<MARQUEE bgcolor="#FF0000" loop="-2" scrollamount="6" width="100%" height=" 20"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="4">Make sure you check out all the other TMF Radio Shows! Monday-Saturday 11 PM EST.-- <b>TMF Radio Sports with RobAce, TF4F <b> -- <b>The Power Hour with Powah</b> --<b>Making Friends Online with Venray and Raya<b> -- <b>The TMF Member Musical Playlist Shows</b> -- <b>Forbidden Female Rituals with LeeAllure and Brighteyes1082</b> -- <b>Football Friday's</b> --<b>RobAce Radio with RobAce and Arstine</b> --</font></MARQUEE>
Join us tonight as we take your request and dedications. Let us know what YOU want to hear! We will do our best to get it on the air. Or if you desire to dedicate a song send it to the email account and if you would like we will read your letters on the air. We will focus on songs from the 40's-90's music tonight, BUT...we want your request and dedicate a song from any decade and if we have it...we will play it! Lots of fun in store as we do our Friday Night Live Request and Dedication show tonight![email protected]
Hope to see you tonight in the chat room or call and give your thoughts and your requests and dedications at 347-838-9015. That is the telephone number to hear your favorite songs. So come on and join us tonight at 9pm EDT.
As always TMF Radio is brought to you by:
NEST2012: Experience the fun and excitement of NEST: April,2012 in Philadelphia, PA.
NEST 2012: Laugh It Up!
Also brought to you by:
The Michigan Gathering: September 16th-18th.
Want to know more, send an email to [email protected]
TMJ Productions
See you all at 9pm EDT at THIS LINK:
Join us tonight as we take your request and dedications. Let us know what YOU want to hear! We will do our best to get it on the air. Or if you desire to dedicate a song send it to the email account and if you would like we will read your letters on the air. We will focus on songs from the 40's-90's music tonight, BUT...we want your request and dedicate a song from any decade and if we have it...we will play it! Lots of fun in store as we do our Friday Night Live Request and Dedication show tonight![email protected]
Hope to see you tonight in the chat room or call and give your thoughts and your requests and dedications at 347-838-9015. That is the telephone number to hear your favorite songs. So come on and join us tonight at 9pm EDT.
As always TMF Radio is brought to you by:
NEST2012: Experience the fun and excitement of NEST: April,2012 in Philadelphia, PA.
NEST 2012: Laugh It Up!
Also brought to you by:
The Michigan Gathering: September 16th-18th.
Want to know more, send an email to [email protected]
TMJ Productions
See you all at 9pm EDT at THIS LINK: