TMF Master
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Chapter 7: Lessons in Obedience 2
The next morning, Celeste woke up, alone in the room thanks to the alarm clock turning on suddenly. But when she went to turn it off, she realized it wasn’t the alarm, but the CD player. Depechmode’s, “Blue Dress” started playing just as her finger hovered over the keys to shut it off…
“Put it on
And don't say a word
Put it on
The one that I prefer
Put it on
And stand before my eyes
Put it on
Please don't question why
Can you believe…
And don't say a word
Put it on
The one that I prefer
Put it on
And stand before my eyes
Put it on
Please don't question why
Can you believe…
Rubbing her eyes, she slowly turned around to see her blue dress, now unwrinkled, and laying across the chair in the corner of the room…
“…Something so simple
Something so trivial
Makes me a happy man
Can't you understand
Say you believe
Just how easy
It is to please me…
Something so trivial
Makes me a happy man
Can't you understand
Say you believe
Just how easy
It is to please me…
Not seeing any other alternative, she reached for the dress and began to pull it over her head. Before it was even halfway down and out of her eyes, she felt his hands on her skin. Pulling it all the way down, she turned to look at him. He stepped back and looked into her eyes deeply as the next words played, singing them with the song, his voice sounding exactly the same…
“…Because when you learn
You'll know what makes the world turn…
You'll know what makes the world turn…
Put it on
I can feel so much
Put it on
I don't need to touch
Put it on
Here before my eyes
Put it on
Because you realize
And you believe
Something so worthless
Serves a purpose…
I can feel so much
Put it on
I don't need to touch
Put it on
Here before my eyes
Put it on
Because you realize
And you believe
Something so worthless
Serves a purpose…
She began walking towards him and he took her in his arms, then led her in a dance, singing next to her ear…
“It makes me a happy man
Can't you understand
Say you believe
Just how easy
It is to please me…
Can't you understand
Say you believe
Just how easy
It is to please me…
Something about the way he touched her, sung to her, made her want to wear it, wear anything that pleased him, do anything that would please him. It was as if it were her greatest joy…then, a small voice inside her asked, But why? Why should I care what he wants? Why should I care about even learning what he wants?
In that moment, Dwyn slowly spun her around under his arm as he sang the last refrain…
Because when you learn
You'll know what makes the world turn!”
You'll know what makes the world turn!”
Then, just as she turned around to face him again, he wasn’t there. Shaken, she picked up her things and began walking out the room towards the check out. The lady at the front desk exclaimed, “But we have you booked her until tomorrow!”
“Something has come up, so I need to depart early. Can you give Dr. Fielding the credit back on his card?”
“Of course!”
Celeste thanked her, and began walking towards the driveway. In the distance, she saw the mushroom forager unloading his basket of the mourning’s pick with his back to her, and thought, “It’s now or never!”
Quickly, before she could second guess herself, she approached a young couple who were about to depart, “Can I hitch a ride back to Seattle?”
“Sure! Get in!”
Thankful for the quiet drive, Celeste stayed in her own thoughts. She needed space. Heck, she laughed quietly to herself as she brushed the hair out of her eyes, she needed a way to get away from what she couldn’t get away from. The couple was nice enough to drop her off at her house where she took a hot shower, and getting out took a moment to look at herself in the mirror.
She didn’t look like a mousy quiet nerd anymore. No, she looked like a confident, woman with mysteries in her eyes. Well, no wonder, she thought to herself, the last 48hours were enough mystery for a lifetime. What she needed was some way to ground herself. Normally, that would be a hike through the forest. But grounding this time meant something pure homo sapien sapien.
She looked through her closet until she found it: pants. Or really in reality, the deep, almost black purple leggings that looked like liquid. Her girlfriends had bought them for her in jest because they knew she’d never wear them, but they still told her she would look fab if she ever got moxy to do so. She pulled them on and felt very sexy indeed. Spending all her free time hiking had paid off in that department. Then covering her but with a barely there skirt and a loose, very low cut top, that displayed her cleavage in a most favorable way, she put her make-up on and stood back. “Well, SeangÚn would probably approve!”, she told her reflection before grabbing her purse and heading out, not noticing the tiny ant nodding at the reflection before crawling into her purse.
It was now early evening, but she was determined to find a way to dance the stress and confusion of the last few days away. The good thing about a big city is there was always a place to do that if you knew where to go.
Once at one of the 24hour underground clubs, she purchased a locker for her purse, and headed to the dance floor with determination. Meanwhile, the tiny ant began the tedious process of climbing out to the purse, out of the locker and then trying to figure out where it was an what was happening. All that would take an excruciating amount of time…
Oblivious, Celeste turned and gyrated on the floor, taking turns dancing with the men who came up to dance with her, each thoroughly enjoying the beautiful young woman who seemed very much in her own world, but doing what they could to hold her attention.
Celeste passed hours like that, drinking nothing but water, moving long past exhaustion and into the equivalent of a runner’s high. Sometime around 9:00, the tiny ant finally emerged from the locker and darting the terrifying shoes of the dancing drowd, managed to crawl to a dark corner where it turned into SeangÚn. She looked around and quickly changed her form to fit in with the environment around her. It actually didn’t require much, just the softening of her armor into latex and adding heels to her boots.
Slowly, she began walking through the dancers to where she spied Celeste. Cocking her head, she leaned back against the bar and asked for a beer. Dwyn wasn’t going to like this. Well, he’d love that Celeste obviously loved to dance passionately, but he wasn’t going to like what he would perceive as competition. Sipping the beer she glanced around the room, scanning the thoughts of the patrons. Yep, half the men and some of the women were wondering how to get Celeste home and into their beds. Dwyn would be able to read this too. Taking another sip, she scanned Celeste and saw that no thoughts of sex were in her mind at all. In fact, he girl seemed to just have become one with the rhythm and be enjoying it to its fullest, needing a stress release. Well. She could understand that. Over the centuries she’d seen much less interesting young women throw themselves off cliffs and men drown themselves in the bottle after seeing much less than the young doctor had witnessed over the last two moons.
