This one's based on a private investigator getting caught while investigating and being punished for it. Likely a solo piece that I won't add other parts to, but who knows. As usual, comments/thoughts are appreciated.
WARNING: tickle torture/punishment/humiliation/wedgie, if you don't like that this may not be for you
John Marr was a private detective in California, recently contracted by a woman, Gloria Martinez, to see if her husband was having an affair. Adrian and Gloria Martinez were one of the wealthiest couples in Los Angeles, many thought it was for their number of businesses around the city; however, those were just fronts to cover up their money laundering. John, on the other hand, was a stand-up guy and an abiding citizen of the law. He got into the private investigation profession because he wanted to bring people that were doing wrong to justice. John was weeks into his investigation and almost had all the evidence he needed. He had already observed Adrian exhibiting suspicious behavior with a number of different women. Tonight was the night he had planned to obtain the evidence that would put his case over the top. He'd been following Mr. Martinez and a particular women he appeared to be romantically involved with, and knew they were planning on meeting in a public place for a fancy dinner that night. John staked out the location and set up his equipment in his very subtle black ford f-150 truck. John himself was dawned in a short sleeve button up, floral/tropical shirt - like you might see from a dad on vacation - along with jeans and a fashionable pair of high cut military-type brown boots. He then went to the Martinez residence and followed Adrian from his house to the restaurant where he conveniently parked next to a large window in perfect view of the couple's reserved table.
Within 10 minutes, Adrian was seated at his table and his date had arrived. Throughout the night, John captured several photos of the two kissing, hugging, and touching across the table so often it was if they were the ones who were married. With more than enough incriminating photos to prove Mr. Martinez's relationship with someone else, John made sure to get photos of the woman's license plate and car before heading home for the night to compile his case to send Mrs. Martinez later that night. Soon after John arrived at his home and went inside, he heard a knock on the door. He initially thought it must be Mrs. Martinez because she didn't seem to understand too well that he would send her whatever he found when he got it all together and she usually insisted on following up in person after every stakeout he had, despite him telling her he hadn't come to a conclusion yet each time. However, he thought after last time he made it clear to her to not meet with him in person anymore. As he approached the door and opened it he discovered no one was there. "Hello?", he said, seeing if maybe they'd walked away but assuming it must've been a prank. Then he heard a crash from inside his home and turned to see what it was. In that moment, he experienced what felt like someone bear hug him so he couldn't move his arms and someone else place a cloth hood over his head that was soaked in something. He tried to fight but it quickly became clear that the person holding him was far stronger than John was. After about 20 seconds of struggling and yelling for help, and heavy breathing, he started to feel faint and saw a group of men enter his house as he heard the door shut and lock behind him, and fell out of consciousness.
When John awoke he quickly recounted what had happened and realized he couldn't move. He saw he was still in his home, in the basement, but upon further struggling he realized he was restrained. It was actually thanks to the monitor in front of his face that had been set up that John was able to view exactly how he'd been immobilized. The monitor showed four different views of John from different angles that he assumed cameras were set up at around the room. One was on his face, the other had a bird's eye view, one was a side view, and the other was a close up on him from the back. John saw that in his current predicament he was tied to a heavy wood desk chair from his office that had been bolted to the ground. He was laying on his stomach on the ground under the chair. His elbows has been tightly tied to the back legs of the chair where the legs meet the seat, and his wrists were tied further down those same legs near where they met the ground. As for his knees, they had been bound to the front two legs of the chair near the bottom, stretching his body out. And further up those chair legs, his ankles were tightly secured to the front end of the arm rests with the soles of his shoes facing upwards.
