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WARNING - this story contains extreme genital tickling and orgasm denial. If you are offended by this kind of content, do not read on
Lesbian Lover tickled with love:
Standing in front of the mirror, Mandy was applying the finishing touches to her make-up. She was very excited. Finally, after tracking down her high school crush over the internet followed by months of chatting online and over the phone, Mandy was meeting up with Linda for the first time in 6 years long years.
Both Mandy and Linda are 23. After high school Linda went on to university where she studied Science and Engineering, and Mandy followed her dream of becoming a veterinarian.
Mandy couldn’t wait to see Linda again. She has no idea if Linda even knew about her sexuality being attracted to women, and she sure as hell didn’t know that Mandy had been crushing on her since year 10.
Either way, Mandy was excited to see the woman Linda had become and couldn’t get her white collard polo shirt on fast enough. She then pulled up her denim jeans and threaded the leather belt through the loops and clipped it in place. She slipped on her white and black runners and re-checked herself in the mirror. She looked like her usual tomboy self. The last touch, brushing her shoulder length brown hair so that it was smooth and shiny.
All done. Mandy grabbed her wallet and shoulder bag then hurried out the door.
At the cafe in town, Linda was already enjoying a coffee while she was waiting for Mandy. It was nice to finally get out of the lab and enjoy the fresh air.
Linda had spent 4 years in a Bachelor of Science degree followed by a 1.5 year Masters degree and was now doing her PHD inside her own laboratory, where she has taken a real interest in robotics.
Linda looked up, and saw Mandy approaching. Raising her arm Linda waived and called out “Hey, Mandy over here”.
Mandy heard Linda’s voice and saw her waiving her arm. “Hey Linda, it’s good to see you” Mandy said as both women greeted each other in a gentle hug. “Wow” Mandy gasped silently under her breath. She looked at Linda and studied her for a moment. Linda was wearing a pink cut-out bustier top with long sexy denim skinny jeans and open towed sandals. Her lean slim body looked so hot in that outfit, Mandy had trouble containing herself.
The girls chatted for a good hour or so, catching up on each other’s lives. Then, without warning Linda placed her hand on top of Mandy’s, which caught Mandy off guard.
“I ah...umm” said Mandy, blushing at Linda’s touch. Linda smiled “I heard you’re into the ladies” she said, winking at Mandy.
“I ahhh...yes...yes I am...I...have always been a lesbian but only came out to family and friends three years ago” replied Mandy, now fully blushing. Linda gently tickled the top of Mandy’s hand causing Mandy to giggle.
“Ya know, I was always too scared to talk to you much at school because I wanted you so bad but didn’t know how to tell you” said Linda, in a really cute, shy voice.
Mandy nearly fell off her chair. Is she dreaming? Is she hearing things? Her high school crush LIKES her?? This is too good to be true, but it seems it IS true!
“I...I have always felt the same about you too” says Mandy, her heart pounding with nerves and lust.
Linda smiled “Would you like to come and see my private lab? I can show you some of my robotic friends”.
“Of course, I’d love to” replied Mandy, excitedly.
The two girls finished their coffee and left the cafe.
Linda pulled up to a one story white brick building. Mandy pulled up beside her and got out of her car. “Is this your lab?” asked Mandy.
“Yep” replied Linda “I bought it myself. It’s small, but it’s perfect for me at this stage while I am still studying my PHD”.
The girls walked inside and Linda opened two metal doors. As the doors opened, a bright white room was revealed. Inside the white room, were all different kinds of things.
There were robotic arms with rubber fingers sitting inside glass cases on shelves, a funny looking robotic mouse which was also in a glass case. Round robotic looking balls and weird gadgets that Mandy couldn’t find a name for. Everything was in a glass case of some kind.
“Oh, these are my failed attempts at robotics” explained Linda “But I am keeping them as folio of my work”.
Linda led Mandy through another door. “THIS is my pride and joy” exclaimed Linda, arms open in pride. Mandy gasped. In the middle of the room on the ceiling, was a very large metal dome. It looked like a sphere was coming out of the ceiling but got stuck half way.
Attached to this dome, were many robotic arms. Some had hands with fingers, 4 others had what appeared to be shackles or wrist clamps on them and the rest were bare but it looked like things could be attached onto the ends of them. Underneath the dome with many weird arms was a metal table.
“What is all this?” asked Mandy, puzzled.
“If I tell you, I would have to kill you” replied Linda. Mandy gave Linda a really concerned stare, and then Linda gently punched her in the arm “I’m just kidding” Linda laughed. Mandy relaxed a little and gave a nervous laugh.
