted to the world.
"Woe to Houri and Ghul alike!" I proclaimed.
I shot into the air a burning star reborn.
My name is Amela. I am a Djinn. I am unlike other Djinns. I am not of the elements. I am of a more subtle nature.
I was built for pleasure. I was made to house the Lust. My body existed to give and receive pleasure and I did it along with my sister better than even the masters of the ancient times who started gathering the power of the Lust.
The Lust cuts both ways. We are as much victims as we are wielders of the power. The ancients understood that but we, my sister and I, perfected the use of Lust.That is why the Lust is used by one while the other watches vigilant. We are most vulnerable when we are thralls of the Lust. While affected by the Lust, the other can resist somewhat better and acts to watch and protect. The other must also stop the Lust if it goes too far. If not, it continues until the victim dies. That is not an experience I care to repeat.
Once I start the Lust I cannot stop myself.
The Houri I was mounting climaxed many times before I myself came. That is not surprising being a man. It was so sweet when I came. It was always sweetest the first time. The compulsion of the Lust makes each subsequent orgasm just a bit less pleasurable and just a bit more irresistible. It is that paradox that leads the victim to lose his will.
The plan was actually quite simple. I thought I would simply ride him a few days until his will whittled away. My mistress would probably come and ride him herself. By then, the Lust is no longer required. His own will and sense of self preservation is fully eroded.
He did not seem special this one. I did not even know his name. Only that he was supposedly in a past life Hadrian Constantinius. The name rang a bell, but names come and go. heroes come and go. The only constant is the Lust.
Some try to resist. I think they suffer the most. Giving into the Lust is the best path.
This one was not exceptional in any way, but then he started doing things a little different that sort of took us both off guard.
He had caressed and even crushed my breasts with his hands. Typical behavior of most males. Then he let his hand slide to my ribs and he dug his fingers just below the rib cage. He caught me totally off guard.
I laughed hard and twisted on top of him, but the Lust cannot be deterred that way. I was compelled to mate with him just as much as he was compelled to mate with me. No amount of distractions could keep us away from the act.
He was not the first to try, but there had been few in fact who could keep enough free will to even try such a thing. I'd be in trouble perhaps, but T'ish was there to aid me.
She scrambled her fingers over his chest and attacked his underarms with her tickling fingers.
"Keep your fingers to yourself," T'ish said as she tickled him sadistically. "Sit back and enjoy the show."
He conceded. For a while.
He went back to caressing my breasts, plucking at my nipples like a little obedient boy. He kept climaxing and I thought we had seen the last of his defiance. I took another sweet deep orgasm and savored it like a sip of fine wine.
It was then in the throes of pleasure that he did something unexpected.
He gave in to the Lust in way I'd never seen before.
And that changed all the rules for good.
I tortured Claudia. It was not difficult. Her body was as ticklish as they come from the tip of her toes to the crown of her head.
I did not neglect any part of her body. She laughed hard. Never screaming desperately or shouting. Just sort of taking it all in. I was technical and devoid of emotion. How could I enjoy torturing someone I had come to see as a friend?
The Ghul Hanna watched intently. She commanded where and how to tickle better.
Claudia was a wreck. But she refused to break.
"Give up, Claudia," I begged her gently as tears streamed down my cheeks. "You don't have to fight."
"I.. prefer... to die..." she said breathing and panting sickly.
I believed her.
And I think Hanna did as well. She commanded me to stop.
Claudia's laughing and screaming body became limp in the web that held her up. Her head hung weakly and her body glistened with sweat.
The Ghul Grand Misteress stepped close and lifted Claudia's chin to see her face.
"Defiance," the Ghul said. "I love it."
She spoke a word and the dark mist that issued from her fingers put Claudia to sleep and into sweet forgiving oblivion.
I caressed her face gently.
"Djinn," Hanna said.
"My name is Jeanie," I said clenching my teeth.
"Yes, defiance is one of my favorite things," she said. "It gives me the opportunity to crush it. To make the defiant meek."
I did not say anything. I considered for a moment killing Claudia and saving her from an existence of misery and abuse. But the Ghul was watching my thoughts and she could and would prevent it with a mere command.
"You obey, but remain defiant," she said. "I mean to make you meek."
"Good luck with that," I said.
"Look at me," she commanded.
It was as if I had decided myself. Such was her power over mer and I instantly looked into her eyes. They were light in color and quite pretty.
