Sean and Eva, both 24 years old met in their first year of university had just finished their university degrees. Their wedding came quickly due to a cancellation which meant that all their finances were spent on the Wedding day. They both had a week off from work but no plans for a honeymoon until they could afford it.
Sean walked into the living room to be greeted by his new wife, he towered over her, standing 6ft 2 tall hugged Eva in his muscular arms and kissed her forehead. Eva was only 5ft 1 with shoulder length brown hair, her pasty complexion made Sean look even more tanned. Sean sat down on the sofa with his mug of coffee whilst Eva sat cross legged on the floor amongst all of their Wedding gifts, making note of who had bought them what when she came across an envelope with their names on. “Sean, we missed one” she said with excitement as she tore it open. Inside, there was a folded piece of paper, it read;
‘Sean and Eva,
Thank you for including me in your celebrations, I know you are waiting for to go on your dream honeymoon but in the meantime, please use my cottage for a deserved mini break. It’s yours all week.
With love
Eva looked at Sean with confusion, “There is no name on it, who would have given us this?”
“I’m not sure” Sean said, equally confused. “I don’t know anyone with a cottage. Where is it?”
Eva turned the paper over to see a map, directions and a code for the key box. “It’s not too far from here, just in the countryside” she answered back. “Shall we go?”
“I’m not so sure, we don’t know who sent it” Sean hastily answered.
“Oh, come on, obviously we know them as they were at our wedding. Maybe there is some post at the cottage or something with their name on, then we can thank them” Eva said with excitement.
“I suppose so” Sean said. “We might as well do something with our time off”.
Eva ran up the stairs to pack her bags as Sean stared at the piece of paper, trying to find some clues into who sent it. Defeated, he strolled upstairs to get some clothes ready.
After a few hours the newlyweds left and made the short journey to the cottage in the countryside. They followed the map to a small winding road.
“Are you sure this is the way?” Sean said abruptly, questioning Eva’s directions.
“Yes, it should be down here at the end of the road” Eva replied.
The pair continued down the road, it was starting to get dark and there were no streetlamps. Sean had a concerned look on his face as they continued down the winding road. Eventually Eva spotted some lights in the distance. “That must be it” she blurted out. As the car approached the lights in the distance, they were greeted by a large locked gate, blocking access to the drive. They both looked at the cottage, all the downstairs lights were on. Sean climbed out of the car, walked up to the gate and noticed an intercom. He pressed the call button but no response.
“Nobody is in” he said nervously to Eva.
“I know, that’s what the letter said, stupid. Find the key box” Eva said sarcastically.
Sean turned his phone torch on and scanned the area before finding the box.
“What’s the code” he called out.
“8-4-2-5-5-3” Eva shouted back.
Sean entered the code and the box opened with two keys on display. He walked to the padlock on the gate, on the gate were the initials ‘T.C’.
“Eva, do you know anyone with the initials TC?” He asked as he turned the key in the padlock, unlocking the gate and opening it.
“Not off the top of my head” she said confused. “It might just be the initials of a previous owner of something”.
Satisfied, Sean got back into the car and drove down the driveway to the front door. The pair climbed out, Sean unlocked the front door and pushed it open, unveiling a lovely open plan cottage. Excitedly, Eva ran inside and left Sean to get the bags. She walked round admiring the place and Sean walked through the door.
“Thanks for your help” he said with an abrupt tone.
“My pleasure” she joked back at him.
The pair explored the downstairs, Eva tried a door to a large side room, but it was locked.
“That’s weird” she said puzzled.
“It’s probably the owner’s private room with their stuff or something” Sean replied.
The walked into the kitchen to see two champagne glasses on the table with a note.
‘Sean and Eva, enjoy a bottle of bubbly on us, you deserve it. X’
“No name again” Sean said, with a concerned frown.
“Oh, who cares” Eva snapped back, “it’s probably one of our parent’s friends or something. Now go to the fridge and get the champagne”.
Sean walked to the fridge, took out the bottle of champagne and opened it. He poured them both a glass. He noticed a light switch near the back door, intrigued, he walked over and flicked the switch. Lights turned on outside showing a hot tub.
“That’s a shame” Sean said with disappointment. “We didn’t bring our swimming costumes”.
“Who said we needed a costume” Eva said with a cheeky smile and she started to undress.
“We can’t, its rude” Sean said proudly
Eva walked over to him and started unbuttoning his top, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him before scattering her fingers down his newly exposed side.
