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DWYN: The Fairy King of Mischief and Love - Chapters 3&4


TMF Master
Mar 4, 2014
Chapter 3: The Training Begins…​

Celeste opened her eyes, only vaguely registering that her alarm must have been going off for quite some time already. Greatest on her mind was the sheer desire from what must have been the most overwhelmingly erotic dream she’d experienced in her life. She lay an arm over her eyes to block out the light streaming through the window. Wow. She really must get out more if her body was this preoccupied. It had never been for lack of wannabe suitors, but she had just always been too focused on her studies, then her work and if there was any spare time, preferred the comfort of the woods to women or men. The aching in her most intimate area brought her rushing back to the here and now. She moved her hand down towards it, “I’ll just take care of this then be off…” but just then she glanced at the clock and lost her breath for a whole other reason. She was already unbelievably late! “Damn!” she yelled at the situation and forcing herself out of bed, she ran to the closet and bathroom and in minutes was running out the door…

Coffee….she needed coffee. She might be late but would never function without it and today she felt even more tired than she had been before falling to sleep last night. Must have been that crazy dream. She walked up to the Starbucks and was just about to order a plain coffee instead of her usual cappuccino since there just wouldn’t be time. The truth was, she always craved a mochaccino, but had learned to deny herself that treat. Yet, when she opened her mouth to place the order in, Larry the coffee shop manager handed her a mochaccino.”I didn’t order this.” She said, her mouth salivating at the mere scent. “I think your boyfriend did, Celeste. Any way, he paid for it for you and said you’d be running late and to have it ready at this time. Gave me a pretty good tip too, to make sure it got done, so here you go!”

“Surely there must be some mistake! I don’t have a boyfriend.”

Larry’s smile grew wider, “An admirer then, perhaps? Look, I’d love to play detective with you here, but aside from saying he had long black hair and green eyes, I can’t be much help and they need me making coffee for the others in line. So are you going to take it or not?”

Celeste took it, tipped Larry despite his protest and left, dazzed at the similarity in description between the rude guy she met in the woods yesterday and her dream and now this description.

She caught a cab and headed to the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture where she worked in the basement biology lab, analyzing the plant life of the west coast. Navigating the elevator buttons was a challenge due to her body’s ever present, but silent demand for release. “Not now!”, she kept telling herself, “focus on the work.” She breathed a sigh of relief when she remembered that today her boss had said he’d be arriving three hours late due to meetings on the other side of town with area patrons. That meant no one else would be around. She liked it that way. Most would have considered it dull but she liked the feel of the just-picked plant life in her hands. At times she would swear each had its own “voice” that seemed to whisper secrets of centuries of history for those who could “hear”. Her tools for hearing were the kit she carefully laid out to dissect each species. But what she couldn’t share with the other scientists was that the insights they claimed were so outstanding, was not because of what she found in the lab, and under the microscope, but rather what she “felt” revealed to her in the forest. She knew that by being in the woods, with as little between her and the nature she studied as possible, helped her be connected to it. Even deeper than she had the scientific or poetic words for. If she could just learn to articulate that into her studies, somehow open a window from the world of scientific observation into the world it sought to understand, make it more personal somehow…

“But just how would you do that, my lovely?”

That voice. She knew that voice. Worst yet, her body knew that voice and responded before her mind could. She spun around, her laboratory goggles perched on her nose, making her eyes huge and round.

“Well, my, my, you look like a striking strigiforme!”

Celeste yanked the goggles off her eyes, not wanting to look like an owl, careful to put a scowl on her face to hide any give away that she was impressed the stranger who had apparently bought her coffee was knowledgeable enough to know its classification.

He stood there, green eyes intense as ever, pale skin seeming to shine, almost as if moonlight were playing off of it, and long black hair pulled back into a very ornate braid that seemed to accent his masculinity in an ancient way. He wore a simple white shirt that puffed out more than most modern men’s shirts did, and long black pants with a jacket that seemed like it should belong in another century altogether, coming in at his waist and ending just at the knee. Yet, today people would just assume he was a creative type. In the right place and right time, he would be a vision and she would be very flattered to receive the intense look he was giving her now….but not here, not in her laboratory at work…what would her boss think? What should she be thinking?

“What do you want?”, she asked, pretending to be braver than she was. How did he get access to her lab, anyway? She was under the ground for crying out loud…

Dwyn smiled, hearing her thoughts as easily as if she’d spoken out loud, “You may find, Miss Manning, that anything of the earth, and residing in it”, he gestured to the underground lab, “Generally falls under my domain.” He trailed his hands over the mushrooms she had collected, “They were so lovely, providing shade or a place of dry comfort during the rains for the tiny workers.”

He seemed so genuinely sad, that Celeste caught herself feeling a little guilty,

“I-I needed them for my research.”