SeangÚn finished her beer and decided not to report in. The girl didn’t need a jealous Celtic Fairy King strutting into the place and dragging her out. She’d witnessed Dwyn do so in past centuries. Nope. If this one were smart, he’d find her and dance with her, seduce her back from the club and to wherever he preferred her to be. SeangÚn smiled, watching after a modern woman wasn’t going to be nearly as boring as being guardian of Dwyn’s past lovers. They were a lot more like female fae in that they were determined to follow their own minds. Perhaps they would become more like sisters than others had been.
“Hey there!”, a cute young thing approached her, “I like your ‘Matrix’ look. Very hot. Very sophisticated.”
SeangÚn turned, looking over her mug of beer at the must-have-just-turned-21 blue eyed lad, and almost laughed the beer out of her nose.
“Want to dance?”
Looking over his shoulder and noticing how the floor was getting more and more filled up, she figured she’d be able to keep a better eye on Celeste if she could be closer, “Sure.”, she tossed two gold coins at the bar tender, ignoring his look of shock and led the boy onto the floor close to Celeste. But with the lights changing, she knew the object of Dwyn’s passion wouldn’t see her, and began dancing close enough to be on hand should the need arise.
Celeste, oblivious to all this continued dancing with whoever wandered her way…
Around midnight, SeangÚn sensed a thickening of the air…and scanned the room with her mind. It seemed like all kinds of supernaturals had begun to join in the dance. Almost as many as humans. Amazing that mortals were so blind. She noticed fae, ghosts, even a vampire or two, glancing with interest at Celeste. It made sense as a mortal that has had any contact with the supernatural world would gain a kind of luminosity, attracting others to her. And one like Celeste would be almost a fascination for them. Alarmed, SeangÚn watched as each type took turns stepping in front of the mortal men and taking over dances, trying to fascinate her with their charms. But Celeste seemed ignorant as she enjoyed swaying and gyrating with each in turn, not even noticing winks, winning grins and even a few failed attempts at stolen kisses. It was almost comical, seeing the naïve girl twirl and miss being bitten, grasped, or stroked by so many who were used to getting exactly what they wanted when they wanted. Some of the would-be suitors even exchanged laughing looks at SeangÚn when the girl would inevitably gyrate a different direction.
Ever the fae, SeangÚn couldn’t help but laugh herself. Yet, her hands were ready to go for her swords should she need to. Yes, watching after a modern female mortal was going to be interesting indeed. Good thing Péine had to stick to his tree until Dwyn could find a suitable replacement. He would have been going crazy following Celeste to a place like this and would have dragged her out before the sun had gone all the way down.
Just as she had this thought, Péine appeared next to her, dressed in brown leather jacket with a bark pattern tooled into it and dark green, almost black, pants and shirt, “She has no idea, does she?” , he asked simply, taking the scene in.
SeangÚn smiled, asking innocently, “No idea about what? That We’re here? That half the mortal men and all the supernatural men would like to seduce and possibly kill her just for a fun night on the town? Or that she is attracting quite a few females of both mortal and immortal persuasion as well? Or, that Dwyn would go ballistic if he knew she were here?”
Péine grimaced, “Yes to all the above. Why didn’t you force her back when she left this morning? Dwyn was so sure he had seduced her will completely that there probably isn’t a sprite in the forest of the Northwest who doesn’t know she wore the blue dress for him. He was so sure of himself, that he decided to wait, gloating in the forest for the mushroom forager and Muisiriún to bring her to him. He waited until it was almost midnight and then, worried, sent me to find her.”
SeangÚn’s smile grew wider, “And why didn’t he just ask me?”
Péine looked uncomfortably away.
“It’s because I’m a female fae, isn’t it?”
Péine groaned, “SeangÚn, you know he trusts you. It’s just he’s trying to enthrall this girl and you probably admire her independence. So how can you help him curb that if you agree with it?”
SeangÚn shrugged, looking at Celeste dancing her heart out, immortals and mortals alike dancing in a circle around her, each trying to do the most via a shared glance to lead her away from the floor, “Maybe he needs to find a different way to enthrall a woman?”
Suddenly the dance music changed drastically as a tall man entered. The patron’s paused, worried looks on their faces as the random karaoke moments the club sometimes could ruin an evening if terrible. But the beginning tune, to Bruce Springsteen’s “I’m on fire” made everyone smile, knowing it would be short.
The singer looked like the cover a romance novel with his full lips, thick dark brown hair, intense deep brown eyes and broad shoulders. He wore clothes that looked like he had been working in the elements and walked with a stride that spoke of quiet dominance.
SeangÚn lost her breath just like all the women in the room. The man’s smile confessed he was used to it. His eyes darted from SeangÚn to Celeste and back again, his mouth breaking into a huge smile and his shoulders shaking with laughter.
He began to sing, walking directly to Celeste, and taking her hand in his, his voice sounding just like the original song,
Hey little girl is your daddy home
Did he go away and leave you all alone
I got a bad desire Oh Oh Oh
I'm on fire
Did he go away and leave you all alone
I got a bad desire Oh Oh Oh
I'm on fire
Then, just as SeangÚn was about intervene, he turned and took her raised hand, twirling her, and looking deep in her eyes as if she were the only one in the room, singing the next refrain,
“Tell me now baby is he good to you
Can he do to you the things that I do
I can take you higher
Oh Oh Oh
I'm on fire…
Can he do to you the things that I do
I can take you higher
Oh Oh Oh
I'm on fire…
Then, winking at the flabbergasted Péine, he pulled both women towards him, dancing with them in way no modern man would, like an ethereal version of a western dance, before singing the next refrain,
“Sometimes it's like someone took a knife baby
Edgy and dull and cut a six-inch valley
Through the middle of my soul…
Edgy and dull and cut a six-inch valley
Through the middle of my soul…
He continued to lead them in the way men of other centuries once knew how, making SeangÚn realize he must be an immortal who had no doubt crossed many a dance floor across time. But just when she was about to pull away, he put his arms around both of the and led them forward, spinning them off the ground in an incredible show of strength, making her lose her breath before taking both their hands in his and smiling seductively pulling them both towards him across the floor, all in one smooth move, his voice no longer relying on the microphone, but carrying strongly through the club just the same…
“At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet
And a freight train running through the
Middle of my head
Only you can cool my desire…
And a freight train running through the
Middle of my head
Only you can cool my desire…
Both women were now fully enthralled by this breathtaking being as he began to lead them to the door, singling,
Oh Oh Oh
I'm on fire…
Oh Oh Oh
I'm on fire…
Oh Oh Oh
I'm on fire…”
I'm on fire…
Oh Oh Oh
I'm on fire…
Oh Oh Oh
I'm on fire…”
Péine, dumbfounded, watched in awe as both women, fae and mortal, continued dancing, following the man.
