TMF Poster
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Ok, here's part 3. I hope you all like it. Probably the last installment and the end. I can't think of anywhere I want to go from here. Unless someone has a creative idea in the comments, or for a spin off, I'll probably leave it alone and work on other stories. Working on an f/m story now.
Here goes part 3!
“Wait, my help?” asked Lily, a little surprised. “I think I know what you’re gonna ask.”
“Let’s get revenge!” Skye said. “Let’s tickle her!”
“Oh, I don't know,” replied Lily, hesitant.
“You have no idea how ticklish she is!”
“Trust me, I do,” said Lily.
“Come on!” exclaimed Skye, begging. “It’ll be so fun! Please tell me you’ll at least think about it!”
“Ok, ok…” Lily started to respond.
Skye lit up with excitement.
“I’ll think about it!” Lily said laughing, and holding up her finger, trying to manage the overly excited Skye’s expectations.
“So, what do you think?” asked Ashlyn, with a teasing tone holding up her phone.
“Jeez. Really?” said Lily, looking surprised.
“Yup,” said Ashlyn, smiling.
“I have never really had that kind of attention before.”
“I told you they were sexy.”
“So you posted those pictures of me three days ago?” asked Lily, still surprised.
“Yeah, more like 2 and a half.”
“How did they get so many likes and followers?”
“I told you. They are beautiful. Seriously beautiful.” said Ashlyn, smiling. “Do you like the attention?”
“Actually, yeah, I kinda do. I’ve never really had people compliment me like that. Look at these comments. They really like my feet.”
“I’m telling you, you could stop traffic with those feet.”
“What does one do with this sort of information, though? I mean, you don’t typically flaunt your feet for attention, right?”
“Why not?”
“Oh, I, uh… I guess it just never occured to me.”
“I’ll tell you what. Let’s go to a public place and flaunt our goods. It’s kinda fun.”
“Really? Like where? Will we get in trouble? WIll people be mad?”
“Nope, people like it.” said Ashlyn confidently. “Sooo, let’s do it at the library!”
“Ok, fine, you’ve talked me into it,” said Lily with a cute smile.
“You little jerk. You were looking at me, weren’t you? Yeah, I saw you.” Jordan aggressively cornered Zach.
“Please not again! Please! AHAHAAA!!!!”
Jordan tickled Zach’s ribs and stomach as he tried to get away, his back hitting the wall.
“AHAHAHAHhahanoononahahahaHAHAHAH!! PLEASE!!”
Skye was down the hall, and heard laughter. As she turned the corner, Jordan had Zach stomach down on the floor. She was sitting on the large muscular man’s butt and thighs, as she leaned over and mercilessly tickled his stomach and ribs with her claws.
He screamed with laughter, unable to speak. “AHAHHAHAAAAA!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa!!!!”
Jordan and Skye’s eyes met.
“Shit!” Immediately Jordan hopped off the much bigger man, grabbed her bag, and left down a hallway.
Zach tried to gather himself as quickly as he could, but he knew Skye saw it.
“It’s cool. She used to do that to me, too. No shame, bud.”
“Thanks. Please don’t tell anyone.”
“No problem. I hear you. I actually think I can help...”
Lily and Ashlyn sat on a large couch in the campus library.
“Ok, just take a big breath, and take your shoes off, like me.”
Ashlyn untied her Keds and pulled them right off, one of her socks quickly following.
“I… I think I’ll need a bit more time than that,” saiddi Lily, sheepishly.
“Ok, let’s just pretend to read our books, and casually look around and see people’s reactions,” whispered Ashlyn, putting her feet up on a footstool.
It wasn’t long before a young man was peeking over his book, trying to sneakily stare at the beautiful redhead’s foot. Ashlyn motioned her head, signaling to Lily. They smiled at each other as they watched the man’s expression.
“Check this out,” whispered Ashlyn.
She carefully used the toes of her bare foot to teasingly remove her remaining sock. She played with it with her toes. The man’s eyes went big. He couldn’t take his eyes off of them.
“See, it’s easy.”
“Yeah... Ok, I’ll try.”
Lily slowly loosened her boots, and pulled them off. She looked over at Ashlyn, who smiled encouragingly.
Lily took a deep breath, and slid off one sock and put her feet hesitantly up on the stool in front of them.
“How does it feel?” whispered Ashlyn.
“Kind of freeing, kind of fun.”
“Look,” whispered Ashlyn, motioning with her head.
Lily looked and saw 5 different people from different parts of the library staring intently at her beautiful foot. Almost in unison, they mini panicked and tried to look like they were busy.
“Hehehe,” Lily giggled, pulling her bare foot away, tucking it under her bottom.
“Told ya,” Ashlyn whispered back, smiling broadly.
Lily snuck her foot back up on the stool, and mimicked her friend’s earlier tease, pulling the remaining sock off with the toes of her bare foot.
Members of her mesmerized audience, slowly tried to reposition themselves to see better without being caught.
“I can’t believe how fun this is, Lily whispered, smiling.”
Suddenly, a young woman started walking toward them, passing about 10 feet from them.
“Heh eheheheeee!!” Lily began to giggle, and pulled her feet under her bottom.
Ashlyn smiled and whispered, “Is anyone as ticklish as you?”
“Probably not,” admitted Lily, smiling.
She slowly put her feet back up, enjoying how captivated her little audience still was.
This time a young man walked up, getting very close to her feet as he passed through the couch area.