Once John realized he was thoroughly subdued, he started yelling for help and in response Mr. Martinez and a group of his men emerged from the main floor. "Well, well, well, look who's finally awake", to which John responded, "What the fuck is going on, why did you break into my house and why am I tied up"?! Adrian explained, "You see, I constantly have my men following me to make sure I'm not in harms way. We caught on to you following and taking photos of me a while ago and have been monitoring you since, waiting for the right time to detain and get some answers from you. In fact, in the meantime we were even able to get your fingerprint, run a background check on you, and dig up some secrets from your past we plan to use if you don't cooperate.". John tried to hide the emotions of horror and helplessness he felt as Adrian was talking to him, what secrets could he have found? Adrian continued, "However, it seems there is no trail of you starting about five or so years ago and thus, we are not sure of your recent intentions". This was true as John had made sure to seize all social media and internet postings upon beginning his career as a P.I., basically going off the grid as much as he could. It appears that would work against him tonight as John knew that if he told Adrian what profession he was, he would likely become suspicious of who wanted Adrian tracked which he could not give up based on the contract he signed with Mrs. Martinez and the own moral values of trust and loyalty he vowed to himself he would not break.
Adrian spoke, "I'm only gonna ask you nicely once, why have you been following me and taking pictures of me"? John scrambled for an answer gathering, "I'm a reporter, I was just...taking photos of areas and important people in the city. I was simply following the upscale restaurants as well as you because you are one of the largest business owners in the state and my news company wanted me to look into you". Adrian pondered, "Hm, while that seems like a pretty good excuse, if you were really a reporter you wouldn't have gone cyber-silent for half a decade. We gave you a chance John, now let me remind you of an experience you had at your old friend's salon years back. When we saw only a single appointment had been booked on your payment history, and then cross-referenced that with an angry report that you filed to her manager and a horrible review of the business online, that raised a mild red flag for use and we had to dig into it further. We actually went in and talked to a girl named Elizabeth who said she was the one who worked with you and was happy to recount the story. She said that all she did was start giving you a pedicure, which you mentioned to her was your first, and the moment she touched your feet you exploded with laughter. She said that she laughed in response and you got super defensive, put your shoes back on, started yelling at her, and left". John's eyes got wide at the telling of this story. He wondered how in the hell Adrian got access to this information and why Elizabeth would divulge his information like that. John had won a free pedicure from a raffle at his old job and decided to try it because he had never done it before. He didn't know it would be so ticklish and didn't really understand how ticklish he was, but the second the scrubbing brush touched his feet he realized how deathly ticklish he was, got very insecure, and took action against the girl and the company to try and make up for his own embarrassment.
But all that was coming back to haunt him now as Adrian knelt down next to John and said, "I think I'll try giving you your second pedicure now whether you like it or not, but first I'll warm you up a little bit", and with that
Adrian dug into John's exposed side which sent him into hysterics. He tried to writhe around and get away from the tickling fingers, but the ties were too effective and the chair too solid, he couldn't get away. All John could do was laugh and pull at his bondage. And to make matters worse, Adrian quickly had his men remove John's shirt and join in on the torture. Now with one person digging into each of John's armpits, and two along each of his sides, John's body was violently shaking and he was screaming just trying to get away from the sensation. It felt like hours past as tears started escaping John's eyes and time began to blur. When they finally stopped assaulting his upper body, Adrian said, "I'll ask again, why were you taking photos of me"? Having composed himself a little John felt he could take more torso tickling in the hope that he could outlast them and eventually someone would realize he was missing, so he replied, "Go fuck yourself!" in an attempt of defiance which would prove to be a mistake. Adrian responded with, "I see we've ventured from the reporter excuse", which John realized he completely forgot about, and Adrian continued, "I hope you enjoyed the warm up because things are about to get far worse for you. First of all how about a little humiliation for John and anyone who we decide to send this footage to"?
Then, with a nod from Adrian, two of his men began to reach down near John and fiddle with the back of his pants/belt. Unsure what they were doing John soon became made aware when they each tightly grabbed an end of his underpants and began to yank it out of his shorts. Being the oldest sibling in his family John had never experienced a wedgie before, but he had given out plenty, so he knew very well the pain, discomfort, and emasculation they were capable of imposing on their victim, but this was the first time he was experiencing it first hand. He tried to protest, "What are you doing in my pants. Are you guys serious?! Stop, now!", but to no avail. The two large men continued to tug John's underwear further and further up his torso. It started out mildly uncomfortable, but the further up they went the more pain it was starting to cause John and the more pride he found them taking away from him. They passed his upper back and were about to his shoulders with the under garment when it started to get intensely painful for John and he started begging, "Please stop, they won't go any higher!", to which the men responded by applying more force which, sure enough, caused them to stretch higher. At this point, new tears were forming and John's fear was confirmed as his captors pulled his head back and completed the atomic wedgie by thoroughly stretching the underpants over his head so the drawstring section was around his forehead. When they released their grip, his underwear was stretched so tight that John's head was pinned back in that position and any movement, even just his head naturally trying to return to its normal position caused John's wedgie to worsen and the pain to amplify. He regretted buying such high quality clothing because otherwise his underwear wouldn't have been capable of stretching this far and putting him in this devilish position.