A voice suddenly appeared next to him, “So when were you going to tell me that a siren had captivated both my love and her protector, Péine?”
Péine turned to Dwyn, his eyes huge and mouth hanging open, “I- I – I didn’t realize…”
Dwyn chuckled and watched, “Not to worry, he’s one of mine.”
Dwyn leaned back, “I knew what was going on from the moment Celeste put SeangÚn into the locker. There was a moment when SeangÚn almost took her full fae form inside.”, he was laughing hard now, “You should have heard her panic when she first hit the sides of that iron cube!” Iron was the only thing that could contain most fae. All fae in fact except for those as ancient as Dwyn, “When she bonked her head, she had to shrink back into an ant in order to climb out. I was so mad at Celeste for leaving unannounced and at SeangÚn for not stopping her. But then hearing SeangÚn’s cursing from multiple languages in that high pitched voice was hysterical!”
Péine smiled cautiously, knowing that despite looking fully relaxed and laughing, Dwyn’s temper could still be hot. He wondered why Dwyn hadn’t just enchanted the women himself.
Dwyn turned to him, “Because there are politics between immortals. But no one will mess with a siren.”
Péine turned around and took in the room. There were furious faces everywhere, but not one immortal was willing to battle a siren, and all slowly took to working the dance floor for their own interests, be they seduction or food, or both as in many cases.
Dwyn gestured to the door as he reached easily through the locker for Celeste’s things, “They’ll be waiting for us in a car outside.”
Leaving the club, they walked to a long limo on the curb. The driver walked around and opened the door, apologizing to Dwyn, “Sorry we were late, but you said you wanted us to go by and pack her things before coming. They are all in the trunk.”
As the door opened, Dwyn looked in, seeing the very amused siren, holding SeangÚn’s swords on his lap, relaxing and singing to the two women, while SeangÚn looked scared and Celeste looked enraptured.
“Greetings, Amhránaí.”, Dwyn smiled, taking his hand, then sitting across from him next to Celeste, who seemed to wake up, startled with where she was.
The siren smiled, “Only you continue to call me that, Dwyn.”, then looking over to Celeste with a look of longing, he offered her a charming smile, “I meant every word, ‘mam. If you ever tire of this here fairy, and decide you’d like to enjoy the company of more, shall we say…tangible company, just sing my name.”, he reached over and took the back of her hand, smiling, then did the same with SeangÚn, who looked embarrassed, her eyes darting between Amhránaí and Dwyn, “There really is no call to be embarrassed, lovely, as there was really nothing you could have done. In fact,” he let go of her hand and gestured to Dwyn, “If he hadn’t called me in, you both had a good chance of winding up on someone’s platter tonight.” He paused, “Platter and bed if you were lucky. Either way, seemed like there was a lot royalty out tonight.”, he tipped his hat towards the window while leaning forward and knocking his knuckles against the glass between the driver’s seat and passenger’s. The driver began moving forward just as a very tall and handsome man with long blonde hair almost as long as Dwyn’s came out from the club and smiled engagingly at the car, his fangs showing.
“Just in the nick of time, mo ghrá”, Dwyn put a protective arm around Celeste as Amhránaí handed the now fully alert SeangÚn her swords.
Celeste now stared out the window at the gorgeous man outside who she swore was staring right into her soul despite being on the other side of the glass. She swore he mouthed, “What’s your name, darling?”, and she whispered back, “Celeste” before realizing what she was doing. The long blonde haired man offered her a dazzling smile in turn and extended his hand, just when Dwyn pulled her face back to his.
“Why does everyone want what’s mine, mo ghrá?”
“I don’t understand any of this…”Celeste whispered, confused with how she had gone to a club to get away from supernatural things and wound up in the midst of a whole new boatload of them.
Dwyn shook his head, looking adoringly down at her, his black hair dangling down and around her cheeks, “No, you don’t, mo chailín amaideach. You don’t indeed.”
Pulling her closer, he announced, “We are going to spend the next few weeks in the countryside. I want you where I control all the elements in play. Obviously, the Herb Farm wasn’t far enough away.”
Thinking of Dr. Fielding, and her work, she began to protest, but Dwyn, reading her thoughts, cut her off, “Your mentor’s fae is inspiring him to send you to the countryside as we speak. He is leaving you a message now, which SeangÚn will respond to…now.”
Celeste’s cell rang in her purse, but before she could get to it, Dwyn tossed it to SeangÚn who answered in Celeste’s voice, “Yes, Dr. Fielding. Yes, of course the Herb Farm was delightful and I learned so much more that definitely will enhance my mycological studies, sir. In fact, I was hoping that instead of coming in the next two weeks, if I might go further out into the country to apply some of what the mushroom forager taught me?”
Celeste, horrified, just watched as SeangÚn winked at her and continued perfectly and effortlessly in her voice, “Why, that’s just kismet! Perfect. I’ll e-mail my research to the laboratory server weekly. Bi-weekly? Certainly, that won’t be a problem.”
SeangÚn hung up, looking very pleased with herself, but a few minutes later the phone rang again, “Yes? This is Celeste. Oh! Yes, I noticed you at the club too!”, her voice sounded like Celeste’s, but incredibly flirtatious. Yet, even as SeangÚn spoke, her eyes shot a warning glance to Dwyn as she continued, “But I’m unfortunately busy tonight. Yes, I’m quite sure I can’t get out of it. How about tomorrow?”,
SeangÚn shot a look at Amhránaí and he leaned near the phone, speaking in a seductive, singing voice, “Celeste? I guarantee you that whoever’s on the phone won’t be half as interesting as I am, my dear.”
