Daisy Duke & the Ladies of Hazard County
It was a warm Monday evening in Hazard in early May and all the men from town had gathered at the Boars Nest to head out on their week long fishing trip into the back country, and they would not return until Sunday about the same time. Daisy had mixed feelings about this week, every year Boss made her keep the Boars Nest opened, but nobody ever came by; which was kind of nice because she didn’t have to work hard, and she could read magazines and books, but she missed all the guys flirting with her and trying to cop feels as she waited tables.
It was late afternoon on the next day (Tuesday) when Daisy was sitting behind the bar in her usual uniform (short shorts, shiny tan pantyhose, spiked heels, and a white tight fitting top) drinking her ice tea and reading a magazine when she heard a car pull up; and saw Julie, Heather, Peggy, and Kim getting out of the Cadillac convertible and coming into the Boars nest. The ladies were all about Daisy’s age- late 20’s to early 30’s and single, Julie, Heather, and Kim were divorced; all had very short marriages, to guys from out of town, and moved back when things didn’t work out, and Peggy had just dumped Billy after a year of dating . She said he was a cute but very lazy and would never doing anything thing with his life.
Julie and Heather were the Blondes, and Kim who was and exotic Asian mix and Peggy had dark hair like Daisy. They were all very pretty, and really took care of themselves, working out regularly and hitting the beauty parlors often. They all came into the bar dressed in cute sun dresses and heels and greeted Daisy with big hugs and smiles, Julie said, its closing time and you are coming with us back to my house for a night of girl fun. Daisy smiled and said, OK, that sounds a lot better than sitting here all by myself, and she locked the doors of the Boars Nest and jumped into the back of Julie’s car. Heather was in front with Julie, and Kim was in the back, seated between Peggy and Daisy. On the short ride to Julie’s house the girls were talking about what type of drinks they were going to make; when Kim suddenly screamed with laughter and flailed her body around the back seat. Peggy was tickling Kim’s stomach, and Kim was going crazy, Peggy looked at Daisy and said help me tickle her,- it is so much fun, so Daisy joined in tickling Kim’s ribs and then forcing her way up into Kim’s armpit. The exotic Asian was screaming and laughing and trying to fend off the tickle attack. Soon Daisy and Peggy had her arms pinned wide and were tickling her from her armpits to her waist, Heather had reached back and grabbed one of Kim’s feet and pinned it under the front arm rests, she flipped off her high heel and began racking her finger nails up and down the sole of her foot making Kim scream even louder. By the time they reached the house, Kim was a mess, her sundress had ridden up showing her pink silk panties and her hair was all over her face, and she was pleading for them to stop. When they stopped and got out of the car Kim looked at Peggy and said, why have you been tickling me all day? Peggy said because it is so much fun. Kim said, I am going to get you back when you least expect it.
Julie’s house was very big, she received a huge divorce settlement and started her own very successful business, designing and distributing sexy play cloths and lingerie. They all went into the living room and Julie and Daisy went to the bar and made a pitcher of Vodka lemonade for everyone. As they toasted to their friendship Heather asked Julie if she had any new and exciting designs. Julie said, she had a ton of cute stuff stored in the old library that she turned into a place where she kept inventory and samples. Kim asked Julie, would it be OK to try some of it on, and then Heather said yeah we could have a dress up fashion show, and Peggy said yeah that sounds like fun. Julie said sure and they all went into the library were there were about 10 long racks filled with exotic costumes and multiple boxes filled with all types of costumes, lingerie and pantyhose. Julie went over to Daisy and said, you should try this on, and handed her a light pink very short romper that had spaghetti straps and some white fringe around some of the edges as well as a pair of white cowboy boots and a pink cowboy hat. Daisy looked at it and said, wow a sexy cowgirl outfit! this looks really cute and took the outfit and went to the next room to put it on. As Daisy left Julie said to her you should leave on your shiny pantyhose they will add to the look. Daisy smiled and said, OH YEAH as she walked into the other room to change. The other girls smiled and quickly grabbed the skimpy Indian costumes they had previously hidden and changed into them. The costumes were two pieces, and very skimpy, made of light tan suede material, the bottom had tan satin panties with a little suede skirt sewn over the top. The tops were small, so there tits were pushed up and over flowing and tied in the front with a piece of rawhide string, and the finishing touch to the costume was head bands with feathers.
They went back into the living room and Heather and Kim moved the coffee table out of the way, while Julie and Peggy dragged a thick mat that had leather fur lined cuffs attached to the four corners into the center of the room.