Sean jumped back “stop that” he giggled.
“It’s only us two here, no one will ever know” she whispered to him before taking off his shirt.
An hour or so later the two walked back inside naked and dripping wet.
“Sean, get that fire on, its freezing here” she shivered.
Sean walked over to the log fire; the logs were already piled up. Sean saw the fire lighters and matches next to the fireplace. He quickly lit it and stood back. Eva walked over and hugged him to get some warmth. They both looked at the flames start to get bigger before they turned bright green.
“That’s odd” Sean said puzzled, “why are they green?”
Eva shrugged her shoulders as they both took a step back, the flames slowly turned back to normal. They both starred lovingly into each other’s eyes and shared a kiss. The room got a bit smoky.
“Its fine” Sean said before kissing Eva again. “It’s probably because it hasn’t been used in a while”. The pair sat down on the sofa; within minutes they were both fast asleep.
Sean stirred first, he opened his eyes but was greeted by darkness, he tried to move his body but couldn’t.
“What’s going on?” he said loudly. He tried to move again but to no avail. He felt himself lying down with his arms stretched above his head. He tried to move his legs, but his ankles were locked in something.
“Eva is this your doing?” he asked puzzled but was greeted by silence.
“MMmmm” Eva stirred. She slowly came around to be greeted by the same predicament as her husband. “Sean, what the FUCK” she shouted as she pulled on her restraints.
“It’s not me” Sean panicked. “LET US OUT” he shouted.
The pair struggled for a few minutes, trying to break free.
“It’s no use” a female voice said from across the room.
“Who are you and what do you want with us” Sean pleaded. “We have no money, let us go”.
“Eva, do you want to explain?” the female voice said.
Eva stayed quiet.
“EVA???” Sean shouted, “WHAT IS GOING ON?”
“I’m sorry Sean” Eva said softly.
“SORRY? Tell me what is going on this instant” Sean demanded.
“Oh, Eva hasn’t told you about me then” the voice mocked.
“Now there is no need to get angry Sean” the voice said softly. “I’m just here to get what is rightfully mine”
“Eva, of course” the voice said softly.
“I WILL NEVER BE YOURS” Eva snapped back.
Before Sean could question again, he heard a familiar sound.
“Hee-hee” Eva giggled. “S-S-Stop that Hehehe”
“You know what you have to do to stop me” the voice said mocking Eva.
“No” Eva snapped.
“Fine” the voice said
“Hehehehehehehehehe Get off Hehehehehehe” Eva giggled
“What’s going on?” Sean quizzed
“Nothing much” the voice said. “I’m just exploring Eva’s stomach”.
“Well quit it” Sean snapped. “She’s ticklish”.
“Oh, I know that Sean. I know your wife very well indeed” the voice said seductively.
The blindfold covering his eyes was removed. His eyes took a few seconds to adjust before he saw a familiar face looking down at him.
“Jen?” he said shocked.
“Oh, you remember me” she said back.
“Of course, but that doesn’t explain what you are doing here” he said quizzingly.
Sean lifted his head to see his naked body laid on a black padded table. He couldn’t see his feet; they were the other side of some padded stocks. He looked at Eva, on the same table next to him, completely naked with her feet the other side of the same stocks.
“What the fuck are you doing to us” he questioned.
“Would you like to explain, Eva” Jen said softly.
Eva stayed quiet, Jen leaned over a picked up a soft pick feather before running it up and down her pasty stomach. She bit her lip trying to supress the giggles. Jen started drawing circles around Eva’s belly button.
“HEHEHEEHE STTTOOOPPPP” Eva giggled loudly.
“I can do this all day” Jen said patronisingly. As she continued to glide the feather around her belly button.
“Noooo hehehehehehe” she pleaded.
Sean was watching on with equal amounts of nervousness and excitement. He had always been into bondage but had never dappled much into tickling. Jen noticed this and gave him a smile before putting his blindfold back on.
“Jen, what do you want?” Sean said once he was back in darkness.
“I have already told you my dear” she whispered.
Eva’s giggles filled the room as her body couldn’t escape the strokes of the fluffy feather.
Jen stopped the feather.
“Me, Me, Me” Eva stuttered.
“Spit it out woman” Jen snapped as she pinched Eva’s waist with her fingers.
“EEEKKKK” Eva shrieked. “I’m trying” She pleaded.
“Not hard enough” Jen Snapped back before running her finger nails up and down Eva’s exposed sides.
