Lake Superior
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Alfonse struggled in vain to get free of this blasted high chair he'd been put in or at least to get his bare feet back but just like his struggles last time and the time before that he knew they were in vain. His food was laid about before and once again he didn't want to eat the slop that the Muspellian's had ladled out for him even though he knew what that would mean. He heard the door clank and curled his toes that stuck from the bottom of the high chair in anticipation of his punishment. "Awww is Alfy not hungry?" A feather licked his heel and twirled as it was brought up into the prince's toes while Laegjarn picked up the spoon from his food and chided him for not eating. "Come now my honored guest father is concerned about you! You must eat to keep yourself strong! Father wants the tactically minded warrior prince of Askr as a pet not a weak from hunger child." When the feather sawed between his toes he barked out laughter and then gagged as Laegjarn shoved the spoon in. The slop was truly wretched but the worst part is she was right. Surtr purposely wasn't sending him off to the baths like the others and was instead toying with him day in and day out. The worst was when Surtr would have Loki send messages to Askr of just him being humiliated. The mad king allowed him to speak to his sister at least and try to reassure her but insisted he walk and talk in his special sandals. As such Alfonse did his best to assuage his sister's worries through his laughter. "Shareeeheena everything will beheee all riihiGAHAHAHAt! The Heroes are loohoooking to you to leeheeheed now! I wihhiilll escape!"
At the last line, Surtr had snapped his fingers and Loki had cast Gravity slamming the prince to the ground and watched as the King had taken a seat upon the prince's lower back. While Shareena watched he'd slipped off his sandals and began a "Sole Reading" just for her. "Haha, the worm's future isn't nearly as bright as I makes it sounds! See this line right here? Skitchy-kitchy!" "GAHAHA!" "This line tells me that these feet are happy right here with me. Look see these cute wrinkles? If you pinch them juuuuust right..." "NOOOHOOO GEHEHET OFF!" "Look! My worm's feet are smiling. This tender heel also tells us that this particular slave isn't trying very hard to run away! Do you know why that might be Princess? "LIAHAAR!" "See the way this little toe bends? And the line here in stem?" "BAAHAHAHSTARD!" "It's because he loves it here!" Shareena had to look away which annoyed the monarch. He stood up now holding Alfonse in the air by his leg with one hand. "Your brother really wanted to speak with you, Princess. You should at least stay and listen. Otherwise, I might punish him for wasting my time. And I don't want to do that-" Surtr's tongue slid out and forced it's way down Alfonse's slick sole making the boy wail. "To such a sweet boy." "You evil, evil man! Let him go! Let Alfonse go and stop all of this! Why are you doing these things?!" "You want me to let Alfonse go? Very well come and take his place. My daughter Laevateinn has said she's wanted to tickle you ever since your Brother let slip about your big feet. So come and surrender yourself and I'll let him go." "Shareena dohohon't do iHIHT GAUHAHA!" Surtr's massive tongue forced itself into Alfonse's small toes and broke up the Prince's begging for his sister to see reason. "Well if you want to respect his wishes then how about different deal then my sunny little insect. For every hero, you send me for my collection your brother will get to rest until they break." "No! SHAREENA DON'T DOHOHO AHAHANYTHING HE SAHAHAYS! NOOHOO MOORE TOOHOES!! BAHAHAHA!" "One day of rest for this cute body for every hero you send me. He'll watch as their trained and even help me do it. Want him released? Then come and take his place. Until then enjoy the show your brother puts on it's quite entertaining." With that Surtr bent the big and little toes of Alfonse's toes back and blew a hot stream of breath down the taut sole making the bluenette prince howl and pound his fist on the ground.
Shareena had enough and walked away sobbing at her brother's fate while Surtr continued to amuse himself. "Oh? Has she left? Poor little thing now it'll be much worse for you." Surtr reached back and pulled Alfonse's other foot up into the party. "Now if we don't see a new friend for you by tomorrow shall we go over your day tomorrow? What better way then your new favorite game? This little piggy loved his new pj's from the market." Alfonse most certainly did not love his new pj's. Surtr had picked out a fluffily designed hooded onesie in an owl theme that had been stuffed with enough feathers to drive him wild when he moved, leading to him having to lie still at night or risk giggling loud enough to wake Surtr who would drag him over and pull down the bumflap to tickle his peaches until he collapsed from exhaustion. The next little piggy was not allowed to stay home and in fact, Alfonse was given quite the wake-up call which was his toes being surreptitiously bound in floss before he was rudely awakened by a statuesque footman carrying away to the pit for the days dancing while flossing the sleep from his eyes by scrubbing those toes with the fuzzy beads between them. Alfonse's roast beef was him being deposited bum first on the king's lap and kept in place by a "pillar of fire" that went straight up the cute cheeks and kept him stuck like a stand. Surtr pushed the boy back so that he hung from his impaled rectum upside down with a perfect view of Twinkle-toes recital as his body was worked to simulate grinding by well-placed tickles all over the control panel of his chest and adjusting the speed with the cute pink dials. Alfonse laughed of course as his body was taken from him and instead tried to focus on the dancing dragon prince and wishing him the best of luck in a victory here. Of course, the little piggy had none and a squirming writhing Corrin was dropped into the pit for Soleil's ministrations however this time he wasn't alone. Alfonse went wee, wee, wee all the way over to the pit where Surtr hung his dainty little pigs down for Soleil and Twinkle-Toes to devour. Corrin's forked tongue teasing the stems of his toes and Soleil's talented one seeming to glide over every inch of skin and find the inside of every crevice. He was a acutely aware of his sister watching in horror at his disgrace.
The next day she didn't watch and as Surtr promised it was so much worse. His day began with finding he'd been mummified in a rubbery wrap that was warming his body up with just the friction of his movements against it. His naked flesh rubbing against it and getting hotter. His cheek was cold against a warm surface that he now realized was a pair of tanned soles. His stirring prompted them to stroke his cheek with surprising dexterity. "Ohgoodyouraw-ahem. Sorry about that, good morning sleepy prince." "Who is that? Please! I know your probably a Hero! Let me free and we can escape together! Quickly before anyone returns!" "Ooh so optimistic! Rest assured whoever you think I was is long gone. Now I'm just a wiggly giggly worm like you are now. Trust me you have it gooood compared to some of us now hush up back there we're going to play a game. A finger stroking his little sole made Alfonse groan. "Pleeease! No more on the feet! I can't take it anymore!" "Oh? Good news then! I won't touch your feet then." the worm said as he produced a pouch that Alfonse couldn't see. Bracing himself the worm dipped his finger into the pouch and withdrew it quickly already wincing before rapid-fire poking spots at random all over Alfonse's feminine feet. Alfonse winced at first then giggled but his attention was suddenly dragged away by a pair of delicate hands on his shoulders. He looked to see the former Micaiah for but a second before she set her breasts upon Sothe's dusky feet and further mashed Alfonse's face into both. He "Mmmph'ed" and "Hrrgh'ed" but Micaiah and her worm both smirked as his struggles grew increasingly frantic as what had been applied to his feet started to devilishly itch. Tears leaked from his eyes as he shouted into the flesh that muffled his mouth, then screamed, then begged before simply melting into mewling for relief. Micaiah let him up and his begging overwrote his need to breathe for a moment. "pleasepleasepleasepleaseitchespleasepleasepleasescratchpleasepleasepleaselosingmindpleasepleaseplease" "Haha but I just made you a promise not to touch your feet remember? What would I be if I went back on a promise?" "toomuchtoomuctoomuchmercymercytoomuchtoomuchtoomuch" "Worm. Why do you pretend to have honor? Are you trying to impress nothing but a common sole reader with how you've made a prince cry?" Alfonse lost control of his body as his cock released in his struggles and added to the sweat already filling his prison. It happened again as the beast that used to be Micaiah teased her former protector into relenting. "Fine then just for you lady fortune teller I will be but my namesake. However, I will partially keep my word. My lady if you could assist me with finding the trouble spots?" "Why of course my gallant worm. Taking your orders seems almost natural." Alfonse went back into Sothe's feet as the sole reader went to read his fortune. He sobbed at the red hot itch on his soles as Micaiah poked wrong spots on his poor little pups where the worm would then ravenously nuzzle and bite then act surprised that he'd missed the itch. When Alfonse lost consciousness his face and feet were as red as the parts of him that had been baking in his wrappings.
A tuckered out Prince called that a day and was not taken to his and Surtr's room, however. When Alfonse awoke it was to tender touches and coos. He was in the arms of the female Robin and her blood Aversa. The two wore neglige's that were practically see-through and seemed to be involved in playfully wrestling. He moved to escape but found his wrists chained down to the bed. They noticed his waking state and both were on him, he braced for more of Muspel's feathery torture but instead, they set to massaging his aching muscles. Taking positions they tended to his tired shoulders and battered abdominals while praising him for holding out so long. "King Surtr's quite happy with the new arrangement and wanted to make sure you enjoyed your day of rest." Robin said while giving each abdominal a deep rub but doing so quite gently. "Why are you toying with me?! Just go I know you're going to tickle me!" "None of that today. You've earned a you day thanks to your sister. We can if you really want though, I must admit I was looking forward to my time with those cute little feet of yours." Aversa gave a long look at the desperately curling toes and giggled. "Day of-NO! SHAREENA DIDN'T! No...she wouldn't..not for me..." "Yet she did! We don't know what she told poor little Maria but Miss Laevateinn is tending to her right now. Quite the set of pipes on her you could hear her laughing down the hall." "Did he maybe want to hear it, Aversa? This is his day so whatever our master desires is what he shall get. Do think about his wants dear sister you are a maid now." "Ahh, I'm so sorry did you want us to go fetch Maria? You could watch her be tickled or tickle her yourself! Sorry, Robin! I didn't think-" "You'll think later when we write your mistakes down on your feet." "Ahhh yes, ma'am." "Let her go! Let Maria and I go then if you have to do what I say!" "S-sorry but within reason of course. We can't just let you g-MMMPH!" Aversa's mouth was suddenly jammed full with a small pale set of toes that pinned her to the bed. Robin crossed her arms and shook her head. "Tch, tch show some backbone my spineless siSTEHEEEHER! NO FAIR, NO FAIR, NO TONGUE!!" Aversa's devilish organ had snuck out and using her teeth to trap the toes forced upon her now took advantage of the pale foot in her face. Robin fell back as the taller of the greedily chased after her and hungrily dug into her breasts beneath her nightie making the tactician howl. "If I'm to receive punishment anyway dear sister then you may as well join me-OHOHOHO! NOOHOHOO NAHAT THE PITTIES!!" "Leheeft yourself ohohopen!!" The two collapsed into a tickly heap upon the Prince of Askr who tried to ignore them as four feet ended up shoved upon his face. Still, he wasn't being touched so eventually his eyes simply fluttered closed for a relaxing nap despite his circumstances, totally unaware he was being watched.