When Daisy came into the room she did a little twirl to show off her costume, and did she look hot – The light pink satin romper shinned and fit her tight, it was very short showing off her long sexy legs covered in the high gloss shiny pantyhose. And her perfect breasts were overflowing the top that was held up by the two small spaghetti straps, and her long dark hair fell over her bare shoulders. As Daisy finished her twirl she noticed that she was surrounded by her friends, and they were all dressed as Indian squaws and smiling wickedly at her. Daisy looked at them and cracked – did I miss the memo, and not dress as and Indian. Julie said no; we are an Indian raiding party looking for slaves and you are a lone cowgirl outnumbered by Indians. - And at that they all closed in on Daisy. By the time Daisy processed what Julie had said they grabbed her, and as they were getting her onto the mat they started to tickle her. Daisy screamed and tried to use her hands to fight off the tickling fingers, but there hands were everywhere, and then they got hold of her wrists and pulled her arms away from her body, her friends were to strong and she soon found herself flat on her back trying to twist away from the tickling fingers. The ladies quickly had her wrists cuffed to the mat, and she felt her boots being pulled off and ankles being secured to the cuffs. There was always at least on set of hands tickling her stomach and ribs while they cuffed her to the mat.
When they had her totally secured they all went on the attack. Julie was on the feet and Kim and Peggy on the upper body, and Heather on her thighs. Daisy was screaming with laughter and bucking and twisting her body as much as she could, but it was useless their fingers were everywhere. Daisy was going out of her mind- as Kim and Peggy glided there finger nails across the tight fitting satin romper that covered her belly and ribs- the satin was intensifying the tickling sensation, and when her ankles were cuffed and Julie and Heather started to glide there finger nails over the silky high gloss pantyhose of the soles of her feet and thighs the level of sensitivity went off the charts. Daisy pulled on the cuffs and twisted and bucked her body as howls of laughter flowed from her as well as screams and pleading for them to stop.
After about 5 minutes they gave Daisy a break, and when Daisy recovered she looked at her friends and said, OK you guys, you got me, now please let me go. They all answered at once no way Daisy this is way too much fun, - besides you are our captive- cowgirl tickle slave. Daisy was pleading with them, I am to ticklish and this is like torture,-then Julie explained with a sympathy in her voice that they will all take a turn on the mat in different role play scenarios, but now it is your time cowgirl; plus Peggy has a little score to settle with you first. Daisy looked up at Peggy, who had a huge smile on her face and looked really hot in her Indian costume, and then Daisy looked at each one of her friends and realized they all looked really sexy. Daisy asked Peggy, what did I do to piss you off, and Peggy winked at her and said I’ll tell you soon; and with that Peggy yelled, tickle attack and they all went back to tickling every inch of Daisy. Daisy screamed nooooo! As she felt fingers nails rake the soles of her panty hosed feet, and then she felt finger nails softly gliding across her arm pits, ribs, belly, and very sensitive thighs. This time it went on for a lot longer, and as she struggled and laughed she noticed she was getting really turned on. She looked up at all the girls who were smiling, and looking so hot in their outfits, and really enjoying what they were doing to her, which turned her on even more. Kim was slowly gliding her ten finger nails between the hollows of her armpit to the soft skin of her partially exposed breasts; and her nipples were getting as hard as diamonds. When Peggy noticed Daisy’s reaction to Kim’s tickling she started to do the same thing on her side,- tickling all around and across her breast, Daisy arched her back every time they tickled the satin covering her nipples. Peggy yelled to the others so she could be herd over Daisy screams – Daisy is getting turned on by this, and Julie yelled back, she’s not the only one; and they all laughed. Heather decided to add to Daisy’s tickling teasing torment, and started to softly spider tickle very high on her thighs, slowly and gently, letting her long nails glide across the shiny pantyhose getting so close to her pussy, and very once in a while she would really tease Daisy by softly gliding her finger nails across the shiny pink satin covering her pussy. When Heather did that Daisy would let out a scream, and groan that made everyone smile with lust.
After about ten minutes of this intense tickle torture they stopped to let Daisy catch her breath as Daisy was recovering she heard Heather say to the others, - I am soaking wet down below; this is unbelievably erotic. The rest of the girls said no shit, this is incredible, and they all were leering at Daisy who was stretched out and helpless, and looked so awesome dressed in that skimpy sexy light pink satin cowgirl outfit with shiny pantyhose. Daisy hearing what they said and noticing how they were looking at her was really getting horny. (She always liked being the center of attention).
Peggy said to Daisy, because of you I was tickle tortured and abused for a whole night a few months ago. Daisy looked confused and send, what are you talking about?
Peggy said, do you remember a few months back when Bo and Luke were chasing you around the farm tickling you?
Daisy thought back to that day, and how Uncle Jesse left early in the morning to drive up to Cobb County to do some business, and would not be back until late that night or the next day. Bo and Luke were supposed to fix Daisy’s car that day, and Daisy planned to spend the whole day at the pond floating in her inner tube.
