James Harrison is at it again. This guy is a complete dunderhead and he just keeps adding fuel to the hate people have against him. This moron has to realize he was NOTHING until recently. He had one great year and he thinks he is the best thing going? He's a damn joke. Steeler fans, the reason why I had my tirade against your team last season is because of James Harrison. You remove him and your team will be better. The Steelers organization has always been a classy bunch, but Harrison is a freakin idiot.
Here's the link the the article..
It is funny how he is calling out Big Ben making mistakes in the Super Bowl. Excuse me, but did James Harrison even play in the Super Bowl? I don't remember him doing anything. Oh, that's right, he had ONE tackle.
Harrison is a dirty player. Before this last season, I have witnessed many cheap shots from this guy. The dumb ass even said after he was getting fine that he "will continue to hurt people". I hope the Steelers cut him. The "bad boy" image is fine to a degree (a la Joey Porter), but Harrison has taken it to a whole new level. There's a reason this moron was cut many times in his career. I wish he was a man of his word and RETIRED after getting fined. Trust and believe, he wouldn't have been missed...
Someone get this jackass out of the game!!
Here's the link the the article..
It is funny how he is calling out Big Ben making mistakes in the Super Bowl. Excuse me, but did James Harrison even play in the Super Bowl? I don't remember him doing anything. Oh, that's right, he had ONE tackle.
Harrison is a dirty player. Before this last season, I have witnessed many cheap shots from this guy. The dumb ass even said after he was getting fine that he "will continue to hurt people". I hope the Steelers cut him. The "bad boy" image is fine to a degree (a la Joey Porter), but Harrison has taken it to a whole new level. There's a reason this moron was cut many times in his career. I wish he was a man of his word and RETIRED after getting fined. Trust and believe, he wouldn't have been missed...
Someone get this jackass out of the game!!