One hero was only one day though and the next one Alfonse back to his regular routine. His hands bound above his head with musical notes written across his chest and stomach in a way that had made him beg. Now the green-haired musician sat at his feet and played his new keyboard to make Alfonse sing beautiful music for L'Arachel to dance too. She twirled and spun to his shrill begs and dipped and gestured to begging gibberish about his toes. When the boy lapsed into coughing she tried to stop in place, teetered for a moment then promptly fell on her face. She popped up with a look of annoyance and tackled Lewyn onto his back forcing him into an eruption of belly laughter as she teased and poked his nipples. The poor musician could only thrash as she set to roaming all over his chest with cold questing hands. "I did warn you, my pretty little flute boy, that if you messed up I'd check if YOU were in tune. Now your acting surprised my golden-throated pet? The other dancer boy was the problem you said so we got rid of him. Then it was the other dancer girl so away with her as well. Now you have a new instrument and nobody to blame that'll save those pretty feet from me! Gimme, gimme, gimme my prince!" The green-haired mage's face was red as the dancing girl got her fingers between his long toes and made him start reciting her favorite song while she checked that Alfonse's bared soles were still ticklish using her own naked feet. Soon the teary Lewyn's hands joined her feet and in teasing Alfonse while she had free reign through his light and airy toes. Lewyn's fingers danced along Alfonse's soles and drew out beautiful music from the prince of Askr's whines, mewls, and deep moans while his own feet were none such a beauteous treatment. Having been denied these feet for so long the horrid new diva that wore L'Arachel's face was savaging them. Licking, biting and twiddling the toes. Sucking, nibbling and sloppily slurping upon the high arches. Scratching, pinching and biting hard at the heel. She forced her button nose between the fleeing digits and snorted as she greedily sucked down the air and pulled at the light green hairs atop her prince's feet as he howled and tried to focus on his music which was making Alfonse beg. Shareena couldn't watch all the way through and left as Lewyn and her brother were being strapped together tight at the lips for a duet. "Princess, please! A humble bard is beseeching you for MEEHEHERCY! NOT THE HEEELS! STAHAHAP!" "Bard? I told you what will happen every time my prince ignores his title. "GET AHAHAHAOLD OF YOURSELF! YOUR GEHEHETING US BOTH PUHUHNISHED!!" Harp string kept both men's limbs bound to each and didn't allow either to turn their heads meaning that careless laughter meant meeting tongues and lips quite often until Lewyn took the offensive and tickled the prince's ribs while crushing his lips to steal the breath right from his lungs until the bluenette went limp beneath him.
Shareena couldn't bring herself to sacrifice anyone so the next day Alfonse was entertaining Morgan. The sprightly little pest had challenged him to a tickle battle in his playhouse and Alfonse was quickly realizing how he'd been baited. Lured into the tiny house by Morgan he'd realized that this place was designed for someone his size and not Alfonse's, evidenced by how the little hallway he'd chased his prey down suddenly narrowed to the point of trapping his arms at his sides and allowing Morgan to jam his feet over his face. With nowhere to go, Alfonse, reluctantly tapped to let Morgan know he won again and brought their score to something around 49 to 0. The little sneak had cheated ever since luring the Prince into this tickle battle with Fonse not getting his hands on him once yet. Hidden passages had been used to let him come up behind Alfonse and tie him up to drag him away for interrogatory tickles on all his worst spots, while paralysis spells had allowed the mages to highlight them on his body so that he wouldn't forget them for his tickle attacks. Morgan had promised to make this worse at 50 and Alfonse had laughed at the idea of this going that long. Now Alfonse had simply been laughing that long and his head hurt from it. Seeing a pipe with a pair of little feet protruding he threw caution to the wind to lunge on them and was surprised when they came away in his hands and were revealed to be plastic. The real Morgan like a snake shot out and seized Alfonse by the wrists to drag him up to his waist into the pipe. Alfonse thrashed as he was disrobed in a manner similar to the peeling of banana before Morgan's little toes began wiggling all up and down his chest and pits, twiddling his puffy nips between them. His hairless pits were explored and his neck buzzed and stroked with the small soft soles.
He surrendered amidst wailing but Morgan didn't let him go. Calling to the door for his Mistress Laegjarn to join in on his side. The door opened but King Surtr stomped in dragging his daughter in by her ankle and tickling her 13's as he entered. Morgan yipped at the sight and tried to flee but the king was quick to grab the little troublemaker as well while pulling Alfonse free. All three were stuffed into Morgan's playhouse in a way that left three sets of beautiful bare feet protruding from the window for the King to amuse himself with. Laegjarn's big brown boats and Morgan's precocious little pups were teased but the stars of the show were Alfonse's soft 10's and how Surtr's massive dripping tongue could drag along all the toes of one foot at a time in seconds and how doing so made the Prince in the playhouse convulse and gave the pair inside free reign over his lightly muscled chest as they laughed themselves hoarse at their toes being forced open. The meaty balls of Laegjarn's feet were pinched, while the delicate arches of Morgan's were teased until the two were helpless atop Alfonse who responded by paying them back. Digging his fingers in behind their ears soon he had the two drooling into his chest, unfortunately, slicking it up to allow their nails easier access to glide into his ribs. It was impossible to say who came first but soon they all were doing it and in seconds the three were in a sticky pile. Surtr pulled Alfonse free and carried him off to his personal chambers as he deposited a wiggling bag atop the sticky Morgan and Laegjarn. The gremlins inside the sack looked at the buffet their king had left them and set to binding their sticky sweets up as Alfonse drifted off on his king's shoulder.
When he came too it was to a sight that shocked him. He was in a comfortable chair that seemed to imply that his sister had sacrificed another. He couldn't believe that she was doing this but the sight before him made him stop. Tied to the bed before him was the massive stretched frame of King Surtr. The giant had been stripped bare and pulled at his bonds at the sight of the stirring prince despite his humongous cock being at full mast. The Prince rose from his chair like a puppet on strings and couldn't resist his urges. He dove upon the spread-eagled ruler and immediately pressed his lips between his massive pectorals and buzzed. The King roared and threw his head from side to side at the attack while Alfonse chased his fingers into the orange furred pits and began to tease the fiend. "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?! THIS IS WHAT YOU KIDNAPPED SO MANY FOR! JUST FOR TICKLING?! WELL, HERE YOU GREAT FIERY BASTARD! KITCHY-KITCHY KOO MY GIGGLY TICKLE BITCH! YOUR ALL MINE!" "PAHAHATHETIC! THIHIS IS THE BEST YOU CAHAHAN DO? BAHAHAHA LEAHVE MY PITS BE INSEHEHECT!" "Your pits?! No, no you are mistaken. These are mine now. These fuzzy sheaths are where my fingers and toes will take refuge when they're cold and occasionally I'll lube them up with my aching cock Surtr since they are mine. Like every inch of you is. These strong tits?" Alfonse licked the caramel globes as the king yowled and cursed the light-footed prince and described what he'd do to him. "All mine, they're so soft I think I'll use them to massage my tired feet. In fact, that sounds nice right now." Alfonse lay back and jammed his aching pups into the tough pecs and was immediately overcome by how good the warmth from them felt coming up through his little feet. His eyes rolled back and it took everything he had not to simply drift away there but he remembered how long he'd wanted to tickle his king like this as a reversal of fates. He reached over and put both hands on the massive cock of his owner and still had room to press his lips to the fiery rod. He snorted deep of the smoky musk and fell in love with it. He wanted to taste it. Opening his mouth he licked up and wrapped his lips around its volcanic head. "Mmph phhmmine. All minepphm." He mumbled while master rumbled before erupting down the princeling's throat. Alfonse choked on the hot liquid and fell back with his head on the dusky abs of his god. He spit up what he could but still felt some of the hot lava burning its way down. He brought his feet up and began running his toes along the still standing pillar of flame while raking his short nails up the king's abs. The massive ruler shook and spurted again all over Alfonse who came in sympathy before going limp. His eyes closed to the feeling of tender touched along his brow as Xander and Leo drew the tired princeling between them. The pair of blondes looked to Hel who nodded at the great job they'd both done in getting milked by the Prince before snapping her fingers and dispelling her illusions and tricks upon his mind. Alfonse came too as the two both forced their weeping cocks into his mouth and began tickling his ears to force his fellation. Hel simply floated over and began tracing a skeletal finger beneath his ballsack to force the prince to shriek at the cold touch. When Alfonse erupted again he lapsed into sleep at the touches of Hel and her husband having enjoyed a good day of rest in exchange for Echidna's freedom thanks to Shareena.
She was front and center to watch through Loki's magics as Alfonse's next course began.