He raised one brow at her, holding up one mushroom, “Everything needs each other, Celeste.”, he spun the mushroom in between finger and thumb, “The tiny mushroom needs the earth, the ants use it for rest in the hottest part of the day, the beetles, for a place to sleep, and when things pass away and decay, the mushroom is part of that process. Such a tiny thing provides shelter not only in the literal sense, but is part of its species’ providing the same for a whole life-cycle, or what you call eco-systems. But what you scientists types fail to recognize,” he continued, kissing the mushroom and placing it back down on her table and began to move towards her, “Is that you are a part of that cycle, that system and you cannot seek to understand it unless you recognize you are a part of it.”

Something about the words he said, felt true, even as it went against everything she had been trained to think.

“They feel true because they are true.”, he smiled, walking towards her slowly, placing his hands in his pockets.

Celeste wrinkled her brow. This was so not a good time. Not a good thing at all. Her desire had not gone away, and this stranger’s display of intellect wasn’t helping her to quiet her body’s totally illogical desire for him. “I asked, what do you want?”

But he didn’t stop walking slowly to her. She could now see that there was a kind of Celtic knot work in the design of his buttons, and even in the weave of his jacket.

“Did you really think you could pursue Nature’s secrets without Nature sending one of Her own to pursue yours?”, his voice so clear, so soft, so effortlessly relaxed.

Celeste now stood up, defying her knees that wanted to give out from under her.

“What you are fighting, Celeste, is the very nature of which you and all of this,” he gestured to the room around her, “are made. You think you are so very separate from Nature with your technology, your magnifying glasses are sand, your computers are crystals and metal, the earth’s synapses and bones, your precious buildings are made of the same and your home is made of mud, the mud created from centuries of little mushrooms eating and circulating the very plants you seek to dissect. You are not so very far from what you assume to study from a distance. Try realizing you are in the world, my dear,” he was standing right in front of her now, and gently took her hand in his lifting it, “and part of that means you are of no less or greater importance than any other part of the cycle. You, Celeste, have always yearned to be closer to what you by Nature’s design cannot help but to be a part of yourself.”

She wanted to shout, ‘I know that, but who are you?’. Instead she let him take her hand and pull her into a swaying motion, “Haven’t you ever wondered who you were talking to when you asked life, like the tiny mushroom, it’s secretes?”

“I, I think I dreamed of you,” her voice, barely a whisper escaping in a tiny exhale of breath.

“I know. I also know you have been yearning today despite your body’s fighting a natural desire. Why fight what Nature designed you to yearn for? Does that mushroom try to be a flower? A squirrel? Giving in to it does not mean letting go of anything else you were designed to be, you know. Your brain is as much a part of you as the part aching below. In fact, your brain’s desire is every bit as erotic in the great scheme of things as your body’s desire.”, he cupped one of his hands around her face and leaned his forehead against hers, looking intently into her eyes between his thick dark lashes, “Do you hunger still?”

Celeste’s lips trembled as she answered, “Yes.”

He pulled her close, her hips against his, one hand at her back, one up into her hair, his long fingers pulling her head back with it so it hurt just a little. Something about the intensity of the gesture shocked her, sending the pain from the roots of her hair traveling down into her body until it ignited the place where her lips, protected under jeans, turned into a weeping stream of primal lust.

He pulled her to him tighter still, “Well then, hunger more.”

Her body obeyed, stream turning to waterfall, her eyes clinching shut as it began to overwhelm her senses…

He leaned into her neck, his breath against it, making goosebumps rise, “Does your ache grow, Celeste?”

She could barely get the word out, “Ye-yess.”

This time he spun her around, not letting go, not letting her face move as he held it in place.

“Open your eyes.”, a command, softly spoken, but obviously used to being obeyed.

Her body complied before she could even think. He pulled away from her ear, letting his cheek caress hers until they were eye to eye, “Does it occupy your every thought?”

“Yes, but…”, she meant to ask, But who are you?, instead she was cut off by a pang of desire so great she couldn’t speak.

“Then ache more.”

“I-I-I can’t ta-take…”

“You will…”, he held her away from him at arm’s length, then slowly traced his hands down her face to her neck and then her shoulders kneading them till as if on command, her body relaxed, “…take more.” , he pushed her down to her knees at the moment she lost her rigidity, and watched with amusement as she began to writhe from desire.

“Sit up straight.”, his voice was like string, pulling each limb of her body up right onto her knees.

He walked slowly around her until he was directly behind her. He took her hands and lifted them gently, but firmly into the air over her head, “Keep them there until I say they can come down.”

He then traced small circles into her palms, kissing them gently as his fingers began drawing Celtic knot work down from them, across her wrists, kissing each of them in turn and enjoying her shudder from pleasure each time, bringing her skin’s nerves to life, then finger nails moving teasingly towards her elbows, deliberately making it as ticklish a sensation as possible…he leaned down only once to whisper in her ear, “Ba mhaith liom a dhéanamh leat a gáire le do friotaíocht shiúl..”