“HAhHAHAHHAAAEEEEHhehEhhe!!!!!” Lily pulled her feet back as rapidly as she could, instinctively hiding them as deep within the folds of the couch as humanly possible, all while covering her mouth, trying to stifle her uncontrollable giggling.
Ashlyn laughed out loud.
A librarian approached the two women. Lily continued to fight back giggles as she attemped to unsuccessfully hide her feet deeper into the folds of the couch.
“You two make the cutest couple,” she smiled.
“Well, we’re, um…” Ashlyn fumbled, looking at Lily.
The two beauties responded in unison, “Thank you.”
They looked at each other and giggled.
“Well that was fun,” Ashlyn smiled.
“Yeah. I kinda wanna do it again,” replied Lily.
“Really? I’m so excited you’re into it!”
“But…” said Lily, smiling and blushing.
“Uh huh…” said Ashlyn, smiling back.
“There’s the business of… of… nibbles?” said Lily, blushing and hiding her face.
Ashlyn’s eyes got big, and she clapped with glee. “You have seriously NO IDEA how excited I am right now!”
The two women held hands and began to walk together, smiling and giggling.
They overheard wild laughter.
“What is that?” Lily asked, looking concerned.
They turned a corner to see Jordan sitting on top of a smaller student, her face red with wild laughter. Jordan had pulled off the poor girl’s shoes and was tickling her nylon feet with a hairbrush!
The ticklish victim noticed Lily and Ashlyn’s presence before Jordan did. She began motioning wildly to them while trying to communicate through her desperate laughter.
“HAHahahah PLAHAhAAH!! HELAAAAhahahaah…. STAHAhAHaaa!!!” The poor girl took a big breath. “AAHAHAha PLEASE HELP AAAAAAHAHAHAHAAA!”
Jordan’s head whipped around to see who the girl was talking to, when she saw Lily and Ashlyn. Her eyes went big, a guilty look on her face. She dropped the brush and sprinted off, almost stumbling twice as she tried to flee as quickly as possible.
“Thank… you….” the woman panted, struggling to catch her breath.
“Are you alright?” the two women asked, almost in unison as they rushed in to help.
“Yeah. She is so mean. She was… was tickling me. How did she know I was so ticklish? I… couldn’t get away.”
Ashlyn massaged the girl’s nylon feet and handed her her shoes back to her. “Yeah, we have had run ins with that girl before. She likes to bully. And somehow she has a really good tickle radar. You’re not the only one she’s gotten.”
“Did she run off? Why was she so scared? Did you have a weapon or something?”
“Not exactly. Don’t worry about it. I’m Lily. This is Ashlyn.”
“I’m Su Lin.”
“Let’s get you back to your dorm. Can we walk with you?”
“I’m just so angry!” said Lily, visibly frustrated. “I can’t believe she’s still at it!”
“Me neither.”
“I guess seeing her do the hairbrush thing to that poor Su Lin just… just… UGH!” Lily yelled. “You know what, I wasn’t going to do it, because I hate being mean, but… I think I’ll take Skye up on her offer.”
“What do you mean?” asked Ashlyn.
“Jordan has been busy. I guess she got a guy that Skye knows really bad. He was pretty exhausted when Jordan was done. And she wasn’t even really done. Skye stopped her. And that is after Skye tickled Jordan back. I figured it would stop then, but...”
“Hold up, what?” Ashlyn interrupted. “Jordan’s not ticklish. No one can tickle her, they have tried. I have tried… And, wait, why did she run from us?”
“Oh, right. I guess I thought I had already told you…” said Lily, sheepishly.
“Told me what?” said Ashlyn, smiling with anticipation.
“That spell my Aunt did…” Lily started.
“I knew it!” said Ashlyn, jumping and clapping. “Jordan is TICKLISH!”
“Like, how ticklish?” Ashlyn pressed.
“My Aunt said she made it pretty bad,” Lily replied.
“It was supposed to be a deterrent! So she’d feel empathy and stop! But she’s still at it!” Lily said, frustrated.
“So what was Skye’s suggestion? Is it to tickle her? Is it to get her?I wanna get her!! Lily let’s do it! LETS GET HER!!”
“Ha ha ha! Ok calm down! Yes! You’re right, that was Skye’s proposal.”
“Ok, yes. Yes! Let’s do it!” said Lily, smiling
Ashlyn jumped and clapped. “So we need to put together some friends!”
“Actually, Skye has that covered.”
“Ooo, ok!”
“And it includes Jill. Remember Jill?”
“Oh yeah, she’s super tough. This is gonna be awesome.”
Skye had a huge smile on her face. She walked along the forest pathway, barely able to contain herself.
“Jooooorrrrdaaaaaan! Come out, come out, wherever you are!”
Jordan sprinted out from her hiding place in a bush and took off down the path.
“You are just gonna tire yourself out more!” called Jordan.
Jill took off after Jordan easily catching up with her.
The group of girls heard a scuffle, and within a minute, the powerful Jill walked back to them, smiling, Jordan in her arms.
“Told ya so!” said Skye, barely able to contain herself. “Hey Jill, can you just hold her in place, just like that?”
“Easy peasy,” smiled Jill.
Joill held Jordan in her arms like she was carrying a child, not a slightly muscular 5’8’’ beautiful bully of a woman. Jill clamped her arms down. Jordan was going nowhere.
“Shit!” said Jordan. Looking scared.
Skye pulled Jordan’s shirt up, revealing her taut stomach.
“Now Jordan. You are about to be punished. Punished for all the bullying, the name calling, hurtful actions! And for the tickling!”
“Screw you!” said Jordan, with a scowl. “You will always be a little punk. Just like the day we met.”
