Honestly, I was satisfied with her answer. She didnt tell me her most ticklish spot but she admitted to being ticklish. Just sucks it depends on her mood and she can turn it off. But I didnt give a damn about the first question. It was just kind of like a bullshit question to set up a series of random questions to make asking the second one seem random and less weird, if that makes any sense.
Totally in agreement.
And the good news is that people like that - who can turn it on and off "when they want to" - usually "when they want to" means when they're with a guy (or, if they're so inclined, another woman) they like, and are in a flirty or romantic situation with. That's been my experience anyway.
It's also cool to know that there would be a time when she would "like" to be ticklish.
Actors (and dancers) get a lot of training to be aware, and in control, of their bodies and, especially when they're female, get touched a lot. Although I certainly came across many hyper ticklish actresses and dancers in my time, I also came across some that were not, or were "able to deal", turn it on and off, etc....
In a romantic (possibly "submissive") situation, I could see her "letting her guard down and getting ticklish. (see my recent post in True Stories: "Two Unticklish Girls", the second one was an actress, was seemingly as ticklish as a piece of wood, for years, until I got her at the right moment.....and got her shrieking with urgent, hyper-ticklish laughter).
Anyways.....thanks ThinBlueLine, AGAIN! I'm underemployed right now and am really broker than broke....but as soon as my situation changes, I promise, I shall jump into the fray myself! But in the meantime: thanks
so much for sharing this with us.