At about 10am she put on her new leopard print bikini and went to the barn to retrieve her inner tube, when she was getting ready to leave the barn she noticed Bo and Luke walking toward her and smiling. They grabbed her and through her on top of a thick horse blanket spread out on top of a pile of lose hay, Bo was on her left and Luke on her right they each had one of her wrists pinning her arms over her head and trapping her legs between theirs and began tickling her stomach and ribs. Daisy screamed and tried to break free but they were too strong, they tickled her for a few minutes and when they stopped Bo said; today is tickle Daisy day. Daisy looked at the two of them (thinking to herself- they are really cute), but said to them let me go now. Bo said, if you want us to fix your car then you have to play a game with us. Luke explained that if Daisy could hold out from being tickle for 10 minutes, she would win and they would fix the car, but if she screamed the word orange before the 10 minutes was up, they would give her a 2 minute head start to hide, and then the two of them would hunt her down and tickle her again for 10 minutes or until she screamed orange. Daisy looked at the 2 of them, and thought to herself- it kind of sounds like fun, so she agreed. (She thought she could hold out for ten minutes, plus she wanted her car fixed). When she was getting ready to run out of the barn to hide, Bo grabbed her beach robe so she was left dressed only in her leopard bikini and heels. Daisy ran behind the house and hid behind some barrels; the boys found her quickly and held her down and began to tickle her, she lasted only about a minute before she screamed orange. Daisy never realized how ticklish she was until now and thought to herself,- this is going to be a long day. The boys let her go again, and Daisy ran- they found her quickly and began there tickle attack; each time they caught Daisy they would pin her hands high over her head stretching her out so they had a lot of tight smooth skin to tickle; her leopard bikini was skimpy, and she could tell as they tickled her they were lusting her helpless bear body, each time Daisy could only last about a minute before screaming orange, but the boys felt she wasn’t trying hard enough to hold out so they tickled her a longer. After the first hour of playing the game Daisy must have been caught and tickled 10 times, and each time they caught her they tickled her longer and longer even though she would scream orange. The boys thought she was just screaming orange because she wanted to ruin their fun; so they tickled her until they were satisfied. She loved the idea of being hunted, chased, and even being pinned and mercilessly tickled, but she was becoming concerned that the boys were becoming too excited, (the bulges in there jeans never went down) so when the last time they pinned her: the boys started to grope her tits and ass as they tickled her, Daisy new things were getting out of control and she formed a plan. They let her go and she ran to the house and grabbed one of uncle Jesse shotguns; she fired 2 warning shots over Bo and Luke’s heads and told them to leave the farm and not return until they are calmed down. The boys new she was serious so they jumped into the general lee and fled the farm.
All of her friends were looking at Daisy with envy, at having Bo and Luke lusting after her; and Heather said I would love to play that game with Bo and Luke.
Peggy said, well guess where Bo and Luke went after you chased them off the farm? They drove to Billy’s house, and I was in the middle of getting ready to model one of Julies new black satin teddy’s with shiny tan pantyhose for Billy when they showed up.
I through on a silk robe and went down stairs to see them and to possible show them that they were interrupting something, but Billy just told me to get some beers and meet them on the screened porch. I got the beers and went to the porch, and gave each one a beer and took a seat across from the couch Bo and Luke were sitting on. The robe I put on was short and showed most of my high gloss shiny pantyhose covered leg, and I caught Bo and Luke sneaking peeks. I asked them how you (Daisy) were doing, and they both smiled and said you were a little pissed off at them right now.
(Kim got up and went to a desk against the wall, opened a draw, and took a pair of scissors out, she knelt down again next to Daisy and cut the spaghetti straps to her romper, and she and Peggy pulled the front of the romper down exposing Daisy’s perfect tits to everyone. Daisy eyes went wide, but she didn’t say anything. Then Peggy and Kim took the long eagle feathers from there head bands and started to glide them over Daisy’s nipples.) Daisy arched her back and moaned and her nipples immediately went hard. Heather took her feather and started to use it to tease all around Daisy’s upper thighs and pussy, while Julie used her feather to tease the soles of her feet. It wasn’t an all-out tickle just an incredible teasing (it felt sooooo good).
Peggy continued her story as she teased Daisy’s tit with her feather, telling her Bo and Luke went into great detail on how they chased you around the farm in your leopard bikini, and how they pinned you to the ground each time they caught you, stretching your body out as far as they could; and how sexy it was very time they tickled you, your sexy body twisted and bucked trying to escape their tickling fingers, and how you screamed and howled with laughter, and begged them to stop.
Well after Bo and Luke finished telling their story, Billy said, wow I wish I could have been there to help you guys tickle Daisy. A silence fell over the screened porch for a full minute; and then Billy looked at Bo and Luke and said, you know who else is really ticklish; and likes it.