“We’ll see,” said Skye, positioning her hands above Jordan’s bare stomach. “Ready???” she asked in a sing-song voice. “It’s gonna tickle. It’s gonna be bad. Can you handle it?”
Skye placed her fingernails against Jordan’s bare stomach. Jordan’s muscles tightened, the way someone who is frightfully ticklish does. Jordan held her breath, fighting the reaction.
“Five… four… Thr”
Skye jumped the gun and began to tickle her stomach, with immediate ticklish results.
“AHAHahaHAHAHhAHAHA!!!!” Jordan laughed as she fought with all her strength.
“Ok, everybody, come on! Let’s take turns getting her! You can tickle her tummy and her ribs a little like this!” said Skye, waving the others over.
Most of them took a turn tickling, glee in their eyes as they watched the bully scream with laughter at the touch of their fingers. Ashlyn had a particularly good time making Jordan laugh, stopping to jump and clap when she got a good reaction from a new spot.
“Hey, so I wanna try the ribs,” said a woman. “My ribs are my tickle spot, and Jordan really got me bad there.”
“And her underarms for me, please,” another chimed in.
“Easy peasy, ladies,” replied Jill, grinning. “I’m not tired at all! Give me a quick sec to adjust.”
Jill lowered Jordan to the ground, easily keeping her pinned. In no time she had Jordan’s frame pulled taught in a wrestling hold, holding her hands above her head.
“You bitches! Don’t you dare!” yelled Jordan.
“Huh?” Skye feigned surprise. “Dare I?” She placed her claws on Jordan’s ribs. Immediately she began to squirm and laugh through her gritted teeth.”
“Don’t laugh yet, I haven’t even started to tickle you! You poor thing, ‘you’re so sensitive!’ ” said Skye, hurling back an insult Jordan has used to taunt Skye as a kid.
“AHAHAHhahH SHIT! AHAHAHA!!!!” Jordan’s torso began to writhe as she started to laugh.
Jordan’s laughter began to get wilder and go silent, as one by one, the crowd began to join in tickling her stomach and ribs.
The women spent a good five minutes tickling Jordan’s ribs, armpits and stomach, driving her into hysterics, with short breaks to laugh and high five each other.
“I think Jill deserves a turn,” said Ashlyn, looking around to get approval of the group.
They all nodded in approval.
“Ok, then,” smiled Jill. With ease, she slid into position on top of Jordan, holding her hands above her head with one hand. Now if some of you could hold Jordan’s hands up her above her head for me.
Several women came to help. Jill was now laying on top of Jordan, chest to chest, face to face and smiling.
“You know, you never bullied me. Or tickled me. And you were always too scared of me to bully me or my brother. Because you knew I’d crush you. But you did tickle him. You got him really bad. Do you remember that? He was a freshman in college. We are his family and we don’t even tickle my brother. He’s too sensitive. He can’t handle it. But you did. He wouldn’t go to school for a week. We had to pretend he was sick so his professors would give him slack. I gave you a black eye, but it never felt like enough. But now…”
Jill pressed her powerful chest down pinning Jordan more fully. She made her well manicured nails into claws and began to tickle Jordan’s ribs.
Jordan freaked out! She screamed and wailed with laughter! Something about the much bigger, much more powerful, intimidating woman completely controlling her made the tickling so much worse.
Jordan pulled her arms downward with so much force, it took five women holding onto her wrists and onto each other to keep Jordan’s arms above her head. Granted, if the women weren’t laughing their heads off as they enjoyed watching Jordan’s ticklish freakout it may have only taken three or four of them.
Jordan was covered in sweat, panting, trying to catch her breath.
“That was for my brother,” Jill said, finally stopping her ticklish rib assault.
“I only tickled your brother for 20 minutes,” Jordan panted, still fighting to catch her breath.
“That was only 5 or 6 mintues, you delicate flower,” replied Jill, smiling. “How long did it feel?”
“Fuck you…” Jordan replied, still breathing hard.
“Ok, ok,” said Ashlyn. “I think that my girl Lily needs her revenge. Jordan got her really bad too, right? Where do you wanna tickle her, Lily?”
“I want us to get her feet!” said Lily, smiling.
“Ooo, yeah, feet!” “Oh that will be awesome!” said the group.
“But,” continued Lily, “I will get her at the end. I want Ashlyn to get her feet first. I wanna watch her face.”
“Don’t mind if I do!” said Ashlyn skipping over to Jordan. Jill had already obliged, repositioning Jordan easily. Her feet and legs were sticking up and accessible.
“Off with these boots!” cried Ashlyn happily as she untied and pulled off the leather boots. “I feel like your feet are overdressed. Why are you wearing socks at a time like this? Tsk tsk tsk,” she shook her head, feigning disappointment.
She yanked off Jordan's socks, revealing soft sexy feet.
“You know, I never looked very closely before, because of your terrible personality, but you actually have very beautiful feet, Jordan.” said Ashlyn. “Such a waste. I guess I’ll need to teach them a lesson.”
Ashlyn began to tickle Jordan’s feet gently with her manicured fingernails.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!” Jordan began to laugh wildly, and pull hard.
“Wow! I’m barely trying! How about your toes? Are they willing to say ‘hi’? Come on, open up little toes!”
“AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!! STTTOOOAJAHAHHAHAAA!!” Jordan began to laugh harder than she had yet!
“Silly little feet! I’m gonna have to teach you a lesson. Beautiful feet stuck to a terrible person? Who has ever heard of that?”
