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And now, Even MORE stories of Moms and Aunts….a BRAND NEW thread for 2024.


TMF Master
Nov 22, 2005
Here we go folks…a new thread for the new year..2024. A place to post stories of Moms, Aunts, Grandmothers, Cousins, etc. the last time I tickled my Mom’s feet was when I was about fifteen….technically still a minor, so no details here. Sorry. But am looking forward to hearing more true stories from everybody!
I have tickled my cousin's feet, she wasn't very ticklish she said it felt more relaxing. That was about 2001 in her dorm room
I have tickled my cousin's feet, she wasn't very ticklish she said it felt more relaxing. That was about 2001 in her dorm room
That’s cool. When I was a kid, I tickled my cousin’s feet, too. But she wasn’t ticklish at all. Nevertheless, she would let me play with, and tickle her feet pretty often.
My mom is an extremely ticklish lady, head to toe. I've posted stories about her previously but here's some more:
Mom did some fashion modelling for about 15 years for a couple of local department stores. It was late 70's. She often let me hang around when she was working, being fitted for different clothes. I'd be in a room just off where she was being fitted and heard what was going on. I'd often heard her giggling, saying "oh that tickles", or "I'm ticklish"as she giggled and sometimes laughed as they touched her legs or feet, or underarms to measure and fit. Sarah, who was always the lady that fitted her, a seamstress, would tell her to keep still upon which mom laughed more. When they were finished mom would come out and say "oh I'm so ticklish" as if we didn't know it. Sometimes Sarah would tease her and run a feather up and down mom's leg and I hear her laughing and saying "this is ticklish, do you need to do this? hahahahahahaha".
When they went on a buying trip mom would take me during the summer as a vacation for me. We would stay in a hotel, I had my own room adjoining theirs with a door between so mom could check on me. Even though they had their own beds, I'd hear mom giggling and laughing in the next room and knew Sarah was tickling her.They'd go for dinner, have a couple of drinks and return to their room.
One night I heard mom laughing "hahahahahahaha, oh your tickling me, I'm so ticklish hahahahaha". 'Oh please not the feet hahahahahahahaha,oh not there hahahahahaha". I'd hear Sarah tease "what's the matter?" Mom would respond "i'm so very ticklish,your tickling me!". This could go on from 20 minutes to an hour. One night about 2am I heard mom giggling like crazy. I know Sarah was saying something but couldn't make it out. But every 2 minutes or so mom would say"ticklish". It was like Sarah was saying "how about here?", or "How about here?". That went on for about an hour.
Now mom and Sarah were close collegues and friends, nothing more. Sarah just loved tickling mom.
The next morning mom would come into my room and say good morning. She'd always explain about the night before saying' Sarah was tickling me", or "she was tickling me, I'm so ticklish!"
Mom finally left the fashion industry and took an office job, but it was fun travelling with her and hearing her being tickled by others.
well seeing there is a new 2024 thread , i guess i will post my new one about my aunt Janet , anyone wanting to know back story or the other incidents will have to go back and read in the 2022 thread but a little background , aunt Janet looked a bit like that fitness lady denise austin except she was a bit heavier with shorter hair and wore glasses at times when not wearing contacts these were innocent and brief feet tickles . This happened on one summer family cook out either memorial day or july 4th . I remember being outside on the patio and my parents and aunt Janet were the only ones at the moment . I remember she was wearing a floral print top and matching shorts and she was curled up on the lawn chair and her clogs were on the ground . I would go to the drink cooler which was near her feet to get a drink and just do an unobvious quick glance at her soles and then go back to where my parents were . We needed some last minute stuff so Janet said she would run to the store and of course i asked to go with her . She left me where the comics and magazines were while she went up a few aisles to gather some stuff .

I remember hearing her coming down the aisle smiling at me asking if there were any magazines or comics i wanted and of course she bought me what i wanted . All i could think of on the way home was how would i get a brief tickle , well that left my mind when i got back home and more family arrived and cousins my own age i could play with so i was occupied. A few hours passed and us kids went for round two of food and i noticed Aunt Janet wasnt around . I thought she went home or something and mom said she needed a nap so she could stay up later and it was close to the time she wanted to be woken up so i said i would wake her and mom responded that she was in their bedroom .

