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A Question for the Guys...Please be honest.


4th Level Orange Feather
Apr 18, 2001
Do you think it is possibe or would you even want to find a life partner that physically excites you as much as a tickling video model, but also has the qualities you look for in a woman for an LTR?

if it's possible, it will happen VERY rarely.

don't get me wrong, my wife is a beauty. But I find that she excites me more because I'm close to her and I know her me, not because of her bodacious rack. Funny how things like that change once you say "I do."🙂

(...on the other hand, I wouldn't kick her sister or best friend out of bed, either. 😀 )
Do you think it is possibe or would you even want to find a life partner that physically excites you as much as a tickling video model, but also has the qualities you look for in a woman for an LTR?

If I was in the market for a LTR, I would assume that any woman whom I found myself in one with, would excite me far more then any attractive stranger that happened to be on my TV screen, regardless of how well that models looks met my ideal. Physical attraction is but lust expressed as the desire to covet the pretty. Any LTR transends that with it's intimacy alone.

Let me ask this. Could you see yourself having that lustful physical reaction to a woman that gives you the emotional intimacy in an LTR? If so, would it seem unhealthy that a man would not?
Flatfoot said:
but if looking at a celebrity, model, or just anyone with "model" looks, it doesn't intrigue me too much unless they have other non-physical characteristics to find intriguing.

Would it seem unhealthy or odd that a man who claims to be in the love with the person, not be physically attracted to her enough to get him stimulated sexually?
Yes.......I found her, right here in the TMF! Shygirl.
The true LOVE of my life who excites me on every level. Not to mention she is INSANELY ticklish and loves both tickling and being tickled!

Let me ask this. Could you see yourself having that lustful physical reaction to a woman that gives you the emotional intimacy in an LTR? If so, would it seem unhealthy that a man would not?

I've known a few men who care deeply for, and exchange intimate interactions on the mental and emotional levels with the women in thier lives, but have no sexual interest in them. The two can be seperate.

njjen3953 said:
Do you think it is possibe or would you even want to find a life partner that physically excites you as much as a tickling video model, but also has the qualities you look for in a woman for an LTR?

Good question, Jen. A woman who has the qualities I'm looking for would excite me in many ways, provided she's reasonably attractive, perhaps even average-looking. Real life is totally different than what happens on-screen. Incidentally, I'm not that interested in looking at models and the like UNLESS they're being tickled! 😀

This is just me but the tickle models are really just fantasy to me as in dreaming of a tickle partner like them.

I never really hope to find one in physical looks like the tickle models but obviously I'd want to find a partner that I was very attracted to physically and emotionally. This sounds so lame when I read what I just wrote but it's true.

An example, a woman that was the love of my life long ago, was no tickle vid model, 5'2 (little thing)and emotionally she could drop me with her smile or a simple "hello [real name]". She knew me and I knew her so well. The chemistry made the only time I got to tickle her, more than any fantasy tickle video.

Carmen Electra is tied to a bed and says to tickle the crap out of her. The rush of tickling is different then the one with someone I really am attracted to emotionally. It would be a temp. fix once I'm done tickling Carmen. But to tickle a woman I'm into, well... I could move a mountain with that rush.

So in a nutshell, what Myriads just wrote. 🙂

njjen3953 said:

Would it seem unhealthy or odd that a man who claims to be in the love with the person, not be physically attracted to her enough to get him stimulated sexually?

I have fallen in love with a woman whom I wasn't attracted to until after I started talking to her and getting to know her. We were together for quite some time and the occasions that I did not want to have sex with her (somtimes for up to a week) had nothing to do with her looks. Somtimes it had to do with the fact that she wanted it three times a day (yeah, I know it sounds like every guys dream, but trust me....it can easily turn into a nightmare). She was very smothering and clingy in other ways besides sexually which could also be a turn off at times. There were ways she came on to me that turned me off as well. I made her aware of these things and it got a little better. I found the best cure for this was to spend a few days apart. It worked wonders because we both had time to reflect on how we were acting and why....and our break up had nothing to do with our sex life 😉 . However, this is just me and I can't speak for all guys. Anyway I hope I've helped a little.
Take care.
Sure. Physical attractiveness isn't as important as the fact that she's ticklish, and she's willing to be tied down and tickled.
Jen, I found my mate and married her, and desire her WAY more than any silly vid kid. Myriads' correct 'bout lust, and it's overrated.