Linda continued “It’s a long story, but I will tell you all about it over a drink”.
Mandy’s eyes shot open. She felt a little groggy, like she has a hangover. The more she came around, the less groggier she felt. She tried to sit up. “What the??” Mandy was confused. She couldn’t move her arms at all. “What’s going on?” shouted Mandy in a panicked voice “Where am I?”
Mandy looked around as best as she could. Right above her, was a large dome with many arms. It looked familiar. VERY familiar. Then suddenly it all came flooding back. Mandy remembered meeting Linda, who brought her back to her lab. Linda was going to explain this dome shape robotic thing to her over a drink. Mandy remembers that Linda gave her a soda. Everything after that however, is a blur.
Mandy tried to move her legs, but couldn’t. She noticed that two arms from the dome are holding her arms above her head by the writs, and another two are holding her legs out straight and together by the ankles. The arms with the shackles!!! Mandy was laying on her back and completely naked on the metal table, only the table was now covered in soft pink fur and Mandy assumed it was for comfort purposes.
“LINDAAAA!!” Mandy shouted “WHAT THE FUCK??”
Linda entered the room. “Hey you’re awake” Linda grinned “are you comfy?”
Mandy was angry “Linda, seriously what the fuck are you doing? Get me outta this thing!!”
Linda moved next to Mandy and put her hand on her face. “Mandy calm down and let me explain” Linda soothed “I have been creating tickling robots, and although I have tickled a few women in the past, it just didn’t feel right because...well...I had no feelings for these women. But you....I...I have loved you for so long, and now...I have you...and I am going to give you the ride of your life!” With that said, Linda leaned down and kissed Mandy passionately on her lips. Mandy gave a little moan when Linda’s soft lips met hers.
“ don’t have to tickle me to give me the ride of my life Linda” pleaded Mandy “You alone would be the ride of my life. Please don’t do this I am super ticklish please don’t”.
“Hehe oh Mandy” Linda giggled “This is going to be fun!”
Linda picked up a stiff feather “Lets see just how ticklish you really are” Linda teased.
She ran the feather over the sole of Mandy’s left foot, causing Mandy to squirm a little. She then moved the feather in a circular motion around and around Mandy’s sole. Mandy could not control herself any longer and erupted into laughter. “HEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHSTTTAAAARRPHHEHEHEHE” Mandy begged.
“That’s what I like to hear” grinned Linda as she continued to tickle and tease Mandy’s left sole. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHeheheheHAHAHAHHHANOOOOOOOOHAHAHAHAHLINNNDDAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA" no matter how hard Mandy tried to move her foot, it was going nowhere.
Linda moved over to Mandy’s right foot and repeated the torture and more laughter could be heard escaping the ticklish Mandy. “HEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHEHEHEHEHENOOOOONOOOOOOOHEHEHESTAARRRPHEHEHEHEHEHE”
Linda stopped, “Well that’s the feet tested” she said, giving Mandy’s right big toe a gentle kiss.
“Please no more” begged Mandy as she lay there panting from her ticklish ordeal.
Linda ignored her pleas and started to run the stiff feather up Mandy’s right leg, and Mandy erupted into laughter yet again.
Linda danced the feather up her leg, over her thigh and up to her sexy belly button. Mandy was in a frenzy “HHHHHEEELLLPPHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHAHAHAHAHAHA OOOOOITTTTIIICKLESHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEHEHEHEHE” Mandy tried to move away from the feather but she was held so securely by the dome’s arms it was just pointless to waste her energy.
The feather danced inside her belly button so lovingly, but it tickled like hell. “HehehehehehheheLiinndaaahahahahaaaaheheheheheheh” Mandy could feel a slight tingle in her pussy. This tickling was turning her on – BIG time.
Linda slowly tickled her way up Mandy’s abdomen, under her breasts and straight into Mandy’s sensitive arm pits. “HehehehehehehahahaHAHAHAHAHEHEHhehehehehAHAHAHHAH” As Mandy laughed, a thought was running though her head *Please run the feather over my nipples, please run the feather over my nipples*
As if Linda read her mind, she moved the feather over to Mandy’s left breast and slowly circled the areola, avoiding the nipple for now.
Mandy moaned and giggled at the wonderful tickly sensation. “ooooooooaaaaahhhhmmmmmhehehehehe”. Then Linda moved over to her right breast and repeated the wonderful teasing around the areola, but again avoiding the nipple.
