In my life I've been lucky to share tickling encounters with girls that either truly have a tickle fetish, and those without that simply acknowledge and respect my needs, and willingly partake. In the situations with those that partook without the fetish, they did have fun with it, as in they weren't reluctantly partaking or anxiously hoping it would end as quickly as possible.
There's always something very important missing in my hook-ups with women that truly lack the fetish and partake in it for fun. Yes, I still find the experiences extremely hot and arousing, but I can never get over the fact that they aren't sharing the same emotions and feelings I feel in these encounters; that I'm secretly hoping the experience never ends, and they're most likely counting the minutes til' it ends and we can move on to something more "normal". I can't get that idea out of my head, and I end up feeling like a fish out of water at points. I remember distinctly once, I was sharing a bondage/tickling encounter with a very close friend of mine, getting really into it, and she said, mid tickling: "Wow you really like tickling!" I was completely taken back with that statement. I tried to imagine having sex with a girl and her saying "Wow you really like sex". Obviously the statement would be true, but some things are just best left unsaid. And even in the experiences where it remains unsaid, I still feel like its on the lee's mind: Wow, he likes tickling! I much prefer the thought instead, "Wow, WE like tickling!"
Does anyone else have the same trouble getting over this hump that I do? I am starting to feel like I will never be completely sexually satisfied with tickling unless my partner truly shares the same feelings that I do about it. And that an open-minded and sympathetic girlfriend that allows the tickling but doesn't share the fetish won't suffice in the long run. Yes, sex isn't everything, but its very important to some people. I think this might be something I really struggle with in the long term.
Please tell me I am not alone in this...
There's always something very important missing in my hook-ups with women that truly lack the fetish and partake in it for fun. Yes, I still find the experiences extremely hot and arousing, but I can never get over the fact that they aren't sharing the same emotions and feelings I feel in these encounters; that I'm secretly hoping the experience never ends, and they're most likely counting the minutes til' it ends and we can move on to something more "normal". I can't get that idea out of my head, and I end up feeling like a fish out of water at points. I remember distinctly once, I was sharing a bondage/tickling encounter with a very close friend of mine, getting really into it, and she said, mid tickling: "Wow you really like tickling!" I was completely taken back with that statement. I tried to imagine having sex with a girl and her saying "Wow you really like sex". Obviously the statement would be true, but some things are just best left unsaid. And even in the experiences where it remains unsaid, I still feel like its on the lee's mind: Wow, he likes tickling! I much prefer the thought instead, "Wow, WE like tickling!"
Does anyone else have the same trouble getting over this hump that I do? I am starting to feel like I will never be completely sexually satisfied with tickling unless my partner truly shares the same feelings that I do about it. And that an open-minded and sympathetic girlfriend that allows the tickling but doesn't share the fetish won't suffice in the long run. Yes, sex isn't everything, but its very important to some people. I think this might be something I really struggle with in the long term.
Please tell me I am not alone in this...