Once the wedgie was complete despite John's pleading, Adrian instructed the men to cut off John's jeans which they did carefully, as to not accidentally cut the underwear. This exposed John's full wedgie predicament and his begging only increased when Adrian uttered, "Alright time to continue with the treatment". This time nearly all the men participated, two taking his hips and upper-inner thighs, two squeezing his knees and tickling the tender area behind them, and 4 working on his upper body again. John was quickly screeching and jerking as far as his restraints would allow. Adrian commented, "It looks like you're ticklish just about everywhere. Poor thing, it must suck to have such a severe weakness from something as childish as tickling. No wonder you wanted to keep it a secret". The taunting, or at least the parts John could hear through his hysteria, was driving John mad and continued for far longer than the last session. In fact, he was being tortured so intensely he didn't notice near the end when Adrian moved down and sat in the office chair, admiring his view between John's struggling boots. It wasn't until John felt his boots being unlaced and pulled off that he began to get even more worried. Once John's shoes were removed Adrian had his men stop so John could catch his breath and listen.
"Well John, it's time to see how your feet compare" and with a rake of his fingers down John's socked sole, John belted out a sound louder than anything they'd heard that night. It was a good thing they had chosen to do this in the basement where no one could hear his screams. "Looks like we found a winner" Adrian continued to taunt, and John finally realized how terrifyingly ticklish he was and how much worse his feet were than the rest of his sensitive body. Adrian decided to lightly graze his finger over John's socked soles while he spoke, "So are you ready to tell me what your true intentions were John"? Barely able to talk with the maddening sensation on his feet John was able to get out, "Yes, I'll tell you! I'm a private investigator, I was hired to follow the woman you were with". "Hm, what was her name then Johnny boy"? Adrian followed up, along with a quick but firm scratch of his nails up and down John's soles, resulting in an involuntary yelp and bucking by John. After realizing he never knew her name John remained silent to which Adrian commented, "That's what I thought, now how about you tell me the truth before I take these socks off". Horrified by the idea, John quickly confessed, "Ok, I was hired by your wife to see if you were cheating and gather incriminating footage to show her".
After a long period of silence, Adrian simply responded, "I know", and started to slide John's socks off his feet. John was confused and extremely desperate, "What? Please, I told you everything you wanted, please don't take my socks off, you said you wouldn't"! John was near the breaking point and you could hear it in the scared yet submissive tone of his voice. Adrian finally spoke again, "Don't worry, I'm just getting you prepared in case you don't
cooperate with what I'm going to ask of you next". Then John exploded with laughter uncontrollably as Adrian had his men spread skin softening lotion all over John's bare feet. He then put John's socks back on over the lotion and his men rolled in heat lamps that they placed over his feet which started to warm them up. Mortified of what might come and how bad the lotion alone was on his vulnerable soles, John exclaimed, "Whatever you want I'll do it, please just let me go and don't tickle me anymore"! Adrian replied, "I wouldn't be so sure of that, but you'll have the chance to prove it. You're going to tell us where the things you've been compiling to send to my wife is, then you're going to delete it all and tell her you didn't find anything and that I'm a perfect husband".
