My first joke here is using a two-part title like a Japanese cartoon would.
Fuck you if you didn't laugh.
Once again I recruited a handful of lovelies from CheshireCat's always expanding roster. Cats like fish so it stands to reason that Cali would be a sushi lover. With so many spunky Japanese girls in the line up, there had to be a tribute to these Eastern gems, so for those of you unfamiliar with these foreign delicacies, we have:
- Kuji, the j-flavored semi-goth fanatic
- Ryuko, the dragoness heiress (with enormous feet)
- Jinmei, the nimble samurai macaque (she can have "ma caque" any day)
- Charlie, the lemur japan-o-phile (she's the imitation crab of the spread)
- Chu, the gentle giant mouse ( ...... "pika pika!")
Bon apetit!
My first joke here is using a two-part title like a Japanese cartoon would.
Fuck you if you didn't laugh.
Once again I recruited a handful of lovelies from CheshireCat's always expanding roster. Cats like fish so it stands to reason that Cali would be a sushi lover. With so many spunky Japanese girls in the line up, there had to be a tribute to these Eastern gems, so for those of you unfamiliar with these foreign delicacies, we have:
- Kuji, the j-flavored semi-goth fanatic
- Ryuko, the dragoness heiress (with enormous feet)
- Jinmei, the nimble samurai macaque (she can have "ma caque" any day)
- Charlie, the lemur japan-o-phile (she's the imitation crab of the spread)
- Chu, the gentle giant mouse ( ...... "pika pika!")
Bon apetit!