“Hahahahahahahahahaha” Eva cackled “STOOPPPPPP HAHAHAHAHA”.
Jen came to a holt as Eva tried regaining her breath.
“Sean, you know that me and Jen were close at University”. She muttered out.
“Yes?” Sean said puzzled.
“Well, we were a bit more than close” Eva mumbled out.
“EXCUSE ME” Sean shouted angrily.
“Well, when you were away, we got very close” she said with a whimper.
“SO, YOU SLEPT WITH MY WIFE, YOU PYSCO” Sean snapped. “Eva, we will talk about his later. NOW LET US FUCKING GO”.
“Talking time is over now” Jen said as she crammed a ball gag in Sean’s mouth. “You just need to listen” she instructed as she flicked Sean’s cock.
“MMM” he grunted.
“Do you not remember all of the fun we used to have together Eva?” Jen said seductively as she danced her fingers slowly up Eva’s side.
Eva tried to inch her body away from Jen’s fingers with no success.
“Don’t be like that, you used to like me running my fingers across your body” Jen said softly.
“A lot has changed Jen” Eva snapped back. “I’ve changed, I’m not the same old stupid girl anymore”.
“You are. You’re still just as ticklish” Jen mocked as she scribbled her fingers up and down Eva’s exposed sides.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA” Eva laughed. “Quit it”.
“Not until you take me back” Jen said patronisingly.
“NEVER” Eva snapped.
“Fine, have it your way” Jen chuckled as she dug into Eva’s exposed armpits.
“AAAaaaahahahahahahahahhahahahaha” Eva laughed as Jen’s nails covered every inch of her freshly shaved pits.
“OOOO, I don’t remember them being this ticklish” Jen mocked.
“Hahahahahahahahaha P-P-Please ahahahahahahahaha” Eva pleaded as she tried rocking from side to side to try to escape.
“You’re going nowhere” Jen taunted as she tickled her right armpit and her left side at the same time.
“AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Eva threw her head back against the padded table in hysterics.
“MMMMMMMMMPPPPHHHHH” Sean tried to speak.
“OOOOHHHHH, your husband wants to play too” Jen mocked as she stopped tickling Eva, walked round the table and stood over Sean.
Eva just lay there panting on the table, unable to get any words out.
“Now where shall I start with you” Jen taunted as she ran a single nail down Sean’s toned, tensed stomach.
To be continued
Sean walked into the living room to be greeted by his new wife, he towered over her, standing 6ft 2 tall hugged Eva in his muscular arms and kissed her forehead. Eva was only 5ft 1 with shoulder length brown hair, her pasty complexion made Sean look even more tanned. Sean sat down on the sofa with his mug of coffee whilst Eva sat cross legged on the floor amongst all of their Wedding gifts, making note of who had bought them what when she came across an envelope with their names on. “Sean, we missed one” she said with excitement as she tore it open. Inside, there was a folded piece of paper, it read;
‘Sean and Eva,
Thank you for including me in your celebrations, I know you are waiting for to go on your dream honeymoon but in the meantime, please use my cottage for a deserved mini break. It’s yours all week.
With love
Eva looked at Sean with confusion, “There is no name on it, who would have given us this?”
“I’m not sure” Sean said, equally confused. “I don’t know anyone with a cottage. Where is it?”
Eva turned the paper over to see a map, directions and a code for the key box. “It’s not too far from here, just in the countryside” she answered back. “Shall we go?”
“I’m not so sure, we don’t know who sent it” Sean hastily answered.
“Oh, come on, obviously we know them as they were at our wedding. Maybe there is some post at the cottage or something with their name on, then we can thank them” Eva said with excitement.
“I suppose so” Sean said. “We might as well do something with our time off”.
Eva ran up the stairs to pack her bags as Sean stared at the piece of paper, trying to find some clues into who sent it. Defeated, he strolled upstairs to get some clothes ready.
After a few hours the newlyweds left and made the short journey to the cottage in the countryside. They followed the map to a small winding road.
“Are you sure this is the way?” Sean said abruptly, questioning Eva’s directions.
“Yes, it should be down here at the end of the road” Eva replied.
The pair continued down the road, it was starting to get dark and there were no streetlamps. Sean had a concerned look on his face as they continued down the winding road. Eventually Eva spotted some lights in the distance. “That must be it” she blurted out. As the car approached the lights in the distance, they were greeted by a large locked gate, blocking access to the drive. They both looked at the cottage, all the downstairs lights were on. Sean climbed out of the car, walked up to the gate and noticed an intercom. He pressed the call button but no response.