Celeste couldn’t help it. Terrified of angering this man, unable to comprehend all he said, or why she obeyed, and even less why it thrilled her to do so, she struggled to contain her giggling as he danced his fingertips across her tender flesh. She was biting her lip, trying to distract herself with the pain of it, when he reached under her elbows and had to bite down even harder as to her horror he seemed to cross them again and again as he drew a threefold knot across them over and over…

She felt a heat coming off his body in waves, each wave making her desire grow, “You can laugh you know, mo ghrá. Ba mhaith liom tú a dhéanamh cad atá i do nádúr. I want you to do what is in your nature, my love.”

Some stubborn streak in her struggled to resist as his fingers expertly continued drawing Celtic knot work down her arms, finger tips teasing and finger nails tantalizing. Tears were beginning to form in her lashes as she trembled, struggling not to smile, but her lips struggling just as hard to betray her.

“Did you not hear what I said before? I want make you to laugh your resistance away.”, his fingers began tracing triskeles in her armpits, as he leaned down and whispered, “Ba mhaith liom a dhéanamh leat a gáire le do friotaíocht shiúl.”

With that last Gaelic word, she lost the battle of wills and her smile spread across her face, bursting open with pent up laughter echoing off the laboratory walls. Her eyes were too flooded with tears to see his delighted smile as he continued drawing across her breasts and back, down to her thighs. She didn’t hear him as he whispered, “riamh arís beidh tú in ann a shealbhú ar ais do gháire álainn ó mo láthair mo ghrá ...”, she didn’t understand when his fingers traced, teased and played against her nipples and down to her stomach sending her into desperate shrieks and giggles, or grabbed onto her waist making laughter erupt even harder from her throat, or traced down her back, that each knot was binding. All the same, he translated the words of his spell for her, “never again will you be able to hold back your beautiful laughter from my presence my love...”

He pulled the invisible knots up and she rose as if bound by tangible ropes, “Stay here.”, he commanded, then continued tracing his fingers down her hips, spreading her legs and tracing her from front to back then pulled until she was once again against him, feeling his heat. He tickled the outside of her jeans just outside her greatest need sending her into a renewed laughing fit, and smirked when he found it wet, “I bet right now, you wish you were in a skirt.”

Celeste, now perspiring could only nod.

“You will wear skirts for me from now on, my laughing lovely, mo gáire álainn.” But this time he tickled her so viciously that she couldn’t respond even with a nod, “Answer me, love.”

Yet, all she could do was continue to tremble in the invisible bonds and wave her head about in near-silent laughter.

“Oh my, we are at this point already, are we?”, his voice teased as he walked around to face her, delighting in her confusion as she realized he was no longer holding her up, but she couldn’t move.

He walked up to her, steadying her head and turning it to face him, “I said, you will agree to do away with these manly trousers and wear skirts and dresses from now on, for me. Do you give me your promise, Celeste?”

“Yeh..ye..yes.”, she stammered.

“Good, lassie.”, he cupped her face then stepped back showing his hand, “So just so that you know what will happen if you do not comply with our agreement, allow me to demonstrate,” he slowly reached for the crotch of her jeans and then, hesitating just long enough to playfully wiggle his eyebrows at her making her blush, he proceeded to move his fingers through her pants as if they weren’t even there, on through her underwear and then tickling the outside lips of her sex. “Gáire dom anois, gáire níos deacra ná mar a tá tú riamh roimh!” he commanded, then as she proceeded to fall into silent laughter once more, he repeated his command in her language, “Laugh for me now, laugh harder than you ever have before!”, as he moved his fingers in deeper still, drawing Celtic spell knots across her most intimate areas on into her deepest places. Then, just as he found the hidden spot that sends all women reeling, he whispered a spell making her insides increase in sensitivity and pushed suddenly, tickling, relentlessly.

Celeste’s body thrashed in place as if tied by the air itself, her desire growing to levels she had not even dreamed of, and her laughter seemed to satisfy him even as her own craving for satisfaction was always just out of reach.

“This,” he leaned into her face, eye to eye once more, “Is what will happen if you wear pants. Only, it will happen in the most inconvenient moments imaginable, and no one else will see me but you.”

Celeste couldn’t help it. Her mind immediately began trying to think of ways to sneak pants around this being…

His low chuckling interrupted her thoughts, “Don’t try and sneak around me, lassie. There’s no sneaking that I haven’t already thought of, and every trick is a trick that I can do better than you.”, and with the softest of breezes, he was suddenly gone from standing in front of her and she was released.