She held up a finger and it glowed.
I could not look away.
She moved it left and right, back and forth and my eyes followed it. Helpless to resist.
I grew sleepy and Djinns never sleep.
"Ah, my pet," she said smiling. "You are so far out of your league. And you have foolishly bound yourself to me. I could tear you asunder if it pleased me. But I am intrigued by your defiance. I enjoy watching you struggle."
And struggle I did. I gathered all my will to resist the alien sensation of sleepiness that invaded my mind.
But it was all for naught.
My eyes were heavy like lead and my eyes glazed over with sleep.
Djinns don't sleep I thought again to myself.
"They do now," she said.
"How does it feel to stand on the edge of oblivion not knowing it you will ever open your eyes again?" she asked.
I did not answer. I gathered my will and forced my eyes open even be it a slit and I smiled as I saw her frown.
She waited and she tensed as the moments passed and I continued to resist. Did a minute go by? Or was it an hour? Or perhaps a day? My eyes stayed open on the very verge of closing and somehow, someway, I maintained consciousness.
"Sleep," she commanded with a hint of disappointment I savored as the lights went out and I faded away.
Would I ever wake again?
I was under Amela with quite an enviable view.
I can't imagine any man wanting to be anywhere else than with a woman like Amela. I knew I was screwed literally and figuratively. But with this woman and this insatiable need for sex, there was simply nothing I could do.
Stopping the act was impossible. It was simply not an option. She pulled so far out, I had only to move a fraction of an inch and I would slide out. Just moving that fraction of an inch was not humanly possible. I stood poised and ready and my body and mind acted in unison with only sex in mind. Lust controlled me. Totally. Wholly.
I waited for Amela to come. She came far fewer times than I did, but she was just as intense or perhaps more. At the brief moment of distraction, I tickled Amela on the ribs and she reacted strongly smiling, laughing and giggling, but it did not stop her from giving me her total attention. I could win in a tickle fight I decided. But T'ish who was not distracted by the tickling and not engaged in lovemaking, simply tickled me viciously and I had to cease my attack.
I sat back and thought. Her form had me straddled. Nothing I could attempt away from sex would be possible. I watched her breasts bounce gently up and down as she increased her rhythm.
Words seemed to come to me through the fuzzy thoughts that ran through my mind.
Fortuna Audaces Iuvat
They were words from the past. The words were on the hilt of the Gladius. I had not even noticed the words. If I had seen them before, they had meant nothing to me. But now they burned in my memory. The words were on the hilt, plain as day. I remember even though I took no notice to it before.
Fortune favors the Bold.
That was the key. That was the way out.
If it was boldness that was necessary, then it was boldness I would give.
I would not fight the Lust. I would use it in my favor. I would flow with it.
I started by taking command.
I decided that I did not want to be below anymore.
I forced her to the side and pulled myself free of her. It was just for a moment and the intention was quite clear and I was certain that was why the Lust allowed me to do so. I turned her around and bent her over revealing her lush behind. She did not protest.
I plunged into her, my shaft attacking her in a violent fit I could not control. I could flow, but I could not go against the current. Amela screamed and came again and I was ecstatic. I came as well and the intensity of our lovemaking grew.
T'ish watched intently. Lusting. I was certain of it.
I had my plan set out. I could act within the confines of the Lust. I would win.
I tickled Amela on her sides while mounting her from behind. She squealed and twisted beautifully as she reacted. The tickling was erotic for me and defying all nature I became harder yet. She could not pull away as I continued to pound her from behind. It was as if the Lust trumped everything. Even her reactions. Mine of course were also overridden. I could not stop even if my life depended on it. But I could continue doing what I chose, so long as it served the Lust.
T'ish came near and she was going to tickle me when I stopped the tickling and pulled my hands up and way from Amelas's ribs.
"I'll be good boy," I said defensively still pounding away in a sexual frenzy.
"You'd better be," she warned. "Or I'll tickle you senseless."
"I'd like that," I said detecting a hint of excitement and envy in her voice. "But I'd like more if I could pleasure you both at the same time."
"Alas, you have but one member," she said wistfully. "I will just have to wait my turn."
"Why wait?" I asked seductively. "I want you both now."
She flushed and I noticed her become slightly more anxious.
"At the same time?" she asked her voice cracking as she tried to maintain her composure.