SeangÚn let out a little helpless sounding sigh that didn’t fit the perfectly controlled look of her face and dropped the phone into Péine’s hand which turned into a wooden box, causing a clatter as it made contact.
SeangÚn made sounds of a woman losing breath, like she was dying and loving it at the same time while Amhránaí picked up the phone and said in a rough voice sounding completely cold ad menacing, “There won’t be a Celeste tomorrow. I suggest you find someone else to seduce and eat, vamp.”, and hung up.
Amhránaí crushed the phone in his hand and tossed it to SeangÚn who broke it into two pieces, tossing them out the window.
Celeste didn’t know whether to be furious or grateful as the fae all stared at her for a moment, then one by one began laughing.
When they stopped, Amhránaí broke the momentary silence by asking, as if inquiring about the weather, “Well now that we’ve saved you from being drained to a husk, tell me, sister, are the rumors true?”
Celeste, confused looked around, from each of their faces, finding nothing but impish smiles. When her gaze landed on Dwyn’s, he softly caressed her face, putting her hair behind her ear, then said with a mocking pout on his head, “I suppose we shall have to tell him, my dear. After all, Amhránaí has now helped to save your life twice tonight.”
“Tell him what?”
“Oh come now, sister,” Péine shot her his first relaxed smile of the evening, “Like you don’t know what a fae would want in payment for saving you!”
SeangÚn smiled wickedly, “Oh, let’s give them both a hint.”, and wiggled her fingers at her.
Celeste reflexively curled up, pulling away from Dwyn.
“Oh come now”, Dwyn teased, “I assure you there are worse things in life than to be tickled by a siren.”, then he covered his mouth and moved his eyes from side to side, making a silly Oops! Face.
Amhránaí’s smile already gorgeous, grew huge as he nodded towards her, “I’ll take a down payment on that debt owed, miss!”
Celeste didn’t have any place to escape to as his huge hands dug into her sides and savage her middle. She fought him at every turn, laughing each time through tears because she inevitably failed to evade his fingers. Somewhere along the way, someone turned on some music and the siren’s voice began singing in perfect time with a Duran Duran song.
“Mine, immaculate dream made breath and skin
I've been waiting for you…
I've been waiting for you…
He smoothed his hands over her skin, calming her against her will and opening her arms so that they relaxed fully outstreatched.
“Signed, with a home tattoo,…
He traced the Celtic knots that Dwyn had drawn on her body. The designs now once again moving like liquid light right shining through her clothes.
“Happy birthday to you was created for you
…He wrote the words across her legs, making her giggle.
“…Oh, it'll take a little time,
He began to tickle her delicately behind her knees,
“…might take a little crime
He reached under her arms and tickled her with barely there strokes, making her yearn to pull her arms down, but her body’s will was no longer her own.
“to come undone now…
He taped her on the nose teasingly and leaned back.
‘We'll try to stay blind
to the hope and fear outside
Hey child, stay wilder than the wind
And blow me in to cry…
to the hope and fear outside
Hey child, stay wilder than the wind
And blow me in to cry…
He sat back and sang while reaching through her shoes to tickle her feet, sending tears streaming down her cheeks as her cheeks grew redder and redder. Just when she hit the moment of silent laughter, Dwyn sang the refrain as he looked down into her desperate eyes,
‘Who do you need, who do you love
When you come undone…
When you come undone…
It seemed so cruel that the words he sang seemed like he was begging when in fact she was the one who yearned to beg, but couldn’t do anything but laugh and laugh…
“Who do you need, who do you love
When you come undone…
When you come undone…
Amhránaí took up the song again as he trailed his fingers along her body, playing them like an instrument, all the way up, over her breasts and down into her armpits, then out towards the palms of her hands, smiling as he saw her laughing harder and harder with each stroke…
“Words, playing me deja vu
Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before
Chill, is it something real …
Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before
Chill, is it something real …
She felt a chill run over her skin, making all her nerves come to life as he waved his hands over her palms, causing them to raise up to where Péine and Dwyn were seated. The light from the Celtic designs around her wrists went into the veins of her hand and started exiting out of her fingertips
“Or the magic I'm feeding off your fingers…
Péine and Dwyn each kissed her palms, but Dwyn continued to suck and run his hands down her arm. As the chorus came on, the liquid light around her heart began to pulsate and rise up and out of her chest.
“Can't ever keep from falling apart
At the seams
Can I believe you're taking my heart
To pieces…
At the seams
Can I believe you're taking my heart
To pieces…
She felt so naked, as if the words of the song were betraying her deepest thoughts to all of them. But Amhránaí only continued to smile knowingly at her predicament, tickling her sides and armpits more viciously than ever now that Dwyn and Péine each held and arm. The window next to him rolled down and tiny little snow flurries began to rush in, whirling around them all.
“Lost, in a snow filled sky, we'll make it alright
To come undone now …
He seemed to glow brightly, himself turning into a crystal-like being as the song began to fill the world around them, as if it rode the wind as much as coming from his lips…
“We'll try to stay blind
to the hope and fear outside
Hey child, stay wilder than the wind
And blow me in to cry…
To come undone now …
He seemed to glow brightly, himself turning into a crystal-like being as the song began to fill the world around them, as if it rode the wind as much as coming from his lips…
“We'll try to stay blind
to the hope and fear outside
Hey child, stay wilder than the wind
And blow me in to cry…
He reached down and wiped Celeste’s tears of laughter away, turning them into crystals that fell down from his fingers onto her skin, making her giggle as each tiny cold stroke traced along her body, teasing as much as tickling every tiny fold, nook and cranny of her body before joining the other swirling snow flurries. Then growing bigger and bigger still, even as he became more and more ephemeral, and finally the wind itself, his hands, now fully invisible, seemed to multiply, tickling her stomach, sides, thighs, legs and toes, sending her shrieking as the light over her heart grew bigger and bigger, slowly going towards Dwyn, who began to once more sing the refrain, arms open, looking for all the world like a helpless, pleading lover…
“Who do you need, who do you love
When you come undone…
When you come undone…
The light was being drawn closer and closer to his lips, and in an instant, Celeste knew the light was her heart.!