Jordan continued to wail with laughter, while the other women giggled, watching the display with excitement.
Lily walked up, leaned in close, and whispered to Ashlyn. “Do the thing that made me laugh really hard.”
Ashlyn made an excited face and nodded.
“I guess even though they are attached to a jerk, they still do look and smell delicious. I.. I.. I just don’t think I can help myself…”
“No!” Jordan pleaded, looking scared. “No, please! Please not that!!!”
Skye yelled, “Look she’s finally begging! She hasn’t begged once yet!”
“What do you think, ladies? Should I do it?” asked Ashlyn, smiling.
“Do it! Do it! DO it!” they chanted, while Jordan begged her not to.
Ashlyn went headfirst into Jordan’s wiggling feet, sticking her mouth over them. She licked and bit and nibbled.
“WWWWAAAAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHaaaa!!! WWWAHHAhaAhhahahah!!!” Jordan totally flipped out, screaming laughter and flailing so hard all you could see of her head was a mess of flailing hair whipping around as her wild laughter went silent.
When Ashlyn stopped to breathe, Jordan went back to panicked begging, all for it to start again.
“Ok, break time I think. Then it’s Lily’s turn.”
“A full five minute break, are you sure?” said Skye.
“Yep, cause this is gonna be really tickly,” smiled Lily. “Ok, does anyone happen to be wearing nylon stockings?”
Skye’s hand shot up, and her eyes lit up! Reading Lily’s mind, she sat on the ground and began to untie her shoes.
“Ok, Skye, can we borrow… Oh! Oh you are just… You know what I’m thinking, don’t you?” Lily giggled.
“Yep,” she said, pulling off her nylon socks and putting her shoes back on.
Both Ashlyn and Lily noticed how beautiful Skye’s pedicured feet were, and gave each other a look.
Skye pulled the nylons over Jordan’s feet, smiling evilly.
“Ok, ladies, have at it!” Lily announced.
Jordan wailed and screamed with laughter as the group of girls attacked her feet with wild abandon. Her head thrashed as Jill held her fast.
Sky shouted, “Hey guys! She laughs even harder when we get under her toes!!”
Some of the girls pulled back Jordan’s longish toes, revealing their sensitive undersides.
Her eyes went big as her laughter went up several notches!
“And now,” said the little witch, “for my revenge!” Lily pulled a hair brush from her bag, and sauntered over to the panicked and panting Jordan. You did this to me for 15 minutes! I don’t know how long you did it to poor Su Lin. She was a mess! I was a mess.”
Jordan didn’t speak. But her face spoke volumes. She was frozen, completely terrified.
Lily leaned in close and whispered in Jordan’s ear. “Never, ever tickle a witch.”
She positioned herself and began to glide the hairbrush over Jordan’s feet.
[size=+2]“AAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!! AHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”[/size]
Jordan’s reaction was so powerful and immediate, it made the women jump back.
[size=+2]“AAAAHAHAHaHHhhahhah!!!! HHAHAHAHA!!!!!”[/size]
“Let’s pull her toes back!” shouted Skye. The excited women obliged.
In this new position, toes vulnerable, Jordan FREAKED OUT!
[size=+3]“AAAAHAHAHaHHhhahhah!!!! HHAHAHAHA!!!!!”[/size]
She managed to get her arms free, but all they could do was flail!
She screamed and laughed and writhed with laughter, slamming her body and hips into the ground in an attempt to free her feet from the hairbrush’s might.
[size=+3]“AAAAHAHAHaHHhhahhah!!!! HHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!”[/size]
“You got five minutes of it, Jordan. Five minutes of that brush only!”
Jordan lay panting, unable to move.
Lily got in Jordan’s face. "If we catch you bullying again, we will find you. We’ll find you and make this little tickling seem like nothing! We’ll keep going until we are tired of hearing you laugh!”
The women walked away, leaving Jordan to catch her breath and regain her strength. They laughed and high fived, all feeling happy that their revenge plan went so smoothly.
“He he he he!!” Lily giggled, curling up again. “I want you to, but I can’t not pull them away! Let’s just do it!”
In Ashlyn’s bedroom, the women giggled and played with each other.
“Fine. But we’ll do it with your arms free. I know you will appreciate it for the first time,” said Ashyln.
“Good. Mummy me up!” replied Lily, smiling.
The two women laid out as many blankets as they could find on the bed. Lily laid at one end, arms up, as Ashyln rolled her up.
“You’re like a sexy burrito,” said Ashlyn, laughing.
“Ok, oh boy! I’m ready! I’m ready! Just do it! The anticipation is horrible!” Lily giggled uncontrollably as Ashlyn slowly made her way to Lily’s bare feet.
“AHahAHAHHAHA!!!” Lily burst into laughter as she felt Ashlyn’s breath on her toes.
Ashlyn reached her soft lips out and began to play with the little witches sensitive digits carefully. Her lips movements were careful and sensual, as she made sure to thoroughly explore each toe.
“Ahahah he he ha ha!!” Lily sweetly laughed herself breathless. This time, however, it was clearly the sweet, excited laughter of a little witch having fun.
Ashlyn’s head popped up over the blankets obscuring Lily’s view of her own feet. She was grinning. “Brace yourself!”
Her head popped back down. “Wahait! What are you gonna do ahahahah!!”
Ashlyn began licking and kissing Lily’s perfect feet and toes.
She popped back up. “Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty of breaks. But I’m still hungry!” she popped back down.
“AAAHAHaha!!! AHAhhahhahaaaa!”
