If you follow this link
https://futter.kleinezeitung.at/futtertestet- fusssohlentattoo/
, you'll see a german female journalist who decided to try to get her soles tattooed. She wrote about the experience and mentions that she's very ticklish on her feet:
First in German:
"Generell bin ich an den Füßen verdammt kitzlig, aber glaubt mir, das ist das geringste Problem. Denn der Tätowierer wird eure Füße so fixieren, dass ihr nicht mal einen Zentimeter austreten könnt, selbst wenn ihr wolltet. Doch das wusste ich beim Desinfizieren und Anbringen des Motivs noch nicht und machte mir über das Kitzeln Gedanken. „Was wenn ich wie ein stures Pferd austrete? Was wenn ich dem Tätowierer die Nase breche? Oder mir die Tätowier-Nadel voll in den eigenen Fuß ramme?“"
My translation:
"Generally speaking, I'm extremely ticklish on my feet, but trust me, that's the least of your problems. Because the tattooist will secure your feet, so you can't even kick out one centimeter, even if you wanted to. But I didn't know that when they were disinfecting my feet and put on the motive and was thinking about the tickling. 'What if I kick out like a stubborn horse? What if I break the tattooist's nose? Or ram the tattooing needle in my own foot?"
I wrote her on instagram asking if it tickled very badly, but got no response until now. Please don't flood her with messages! I'll tell, if she decides to answer me.
On her instagram there are good pictures of her and her feet too.
https://futter.kleinezeitung.at/futtertestet- fusssohlentattoo/
, you'll see a german female journalist who decided to try to get her soles tattooed. She wrote about the experience and mentions that she's very ticklish on her feet:
First in German:
"Generell bin ich an den Füßen verdammt kitzlig, aber glaubt mir, das ist das geringste Problem. Denn der Tätowierer wird eure Füße so fixieren, dass ihr nicht mal einen Zentimeter austreten könnt, selbst wenn ihr wolltet. Doch das wusste ich beim Desinfizieren und Anbringen des Motivs noch nicht und machte mir über das Kitzeln Gedanken. „Was wenn ich wie ein stures Pferd austrete? Was wenn ich dem Tätowierer die Nase breche? Oder mir die Tätowier-Nadel voll in den eigenen Fuß ramme?“"
My translation:
"Generally speaking, I'm extremely ticklish on my feet, but trust me, that's the least of your problems. Because the tattooist will secure your feet, so you can't even kick out one centimeter, even if you wanted to. But I didn't know that when they were disinfecting my feet and put on the motive and was thinking about the tickling. 'What if I kick out like a stubborn horse? What if I break the tattooist's nose? Or ram the tattooing needle in my own foot?"
I wrote her on instagram asking if it tickled very badly, but got no response until now. Please don't flood her with messages! I'll tell, if she decides to answer me.
On her instagram there are good pictures of her and her feet too.