“Who do you need, who do you love
When you come undone …
When you come undone …
He was now smiling, the dominate king knowing just what he has to do to get what he wants. He opened his lips and began drinking the light into them. Something about his confidence aroused her, even as she was angry at herself for it, but like the light emanating out of her heart, the light from below began to fly to his lips as he sang…
“Who do you need, who do you love
When you come undone …
When you come undone …
Celeste watched, awed as one by one each of what the Hindu’s called chakras were in turn drunk into his lips. Then, realizing they were now completely alone in the back of the car, and she once more had full control of her body, she relaxed, allowing him to gently hover her, his own hands taking over the tickling and doing so in far more intimate ways than Amhránaí had, tickling her nipples with his tongue as his hands continued to tantalize her sides, raising her up so that he could do the same on her back and moving down between her legs. Whenever he wasn’t teasing, kissing or tickling with his mouth, he would continue the refrain,…
“Who do you need, who do you love
When you come undone …
When you come undone …
His hands pulled her leggings down, his fingers tickling her clit and teasing her lips, making her yearn, and her breathless. Then, as the hunger grew steadier and steadier into climax, she gasped, letting her breath go. Too overwhelmed by the orgasm forming, she didn’t see him catch her breath with his own mouth, then singing the words
“Who do you need,..
He breathed back he breath into her mouth with a kiss, sending not just the liquid light back into her, but glowing green one that was his own. With the next lyric…
who do you love
…he tickled her breasts, making her giggle, mid-orgasm, and clasp his hands to her heart, never once noticing that as she did, the light in her palms received the light in his and pulled it down into herself. Then, he reached deeper into her, pressing harder still and began tickling the walls of her most hidden, tucked away, erogenous zones, sending her up and higher than she thought was humanly possible….
When you come undone …”
At the end of the song, he laughed, looking down at the girl collapsed in his arms, “That’s because it’s not humanly possible, mo ghrá.”
Celeste stirred just enough to open her eyes and hear him clearly whisper to her, “Do pléisiúir agus do gháire bhfuil mianach. Your pleasure and your laughter are mine.”
Chapter 8: A Surrendering
Celeste awoke in a cabin. Everything seemed designed for her utmost comfort. Even her research, her paperwork and the desk with the mushroom that had grown roots into it, were there from the laboratory. She reflected briefly on all that had happened over the last few days. If someone had asked her a week ago if she thought it possible to have her life hijacked by fairies she would have thought them insane.
She opened the door and peeked outside. The limo was parked nearby, but other than that there wasn’t a single sign of life. Yet, when she turned to look back into the cabin, a hot breakfast sat on a table in a full formal place setting. Realizing that she was famished, she ate every bite, then washed the dishes, grabbed her hiking gear, her notebook where she kept her field notes, and went out into the forest, noting that they hadn’t brought her stash of Gatorade she always brought on trips like this.
Remembering what the mushroom forager had taught her, she filled a reusable bottle of water they had brought with her things and made a point to give thanks, carefully removing the mushroom’s spores, matching female with male spores and planting both in place of the mushroom she took, poring a little water on each spot. It was tedious, but she was good with tedious.
Before the afternoon sun had hit, she had identified close to 100 different types. Wishing for her Gatorade, she wiped her brow on her sleeve and walked back to the cabin and began cutting and documenting each fungi, noting their color and shape. Placing each thinly cut specimen into a plastic bag and noting the necessary information on it, she in turn filed different bags into other compartments of her field kit folders, then began the process over again.
Now, the sun was even hotter and she had to drink more water as she went, grateful she had refilled. This time she found even more varieties. As the sun began to set, she went inside, delved into cataloging, note taking, and then grabbed a flashlight, her iPod, night vision binoculars and set out again. The forest’s nocturnal residents would be waking soon and the resident bioluminescent species would begin glowing to attract free rides for their spores. If she was lucky, she would catch them in the act.
Not wanting to risk being seen my wandering hikers, (she had no clue if that was a possibility or not), she wandered far away from the cabin, ignoring her complaining stomach. As if on cue, as the sun finally set, the mushrooms began to glow, turning the moss covered forest ground into a reflection of the night sky. She found herself entranced by the glowing green tiny mushrooms as she walked closer and closer to the edge of a cliff. Deciding to take a break, she dangled her legs over the side of the cliff and looked out over the ocean.
But, before she could relax, she saw a single figure walking along the sand. He waved up at her, then proceeded to climb. When he was halfway up the cliff, she began to suspect he was slowing his natural pace down by quite a bit to keep from alarming her. When he was only a little ways down below her, he looked up and smiled again. It was the blonde man from the club. Celeste knew this wasn’t an accident. Oh, why, why did her life get so turned upside down when all she had ever pursued were the most left brained interests?
He came and stood before her, gesturing to a place on the cliff next to her, “May I join you, Celeste?”
Figuring there was nothing to do, but go along with things since a vampire could do whatever he wanted, she nodded, then asked, “So, what do you want Mr. Vamp? You want to kill me, then just do it.”, she ignored his shocked expression and threw a rock into the ocean. “Cause, I’ve had quite enough of being toyed around with lately.”
The blonde man chuckled, “I understand. Last night I saw that you must be enjoying the company of the fae these days.” He too threw a stone out into the ocean, but his went so far out that she lost sight of it.
He turned to her, “My name is Alexander. Don’t ask me my full real name, or I’d have to kill you. Which probably wouldn’t be altogether an unpleasant experience for you.”, he wiggled his brows at her flirtatiously.
Stunned, Celeste just stared.
“Will you just calm down?”, he laughed, “If I’d wanted to kill you, I could have done so from the beach, from further away than you would have even been able to see.” He gestured lazily at the horizon.