John thought about what this meant for a second and realized that it went against every fiber of his being. His life up until now, including his profession, was based on the fact that he would be honest with his clients and make
sure they know the truth. He wanted to be someone they could count on. John hesitated for a little, considering his position and the tougher moral predicament he found himself in. Despite the light tickles from Adrian starting again, John conjured the remaining strength he had left deep inside him and spoke the words, "I'm sorry I can't do that..." and was quickly cut off by Adrian clawing into his now warm and softened feet, through his socks. John erupted into mania and fought with every ounce of energy he had against his restraints, just trying to get away from the torturous touch. Without warning Adrian made quick work of taking John's socks back off and tossing them across the room this time, showing he had no intention of putting them back on. Adrian was past being nice at this point, he meant business and was showing it through the tedious attack on John's hot, bare flesh. He was terrorizing every part of John's feet from his heel, to his arch and his ball, under, around, on top, and between his toes, and even on the sides and top of his feet. Adrian had turned his victim into a fit of girlish screams and pathetic body spasms, transforming him to a shell of the man he once was and undoubtedly leaving an emotional wound John would never truly be able to recover from. John had never experienced or imagined anything so dreadful, he had lost total control of his body, his thoughts, and his reactions. All he knew was the crazy sensation and his only concern was getting it to stop.
Shortly after the torment on his feet began John lost control of his bladder and soaked the bit of his underwear that wasn't stretched over him. It wasn't until about a half hour or so after the tickling stopped that John became
coherent again. He recollected the decimated pieces of himself and, finally defeated and broken, told Adrian where to find his computer, where on the computer to find everything, how to log in, and what to send his wife. Adrian had his men purge John's computer of not just all the evidence in his case, but completely wipe it just to be certain nothing incriminating was left. Then, they went through John's previously sent emails and copied the structure from past client emails when sending an email to Mrs. Martinez, saying that 'Despite all the work I've done, I couldn't find a single thing over the months of work and believe Adrian is an honest husband and upstanding member of society'. John would've been upset by this lack of morality and loyalty to Mrs. Martinez if he wasn't tickled to pieces by Adrian. He felt similar to a slave and would obey Adrian's every command from now on in fear of anything else coming in contact with his feet.
Once this was all completed, John expected to be untied and never associate himself with this group again. However, that's when Adrian said, "You're not done yet John, you made this much harder on us that you had to and for that we are going to punish you a lot more and make sure you never speak of this to anyone. First, we are going to keep you here for a while and make some more incriminating footage of our own" Adrian mentioned as he again began to lightly tease John's helpless bare soles, to which John could barely even struggle in response to because he had become so weak. "Then, I will have my men check up on you weekly to see how you are doing and make sure you are behaving, and I may even stop in myself from time to time to give you more pedicures, this was the most fun I've had in a while". John's body was squirming under the chair from the tickling on his feet and pain from the atomic wedgie, but the worst pain was the words as they left Adrian's mouth.
John had truly entered a nightmare he could never wake up from as he imagined this would be his life for his foreseeable future. He would be made to endure the worst form of torture he could fathom or risk his vulnerability being exposed to the whole world in the most embarrassing fashion he thought possible. Not only was this unethical, but this was the most excruciatingly torturous punishment for something John thought he was doing for all the right reasons. While John was whining and pleading with his captors as much as he could, Adrian took the time to restrain each of his toes to the chair, rendering his feet completely immobile. Then he had his men pull John's wedgie even further so it would cover his eyes and act as a sort of blindfold so John could no longer see his tormentors through the video screen and the sensations would be intensified. The last word John was able to get out before his mouth was forced open and a ball gag was stuffed in it - forcing it larger than he thought it could ever go - was "Please"; perfectly resembling the shamble of a private investigator John had amounted to. And with that Adrian had his men pull out various tools such as vibrating brushes, hair brushes, feathers, scrubbers, and more, and every man surrounded John, following Adrian's lead. Adrian dug into John's soles and his men took care of the rest of John's delicate body including ears, neck, pits, belly, belly button, nipples, ribs, sides, and hips. Making sure not to miss out on the thighs, knees or lower legs. Nearly every inch of John's hypersensitive body was being put through hellish torture and all he could do was struggle against the bondage comprised of his office chair and his own underwear. John had become a subservient tickle slave, betrayed by the sensitivity of his own body, and the worst part was it was his own fault for taking this case. But the tickling made it so he couldn't focus on that, not even if he wanted to. He had entered a state of near ticklish dysphoria, that would be his reality every week as he lived out the rest of his torturous life that was no longer his own.