Celeste collapsed on the floor, her body shaking from the exhaustion of whatever had just happened and still yearning for release. She had just a moment to notice the mushroom Dwyn had kissed had sprouted roots that dug into her wooden desk and was now full of life. Speechless she remained sitting, staring at the small miracle…

“Celeste!”, her boss’s voice carried into the room, full of concern, “Are you okay?”, his damp grey hair and beard letting her know that Seattle’s rain had been coming down hard.


He helped her get up, “You don’t look well. You seem feverish and feel clammy.”, her touched her brow, “But I’m glad you’re here as I have some great news for you. But why don’t you get yourself some water and then come back in so we can talk, then you can leave early and get some rest, okay?”

Nodding, Celeste went to the ladies’ room and splashed water on her face. What the heck had just happened? She must be overworked and going out of her mind. Everyone was always getting on her because she spent her free time in much the same way as she spent her work time – studying the forest.

She nabbed some water from the employee’s break room and walked quickly back into the hallway, pausing for a moment outside her work locker, wondering superstitiously if she should change into the dress she kept at the office, then deciding to reason with herself. It was pure exhaustion. It had to be.

Making up her mind, she went into the lab and sat down across from her boss, Dr. Fielding, who now wore a look of concern, “I should have told you about this before, Celeste, but I’ve been purely selfish in my desire to keep you here at Burke. I want you to continue studying all the mushrooms in the Northwest you can observe over the next month. Then, if it meets approval, and we both know your work always does,” he smiled approvingly and reached behind himself for some papers…

…at the precise moment Celeste felt fingers tickling her armpits and that seductive voice whisper, “I thought we agreed you’d stop wearing men’s garments, mo ghrá.” Celeste giggled, surprised, and clinched her armpits closed, leaning over the table towards Dr. Fielding in an attempt to hide her reaction.

Dr. Fielding chuckled in agreement, “I’m glad you are pleased with my observation, but I assure you it is purely objective, Dr. Manning. “, he proceeded to arrange several documents in front of him, and while he was looking down, Celeste felt fingers trailing across the soft undersides of her feet, despite the boots she always wore in the laboratory, “agus nach bhfuil níos mó na bhfear bróga an oiread, mo ghrá” Focusing on biting her lip, she thought silently squirming in her chair, “Good thing I don’t have to obey what I can’t understand.”

The reaction was almost immediate as the voice grew so loud and seem so annoyed, that she winced, “‘Agus nach bhfuil níos mó na bhfear bróga an oiread, mo ghrá’ means ‘and no more men's shoes either, my love’”, the invisible fingers dug into the arches of her feet more viciously now for extra emphasis. Celeste disguised her sudden laugh as a hiccup and but couldn’t stop turning bright red from their continued assault across her ticklish skin.

Dr. Fielding glanced at her with a quick look of growing concern, “You know, Celeste, “ he said more familiarly now, “I know it is not my place to mentor you beyond the confines of the laboratory, but you really ought to give yourself some space and time to enjoy your youth. You’ve done nothing but study into your thirties, and now don’t even go out to the clubs like the other researchers your age. You’ve earned this”, he put his hand on top of a stack of papers, “But if you take this new opportunity on, it will mean a lifestyle choice for yourself that you will have to commit to for years to come.”

The tickling fingers ceased and Celeste saw Dwyn seem to form out of thin air leaning against the desk next to Dr. Fielding, a look of interest upon his face, “I must be going insane, “she thought to herself, “Here he’s talking about a job opportunity and I’m going schizophrenic…”

“I assure you, you are not.” Celeste’s seducer seemed very clear in his tone, “But the man is wise and you should think upon what he says.”

Oblivious to his unannounced guest, Dr. Fielding continued, “…If you do an exceptional job with this mushroom research, the Natural History Museum in New York has agreed to allow you to head their department on fungi which would of course mean a higher salary, even with taking the higher cost of living into account and it would been insured prestige for your career for years to come. Not to mention travel. You would be able and requested to travel all over the world…”

Celeste found herself licking her lips eagerly and hanging on every word. This was a dream come true! It was everything she had worked for! “Yes! Yes to all of it!” she exclaimed, clapping, ignoring Dwyn’s look of seething rage.

“Good,”Dr. Fielding smiled, but yanked the papers out of her grasp, “But first, you will take time off for this weekend before beginning the mushroom research.”

“But I want to start right away!”, she complained, trying to nab the file back, and pouting.

“And that,” Dr. Fielding insisted, “Is precisely why you will not get this folder until Monday.

Celeste began to protest, but hadn’t even opened her mouth when he put his hand up, “In fact, I don’t want to hear of this again. I know you are right for the job. New York knows you are right for the job. I know they do. I told them you are. The rest is paperwork. But there is the added addition to it that you have always overlooked.”

He pulled an old, worn book from out of his desk and handed it to her. She looked at the title, it was faded and the pages were torn in the corners with notes all over the edges. As she flipped through it she found a page with a sentence highlighted in pink by Dr. Fielding,

“Nature is the greatest teacher and I learn from her best when others are asleep, in the still hours before sunrise, God tells me of the plans I am to fulfill through the assistance of angels and fairies.”