“What do you want?”, she asked again, figuring that she’d like to get through the next unwilling adventure as quickly as possible.
He stared at her a moment, a look of amusement on his face, “How old do you think I am, Celeste?”
She shrugged, “You could have been made yesterday or centuries ago, for all I know. But judging from your perfect teeth, I’m guessing you either had great genetics or were made sometime in the 20th century.”
He shook his head, “Psyche and Eros”, and looked out at the rising moon.
“I beg your pardon?”
He leaned back on his elbows, “Every supernatural being craves a great love. Something to redeem past sins for some, something to ignite joy into bored lives that have seen everything for others, or for some, they gain their strength from being seen, loved, desired or from knowing they can enthrall. But….”
He had her fascinated now, despite the fact she knew he could kill her in a matter of seconds. Raising a brow he offered her a sexy knowing smile, then laughed…“See? If I were being a true rascal, like I can often be for mortals, I would leave you lingering, wanting to know the rest of what I might say, then interrupt your dreams to make you long for me followed by teasing flirtatious glimpses of me, or perhaps a stolen kiss here and there in the middle of a club, or dark alley for several nights until you would be going quite out of your mind.”
Celeste shook her head like she had flies circling it, creases of pure puzzlement crossing it.
He laughed again, “I can see why Dwyn finds you enthralling, and also why you don’t even realize it.”, he put a strand of her hair gently behind her ear, and his grin grew, his fangs gleaming in the moonlight, “I’m probably the only being alive who can remember all the way back to when the Tuatha de Danann first encountered mankind. And even then, I was already ancient by human standards. These,” he gestured to his mouth, “Are just the results of what my father used to call ‘good breeding’. But I’ll tell you another thing, Celeste, that you should know,” he paused, looking again from her to the ocean below, “Of all the immortals, there is only one type that will ever have any real empathy for your perspective as a mortal. The vaimpír are the only ones who maintain their original human bodies in the immortal life and who have lived a mortal existence before turning.”
Celeste’s wrinkled brow began to relax.
“Don’t do that.”, Alexander looked down at his lap, sighing, “Don’t confuse empathy for compassion, Celeste. When I speak of vaimpír understanding the human existence, I don’t speak of us having sympathy for your needs, especially your desire to stay alive. I just mean, we know you have those desires and needs, can fully comprehend on the basis of their what and why, and understand your motivations probably better than any psychologist out there. In fact, quite a few of us make money by being psychologists and psychiatrists.”
Celeste gasped.
He shrugged, “That’s what centuries of observing the human experience can do. What do you think you would understand if you had centuries to observe your beloved mushrooms?”
Stunned at the thought, Celeste began to understand him, nodding, but didn’t want to interrupt the most logical conversation she’d been able to share in days.
He continued, “My father was what they called a Sidhe, a fae who drank blood. He fell in love with my mother who was a human. I got to live a human existence until my father decided I would look as good as I ever would and transformed me into a full vaimpír.”
She reached out, compassion filling her heart, and lightly touched his hand. Quicker than a flash of light, he grabbed it, turned her wrist to meet his lips and grinned wickedly, “You mortals make it so easy. I don’t even have to make up a story. I just tell you the truth and you practically offer me yourself on a platter. You might as well drain yourself into a crystal goblet while you’re at it.”
Terrified, she tried to pull her wrist away, but he held onto it, relaxing so she wasn’t in pain, but still tight enough that she couldn’t pull away, and shook his head, “Have you not listened to a word I’ve said, my dear girl? With that terrific brain on your shoulders, why would you tempt me?”, he nipped once, so fast she barely noticed the motion, and licked his lips, then licking the two tiny wounds, he sealed the pin sized pricks, and handed her wrist back to her, brooding.
Then, slowly his frustration gave way to a movie star smile, “You need to be taught a lesson, my lovely. But I don’t desire to hurt you. I think I’ll hang around for when Dwyn tires of you and seduce you into my web then. How would you like that?”
Celeste couldn’t help it. After the past few days her mind immediately remembered the intense tickling and love making of the fae. She blushed, then realizing that blushing probably made her draw unwanted attention to her blood, she blushed further despite herself.
Alexander, chuckled, reading her mind, “Don’t worry. I don’t desire to drain you. Not now, anyway. I just wanted to be able to read your mind. I have to have a little taste and give you a little of mine to do what the fae can do so easily.”, he paused, his smile growing bigger still as he saw in his mind’s eye her adventures of the past evening, “Now, that, I would not have suspected.”
Celeste looked at him, her eyes growing wide, “You,…you don’t mean...”
He turned towards her, the lethalness exuding from every pore of his body, “How do you think I found you here, Celeste? That phone call was from me. And your captors were oh so very smart in trying to divert my thoughts from you. But I’m ancient for a reason, and have dealt with fae during my whole existence.”
Despite feeling scared, Celeste now felt more embarrassed and was blushing worse than ever.
Alexander, crawled closer to her, his body moving like a panther, a cat toying with its prey, “Yes, I heard every word as I sat on the roof of the limo last night. I heard every laugh, every sigh of pleasure, every plea from your delicious throat for mercy and found myself thoroughly entertained that Dwyn saw to it you received none.”, he drew himself up to his full height and stood above her, “I must admit that I found myself to be quite jealous of his fun.”
Terrified, she scrambled backwards, her heart pumping wildly. His nostrils moved slightly, noticing the blood’s faster circulation, like a lion smelling its quarry. But then he shook his head at the shaking girl, and squat down next to her, “I’m not going to rape you. I’m not going to drink your blood. But I am going to teach you how fast a vaimpír can move and that when it comes to the forest, you are the prey.” He reached over and faster than her eyes could see, removed her shoes and socks. Then, with a malicious gleam in his eye, he tauntingly tickled the soles of her feet, making her giggle and fall over the cliff. Yet, before a single scream could escape her throat, Celeste found her arms wrapped around his shoulders as he flew her to edge of the forest. Setting her gently down, he winked at her, “That’s the last act of mercy you will get from me tonight. Now,…”he cupped her face like a lover, then again in an impossibly quick motion tickled her side, “RUN!:”
Shocked, she doubled over, having never felt anything tickle this quickly against her skin, and began to run, the bioluminescent mushrooms crushing under her feet as she went.