Henry and Laevateinn were eager as they spread the cream all across his body from his head to his toes the prince was coated in sweet foam while their statuesque helper held him still. When finished Alfonse braced himself for their attack but instead found himself carried away to the arena. He was tossed down rather unceremoniously to where he saw another whimpering prince also dripping in cream. Despite the pity, he felt for Prince Siegbert his mouth watered at the blonde hairs matted in frosting and before he knew it he had the boy pinned beneath him. A pang of his conscience slowed him and the next thing he knew there was a hungry mouth sucking deeply of his navel and a pink tongue slaking itself of the sugary coating of his tummy. He fell back and Siegbert had him in seconds. Bending and crossing the opposing Prince's ankles in a way that gave him a tasty cross to suck upon. His tongue snuck down between the salty soles and sucked the sweet right off them as Alfonse and Shareena cried for different reasons. Siegbert got cocky though and let his cute bum poke out and soon Alfonse had ahold of it and was pulling him back into his arms. Siegbert was quickly wrapped up in strong legs and his big ears devoured by a hungry tongue that soon dipped low to begin on his neck. Sieggy bit the calf that trapped him and kept those legs open to get his mouth in under the blue-furred treasure bag. Sucking and nibbling his fingers pinched and tickled the thighs while Alfy moaned and fell back to the sensations. He went too deep though and Alfonse closed around him like a claw then paid him back. The two traded the lead for what seemed like hours as the royals watched the silly prince's clean each other pink. It wasn't until Alfonse was on his knees with his bum in the air and Siegbert eating it out that a semblance of Alfonse's mind started to return to him and he was able to recognize the gladiator wheeling a cake into the arena. Alfons tried to get up and run as Lukas came to collect them but was tackled to the ground by Siegbert still consumed by the lust as he began on a cream deposit upon Alfonse's thigh. It was easy for Lukas to pick up both prince's and throw them over his shoulders. The ginger stud preened to the crowd as Alfonse hung limply in exhaustion and Siegbert tried to claw his way free. For his struggles Siegbert was the first one smashed into the cake. Frosting shot in every direction as the prince tried to wriggle free from the sugary mess, unexpectedly though another rose up from behind Siegbert and wrapped around him. Siegbert tried to shake the chocolate frosted Navarre off but was quickly subdued by the swordsman's superior strength and rammed deeper into the cake headfirst while Navarre set about mummifying him inside it. Lukas simply sat himself down and pulled Alfonse's wrists above his head as the crowd went wild. Lukas stuck a strong finger into Alfy's little muscled pit and scraped up the ticklish hollow while his victim howled. "NOHOHOOO PLEASE! LUKAS YOU CAN BREHEHEAK FRE-Gumph!?" Alfonse's pleas were silenced by a frosting covered finger being jammed into his mouth. Despite himself Alfonse sucked it clean and licked his lips at the taste, something about the frosting settled over Alfonse's mind and soon he was whining until he felt that finger again this time going between his ribs. His mouth was open and greedy as it went in and he sucked upon it like a baby bottle. Surtr and the royals roared in approval as Lukas set about cleaning Alfonse off one swipe at a time while Navarre began forcing strawberries between the upside-down Siegbert's toes. Alfonse whimpered as the last of the cream was scraped away and he was carried over to the wrecked cake as well. Headfirst he went in just like Siegbert and soon the two were snugly entombed in pastry together and Lukas also started to force berries between Alfonse's toes. He and Navarre began to run their cocks along the helpless feet as Alfonse again lost control of himself and slipped away into unconsciousness as he dripped his own seed onto his face.
Surtr laughed as Shareena reluctantly set up another Heroes betrayal. The sight of her brother spending his birthday upside down and in a cake dripping his own seed like a faucet had broken her and to try and lessen his future punishments she relayed orders to Mercedes on where to go. She hoped that whatever was happening to Alfonse was worth the poor girl and her own sanity.
Alfonse's day of relaxation this time was to be strapped down and watch as Princess Laevateinn was tickled mad by her "court" of tickle slaves. The diminutive swordswoman's feet as well as the pale peds of her favorite advisor Henry had both been confiscated by the bulky princess Sheena who's painted red nails danced along the pales soles and forced the two into hilarity. A similar scene played out with the two's palms who were the property of the normally chaste and refined Libra who like Sheena kept the four palms in a headlock as she danced her nails along the tender skin and knuckles while keeping the two stretched tight. Sitting atop the stretched troublemakers was the Dark Witch Tharja who's wicked red fingernails roamed along in their pits making the two buck beneath him and occasionally giggling at the white feathers dragging along his back as Leanne sat on the pairs hips and played her nails along their thighs and knees. Her extremely light frame allowing her to be supported by the two without much effort just as Tharja was without much strain. This hilarious human bridge was mere inches from the bound and gagged Alfonse who's bared feet were close enough to the scene to feel whenever a sweet spot on Henry or Laevateinn was discovered as they would jump and shake up the whole formation before their genitals were massaged back into submissiveness by the reclining female version of Robin beneath them in her barefoot maid's attire. He wasn't touched though so Shareena's deal had been honored though that meant little to the teary eyes of Mercedes, Echidna and Maria as their small feet protruded from their gift-wrapped hells and were victimized with candy canes by the happy elves Robin and Rhajat and their Christmas themed puppet master in the tree behind who's strings of tinsel made the two do as she commanded. Still, the three had a clear view of Alfonse's day of "relaxation" as well as an unknown glimpse of Princess Shareena preparing her surrender.
This probably would have made Alfonse quite sad so it was a good thing that King Surtr decided that a cheering up is what he needed the next day as he took his blue-haired little boy to see some funny clowns. Sat upon his lord's lap in a humiliatingly small pair of shorts and an equally humiliatingly long pair of cotton socks Alfonse thought of this horrid outfit he'd been forced into. Surtr had played on their size difference and dressed him to resemble a schoolchild and now held him on his lap like he was worried the young adult might hurt himself. Alfonse knew this was just to demean him and his only real danger was that he might blush himself to death before Surtr's clowns could tickle him insane. They came quickly though to prevent that. Lazlow and Inigo were quick to coo over the cute young lad King Surtr had brought to their show and how his soft little toes curled in his long socks as they played fingers down his knees. "By all of the most Sacred Stones, it seems we have a grumpy little lad here my Dawn Brigade! It's our job to be his Deliverance and find the smiling Dragon of Dawn inside him!" Alfonse's sweater was yanked up his waist from behind him and he jumped as a devious Alm kept it there. His attempts to roll it back down were stopped by Surtr who pulled his wrists above his head as if he was a child and not just the captive of a sadistic giant. Alfonse was helpless as Alm applied a pen and began drawing a big goofy smiley face across his belly. Alfonse's tight body jumped and giggled at the attention before turning a bright red at the ventriloquist act being visited upon his now smiling tum by the shortest clown.
"It looks like King Surtr brought you to us juuuust in time. Look at that happy smile that was just waiting to get out! Don't you wanna just pinch the cheeks, my lord? I know I do! Pinchy-pinchy happy tum!" "Ahahanoo! My tuhuhum is not hahahappy and neiheeether ahaha-GMMPH!!?" A finger so thick he almost choked forced its way between Alfonse's lips. It's dull flat nail scratched at the back of his throat gently and forced him to gag so that now his happy tummy and abs were wiggling beneath Alm's fingers. The leader of the clowns fell back and rubbed himself against the tummy while his fellows closed in and took their own approaches. Alfonse's socked feet were seized by Inigo and Lazlow who produced quills of their own to mark them up while Owain snuck in behind to tease Alfonse's tender lips and cup them as a puppet of his own. "Hey there everybody it's me! Alfonse! The Prince of ticklish softies! How ya doing? I'm so happy to be here with my papa Surtr that I can barely talk for how much I want my papa to tickle me brainless. Oooh please tickle my nose papa! Tickle it till I'm seeing not one, not two but Three Houses!" Owain said adopting a sing-songy version of his usual nonsense while squeezing Alfonse's cheeks to mimic speech involuntarily on the prince's part. His wrists squirmed in Surtr's hand but he could do nothing as that finger still wet with his saliva scratched lightly at his nose, tracing the wrinkles of his disgust and forcing them away as a smile broke out from Lazlow and Inigo poking his socked feet. Alfonse tried to get away but Surtr alone would have easily restrained the fit prince. His giggle thirsty victims were just there to tease his little trophy. "Awww but Alfy! Mr. Happy Tum wants a bit of attention! Papa Surtr there's a prize in my belly button! Can you get it? I bet you can't!" Alm jeered along in the next leg of Alfonse's torment as Surtr's finger dove into that tight little navel and stretched it trying to get deep as it could. Twisting and wiggling Alfonse squealed through his pursed lips and earned himself a pink tongue in his ear from Alm for Owain for his trouble. The invasion of the slimy pink organ didn't slow the blondes inanity though. "Nnnnf thff Myftery of thff Emblem will bff sahhlved SHHHLORRP" he punctuated it with a deep lick inside that made Alfonse shiver and prompted the twins to begin rubbing his socked feet and tracing the happy faces they'd drawn on the sole of one and the smaller ones on the toes of the other. "Well howdeee everyone! I hope you didn't forget your old pal happy foot! I'm so happy to be back that I brought my little babies! Say hello to the Smiley Toes!" "Oh, Happy Foot can we all have some tiggles? We're wiggling with excitement at having our pads pinched and our stems scratched!" "Maybe you if ask your Papa Surtr reeeeal nice!" "Pweeeease Papa Surtr!"
Alfonse's wrists were released and with a shove, the boy toppled forward like he was made of leaves. His poor socked footsie was seized and he hung limply upside down between Surtr's legs as The King began to play a delightful game of piggies with his little pup as he pulled away the sock. The exhausted Alfonse's face was the perfect place for the clowns to play and they fell on him like a pack of wolves. Alfonse saw only stars as Alm and Owain forced their tongues into his ears while Inigo and Lazlow rained hard kisses down on his nose and bright red cheek. All the while a mass of twitching footsies formed just beneath his head as the clowns amused themselves with the titular game as they helped blast away the Prince's resolve. When the games calmed down Alfonse wheezed and strands of drool hung from his reddened lips. "Papa Surtr no more! Please lemme rest!" "Ahhh my son has grown tired? Does poor babe need sleep? Very well send for the servants and we'll have tucked you in for the night. Clowns! Climb up here and amuse your king!" Alfonse fell into the hyperspeed game of toe tennis and for a solid minute, his face was assaulted by the feet until he heard a massive metallic clatter and looked up to see his papa having shed his armor. The King of Muspel folded his massive arms behind his head and showed off his red-haired chest as the clowns clambered up to take advantage. Inigo was the first up and was hooked in an instant. The youthful mercenary was seized by the massive arms and his huge soft feet brought to bear for the king's thick fingers to drag along. His comrades still fell upon the dusky pecs, pits, and abs and made sure that King Surtr's laugh joined with their captured fellow's. Alfonse was pulled away by soft hands and didn't resist as he was bundled up in a downy blanket. Wrapped tight until he couldn't move an inch when Alfonse got his senses back it was too late and Eldigan had already carrier him out of the room.