Celeste gasped. The quote was from George Washington Carver.

“I believe you are one of those to whom they speak,”, Dr. Fielding looked sad as he looked from the volume to her. “I found my calling because they used to be my teachers. Then my human teachers taught me that was impossible, and my brain was so trained to tune them out that I lost my way for a long while. It was easy to do, working in the British Museum of Natural History. But I found traces of them here, and that is why I moved to the western American coast. Someday, I hope they will speak to me again. But I am old now and recognize that it is both my willingness to let go of manmade laws and to admit the laws of the unseen world into my analyses that will lead me back.”, he smiled, seemingly comforted by Dwyn’s hand on his shoulder, raising his own to touch it absentmindedly, even as he didn’t see him, “Sometimes, I still feel them near me, know they still guide my observations.”

Celeste tried to hand him back the book, but he held his hand up, “Read it. Study it. I’ve also arranged for you to spend some time at the Herb Farm with their in-house mushroom forager.”

Aghast at learning from someone who wasn’t a scientist, she began at once to protest, but he cut her off again, “Do not be too quick to dismiss the knowledge of those who make their living being part of the cycles of the earth. They have a lot to teach a scientist like you and me. You will drive out there tonight. Then Friday morning, you will meet their forager who will show you what he knows. Enjoy the free day and then enjoy dinner there with their, ‘Mycologist’s Dream Dinner’.”

“But…”Celeste began to interrupt.

“Nonsense, “Dr. Fielding cut her off, “How many times have I watched you dissect a porcini, shitake, or morel without once stealing a bite?”

“But we are not supposed…”

Dr. Fielding ran his hands through his hair, letting out an exasperated sigh, “Celeste. How can you think about making your life career on something that you don’t fully love?”


“Celeste. Mushrooms are food. Mushrooms are medicine. Mushrooms are beautiful. Mushrooms provide shade for the tiny insects that the rest of the workers the forest relies on. And if you don’t learn to enjoy it, experience it, interact with it, taste their flavor, how can you decide to make your life about studying it? I’m not saying take a psychedelic for crying out loud. I’m saying develop some intimacy with nature before signing your life to studying it.”

Celeste could see Dwyn’s chest laughing, “Your mentor may not hear our voices any longer, but he hasn’t stopped listening to us. You should too, mo ghrá.”

Speechless, Celeste, picked up the book, and proceeded to get up.


She turned around to look at her mentor.

“Celeste, this is not a punishment. This is me trying to be a good mentor. The reservation at the Herb Farm is for two. You will enjoy it better shared with someone.”

“I believe we will both enjoy this very much, mo ghrá.”, Dwyn whispered in her ear.

Celeste stifled her sigh, “I believe we will both enjoy it very much, professor.”

Dr. Fielding’s face lit up, “You have a young man in mind then? May I ask what his name is?”

Dwyn whispered in her ear again, “You know where you have to go to find that out don’t you, love?”

Celeste blushed and nodded despite herself.

“I’m so very happy to hear it!”, Dr. Fielding walked over to her and took her hands in his, “But I didn’t take that into account when I recommended you for the position. Do you think your young man would move with you?”

Celeste heard chuckling behind her and felt warm arms surround her, making her feel warm and safe despite herself. His hands began tickling her sides so that she giggled outloud as he nestled his face into her neck, kissing it so that her attention went racing to her desire again, “Just try and escape from my arms, my love. I assure you your heart is mine! Geallaim duit go bhfuil do chroí mianach!”

“Oh, I think he will go where I go, if it comes to that.”, she answered.

“Good.”, her mentor slapped her on the back and turned back to his work, calling over his shoulder, “I don’t want to see you at work until Monday!”

Celeste supposed she should be happy about being free this early on a Thursday, but somehow she had begun to question if any day would ever be free again. She glanced back into the room over her shoulder shocked to see a gorgeous woman standing over the professor’s shoulder pointing at a plant he was entranced by. He seemed thrilled, and was writing notes down on paper as fast as his hands would allow, not seeing the brilliant light that radiated off her face as she whispered, revealing Nature’s secrets into his ear.

“You see, Celeste,” her own fae was now standing next to her, his arm around her waist, “We have always been here.”

Part of Celeste wanted to fall into his arms, and part of her wanted to run screaming. She chose to simply walk away instead. And she did. Right into him. She turned again, and again came face first into him.

“We can do this all day, my love. There are those who have woven their own nightmares out of the same decision. Or, you can open up your locker, change into a skirt, and go walking with me into the forest where we can discuss your future.”

But Celeste had other needs in mind to tend to. She needed to pack, needed to google where the heck this Herb Farm was located, mapquest it and hit the road. She needed to do this all with enough time to relieve herself of her desires…

“I told you. You are mine. That means you will savor release when I allow it, and I will allow it, “he gripped her wrist tightly in his, then kissed it, sending shivers down her body, “When and how I choose to.”

