DysUrban Dictionary for Ceen
DysUrban Dictionary for Ceen
Times change and language is fluid. Here is a brief glossary of terms and colloquialisms for the year 2076.
B-Mark - (Black Market, Bazaar, pick-n-pay) Slang. Most depressed urban areas have local illegal markets that are not State sanctioned or State Approved. Authorities often look the other way as they are paid off and it keeps people distracted from their misery. A variety of food, sex, and illegal contraband can be bought and sold at a B-Mark.
Cigarettes - Made legal (again) by the Pacification Act of 2030. Federally subsidized State Cigarettes are available to everyone very inexpensively in the interest of urban pacification and population reduction. Smoking is greatly encouraged and promoted by the State.
Credits - (Creds, Fed Creds, State Credits, Spare) State controlled virtual monetary system.
East Coast Sector- The former United States was combined into four managed regions by the Federal State Government in 2050. East Coast, West Coast, Mid-Land, and Mountain Sectors.
FedCop - (Federal Peoples Protection Force, Feddies, Jacks, JackPatch) Local police were replaced with a single Government Police Unit in 2031 for more unified Federal Policy Enforcement. FedCops are the only officials allowed to carry weapons aside from The Peoples Voluntary (the military).
FedNet - Isolated State controlled wireless network. Only officially accessible to State Officials and SocNet Gangs. The internet was banned and dismantled in 2029 by the newly formed State Government. World wide access to the internet was deemed "detrimental to the free thinking citizens of Amerika and 'unfair' due to outside commercial influence and decadence."
Flover - Derogatory term for 'B'-Class citizens, most notably those in the Mid-land and Mountain Sector. Corruption of the term "Fly over"
Friend - (Friended) To friend someone is to offer sexual gratification in exchange for goods or services. A common trade among the poorer levels of 'B'-Class citizenry.
Gazelle - A suspect on the run. Usually female.
Great Father - A former President of the United States reelected on promises of State Funded Life Care for all citizens; cradle to grave. A badly depressed populous eagerly voted him in and gave him the power he asked for - He has singularly transformed the country into The Peoples State of Amerika and has dictated totalitarian policy for over twenty years.
Hot Wad - Slang for greatly attractive or enjoyable. Usually used in a sexual connotation.
JackPatch - High tech badge worn by members of the Federal Peoples Protection Force. Federal law mandates that all citizens must submit in the presence of a lighted JackPatch.
Leets - Anyone of the 'A' -Class citizenship. Those who, by connection, or political toe-line, are deemed worthy of special rights and privileges not afforded 'B"-class citizens. Colloquial term from the root word, "Elite."
Manhattan Club - Slang for the Island of Manhattan. The former New York City is now an isolated Capital City of The Peoples State of Amerika. 'B' Class citizens are forbidden entry unless they have a Federal Day Work Pass. Great Father is rumored to reside here.
NUtriPells - (Pellets, wafers, shit-crackerz) Federally approved, produced, and distributed, Nutritionally Balanced Environmentally Stabilized and Carbon Neutral Pellets. Provided by the truckload to depressed and poor 'B' Class citizens to subsidize their poor diet choices. Scoffed at as tasteless and 'nasty', but an unfortunate necessity to the average poor.
Open Girl - (O-Girl, Opie) A State Sponsored prostitute. Income credits go directly to State coffers. Open Girls get more State perks than most citizens during their 'earning' years.
Pigizen - Derogatory term for "B'-Class citizens. From 'Pig' and 'Citizen'.
Popkitty - (Popkit) Derogatory term. Usually an attractive young woman with more means than the average citizen, although it might refer to a 'B'-Class citizen with unusual sexual appeal. See: Sparkler.
PubCam - Federal Camera System. Ubiquitous eyes of the State are installed almost everywhere. Instituted by the Public Safety Act of 2031.
Recycled - Slang. One who has died. In 2032 the Pacification Act was amended making private burial or cremation illegal. All cadavers must be reported to the State for removal. It is unknown what becomes of the deceased once the authorities have collected the body. 'Recycled' refers to the black humor that people are 'recycled' into food pellets. There is no proof of this.
SocNet Gang - Loose bands of wandering, WiFi connected, Quasi-cyborg youths indoctrinated by The State and given special FedNet privileges in return for citizen surveillance and spy duty. SocNet Gangs generally do not interact with the general population, have their own sub-culture, and hybrid digital/vocalization language. Mostly people avoid them when they can for fear of being reported to The State, either for a minor transgression or simply for sport.
Sparkler - Slang. A 'B'-Class citizen that dresses and presents as an 'A'-Class Citizen. 'Well to do'. Above average in depressed areas. Also: A close friend, or sexual partner.
Spitz - (Spitsuquine Hydrochloride Matrix). A designer drug. Production is heavily subsidized by the State. Almost all controlled and illegal substances were deemed legal in Pacification Act of 2030, an effort to keep the masses distracted and promote the decline of the population burden. Spitz is inexpensive and readily available. Users withdraw quickly from society in its false euphoria. Health declines rapidly from malnutrition and madness, usually followed by death. See: Splash.
Splash - To use or overdose State offered drugs.
State, The - (State, Peoples State of Amerika) The overall controlling federal government under the absolute power of Great Father. Reformed from the former United States of America in 2029.
Strat - Derogatory term for those 'B'-Class citizens living on the street or transitory. From "street" and "rat". There is a certain amount of communal pride among packs of 'Strats' and they do not see the moniker as necessarily offensive.
Street Game - Slang. Any feral common urban animal caught and prepared to be eaten. Examples would be dogs, cats, rats, mice, pigeons, squirrels, etc. A variety can be found at any local B-Mark bazaar.
StunTon - Primary non-lethal(?) weapon of the Federal Peoples Protection Force. A hand-held baton that emits variable levels of nerve-induction stimuli which stuns or renders immobile the recipient on contact, thus enforcing compliance and subjugation.
Swag - Stolen or illegal goods as deemed by State Law or FedCop interpretation of such.
Thramp - Slang. To hurt or dominate or both. Term was popular to describe Federal Stormtroopers activity during the Great Organization terror of 2032.
Trench - Streets and alleyways in depressed areas.
Vlog - Federally mandated voice activated Vox Log. Most citizens are required to log 5 hours a week on the FedNet for Federal Security purposes. All Federal employees must comply.