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Hypocritical Christians


4th Level Orange Feather
Aug 28, 2002
Read this web page


never have I seen any religion spew out such hypocrisy in the name of God.

They claim to be Baptists, but their actions and words are everything short of what Jesus Christ said.

These are the same people who claimed that if a 1 yr old child died, that child will go to Hell, because that child was not old enough to accept Christ.

They even claimed that those who are in the US illegally are condemned to hell, and that Christ will never forgive them.

They declared that those who are homeless are being punished by God and will never be forgiven.

That was the same group of people who claimed that vegetarians (those who do not eat meat) will go to Hell

I am recalled of a certian Savior named Jesus who said "Loveth thy brother and loveth thy enemy".

These groups of people are doing just the opposite and claim that Jesus hates everybody who does not worship or believe as they.

They even claim that those who suffer from mental illness are really just posessed by Satan, and therefore can never be saved.

They wish to keep the "demons" (the thieves, mentally ill, and even those with aids out of their church, and said that those with aids deserve aids.

Even if somebody got aids from a bad blood transfusion, they said they were being punished by God and are doomed to hell.

I am Christian, but after reading this garbage, it's no suprise that many of the non-Christians see us as holier-than-thou, and self-righteous hypocrites.

Am I alone here, because I am quite troubled that these Christians are doing the exact opposite of what Christ, our dear Lord and Savior instructed.
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oh god...

www.landoverbaptist.org is a bloody joke. I found it through www.whitehouse.org which is also a joke. Really, couldn't you tell? Would a baptist website be advertising to buy little black children off their parents? Would a baptist website be selling bumper stickers that say "Support your local pedophile: attend a Catholic church"? What do you reckon?

Biggles of 266 said:
oh god...

www.landoverbaptist.org is a bloody joke. I found it through www.whitehouse.org which is also a joke. Really, couldn't you tell? Would a baptist website be advertising to buy little black children off their parents? Would a baptist website be selling bumper stickers that say "Support your local pedophile: attend a Catholic church"? What do you reckon?


I have never heard of them before and did not know if it was just a sick joke or if they were for real.

Joke or not, they are indeed a very sick bunch of people (if you want to classify them in the category of "people".
I had a feeling it was a joke when I saw the "What Would Jesus Do? Tongs".

Read the article on the bottom right of the page, the one about the siamese twins. It's hysterical.
the website is a parody of right-wing hardcore fundamentalist christian groups. I thought the offer to buy the babies of poor negro families might have been a tiny giveaway. No? Perhaps the "What Would Jesus Do?" thongs, as mentioned by guitman69. How about the bumper sticker that says "My Catholic priest molested your honor roll student"? I don't see many of those stuck on cars parked outside a church.

Sure it's a sick joke, but hey, don't go to the website and it'll cease to exist. After all, that's how the world works. I can't see it, so it doesn't exist...🙄

It's one of my favorite sites. I think it's hysterical. It's a *joke*. Some places aren't jokes, and I think they're the sick ones.

http://www.godhatesfags.com/main/index.html - find out why God blew up the Columbia space shuttle

http://www.bennyhinn.org/index1.cfm - just one of many televangelists who prey on the weak and gullible

http://www.christiangallery.com/ - Their faith gives them the right to kill abortion providers (WARNING: graphic photos of aborted fetuses)

A little poison now and then: that makes for pleasant dreams.
And much poison at the end for a pleasant death.
- Zarathustra, "Thus Spake Zarathustra" (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Well even though the aforementioned website was a joke, our friend inkling has showed us that there are still plenty of folks that make us look bad, and more horribly make Christ look bad. I didn't really understand that these people existed either, until I was older. Best you can do is set people straight when there misinformed. Not everyone listens.
you know what pisses people off? say your atheist or pagan or Wiccian. I did and the mormons have stopped coming over 😀
Limeoutsider said:
you know what pisses people off? say your atheist or pagan or Wiccian. I did and the mormons have stopped coming over 😀

Really? I thought that would make even more come, trying to "save you"

I find it funny that those who are trying to "save us" need even more saving than we do.
Limeoutsider said:
you know what pisses people off? say your atheist or pagan or Wiccian. I did and the mormons have stopped coming over 😀
No need to lie, just show up to the door naked. Trust me it works.
I have nothing against Christians, as I myself am a card-carrying Christian, but I hate the self-righteous and holier-than-thou attitudes that many of them seem to carry.

"Let he who hath without sin, casteth the first stone"

A very good rule for everybody to live by.
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