Let me start out by saying this is my first story post. Since I've been lurking for quite some time, I felt it was time to give back to the community.
This is just a thought I had once when I lived in Detroit. I read an article in the paper about girl gangs and how they were becoming as common as male gangs and twice as dangerous. I lived in an older part of the city and one day I was daydreaming about how it would be if...
I had just moved into my new house, well new to me. I had a whole month before I started my job, and I had a lot to do. I had only seen the house twice before. The first time was with the help of a realtor, while I was looking for a place in the city. The second time was today when I drove up. This was not my first choice for a new beginning, but the job offer was right and I could afford the payments on this two story near Chandler Park. I was very excited to be here and looking forward to my new life in Detroit.
Little did I know that I was being watched by a couple of young women? They saw me unloading my truck and carrying my stuff into the house. They realized I was new to the neighborhood and no one would know me yet. A call was made and they were soon joined by several of the other members down the street from my house. They had been looking for somewhere that the other gangs didn't know about, a place to lay low for awhile that would be safe.
As I was dropping off a box in the basement, I turned to see several of the "girls" (none older than 20 or 21) standing on the steps. I was startled and asked what they wanted. A brunette girl approached me and said, "We're here to help move you in." I didn't know what to think, could this be some of the local residents here to help? I thanked her and said, "I can handle it, but thank you all very much." She just gave me a funny crooked smile. She said, "I don't think you get it SIR, we're here and we're going to HELP." The way she said help made me feel a little scared now. When I bought the house all my friends thought I was crazy moving into such a bad neighborhood. But the job was close by and it was just what I wanted. I told everyone not to worry, “I’m a 32 year old male, in good shape and I’m not afraid to dial 911.” That was my standard jest and most people laughed along with me. Besides, I would only have to be here for a couple of years before I could afford a home in one of the suburbs.
Now all the stories came flooding back about the trouble this area generated. I tried to remain calm. I told them I didn't want any problems, and asked them if they would leave. I was surprised when they all came down the stairs toward me. I didn't realized how forceful six girls could be and how helpless I felt when I was fighting back. In no time they had me on the ground and were binding my hands and legs in a hogtie. I screamed, but they had me gagged before I could get out a second yell. Once I was tied up, they left two girls with me and the rest began unloading my truck like it was the most natural thing to do. They laughed, and waved at the people as they went by, making themselves at home. The two girls left with me began to taunt me by saying how nice it was of me to let them stay for a while. Some time later, I could hear that the rest of the gang (I could only guess at how many people were upstairs) had showed up and the brunette girl from before (the leader from what I could tell) started giving orders and making arrangements for the girls to settle in. She had a couple of chairs brought down and gave orders for me to be stripped, and tied into one of the chairs. I tried to fight, but all that time laying on the floor and being bound, my arms and legs were numb.
I soon found myself naked, gagged and tied to an armchair. The leader pulled up another chair in front of me and said, "Sorry about the clothes and ropes, but we don't want you getting away and running to the cops. Besides, we might want some entertainment later." I pulled on the ropes and tried to demand that they untie me. But all I did was make “mmmmmpppphhh” sounds. With a wicked smile she turned to a pretty oriental girl and a tall black girl and said, "Kim, you and Wonda stay here with our host and keep him company until I send someone to take your place.” She started to go up the stairs, halted, turned and said, “And see if you can keep him busy for a while." The way the two smiled at me as the others left made me “gulp” with dread. On her way up the stairs the leader turned again and said, "Now don't give my girls a HARD time, I'll be back soon and we can talk..."
After the others had left, Kim and Wanda came over to me and began walking around me letting their fingers lightly trace over my body. Kim pulled a joint out of her pocket and lit it. She took a big pull and handed it to Wanda. She then leaned down and slowly blew the smoke into my gagged face. I was forced to inhale a large amount of the smoke through my nose. I shook my head and tried to take a fresh breath just as Wanda blew her smoke in my face. They rotated blowing smoke at me for several minutes. As you can guess, I was quite high in no time.
Kim then sat on my legs facing me. She was small, maybe 95 pounds at the most and very pretty. Her cutoff shorts barely covered her ass and I could feel her shaved legs against my thighs. She had on a loose blouse that showed a clear view of her breast when she leaned over. She was stoned and her nipples were quite hard when I looked down her top. She placed both hands on my shoulders and looked directly into my eyes for several seconds. She then started to slowly let her finger tips stroke down my sides. With my hands and arms tied I couldn't protect any part of my upper body. “Nnnnnnaaaaaaggghhh!!”, was all that came out of me. I was shocked at the sensation. I didn’t really even know if I was ticklish until then. I had never been tickled in my life that I could remember. It felt like a direct electrical jolt from my sides to my brain. My eyes went wide and a look of fear shot across my face. She was happy to see my reaction to her tickling. Turning to Wanda she said; "Looks like he's a little ticklish and Karen did say to keep him busy. Why don't you get the other chair and we can both have some fun." Wanda didn't waste a second. She repositioned the other chair and the two of them rebound my feet to the arms of the chair facing me. Wanda sat down in it and Kim took her place on my lap again. Wanda said," Don't worry sugar, we're all friends here. We just want to get to know you a little better." At that she placed a hand on each of my feet, using just her thumbnails to stroke slowly up and down both my soles. It was horrible .... I squirmed and pulled and grunted, but couldn't get my feet away from her hands. She just kept stroking and watching my face. Kim began to stroke my sides again and I was in hell.
At one time Kim’s hands moved down to below my hips and were tickling when she grazed my cock with her fingers. I hadn't noticed until then how horny this was making me. Kim gave a sharp little squeal of delight when my cock twitched, she tuned to Wanda and said, "This is gonna be better than I had hoped for." Wanda just smiled wickedly.