Quite frankly, my desires for a mate are WAY more complicated than my sexual appetites within this interest. I don't think my desires OUTSIDE of this interest can be met by anyone alive, and certainly aren't "real" by any means. The details PAST the sexual aspects are way tougher, and that I found so close a match wit' one of us is a blessin' greater than most I've known.

'Sides, you've seen me, darlin'. I'm no prize myself. 😉

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njjen3953 said:
Do you think it is possibe or would you even want to find a life partner that physically excites you as much as a tickling video model, but also has the qualities you look for in a woman for an LTR?


I think it's very possible for a man to find a woman as "physically exciting" as a video model and who also posesses LTR qualities. From what I've seen, tickling video models come in all shapes, sizes and colors and from what I understand, they are fairly common folk, even if professional, so I'm quite sure I've seen some woman in a tickling video, music video or blockbuster video for that matter, who I found physically attractive and may or may not have the attributes I seek in a LTR. That being said, all of the qualities I seek in a LTR could never be displayed in a tickling video. For me, mental, intellectual, spiritual and emotional compatability in a woman breeds physical attractiveness and excitement.
I find that so many guys choose the women they want to date the same way they'd choose a shirt or a jacket at The Gap. The way I look at it, the woman who is both suitable for a LTR and sexually attractive to you can be found, but the key is, don't go in with any rigid ideas of what type is sexually attractive. For God's sake, don't let the
Hollywood images tell you what you should find sexually attractive.

When it comes to the tickling dimension, well... chances are your mate won't be a card-carrying ticklephile, unless you meet her somewhere like here, but you'd be surprised what some people will take pleasure in behind closed doors, so there's always hope. I say, be realistic on all fronts, including the emotional and the sexual, but don't let Hollywood do your thinking for you (not that the initial writer of this thread indicated he would, but just a general sentiment).

(I should qualify this by saying that I'm about as unqualified as they come to give advice about relationships, so few and so brief have mine been, but there you have it.)
yes and i married her.
she knew nothing about tickling when we dated. one night i opened up to her about it, and her reply was whats wrong with that.
we dated for 6 yrs well lived together then married. we have wonderful evenings filled with her being tickled insanly which she now looks forward to. she even picked out and ordered a basic bondage kit from the net.
I've enjoyed reading guys responses to this thread. It's a refreshing change from the overall impression that most guys are looking for fashion model types. Just one observation I'd like to throw in if I may...

Many of those who responded addressed tickling specificly. If that is your only sexual activity, fine. But, as there is more to an LTR than sexual activity, there is (for most people) more to sexual activity than tickling. Leaving tickling out of the equation, would your responses be the same? Would you enter/remain in a LTR with someone who you were not sexually attracted to if they met your expectations in all other senses?

Good Post Jen!

I'll be very honest. Most of the tickling models, although beautiful and sexy (in some ways) are not the type of girl I would want a relationship with.

As you know by being to many NESTs, I don't play, or if I do, it is brief or only with someone I am connected with.

I love creating a forum for people in the tickling community to play, but I rarely play at NEST or other Gatherings. I am one of those sentimental romantics that equates tickling to kissing.

I have to already be attracted to someone in order to tickle them. Now I can fantasize all I want and share my fantasies with others, but when it comes down to fingers on flesh for any period of time longer than a poke in the ribs, I have to have a chemistry with the person.

That is why I am usually attracted to tickling videos with the girl-next-door type.

Max :firedevil
I'm talking from a viewpoint of someone who's neither married nor a stud with lots of experience. As a matter of fact I can count my girfriends from age 18 on the fingers of one hand.