Mandy was in heaven “mmmmmoooooooaaahhhhoooohohohmmmmyessshehehe”
Linda grinned “Someone is enjoying herself then isn’t she!?!” – with that, she gave Mandy’s nipple a firm tickle with the tip of the feather. “OHHHHHLINDAAAAAAMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMOHMYGODMMMMMMMMMMOHHHMMMMMOOOOOOOOO”
Linda stopped. Mandy begged. “Please please Linda, I want more of that please please ooohhh pleeeeeease??!!”
Linda bend down towards Mandy’s nipple and said “all in good time my love” and gave Mandy’s nipple a little tickle with her tongue. Mandy nearly orgasmed right there and then...nearly!
Linda walked over to another table across the room, and returned with what looked like a TV remote in her hand.
“It’s time to put my tickle machine to the test on the most beautiful, sexy lesbian I have ever met” said Linda in such a seductive tone that it made Mandy’s clit bounce and tingle even harder than before. For some reason, Mandy was actually wanting Linda to tickle her, with or without the tickle machine. Then she knew, it was because she was in-love and she wanted this – badly. But at the same time, she was so ticklish that it was a little scary too.
#BEEP BEEP# Linda pressed some buttons and two arms with hands and rubber fingers came down towards Mandy’s naked body and started to mercilessly tickle her ribs on both sides. Mandy screamed in ticklish anguish “HEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHASSSSTTTAAARRRPPPPPHEHEHE” Mandy’s pussy ached with desire and her clit throbbed and pulsed. #beep beep# two more arms came down and Linda attached two tiny brushes on the end of the arms. Then they moved over to Mandy’s nipples and started to gently spin. “oooooohhhhhhhhahahahahahahammmmmhehehehehehAHHAHAHAHAHAHOHHHHHHEHEHEHEHEHEMMMMMMHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHEHEH”
Does she laugh? Does she moan? Mandy didn’t know which to do.
Linda brought down two more arms with her remote and attached feather dusters to each and then sent them towards Mandy’s feet.
Again, Linda moved two more arms from the dome to Mandy’s armpits – these arms have hands just like the ones tickling Mandy’s sides. They dug deep into her pits.
Everything was being tickled now. Her armpits, her sides, her nipples, her feet. Everything accept her aching, pleading pussy. Linda kissed her laughing lover on the forehead and watched her machine make her baby scream with ticklishness.
Mandy was tickled by Linda’s tickle dome machine for over an hour and she was starting to lose her mind. Eyes shut tight, her laughter and moans filled the lab. Suddenly, the machine stopped. All arms are lifted away accept the two on her nipples.
Mandy panted and moaned as she felt the pleasure wash over her. “ooohhhhhyyyyeaaaaahhh” Mandy then felt her legs moving. The dome’s arms that are holding her ankles are moving her legs up, forcing them to bend and the knees. Then the arms start moving her ankles outward, forcing Mandy’s legs wide open to reveal a very horny, pulsing love button.
Linda licked her lips at the sight of her new lovers beautiful pussy. Soooo much in love with Mandy, she put her head between Mandy’s legs, and softly kissed the head of her clit. Mandy let out a moan that was filled with such ecstasy she hardly recognised herself.
Linda pushed some more buttons and another arm came down, and Linda attached a tiny paint brush to it. The arm was then positioned at Mandy’s crotch and it began a slow soft tickle on her clit. Together with the tickling on her nipples Mandy was in pure heaven now. She never wanted it to end.
“NOOOOOO” cried Mandy “Please Linda baby, MORE MORE” Mandy begged and begged but Linda was busy getting something else from the other side of the room.
When she returned she had a case. She then pressed some buttons and the arms holding Mandy by the writs started to pull Mandy up to a sitting position, while still ensuring her arms were kept taut above her head.
“I want to show you this” said Linda “It’s another creation of mine”.
Linda squeezed something that looked like lube onto a cold metal plate and then placed a microscope in front of Mandy.
“This is my ‘special orgasm denial cream’ that I invented” Linda explained “take a look though the microscope”
Mandy looked at the gel through the microscope and saw hundreds of tiny microscopic robots. Each were shaped like a ball, with 4 arms coming out of them. But they were not moving at all.
Linda continued “These tiny micro robots are programmed to turn on and tickle as soon as they feel the warmth of human skin” Linda then placed some gel on her finger and held it under the microscope for Mandy to look.
Mandy peered again into the scope and the same micro robots she just saw, are now wiggling and moving all over the place. Hundreds of them in such a small amount of gel. Their legs twitching, trying to tickle Linda’s finger.