Celeste, angered from his brashness, yanked her hand away and turned, only to find him leaning against the lockers, her blue dress in his other hand, “Dhéanamh mar a deir liom mo ghrá.”

Furious, she grabbed it from him and marching into the ladies room, she began to change, unconcerned, as she was the only female that worked down in the basement labs. So it was an even greater shock when after pulling it over her head, she felt him buttoning it up. She looked at his reflection in the mirror. “What do you want with me?”

He fixed her with his eyes, grabbing her waist and pulling her to him tightly, “Your laughter”, he traced a finger from her waist over her nipple, making her giggle, then circled her chest, “your heart”, he lifted her chin so that her lips were just inches from his, “your love”, his eyes seemed to see in the deepest parts of her soul, making her yearn to kiss him deeply, “your devotion”, he let her go, allowing her desire alone to keep her transfixed and moving ever so slightly forward, “your obedience”, he accepted her kiss, returning it with equal passion, then pulled away, leaving her yearning for more, and accepting her into his arms as she reached out to him, “your body”, he stroked her, allowing her hands to stroke him in return, and lifting her up so that she had her legs wrapped around his waist, he spun her around once with one arm, his other reaching up her skirt and in between her legs, tantalizing, “and your pleasure.”, he lay her down on what was no longer the ladies’ room, but on a bed of soft green moss.

Chapter 4: Lessons in Obedience

Celeste blinked, realizing they were in a forest. Huge redwoods stood tall around them with deep green moss forming twelve foot tapestries from the lowest limbs that stopped only feet above the ground. Flowers and mushrooms grew out, their colors and shapes shouting from every crevice and glowing where sunlight trickled in between the leaves. Birds flew overhead and butterflies danced in circles around where she lay.

She felt the dampness of the Northwestern forest against the soles of her feet and hands, as she sat up.
She began to stand when she heard his voice, “Just where do you think you are going?”

Spinning around she saw him sitting on a tree branch high up. Higher than any mortal man could climb, yet looking for all the world like he belonged there.

“To find my way out of here.”, she backed up as he cocked his head.

“No, you are trying to run away from me.”

Celeste thought fast. She’d have to get away from him by her wits alone if she was to escape at all. She glanced around her surroundings, but nothing looked familiar. Then as she glanced back up, she was shocked to feel her heart sink upon not seeing him there.

“See, you would miss me if I stopped hanging around”, his voice came from behind her, ”So why would you even think of escaping?” he turned her around, “and I’ll tell you another thing, mo ghrá”, he pulled her to him roughly now, “When it comes to living or escaping by one’s wits, I am the king of that.”

His clothing began to change then, from the modernized Celtic into something right out of a fairy tale. Each stitch, solid gold, each colored fabric, as deeply rich as the forest.

Celeste gasped, “You really are fae!”

He stepped back and made a courtly bow, “Of the original Tuatha de Danann, no less, mo ghrá.”

Celeste began remembering all the stories of fairies she had been told, from Disney to Celtic legends. It seemed there had been a warning against fairies in most of them.

Dwyn, wrinkled his nose in distaste, “Very few tales now exist that could do my kind truthful service.” He seemed thoughtful for a moment as he stood up, “But Brain Froud comes close t capturing our nature.”

Celeste had begun backing away, and continued throwing questions out to distract him as she did so, “What would be the closest modern representation of you?”

Dwyn gave her a devious smile that made her heart race as she continued backing up into…into..him! She gave a little yelp and turned, looking back and forth between both Dwyn’s, “I think that would have to be Loki, as depicted in your Avenger movies.”, the one next to her said over her shoulder.

“Mixed in with a little bit of Peter Pan…” another voice came from behind her now, sending her eyes glancing quickly between all three figures as she turned and backed away…

“Hmmm,…I’d say Lestat…minus the blood sucking of course, but then I’ve been known to be just as devious…”, this voice came from behind her again as a pair of hands tickled her sides sending her giggling until she was on her knees.

Celeste looked up and saw four faces, all Dwyn’s looking down at her with equal mischief in their eyes…then realization came through….Lestat…Loki…he knew her fantasies…

“My dear”, one of them leaned down and touched her arm gently, “I know what you’ve read. But you haven’t even begun to explore your fantasies, much less define them…”

The one behind her leaned down and began tickling her feet lightly, “So why don’t you let me explore them with you, or even lead you through the discovery itself….”

Giggling, Celeste fell on her side, right into the waiting arms of Dwyn on her left, “You already are mine, mo ghrá, so why not enjoy it?” Embarrassed, she put her face into his robes, but he turned her firmly over to face all of him, each looking as enamored as he did, “..and why don’t we start now with tickling the embarrassment away from that lovely face?”