"Yes," I replied. "I'll behave. I promise. Let me go out in style. Come, it will be fun. "
She drew near and when she was close enough, I grabbed her. I did not need persuasion. I laid her on high on Amela's back between her shoulders with her shaven sex facing me. T'ish was dripping wet and her lips were swollen. She arched her back and made a sort of bridge with her body in a position I thought almost impossible. I dove in. I kissed and licked and nibbled and she melted away in passion. I could not pull away either.
Once I started I could not stop and nor could T'ish.
I had made things worse in a sense. I mean, I was the guy who had trouble chewing gum and walking at the same time. Now I was making love to two women at the same time and planning a way out of this dire situation.
It didn't seem to make sense. But in my Lust dominated mind, it made all the sense in the world.
I continued. I observed and delivered orgasms and I watched the sequence. One after the other we came. Amela squealed like she did while being tickled, T'ish screamed and I just moaned softly in a short lived relief. As I climaxed, and the shaft softened, it seemed only to take a moment to grow hard and firm again and the passion returned.
I let the cycle go and we seemed to work like a clock.
At the end of one of my cycles, I tickled Amela earnestly digging my nails deep into her ticklish sides and underarm and reaching under to her trim tummy to tickle her belly and probe her navel. She squealed and screamed louder and in alarm as she realized my intent. But this time, Trish was too involved in her own pleasure to interfere.
"T'ish!" Amela exclaimed twisting erratically and increasing my pleasure.
T'ish could only moan. Amela could not tickle back since she was on her hands and knees.
So I tickled Amela. Relentlessly. We were a writhing mass of limbs and bodies in the thrall of lust. And as Amela continued to climax, her reactions grew stronger as did my resolve. I found the tickling incredibly satisfying morally and sexually.
The Lust approved and since it did I could have my way.
We went on for hours. I could not have done it without the Lust. It was the ultimate aphrodisiac. I felt tired of course after every powerful orgasm, but somehow reserves of energy became available.
T'ish's screams of pleasure were explosive. And Amela's screams were a combination of the tickling and the orgasms that became more frequent now. She was climaxing now far more often than I was.
I wore her down and I have no idea if it was a hour or a day, but she eventually begged me to stop.
"Stop, oh please, stop!" she cried between laughter and helpless groans of pleasure.
"Swear loyalty to me!" I shouted between the desperate pounding I gave her from behind and the urgent strokes I gave T'ish's swollen clitoris with the tip of my tongue.
Amela shouted. "I swear! The universe be my witness!"
"Stop using the Lust," I ordered knowing my command was what could stop her.
She did and I could pull free of her.
But my desperate hardness did not lessen and I plunged into T'ish immediately. I just could not resist. Her Lust was just as strong.
But now I tickled her earnestly. She tried to tickle back, she was not in a helpless position. She tried to force herself on top of me and she proved quite skillful. In a moment she turned over and she mounted me. Below I was an easy target for her tickling.
"Treacherous bastard," she said as she gave a slight twist with each powerful stroke making me groan even louder.
She made me orgasm three time before I began to recover my senses.
I decided the best way to serve my pleasure was to be on top of her. I focused on that premise and I used my superior strength and will to pull her over and below and instead of tickling her I pinned her arms above her head.
"Amela, tickle T'ish into submission," I commanded with some difficulty maintaining my grip while grinding myself into T'ish.
"Amela, sister, tickle him and I will finish him off," T'ish vowed.
She looked at us both. Ironically we were both vulnerable to a third party. This wage of wills could go anyway. A twisted sort of a ticklish Mexican Standoff, just Amela would pull the trigger that would send one of us down in defeat.
Amela, bound by her allegiance, sided with me and she sent her tickling fingers to T'ish's smooth underarms. She giggled uncontrollably. Distinctly different from Amela's screaming laughter and quite refreshing.
"Stop T'ish's Lust, Amela," I ordered. "I know you can."
She did. I could stop plunging into T'ish. And I attacked her like there was no tomorrow. I explored her perfect and sensual body enjoying every ticklish curve. I enjoyed tickling her feet particularly and the reactions I got there. They were so pretty, so perfect, I could not resist. I dove in and nibbled on her toes and she lost all control. She was a ticklish wreck screaming a kicking and panting madly. Free of the Lust I still felt aroused but I was in control. I was the master. Master of myself and I vowed I'd be master of these two Djinns.
"Swear to me loyalty!" I commanded. "Swear it."
