HOW SWEET IT IS!!!!!!!!!! did you see the CHOKELAND TRAITORS get their a$$es kicked by the Buccaneers? how beautiful was it watching them get destroyed? i ENJOYED this SuperBowl. ANY team that decides to leave Los Angeles, AND talks trash deserves this cruel fate. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
now that i got that out, about the game. i love dominating performances, escpecially if i am cheering for the team that is dominating. i kept hearing how great the Raider offense was. REALITY CHECK. the Raiders had a good offense, BUT it really wasnt that great. they are OLD, and their O-line is FAT. Raider fans kept saying that this was the best offense in the league. statistically they were, but they were nowhere near the Rams offense the last few years. the Rams had an offense that was young and fast. the Raiders do not. Rich Gannon has ONE good year and he is MVP?? there is a reason Gannon has played for FOUR teams. he is okay, but he really isnt that good. the Raiders didnt face a fast, powerful defense all year. their offense was OVERRATED. i knew that coming in. remember, the Bucs defense was able to slow down those prolific Ram offenses. what the hell were the old Raiders going to do? the speed of the Bucs defense showed tonight by picking off 5 balls and returning 3 for TD's. beautiful, ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
did you notice the look on Jerry Rice's face? he's never been on the losing end of a Superbowl before. that must have been a complete shock. Tim Brown must be pissed off. 1 catch. he finally gets to the Superbowl and he gets 1 catch. Rich Gannon? he throws 5 INT's, a Superbowl record. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
the only sad thing is, Keyshawn Johnson gets a ring. DAMN DAMN DAMN. my dislike for Keyshawn goes DEEP. it goes back to high school, college and when i actually met the guy in person. he was a complete a$$ when i met him, so i wish nothing but a difficult NFL career for him. but now he has a ring. DAMN. this day wasnt completely satisfying.
as for John "Chucky" Gruden. congrats. all those Raider fans forgot one thing. Chucky knows them and can prepare for them. guess it came back to haunt them......
congrats Bucs. i know a friend of mine must be dancing in the streets. i remember back in college how he would agonize year in, year out about the Bucs misfortune. he must be on cloud 9 right now.
you people didnt find this game interesting? it was great......