3.79 here in Pittsburgh.
To comment on something said above...the sole blame for this is on Wall Street speculators. Not the president, not the hippies and not as much of Big Oil as you'd think. (Although they share a lot of the blame.)
We have plenty of oil refineries. refineries aren't the problem. And no "hippies" are stopping it. Since the BP spill, when the gov't said that safety equipment and regulations would be overhauled before giving new licenses to drill....they've given out 14. That we know of. Since Rachel Maddow broke the story on how new drilling is being approved with the safety standards from 2007 still in place...the gov't stopped announcing the new licenses. So, how many have been given since, no one knows.
Plus, just drilling for more oil doesn't make one small impact on price. You need to understand something. Just because we get the oil from the Gulf, Texas or Alaska...does not mean it is ours. It gets traded on the global market as a commodity. It doesn't just stay in the US. We don't keep it.
There's no shortage, either. No one argues this...not either party, not Wall Street, not the oil companies or OPEC. There is more supply than demand, this is accepted fact by everyone. Even removing the billions on subsidies (corporate welfare) that the big 5 get, that would (while helping our "spending problem") would only affect gas prices by 3 or 4 cents.
70-80 cents on a gallon is by inflated Wall Street speculation. The price is artificially inflated. There IS an organization that's in place to control and oversee ridiculous and even illegal speculation, the House Republicans and most in the Senate manage to keep blocking any funding for it. THAT would be that darned old "big government" they don't want...those regulations that keep greedy people from doing greedy things. So, until that changes and Wall Street is actually regulated...all of us, no matter what party you belong to or who you believe, will continue to pay 4,5 then 6 dollars a gallon for gas. The president and even the oil companies have little control over it.