"I swear!" she said helplessly.
I stopped and I lay exhausted and spent.
The two Djinns seemed unfazed.
They had only to take a knife and plunge it into my heart. I would not be able to stop them.
But they were mine. Mine body and soul.
"We are yours to command," they said bowing.
"Can you get me out of here?" I asked.
They shook their heads. "We are Djinn trained for pleasure," T'ish said. "We can satisfy your wildest fantasies."
"I think I've had enough," I said exhausted. "Enough for several lifetimes."
"So some men say after having spent their passion," Amela observed. "We need just kindle the Lust again and you will become hard like iron."
"Just say the word," T'ish said "and we will pleasure you."
"No. Not what I need right now," I said groaning. "So, no whirlwinds or power spells, no weapons?"
"Lust is the most powerful weapon," Amela said.
"No one has survived our assault as you have so creatively done. We've never had any need for anything else," T'ish continued explaining.
"If you can't get me out of here it is pretty useless," I said.
"You're looking at it all the wrong way," T'ish said. "Lust opens all doors, but not like a sledgehammer. More like a master key inserted into the door's keyhole," she said this seductively without using the Lust and I still felt myself grow hard.
"Let us demonstrate," T'ish said as they pushed me back on the bed.
"You'll show me how to use the key to get out of here instead of trying to break my way out?" I asked.
"Lay back and listen," Amela said.
I was all ears.
To be continued.
Next: Revenge!
I felt like a discarded rag doll.
I lay on the ground in an uncomfortable position unable to move myself.
The Houri had raped my mind. She had entered and it was no subtle breach. She went deep into my mind, exploring and tearing things apart as she went. She dug up painful memories and left them bare and raw and hurting. She tore at my weakened will and humiliated me. The next step was to simply bind me to her, but she deemed me too weak to be of any use to her.
That was her mistake.
She had gone through my experiences with Constantinius centuries back and watched my relationship with Ray. She mocked me for my weakness. Laughed at me. She ridiculed me.
My centuries long existence as J'sella the Ifreet was deemed unworthy. I felt weak. I felt dirty. I felt unworthy.
And while I waddled in the pool of self pity and despair, I felt a single cinder flare from within my darkened core.
I felt within the pain and the humiliation a spark.
It's the moment you finally say:
No more.
Ah, there was tinder to kindle. Yes there was. There was hurt. Humiliation. Raw emotion. And the spark was strong and the oxygen that fueled it was my pride.
I was J'sella.
I was power incarnate.
I was no one to be treated this way.
And Ray was in trouble.
I burned within and I felt power rush through my being. I felt anger build. I felt the need to demonstrate, the need to show my power.
I let go.
Within moments the mansion was in flames. It burned and I relished it. The crackling of the wood and the bursting of glass for comforting.
It was warm and alive and I felt my energy return.
I was J'sella.
J'sella the Blight!
J'sella the Torch!
J'sella the Destructor!
"Woe to he who steps in my path!" I shouted to the world.
"Woe to Houri and Ghul alike!" I proclaimed.
I shot into the air a burning star reborn.
My name is Amela. I am a Djinn. I am unlike other Djinns. I am not of the elements. I am of a more subtle nature.
I was built for pleasure. I was made to house the Lust. My body existed to give and receive pleasure and I did it along with my sister better than even the masters of the ancient times who started gathering the power of the Lust.
The Lust cuts both ways. We are as much victims as we are wielders of the power. The ancients understood that but we, my sister and I, perfected the use of Lust.That is why the Lust is used by one while the other watches vigilant. We are most vulnerable when we are thralls of the Lust. While affected by the Lust, the other can resist somewhat better and acts to watch and protect. The other must also stop the Lust if it goes too far. If not, it continues until the victim dies. That is not an experience I care to repeat.
Once I start the Lust I cannot stop myself.
The Houri I was mounting climaxed many times before I myself came. That is not surprising being a man. It was so sweet when I came. It was always sweetest the first time. The compulsion of the Lust makes each subsequent orgasm just a bit less pleasurable and just a bit more irresistible. It is that paradox that leads the victim to lose his will.
The plan was actually quite simple. I thought I would simply ride him a few days until his will whittled away. My mistress would probably come and ride him herself. By then, the Lust is no longer required. His own will and sense of self preservation is fully eroded.
He did not seem special this one. I did not even know his name. Only that he was supposedly in a past life Hadrian Constantinius. The name rang a bell, but names come and go. heroes come and go. The only constant is the Lust.
Some try to resist. I think they suffer the most. Giving into the Lust is the best path.
This one was not exceptional in any way, but then he started doing things a little different that sort of took us both off guard.
He had caressed and even crushed my breasts with his hands. Typical behavior of most males. Then he let his hand slide to my ribs and he dug his fingers just below the rib cage. He caught me totally off guard.
I laughed hard and twisted on top of him, but the Lust cannot be deterred that way. I was compelled to mate with him just as much as he was compelled to mate with me. No amount of distractions could keep us away from the act.
He was not the first to try, but there had been few in fact who could keep enough free will to even try such a thing. I'd be in trouble perhaps, but T'ish was there to aid me.
She scrambled her fingers over his chest and attacked his underarms with her tickling fingers.
"Keep your fingers to yourself," T'ish said as she tickled him sadistically. "Sit back and enjoy the show."
He conceded. For a while.
He went back to caressing my breasts, plucking at my nipples like a little obedient boy. He kept climaxing and I thought we had seen the last of his defiance. I took another sweet deep orgasm and savored it like a sip of fine wine.
It was then in the throes of pleasure that he did something unexpected.
He gave in to the Lust in way I'd never seen before.
And that changed all the rules for good.
I tortured Claudia. It was not difficult. Her body was as ticklish as they come from the tip of her toes to the crown of her head.
I did not neglect any part of her body. She laughed hard. Never screaming desperately or shouting. Just sort of taking it all in. I was technical and devoid of emotion. How could I enjoy torturing someone I had come to see as a friend?
The Ghul Hanna watched intently. She commanded where and how to tickle better.
Claudia was a wreck. But she refused to break.
"Give up, Claudia," I begged her gently as tears streamed down my cheeks. "You don't have to fight."
"I.. prefer... to die..." she said breathing and panting sickly.
I believed her.
And I think Hanna did as well. She commanded me to stop.
Claudia's laughing and screaming body became limp in the web that held her up. Her head hung weakly and her body glistened with sweat.
The Ghul Grand Misteress stepped close and lifted Claudia's chin to see her face.
"Defiance," the Ghul said. "I love it."
She spoke a word and the dark mist that issued from her fingers put Claudia to sleep and into sweet forgiving oblivion.
I caressed her face gently.
"Djinn," Hanna said.
"My name is Jeanie," I said clenching my teeth.
"Yes, defiance is one of my favorite things," she said. "It gives me the opportunity to crush it. To make the defiant meek."
I did not say anything. I considered for a moment killing Claudia and saving her from an existence of misery and abuse. But the Ghul was watching my thoughts and she could and would prevent it with a mere command.
"You obey, but remain defiant," she said. "I mean to make you meek."
"Good luck with that," I said.
"Look at me," she commanded.
It was as if I had decided myself. Such was her power over mer and I instantly looked into her eyes. They were light in color and quite pretty.
She held up a finger and it glowed.
I could not look away.
She moved it left and right, back and forth and my eyes followed it. Helpless to resist.
I grew sleepy and Djinns never sleep.
"Ah, my pet," she said smiling. "You are so far out of your league. And you have foolishly bound yourself to me. I could tear you asunder if it pleased me. But I am intrigued by your defiance. I enjoy watching you struggle."
And struggle I did. I gathered all my will to resist the alien sensation of sleepiness that invaded my mind.
But it was all for naught.
My eyes were heavy like lead and my eyes glazed over with sleep.
Djinns don't sleep I thought again to myself.
"They do now," she said.
"How does it feel to stand on the edge of oblivion not knowing it you will ever open your eyes again?" she asked.
I did not answer. I gathered my will and forced my eyes open even be it a slit and I smiled as I saw her frown.
She waited and she tensed as the moments passed and I continued to resist. Did a minute go by? Or was it an hour? Or perhaps a day? My eyes stayed open on the very verge of closing and somehow, someway, I maintained consciousness.
"Sleep," she commanded with a hint of disappointment I savored as the lights went out and I faded away.
Would I ever wake again?
I was under Amela with quite an enviable view.
I can't imagine any man wanting to be anywhere else than with a woman like Amela. I knew I was screwed literally and figuratively. But with this woman and this insatiable need for sex, there was simply nothing I could do.