“Nobody is in” he said nervously to Eva.
“I know, that’s what the letter said, stupid. Find the key box” Eva said sarcastically.
Sean turned his phone torch on and scanned the area before finding the box.
“What’s the code” he called out.
“8-4-2-5-5-3” Eva shouted back.
Sean entered the code and the box opened with two keys on display. He walked to the padlock on the gate, on the gate were the initials ‘T.C’.
“Eva, do you know anyone with the initials TC?” He asked as he turned the key in the padlock, unlocking the gate and opening it.
“Not off the top of my head” she said confused. “It might just be the initials of a previous owner of something”.
Satisfied, Sean got back into the car and drove down the driveway to the front door. The pair climbed out, Sean unlocked the front door and pushed it open, unveiling a lovely open plan cottage. Excitedly, Eva ran inside and left Sean to get the bags. She walked round admiring the place and Sean walked through the door.
“Thanks for your help” he said with an abrupt tone.
“My pleasure” she joked back at him.
The pair explored the downstairs, Eva tried a door to a large side room, but it was locked.
“That’s weird” she said puzzled.
“It’s probably the owner’s private room with their stuff or something” Sean replied.
The walked into the kitchen to see two champagne glasses on the table with a note.
‘Sean and Eva, enjoy a bottle of bubbly on us, you deserve it. X’
“No name again” Sean said, with a concerned frown.
“Oh, who cares” Eva snapped back, “it’s probably one of our parent’s friends or something. Now go to the fridge and get the champagne”.
Sean walked to the fridge, took out the bottle of champagne and opened it. He poured them both a glass. He noticed a light switch near the back door, intrigued, he walked over and flicked the switch. Lights turned on outside showing a hot tub.
“That’s a shame” Sean said with disappointment. “We didn’t bring our swimming costumes”.
“Who said we needed a costume” Eva said with a cheeky smile and she started to undress.
“We can’t, its rude” Sean said proudly
Eva walked over to him and started unbuttoning his top, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him before scattering her fingers down his newly exposed side.
Sean jumped back “stop that” he giggled.
“It’s only us two here, no one will ever know” she whispered to him before taking off his shirt.
An hour or so later the two walked back inside naked and dripping wet.
“Sean, get that fire on, its freezing here” she shivered.
Sean walked over to the log fire; the logs were already piled up. Sean saw the fire lighters and matches next to the fireplace. He quickly lit it and stood back. Eva walked over and hugged him to get some warmth. They both looked at the flames start to get bigger before they turned bright green.
“That’s odd” Sean said puzzled, “why are they green?”
Eva shrugged her shoulders as they both took a step back, the flames slowly turned back to normal. They both starred lovingly into each other’s eyes and shared a kiss. The room got a bit smoky.
“Its fine” Sean said before kissing Eva again. “It’s probably because it hasn’t been used in a while”. The pair sat down on the sofa; within minutes they were both fast asleep.
Sean stirred first, he opened his eyes but was greeted by darkness, he tried to move his body but couldn’t.
“What’s going on?” he said loudly. He tried to move again but to no avail. He felt himself lying down with his arms stretched above his head. He tried to move his legs, but his ankles were locked in something.
“Eva is this your doing?” he asked puzzled but was greeted by silence.
“MMmmm” Eva stirred. She slowly came around to be greeted by the same predicament as her husband. “Sean, what the FUCK” she shouted as she pulled on her restraints.
“It’s not me” Sean panicked. “LET US OUT” he shouted.
The pair struggled for a few minutes, trying to break free.
“It’s no use” a female voice said from across the room.
“Who are you and what do you want with us” Sean pleaded. “We have no money, let us go”.
“Eva, do you want to explain?” the female voice said.
Eva stayed quiet.
“EVA???” Sean shouted, “WHAT IS GOING ON?”
“I’m sorry Sean” Eva said softly.
“SORRY? Tell me what is going on this instant” Sean demanded.
“Oh, Eva hasn’t told you about me then” the voice mocked.
“Now there is no need to get angry Sean” the voice said softly. “I’m just here to get what is rightfully mine”
“Eva, of course” the voice said softly.
“I WILL NEVER BE YOURS” Eva snapped back.
Before Sean could question again, he heard a familiar sound.
“Hee-hee” Eva giggled. “S-S-Stop that Hehehe”
“You know what you have to do to stop me” the voice said mocking Eva.