He'd expected to retire to his chambers but he was instead brought into a freezing cold room with a puddle of water in the center. Laying in the water was a tall blue-haired man that Alfonse recognized as Lif the general of Hel. He'd only found out later that this man was actually a version of himself from a future that had lost their war to Hel but by then the man had long since been claimed by Surtr's tickle monsters and his mind shattered. Now Lif knelt before him and pinched his helpless big toes in each hand making Alfonse shudder. The broken version of himself pushed the big toes back and slipped his fingers through the toes to lightly scratch the tops of Alfonse's feet making the prince squirm in his blankets. "These soft little fortresses are under siege Alfy! What will you do? They've come to tick-tick-tickle you and your sister's cute feet! Is that what mother used to say? It's been so long since I was little enough for her to tickle me but my new wife lives to do it. Dear look it's a little me!" Clammy fingers pinched Alfonse's cheeks and drew them up into a smile that he didn't want as breath like swamp air assailed his ears. The Rusalka leaned down and sat heavily behind Alfonse working her clammy feet up into his lap as he squirmed. In an instant, Lif and Eldigan had seized a little foot each and were moaning loudly as they worshipped the short webbed toes and blessed the soles with loving kisses as Alfonse recoiled. Lif hissed at the disrespect but the Rusalka simply pecked Alfonse on the cheek and tut-tutted the undead general into submission. "My cold baby don't fret. He's just frightened! No matter what he does he knows his destiny is here to be smothered and snuggled by his loving bride of the bog here with you and my Eldie." "My beloved is two not enough for you? Lif and I are two strapping souls with the tickliest of soles just as you love. You must have a third?" "Darling Eldigan just think of our new friend as a little brother. So precocious and giggly that would you not want him in your family? My love for the three of you is deeper than the bogs we live in, from the muddy waters of which will protrude the proud feet of my husbands for the dragonflies to buzz and nip." Eldigan blushed at what seemed like a threat. Alfonse was struck at how odd the red tinge seemed in the proud knight's cheeks, from what he'd read on the proud Lionheart, Eldigan he'd been a Knight's ideal of a Knight and now here he was blushing at the idea of having his toes tickled while he was entombed in mud.
"Dear younger self do not worry. The three of us will have plenty of time to stare at each other when we share a bed with our beloved Maris. Her cold toes are an absolute treat. Let me show you!" Lif dug about in the blankets to find Alfonse's shorts and released the prince's meaty serpent from its chains. His cock stood at attention as the webbed toes of Rusalka wiggled their way closer on either side of it. His toes curled in terror as Eldie and Liffles curled up on either side of him and draped their long legs across the prince in a blanket. They used their knees to trap his poor little soldier boy for Maris's slimy peds to encircle. Alfonse gasped at it felt ad if the cold feet were sweating swamp water but at the same time tried to ignore the skill. The webbed digits pressed into just the right spots on his shaft and head to trap the fountain inside but to also allow the wet soles to slide on his warm dick. Alfonse's eyes were rolling back as an image started to form in his head. More magic was used by the devilish Loki to show him others fates and Alfonse's eyes glazed over as he was shown a woman.
He recognized the blonde as one of the Heroes of the World of Three Houses. Her name was Mercedes and while Alfonse hadn't gotten to know her very well she seemed a kind soul considering the tea parties he'd seen her hosting in the castle. Waxing on to tortured souls such as Julius and Legion as if they were nobles all the same. Certainly undeserving of having herself tied spread-eagle and nude on her own altar, practically deifying the busty blonde. She earnestly beseeched her captors to free her but the two women seem uninclined. Echidna and María will strut over with glazed eyes, hungry to break the lady bishop in, once they start anointing her with oils of chamomile and jasmine, her body starts getting hot as the oils sensitize her skin and dull her senses. Mercie falls into haze putting her at her former allies’ mercy, a sleepy smile creeping its way into her face as they massage and tickle her breasts and belly.
“Mmmm...ooh ladies it feels goo—OHohoho that’s the spot, aaahn, mmmhm, you need to break’s leave togethahahaha my nipples oh my Goddess! Mmmm this is fun, oh ‘Chidna my siheeheeheedes! Oh, use your nahahahils pretty please. Oh, mmm, ohhhhhh Maria! Maria little Maria your lips feel—hngh! Suck my nipples Maria!—HEEheeheehahahahaha! Suck them, suck them! Nibble and tiggle—paHAHA Chidna! not my belly buttHA—gasp—HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Annie, Ingrid, oh where are you!? TEEHEEHEE IT TIGGLES IT TIGGLES!” Alfonse tried to blink the images away but his franticness only earned his cheeks strokes and pokes from the men as the cold swamp feet caressed his cock. After the outburst Echidna and Maria grin lustfully at each other and start to really play Echidna climbs atop her legs and starts fingering and licking her mound, playing as a horny kitty with a taste for pussy while calling Mercie her goddess as she squeezes her thighs. Maria sits delicately on the blonde’s belly and brings her long legs over to trap her face in her adorable tiny feet. The drooling redheaded young adult tells Mercie that she knows of her secret foot fetish and will gladly surrender to her bestie’s deviant desires, “But only because you were so nice about the tea parties and listening to how upset I was about how my feet never grew like Mickie and Minnie...” The sensual “torture”, soporific scents of the oils, and her own praise kink are already doing a number on Mercedes’ brain. The woman’s half-convinced that this is yet another lewd dream she’s having, and instead of forcing herself awake and suppressing her desires...why not indulge? Just this once... “Lemme suck your toes, Maria! Your cute little toes are strong like your big sis and bro! Pwetty-pwease lemme suck em, oh Goddess I wive and bweath for your cute feet, they're so strong! Ohhhh yes, stick em in fwont of my face. YES! Wiggle 'em! Wiggle wiggle WIGGLE 'em. HNGH! Oh GODESS YES! Worship me, just like that! Yeahhh worship me, make me your goddess, lick me. Make me wet. Mmmmm oh my—MMMMMM FUCK ME! Stahp the teasing pweeease, stopstopstop. Just do it. Tiggle me! Get me good, I deserve it. Squeeze all my sweet spots, I wanna be your tickle god! Hurry, before I cum, I’m already so—Hah! Ahhh! Oh nonono I’m—NO not yet! Ing—MMPH!” Maria cuts the unholy mewling by finally stuffing her feet into Mercedes’ mouth, and the blonde goes cross-eyed with pleasure before rolling back in her head. With just a few more licks from Echidna, the bishop’s vision goes white as she sprays white into the mercenary’s face causing her to go into a cute coughing fit. While still technically conscious, Mercedes is already a shell of herself, eyes white and tongue hanging out as Maria pulls her feet from the drooling mouth. As the pair unchains her from the altar, the proofs of her orgasm seep into a crest etched into the stone underneath her. The semen activates the magic seal, making it glow purple before the cover of the altar begins emanating the same light. Alfonse's eye's glazed for a second as he painted Meris's webbing and he tried to beg as he realized she wasn't slowing down. Eldigan crushed his lips against his to gag him while he and Lif stroked the prince's nipples through the blankets.
The demonic glow shone brighter and brighter until it blinds Echidna and Maria, and the next time they open their eyes the two find themselves laying on their backs. A tickle-drunk Mercie laying between them, all three’s legs are pointing upwards with their ankles sticking out of a stone ceiling in the box they’re trapped in. The situation quickly becomes apparent: the trio of women have clearly been locked inside the altar, their six small feet vulnerable for inevitable tickle torture. Unbeknownst to them, it is, in fact, Libra and Henry who designed this depraved “altar” through a combination of Light and Dark magic. The women inside will be sustained without the need for food or water as long as Libra provides the encasing with his energy. Henry meanwhile will give his own energy to mess with their minds to link all of their pleasure signals directly to their feet. On their command, a horde of impish demons descends on the exposed feet to tickle and torment, though the trapped women will be unable to register their machinations as anything but mind-blowingly erotic.
Dozens of claws and tongues attack Mercedes, Echidna, and Maria’s hyper-ticklish feet and send them mad. The imps nails wear away any toughness Echidna’s 7s have left, shaving away her calluses and blisters between her short toes to leave them baby soft for the tongues to get her screaming and cumming. “! CUMMING! Gasp...gasp...heehee.! I’M WET! Gasp...bwahahaha! Tongues...can’ DADDY! Gasp—GAHAHAHAHAHA! Nothing! Left! Can’t! Cum! Love it! Toes! Need! Lickles! HNGH! HOW!? YEEESSSS! CUMMING AGA—geeheehuhugh!” Alfonse attempts at whispering to these poor women to forgive him for failing as their leader was internal as his mouth was currently being invaded by Eldigan's tongue. He whimpered as Lif produced feathers and opened a two-pronged front on his nostrils as again he lost control of himself and erupted once more.
Maria’s petite 4.5s barely had room for the demons to tickle, but by spreading her delectable piggies with their claws they create more space for the scratches and licks. “Blahahahaha! Who’s there!? Eeeeheehee, my poor piggies!! Weeee! Weeweeweeheehee! Get the pads! Go between em! Yahahahaha! Guhuhuhu—gurgle—hiccup—scratch underehehehe! Googoogaga gitchygitchygitchy!! Underthenails. Underthenahahahails. Underthe—choke—HAHAHAHA—slurp—wannit so bad! Don’t stop! MOOORE!” Mercedes was in utter bliss, beautiful and brainless bliss. She spread her slender toesies of her own volition for the unseen ticklers. Her mind slipped away as she imagined her fellow Kingdom Nobles as the ones ravaging her creamy soles and begged them to ravage her tasty toes. “Oh myheehee! What have you all dohohohone to me!? Trapped me like this—AAAIIIEEEEEHAHAHA! ANNIEHEEHEEHEE you feel sohohoho good on my heeheeheels! Deduhoohoo my arch! Yahahaha! Bwahahaha oh Dimi, Sylvy, Feheheheli no! You bad boys! Don’t lick my soles like—EEEEEHEEHEEHEE!! YES! OH! Lickemlickemgood!! Don’t forget my—BWAHAHAHA! Ingy how’d you know!? I wuv my toes getting sucked! AhHAHAHA! AhHAHAHA! AHAHAHASHE GET IN BETWEEEEE—breath hitches—aaaaiiieeee you’re making me CUM again!!”
Orgasm after orgasm, the female fighters were sent further and further into madness. Their cute and silky feet didn’t get a moment’s reprieve, and thanks to the monk and sorcerer their bodies seemed to never run out of semen to pump out. After a few explosive releases, the broken trio found themselves floating in their own creamy cum while Alfonse watched no longer able to look away. The forced grin on his face had been released a while ago but had stayed of its volution settled upon his face as Meris got him to pop once more at the sight of the three floating beauties.