Stopping the act was impossible. It was simply not an option. She pulled so far out, I had only to move a fraction of an inch and I would slide out. Just moving that fraction of an inch was not humanly possible. I stood poised and ready and my body and mind acted in unison with only sex in mind. Lust controlled me. Totally. Wholly.
I waited for Amela to come. She came far fewer times than I did, but she was just as intense or perhaps more. At the brief moment of distraction, I tickled Amela on the ribs and she reacted strongly smiling, laughing and giggling, but it did not stop her from giving me her total attention. I could win in a tickle fight I decided. But T'ish who was not distracted by the tickling and not engaged in lovemaking, simply tickled me viciously and I had to cease my attack.
I sat back and thought. Her form had me straddled. Nothing I could attempt away from sex would be possible. I watched her breasts bounce gently up and down as she increased her rhythm.
Words seemed to come to me through the fuzzy thoughts that ran through my mind.
Fortuna Audaces Iuvat
They were words from the past. The words were on the hilt of the Gladius. I had not even noticed the words. If I had seen them before, they had meant nothing to me. But now they burned in my memory. The words were on the hilt, plain as day. I remember even though I took no notice to it before.
Fortune favors the Bold.
That was the key. That was the way out.
If it was boldness that was necessary, then it was boldness I would give.
I would not fight the Lust. I would use it in my favor. I would flow with it.
I started by taking command.
I decided that I did not want to be below anymore.
I forced her to the side and pulled myself free of her. It was just for a moment and the intention was quite clear and I was certain that was why the Lust allowed me to do so. I turned her around and bent her over revealing her lush behind. She did not protest.
I plunged into her, my shaft attacking her in a violent fit I could not control. I could flow, but I could not go against the current. Amela screamed and came again and I was ecstatic. I came as well and the intensity of our lovemaking grew.
T'ish watched intently. Lusting. I was certain of it.
I had my plan set out. I could act within the confines of the Lust. I would win.
I tickled Amela on her sides while mounting her from behind. She squealed and twisted beautifully as she reacted. The tickling was erotic for me and defying all nature I became harder yet. She could not pull away as I continued to pound her from behind. It was as if the Lust trumped everything. Even her reactions. Mine of course were also overridden. I could not stop even if my life depended on it. But I could continue doing what I chose, so long as it served the Lust.
T'ish came near and she was going to tickle me when I stopped the tickling and pulled my hands up and way from Amelas's ribs.
"I'll be good boy," I said defensively still pounding away in a sexual frenzy.
"You'd better be," she warned. "Or I'll tickle you senseless."
"I'd like that," I said detecting a hint of excitement and envy in her voice. "But I'd like more if I could pleasure you both at the same time."
"Alas, you have but one member," she said wistfully. "I will just have to wait my turn."
"Why wait?" I asked seductively. "I want you both now."
She flushed and I noticed her become slightly more anxious.
"At the same time?" she asked her voice cracking as she tried to maintain her composure.
"Yes," I replied. "I'll behave. I promise. Let me go out in style. Come, it will be fun. "
She drew near and when she was close enough, I grabbed her. I did not need persuasion. I laid her on high on Amela's back between her shoulders with her shaven sex facing me. T'ish was dripping wet and her lips were swollen. She arched her back and made a sort of bridge with her body in a position I thought almost impossible. I dove in. I kissed and licked and nibbled and she melted away in passion. I could not pull away either.
Once I started I could not stop and nor could T'ish.
I had made things worse in a sense. I mean, I was the guy who had trouble chewing gum and walking at the same time. Now I was making love to two women at the same time and planning a way out of this dire situation.
It didn't seem to make sense. But in my Lust dominated mind, it made all the sense in the world.
I continued. I observed and delivered orgasms and I watched the sequence. One after the other we came. Amela squealed like she did while being tickled, T'ish screamed and I just moaned softly in a short lived relief. As I climaxed, and the shaft softened, it seemed only to take a moment to grow hard and firm again and the passion returned.
I let the cycle go and we seemed to work like a clock.
At the end of one of my cycles, I tickled Amela earnestly digging my nails deep into her ticklish sides and underarm and reaching under to her trim tummy to tickle her belly and probe her navel. She squealed and screamed louder and in alarm as she realized my intent. But this time, Trish was too involved in her own pleasure to interfere.
"T'ish!" Amela exclaimed twisting erratically and increasing my pleasure.