The two beauties enjoyed their victory, and each other throughout the evening and into the bright night. The sound of a witch cackling under a full moon echoing radiated from the small town and into the night.
Here goes part 3!
“Wait, my help?” asked Lily, a little surprised. “I think I know what you’re gonna ask.”
“Let’s get revenge!” Skye said. “Let’s tickle her!”
“Oh, I don't know,” replied Lily, hesitant.
“You have no idea how ticklish she is!”
“Trust me, I do,” said Lily.
“Come on!” exclaimed Skye, begging. “It’ll be so fun! Please tell me you’ll at least think about it!”
“Ok, ok…” Lily started to respond.
Skye lit up with excitement.
“I’ll think about it!” Lily said laughing, and holding up her finger, trying to manage the overly excited Skye’s expectations.
“So, what do you think?” asked Ashlyn, with a teasing tone holding up her phone.
“Jeez. Really?” said Lily, looking surprised.
“Yup,” said Ashlyn, smiling.
“I have never really had that kind of attention before.”
“I told you they were sexy.”
“So you posted those pictures of me three days ago?” asked Lily, still surprised.
“Yeah, more like 2 and a half.”
“How did they get so many likes and followers?”
“I told you. They are beautiful. Seriously beautiful.” said Ashlyn, smiling. “Do you like the attention?”
“Actually, yeah, I kinda do. I’ve never really had people compliment me like that. Look at these comments. They really like my feet.”
“I’m telling you, you could stop traffic with those feet.”
“What does one do with this sort of information, though? I mean, you don’t typically flaunt your feet for attention, right?”
“Why not?”
“Oh, I, uh… I guess it just never occured to me.”
“I’ll tell you what. Let’s go to a public place and flaunt our goods. It’s kinda fun.”
“Really? Like where? Will we get in trouble? WIll people be mad?”
“Nope, people like it.” said Ashlyn confidently. “Sooo, let’s do it at the library!”
“Ok, fine, you’ve talked me into it,” said Lily with a cute smile.
“You little jerk. You were looking at me, weren’t you? Yeah, I saw you.” Jordan aggressively cornered Zach.
“Please not again! Please! AHAHAAA!!!!”
Jordan tickled Zach’s ribs and stomach as he tried to get away, his back hitting the wall.
“AHAHAHAHhahanoononahahahaHAHAHAH!! PLEASE!!”
Skye was down the hall, and heard laughter. As she turned the corner, Jordan had Zach stomach down on the floor. She was sitting on the large muscular man’s butt and thighs, as she leaned over and mercilessly tickled his stomach and ribs with her claws.
He screamed with laughter, unable to speak. “AHAHHAHAAAAA!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa!!!!”
Jordan and Skye’s eyes met.
“Shit!” Immediately Jordan hopped off the much bigger man, grabbed her bag, and left down a hallway.
Zach tried to gather himself as quickly as he could, but he knew Skye saw it.
“It’s cool. She used to do that to me, too. No shame, bud.”
“Thanks. Please don’t tell anyone.”
“No problem. I hear you. I actually think I can help...”
Lily and Ashlyn sat on a large couch in the campus library.
“Ok, just take a big breath, and take your shoes off, like me.”
Ashlyn untied her Keds and pulled them right off, one of her socks quickly following.
“I… I think I’ll need a bit more time than that,” saiddi Lily, sheepishly.
“Ok, let’s just pretend to read our books, and casually look around and see people’s reactions,” whispered Ashlyn, putting her feet up on a footstool.
It wasn’t long before a young man was peeking over his book, trying to sneakily stare at the beautiful redhead’s foot. Ashlyn motioned her head, signaling to Lily. They smiled at each other as they watched the man’s expression.
“Check this out,” whispered Ashlyn.
She carefully used the toes of her bare foot to teasingly remove her remaining sock. She played with it with her toes. The man’s eyes went big. He couldn’t take his eyes off of them.
“See, it’s easy.”
“Yeah... Ok, I’ll try.”
Lily slowly loosened her boots, and pulled them off. She looked over at Ashlyn, who smiled encouragingly.
Lily took a deep breath, and slid off one sock and put her feet hesitantly up on the stool in front of them.
“How does it feel?” whispered Ashlyn.
“Kind of freeing, kind of fun.”
“Look,” whispered Ashlyn, motioning with her head.
Lily looked and saw 5 different people from different parts of the library staring intently at her beautiful foot. Almost in unison, they mini panicked and tried to look like they were busy.
“Hehehe,” Lily giggled, pulling her bare foot away, tucking it under her bottom.
“Told ya,” Ashlyn whispered back, smiling broadly.
Lily snuck her foot back up on the stool, and mimicked her friend’s earlier tease, pulling the remaining sock off with the toes of her bare foot.
Members of her mesmerized audience, slowly tried to reposition themselves to see better without being caught.
“I can’t believe how fun this is, Lily whispered, smiling.”
Suddenly, a young woman started walking toward them, passing about 10 feet from them.
“Heh eheheheeee!!” Lily began to giggle, and pulled her feet under her bottom.
Ashlyn smiled and whispered, “Is anyone as ticklish as you?”
“Probably not,” admitted Lily, smiling.
She slowly put her feet back up, enjoying how captivated her little audience still was.
This time a young man walked up, getting very close to her feet as he passed through the couch area.
“HAhHAHAHHAAAEEEEHhehEhhe!!!!!” Lily pulled her feet back as rapidly as she could, instinctively hiding them as deep within the folds of the couch as humanly possible, all while covering her mouth, trying to stifle her uncontrollable giggling.