WARNING: tickle torture/punishment/humiliation/wedgie, if you don't like that this may not be for you
John Marr was a private detective in California, recently contracted by a woman, Gloria Martinez, to see if her husband was having an affair. Adrian and Gloria Martinez were one of the wealthiest couples in Los Angeles, many thought it was for their number of businesses around the city; however, those were just fronts to cover up their money laundering. John, on the other hand, was a stand-up guy and an abiding citizen of the law. He got into the private investigation profession because he wanted to bring people that were doing wrong to justice. John was weeks into his investigation and almost had all the evidence he needed. He had already observed Adrian exhibiting suspicious behavior with a number of different women. Tonight was the night he had planned to obtain the evidence that would put his case over the top. He'd been following Mr. Martinez and a particular women he appeared to be romantically involved with, and knew they were planning on meeting in a public place for a fancy dinner that night. John staked out the location and set up his equipment in his very subtle black ford f-150 truck. John himself was dawned in a short sleeve button up, floral/tropical shirt - like you might see from a dad on vacation - along with jeans and a fashionable pair of high cut military-type brown boots. He then went to the Martinez residence and followed Adrian from his house to the restaurant where he conveniently parked next to a large window in perfect view of the couple's reserved table.
Within 10 minutes, Adrian was seated at his table and his date had arrived. Throughout the night, John captured several photos of the two kissing, hugging, and touching across the table so often it was if they were the ones who were married. With more than enough incriminating photos to prove Mr. Martinez's relationship with someone else, John made sure to get photos of the woman's license plate and car before heading home for the night to compile his case to send Mrs. Martinez later that night. Soon after John arrived at his home and went inside, he heard a knock on the door. He initially thought it must be Mrs. Martinez because she didn't seem to understand too well that he would send her whatever he found when he got it all together and she usually insisted on following up in person after every stakeout he had, despite him telling her he hadn't come to a conclusion yet each time. However, he thought after last time he made it clear to her to not meet with him in person anymore. As he approached the door and opened it he discovered no one was there. "Hello?", he said, seeing if maybe they'd walked away but assuming it must've been a prank. Then he heard a crash from inside his home and turned to see what it was. In that moment, he experienced what felt like someone bear hug him so he couldn't move his arms and someone else place a cloth hood over his head that was soaked in something. He tried to fight but it quickly became clear that the person holding him was far stronger than John was. After about 20 seconds of struggling and yelling for help, and heavy breathing, he started to feel faint and saw a group of men enter his house as he heard the door shut and lock behind him, and fell out of consciousness.
When John awoke he quickly recounted what had happened and realized he couldn't move. He saw he was still in his home, in the basement, but upon further struggling he realized he was restrained. It was actually thanks to the monitor in front of his face that had been set up that John was able to view exactly how he'd been immobilized. The monitor showed four different views of John from different angles that he assumed cameras were set up at around the room. One was on his face, the other had a bird's eye view, one was a side view, and the other was a close up on him from the back. John saw that in his current predicament he was tied to a heavy wood desk chair from his office that had been bolted to the ground. He was laying on his stomach on the ground under the chair. His elbows has been tightly tied to the back legs of the chair where the legs meet the seat, and his wrists were tied further down those same legs near where they met the ground. As for his knees, they had been bound to the front two legs of the chair near the bottom, stretching his body out. And further up those chair legs, his ankles were tightly secured to the front end of the arm rests with the soles of his shoes facing upwards.
Once John realized he was thoroughly subdued, he started yelling for help and in response Mr. Martinez and a group of his men emerged from the main floor. "Well, well, well, look who's finally awake", to which John responded, "What the fuck is going on, why did you break into my house and why am I tied up"?! Adrian explained, "You see, I constantly have my men following me to make sure I'm not in harms way. We caught on to you following and taking photos of me a while ago and have been monitoring you since, waiting for the right time to detain and get some answers from you. In fact, in the meantime we were even able to get your fingerprint, run a background check on you, and dig up some secrets from your past we plan to use if you don't cooperate.". John tried to hide the emotions of horror and helplessness he felt as Adrian was talking to him, what secrets could he have found? Adrian continued, "However, it seems there is no trail of you starting about five or so years ago and thus, we are not sure of your recent intentions". This was true as John had made sure to seize all social media and internet postings upon beginning his career as a P.I., basically going off the grid as much as he could. It appears that would work against him tonight as John knew that if he told Adrian what profession he was, he would likely become suspicious of who wanted Adrian tracked which he could not give up based on the contract he signed with Mrs. Martinez and the own moral values of trust and loyalty he vowed to himself he would not break.
Adrian spoke, "I'm only gonna ask you nicely once, why have you been following me and taking pictures of me"? John scrambled for an answer gathering, "I'm a reporter, I was just...taking photos of areas and important people in the city. I was simply following the upscale restaurants as well as you because you are one of the largest business owners in the state and my news company wanted me to look into you". Adrian pondered, "Hm, while that seems like a pretty good excuse, if you were really a reporter you wouldn't have gone cyber-silent for half a decade. We gave you a chance John, now let me remind you of an experience you had at your old friend's salon years back. When we saw only a single appointment had been booked on your payment history, and then cross-referenced that with an angry report that you filed to her manager and a horrible review of the business online, that raised a mild red flag for use and we had to dig into it further. We actually went in and talked to a girl named Elizabeth who said she was the one who worked with you and was happy to recount the story. She said that all she did was start giving you a pedicure, which you mentioned to her was your first, and the moment she touched your feet you exploded with laughter. She said that she laughed in response and you got super defensive, put your shoes back on, started yelling at her, and left". John's eyes got wide at the telling of this story. He wondered how in the hell Adrian got access to this information and why Elizabeth would divulge his information like that. John had won a free pedicure from a raffle at his old job and decided to try it because he had never done it before. He didn't know it would be so ticklish and didn't really understand how ticklish he was, but the second the scrubbing brush touched his feet he realized how deathly ticklish he was, got very insecure, and took action against the girl and the company to try and make up for his own embarrassment.
But all that was coming back to haunt him now as Adrian knelt down next to John and said, "I think I'll try giving you your second pedicure now whether you like it or not, but first I'll warm you up a little bit", and with that
Adrian dug into John's exposed side which sent him into hysterics. He tried to writhe around and get away from the tickling fingers, but the ties were too effective and the chair too solid, he couldn't get away. All John could do was laugh and pull at his bondage. And to make matters worse, Adrian quickly had his men remove John's shirt and join in on the torture. Now with one person digging into each of John's armpits, and two along each of his sides, John's body was violently shaking and he was screaming just trying to get away from the sensation. It felt like hours past as tears started escaping John's eyes and time began to blur. When they finally stopped assaulting his upper body, Adrian said, "I'll ask again, why were you taking photos of me"? Having composed himself a little John felt he could take more torso tickling in the hope that he could outlast them and eventually someone would realize he was missing, so he replied, "Go fuck yourself!" in an attempt of defiance which would prove to be a mistake. Adrian responded with, "I see we've ventured from the reporter excuse", which John realized he completely forgot about, and Adrian continued, "I hope you enjoyed the warm up because things are about to get far worse for you. First of all how about a little humiliation for John and anyone who we decide to send this footage to"?
Then, with a nod from Adrian, two of his men began to reach down near John and fiddle with the back of his pants/belt. Unsure what they were doing John soon became made aware when they each tightly grabbed an end of his underpants and began to yank it out of his shorts. Being the oldest sibling in his family John had never experienced a wedgie before, but he had given out plenty, so he knew very well the pain, discomfort, and emasculation they were capable of imposing on their victim, but this was the first time he was experiencing it first hand. He tried to protest, "What are you doing in my pants. Are you guys serious?! Stop, now!", but to no avail. The two large men continued to tug John's underwear further and further up his torso. It started out mildly uncomfortable, but the further up they went the more pain it was starting to cause John and the more pride he found them taking away from him. They passed his upper back and were about to his shoulders with the under garment when it started to get intensely painful for John and he started begging, "Please stop, they won't go any higher!", to which the men responded by applying more force which, sure enough, caused them to stretch higher. At this point, new tears were forming and John's fear was confirmed as his captors pulled his head back and completed the atomic wedgie by thoroughly stretching the underpants over his head so the drawstring section was around his forehead. When they released their grip, his underwear was stretched so tight that John's head was pinned back in that position and any movement, even just his head naturally trying to return to its normal position caused John's wedgie to worsen and the pain to amplify. He regretted buying such high quality clothing because otherwise his underwear wouldn't have been capable of stretching this far and putting him in this devilish position.