Mandy was both aroused and scared by this new invention of Linda’s.
“I have made different batches” Linda continued “each with a different time frame”. Linda opened the case and showed Mandy its contents. There were four tubes of the tickle gel inside, and each were named ‘Denial Gel’ and each had their own number +1, +3, +12 and +18. “These numbers signify the number of hours the robots in each tube will tickle” grinned Linda “after that number of hours is up, they stop, crawl away and turn off. But the best part is, they are programmed to sense an approaching orgasm” Linda smiled an evil, erotic smile “hence the name ‘Denial Gel’ because as soon as an orgasm is on its way, they communicate with each other and stop before the orgasm is reached. Then they start up again”.
Mandy was almost cumming just from the thought of this wonderful yet freaky gel.
As the dome arms gently laid Mandy back down to her original position, Linda grabbed the gel labelled +12, and squeezed a heap of it on Mandy’s pussy, clit and up inside her vagina, then she proceeded to squeeze some on both of Mandy’s nipples.
Instantly, the robots went to work, and skilfully tickled, teased and pleasured Mandy’s sexual zones. Within seconds her orgasm was building, and, just as Linda said, the robots stopped just before she reached climax.
“DAMMIT NOOOOOOOO” screamed Mandy. She was so horny and so desperately needed to cum.
The robots started up again on her nipples, on her clit and deep inside her. “ohhhhhhmmmmmmaaaaaaaahhhmmmmmohohhehehehehehehehehGODit ticklesssssssandfffffeeeelsgoooooooodmmmmmmhhehehemmmmmoohohohohohohyesyesyesyesyesyessss........” again, nothing, the robots stopped. “FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” screamed Mandy “FUUUUUCK”
As the robots started up again, Linda kissed Mandy on her lips “its 8pm, and I am going to bed my love. These little darlings will keep you happy until I return at 8am tomorrow”
Mandy gasped in horror “WWWHATTT can’t hehehehhehehehahahammohhhhmyyyyyyyy you can’t leave meeeeheheheh like thissssssoohhhhh”
“Oh but I can” smiled Linda, “I gave you the 12 hour robots”. Linda left the room, and went to bed.
Mandy bucked and thrust her hips trying so hard to have an orgasm. The tickle sensations on her clit were excruciating, yet delicious. Somehow, one of the bots had managed to slide under the hood of her clit and was stroking her soft, sensitive glad. Mandy started drooling with pleasure. Her ticklish nipples were still getting worked on too. The tingling sensations were all over her body as the denial gel’s occupants pleasured and tickled. It was heaven, and it was hell.
Moans filled the building “ohhhhaaaammmmmmhhehehehhehemmmmmmmyesyesohohPLLLLEEASSEEYESSS.......DAMMIT FUCK” they stopped again.
Mandy’s clit was now so swollen it was almost purple. She needed to cum so fucking bad, and she still had 11 more hours of this!! FUCK!!
The next morning, Linda went downstairs to see how her lesbian lover enjoyed her night. Mandy was almost unconscious, her clit now the size of small penis and very purple in colour from the need to climax. Using the microscope, Linda examined Mandy’s pussy. No robots, but they were all on the pink fur under Mandy’s ass cheeks. They are switched off. Linda inserted a thin camera microscope carefully into Mandy’s vagina, Mandy didn’t even notice as her clit was far too needy. Linda examined, no robots there either. They climbed out. Good.
Linda spoke to Mandy “can you hear me honey?” Mandy, on verge of madness, managed a faint grunt in response.
Linda picked up a stiff feather, and firmly stroked Mandy’s clit – once.
With an animal like howl – Mandy climaxed and her pent up juices squired across the other side of the room. Her orgasm lasted a full 20 mins, the whole time howling like a wild animal and then – she passed out.
In the early hours of the night, Mandy woke up and found herself in Linda’s bed, a nice hot meal was in front of her on a tray. Mandy gobbled it up hungrily. When she finished, a naked Linda walked in and smiled.
“LINDA” Mandy cried and jumped into her arms “I love you Linda, I always have”
“I love you too baby” Linda kissed Mandy and as she did, she gently and lovingly pushed her down on to the bed. Both girls naked and kissing passionately.
Linda grinned a cheeky grin and revealed a tube of gel which said +3. Mandy returned the cheeky grin, and both girls rubbed the gel onto their pussies and clits. They laid down, and kissed and kissed. Holding each other in a loving embrace, the two lovers giggled and moaned into the night.