The three of them all turned their eyes and looked at me I knew I was in trouble so I got up and said, no way! No way don’t even think of it!!, and ran off the screened porch, but they caught me in the living room and had me pinned on the floor in seconds. They stripped me out of my robe and began to tickle the shit out of me. Bo and Luke each had one of my arms pinned and were tickling my upper body; belly, ribs, sides, and arm pits, with their free hand, and Billy had my legs pinned and began tickling the soles of my feet.
Daisy was getting so turned on from the feathers teasing her tits, pussy, and feet, and picturing Peggy helplessly pinned to the floor in her black satin teddy with shiny pantyhose, by the three very cute horny men. Peggy said no matter how loud she screamed and begged they wouldn’t stop, they kept it up for a long, long, time. When they finally stopped Peggy told the girls she was so horny, you see Billy new about my tickle fetish, and he also knew I always had a crush on Bo and Luke, so he figured the longer they tickled me the hornier I would become. So after about 30 seconds of rest they started tickling me again and I went crazy it took about 10 minutes of tickling the shit out of me, and noticing how horny the guys were becoming before I let out the first of many huge orgasm, but that didn’t stop them, and they kept on tickling me. When they finally stopped; I was as horny as I had ever been. Billy said to Bo and Luke; I think we should tickle her until she agrees to give us blow jobs, Bo and Luke immediately agreed, and I screamed never! They went back to tickling me everywhere, and the satin teddy and shiny pantyhose only increased the sensation of their tickling fingers. I think I lasted for about 15 minutes before I screamed through the howls of laughter OK! OK! I give up.
After I gave them their blow jobs I figured they would be done with me, but I was wrong. I started walking towards the bed room to wash up and change, but the three of them chased me down the hall, grabbed me; carried me into the bedroom, and threw me on the bed. Bo and Luke pinned me there while Billy pulled out the leather cuffs from under the bed and they cuffed me spread eagle. I was really turned on knowing these three really cute guys were going to ravish my body, and tickle the crap out of me, but I couldn’t help but pretend to fight back, and as I did, I said, three against one and you still have to tie me up; what losers! They all said it gives us more hands to tickle you with, and this time we are not going to stop tickling you until you agree to fuck us all.
And after that we are going to want a fashion show form you; we know you have so much sexy lingerie and we want you model all of it for us, and after we have had enough of that outfit then we want to see you to do strip show out of it, before getting into the next one.
Knowing what they were planning for me that night made me so horny; as soon as they started to tickle me again, I exploded with an orgasm. Peggy said I worked my ass off that night!!
Daisy looked at Peggy and said, 1st I don’t know how you could blame me for that night; and 2nd Even if you could,- It sounds like you should be thanking me. All the other girls laughed and said no shit.
Peggy smiled and said; Bo and Luke’s story about tickling you put the image of gang tickling me into Billy’s head. Then Peggy thought for a second and said, I guess I should be thanking you- that was the best night of sex I ever had, and might ever have, and at that she smiled and winked at Daisy. Then said to the others-- tickle attack.
At that they dropped their feathers and went to work on Daisy’s sexy body with their finger nails. Daisy body tensed and she through her head back and screamed with laughter.
The sexy Indian squaws tickled there captive cowgirl for over an hour giving her only short breaks, and during those breaks they would taunt her and tease her with their feathers.
After each short break when the girls would resume the tickle torture, it seemed to Daisy their intensity increased, and the looks on their faces was turning into a wicked lust. They worked their fingernails even more feverishly trying to find new places on Daisy’s sexy body that would cause her to buck and twist more violently, and scream ever louder, with pleas for mercy. It became apparent the more she suffered under the tickle torture the more her friends wanted to increase it. (It was an unbelievable turn on for her) and she ended up having more orgasms forced out of her.
When they untied Daisy she just laid there for a while exhausted, and Julie said it was Daisy’s choice on who was next on the mat, and what role play scenario would be. Daisy was thinking of whom she was going to pick to be next on the mat and what the role play scenario would be when she felt Heather’s finger nails tickle her pussy again.(her pussy was so sensitive after all the orgasms she squealed nooooo) Then she knew! Heather (being a cute blonde) was going to be the misbehaving, lazy, dishonest, Swedish maid, that had stolen money not only from her mistress, but from her mistress friend’s pocket books as well when they came to visit. The mistress decided that the maid’s punishment for theft would be tickle torture, and for restitution,- seeing she could pay back the money she had stolen, she would have to pay the mistress and her friends back by giving her body to them for their pleasure until they thought the debt was repaid. The mistress of the house thought if she and her friends were going to have to straighten this dishonest maid out they might as well enjoy themselves.
When she told her friends of whom she picked to be next on the mat, and the scenario they all said –WOW Daisy that is totally hot and kinky. They all looked at cute blonde Heather with lust and she blushed. Then they got up and went to the library to find a sexy French maid outfit for Heather and some sexy and kinky lingerie for themselves.
