Very nice artwork. Well done. 😀
* Tips Helm *
Seems like a VERY nice new release! 😀
I can only hope looks won't prove too deceiving.
Fra l'altro, leggo su deviantart che sei italiano anche tu.
Congratulazioni vivissime per il tuo lavoro; sei un grande.
Mi rende orgoglioso saperti connazionale.
And the wait was long enough...
I really like the comic's asymmetrical paneling, over-all execution, massing, generous tickled soles, and astounding coloring techniques.
Believe it or not, it took a long while, poring over professional art, trying to learn new tricks to impress an already well spoilt audience.
People can get outstanding art already - free of charge.
I'm looking at you CAB, stop being so good...
I felt I had to provide something that went beyond the call of duty.
Something that made people pause.
Then something new came along that raised the bar, and I was back to the drawing board, trying to adjust...
Eventually, Morandilas was so kind as to provide me with a rather peculiar piece of his mind, and I resolved to move my armoured backside on, and wrap this project up.
Gah, it looks so unpolished!
Then J.R. has created a story that fits the flavor and era of its setting. It's been truly a great team.
Eh, I should apologise for that one too.
JR's original script was a bit more conservative; the fantasy bits were a very personal choice of mine, as I was trying to tie HH in to LftD in the same fantasy continuity...
I guess this forced MTJ and JR to adjust accordingly...
"In a strange and distant land..."
I guess my heart beats to a fantasy tune.
But I was thinking: harem girls = win, drow girls = win... what about
harem drow girls...?