Looking at a tickling model on a video like Phoenix or Ember may be enjoyable because of their looks, but as someone else said, it's just a quick fix. It means not even a tenth of what something deep and meaningful would do, with someone I was mentally and emotionally close to.

If in the hypothetical situation you mention a guy could not relate to someone he's in love with, but could to a model on a video; I'd say there was deep emotional or mental issues at large that are causing a problem of which that would be a symptom. Someone else said pretty much the same earlier, so I'd agree with that person and Myr's points of view.
Okay, guys, you've proven your sensitive side in saying that the women you love with all of your hearts does not have to be or is not a tickling model. Now back to the serious side of the question:

Can you envision being in a long-term relationship, regardless of your partner's physical stature, without a strong physical attraction present? In other words, you love her, need her, care of her, but physically there is no spontaneous arousal or desire. Note I said spontaneous because I don't know the origin of Jen's question: in other words, not exactly sexless but not the powerful arousal that might normally happen just from viewing the porn side of things. Get it?
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njjen3953 said:

Would it seem unhealthy or odd that a man who claims to be in the love with the person, not be physically attracted to her enough to get him stimulated sexually?

unless he is claiming to love the woman as a sister, then yes the situation you discribe above, is unusual, and not "healthy". this man has issues, and a some what serious intimacy problem. he should seek help.
WorkInProgress said:

not that the initial writer of this thread indicated he would, but just a general sentiment

FYI, I am the thread starter and am a woman.

Nightfall said:
Okay, guys, you've proven your sensitive side in saying that the women you love with all of your hearts does not have to be or is not a tickling model. Now back to the serious side of the question:

Can you envision being in a long-term relationship, regardless of your partner's physical stature, without a strong physical attraction present? In other words, you love her, need her, care of her, but physically there is no spontaneous arousal or desire. Note I said spontaneous because I don't know the origin of Jen's question: in other words, not exactly sexless but not the powerful arousal that might normally happen just from viewing the porn side of things. Get it?

In short, yes I can. Looks might help, but they are not the be all and all of sexual attraction. Looks usually help in the first hour of meeting someone. I know full well that I am VERY attracted to the thought of going out with someone plain looking if she is on my wavelength.
Answering Nightfall

Having a strong physical attraction is subjective of course. I think Jen was referring to a tickling video model. There is a lot in between model and non-model as far as looks are concerned. Furthermore, I take offense (not to you personally) when women refer to men's "sensitive side". I don't understand why people are not related to as sensitive beings. Why must a man, when telling what he likes in a woman, be unlike anyone else talking about their values in a relationship?

Naturally, I NEED to be physically attracted to a woman in order to be interested in her. But, as I stated above, my criteria for what is physically attractive is subjective and a person can't use tickling video model as the number 10 in a scale from 1 to 10. There have been many tickling models that I found repulsive.

So when you talk to a man who likes a woman with bushy eyebrows, he is going to say that she is extremely atractive to him while another might not find it so.

Max :firedevil
Quoting Jen:

"Could you see yourself having that lustful physical reaction to a woman that gives you the emotional intimacy in an LTR? If so, would it seem unhealthy that a man would not?"

I rephrased because I (maybe mistakenly) thought the intent of the question had been lost. Only Jen can clear it up at this point so I'll back out, but not before I try one more time: Does it seem unhealthy to you, as a man, that you could have a LTR with a woman and yet not be attracted to her physically the way a video model might arouse you? Your answer appears to be no, Max, based on the fact that you said you needed to be physically attracted to a woman to have the relationship in the first place. I am NOT passing judgement on the statement, just trying to clarify it.

And I'm sorry if I offended anyone with the tongue-in-cheek reference about 'sensitivity.'
I honestly did not think this thread would take off, but I am glad it did. I am even happier that some woman have posted their feelings on the subject. It is apparent that women and men really do see things totally differently. Perhaps if we combine our views, it could help make relationships easier.

Thanks to all for your contributions,
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