After such exhaustive use of their magic, it was soon time for Libra and Henry to recharge their own energy. Thankfully the imps were more than willing to aid them in that regard. A few flew behind the altar to a spout carved out of the stone side. Removing a cork stopper, they let out a stream of the women’s collected juices into a flask before resealing it. Then they left the cackling maidens and flew to their summoners to strip and tickle them as well. The imps stuffed the flasks into the men’s mouths as they scratched their pits and sides. They stuffed themselves between the pale legs and teased the tops of their cocks with tongues while scratching their balls. The creatures even wormed up their pink asses to scratch at the flesh inside. Some of the demons were incubi who spread the contents of their flasks on Libra and Henry’s feet, dicks, and nipples. The hexes inside the altar enchanted the cum so as to reenergize the two men, but it also served as a powerful lubricant that would do wonders on their most sensitive spots. Libra choked down his captives’ milk as he felt the tickling worst - well, best - on his alabaster 13s. They were slicked up the point where an incubus only needed a single nail to get him screaming through the flask. Using three sent his body into shock and brought about a violent orgasm. Using five completely recharged him, got him rock hard, and knocked him unconscious even as he fired off another jet of cum in his sleep. Alfonse's weeping eyes bulged as Lif and Eldigan laughed breathily into his ears as Meris webbed toes again seeped with white.
A few orgasms later and the men were back to full magical capability. The imps got to work lathering the ladies’ saliva-covered peds with the white seed collected from their captors. The sensation alone of having hot cum pored in their soles brought the trio to yet another orgasm, but before the demons could take advantage, Mercedes screamed out in blissful agony. “This is heaven! Never let me out! I’ll serve Surtr just please oh PLEASE, bring my friends here! I’ll do anything, I’ll be a tiggle-cow for you to milk every day! I’ll be a good girl! Just get Annie and Ingy and Feli and all of them, please! I know how to find theHEHEHEHEHEM—GYAHAHAH—TIGGLEMETIGGLEMETIGGLEME! Poor, pathetic Mercie would get her chance to sell out the Blue Lion house in time, but at the moment her prison was filling up with too much warm semen from her and her comrades, and soon they were all submerged in their own white juices. What’s more, is the enchantments allowed the tickle sluts to breath even while under, and they freely drank up their magical cum to energize themselves for more torture. With another orgasm of his own Alfonse's head nodded frantically along with the crazed woman's pleas. Though his mind fought to regain control his body simply melted under the trio. A small part of his mind wanted to stay here. No more late nights devising battle plans, stepping in-between the quarrels of soldiers and Heroes old and new or hearing whispered queries of what he had done to earn command here. Nothing but a fluffy, swampy cloud of pure pleasure that he'd never wiggle out of. His brain fought that small thought but it was riding the waves of ticklish agony and pure pleasure right through the defenses of Alfy's rational thought.
Somewhere deep in the recesses of her fried brain, Mercedes also mused but of the thought that she was the only Hero present with a Recover spell that could have easily dispelled the mind control and needed no staff or tome to cast it. In fact, that single incantation would have freed Echidna and Maria of Surtr’s brainwashing and given them all a chance to escape. This lone thought unlocked a memory suppressed with dark magic: one of her locked in a chest with her porcelain feet sticking out, while a malevolent Hubert scrubbed her heels, feathered her balls, and lapped at her tasty soles and toes. She remembered the dangerous man mocking her kink for tickle worship, saying this was her just desserts for inviting him to her room for tea. He despised tea, but he thoroughly enjoyed punishing the cleric for her motherly nature...just how she liked it. The small corner of Mercie’s subconscious relished in this revealed memory, and was desperate to uncover any other tickle session that Hubie may have hidden away in her grey matter. It would have to wait, however, as yet another orgasm from mind-melting tongue torture brought her to the surface. The healer wailed in her bath of cum, ever so thankful that Hubie had tampered with her mind. If not for him sealing her ability to escape tickle torture with her magic, she may have never gotten to fully experience this heavenly torment. Wherever he was, she prayed to Seiros that he’d arrive with her classmates in tow, and proceed to bless all of them with endless tickle worship. Alfonse saw all of this due to the angel and devil pair of Libra and Henry's sorcery and his tongue lolled out at the thought of those long fingers on his own little puppies as another memory played in his head.
The Western Isles Resistance fighters were in a tough spot. The armies of Bern were on their way and they were holed up in a cave with Lord Roy while awaiting the rest of the Elibean forces to reinforce them. Echidna saw that morale was low and had come up with a plan to get their spirits up. Pretending to misplace her boots and one of her socks than playing up stepping on a blade of grass that got a sweet spot that left her a giggling mess her troops gathered round to play with Mama Echidna. No one knows how it went so far but it 8 ended up in a gang tickle situation...specifically 7-on-1 with her in the middle. Gentle Gonzalez had her left foot in an iron armlock as he slipped a finger along her cute foot and ripped her resistance apart. The big man only needed one finger in the center of her sole to utterly wreck her; naturally he used all five, and from that alone she would’ve been in silent laughter if not for the others tiggling her all over. The big fellow was more than happy enough to get a smile on the nice lady Echidna's face and was enamored with the tough woman's little foot. Lot had always been abnormally strong for his age, which made it easy enough to keep his new employer's leg down. After a long look at the blisters sticking through the adorable cotton sock obscuring the cute little size 7 foot, he put his sewing lessons from home to work by unstitching all of the cotton around her blushing toes. Licking his lips with a lust only she would recognize, the fighter took all five piggies in his mouth to munch and suckle on as 'Chidna shrieked like a banshee. Alfonse's lips mouthed "menextmenextmenextmenext"
Roy had always been drawn to the strong woman as the ultimate manifestation of his desires and his kink for tough girls to mommy him into oblivion, but having her completely at his mercy like this brought all of his feelings to the surface. With a lecherous grin, he tore her breeches away to attack her milky mound with two feathers. With the warrior moaning and cackling helplessly he took the opportunity to sample some pure “mother’s milk”, working his tongue deep into her **** to get her juices flowing while Alfonse's own popped again this time with a groan of pain to accompany his wails of pleasure as his mind slipped further into love with his new life.
Lalum was totally fixated on her bestie’s belly. She couldn’t explain it, but the reactions she got from counting Echidna’s ribs, or squeezing her abs just filled the ginger with hot bliss. A quick drag of her talented little feet allowed her to use some brushes to cover those spots, while she focused all her efforts on that suckable belly button. She licked and chewed hungrily at the rebel leader’s expense, but Lalum was beyond reason now lost in the melodic wails of hysteria that Echidna was emitting just as Alfonse was from his unseen vantage.
Geese and Elfin were double-teaming her sweating armpits and lovely breasts. Despite Roy’s thirsty indecency, Elfin couldn’t bring himself to undress her, but that didn’t stop a mischevious Geese from ripping his side of her shirt and starting to tweak the ticklish nipple underneath. Elfin meanwhile massaged it over the fabric with maddening carefulness, while lapping at her pits with catlike licks his royal visage would have never revealed his skill beied. Geese was without conscience as he nibbled into her other pit fiercely while squishing, kneading, and tickling her firm breast. Echidna was cross-eyed from the insane double team, unable to determine which strategy was wrecking her best the tender touches or the devious tweaks. Meris finally released Alfie's tired cock and joined her hubbies in reveling in Alfie's awakening to his true wants in life as a swampy tickle bitch.
There was something about Mercie’s complete openness that made Perceval comfortable enough to indulge in a “game” like this. He cheekily planted his size 12 feet on either side of the healer’s weeping head, curling his toes long enough to scritch and scratch the exposed neck. The knight cooed and teased Echidie, calling her “tiggle pig” and “foot bitch” and plenty of other unchivalrous names. She never lost her laughter throughout the experience, and as her subordinates tickled her into sublimation she found her exploding with creamy excitement at the prospect of being a go-to tickle Bern for the rest of her life a fate which Alfonse's tired brain now ached to share as the sights swirled again.
Now Maria is returned to her captivity in her homeland was bound to a chair now on its back, the tall redhead howls through her gag as a number of the less scrupulous generals slowly remove her shoes and stockings, joking that her common clothing will be stripped and burned before they put her in attire proper for the new maid. One caresses her hypersensitive feet, admiring them, completely objectifying her as he proclaims these little 4.5's to be the only truly “noble” part of the bloodline as evidenced by her snake of a brother. He massages them for 20 straight min, wearing her down as she giggles madly from the not-quite-tiggles. He then produces a single feather to stroke her heel, and she quickly sees where this is going... He slides the feather gently around that right heel for what must have been 10 min, and the young woman is already begging. No matter how appalled she is by his behavior, a primal voice in Maria’s gut spurs her to beg pathetically around the gag even now in her early twenties she begs to return to the simple days of her and her siblings being scooped up by their happy father in a ticklish bouquet of feetsies for him to drag his beard along. She’s just too ticklish, and the heel torture is driving her mind to hideaway. The monster grins smugly at the early surrender and rewards her with a second feather on her left heel, making Marie scream before falling into nonstop laughter. She whips her head madly and cries out, but now the dastards are sweeping those feathers up to her soles and making her world go white, her breath hitches, and she spurts out involuntary globs of cum while cackling in insanity.
This earns her spiteful jabs from the villains, calling her a sham of a devout believer, a harlot masquerading as a woman of piety. One removes his boots and kneels over her bound body, facing the tops of her feet and sticking his narrow 11.5s in her face. He'll joke that when he’s through with her she’ll be kissing his toes in utter servitude so she should get used to the smell sooner than later. Marie tried to turn away but find her cheeks pressed between his pink, high arches, and skin and finds herself dazed and wet from the scent of his strong feet. She’s so distracted that the resurgence of feathers on her sensitized soles makes her go cross-eyed with laughter, and he'll keep her there for 20 more min before moving to the balls. He was just about to get started when the two were interrupted by the door bursting open and Michalis and Minerva bursting in at the sound of their sisters suffering. Maria could barely register them in her state, but made out enough to see the warm blood as the two cut the villains down with no mercy. The conniving Michalis had shaken with rage at the sight of what the bastards had done to his noble sibling but was gobsmacked at the drunken mewling of Maria begging him and sister to ravage her little soles with their own titanic tootsies. He still felt guilt over how he had kept her captive so he and Minerva acquiesced and removed their boots and socks as he made his way to her. Seating himself with Maria’s head near his crotch, he smiled as he ungagged his fellow sibling to greet her. The poor cherub couldn’t get a single warning out about the sorcerer in the corner charming their minds into committing these acts and instead took Mickie’s feet and had them stuffed between her lips, effectively regagging her as his broad 14's. Minerva assured her that this was their family being happy together before leaning down to kiss her lips and suck her brother’s toes, all while massaging Maria’s face with her own tough feet. Minerva wasn't completely controlled and was instead throbbing with memories of her "little" sister that was now taller than her nagging her even more than usual, offering sweets and even requesting to bathe her wyvern. What had made her snap was how she’d been prancing around in open-toes heels for the past 2 weeks, constantly asking for his opinion on her footwear and recent pedicure. The way she teased her soft feet right in front of her had nearly sent her insane, but with her tied and vulnerable now Minnie could finally get back at the giraffe girl. She let Michalis go back to feathering her heels, while she brought out a whole feather duster to “clean” both of the little soles, as well as the balls of her feet. Maria went buck wild in her restraints, and the dragoon could just barely make out cries for surrender that she duly ignored. She produced a bag of candied cherries and put them between her pink toes before dusting the pads and skin underneath. Minerva threatened that if any cherry fell out or got squished, she’d immediately begin eating all of them out from her toesies. With that she forced her toes still, giving the evil king’s duster free reign over all ten pigs in their blanket. Alfonse howled in lust to be there as the trio laughed as his vision faded to white.
