I can't remember if I have posted this before on this site. If I have, hopefully there will be enough new folks who can appreciate what I am about to say.This is mainly for those of you who are frustrated by lack of opportunities for foot tickling. It is a drag to get foot horny and not be able to do your 'thing', and let's face it...it is hard to get into a situation where you can tickle an attractive girl's feet to your hearts content whenever you want. Unless it is a wife or girlfriend. Anyway, here goes. When I get in the mood to tickle some feet I will go to a topless bar in the afternoon when it is not busy. You have more privacy then and the girls are usually just sitting around waiting for business to pick up. I'll take a seat and the girls will approach me to try to sell a table dance. I tell them that I am not into dancing and that I have a thing for pretty feet. These girls don't bat an eye at this, because they are used to much more bizarre requests. In fact most of them find my foot fetish interesting and lots of them have had prior experience with foot guys. Usually, as soon as I tell them about my fetish they take their shoes off and put their bare feet in my lap. I offer them $10 for 5-10 minutes of foot tickling. I have never been turned down, probably because it is easy money and there are few customers in the afternoons. I'll spend about $50 and tickle the feet of 3-4 different girls. If I find one that I really like I may do several tickle sessions with her. Yes, this is buying a thrill, but so what. It is an easy way to feed your fetish and how else can you tickle the feet of several different attractive women in one afternoon? The important thing is to do it with boldness and not act like a weirdo. I have found that if I act like it is normal then the girls are quite accepting of it. On the other hand, if you act weird about it, they may think that you are weird. I mat post some of my experiences in the 'Story' section of this forum.