- The End
Lesbian Lover tickled with love:
Standing in front of the mirror, Mandy was applying the finishing touches to her make-up. She was very excited. Finally, after tracking down her high school crush over the internet followed by months of chatting online and over the phone, Mandy was meeting up with Linda for the first time in 6 years long years.
Both Mandy and Linda are 23. After high school Linda went on to university where she studied Science and Engineering, and Mandy followed her dream of becoming a veterinarian.
Mandy couldn’t wait to see Linda again. She has no idea if Linda even knew about her sexuality being attracted to women, and she sure as hell didn’t know that Mandy had been crushing on her since year 10.
Either way, Mandy was excited to see the woman Linda had become and couldn’t get her white collard polo shirt on fast enough. She then pulled up her denim jeans and threaded the leather belt through the loops and clipped it in place. She slipped on her white and black runners and re-checked herself in the mirror. She looked like her usual tomboy self. The last touch, brushing her shoulder length brown hair so that it was smooth and shiny.
All done. Mandy grabbed her wallet and shoulder bag then hurried out the door.
At the cafe in town, Linda was already enjoying a coffee while she was waiting for Mandy. It was nice to finally get out of the lab and enjoy the fresh air.
Linda had spent 4 years in a Bachelor of Science degree followed by a 1.5 year Masters degree and was now doing her PHD inside her own laboratory, where she has taken a real interest in robotics.
Linda looked up, and saw Mandy approaching. Raising her arm Linda waived and called out “Hey, Mandy over here”.
Mandy heard Linda’s voice and saw her waiving her arm. “Hey Linda, it’s good to see you” Mandy said as both women greeted each other in a gentle hug. “Wow” Mandy gasped silently under her breath. She looked at Linda and studied her for a moment. Linda was wearing a pink cut-out bustier top with long sexy denim skinny jeans and open towed sandals. Her lean slim body looked so hot in that outfit, Mandy had trouble containing herself.
The girls chatted for a good hour or so, catching up on each other’s lives. Then, without warning Linda placed her hand on top of Mandy’s, which caught Mandy off guard.
“I ah...umm” said Mandy, blushing at Linda’s touch. Linda smiled “I heard you’re into the ladies” she said, winking at Mandy.
“I ahhh...yes...yes I am...I...have always been a lesbian but only came out to family and friends three years ago” replied Mandy, now fully blushing. Linda gently tickled the top of Mandy’s hand causing Mandy to giggle.
“Ya know, I was always too scared to talk to you much at school because I wanted you so bad but didn’t know how to tell you” said Linda, in a really cute, shy voice.
Mandy nearly fell off her chair. Is she dreaming? Is she hearing things? Her high school crush LIKES her?? This is too good to be true, but it seems it IS true!
“I...I have always felt the same about you too” says Mandy, her heart pounding with nerves and lust.
Linda smiled “Would you like to come and see my private lab? I can show you some of my robotic friends”.
“Of course, I’d love to” replied Mandy, excitedly.
The two girls finished their coffee and left the cafe.
Linda pulled up to a one story white brick building. Mandy pulled up beside her and got out of her car. “Is this your lab?” asked Mandy.
“Yep” replied Linda “I bought it myself. It’s small, but it’s perfect for me at this stage while I am still studying my PHD”.
The girls walked inside and Linda opened two metal doors. As the doors opened, a bright white room was revealed. Inside the white room, were all different kinds of things.
There were robotic arms with rubber fingers sitting inside glass cases on shelves, a funny looking robotic mouse which was also in a glass case. Round robotic looking balls and weird gadgets that Mandy couldn’t find a name for. Everything was in a glass case of some kind.
“Oh, these are my failed attempts at robotics” explained Linda “But I am keeping them as folio of my work”.
Linda led Mandy through another door. “THIS is my pride and joy” exclaimed Linda, arms open in pride. Mandy gasped. In the middle of the room on the ceiling, was a very large metal dome. It looked like a sphere was coming out of the ceiling but got stuck half way.
Attached to this dome, were many robotic arms. Some had hands with fingers, 4 others had what appeared to be shackles or wrist clamps on them and the rest were bare but it looked like things could be attached onto the ends of them. Underneath the dome with many weird arms was a metal table.
“What is all this?” asked Mandy, puzzled.
“If I tell you, I would have to kill you” replied Linda. Mandy gave Linda a really concerned stare, and then Linda gently punched her in the arm “I’m just kidding” Linda laughed. Mandy relaxed a little and gave a nervous laugh.