Shareena swam as fast as she could. Last time they'd caught her and the time before but this time she'd reach the clamshell where she could take refuge and hide from the tickle crazed mer-woman and the green-haired little tickle sprite that swam as her finman. They'd caught her every day for the week since she'd been foolish enough to trust Surtr's word and surrender. There had been all kinds of tricks in here to catch whether it was the jellyfish she'd been tangled in that had zapped her cross-eyed with laughter or the squid that had scrubbed her soapy and pink there was always a gimmick. Wolt and his mer-girlfriend would catch her and spend the night floating about in Surtr's fish tank stroking her size 14's and flossing her toes with seaweed while licking the creamy arches of the bubbly blonde who's light personality always kept her floating. Surtr had promised she could see her brother when she made it and today she was gonna! She swam as fast as she could even as the fishies nails just grazed her silly pruny flippers. She just barely made it to the clam and closed it behind her when she realized it wasn't big enough! Her silly bigfoots were stuck outside and she couldn't pull them in! Wolt and his Mer-pal head locked the ankles and dug in Shareena went wild inside her bivalve. She saw that there was a window and peered through it with teary eyes to see a throne that held Surtr with something wiggling in his lap. She saw the blonde highlight and realized it was her brother! "Papa Surtr look! She made it! That silly tickly girl made it! Can I have a little sister now? NOHOO NOT MY TUHUUMMY!" "Ohhh but my wormy little Fonso your tummy is far too cute not to bully! Besides I wanted you to smile when I told you that your little sister is here! That silly bigfooted girl is your new darling sister!" Once we fish her out and scrub her cute like you she'll love her new big brother!" "PAHAHAPPA SUHUHURTR YOUR THE BEHEHEHST! TWO SISHIHSTERS WASN'T ENOUGH!" "HAHAHA Yes Alfonse I love my tickly son and I'll give him anything! I'm quite proud of your wonderful wife!" "Can I go swimming papa? There's still slime from Meris in my TOHOHOES! PAHAPA NO!" "Oh, there is! Yes, my boy go swim! Have fun with the nice ladies in the water when they've finished scrubbing your new sister!" Through teary eyes, Shareena saw the three she'd sacrificed swimming towards wielding a net. She swallowed hard at the tickling she knew she deserved and knew that at least she'd be reunited with her brother once she was a giggly slave.
At the last line, Surtr had snapped his fingers and Loki had cast Gravity slamming the prince to the ground and watched as the King had taken a seat upon the prince's lower back. While Shareena watched he'd slipped off his sandals and began a "Sole Reading" just for her. "Haha, the worm's future isn't nearly as bright as I makes it sounds! See this line right here? Skitchy-kitchy!" "GAHAHA!" "This line tells me that these feet are happy right here with me. Look see these cute wrinkles? If you pinch them juuuuust right..." "NOOOHOOO GEHEHET OFF!" "Look! My worm's feet are smiling. This tender heel also tells us that this particular slave isn't trying very hard to run away! Do you know why that might be Princess? "LIAHAAR!" "See the way this little toe bends? And the line here in stem?" "BAAHAHAHSTARD!" "It's because he loves it here!" Shareena had to look away which annoyed the monarch. He stood up now holding Alfonse in the air by his leg with one hand. "Your brother really wanted to speak with you, Princess. You should at least stay and listen. Otherwise, I might punish him for wasting my time. And I don't want to do that-" Surtr's tongue slid out and forced it's way down Alfonse's slick sole making the boy wail. "To such a sweet boy." "You evil, evil man! Let him go! Let Alfonse go and stop all of this! Why are you doing these things?!" "You want me to let Alfonse go? Very well come and take his place. My daughter Laevateinn has said she's wanted to tickle you ever since your Brother let slip about your big feet. So come and surrender yourself and I'll let him go." "Shareena dohohon't do iHIHT GAUHAHA!" Surtr's massive tongue forced itself into Alfonse's small toes and broke up the Prince's begging for his sister to see reason. "Well if you want to respect his wishes then how about different deal then my sunny little insect. For every hero, you send me for my collection your brother will get to rest until they break." "No! SHAREENA DON'T DOHOHO AHAHANYTHING HE SAHAHAYS! NOOHOO MOORE TOOHOES!! BAHAHAHA!" "One day of rest for this cute body for every hero you send me. He'll watch as their trained and even help me do it. Want him released? Then come and take his place. Until then enjoy the show your brother puts on it's quite entertaining." With that Surtr bent the big and little toes of Alfonse's toes back and blew a hot stream of breath down the taut sole making the bluenette prince howl and pound his fist on the ground.
Shareena had enough and walked away sobbing at her brother's fate while Surtr continued to amuse himself. "Oh? Has she left? Poor little thing now it'll be much worse for you." Surtr reached back and pulled Alfonse's other foot up into the party. "Now if we don't see a new friend for you by tomorrow shall we go over your day tomorrow? What better way then your new favorite game? This little piggy loved his new pj's from the market." Alfonse most certainly did not love his new pj's. Surtr had picked out a fluffily designed hooded onesie in an owl theme that had been stuffed with enough feathers to drive him wild when he moved, leading to him having to lie still at night or risk giggling loud enough to wake Surtr who would drag him over and pull down the bumflap to tickle his peaches until he collapsed from exhaustion. The next little piggy was not allowed to stay home and in fact, Alfonse was given quite the wake-up call which was his toes being surreptitiously bound in floss before he was rudely awakened by a statuesque footman carrying away to the pit for the days dancing while flossing the sleep from his eyes by scrubbing those toes with the fuzzy beads between them. Alfonse's roast beef was him being deposited bum first on the king's lap and kept in place by a "pillar of fire" that went straight up the cute cheeks and kept him stuck like a stand. Surtr pushed the boy back so that he hung from his impaled rectum upside down with a perfect view of Twinkle-toes recital as his body was worked to simulate grinding by well-placed tickles all over the control panel of his chest and adjusting the speed with the cute pink dials. Alfonse laughed of course as his body was taken from him and instead tried to focus on the dancing dragon prince and wishing him the best of luck in a victory here. Of course, the little piggy had none and a squirming writhing Corrin was dropped into the pit for Soleil's ministrations however this time he wasn't alone. Alfonse went wee, wee, wee all the way over to the pit where Surtr hung his dainty little pigs down for Soleil and Twinkle-Toes to devour. Corrin's forked tongue teasing the stems of his toes and Soleil's talented one seeming to glide over every inch of skin and find the inside of every crevice. He was a acutely aware of his sister watching in horror at his disgrace.
The next day she didn't watch and as Surtr promised it was so much worse. His day began with finding he'd been mummified in a rubbery wrap that was warming his body up with just the friction of his movements against it. His naked flesh rubbing against it and getting hotter. His cheek was cold against a warm surface that he now realized was a pair of tanned soles. His stirring prompted them to stroke his cheek with surprising dexterity. "Ohgoodyouraw-ahem. Sorry about that, good morning sleepy prince." "Who is that? Please! I know your probably a Hero! Let me free and we can escape together! Quickly before anyone returns!" "Ooh so optimistic! Rest assured whoever you think I was is long gone. Now I'm just a wiggly giggly worm like you are now. Trust me you have it gooood compared to some of us now hush up back there we're going to play a game. A finger stroking his little sole made Alfonse groan. "Pleeease! No more on the feet! I can't take it anymore!" "Oh? Good news then! I won't touch your feet then." the worm said as he produced a pouch that Alfonse couldn't see. Bracing himself the worm dipped his finger into the pouch and withdrew it quickly already wincing before rapid-fire poking spots at random all over Alfonse's feminine feet. Alfonse winced at first then giggled but his attention was suddenly dragged away by a pair of delicate hands on his shoulders. He looked to see the former Micaiah for but a second before she set her breasts upon Sothe's dusky feet and further mashed Alfonse's face into both. He "Mmmph'ed" and "Hrrgh'ed" but Micaiah and her worm both smirked as his struggles grew increasingly frantic as what had been applied to his feet started to devilishly itch. Tears leaked from his eyes as he shouted into the flesh that muffled his mouth, then screamed, then begged before simply melting into mewling for relief. Micaiah let him up and his begging overwrote his need to breathe for a moment. "pleasepleasepleasepleaseitchespleasepleasepleasescratchpleasepleasepleaselosingmindpleasepleaseplease" "Haha but I just made you a promise not to touch your feet remember? What would I be if I went back on a promise?" "toomuchtoomuctoomuchmercymercytoomuchtoomuchtoomuch" "Worm. Why do you pretend to have honor? Are you trying to impress nothing but a common sole reader with how you've made a prince cry?" Alfonse lost control of his body as his cock released in his struggles and added to the sweat already filling his prison. It happened again as the beast that used to be Micaiah teased her former protector into relenting. "Fine then just for you lady fortune teller I will be but my namesake. However, I will partially keep my word. My lady if you could assist me with finding the trouble spots?" "Why of course my gallant worm. Taking your orders seems almost natural." Alfonse went back into Sothe's feet as the sole reader went to read his fortune. He sobbed at the red hot itch on his soles as Micaiah poked wrong spots on his poor little pups where the worm would then ravenously nuzzle and bite then act surprised that he'd missed the itch. When Alfonse lost consciousness his face and feet were as red as the parts of him that had been baking in his wrappings.
