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New World War 2 (f/f) tickle torture adventure


TMF Novice
Nov 30, 2001
The torture of a courageous Resistance Heroine

It's the year 1942. Haarlem, The Netherlands. The city is under occupation of German troops since two years. Times have been rough and cruel. People live under constant terror and their lifes are not well assured. But among all people there are little groups of courageous people resisting to the German occupation.

They do everything they can think about to make it a hard life for the Nazis occupying their homecountry. This goes from destroying bridges, killing German soldiers, hiding crash-landed allied pilots, etc. Among those resistance groups there was a young Dutch woman, in her early twenties. Her name was Maaike Hoogendorp. She was a real beauty , sealed with wonderfull looks. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes and a nice slender figure. She was recognized by her collegues as a courageous person, doing the hardest tasks with tons of motivation and deep hate towards the Germans. She could handle any type of gun and was responsible for the death of 4 German soldiers.

Now it was a dark night, in the november month of 1942. Maaike Hoogendorp was sent out by her command to have the lead of a small group to destroy an important bridge. So the supply for German troups, brought by a train would be blocked. She and ehr compaignons were busy bringing on the explosives under the bridge. All of a sudden a German night patrol came across them. Totally unexpected the Dutch where overwhelmed and caught by surprise. In the battle that followed all of her members were killed coldly. Almost by wonder her life was spared however. She was brought to the Kommandatur for interrogation.

The commander was surprisingly a woman. Her name was Gretel Wendlinger. A huge and cruel lady. Know for the torture of captives to break their will. It was her "task" to interrogate the Dutch resistance heroine.

Maaike now stood in front of the German lady. She knew she would now face a hard time but was not afraid. She learned how to get on with unhuman torture and pain. She would NOT give in to that German swine.

She was quickly lead to the interrogation room. Unsoftly she was attached to a wooden table. Her clothes were taken off , with only her underwear left on. Also her booths and socks were taken off. The cold air made her vulnerable body shiver and all sorts of thoughts were playin in her mind. What would be awaiting her? Would she be able to stand all the torture.

Oberleutnant Wendlinger asked a silly question to her: are you by any chance ticklish, my dear. However it sounded as such a silly question the heart of the Dutch heroine stood still for moment. Ticklish? Ohh god she was terribly ticklish, how much times wasn't she tickled as a child by her older brother. Her mind shocked by the unexpected question.

Then the session started with Ob.Lt. Wendlinger softly scratching the hollows her her underarms. For few seconds she managed to bit her lips but soon enough giggling came out of her throuth. Hheeheeeeeheheheheee...d...don't hahahahahah... that hahahaahaha... that tickles!!!! Sure it does , my dear, and that's exactly what we plan to do with you this whole night. The cruel German continued to scratch her nails into her captives armpits, sending her into fits of giggling and helpless struggling. Haahahaahhoohohohahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahah.....noohoohhohhoooo...don't hahahahhahahaha....I can't hahaahahahahahah..;stand to be hehehehahahahaahhaah....tickleeeeedd!!!! No aware, with eyes filled of hate the German woman kept tickling, now tracing tiny circles into the smooth hollow. hahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahhaahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahahah...nooohhoohohahahaahah...pleeheheheheheeeeeessseee....stoooohhohohohoohoooooooooppp!!! Maaike Hoogendorp was now into hysterics and felt her resistance to the laughter was broken yet.

Officer Wendlinger stopped for a short moment and bend over to the face of the poor captive and said: " We know who you are, you are a member of the local resistance and you will be punished for your acts... I want you to give names and location of your collegues and I want it NOW!!!" Courageous Maaike decided not to give in and spitted the German into the face. Out of mind from angryness the female commander switched her fingers to the ribcage of her captive , sending the poor woman into utterly hysterics again. Whahahahahahehehehehahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah.....hhhohohohohaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahah....;don't hahahahahaahahahahah....I hheheehehahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha...can't hahahahaahhaahahhaahahah..... take iiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt!!!!! A high pitched scream filled the room, the sound of struggling and bouncing on the table was clearly to be heard. But without any mercy the tickling continued. Now Officer Wendlinger kneaded the spots between each of Maaikes ribs, sending her into madly trashing. Hahahahahahahahahahaehehehahhahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha;..noohhohohohoohohhahaahahahahah...staahhahahahahhaahhahahahaahahhaaahaaaaapppp!!!!!

Again Gretel Wendlinger stopped for a moment, giving her captive chance to speak. SPEAK UP!!! But instead of a confession the German got a flume in her face again. She raised her hand to hit her prisoner into the face, but found her calmth soon again. Deciding to tickle her captive into unconsciousness instead. With that she moved her long nails into the sides of her prisoner. Once again shriels of hysteric filled the room. HHaahahahaaahehehehehehahahahahahahahahhaahaaahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha...aahhhhwwww....ooohhoohohohhohoohohohahhaahhaahahahah....pleeheheheheheheheeeaaaasseee...;ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah;..noohohoahohaoahhahaahhahahahahahaa....staahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhaaaappp!!! But the tickling didn't stop at all.... it went on and on. Maaike Hoogendorp felt the constant tickling pressure, but now it was concentrated onto her vulnerable and helpless tummy. She felt the tickling as if it were electric shocks and she struggled as far as she could in her bounds, screaming with laughter. HHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA....NOT MY HHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAA...TUMMMYYYEEEEEEE....NOT THAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAATTT....AAIIIEEHEHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA.....PLEEHEHEHEHEEEEEESSSE....I HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH....DONT KNOOOHHOHOHOOOOWWW ANYTHIIIIINNNGGGG....I HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....SWEEEEEEAAAAARRRR!!!!!!!

