I just wasted two hours of my life watching the clichéd action movie Battle:LA. Before watching it and for some unexplained reason, I did what I promised long ago that I wouldn’t: I expected something. In this case, I expected that the movie wouldn’t be bad. After not more than 20 minutes of the movie, I was filled with instant regret.
Battle: LA is/was not a terrible film, action junkies will probably (and understandably) like it and I don’t know why it draws my ire so… but for reasons beyond me I looked up what it cost to make this piece of shit film and had an epiphany.
According to various ‘sources’ (imdb and Wikipedia) it cost $70,000,000 to make Battle: LA. I let that fact soak in for a few minutes, then I really thought about it and then I decided to seriously dwell on it.
I’m 24 and in a good year, after taxes, I make $40,000. It would take me 1,750 years to earn $70 million or, to put it another way, 1,750 people could have worked a full year and provided for themselves and/or their families for the amount of money Battle: LA used to fund a 116 minute predictably bad piece of ‘entertainment’…
Normally I could still forgive this, if I wasn’t living in a country where there are 400,000,000+ inhabitants and, in the midst of a very real recession, 10% (or 40,000,000) of them are unemployed and struggling to survive… or if there weren’t a slew of even more shitty looking movies which no doubt cost just as much, and in some cases two or three times as much to make; movies such as: Fast Five, Rio, Bad Teacher, Priest, Conan, Pirates of The Caribbean IV, Transformers III, Green Lantern and Thor…
Although I do not have exact figures on all of those films’ budgets, I think it’s safe to assume that the combined budget on all of those films is well above $1 billion… that’s NINE zeroes, or roughly the equivalent of 25,000 people (American’s/Europeans) earning the livable salary of $40,000 a year… that’s the Gross Domestic Product of any number of third world countries (if not combined)… that’s countless hours of medical and/or scientific research that could cure disease or find new and renewable sources of energy…
But hey, I supposed spending billions of dollars on predictable piece of shit films where the majority of profit goes to a select few producers/directors/actors while millions of citizens are fighting for their very livelihood and the national debt continues to rise makes tons of sense.
Congratulations America, I think you have effectively fulfilled Karl Marx’s prophecies. Give yourselves a HUGE pat on the back, for you have found a way to entertain yourselves in the midst of a continually chaotic reality. Keep on dancing and laughing while countless millions, if not billions, suffer… and keep on laughing on your way to the hell around you which you ignore.
Now, I don’t want to say anything patently crazy like ‘Ted Kaczynski was right’, but… let’s just say that I think that I’ve come around and have begun to see his side of things a little and I don’t think I want to be a part of ‘society’ anymore…
Because, from every perspective I see and despite what most of us think, I do not believe that humans have ‘evolved’ much from their caveman days and it might be a good thing if society reverted back to the Stone Age. At least cave people had justifiable excuses for being for fucking stupid.
I sincerely apologize for wasting anybody’s time with this rant. If you still are reading this, I wish you nothing but peace and joy from this moment forward and hope you have many meaningful and fulfilling experiences to offset me having wasted your precious time. And if I somehow still have your attention, please allow me channel my inner Howard Beale and very seriously suggest that you turn of your phones, TV’s, computers and step away from your technology and social medias, because I do not think there is or that you will find any existential meaning in any of them.
I don’t know much, but I do know that if there is a ‘meaning of life’, that ‘entertainment’ and technology couldn’t have less to do with it. I know this because the human race has existed for thousand, if not millions of years, and so a countless number of lives would be rendered obsolete if the opposite were true and that is a plain and outright ridiculous notion.
Okay, that’s it. I’m done.
I will now return to my regularly scheduled useless life.
Battle: LA is/was not a terrible film, action junkies will probably (and understandably) like it and I don’t know why it draws my ire so… but for reasons beyond me I looked up what it cost to make this piece of shit film and had an epiphany.
According to various ‘sources’ (imdb and Wikipedia) it cost $70,000,000 to make Battle: LA. I let that fact soak in for a few minutes, then I really thought about it and then I decided to seriously dwell on it.
I’m 24 and in a good year, after taxes, I make $40,000. It would take me 1,750 years to earn $70 million or, to put it another way, 1,750 people could have worked a full year and provided for themselves and/or their families for the amount of money Battle: LA used to fund a 116 minute predictably bad piece of ‘entertainment’…
Normally I could still forgive this, if I wasn’t living in a country where there are 400,000,000+ inhabitants and, in the midst of a very real recession, 10% (or 40,000,000) of them are unemployed and struggling to survive… or if there weren’t a slew of even more shitty looking movies which no doubt cost just as much, and in some cases two or three times as much to make; movies such as: Fast Five, Rio, Bad Teacher, Priest, Conan, Pirates of The Caribbean IV, Transformers III, Green Lantern and Thor…
Although I do not have exact figures on all of those films’ budgets, I think it’s safe to assume that the combined budget on all of those films is well above $1 billion… that’s NINE zeroes, or roughly the equivalent of 25,000 people (American’s/Europeans) earning the livable salary of $40,000 a year… that’s the Gross Domestic Product of any number of third world countries (if not combined)… that’s countless hours of medical and/or scientific research that could cure disease or find new and renewable sources of energy…
But hey, I supposed spending billions of dollars on predictable piece of shit films where the majority of profit goes to a select few producers/directors/actors while millions of citizens are fighting for their very livelihood and the national debt continues to rise makes tons of sense.
Congratulations America, I think you have effectively fulfilled Karl Marx’s prophecies. Give yourselves a HUGE pat on the back, for you have found a way to entertain yourselves in the midst of a continually chaotic reality. Keep on dancing and laughing while countless millions, if not billions, suffer… and keep on laughing on your way to the hell around you which you ignore.
Now, I don’t want to say anything patently crazy like ‘Ted Kaczynski was right’, but… let’s just say that I think that I’ve come around and have begun to see his side of things a little and I don’t think I want to be a part of ‘society’ anymore…
Because, from every perspective I see and despite what most of us think, I do not believe that humans have ‘evolved’ much from their caveman days and it might be a good thing if society reverted back to the Stone Age. At least cave people had justifiable excuses for being for fucking stupid.
I sincerely apologize for wasting anybody’s time with this rant. If you still are reading this, I wish you nothing but peace and joy from this moment forward and hope you have many meaningful and fulfilling experiences to offset me having wasted your precious time. And if I somehow still have your attention, please allow me channel my inner Howard Beale and very seriously suggest that you turn of your phones, TV’s, computers and step away from your technology and social medias, because I do not think there is or that you will find any existential meaning in any of them.
I don’t know much, but I do know that if there is a ‘meaning of life’, that ‘entertainment’ and technology couldn’t have less to do with it. I know this because the human race has existed for thousand, if not millions of years, and so a countless number of lives would be rendered obsolete if the opposite were true and that is a plain and outright ridiculous notion.
Okay, that’s it. I’m done.
I will now return to my regularly scheduled useless life.