Once the wedgie was complete despite John's pleading, Adrian instructed the men to cut off John's jeans which they did carefully, as to not accidentally cut the underwear. This exposed John's full wedgie predicament and his begging only increased when Adrian uttered, "Alright time to continue with the treatment". This time nearly all the men participated, two taking his hips and upper-inner thighs, two squeezing his knees and tickling the tender area behind them, and 4 working on his upper body again. John was quickly screeching and jerking as far as his restraints would allow. Adrian commented, "It looks like you're ticklish just about everywhere. Poor thing, it must suck to have such a severe weakness from something as childish as tickling. No wonder you wanted to keep it a secret". The taunting, or at least the parts John could hear through his hysteria, was driving John mad and continued for far longer than the last session. In fact, he was being tortured so intensely he didn't notice near the end when Adrian moved down and sat in the office chair, admiring his view between John's struggling boots. It wasn't until John felt his boots being unlaced and pulled off that he began to get even more worried. Once John's shoes were removed Adrian had his men stop so John could catch his breath and listen.
"Well John, it's time to see how your feet compare" and with a rake of his fingers down John's socked sole, John belted out a sound louder than anything they'd heard that night. It was a good thing they had chosen to do this in the basement where no one could hear his screams. "Looks like we found a winner" Adrian continued to taunt, and John finally realized how terrifyingly ticklish he was and how much worse his feet were than the rest of his sensitive body. Adrian decided to lightly graze his finger over John's socked soles while he spoke, "So are you ready to tell me what your true intentions were John"? Barely able to talk with the maddening sensation on his feet John was able to get out, "Yes, I'll tell you! I'm a private investigator, I was hired to follow the woman you were with". "Hm, what was her name then Johnny boy"? Adrian followed up, along with a quick but firm scratch of his nails up and down John's soles, resulting in an involuntary yelp and bucking by John. After realizing he never knew her name John remained silent to which Adrian commented, "That's what I thought, now how about you tell me the truth before I take these socks off". Horrified by the idea, John quickly confessed, "Ok, I was hired by your wife to see if you were cheating and gather incriminating footage to show her".
After a long period of silence, Adrian simply responded, "I know", and started to slide John's socks off his feet. John was confused and extremely desperate, "What? Please, I told you everything you wanted, please don't take my socks off, you said you wouldn't"! John was near the breaking point and you could hear it in the scared yet submissive tone of his voice. Adrian finally spoke again, "Don't worry, I'm just getting you prepared in case you don't
cooperate with what I'm going to ask of you next". Then John exploded with laughter uncontrollably as Adrian had his men spread skin softening lotion all over John's bare feet. He then put John's socks back on over the lotion and his men rolled in heat lamps that they placed over his feet which started to warm them up. Mortified of what might come and how bad the lotion alone was on his vulnerable soles, John exclaimed, "Whatever you want I'll do it, please just let me go and don't tickle me anymore"! Adrian replied, "I wouldn't be so sure of that, but you'll have the chance to prove it. You're going to tell us where the things you've been compiling to send to my wife is, then you're going to delete it all and tell her you didn't find anything and that I'm a perfect husband".