Ashlyn laughed out loud.
A librarian approached the two women. Lily continued to fight back giggles as she attemped to unsuccessfully hide her feet deeper into the folds of the couch.
“You two make the cutest couple,” she smiled.
“Well, we’re, um…” Ashlyn fumbled, looking at Lily.
The two beauties responded in unison, “Thank you.”
They looked at each other and giggled.
“Well that was fun,” Ashlyn smiled.
“Yeah. I kinda wanna do it again,” replied Lily.
“Really? I’m so excited you’re into it!”
“But…” said Lily, smiling and blushing.
“Uh huh…” said Ashlyn, smiling back.
“There’s the business of… of… nibbles?” said Lily, blushing and hiding her face.
Ashlyn’s eyes got big, and she clapped with glee. “You have seriously NO IDEA how excited I am right now!”
The two women held hands and began to walk together, smiling and giggling.
They overheard wild laughter.
“What is that?” Lily asked, looking concerned.
They turned a corner to see Jordan sitting on top of a smaller student, her face red with wild laughter. Jordan had pulled off the poor girl’s shoes and was tickling her nylon feet with a hairbrush!
The ticklish victim noticed Lily and Ashlyn’s presence before Jordan did. She began motioning wildly to them while trying to communicate through her desperate laughter.
“HAHahahah PLAHAhAAH!! HELAAAAhahahaah…. STAHAhAHaaa!!!” The poor girl took a big breath. “AAHAHAha PLEASE HELP AAAAAAHAHAHAHAAA!”
Jordan’s head whipped around to see who the girl was talking to, when she saw Lily and Ashlyn. Her eyes went big, a guilty look on her face. She dropped the brush and sprinted off, almost stumbling twice as she tried to flee as quickly as possible.
“Thank… you….” the woman panted, struggling to catch her breath.
“Are you alright?” the two women asked, almost in unison as they rushed in to help.
“Yeah. She is so mean. She was… was tickling me. How did she know I was so ticklish? I… couldn’t get away.”
Ashlyn massaged the girl’s nylon feet and handed her her shoes back to her. “Yeah, we have had run ins with that girl before. She likes to bully. And somehow she has a really good tickle radar. You’re not the only one she’s gotten.”
“Did she run off? Why was she so scared? Did you have a weapon or something?”
“Not exactly. Don’t worry about it. I’m Lily. This is Ashlyn.”
“I’m Su Lin.”
“Let’s get you back to your dorm. Can we walk with you?”
“I’m just so angry!” said Lily, visibly frustrated. “I can’t believe she’s still at it!”
“Me neither.”
“I guess seeing her do the hairbrush thing to that poor Su Lin just… just… UGH!” Lily yelled. “You know what, I wasn’t going to do it, because I hate being mean, but… I think I’ll take Skye up on her offer.”
“What do you mean?” asked Ashlyn.
“Jordan has been busy. I guess she got a guy that Skye knows really bad. He was pretty exhausted when Jordan was done. And she wasn’t even really done. Skye stopped her. And that is after Skye tickled Jordan back. I figured it would stop then, but...”
“Hold up, what?” Ashlyn interrupted. “Jordan’s not ticklish. No one can tickle her, they have tried. I have tried… And, wait, why did she run from us?”
“Oh, right. I guess I thought I had already told you…” said Lily, sheepishly.
“Told me what?” said Ashlyn, smiling with anticipation.
“That spell my Aunt did…” Lily started.
“I knew it!” said Ashlyn, jumping and clapping. “Jordan is TICKLISH!”
“Like, how ticklish?” Ashlyn pressed.
“My Aunt said she made it pretty bad,” Lily replied.
“It was supposed to be a deterrent! So she’d feel empathy and stop! But she’s still at it!” Lily said, frustrated.
“So what was Skye’s suggestion? Is it to tickle her? Is it to get her?I wanna get her!! Lily let’s do it! LETS GET HER!!”
“Ha ha ha! Ok calm down! Yes! You’re right, that was Skye’s proposal.”
“Ok, yes. Yes! Let’s do it!” said Lily, smiling
Ashlyn jumped and clapped. “So we need to put together some friends!”
“Actually, Skye has that covered.”
“Ooo, ok!”
“And it includes Jill. Remember Jill?”
“Oh yeah, she’s super tough. This is gonna be awesome.”
Skye had a huge smile on her face. She walked along the forest pathway, barely able to contain herself.
“Jooooorrrrdaaaaaan! Come out, come out, wherever you are!”
Jordan sprinted out from her hiding place in a bush and took off down the path.
“You are just gonna tire yourself out more!” called Jordan.
Jill took off after Jordan easily catching up with her.
The group of girls heard a scuffle, and within a minute, the powerful Jill walked back to them, smiling, Jordan in her arms.
“Told ya so!” said Skye, barely able to contain herself. “Hey Jill, can you just hold her in place, just like that?”
“Easy peasy,” smiled Jill.
Joill held Jordan in her arms like she was carrying a child, not a slightly muscular 5’8’’ beautiful bully of a woman. Jill clamped her arms down. Jordan was going nowhere.
“Shit!” said Jordan. Looking scared.
Skye pulled Jordan’s shirt up, revealing her taut stomach.
“Now Jordan. You are about to be punished. Punished for all the bullying, the name calling, hurtful actions! And for the tickling!”
“Screw you!” said Jordan, with a scowl. “You will always be a little punk. Just like the day we met.”