To be continued ….
It was a warm Monday evening in Hazard in early May and all the men from town had gathered at the Boars Nest to head out on their week long fishing trip into the back country, and they would not return until Sunday about the same time. Daisy had mixed feelings about this week, every year Boss made her keep the Boars Nest opened, but nobody ever came by; which was kind of nice because she didn’t have to work hard, and she could read magazines and books, but she missed all the guys flirting with her and trying to cop feels as she waited tables.
It was late afternoon on the next day (Tuesday) when Daisy was sitting behind the bar in her usual uniform (short shorts, shiny tan pantyhose, spiked heels, and a white tight fitting top) drinking her ice tea and reading a magazine when she heard a car pull up; and saw Julie, Heather, Peggy, and Kim getting out of the Cadillac convertible and coming into the Boars nest. The ladies were all about Daisy’s age- late 20’s to early 30’s and single, Julie, Heather, and Kim were divorced; all had very short marriages, to guys from out of town, and moved back when things didn’t work out, and Peggy had just dumped Billy after a year of dating . She said he was a cute but very lazy and would never doing anything thing with his life.
Julie and Heather were the Blondes, and Kim who was and exotic Asian mix and Peggy had dark hair like Daisy. They were all very pretty, and really took care of themselves, working out regularly and hitting the beauty parlors often. They all came into the bar dressed in cute sun dresses and heels and greeted Daisy with big hugs and smiles, Julie said, its closing time and you are coming with us back to my house for a night of girl fun. Daisy smiled and said, OK, that sounds a lot better than sitting here all by myself, and she locked the doors of the Boars Nest and jumped into the back of Julie’s car. Heather was in front with Julie, and Kim was in the back, seated between Peggy and Daisy. On the short ride to Julie’s house the girls were talking about what type of drinks they were going to make; when Kim suddenly screamed with laughter and flailed her body around the back seat. Peggy was tickling Kim’s stomach, and Kim was going crazy, Peggy looked at Daisy and said help me tickle her,- it is so much fun, so Daisy joined in tickling Kim’s ribs and then forcing her way up into Kim’s armpit. The exotic Asian was screaming and laughing and trying to fend off the tickle attack. Soon Daisy and Peggy had her arms pinned wide and were tickling her from her armpits to her waist, Heather had reached back and grabbed one of Kim’s feet and pinned it under the front arm rests, she flipped off her high heel and began racking her finger nails up and down the sole of her foot making Kim scream even louder. By the time they reached the house, Kim was a mess, her sundress had ridden up showing her pink silk panties and her hair was all over her face, and she was pleading for them to stop. When they stopped and got out of the car Kim looked at Peggy and said, why have you been tickling me all day? Peggy said because it is so much fun. Kim said, I am going to get you back when you least expect it.
Julie’s house was very big, she received a huge divorce settlement and started her own very successful business, designing and distributing sexy play cloths and lingerie. They all went into the living room and Julie and Daisy went to the bar and made a pitcher of Vodka lemonade for everyone. As they toasted to their friendship Heather asked Julie if she had any new and exciting designs. Julie said, she had a ton of cute stuff stored in the old library that she turned into a place where she kept inventory and samples. Kim asked Julie, would it be OK to try some of it on, and then Heather said yeah we could have a dress up fashion show, and Peggy said yeah that sounds like fun. Julie said sure and they all went into the library were there were about 10 long racks filled with exotic costumes and multiple boxes filled with all types of costumes, lingerie and pantyhose. Julie went over to Daisy and said, you should try this on, and handed her a light pink very short romper that had spaghetti straps and some white fringe around some of the edges as well as a pair of white cowboy boots and a pink cowboy hat. Daisy looked at it and said, wow a sexy cowgirl outfit! this looks really cute and took the outfit and went to the next room to put it on. As Daisy left Julie said to her you should leave on your shiny pantyhose they will add to the look. Daisy smiled and said, OH YEAH as she walked into the other room to change. The other girls smiled and quickly grabbed the skimpy Indian costumes they had previously hidden and changed into them. The costumes were two pieces, and very skimpy, made of light tan suede material, the bottom had tan satin panties with a little suede skirt sewn over the top. The tops were small, so there tits were pushed up and over flowing and tied in the front with a piece of rawhide string, and the finishing touch to the costume was head bands with feathers.
They went back into the living room and Heather and Kim moved the coffee table out of the way, while Julie and Peggy dragged a thick mat that had leather fur lined cuffs attached to the four corners into the center of the room.