A tuckered out Prince called that a day and was not taken to his and Surtr's room, however. When Alfonse awoke it was to tender touches and coos. He was in the arms of the female Robin and her blood Aversa. The two wore neglige's that were practically see-through and seemed to be involved in playfully wrestling. He moved to escape but found his wrists chained down to the bed. They noticed his waking state and both were on him, he braced for more of Muspel's feathery torture but instead, they set to massaging his aching muscles. Taking positions they tended to his tired shoulders and battered abdominals while praising him for holding out so long. "King Surtr's quite happy with the new arrangement and wanted to make sure you enjoyed your day of rest." Robin said while giving each abdominal a deep rub but doing so quite gently. "Why are you toying with me?! Just go I know you're going to tickle me!" "None of that today. You've earned a you day thanks to your sister. We can if you really want though, I must admit I was looking forward to my time with those cute little feet of yours." Aversa gave a long look at the desperately curling toes and giggled. "Day of-NO! SHAREENA DIDN'T! No...she wouldn't..not for me..." "Yet she did! We don't know what she told poor little Maria but Miss Laevateinn is tending to her right now. Quite the set of pipes on her you could hear her laughing down the hall." "Did he maybe want to hear it, Aversa? This is his day so whatever our master desires is what he shall get. Do think about his wants dear sister you are a maid now." "Ahh, I'm so sorry did you want us to go fetch Maria? You could watch her be tickled or tickle her yourself! Sorry, Robin! I didn't think-" "You'll think later when we write your mistakes down on your feet." "Ahhh yes, ma'am." "Let her go! Let Maria and I go then if you have to do what I say!" "S-sorry but within reason of course. We can't just let you g-MMMPH!" Aversa's mouth was suddenly jammed full with a small pale set of toes that pinned her to the bed. Robin crossed her arms and shook her head. "Tch, tch show some backbone my spineless siSTEHEEEHER! NO FAIR, NO FAIR, NO TONGUE!!" Aversa's devilish organ had snuck out and using her teeth to trap the toes forced upon her now took advantage of the pale foot in her face. Robin fell back as the taller of the greedily chased after her and hungrily dug into her breasts beneath her nightie making the tactician howl. "If I'm to receive punishment anyway dear sister then you may as well join me-OHOHOHO! NOOHOHOO NAHAT THE PITTIES!!" "Leheeft yourself ohohopen!!" The two collapsed into a tickly heap upon the Prince of Askr who tried to ignore them as four feet ended up shoved upon his face. Still, he wasn't being touched so eventually his eyes simply fluttered closed for a relaxing nap despite his circumstances, totally unaware he was being watched.
One hero was only one day though and the next one Alfonse back to his regular routine. His hands bound above his head with musical notes written across his chest and stomach in a way that had made him beg. Now the green-haired musician sat at his feet and played his new keyboard to make Alfonse sing beautiful music for L'Arachel to dance too. She twirled and spun to his shrill begs and dipped and gestured to begging gibberish about his toes. When the boy lapsed into coughing she tried to stop in place, teetered for a moment then promptly fell on her face. She popped up with a look of annoyance and tackled Lewyn onto his back forcing him into an eruption of belly laughter as she teased and poked his nipples. The poor musician could only thrash as she set to roaming all over his chest with cold questing hands. "I did warn you, my pretty little flute boy, that if you messed up I'd check if YOU were in tune. Now your acting surprised my golden-throated pet? The other dancer boy was the problem you said so we got rid of him. Then it was the other dancer girl so away with her as well. Now you have a new instrument and nobody to blame that'll save those pretty feet from me! Gimme, gimme, gimme my prince!" The green-haired mage's face was red as the dancing girl got her fingers between his long toes and made him start reciting her favorite song while she checked that Alfonse's bared soles were still ticklish using her own naked feet. Soon the teary Lewyn's hands joined her feet and in teasing Alfonse while she had free reign through his light and airy toes. Lewyn's fingers danced along Alfonse's soles and drew out beautiful music from the prince of Askr's whines, mewls, and deep moans while his own feet were none such a beauteous treatment. Having been denied these feet for so long the horrid new diva that wore L'Arachel's face was savaging them. Licking, biting and twiddling the toes. Sucking, nibbling and sloppily slurping upon the high arches. Scratching, pinching and biting hard at the heel. She forced her button nose between the fleeing digits and snorted as she greedily sucked down the air and pulled at the light green hairs atop her prince's feet as he howled and tried to focus on his music which was making Alfonse beg. Shareena couldn't watch all the way through and left as Lewyn and her brother were being strapped together tight at the lips for a duet. "Princess, please! A humble bard is beseeching you for MEEHEHERCY! NOT THE HEEELS! STAHAHAP!" "Bard? I told you what will happen every time my prince ignores his title. "GET AHAHAHAOLD OF YOURSELF! YOUR GEHEHETING US BOTH PUHUHNISHED!!" Harp string kept both men's limbs bound to each and didn't allow either to turn their heads meaning that careless laughter meant meeting tongues and lips quite often until Lewyn took the offensive and tickled the prince's ribs while crushing his lips to steal the breath right from his lungs until the bluenette went limp beneath him.
Shareena couldn't bring herself to sacrifice anyone so the next day Alfonse was entertaining Morgan. The sprightly little pest had challenged him to a tickle battle in his playhouse and Alfonse was quickly realizing how he'd been baited. Lured into the tiny house by Morgan he'd realized that this place was designed for someone his size and not Alfonse's, evidenced by how the little hallway he'd chased his prey down suddenly narrowed to the point of trapping his arms at his sides and allowing Morgan to jam his feet over his face. With nowhere to go, Alfonse, reluctantly tapped to let Morgan know he won again and brought their score to something around 49 to 0. The little sneak had cheated ever since luring the Prince into this tickle battle with Fonse not getting his hands on him once yet. Hidden passages had been used to let him come up behind Alfonse and tie him up to drag him away for interrogatory tickles on all his worst spots, while paralysis spells had allowed the mages to highlight them on his body so that he wouldn't forget them for his tickle attacks. Morgan had promised to make this worse at 50 and Alfonse had laughed at the idea of this going that long. Now Alfonse had simply been laughing that long and his head hurt from it. Seeing a pipe with a pair of little feet protruding he threw caution to the wind to lunge on them and was surprised when they came away in his hands and were revealed to be plastic. The real Morgan like a snake shot out and seized Alfonse by the wrists to drag him up to his waist into the pipe. Alfonse thrashed as he was disrobed in a manner similar to the peeling of banana before Morgan's little toes began wiggling all up and down his chest and pits, twiddling his puffy nips between them. His hairless pits were explored and his neck buzzed and stroked with the small soft soles.
He surrendered amidst wailing but Morgan didn't let him go. Calling to the door for his Mistress Laegjarn to join in on his side. The door opened but King Surtr stomped in dragging his daughter in by her ankle and tickling her 13's as he entered. Morgan yipped at the sight and tried to flee but the king was quick to grab the little troublemaker as well while pulling Alfonse free. All three were stuffed into Morgan's playhouse in a way that left three sets of beautiful bare feet protruding from the window for the King to amuse himself with. Laegjarn's big brown boats and Morgan's precocious little pups were teased but the stars of the show were Alfonse's soft 10's and how Surtr's massive dripping tongue could drag along all the toes of one foot at a time in seconds and how doing so made the Prince in the playhouse convulse and gave the pair inside free reign over his lightly muscled chest as they laughed themselves hoarse at their toes being forced open. The meaty balls of Laegjarn's feet were pinched, while the delicate arches of Morgan's were teased until the two were helpless atop Alfonse who responded by paying them back. Digging his fingers in behind their ears soon he had the two drooling into his chest, unfortunately, slicking it up to allow their nails easier access to glide into his ribs. It was impossible to say who came first but soon they all were doing it and in seconds the three were in a sticky pile. Surtr pulled Alfonse free and carried him off to his personal chambers as he deposited a wiggling bag atop the sticky Morgan and Laegjarn. The gremlins inside the sack looked at the buffet their king had left them and set to binding their sticky sweets up as Alfonse drifted off on his king's shoulder.
When he came too it was to a sight that shocked him. He was in a comfortable chair that seemed to imply that his sister had sacrificed another. He couldn't believe that she was doing this but the sight before him made him stop. Tied to the bed before him was the massive stretched frame of King Surtr. The giant had been stripped bare and pulled at his bonds at the sight of the stirring prince despite his humongous cock being at full mast. The Prince rose from his chair like a puppet on strings and couldn't resist his urges. He dove upon the spread-eagled ruler and immediately pressed his lips between his massive pectorals and buzzed. The King roared and threw his head from side to side at the attack while Alfonse chased his fingers into the orange furred pits and began to tease the fiend. "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?! THIS IS WHAT YOU KIDNAPPED SO MANY FOR! JUST FOR TICKLING?! WELL, HERE YOU GREAT FIERY BASTARD! KITCHY-KITCHY KOO MY GIGGLY TICKLE BITCH! YOUR ALL MINE!" "PAHAHATHETIC! THIHIS IS THE BEST YOU CAHAHAN DO? BAHAHAHA LEAHVE MY PITS BE INSEHEHECT!" "Your pits?! No, no you are mistaken. These are mine now. These fuzzy sheaths are where my fingers and toes will take refuge when they're cold and occasionally I'll lube them up with my aching cock Surtr since they are mine. Like every inch of you is. These strong tits?" Alfonse licked the caramel globes as the king yowled and cursed the light-footed prince and described what he'd do to him. "All mine, they're so soft I think I'll use them to massage my tired feet. In fact, that sounds nice right now." Alfonse lay back and jammed his aching pups into the tough pecs and was immediately overcome by how good the warmth from them felt coming up through his little feet. His eyes rolled back and it took everything he had not to simply drift away there but he remembered how long he'd wanted to tickle his king like this as a reversal of fates. He reached over and put both hands on the massive cock of his owner and still had room to press his lips to the fiery rod. He snorted deep of the smoky musk and fell in love with it. He wanted to taste it. Opening his mouth he licked up and wrapped his lips around its volcanic head. "Mmph phhmmine. All minepphm." He mumbled while master rumbled before erupting down the princeling's throat. Alfonse choked on the hot liquid and fell back with his head on the dusky abs of his god. He spit up what he could but still felt some of the hot lava burning its way down. He brought his feet up and began running his toes along the still standing pillar of flame while raking his short nails up the king's abs. The massive ruler shook and spurted again all over Alfonse who came in sympathy before going limp. His eyes closed to the feeling of tender touched along his brow as Xander and Leo drew the tired princeling between them. The pair of blondes looked to Hel who nodded at the great job they'd both done in getting milked by the Prince before snapping her fingers and dispelling her illusions and tricks upon his mind. Alfonse came too as the two both forced their weeping cocks into his mouth and began tickling his ears to force his fellation. Hel simply floated over and began tracing a skeletal finger beneath his ballsack to force the prince to shriek at the cold touch. When Alfonse erupted again he lapsed into sleep at the touches of Hel and her husband having enjoyed a good day of rest in exchange for Echidna's freedom thanks to Shareena.