“We’ll see,” said Skye, positioning her hands above Jordan’s bare stomach. “Ready???” she asked in a sing-song voice. “It’s gonna tickle. It’s gonna be bad. Can you handle it?”
Skye placed her fingernails against Jordan’s bare stomach. Jordan’s muscles tightened, the way someone who is frightfully ticklish does. Jordan held her breath, fighting the reaction.
“Five… four… Thr”
Skye jumped the gun and began to tickle her stomach, with immediate ticklish results.
“AHAHahaHAHAHhAHAHA!!!!” Jordan laughed as she fought with all her strength.
“Ok, everybody, come on! Let’s take turns getting her! You can tickle her tummy and her ribs a little like this!” said Skye, waving the others over.
Most of them took a turn tickling, glee in their eyes as they watched the bully scream with laughter at the touch of their fingers. Ashlyn had a particularly good time making Jordan laugh, stopping to jump and clap when she got a good reaction from a new spot.
“Hey, so I wanna try the ribs,” said a woman. “My ribs are my tickle spot, and Jordan really got me bad there.”
“And her underarms for me, please,” another chimed in.
“Easy peasy, ladies,” replied Jill, grinning. “I’m not tired at all! Give me a quick sec to adjust.”
Jill lowered Jordan to the ground, easily keeping her pinned. In no time she had Jordan’s frame pulled taught in a wrestling hold, holding her hands above her head.
“You bitches! Don’t you dare!” yelled Jordan.
“Huh?” Skye feigned surprise. “Dare I?” She placed her claws on Jordan’s ribs. Immediately she began to squirm and laugh through her gritted teeth.”
“Don’t laugh yet, I haven’t even started to tickle you! You poor thing, ‘you’re so sensitive!’ ” said Skye, hurling back an insult Jordan has used to taunt Skye as a kid.
“AHAHAHhahH SHIT! AHAHAHA!!!!” Jordan’s torso began to writhe as she started to laugh.
Jordan’s laughter began to get wilder and go silent, as one by one, the crowd began to join in tickling her stomach and ribs.
The women spent a good five minutes tickling Jordan’s ribs, armpits and stomach, driving her into hysterics, with short breaks to laugh and high five each other.
“I think Jill deserves a turn,” said Ashlyn, looking around to get approval of the group.
They all nodded in approval.
“Ok, then,” smiled Jill. With ease, she slid into position on top of Jordan, holding her hands above her head with one hand. Now if some of you could hold Jordan’s hands up her above her head for me.
Several women came to help. Jill was now laying on top of Jordan, chest to chest, face to face and smiling.
“You know, you never bullied me. Or tickled me. And you were always too scared of me to bully me or my brother. Because you knew I’d crush you. But you did tickle him. You got him really bad. Do you remember that? He was a freshman in college. We are his family and we don’t even tickle my brother. He’s too sensitive. He can’t handle it. But you did. He wouldn’t go to school for a week. We had to pretend he was sick so his professors would give him slack. I gave you a black eye, but it never felt like enough. But now…”
Jill pressed her powerful chest down pinning Jordan more fully. She made her well manicured nails into claws and began to tickle Jordan’s ribs.
Jordan freaked out! She screamed and wailed with laughter! Something about the much bigger, much more powerful, intimidating woman completely controlling her made the tickling so much worse.
Jordan pulled her arms downward with so much force, it took five women holding onto her wrists and onto each other to keep Jordan’s arms above her head. Granted, if the women weren’t laughing their heads off as they enjoyed watching Jordan’s ticklish freakout it may have only taken three or four of them.
Jordan was covered in sweat, panting, trying to catch her breath.
“That was for my brother,” Jill said, finally stopping her ticklish rib assault.
“I only tickled your brother for 20 minutes,” Jordan panted, still fighting to catch her breath.
“That was only 5 or 6 mintues, you delicate flower,” replied Jill, smiling. “How long did it feel?”
“Fuck you…” Jordan replied, still breathing hard.
“Ok, ok,” said Ashlyn. “I think that my girl Lily needs her revenge. Jordan got her really bad too, right? Where do you wanna tickle her, Lily?”
“I want us to get her feet!” said Lily, smiling.
“Ooo, yeah, feet!” “Oh that will be awesome!” said the group.
“But,” continued Lily, “I will get her at the end. I want Ashlyn to get her feet first. I wanna watch her face.”
“Don’t mind if I do!” said Ashlyn skipping over to Jordan. Jill had already obliged, repositioning Jordan easily. Her feet and legs were sticking up and accessible.
“Off with these boots!” cried Ashlyn happily as she untied and pulled off the leather boots. “I feel like your feet are overdressed. Why are you wearing socks at a time like this? Tsk tsk tsk,” she shook her head, feigning disappointment.
She yanked off Jordan's socks, revealing soft sexy feet.
“You know, I never looked very closely before, because of your terrible personality, but you actually have very beautiful feet, Jordan.” said Ashlyn. “Such a waste. I guess I’ll need to teach them a lesson.”
Ashlyn began to tickle Jordan’s feet gently with her manicured fingernails.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!” Jordan began to laugh wildly, and pull hard.
“Wow! I’m barely trying! How about your toes? Are they willing to say ‘hi’? Come on, open up little toes!”
“AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!! STTTOOOAJAHAHHAHAAA!!” Jordan began to laugh harder than she had yet!
“Silly little feet! I’m gonna have to teach you a lesson. Beautiful feet stuck to a terrible person? Who has ever heard of that?”
Jordan continued to wail with laughter, while the other women giggled, watching the display with excitement.
Lily walked up, leaned in close, and whispered to Ashlyn. “Do the thing that made me laugh really hard.”