The time came to wake her and thankfully my cousins were outside so i was alone . She was curled up on top of the covers back to the door so i went to her front and nudged her awake , she opened her eyes and i said it was time to get up and she yawned and said " ok just a few more minutes " . and closed her eyes , i waited the few more minutes in my room and then went back in and she was asleep again . I woke her again and she woke up and i told her i was going to wait until she actually got up ( because mom would have only sent me up to wake her again ). She said" ok ok pest " she got up and sat at the edge of the bed with her bare heels resting in the frame yawning and trying to wake herself. She went to reach her feet down to slip them in her clogs but they werent there still groggy she was thinking she wasnt wearing them before she napped . I knew she was wearing them and then i looked under the bed , when she kicked them off they must have gone under there and there they were . I tossed one out and i saw her slip a foot into it , the other i pulled out and held it . She was just getting out of her grogginess and i thought now was my chance . She crossed her legs and reached out thinking i was going to give her the clog but i pulled it away and she said something like not to be funny she wasnt fully awake yet . Her legs were still crossed and her foot was pointed downward so i tickled it . She let out a gasp and started laughing saying oh no no stop ". . her toes turned up ward and her foot went back and forth as she tried to reach for the clog in my hand. I stopped and she stopped laughing with what sounded like a sigh of relief , i put the clog down and she rubbed her foot on the carpet and slipped it in . She got up and i asked if she was awake and she said now i am . She just shook her head and said what she always says " what am i going to do with you ? " and then mussed my hair . She came down after using the bathroom and said not a word about what i did as usual .
That night when she left to go home , i walked with her to her car carrying leftovers for her , i thanked her for the comics she bought me at the store and she said i was welcome and gave me a hug and asked if i had fun today and i said i did , now i dont know if she met fun as in the cookout and playing with my cousins or fun as tickling her sole.
Its been a while but i decided even though this isnt the last story of Aunt Janet , this is the only incident that happen when i was an adult sort of and the very last time i ever tickled her feet and this incident really cemented my bare feet tickle fetish . As i was reaching my preteen years there was really no reason for Aunt Janet to watch over me and at 15 when i started hanging out with friends , i would see less of Aunt Janet , i would see her and talk to her at family gatherings or in passing when she came to see mom . This was the summer i graduated so i was 18 going on 19 and still living at home . I still would think about Aunt Janet and the times we had , then one day that summer iwas bored and had nothing to do mom had just got off the phone with Janet and said to me , why dont you go over and help your aunt paint , you love painting so i figured what the hell she was always cool . My mom said " your aunt just kept yaking and wouldnt shut up so i could hang up ". Little did i know why she was so chatty , when i got to her place she greeted me and as always thanked me for coming to help her , she gave me a hug and said " its been a while since you helped me with anything ". My aunt like i stated in a previous story ( 2022 thread ) wasnt a drinker and only would indulge during a major holiday oe a celebration, well today she was drinking those hard ice tea or wine cooler things that have low alcohol content but i guess if you drink a number of them during an amount of time you can get tipsy and Aunt janet was showing signs of it which explained why she was more chatty and goofy than normal .

Aunt Janet was well into her 50s at the time , her hair was a bit gray and pulled back under a kerchief on her head , she was wearing a sleeveless top , cut offs down to the knees and flip flops , she had splotches of paint on her here and there and despite some wrinkles , she still looked good for her age We got to painting and it was fun we talked and laughed, hearing her laugh brought back memories of tickling her feet but i kept painting and then it was time for a break and she ordered us pizza . We sat in the living room i in the recliner and she came in with her plate and another drink and sat on the sofa , she sat down kicked off her flops and put her feet on the ottoman and we talked about about the past , there was a lot of remember when and remember that time conversation . I could tell she was still the same ole goofy aunt and more goofy with the drinks in her . I said to her" Aunt Janet , your a mess you got paint here and there even on the bottoms of your feet " . She said i do and tried to lean over and look , i pointed as i got up off the recliner and said "right here there was no paint on her feet but i scratched an area and she twitched a bit and had a bit of a smile . My excitement grew , i lifted her feet , sat on the ottoman and put her feet on my knees , she chuckled and asked what are you doing . I told her that i remember how she was ticklish. She had a mouth full of pizza and was quickly trying to chew and swallow and as soon as she was able to talk , i began tickling the feet bottoms , she laughed , feeling her dry wrinkled soles started to get me excited and as an adult i was now strong enough to hold them there she was laughing slapping her hand on the arm rest and then gripped the cushions and she was saying between laughing how she remembered i was always going after her feet and how she thought i out grew it and between more laughing she kept saying she was too old for this . She kept laughing saying her feet were still too ticklish and how she was always good to me . I went from the bottoms to the top of her feet and she curled her toes back . I stopped when she kept waving i still held her feet to my knees with one hand and gently rubbed them with the other for a few seconds . She caught her breath and said to me while chuckling " you almost gave me a heart attack , i hope your girlfriend isnt ticklish haha ". She got up to get another slice of pizza which gave me time to come down from being excited lol . We got back to painting and she thanked me for helping her and reminded me that she was still my aunt and if i needed any help with anything to just asked and stop by anytime . This was the first time where i got to tickle those feet for 5 min

She is still alive and well and lives in a different part of the state than me but i always see her at thanksgiving and christmas gatherings and we still chat on social media funny thing is , when i see her in chat , i sometimes will message her with kitchy kitchy koo and she will respond back with 🤣🤣🤣
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