Finally, when she thought she’d lost him, she heard his voice next to her and found him leaning against a trunk, “All I need to track you my dear, is to watch the glowing trail you are leaving behind.”
Before she could respond, he was on top of her, his hands tickling every part of her body so quickly it felt as if it was all happening at once. Breathless, she couldn’t think clearly. What should she do? Call for help? But if help come would he kill them?
His voice, resounding deep as if from all around her laughed, “Probably.”, as his fingers began to find her hidden spots, the places women try their best to hide from men, and she was squealing, begging him for mercy.
“And what if I were to give you mercy, my dear, when your fae lover gave you none? What would the immortals begin to whisper behind my back if word got out about that?”, he asked tauntingly, attacking her feet, sides, stomach and armpits at once. Each stroke sent her further and further into perspiring frantic motions. He was so fast, he didn’t need to tie her down. That was the worst of it. As she knew nothing held her down but her body’s own devastating reactions to his tickling fingers.
“B-B-Buhuhuheehehehheehut noohooohoohaha one is hehehehhheeeeheereeee!”, she squealed.
He stopped abruptly, and looked down at her tiny body, his incredulous eyes watching her chest heaving, completely out of breath, “What? You mean you have spent all this time with the fae, and you would assume that no one is here with us now in an iridescent moonlit forest?”
Still partially giggling, but aiming to distract him from tickling her further she glanced around, “I don’t see anyone.”
He laughed, “Now I know why Dwyn calls you his cailín beag amaideach.”
“What does that mean?”, she asked, glassy eyed and innocent.
Alexander rolled up his sleeves then knelt down and began to slowly crawl towards her, “It means ‘silly little girl’”, he continued crawling towards her, even as she crab walked backwards which seem to amuse him greater still, “Do you notice that he also said ‘Do pléisiúir agus do gháire bhfuil mianach’? That means that your pleasure and your laughter are his.”
Uncomprehending, Celeste stopped backing up when her back hit a tree. Not looking behind herself, she moved to back again, and found she hit another tree. She tried again and again and kept hitting a tree.
Finally, Alexander sat back on his knees and started laughing, “Just turn around, cailín beag amaideach!”, he said and pointed.
Slowly, Celeste turned to see Péine looking down at her, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Celeste turned back and saw that from each glowing mushroom rose tiny glowing fae, each giggling and pointing at her. Rocks rose up, like turtles sitting on their hind legs, revealing fairies living as part of them. More trees began to sway and move, deep chuckles moving like wind in their branches, while owls turned into fae, some man-sized and others way bigger or way smaller, all smirking at her.
Celeste found herself relaxing a little, and turned back to Alexander, “Guess this means you’ll have to leave me alone, huh?”
But he only smiled in return, “Cailín beag amaideach, who do you think has allowed me to play with you for this long?”
Slowly, a realization formed in Celeste’s mind, “But Dwyn isn’t here!”
“I’m always here, mo ghrá.”, his voice made her body melt.
Dwyn appeared sitting next to Alexander, and clapped him on the back, “Hello, Good Neighbor”, then turning to the more than shocked Celeste he explained, “Alexander has been a friend for a long, long time. But then he already told you that. He saw you entranced by Amhránaí, and being an óltóir pléisiúir, he was aware that you were seduced last night. He noticed SeangÚn was too, so he surmised you were mine, and followed out of loyalty to an old friend.”
Dwyn walked up to Celeste and leaned down to kiss her brow and take her hand, “It seems that your laughter was just as intoxicating to him as it has been for all of us, so I needed to give him back a little something for his being so considerate, you understand.”
Celeste’s eyes went from Dwyn’s devilish grin to Alexander’s face which seemed to be a mirror of the same expression.
Dwyn tugged Celeste’s hand and immediately she began to levitate above the ground, still in the same sitting position and following him, her clothes flowing as if she were in water, until she was inches from Alexander.
He then let go and watched her slowly set down on the ground before continuing to speak, as if to a child, “Celeste, Do pléisiúir agus do gháire bhfuil mianach. Your pleasure and your laughter are mine. Aréir thug tú dom do chroí agus do mhian freisin. Last night you gave me your heart and your desire too. Mbaineann tú do rí ar chineál ársa. You belong to a king of an ancient kind.”
He knelt down and took his face in both her hands, “Tá mé go rí, agus beidh mé rialú a thabhairt ar cad is liomsa é. Go n-áirítear anois agat, do chroí, do mhian, do gáire agus do aisling. I am that king, and I will rule over what is mine. That now includes you, your heart”, he kissed her deeply, then touched her heart, “your desire”, he tickled her toes making her giggle, “your laughter, and your dreams.” He backed up and put his arm around Alexander’s shoulder’s, “Now as I recall, Celeste has a certain collection of stories she downloaded over the internet that fantasize about how wonderfully devastating it would be to be tickled viciously by a vaimpír, or as we fae call them, óltóir pléisiúir.”, he paused looking with pure enjoyment at Celeste’s growing embarrassment, “that means, ‘pleasure drinker’, mo ghrá.”, then turning to Alexander as if she wasn’t even there he continued, “I noticed that she did not think to call out to me for help from a vaimpír. Do me a favor, Alexander, and make her fantasy every bit as devastating as the story I gave you to read last night.”
Alexander looked down at Celeste and began grinning, showing his fangs off, letting them grow to their fullest extent, “I’d be delighted to, my friend.”
Dwyn turned his back to Celeste, and began to walk away, “And as this is a favor to me, Alexander, none of this will count as payment towards what I promised your earlier for your good intentions of watching out for her welfare.”
Alexander now licked his fangs, his smile growing wider, “Happy to hear it, Dwyn.”
“You can receive the first of those payments starting tomorrow to be paid to you at least once a month for the next three years.”
Celeste felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. Just before Dwyn disappeared into the trees entirely, he glanced back and gave her a wink, “I’ll stop by to take care of the resulting desires you get from our shenanigans, mo ghrá!”