Ashlyn made an excited face and nodded.
“I guess even though they are attached to a jerk, they still do look and smell delicious. I.. I.. I just don’t think I can help myself…”
“No!” Jordan pleaded, looking scared. “No, please! Please not that!!!”
Skye yelled, “Look she’s finally begging! She hasn’t begged once yet!”
“What do you think, ladies? Should I do it?” asked Ashlyn, smiling.
“Do it! Do it! DO it!” they chanted, while Jordan begged her not to.
Ashlyn went headfirst into Jordan’s wiggling feet, sticking her mouth over them. She licked and bit and nibbled.
“WWWWAAAAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHaaaa!!! WWWAHHAhaAhhahahah!!!” Jordan totally flipped out, screaming laughter and flailing so hard all you could see of her head was a mess of flailing hair whipping around as her wild laughter went silent.
When Ashlyn stopped to breathe, Jordan went back to panicked begging, all for it to start again.
“Ok, break time I think. Then it’s Lily’s turn.”
“A full five minute break, are you sure?” said Skye.
“Yep, cause this is gonna be really tickly,” smiled Lily. “Ok, does anyone happen to be wearing nylon stockings?”
Skye’s hand shot up, and her eyes lit up! Reading Lily’s mind, she sat on the ground and began to untie her shoes.
“Ok, Skye, can we borrow… Oh! Oh you are just… You know what I’m thinking, don’t you?” Lily giggled.
“Yep,” she said, pulling off her nylon socks and putting her shoes back on.
Both Ashlyn and Lily noticed how beautiful Skye’s pedicured feet were, and gave each other a look.
Skye pulled the nylons over Jordan’s feet, smiling evilly.
“Ok, ladies, have at it!” Lily announced.
Jordan wailed and screamed with laughter as the group of girls attacked her feet with wild abandon. Her head thrashed as Jill held her fast.
Sky shouted, “Hey guys! She laughs even harder when we get under her toes!!”
Some of the girls pulled back Jordan’s longish toes, revealing their sensitive undersides.
Her eyes went big as her laughter went up several notches!
“And now,” said the little witch, “for my revenge!” Lily pulled a hair brush from her bag, and sauntered over to the panicked and panting Jordan. You did this to me for 15 minutes! I don’t know how long you did it to poor Su Lin. She was a mess! I was a mess.”
Jordan didn’t speak. But her face spoke volumes. She was frozen, completely terrified.
Lily leaned in close and whispered in Jordan’s ear. “Never, ever tickle a witch.”
She positioned herself and began to glide the hairbrush over Jordan’s feet.
[size=+2]“AAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!! AHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”[/size]
Jordan’s reaction was so powerful and immediate, it made the women jump back.
[size=+2]“AAAAHAHAHaHHhhahhah!!!! HHAHAHAHA!!!!!”[/size]
“Let’s pull her toes back!” shouted Skye. The excited women obliged.
In this new position, toes vulnerable, Jordan FREAKED OUT!
[size=+3]“AAAAHAHAHaHHhhahhah!!!! HHAHAHAHA!!!!!”[/size]
She managed to get her arms free, but all they could do was flail!
She screamed and laughed and writhed with laughter, slamming her body and hips into the ground in an attempt to free her feet from the hairbrush’s might.
[size=+3]“AAAAHAHAHaHHhhahhah!!!! HHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!”[/size]
“You got five minutes of it, Jordan. Five minutes of that brush only!”
Jordan lay panting, unable to move.
Lily got in Jordan’s face. "If we catch you bullying again, we will find you. We’ll find you and make this little tickling seem like nothing! We’ll keep going until we are tired of hearing you laugh!”
The women walked away, leaving Jordan to catch her breath and regain her strength. They laughed and high fived, all feeling happy that their revenge plan went so smoothly.
“He he he he!!” Lily giggled, curling up again. “I want you to, but I can’t not pull them away! Let’s just do it!”
In Ashlyn’s bedroom, the women giggled and played with each other.
“Fine. But we’ll do it with your arms free. I know you will appreciate it for the first time,” said Ashyln.
“Good. Mummy me up!” replied Lily, smiling.
The two women laid out as many blankets as they could find on the bed. Lily laid at one end, arms up, as Ashyln rolled her up.
“You’re like a sexy burrito,” said Ashlyn, laughing.
“Ok, oh boy! I’m ready! I’m ready! Just do it! The anticipation is horrible!” Lily giggled uncontrollably as Ashlyn slowly made her way to Lily’s bare feet.
“AHahAHAHHAHA!!!” Lily burst into laughter as she felt Ashlyn’s breath on her toes.
Ashlyn reached her soft lips out and began to play with the little witches sensitive digits carefully. Her lips movements were careful and sensual, as she made sure to thoroughly explore each toe.
“Ahahah he he ha ha!!” Lily sweetly laughed herself breathless. This time, however, it was clearly the sweet, excited laughter of a little witch having fun.
Ashlyn’s head popped up over the blankets obscuring Lily’s view of her own feet. She was grinning. “Brace yourself!”
Her head popped back down. “Wahait! What are you gonna do ahahahah!!”
Ashlyn began licking and kissing Lily’s perfect feet and toes.
She popped back up. “Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty of breaks. But I’m still hungry!” she popped back down.
“AAAHAHaha!!! AHAhhahhahaaaa!”
The two beauties enjoyed their victory, and each other throughout the evening and into the bright night. The sound of a witch cackling under a full moon echoing radiated from the small town and into the night.
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