Celeste’s heart started beating fast, “You, you don’t mean all four of you?!?!?”

Dwyn laughed, “Don’t be absurd! I am numerous!”

Suddenly, Celeste saw more and more Dwyns appear, deviously flirting with her in turn as she made eye contact with each of them, a wink here, a lick of the lips there, and that heart-stopping smirk seemingly everywhere…

“I did say I’d reveal my name to you in the forest didn’t I? We will write it all over your skin, my love, until you learn it.”

Celeste felt hands grab her ankles and fingers begin to trace letters on her feet, but she wouldn’t have known they were letters if he hadn’t told her. The fingers then began to grow tinier and tinier and more numerous, so that each little crevice, each space between her toes were tickled relentlessly. Laughing helplessly, she opened her eyes to see dozens of tiny Dwyn’s with wings each attacking a toe, part of her ankle, part of her sole….

“This is what you expected, wasn’t it, lassie?”, the larger Dwyn smiled wickedly down at her terrified face, “You like my wings, do you?” he teased as more tiny Dwyns fluttered their wings against her nipples, teased her belly button and took turns kissing her breasts, lips and cheeks, while the larger ones squeezed her sides, dig into her ribs and began to spread her legs.

“Or did you want something more like this?” He asked, raising her thrashing head so that she witnessed a large Dwyn sprout wings and then shrink into a tiniest size of all of them, heading straight for her crotch which lit up with desire the instant she felt him inside her, then another did it and another, each tickling her walls in turn, taking their time to go further in.

“Ahh,,,ahhh,,,ahahahahahaaaaaah…ahhhh…hahhahahhaa…”, she couldn’t help gasping as each wave upon wave of pleasure mounted upon the one before it.

One by one, an endless number of Dwyns seemed to shrink and enter her, pleasuring, tickling, from the inside out, until only the original Dwyn remained. He pulled her to him, kissing her deeply and wrapping his strong arms around her, “It will end when you can tell me my name.”

He lifted her up, helping her to stand despite the overwhelming sensations and just looked at her giggling and gasping, “Let’s walk.”

She shot him a look that said, you’ve got to be joking, but did as she was told until they exited the woods standing on the edge of a vineyard. The moon had risen, but the sun still fought for its place in the sky, leaving deep pink streaks matched only by Celeste’s own cheeks. Dwyn helped her steady herself, enjoying her laughter and occasional moans, knowing she couldn’t help herself with either.

H’s clothing had changed to look modern once again, as led her to the front desk of an inn on the other side of the vineyard, and checked in, “My girlfriend drank a little too much, so I brought her here directly. You will have a reservation prepaid for her under Dr. Manning. I will bring her bags in, so we just need to be shown our room.”

As they turned to go towards their room, an older man with a gleam in his eye entered, removing his hat and bowing his head, “Welcome, sióg. I will bring you refreshment and hope that in the morning you will join us for a good mushroom hunt.”

Dwyn, bowed to the man, gaining an odd look from the check-in lady, but the old man just looked over to her and said, “Bring bowls of milk, honey and biscuits to their suite tonight.” He then looked at Celeste and smiled, “And you had better bring water for the lady to recover with in the morning.”

The woman nodded and left to notify the kitchen.

When she left, the mushroom forager looked at them “Dwyn, I hope that you have not come to play tricks on these folks. They are good people and always pay tribute the wee folk, as the fae around here will attest to. Immediately, two little fairies, their clothing made out of mushroom caps, appeared, sitting on his shoulder, each tipping mushroom caps on their heads in turn as if they were hats and bowing to Dwyn, then giggling and pointing at Celeste’s ticklish predicament.

Dwyn reached out, receiving them as they alighted on his hand, and spoke to them directly, “Dhéanann an wicce labhraíonn an fhírinne?”

The little fairies nodded, but couldn’t keep from giggling and staring at Celeste, teasing her by wiggling their tiny fingers in the air.

Dwyn chuckled, “Okay, little ones, I will respect the contract you have with him. Now, take Celeste on up to our room,” he tossed the room key into the air which one of the fae caught as it flew over to Celeste, looking longingly at her and pointing back at Dwyn. He winked at them, “Get her to the room, keep her safe, and you can go ahead and keep her giggling until I join her.”

Celeste looked horrified, but the little fae each took her hands, turning into two of the most breathtaking men she had ever seen. Deep brown eyes, chestnut hair and lightly tanned skin, each now towering over her by a good two feet. They removed their mushroom caps in unison, bowing and then placing them on their heads led her out the door, tugging at her a little roughly, but never so much that it hurt.

Still giggling and gasping from inside, she had little choice but to follow them into the room and collapse upon the bed.

One snapped his fingers and made a fire rise in the fireplace. The other leaned over her smirking, “I’d say it is about time we met, after you’ve poked, stroked and prodded our kind for years.”