“No” Eva snapped.
“Fine” the voice said
“Hehehehehehehehehe Get off Hehehehehehe” Eva giggled
“What’s going on?” Sean quizzed
“Nothing much” the voice said. “I’m just exploring Eva’s stomach”.
“Well quit it” Sean snapped. “She’s ticklish”.
“Oh, I know that Sean. I know your wife very well indeed” the voice said seductively.
The blindfold covering his eyes was removed. His eyes took a few seconds to adjust before he saw a familiar face looking down at him.
“Jen?” he said shocked.
“Oh, you remember me” she said back.
“Of course, but that doesn’t explain what you are doing here” he said quizzingly.
Sean lifted his head to see his naked body laid on a black padded table. He couldn’t see his feet; they were the other side of some padded stocks. He looked at Eva, on the same table next to him, completely naked with her feet the other side of the same stocks.
“What the fuck are you doing to us” he questioned.
“Would you like to explain, Eva” Jen said softly.
Eva stayed quiet, Jen leaned over a picked up a soft pick feather before running it up and down her pasty stomach. She bit her lip trying to supress the giggles. Jen started drawing circles around Eva’s belly button.
“HEHEHEEHE STTTOOOPPPP” Eva giggled loudly.
“I can do this all day” Jen said patronisingly. As she continued to glide the feather around her belly button.
“Noooo hehehehehehe” she pleaded.
Sean was watching on with equal amounts of nervousness and excitement. He had always been into bondage but had never dappled much into tickling. Jen noticed this and gave him a smile before putting his blindfold back on.
“Jen, what do you want?” Sean said once he was back in darkness.
“I have already told you my dear” she whispered.
Eva’s giggles filled the room as her body couldn’t escape the strokes of the fluffy feather.
Jen stopped the feather.
“Me, Me, Me” Eva stuttered.
“Spit it out woman” Jen snapped as she pinched Eva’s waist with her fingers.
“EEEKKKK” Eva shrieked. “I’m trying” She pleaded.
“Not hard enough” Jen Snapped back before running her finger nails up and down Eva’s exposed sides.
“Hahahahahahahahahaha” Eva cackled “STOOPPPPPP HAHAHAHAHA”.
Jen came to a holt as Eva tried regaining her breath.
“Sean, you know that me and Jen were close at University”. She muttered out.
“Yes?” Sean said puzzled.
“Well, we were a bit more than close” Eva mumbled out.
“EXCUSE ME” Sean shouted angrily.
“Well, when you were away, we got very close” she said with a whimper.
“SO, YOU SLEPT WITH MY WIFE, YOU PYSCO” Sean snapped. “Eva, we will talk about his later. NOW LET US FUCKING GO”.
“Talking time is over now” Jen said as she crammed a ball gag in Sean’s mouth. “You just need to listen” she instructed as she flicked Sean’s cock.
“MMM” he grunted.
“Do you not remember all of the fun we used to have together Eva?” Jen said seductively as she danced her fingers slowly up Eva’s side.
Eva tried to inch her body away from Jen’s fingers with no success.
“Don’t be like that, you used to like me running my fingers across your body” Jen said softly.
“A lot has changed Jen” Eva snapped back. “I’ve changed, I’m not the same old stupid girl anymore”.
“You are. You’re still just as ticklish” Jen mocked as she scribbled her fingers up and down Eva’s exposed sides.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA” Eva laughed. “Quit it”.
“Not until you take me back” Jen said patronisingly.
“NEVER” Eva snapped.
“Fine, have it your way” Jen chuckled as she dug into Eva’s exposed armpits.
“AAAaaaahahahahahahahahhahahahaha” Eva laughed as Jen’s nails covered every inch of her freshly shaved pits.
“OOOO, I don’t remember them being this ticklish” Jen mocked.
“Hahahahahahahahaha P-P-Please ahahahahahahahaha” Eva pleaded as she tried rocking from side to side to try to escape.
“You’re going nowhere” Jen taunted as she tickled her right armpit and her left side at the same time.
“AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Eva threw her head back against the padded table in hysterics.
“MMMMMMMMMPPPPHHHHH” Sean tried to speak.
“OOOOHHHHH, your husband wants to play too” Jen mocked as she stopped tickling Eva, walked round the table and stood over Sean.
Eva just lay there panting on the table, unable to get any words out.
“Now where shall I start with you” Jen taunted as she ran a single nail down Sean’s toned, tensed stomach.
To be continued