Linda continued “It’s a long story, but I will tell you all about it over a drink”.
Mandy’s eyes shot open. She felt a little groggy, like she has a hangover. The more she came around, the less groggier she felt. She tried to sit up. “What the??” Mandy was confused. She couldn’t move her arms at all. “What’s going on?” shouted Mandy in a panicked voice “Where am I?”
Mandy looked around as best as she could. Right above her, was a large dome with many arms. It looked familiar. VERY familiar. Then suddenly it all came flooding back. Mandy remembered meeting Linda, who brought her back to her lab. Linda was going to explain this dome shape robotic thing to her over a drink. Mandy remembers that Linda gave her a soda. Everything after that however, is a blur.
Mandy tried to move her legs, but couldn’t. She noticed that two arms from the dome are holding her arms above her head by the writs, and another two are holding her legs out straight and together by the ankles. The arms with the shackles!!! Mandy was laying on her back and completely naked on the metal table, only the table was now covered in soft pink fur and Mandy assumed it was for comfort purposes.
“LINDAAAA!!” Mandy shouted “WHAT THE FUCK??”
Linda entered the room. “Hey you’re awake” Linda grinned “are you comfy?”
Mandy was angry “Linda, seriously what the fuck are you doing? Get me outta this thing!!”
Linda moved next to Mandy and put her hand on her face. “Mandy calm down and let me explain” Linda soothed “I have been creating tickling robots, and although I have tickled a few women in the past, it just didn’t feel right because...well...I had no feelings for these women. But you....I...I have loved you for so long, and now...I have you...and I am going to give you the ride of your life!” With that said, Linda leaned down and kissed Mandy passionately on her lips. Mandy gave a little moan when Linda’s soft lips met hers.
“ don’t have to tickle me to give me the ride of my life Linda” pleaded Mandy “You alone would be the ride of my life. Please don’t do this I am super ticklish please don’t”.
“Hehe oh Mandy” Linda giggled “This is going to be fun!”
Linda picked up a stiff feather “Lets see just how ticklish you really are” Linda teased.
She ran the feather over the sole of Mandy’s left foot, causing Mandy to squirm a little. She then moved the feather in a circular motion around and around Mandy’s sole. Mandy could not control herself any longer and erupted into laughter. “HEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHSTTTAAAARRPHHEHEHEHE” Mandy begged.
“That’s what I like to hear” grinned Linda as she continued to tickle and tease Mandy’s left sole. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHeheheheHAHAHAHHHANOOOOOOOOHAHAHAHAHLINNNDDAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA" no matter how hard Mandy tried to move her foot, it was going nowhere.
Linda moved over to Mandy’s right foot and repeated the torture and more laughter could be heard escaping the ticklish Mandy. “HEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHEHEHEHEHENOOOOONOOOOOOOHEHEHESTAARRRPHEHEHEHEHEHE”
Linda stopped, “Well that’s the feet tested” she said, giving Mandy’s right big toe a gentle kiss.
“Please no more” begged Mandy as she lay there panting from her ticklish ordeal.
Linda ignored her pleas and started to run the stiff feather up Mandy’s right leg, and Mandy erupted into laughter yet again.
Linda danced the feather up her leg, over her thigh and up to her sexy belly button. Mandy was in a frenzy “HHHHHEEELLLPPHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHAHAHAHAHAHA OOOOOITTTTIIICKLESHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEHEHEHEHE” Mandy tried to move away from the feather but she was held so securely by the dome’s arms it was just pointless to waste her energy.
The feather danced inside her belly button so lovingly, but it tickled like hell. “HehehehehehheheLiinndaaahahahahaaaaheheheheheheh” Mandy could feel a slight tingle in her pussy. This tickling was turning her on – BIG time.
Linda slowly tickled her way up Mandy’s abdomen, under her breasts and straight into Mandy’s sensitive arm pits. “HehehehehehehahahaHAHAHAHAHEHEHhehehehehAHAHAHHAH” As Mandy laughed, a thought was running though her head *Please run the feather over my nipples, please run the feather over my nipples*
As if Linda read her mind, she moved the feather over to Mandy’s left breast and slowly circled the areola, avoiding the nipple for now.
Mandy moaned and giggled at the wonderful tickly sensation. “ooooooooaaaaahhhhmmmmmhehehehehe”. Then Linda moved over to her right breast and repeated the wonderful teasing around the areola, but again avoiding the nipple.