John thought about what this meant for a second and realized that it went against every fiber of his being. His life up until now, including his profession, was based on the fact that he would be honest with his clients and make
sure they know the truth. He wanted to be someone they could count on. John hesitated for a little, considering his position and the tougher moral predicament he found himself in. Despite the light tickles from Adrian starting again, John conjured the remaining strength he had left deep inside him and spoke the words, "I'm sorry I can't do that..." and was quickly cut off by Adrian clawing into his now warm and softened feet, through his socks. John erupted into mania and fought with every ounce of energy he had against his restraints, just trying to get away from the torturous touch. Without warning Adrian made quick work of taking John's socks back off and tossing them across the room this time, showing he had no intention of putting them back on. Adrian was past being nice at this point, he meant business and was showing it through the tedious attack on John's hot, bare flesh. He was terrorizing every part of John's feet from his heel, to his arch and his ball, under, around, on top, and between his toes, and even on the sides and top of his feet. Adrian had turned his victim into a fit of girlish screams and pathetic body spasms, transforming him to a shell of the man he once was and undoubtedly leaving an emotional wound John would never truly be able to recover from. John had never experienced or imagined anything so dreadful, he had lost total control of his body, his thoughts, and his reactions. All he knew was the crazy sensation and his only concern was getting it to stop.
Shortly after the torment on his feet began John lost control of his bladder and soaked the bit of his underwear that wasn't stretched over him. It wasn't until about a half hour or so after the tickling stopped that John became
coherent again. He recollected the decimated pieces of himself and, finally defeated and broken, told Adrian where to find his computer, where on the computer to find everything, how to log in, and what to send his wife. Adrian had his men purge John's computer of not just all the evidence in his case, but completely wipe it just to be certain nothing incriminating was left. Then, they went through John's previously sent emails and copied the structure from past client emails when sending an email to Mrs. Martinez, saying that 'Despite all the work I've done, I couldn't find a single thing over the months of work and believe Adrian is an honest husband and upstanding member of society'. John would've been upset by this lack of morality and loyalty to Mrs. Martinez if he wasn't tickled to pieces by Adrian. He felt similar to a slave and would obey Adrian's every command from now on in fear of anything else coming in contact with his feet.
Once this was all completed, John expected to be untied and never associate himself with this group again. However, that's when Adrian said, "You're not done yet John, you made this much harder on us that you had to and for that we are going to punish you a lot more and make sure you never speak of this to anyone. First, we are going to keep you here for a while and make some more incriminating footage of our own" Adrian mentioned as he again began to lightly tease John's helpless bare soles, to which John could barely even struggle in response to because he had become so weak. "Then, I will have my men check up on you weekly to see how you are doing and make sure you are behaving, and I may even stop in myself from time to time to give you more pedicures, this was the most fun I've had in a while". John's body was squirming under the chair from the tickling on his feet and pain from the atomic wedgie, but the worst pain was the words as they left Adrian's mouth.
John had truly entered a nightmare he could never wake up from as he imagined this would be his life for his foreseeable future. He would be made to endure the worst form of torture he could fathom or risk his vulnerability being exposed to the whole world in the most embarrassing fashion he thought possible. Not only was this unethical, but this was the most excruciatingly torturous punishment for something John thought he was doing for all the right reasons. While John was whining and pleading with his captors as much as he could, Adrian took the time to restrain each of his toes to the chair, rendering his feet completely immobile. Then he had his men pull John's wedgie even further so it would cover his eyes and act as a sort of blindfold so John could no longer see his tormentors through the video screen and the sensations would be intensified. The last word John was able to get out before his mouth was forced open and a ball gag was stuffed in it - forcing it larger than he thought it could ever go - was "Please"; perfectly resembling the shamble of a private investigator John had amounted to. And with that Adrian had his men pull out various tools such as vibrating brushes, hair brushes, feathers, scrubbers, and more, and every man surrounded John, following Adrian's lead. Adrian dug into John's soles and his men took care of the rest of John's delicate body including ears, neck, pits, belly, belly button, nipples, ribs, sides, and hips. Making sure not to miss out on the thighs, knees or lower legs. Nearly every inch of John's hypersensitive body was being put through hellish torture and all he could do was struggle against the bondage comprised of his office chair and his own underwear. John had become a subservient tickle slave, betrayed by the sensitivity of his own body, and the worst part was it was his own fault for taking this case. But the tickling made it so he couldn't focus on that, not even if he wanted to. He had entered a state of near ticklish dysphoria, that would be his reality every week as he lived out the rest of his torturous life that was no longer his own.