“Péine!”, Celeste whirled around and called out to her friend, “Help me!”
But Péine only smiled back, “Help you with what, mo dheirfiúr milis? We are helping you experience what you desire.”
Celeste blushed again and turned to Alexander who looked like he took pity on her. He stroked her hair gently back, again and again, his fingers making her sigh with pleasure despite herself, “There is no embarrassment here, my beauty. All of us have lived far too long to regard any physical desire as anything but an extension of nature. My only regret is that I didn’t discover you and your secret stash of fantasies first.”, he looked for a moment like a shy young boy, his lips soft, almost quivering, his long lashes and wide eyes looking like an innocent almost as much as she was.
Celeste, relaxed, finding in his hands the tenderness she craved, and accepted his embrace when he offered it to her. He reached behind him and showed her that he had somehow grabbed her equipment along the way. He handed it to the surrounding fae and spoke in their language to them, “chríochnú an obair ár deirfiúr milis, le do thoil.”, then seeing Celeste’s concern as the glowing mushroom fae flew away with her equipment taking pictures of themselves and laughing as they saw the resulting image in the video screen, Alexander grabbed her chin and turned it to him, “Don’t worry, They will finish your work for the night. In fact, they will finish your work for the next two weeks so you can fully engage in your studies.”
Celeste tried to back away slightly, but he only held her tighter, “Tonight you will learn about why you should fear the vaimpír. You should fear us for our strength, our cunning, our charm, our speed, our tendency towards mischief…”
Celeste began putting it together….mischief….cunning…charm…speed…Dwyn was king of mischief and love…
“Now you are getting it.”, Alexander smiled, “Any vaimpír would want to keep the king of our attributes happy. But”, he slowly raised his hand and began waving his fingers, “Not all vaimpír were playmates of Dwyn’s or have spent centuries matching wits with him.”
Before Celeste could open her mouth to ask a question, his hands went at her, even faster than before. Celeste’s head fell back and the laughter poured out, like a roaring river. From teasing strokes on her toes to unbearable touches across her nipples to excruciating pinches between her thighs whipping her into a frenzy of arousal without his even touching her private regions, Celeste found out what it meant to be a woman touched by an ancient man. This was a being who had been with women as a man, and now was an immortal who pulled upon all that experience and centuries more of supernatural existence to bring her into a fantasy made real. Her laughter seemed to make him glow, and soon she realized he was feeding off her in a way…
“Oh yes, my dear, “Alexander explained, we óltóir pléisiúir are called that because we can survive by drinking pleasure. We can drink blood too, but pleasure is a personal favorite.”
Rolling over the ground, Celeste gave into trusting in Alexander not to kill her and in the surrounding fae not to let him. But knowing this didn’t keep her from screaming for mercy, pointlessly pounding at the vaimpír who seemed to not even notice.
“You’re asking for mercy from the wrong person, cailín beag amaideach”, Alexander smiled at her while she continued her futile struggle.
She knew Péine wouldn’t intervene, so she screamed out for SeangÚn who appeared and just gave her a disinterested shrug before disappearing again.
So she tried, Amhránaí, who hearing his name, appeared sitting on a tree branch and seeing her predicament laughed.
“Amhránaí!” she screamed again, desperation filling ever part of her before falling into silent laughter as Alexander’s hands continued flying over her again.
He laughed again and began singing, serenading her with one of her favorite songs, “Undisclosed Desires” (by muse) as she rolled around under helplessly under the vaimpír whose voracious appetite was coming out through his hands, moving faster and faster still….
“I know you've suffered
But I don't want you to hide
It's cold and loveless
I won't let you be denied
I'll make you feel pure
Trust me
You can be sure
But I don't want you to hide
It's cold and loveless
I won't let you be denied
I'll make you feel pure
Trust me
You can be sure
The fae, either oblivious or not caring about her tortured body joined in singing
“I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognize your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart…
I want to recognize your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart…
This was just too much, how could these crazy beings just burst into song when she was going insane by her own fantasy made real?
Alexander whispered into her ear, “The fae seem illogical by mortal standards. They often mislead, but even when they do, their misdirection leads the human soul to confront what your kind most tries to ignore. You called all of this to you, Celeste.”
No sooner had he said those words than she heard Dwyn’s voice sing….
You trick your lovers
That you're wicked and divine
You may be a sinner
But your innocence is mine…
Please me
Show me how it's done
Tease me
You are the one…”
That you're wicked and divine
You may be a sinner
But your innocence is mine…
Please me
Show me how it's done
Tease me
You are the one…”
All the fae again sang the refrain as Alexander kept her tripping over herself in an effort to get away, knowing full well she never had a chance.
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognize your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart…”
I want to recognize your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart…”
She suddenly saw Dwyn standing, leaning against a tree. He opened his arms, a smile on his face, ready to receive her. He sang the next lines with passion,
Please me…”
She struggled to escape Alexander’s grasp as he clung to her ankle and tickled it viciously, making her fall down and howl with laughter. She looked helplessly at Dwyn who shrugged and sang the next line as if talking to her…
Show me how it's done…”
She twisted, and Alexander let her go, pretending to lose grasp for a moment so she moved forward a step towards Dwyn, only to fall over again laughing helplessly in Alexander’s waiting arms. Taking pity on her, he whispered, “Ask.”
Right then, Dwyn sang the next line…
Trust me…”
Celeste looked up at him, comprehension finally registering…
She tried one last time to escape and collapsed laughing, her eyes seeing the love of a brother in Alexander’s playful eyes and then looked back at where the fae kind of mischief and love still stood, letting go and shouting “Dwyn! I surrender! Help me!” through torrents of laughter induced tears. She had shed so many that the earth under her was now muddy.
Dwyn pointed right at her singing…
You are the one…’
Then, smiling he sang the next lines as he walked over to her and lifted her from the vaimpír’s arms…
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognize your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart.”
I want to recognize your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart.”
…and carried her, still giggling despite being exhausted, towards the cabin….
Continued at: http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=78755
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