To be cont'd
This is just a thought I had once when I lived in Detroit. I read an article in the paper about girl gangs and how they were becoming as common as male gangs and twice as dangerous. I lived in an older part of the city and one day I was daydreaming about how it would be if...
I had just moved into my new house, well new to me. I had a whole month before I started my job, and I had a lot to do. I had only seen the house twice before. The first time was with the help of a realtor, while I was looking for a place in the city. The second time was today when I drove up. This was not my first choice for a new beginning, but the job offer was right and I could afford the payments on this two story near Chandler Park. I was very excited to be here and looking forward to my new life in Detroit.
Little did I know that I was being watched by a couple of young women? They saw me unloading my truck and carrying my stuff into the house. They realized I was new to the neighborhood and no one would know me yet. A call was made and they were soon joined by several of the other members down the street from my house. They had been looking for somewhere that the other gangs didn't know about, a place to lay low for awhile that would be safe.
As I was dropping off a box in the basement, I turned to see several of the "girls" (none older than 20 or 21) standing on the steps. I was startled and asked what they wanted. A brunette girl approached me and said, "We're here to help move you in." I didn't know what to think, could this be some of the local residents here to help? I thanked her and said, "I can handle it, but thank you all very much." She just gave me a funny crooked smile. She said, "I don't think you get it SIR, we're here and we're going to HELP." The way she said help made me feel a little scared now. When I bought the house all my friends thought I was crazy moving into such a bad neighborhood. But the job was close by and it was just what I wanted. I told everyone not to worry, “I’m a 32 year old male, in good shape and I’m not afraid to dial 911.” That was my standard jest and most people laughed along with me. Besides, I would only have to be here for a couple of years before I could afford a home in one of the suburbs.
Now all the stories came flooding back about the trouble this area generated. I tried to remain calm. I told them I didn't want any problems, and asked them if they would leave. I was surprised when they all came down the stairs toward me. I didn't realized how forceful six girls could be and how helpless I felt when I was fighting back. In no time they had me on the ground and were binding my hands and legs in a hogtie. I screamed, but they had me gagged before I could get out a second yell. Once I was tied up, they left two girls with me and the rest began unloading my truck like it was the most natural thing to do. They laughed, and waved at the people as they went by, making themselves at home. The two girls left with me began to taunt me by saying how nice it was of me to let them stay for a while. Some time later, I could hear that the rest of the gang (I could only guess at how many people were upstairs) had showed up and the brunette girl from before (the leader from what I could tell) started giving orders and making arrangements for the girls to settle in. She had a couple of chairs brought down and gave orders for me to be stripped, and tied into one of the chairs. I tried to fight, but all that time laying on the floor and being bound, my arms and legs were numb.
I soon found myself naked, gagged and tied to an armchair. The leader pulled up another chair in front of me and said, "Sorry about the clothes and ropes, but we don't want you getting away and running to the cops. Besides, we might want some entertainment later." I pulled on the ropes and tried to demand that they untie me. But all I did was make “mmmmmpppphhh” sounds. With a wicked smile she turned to a pretty oriental girl and a tall black girl and said, "Kim, you and Wonda stay here with our host and keep him company until I send someone to take your place.” She started to go up the stairs, halted, turned and said, “And see if you can keep him busy for a while." The way the two smiled at me as the others left made me “gulp” with dread. On her way up the stairs the leader turned again and said, "Now don't give my girls a HARD time, I'll be back soon and we can talk..."
After the others had left, Kim and Wanda came over to me and began walking around me letting their fingers lightly trace over my body. Kim pulled a joint out of her pocket and lit it. She took a big pull and handed it to Wanda. She then leaned down and slowly blew the smoke into my gagged face. I was forced to inhale a large amount of the smoke through my nose. I shook my head and tried to take a fresh breath just as Wanda blew her smoke in my face. They rotated blowing smoke at me for several minutes. As you can guess, I was quite high in no time.
Kim then sat on my legs facing me. She was small, maybe 95 pounds at the most and very pretty. Her cutoff shorts barely covered her ass and I could feel her shaved legs against my thighs. She had on a loose blouse that showed a clear view of her breast when she leaned over. She was stoned and her nipples were quite hard when I looked down her top. She placed both hands on my shoulders and looked directly into my eyes for several seconds. She then started to slowly let her finger tips stroke down my sides. With my hands and arms tied I couldn't protect any part of my upper body. “Nnnnnnaaaaaaggghhh!!”, was all that came out of me. I was shocked at the sensation. I didn’t really even know if I was ticklish until then. I had never been tickled in my life that I could remember. It felt like a direct electrical jolt from my sides to my brain. My eyes went wide and a look of fear shot across my face. She was happy to see my reaction to her tickling. Turning to Wanda she said; "Looks like he's a little ticklish and Karen did say to keep him busy. Why don't you get the other chair and we can both have some fun." Wanda didn't waste a second. She repositioned the other chair and the two of them rebound my feet to the arms of the chair facing me. Wanda sat down in it and Kim took her place on my lap again. Wanda said," Don't worry sugar, we're all friends here. We just want to get to know you a little better." At that she placed a hand on each of my feet, using just her thumbnails to stroke slowly up and down both my soles. It was horrible .... I squirmed and pulled and grunted, but couldn't get my feet away from her hands. She just kept stroking and watching my face. Kim began to stroke my sides again and I was in hell.
At one time Kim’s hands moved down to below my hips and were tickling when she grazed my cock with her fingers. I hadn't noticed until then how horny this was making me. Kim gave a sharp little squeal of delight when my cock twitched, she tuned to Wanda and said, "This is gonna be better than I had hoped for." Wanda just smiled wickedly.
To be cont'd