If you would be so kind, please do not move this thread to the "Politics and Religion" forum, as I wish to consult the general forum members here on this subject.
So, as I was saying, I have been thinking a lot about God lately, and what he wishes that I do with my life. I've always been fascinated by Psychology and mathematics, so I've always planned to be a Professor, specializing in stats and prolly something like Sensation and Perception.
But hithertofore, when I was a devout atheist, I did believe that I had all the time in the woild to pursue this achievement. Now I 'm not so sure...
The events in the past two years have given me tremendous pause-for-thought, as I have been witness to, and have even participated in events that most people would consider "supernatural".
I've come to the conclusion that there are some plausible explanations for these occurrences:
1) I am actually dead and don't know it. I have to complete a certain number of steps to get to heaven.
2) I'm the star (what an ego, eh?), or one of the stars of something analagous to "The Truman Show".
3) We've been invaded by higher beings (i.e., more intelligent), or conversely, they have always been with us.
4) The earth is actually one big reality show for other cosmic systems, and I am just finding out now.
5) The Kurii are demonic and prey upon people's weaknesses to do their bidding.
6) I'm actually asleep right now (aka The Matrix) and I'm being controlled by...by...by...DAMN DIRTY APES!!!!!...er, I mean machines. Sorry, I don't know how that outburst slipped out.
7) There is actually a God. We are all alive and awake, but some of us are going through judgements before we have passed on into the other side.
Anyhoo, I've prolly left out a number of other viable, and alternative theories and was wondering what your thoughts were on the hypotheses I have presented...and do you have any of your own?
All replies, as usual, are greatly appreciated. Would love to hear from the "mod squad" as well, if they would be so kind.
Many thanks. Cheers. 🙂
So, as I was saying, I have been thinking a lot about God lately, and what he wishes that I do with my life. I've always been fascinated by Psychology and mathematics, so I've always planned to be a Professor, specializing in stats and prolly something like Sensation and Perception.
But hithertofore, when I was a devout atheist, I did believe that I had all the time in the woild to pursue this achievement. Now I 'm not so sure...
The events in the past two years have given me tremendous pause-for-thought, as I have been witness to, and have even participated in events that most people would consider "supernatural".
I've come to the conclusion that there are some plausible explanations for these occurrences:
1) I am actually dead and don't know it. I have to complete a certain number of steps to get to heaven.
2) I'm the star (what an ego, eh?), or one of the stars of something analagous to "The Truman Show".
3) We've been invaded by higher beings (i.e., more intelligent), or conversely, they have always been with us.
4) The earth is actually one big reality show for other cosmic systems, and I am just finding out now.
5) The Kurii are demonic and prey upon people's weaknesses to do their bidding.
6) I'm actually asleep right now (aka The Matrix) and I'm being controlled by...by...by...DAMN DIRTY APES!!!!!...er, I mean machines. Sorry, I don't know how that outburst slipped out.
7) There is actually a God. We are all alive and awake, but some of us are going through judgements before we have passed on into the other side.
Anyhoo, I've prolly left out a number of other viable, and alternative theories and was wondering what your thoughts were on the hypotheses I have presented...and do you have any of your own?
All replies, as usual, are greatly appreciated. Would love to hear from the "mod squad" as well, if they would be so kind.
Many thanks. Cheers. 🙂