Mandy was in heaven “mmmmmoooooooaaahhhhoooohohohmmmmyessshehehe”
Linda grinned “Someone is enjoying herself then isn’t she!?!” – with that, she gave Mandy’s nipple a firm tickle with the tip of the feather. “OHHHHHLINDAAAAAAMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMOHMYGODMMMMMMMMMMOHHHMMMMMOOOOOOOOO”
Linda stopped. Mandy begged. “Please please Linda, I want more of that please please ooohhh pleeeeeease??!!”
Linda bend down towards Mandy’s nipple and said “all in good time my love” and gave Mandy’s nipple a little tickle with her tongue. Mandy nearly orgasmed right there and then...nearly!
Linda walked over to another table across the room, and returned with what looked like a TV remote in her hand.
“It’s time to put my tickle machine to the test on the most beautiful, sexy lesbian I have ever met” said Linda in such a seductive tone that it made Mandy’s clit bounce and tingle even harder than before. For some reason, Mandy was actually wanting Linda to tickle her, with or without the tickle machine. Then she knew, it was because she was in-love and she wanted this – badly. But at the same time, she was so ticklish that it was a little scary too.
#BEEP BEEP# Linda pressed some buttons and two arms with hands and rubber fingers came down towards Mandy’s naked body and started to mercilessly tickle her ribs on both sides. Mandy screamed in ticklish anguish “HEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHASSSSTTTAAARRRPPPPPHEHEHE” Mandy’s pussy ached with desire and her clit throbbed and pulsed. #beep beep# two more arms came down and Linda attached two tiny brushes on the end of the arms. Then they moved over to Mandy’s nipples and started to gently spin. “oooooohhhhhhhhahahahahahahammmmmhehehehehehAHHAHAHAHAHAHOHHHHHHEHEHEHEHEHEMMMMMMHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHEHEH”
Does she laugh? Does she moan? Mandy didn’t know which to do.
Linda brought down two more arms with her remote and attached feather dusters to each and then sent them towards Mandy’s feet.
Again, Linda moved two more arms from the dome to Mandy’s armpits – these arms have hands just like the ones tickling Mandy’s sides. They dug deep into her pits.
Everything was being tickled now. Her armpits, her sides, her nipples, her feet. Everything accept her aching, pleading pussy. Linda kissed her laughing lover on the forehead and watched her machine make her baby scream with ticklishness.
Mandy was tickled by Linda’s tickle dome machine for over an hour and she was starting to lose her mind. Eyes shut tight, her laughter and moans filled the lab. Suddenly, the machine stopped. All arms are lifted away accept the two on her nipples.
Mandy panted and moaned as she felt the pleasure wash over her. “ooohhhhhyyyyeaaaaahhh” Mandy then felt her legs moving. The dome’s arms that are holding her ankles are moving her legs up, forcing them to bend and the knees. Then the arms start moving her ankles outward, forcing Mandy’s legs wide open to reveal a very horny, pulsing love button.
Linda licked her lips at the sight of her new lovers beautiful pussy. Soooo much in love with Mandy, she put her head between Mandy’s legs, and softly kissed the head of her clit. Mandy let out a moan that was filled with such ecstasy she hardly recognised herself.
Linda pushed some more buttons and another arm came down, and Linda attached a tiny paint brush to it. The arm was then positioned at Mandy’s crotch and it began a slow soft tickle on her clit. Together with the tickling on her nipples Mandy was in pure heaven now. She never wanted it to end.
“NOOOOOO” cried Mandy “Please Linda baby, MORE MORE” Mandy begged and begged but Linda was busy getting something else from the other side of the room.
When she returned she had a case. She then pressed some buttons and the arms holding Mandy by the writs started to pull Mandy up to a sitting position, while still ensuring her arms were kept taut above her head.
“I want to show you this” said Linda “It’s another creation of mine”.
Linda squeezed something that looked like lube onto a cold metal plate and then placed a microscope in front of Mandy.
“This is my ‘special orgasm denial cream’ that I invented” Linda explained “take a look though the microscope”
Mandy looked at the gel through the microscope and saw hundreds of tiny microscopic robots. Each were shaped like a ball, with 4 arms coming out of them. But they were not moving at all.
Linda continued “These tiny micro robots are programmed to turn on and tickle as soon as they feel the warmth of human skin” Linda then placed some gel on her finger and held it under the microscope for Mandy to look.
Mandy peered again into the scope and the same micro robots she just saw, are now wiggling and moving all over the place. Hundreds of them in such a small amount of gel. Their legs twitching, trying to tickle Linda’s finger.