The other now leaned over her as well, “I’d say its about time we got to poke, stroke and prod you back, doc.” He winked down at her as both of them began doing exactly that all over her body, making her laugh harder and harder into the night, until she rolled off the bed and tried crawling away…

“Not so fast, doc”, one pulled her to her feet as the other thumbed through a stack of CD’s and turned on the CD player, sending Enigma’s “Principles of Lust” going through the room.

Celeste felt her limbs move against her own will, spinning up off the floor so that her feet barely touched the carpet and her hips swayed in rhythm to the songs beats…

The two mushroom fae moved erotically next to her, tickling her sides, then spinning her, while the other tickled her armpits, taking turns leading her in tangos across the floor while the other tickled whatever limb was the most vulnerable, sometimes a foot, sometimes a leg…

Celeste’s breathing grew so fast from laughing, coming close to climax and the physical exertion of dancing that her breathing fell right in with the beat of the music, matching the singer breath by breath. But the fae love to dance, and entrance and that they did. Somewhere in Celeste’s memories she recalled stories of humans who had danced to their death in fairy circles and wondered if that was what they intended.

One of the mushroom fae spun her around at that thought and brought him to him, the other joining in so that they sandwiched her as they danced, “The only death you’ll get here will be the little death, lovely.”, his voice whispered in her ear.

At that moment, as if on cue, Celeste began to feel the pleasure grow, making her gasps interrupt her laughter until the tiny Dwyns flew out and formed into Dwyn’s full form.

“Is é an bás beag mianach.”, he commanded to the two mushroom fae, “But you may play with her more in the times ahead.”

Obediently, the mushroom fae parted, making room for Dwyn to take over the dance. He swayed effortlessly to the music, his own voice sounding even more ethereal than the voices coming out of the speakers. The mushroom fae joined in, their voices sounding unlike any earthly sound Celeste had heard before, yet familiar somehow.

“That’s because they’ve been speaking to you for a long time, lassie.” Dwyn explained, as he placed his right hand behind her back, his other hanging down and swaying making her think of a panther’s movements.

He lifted her higher than the mushroom fae had and thrust his hands into her once more, only this time, pressing against the places so long denied so that she began to climax, then pulling her to himself so that he began to fill her, while his hands ravished her breasts, her back held parallel by seemingly nothing. She tried to find something, anything, to grasp onto, but couldn’t, making her have to take all the pleasure in, unable to let it out in any way besides her breathless throat

“What is my name?’, he asked, “Say it.”

“Dwyn”, she gasped.

He thrust into her harder and harder, “Who am I?”

“The Fae king of mischief and love.”

He filled her completely to the point she cried out from the pleasure, “And who do you belong to?”


“He held at the precipice, “Me, what?”\

The words tumbled out from her lips even as the other pair were filled to the brink, “You, Dwyn, my King.”

“And who does your pleasure belong to?”, he rotated his hips so that she cried out.


“And who does your laughter belong to?”, he tickled her clit, making her laugh and the other fae smirk.

“To you, my King!”

Pleased, Dwyn clasped her breasts with one hand and her buttocks with his other then thrust hard, growing still further till she screamed and collapsed on whatever invisible force held her four feet off the ground.

She hadn’t even been into a few minutes of her afterglow when Dwyn motioned to the other fae to come forward, “Make her laugh. Make her laugh, dance and yearn until the moon is high. Then at midnight, I shall come again to relieve her.”

Celeste’s eyes grew terrified at the realization, “B – But I’m yours…”

Dwyn smiled wickedly, caressing her cheek, “Oh, I shan’t be completely gone, my love. But you have tortured the mushrooms of this region for a good long time, and if we are to help you earn their forgiveness enough to continue revealing their secrets to you, then I’m afraid you will have to just endure a little torture from them once in a while.”

With this he nodded to the two mushroom fae who once again began twirling her into an unending dance fueling her desires…

This time Dwyn created two doubles of himself which shrunk and immediately began to tickle her feet furiously while he, laughing, walked through the window into the night dancing under the moon to the rhythm of her pleas and crazed laughter…

Continued at: http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=78753
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All your story: This is the best story for 2014 for sure. Yes, … it’s the longest story of the year, and the reader get the best stories chapter with great satisfaction. The reader would get a grip no metter which chapter they read. Its just amazing story.
The story itself rocked into 10 chapters. It’s really a beast! The density of the story is awesome. It’s killer. The plot is pop up and absoluty ridiculous hard to believe that someone would write a super deep of length and ridiculous descriptive story. Just terrific. Such a high quality stories.

The depth of story is really good

The description is really good

The length is really really good

The chapters partition is really really really good

It’s flawless story.
WOW! 😱 ~ Thank you so much, putri@nila, for your compliments! I'm sooo delighted and honored that you liked it so much! :hurray:
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