When Daisy came into the room she did a little twirl to show off her costume, and did she look hot – The light pink satin romper shinned and fit her tight, it was very short showing off her long sexy legs covered in the high gloss shiny pantyhose. And her perfect breasts were overflowing the top that was held up by the two small spaghetti straps, and her long dark hair fell over her bare shoulders. As Daisy finished her twirl she noticed that she was surrounded by her friends, and they were all dressed as Indian squaws and smiling wickedly at her. Daisy looked at them and cracked – did I miss the memo, and not dress as and Indian. Julie said no; we are an Indian raiding party looking for slaves and you are a lone cowgirl outnumbered by Indians. - And at that they all closed in on Daisy. By the time Daisy processed what Julie had said they grabbed her, and as they were getting her onto the mat they started to tickle her. Daisy screamed and tried to use her hands to fight off the tickling fingers, but there hands were everywhere, and then they got hold of her wrists and pulled her arms away from her body, her friends were to strong and she soon found herself flat on her back trying to twist away from the tickling fingers. The ladies quickly had her wrists cuffed to the mat, and she felt her boots being pulled off and ankles being secured to the cuffs. There was always at least on set of hands tickling her stomach and ribs while they cuffed her to the mat.
When they had her totally secured they all went on the attack. Julie was on the feet and Kim and Peggy on the upper body, and Heather on her thighs. Daisy was screaming with laughter and bucking and twisting her body as much as she could, but it was useless their fingers were everywhere. Daisy was going out of her mind- as Kim and Peggy glided there finger nails across the tight fitting satin romper that covered her belly and ribs- the satin was intensifying the tickling sensation, and when her ankles were cuffed and Julie and Heather started to glide there finger nails over the silky high gloss pantyhose of the soles of her feet and thighs the level of sensitivity went off the charts. Daisy pulled on the cuffs and twisted and bucked her body as howls of laughter flowed from her as well as screams and pleading for them to stop.
After about 5 minutes they gave Daisy a break, and when Daisy recovered she looked at her friends and said, OK you guys, you got me, now please let me go. They all answered at once no way Daisy this is way too much fun, - besides you are our captive- cowgirl tickle slave. Daisy was pleading with them, I am to ticklish and this is like torture,-then Julie explained with a sympathy in her voice that they will all take a turn on the mat in different role play scenarios, but now it is your time cowgirl; plus Peggy has a little score to settle with you first. Daisy looked up at Peggy, who had a huge smile on her face and looked really hot in her Indian costume, and then Daisy looked at each one of her friends and realized they all looked really sexy. Daisy asked Peggy, what did I do to piss you off, and Peggy winked at her and said I’ll tell you soon; and with that Peggy yelled, tickle attack and they all went back to tickling every inch of Daisy. Daisy screamed nooooo! As she felt fingers nails rake the soles of her panty hosed feet, and then she felt finger nails softly gliding across her arm pits, ribs, belly, and very sensitive thighs. This time it went on for a lot longer, and as she struggled and laughed she noticed she was getting really turned on. She looked up at all the girls who were smiling, and looking so hot in their outfits, and really enjoying what they were doing to her, which turned her on even more. Kim was slowly gliding her ten finger nails between the hollows of her armpit to the soft skin of her partially exposed breasts; and her nipples were getting as hard as diamonds. When Peggy noticed Daisy’s reaction to Kim’s tickling she started to do the same thing on her side,- tickling all around and across her breast, Daisy arched her back every time they tickled the satin covering her nipples. Peggy yelled to the others so she could be herd over Daisy screams – Daisy is getting turned on by this, and Julie yelled back, she’s not the only one; and they all laughed. Heather decided to add to Daisy’s tickling teasing torment, and started to softly spider tickle very high on her thighs, slowly and gently, letting her long nails glide across the shiny pantyhose getting so close to her pussy, and very once in a while she would really tease Daisy by softly gliding her finger nails across the shiny pink satin covering her pussy. When Heather did that Daisy would let out a scream, and groan that made everyone smile with lust.
After about ten minutes of this intense tickle torture they stopped to let Daisy catch her breath as Daisy was recovering she heard Heather say to the others, - I am soaking wet down below; this is unbelievably erotic. The rest of the girls said no shit, this is incredible, and they all were leering at Daisy who was stretched out and helpless, and looked so awesome dressed in that skimpy sexy light pink satin cowgirl outfit with shiny pantyhose. Daisy hearing what they said and noticing how they were looking at her was really getting horny. (She always liked being the center of attention).
Peggy said to Daisy, because of you I was tickle tortured and abused for a whole night a few months ago. Daisy looked confused and send, what are you talking about?
Peggy said, do you remember a few months back when Bo and Luke were chasing you around the farm tickling you?
Daisy thought back to that day, and how Uncle Jesse left early in the morning to drive up to Cobb County to do some business, and would not be back until late that night or the next day. Bo and Luke were supposed to fix Daisy’s car that day, and Daisy planned to spend the whole day at the pond floating in her inner tube.