T'ish could only moan. Amela could not tickle back since she was on her hands and knees.
So I tickled Amela. Relentlessly. We were a writhing mass of limbs and bodies in the thrall of lust. And as Amela continued to climax, her reactions grew stronger as did my resolve. I found the tickling incredibly satisfying morally and sexually.
The Lust approved and since it did I could have my way.
We went on for hours. I could not have done it without the Lust. It was the ultimate aphrodisiac. I felt tired of course after every powerful orgasm, but somehow reserves of energy became available.
T'ish's screams of pleasure were explosive. And Amela's screams were a combination of the tickling and the orgasms that became more frequent now. She was climaxing now far more often than I was.
I wore her down and I have no idea if it was a hour or a day, but she eventually begged me to stop.
"Stop, oh please, stop!" she cried between laughter and helpless groans of pleasure.
"Swear loyalty to me!" I shouted between the desperate pounding I gave her from behind and the urgent strokes I gave T'ish's swollen clitoris with the tip of my tongue.
Amela shouted. "I swear! The universe be my witness!"
"Stop using the Lust," I ordered knowing my command was what could stop her.
She did and I could pull free of her.
But my desperate hardness did not lessen and I plunged into T'ish immediately. I just could not resist. Her Lust was just as strong.
But now I tickled her earnestly. She tried to tickle back, she was not in a helpless position. She tried to force herself on top of me and she proved quite skillful. In a moment she turned over and she mounted me. Below I was an easy target for her tickling.
"Treacherous bastard," she said as she gave a slight twist with each powerful stroke making me groan even louder.
She made me orgasm three time before I began to recover my senses.
I decided the best way to serve my pleasure was to be on top of her. I focused on that premise and I used my superior strength and will to pull her over and below and instead of tickling her I pinned her arms above her head.
"Amela, tickle T'ish into submission," I commanded with some difficulty maintaining my grip while grinding myself into T'ish.
"Amela, sister, tickle him and I will finish him off," T'ish vowed.
She looked at us both. Ironically we were both vulnerable to a third party. This wage of wills could go anyway. A twisted sort of a ticklish Mexican Standoff, just Amela would pull the trigger that would send one of us down in defeat.
Amela, bound by her allegiance, sided with me and she sent her tickling fingers to T'ish's smooth underarms. She giggled uncontrollably. Distinctly different from Amela's screaming laughter and quite refreshing.
"Stop T'ish's Lust, Amela," I ordered. "I know you can."
She did. I could stop plunging into T'ish. And I attacked her like there was no tomorrow. I explored her perfect and sensual body enjoying every ticklish curve. I enjoyed tickling her feet particularly and the reactions I got there. They were so pretty, so perfect, I could not resist. I dove in and nibbled on her toes and she lost all control. She was a ticklish wreck screaming a kicking and panting madly. Free of the Lust I still felt aroused but I was in control. I was the master. Master of myself and I vowed I'd be master of these two Djinns.
"Swear to me loyalty!" I commanded. "Swear it."
"I swear!" she said helplessly.
I stopped and I lay exhausted and spent.
The two Djinns seemed unfazed.
They had only to take a knife and plunge it into my heart. I would not be able to stop them.
But they were mine. Mine body and soul.
"We are yours to command," they said bowing.
"Can you get me out of here?" I asked.
They shook their heads. "We are Djinn trained for pleasure," T'ish said. "We can satisfy your wildest fantasies."
"I think I've had enough," I said exhausted. "Enough for several lifetimes."
"So some men say after having spent their passion," Amela observed. "We need just kindle the Lust again and you will become hard like iron."
"Just say the word," T'ish said "and we will pleasure you."
"No. Not what I need right now," I said groaning. "So, no whirlwinds or power spells, no weapons?"
"Lust is the most powerful weapon," Amela said.
"No one has survived our assault as you have so creatively done. We've never had any need for anything else," T'ish continued explaining.
"If you can't get me out of here it is pretty useless," I said.
"You're looking at it all the wrong way," T'ish said. "Lust opens all doors, but not like a sledgehammer. More like a master key inserted into the door's keyhole," she said this seductively without using the Lust and I still felt myself grow hard.
"Let us demonstrate," T'ish said as they pushed me back on the bed.
"You'll show me how to use the key to get out of here instead of trying to break my way out?" I asked.
"Lay back and listen," Amela said.
I was all ears.
To be continued.
Next: Revenge!