Mandy was both aroused and scared by this new invention of Linda’s.
“I have made different batches” Linda continued “each with a different time frame”. Linda opened the case and showed Mandy its contents. There were four tubes of the tickle gel inside, and each were named ‘Denial Gel’ and each had their own number +1, +3, +12 and +18. “These numbers signify the number of hours the robots in each tube will tickle” grinned Linda “after that number of hours is up, they stop, crawl away and turn off. But the best part is, they are programmed to sense an approaching orgasm” Linda smiled an evil, erotic smile “hence the name ‘Denial Gel’ because as soon as an orgasm is on its way, they communicate with each other and stop before the orgasm is reached. Then they start up again”.
Mandy was almost cumming just from the thought of this wonderful yet freaky gel.
As the dome arms gently laid Mandy back down to her original position, Linda grabbed the gel labelled +12, and squeezed a heap of it on Mandy’s pussy, clit and up inside her vagina, then she proceeded to squeeze some on both of Mandy’s nipples.
Instantly, the robots went to work, and skilfully tickled, teased and pleasured Mandy’s sexual zones. Within seconds her orgasm was building, and, just as Linda said, the robots stopped just before she reached climax.
“DAMMIT NOOOOOOOO” screamed Mandy. She was so horny and so desperately needed to cum.
The robots started up again on her nipples, on her clit and deep inside her. “ohhhhhhmmmmmmaaaaaaaahhhmmmmmohohhehehehehehehehehGODit ticklesssssssandfffffeeeelsgoooooooodmmmmmmhhehehemmmmmoohohohohohohyesyesyesyesyesyessss........” again, nothing, the robots stopped. “FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” screamed Mandy “FUUUUUCK”
As the robots started up again, Linda kissed Mandy on her lips “its 8pm, and I am going to bed my love. These little darlings will keep you happy until I return at 8am tomorrow”
Mandy gasped in horror “WWWHATTT can’t hehehehhehehehahahammohhhhmyyyyyyyy you can’t leave meeeeheheheh like thissssssoohhhhh”
“Oh but I can” smiled Linda, “I gave you the 12 hour robots”. Linda left the room, and went to bed.
Mandy bucked and thrust her hips trying so hard to have an orgasm. The tickle sensations on her clit were excruciating, yet delicious. Somehow, one of the bots had managed to slide under the hood of her clit and was stroking her soft, sensitive glad. Mandy started drooling with pleasure. Her ticklish nipples were still getting worked on too. The tingling sensations were all over her body as the denial gel’s occupants pleasured and tickled. It was heaven, and it was hell.
Moans filled the building “ohhhhaaaammmmmmhhehehehhehemmmmmmmyesyesohohPLLLLEEASSEEYESSS.......DAMMIT FUCK” they stopped again.
Mandy’s clit was now so swollen it was almost purple. She needed to cum so fucking bad, and she still had 11 more hours of this!! FUCK!!
The next morning, Linda went downstairs to see how her lesbian lover enjoyed her night. Mandy was almost unconscious, her clit now the size of small penis and very purple in colour from the need to climax. Using the microscope, Linda examined Mandy’s pussy. No robots, but they were all on the pink fur under Mandy’s ass cheeks. They are switched off. Linda inserted a thin camera microscope carefully into Mandy’s vagina, Mandy didn’t even notice as her clit was far too needy. Linda examined, no robots there either. They climbed out. Good.
Linda spoke to Mandy “can you hear me honey?” Mandy, on verge of madness, managed a faint grunt in response.
Linda picked up a stiff feather, and firmly stroked Mandy’s clit – once.
With an animal like howl – Mandy climaxed and her pent up juices squired across the other side of the room. Her orgasm lasted a full 20 mins, the whole time howling like a wild animal and then – she passed out.
In the early hours of the night, Mandy woke up and found herself in Linda’s bed, a nice hot meal was in front of her on a tray. Mandy gobbled it up hungrily. When she finished, a naked Linda walked in and smiled.
“LINDA” Mandy cried and jumped into her arms “I love you Linda, I always have”
“I love you too baby” Linda kissed Mandy and as she did, she gently and lovingly pushed her down on to the bed. Both girls naked and kissing passionately.
Linda grinned a cheeky grin and revealed a tube of gel which said +3. Mandy returned the cheeky grin, and both girls rubbed the gel onto their pussies and clits. They laid down, and kissed and kissed. Holding each other in a loving embrace, the two lovers giggled and moaned into the night.
- The End