At about 10am she put on her new leopard print bikini and went to the barn to retrieve her inner tube, when she was getting ready to leave the barn she noticed Bo and Luke walking toward her and smiling. They grabbed her and through her on top of a thick horse blanket spread out on top of a pile of lose hay, Bo was on her left and Luke on her right they each had one of her wrists pinning her arms over her head and trapping her legs between theirs and began tickling her stomach and ribs. Daisy screamed and tried to break free but they were too strong, they tickled her for a few minutes and when they stopped Bo said; today is tickle Daisy day. Daisy looked at the two of them (thinking to herself- they are really cute), but said to them let me go now. Bo said, if you want us to fix your car then you have to play a game with us. Luke explained that if Daisy could hold out from being tickle for 10 minutes, she would win and they would fix the car, but if she screamed the word orange before the 10 minutes was up, they would give her a 2 minute head start to hide, and then the two of them would hunt her down and tickle her again for 10 minutes or until she screamed orange. Daisy looked at the 2 of them, and thought to herself- it kind of sounds like fun, so she agreed. (She thought she could hold out for ten minutes, plus she wanted her car fixed). When she was getting ready to run out of the barn to hide, Bo grabbed her beach robe so she was left dressed only in her leopard bikini and heels. Daisy ran behind the house and hid behind some barrels; the boys found her quickly and held her down and began to tickle her, she lasted only about a minute before she screamed orange. Daisy never realized how ticklish she was until now and thought to herself,- this is going to be a long day. The boys let her go again, and Daisy ran- they found her quickly and began there tickle attack; each time they caught Daisy they would pin her hands high over her head stretching her out so they had a lot of tight smooth skin to tickle; her leopard bikini was skimpy, and she could tell as they tickled her they were lusting her helpless bear body, each time Daisy could only last about a minute before screaming orange, but the boys felt she wasn’t trying hard enough to hold out so they tickled her a longer. After the first hour of playing the game Daisy must have been caught and tickled 10 times, and each time they caught her they tickled her longer and longer even though she would scream orange. The boys thought she was just screaming orange because she wanted to ruin their fun; so they tickled her until they were satisfied. She loved the idea of being hunted, chased, and even being pinned and mercilessly tickled, but she was becoming concerned that the boys were becoming too excited, (the bulges in there jeans never went down) so when the last time they pinned her: the boys started to grope her tits and ass as they tickled her, Daisy new things were getting out of control and she formed a plan. They let her go and she ran to the house and grabbed one of uncle Jesse shotguns; she fired 2 warning shots over Bo and Luke’s heads and told them to leave the farm and not return until they are calmed down. The boys new she was serious so they jumped into the general lee and fled the farm.
All of her friends were looking at Daisy with envy, at having Bo and Luke lusting after her; and Heather said I would love to play that game with Bo and Luke.
Peggy said, well guess where Bo and Luke went after you chased them off the farm? They drove to Billy’s house, and I was in the middle of getting ready to model one of Julies new black satin teddy’s with shiny tan pantyhose for Billy when they showed up.
I through on a silk robe and went down stairs to see them and to possible show them that they were interrupting something, but Billy just told me to get some beers and meet them on the screened porch. I got the beers and went to the porch, and gave each one a beer and took a seat across from the couch Bo and Luke were sitting on. The robe I put on was short and showed most of my high gloss shiny pantyhose covered leg, and I caught Bo and Luke sneaking peeks. I asked them how you (Daisy) were doing, and they both smiled and said you were a little pissed off at them right now.
(Kim got up and went to a desk against the wall, opened a draw, and took a pair of scissors out, she knelt down again next to Daisy and cut the spaghetti straps to her romper, and she and Peggy pulled the front of the romper down exposing Daisy’s perfect tits to everyone. Daisy eyes went wide, but she didn’t say anything. Then Peggy and Kim took the long eagle feathers from there head bands and started to glide them over Daisy’s nipples.) Daisy arched her back and moaned and her nipples immediately went hard. Heather took her feather and started to use it to tease all around Daisy’s upper thighs and pussy, while Julie used her feather to tease the soles of her feet. It wasn’t an all-out tickle just an incredible teasing (it felt sooooo good).
Peggy continued her story as she teased Daisy’s tit with her feather, telling her Bo and Luke went into great detail on how they chased you around the farm in your leopard bikini, and how they pinned you to the ground each time they caught you, stretching your body out as far as they could; and how sexy it was very time they tickled you, your sexy body twisted and bucked trying to escape their tickling fingers, and how you screamed and howled with laughter, and begged them to stop.
Well after Bo and Luke finished telling their story, Billy said, wow I wish I could have been there to help you guys tickle Daisy. A silence fell over the screened porch for a full minute; and then Billy looked at Bo and Luke and said, you know who else is really ticklish; and likes it.