Poor Maaike was really into hysterics yet, but the sarcastic German commander only grinned into reaction. She bend forward and started to lick into her captives bellybutton, and meanwhile letting her fingers pinch into Maaikes hips. She bucked like a madwoman, screaming at the tops of her lungs. WHHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHHAAHAHHAAHA....OOHHHWW...GAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAADDD.....AAHHH...STAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAPPP.....I HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA....AM HHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH....DYIIIINNGGGG......NOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Finally Oberleutnant Wendlinger decided it was time for a little rest. Half out of breath Maaike Hoogendorp thought about what she might do: giving in to the request or sacrificing herself to this unhuman tickle-torture for her country. Just as she started to made up her mind the tickling continued. But now.... onto her very worst ticklespots, which were her bare feet. She felt all ten fingernails from the German woman onto her naked soles. Cringlin all over the place, sending her into massive waves of helpless laughter. WHHHAHHAAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAA....NOOHHOOHOHOHHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH....ANYWEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEERREE..BUT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THE FEEHEHHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEEETT....NOT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA....MY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA...FEEEHEHEHEHEEEETTT.....EEEEYYYEEAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!

The poor Dutch girl was about to get unconsciousness, she felt that she got more and more out of breath... the place around her was growing with dark black spots.... then nothing. Fraulein Wendlinger " , the German guard said to his commander, "the girl is at her limits I'm afraid".... perhaps she isn't who we are looking for. Gretel Wendlinger thought for a second. Perhaps her guard was right and had she indeed, the wrong person. But she only grinned and thought to herself: pfffff, if I only get this girl, whomever she is into hysterics, the Dutch will know they musn't challenge the German authority. She then ordered the soldier to step outside. She wanted her prisoner alone.

After about 15 minutes Maaike felt ice-cold water splashing over her face, which rudely brought her "back into reality". So, mrs. Hoogendorp , are u about to tell what I want? Or do u think you can keep playing with me??!! Maaike was exhausted, she felt so weak... but she decided not to give in. Not to that German bitchy woman. She looked at her ennemy and whispered weakly: never.

With that answer the German officer went into real madness. She runned out of the room, and went back into it in company of two other female soldiers. She commanded them each to stand somewhere along Maaike's body. The first girl stood at level of her armpits and ribcage, while the other one took place at her sides and hips. Officer Wendlinger finally kept place at Maaike's bare feet. On her command now 30 fingers tickled all over the body of the poor Dutch girl. She went ballistic and screamed hysterically not even able to utter her pleads. Only massive waves of hysterical laughter and screaming filled the interrogation room: HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEHEHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAAHHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA........NOOHOHOHOHHOHOAOHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA....STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAAAAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maaikes body bounced and trashed madly into the bounds, her head shaked crazylike from side to side, tears were running over her redturned cheeks. She felt her end was near, a suffocating feeling started to overwhelm her. But the tickle-torture just went on and on. HHAAAHAAHAHAHEHEHEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAA....AAAHHHAA....AAAA...AAAGGHHHH.........HAHA...HAA.HHHHH.....ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........

Again the poor captive was unconsciousness. Officer Wendlinger decided she had enough for today and orderd her soldiers to release the prisoner and lock her up into a cold cell. Days, months and even years of torture would be Maaike Hoogendorps fate. Untill her release in february 1945 , by Canadian troops , tickle - torture was the only thing she know off. But in her memories later , memories who still overwhelm her with proudness untill the present day... she can say one thing: she did NOT give in to the inhuman tickle torture, and she never ever betrayed her former comrades. She was a real heroine for the Netherlands.

Eventually, on may 1945, Oberleutnant (1st Lt.) Gretel Wendlinger was sentenced to death on the Nürnberg trials. Her fate was instant execution by receiving a sprain of deadly bullets. Finally she got punished for years of torture to her poor captives.

So, that's my new WW 2 related story. I've written some in the past yet. But I hope you like this new story.

Many greetings,
Your WWII Story

I absolutely loved it. The battle of trying not to tell a secret while being tickled insane is always a great story line, and very exciting to read. Keep them coming...
Bravo! What a great story to read over breakfast. Thank you, Elena. Keep on writing! Mwah!
Hi Elena, really loved your story. Don't yet know which I enjoyed more this story or........ 😉

x Kristine
Ecellent story, Elena.
As a Worl War 2 History buff, that may have actually
Who knows?
The Gestapo used all kinds of tortures.
Remark about my own story.

Actually I want to dedicate this story to all people who achieved magnificent acts of bravery into that terrible conflict. My sympathy (as a WW2 history fan) goes out to all nations who did courageous work into that time. Both Allies and Axis forces. My grandparents from both sides have known the war in reality. So I guess I know what I'm writing about , at least in untill a certain level.

I hope you liked the story, and I might think about some others in the future.


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Dear Elena,

I figured as much since your location was Germany.
I bet it is unusual having grandparents from both sides of the situation. Must be very interesting to talk to them.
If you can get them to talk about it.
I have a friend whose father was in the Battle of the Bulge, and he,
to this day won't discuss any of it.
Again, excellent story.
Great story, Elena. Loved the detailed description of the tickling. 😀
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