The three of them all turned their eyes and looked at me I knew I was in trouble so I got up and said, no way! No way don’t even think of it!!, and ran off the screened porch, but they caught me in the living room and had me pinned on the floor in seconds. They stripped me out of my robe and began to tickle the shit out of me. Bo and Luke each had one of my arms pinned and were tickling my upper body; belly, ribs, sides, and arm pits, with their free hand, and Billy had my legs pinned and began tickling the soles of my feet.
Daisy was getting so turned on from the feathers teasing her tits, pussy, and feet, and picturing Peggy helplessly pinned to the floor in her black satin teddy with shiny pantyhose, by the three very cute horny men. Peggy said no matter how loud she screamed and begged they wouldn’t stop, they kept it up for a long, long, time. When they finally stopped Peggy told the girls she was so horny, you see Billy new about my tickle fetish, and he also knew I always had a crush on Bo and Luke, so he figured the longer they tickled me the hornier I would become. So after about 30 seconds of rest they started tickling me again and I went crazy it took about 10 minutes of tickling the shit out of me, and noticing how horny the guys were becoming before I let out the first of many huge orgasm, but that didn’t stop them, and they kept on tickling me. When they finally stopped; I was as horny as I had ever been. Billy said to Bo and Luke; I think we should tickle her until she agrees to give us blow jobs, Bo and Luke immediately agreed, and I screamed never! They went back to tickling me everywhere, and the satin teddy and shiny pantyhose only increased the sensation of their tickling fingers. I think I lasted for about 15 minutes before I screamed through the howls of laughter OK! OK! I give up.
After I gave them their blow jobs I figured they would be done with me, but I was wrong. I started walking towards the bed room to wash up and change, but the three of them chased me down the hall, grabbed me; carried me into the bedroom, and threw me on the bed. Bo and Luke pinned me there while Billy pulled out the leather cuffs from under the bed and they cuffed me spread eagle. I was really turned on knowing these three really cute guys were going to ravish my body, and tickle the crap out of me, but I couldn’t help but pretend to fight back, and as I did, I said, three against one and you still have to tie me up; what losers! They all said it gives us more hands to tickle you with, and this time we are not going to stop tickling you until you agree to fuck us all.
And after that we are going to want a fashion show form you; we know you have so much sexy lingerie and we want you model all of it for us, and after we have had enough of that outfit then we want to see you to do strip show out of it, before getting into the next one.
Knowing what they were planning for me that night made me so horny; as soon as they started to tickle me again, I exploded with an orgasm. Peggy said I worked my ass off that night!!
Daisy looked at Peggy and said, 1st I don’t know how you could blame me for that night; and 2nd Even if you could,- It sounds like you should be thanking me. All the other girls laughed and said no shit.
Peggy smiled and said; Bo and Luke’s story about tickling you put the image of gang tickling me into Billy’s head. Then Peggy thought for a second and said, I guess I should be thanking you- that was the best night of sex I ever had, and might ever have, and at that she smiled and winked at Daisy. Then said to the others-- tickle attack.
At that they dropped their feathers and went to work on Daisy’s sexy body with their finger nails. Daisy body tensed and she through her head back and screamed with laughter.
The sexy Indian squaws tickled there captive cowgirl for over an hour giving her only short breaks, and during those breaks they would taunt her and tease her with their feathers.
After each short break when the girls would resume the tickle torture, it seemed to Daisy their intensity increased, and the looks on their faces was turning into a wicked lust. They worked their fingernails even more feverishly trying to find new places on Daisy’s sexy body that would cause her to buck and twist more violently, and scream ever louder, with pleas for mercy. It became apparent the more she suffered under the tickle torture the more her friends wanted to increase it. (It was an unbelievable turn on for her) and she ended up having more orgasms forced out of her.
When they untied Daisy she just laid there for a while exhausted, and Julie said it was Daisy’s choice on who was next on the mat, and what role play scenario would be. Daisy was thinking of whom she was going to pick to be next on the mat and what the role play scenario would be when she felt Heather’s finger nails tickle her pussy again.(her pussy was so sensitive after all the orgasms she squealed nooooo) Then she knew! Heather (being a cute blonde) was going to be the misbehaving, lazy, dishonest, Swedish maid, that had stolen money not only from her mistress, but from her mistress friend’s pocket books as well when they came to visit. The mistress decided that the maid’s punishment for theft would be tickle torture, and for restitution,- seeing she could pay back the money she had stolen, she would have to pay the mistress and her friends back by giving her body to them for their pleasure until they thought the debt was repaid. The mistress of the house thought if she and her friends were going to have to straighten this dishonest maid out they might as well enjoy themselves.
When she told her friends of whom she picked to be next on the mat, and the scenario they all said –WOW Daisy that is totally hot and kinky. They all looked at cute blonde Heather with lust and she blushed. Then they got up and went to the library to find a sexy French maid outfit for Heather and some sexy and kinky lingerie for themselves.
To be continued ….