She was front and center to watch through Loki's magics as Alfonse's next course began.
Henry and Laevateinn were eager as they spread the cream all across his body from his head to his toes the prince was coated in sweet foam while their statuesque helper held him still. When finished Alfonse braced himself for their attack but instead found himself carried away to the arena. He was tossed down rather unceremoniously to where he saw another whimpering prince also dripping in cream. Despite the pity, he felt for Prince Siegbert his mouth watered at the blonde hairs matted in frosting and before he knew it he had the boy pinned beneath him. A pang of his conscience slowed him and the next thing he knew there was a hungry mouth sucking deeply of his navel and a pink tongue slaking itself of the sugary coating of his tummy. He fell back and Siegbert had him in seconds. Bending and crossing the opposing Prince's ankles in a way that gave him a tasty cross to suck upon. His tongue snuck down between the salty soles and sucked the sweet right off them as Alfonse and Shareena cried for different reasons. Siegbert got cocky though and let his cute bum poke out and soon Alfonse had ahold of it and was pulling him back into his arms. Siegbert was quickly wrapped up in strong legs and his big ears devoured by a hungry tongue that soon dipped low to begin on his neck. Sieggy bit the calf that trapped him and kept those legs open to get his mouth in under the blue-furred treasure bag. Sucking and nibbling his fingers pinched and tickled the thighs while Alfy moaned and fell back to the sensations. He went too deep though and Alfonse closed around him like a claw then paid him back. The two traded the lead for what seemed like hours as the royals watched the silly prince's clean each other pink. It wasn't until Alfonse was on his knees with his bum in the air and Siegbert eating it out that a semblance of Alfonse's mind started to return to him and he was able to recognize the gladiator wheeling a cake into the arena. Alfons tried to get up and run as Lukas came to collect them but was tackled to the ground by Siegbert still consumed by the lust as he began on a cream deposit upon Alfonse's thigh. It was easy for Lukas to pick up both prince's and throw them over his shoulders. The ginger stud preened to the crowd as Alfonse hung limply in exhaustion and Siegbert tried to claw his way free. For his struggles Siegbert was the first one smashed into the cake. Frosting shot in every direction as the prince tried to wriggle free from the sugary mess, unexpectedly though another rose up from behind Siegbert and wrapped around him. Siegbert tried to shake the chocolate frosted Navarre off but was quickly subdued by the swordsman's superior strength and rammed deeper into the cake headfirst while Navarre set about mummifying him inside it. Lukas simply sat himself down and pulled Alfonse's wrists above his head as the crowd went wild. Lukas stuck a strong finger into Alfy's little muscled pit and scraped up the ticklish hollow while his victim howled. "NOHOHOOO PLEASE! LUKAS YOU CAN BREHEHEAK FRE-Gumph!?" Alfonse's pleas were silenced by a frosting covered finger being jammed into his mouth. Despite himself Alfonse sucked it clean and licked his lips at the taste, something about the frosting settled over Alfonse's mind and soon he was whining until he felt that finger again this time going between his ribs. His mouth was open and greedy as it went in and he sucked upon it like a baby bottle. Surtr and the royals roared in approval as Lukas set about cleaning Alfonse off one swipe at a time while Navarre began forcing strawberries between the upside-down Siegbert's toes. Alfonse whimpered as the last of the cream was scraped away and he was carried over to the wrecked cake as well. Headfirst he went in just like Siegbert and soon the two were snugly entombed in pastry together and Lukas also started to force berries between Alfonse's toes. He and Navarre began to run their cocks along the helpless feet as Alfonse again lost control of himself and slipped away into unconsciousness as he dripped his own seed onto his face.
Surtr laughed as Shareena reluctantly set up another Heroes betrayal. The sight of her brother spending his birthday upside down and in a cake dripping his own seed like a faucet had broken her and to try and lessen his future punishments she relayed orders to Mercedes on where to go. She hoped that whatever was happening to Alfonse was worth the poor girl and her own sanity.
Alfonse's day of relaxation this time was to be strapped down and watch as Princess Laevateinn was tickled mad by her "court" of tickle slaves. The diminutive swordswoman's feet as well as the pale peds of her favorite advisor Henry had both been confiscated by the bulky princess Sheena who's painted red nails danced along the pales soles and forced the two into hilarity. A similar scene played out with the two's palms who were the property of the normally chaste and refined Libra who like Sheena kept the four palms in a headlock as she danced her nails along the tender skin and knuckles while keeping the two stretched tight. Sitting atop the stretched troublemakers was the Dark Witch Tharja who's wicked red fingernails roamed along in their pits making the two buck beneath him and occasionally giggling at the white feathers dragging along his back as Leanne sat on the pairs hips and played her nails along their thighs and knees. Her extremely light frame allowing her to be supported by the two without much effort just as Tharja was without much strain. This hilarious human bridge was mere inches from the bound and gagged Alfonse who's bared feet were close enough to the scene to feel whenever a sweet spot on Henry or Laevateinn was discovered as they would jump and shake up the whole formation before their genitals were massaged back into submissiveness by the reclining female version of Robin beneath them in her barefoot maid's attire. He wasn't touched though so Shareena's deal had been honored though that meant little to the teary eyes of Mercedes, Echidna and Maria as their small feet protruded from their gift-wrapped hells and were victimized with candy canes by the happy elves Robin and Rhajat and their Christmas themed puppet master in the tree behind who's strings of tinsel made the two do as she commanded. Still, the three had a clear view of Alfonse's day of "relaxation" as well as an unknown glimpse of Princess Shareena preparing her surrender.
This probably would have made Alfonse quite sad so it was a good thing that King Surtr decided that a cheering up is what he needed the next day as he took his blue-haired little boy to see some funny clowns. Sat upon his lord's lap in a humiliatingly small pair of shorts and an equally humiliatingly long pair of cotton socks Alfonse thought of this horrid outfit he'd been forced into. Surtr had played on their size difference and dressed him to resemble a schoolchild and now held him on his lap like he was worried the young adult might hurt himself. Alfonse knew this was just to demean him and his only real danger was that he might blush himself to death before Surtr's clowns could tickle him insane. They came quickly though to prevent that. Lazlow and Inigo were quick to coo over the cute young lad King Surtr had brought to their show and how his soft little toes curled in his long socks as they played fingers down his knees. "By all of the most Sacred Stones, it seems we have a grumpy little lad here my Dawn Brigade! It's our job to be his Deliverance and find the smiling Dragon of Dawn inside him!" Alfonse's sweater was yanked up his waist from behind him and he jumped as a devious Alm kept it there. His attempts to roll it back down were stopped by Surtr who pulled his wrists above his head as if he was a child and not just the captive of a sadistic giant. Alfonse was helpless as Alm applied a pen and began drawing a big goofy smiley face across his belly. Alfonse's tight body jumped and giggled at the attention before turning a bright red at the ventriloquist act being visited upon his now smiling tum by the shortest clown.
"It looks like King Surtr brought you to us juuuust in time. Look at that happy smile that was just waiting to get out! Don't you wanna just pinch the cheeks, my lord? I know I do! Pinchy-pinchy happy tum!" "Ahahanoo! My tuhuhum is not hahahappy and neiheeether ahaha-GMMPH!!?" A finger so thick he almost choked forced its way between Alfonse's lips. It's dull flat nail scratched at the back of his throat gently and forced him to gag so that now his happy tummy and abs were wiggling beneath Alm's fingers. The leader of the clowns fell back and rubbed himself against the tummy while his fellows closed in and took their own approaches. Alfonse's socked feet were seized by Inigo and Lazlow who produced quills of their own to mark them up while Owain snuck in behind to tease Alfonse's tender lips and cup them as a puppet of his own. "Hey there everybody it's me! Alfonse! The Prince of ticklish softies! How ya doing? I'm so happy to be here with my papa Surtr that I can barely talk for how much I want my papa to tickle me brainless. Oooh please tickle my nose papa! Tickle it till I'm seeing not one, not two but Three Houses!" Owain said adopting a sing-songy version of his usual nonsense while squeezing Alfonse's cheeks to mimic speech involuntarily on the prince's part. His wrists squirmed in Surtr's hand but he could do nothing as that finger still wet with his saliva scratched lightly at his nose, tracing the wrinkles of his disgust and forcing them away as a smile broke out from Lazlow and Inigo poking his socked feet. Alfonse tried to get away but Surtr alone would have easily restrained the fit prince. His giggle thirsty victims were just there to tease his little trophy. "Awww but Alfy! Mr. Happy Tum wants a bit of attention! Papa Surtr there's a prize in my belly button! Can you get it? I bet you can't!" Alm jeered along in the next leg of Alfonse's torment as Surtr's finger dove into that tight little navel and stretched it trying to get deep as it could. Twisting and wiggling Alfonse squealed through his pursed lips and earned himself a pink tongue in his ear from Alm for Owain for his trouble. The invasion of the slimy pink organ didn't slow the blondes inanity though. "Nnnnf thff Myftery of thff Emblem will bff sahhlved SHHHLORRP" he punctuated it with a deep lick inside that made Alfonse shiver and prompted the twins to begin rubbing his socked feet and tracing the happy faces they'd drawn on the sole of one and the smaller ones on the toes of the other. "Well howdeee everyone! I hope you didn't forget your old pal happy foot! I'm so happy to be back that I brought my little babies! Say hello to the Smiley Toes!" "Oh, Happy Foot can we all have some tiggles? We're wiggling with excitement at having our pads pinched and our stems scratched!" "Maybe you if ask your Papa Surtr reeeeal nice!" "Pweeeease Papa Surtr!"
Alfonse's wrists were released and with a shove, the boy toppled forward like he was made of leaves. His poor socked footsie was seized and he hung limply upside down between Surtr's legs as The King began to play a delightful game of piggies with his little pup as he pulled away the sock. The exhausted Alfonse's face was the perfect place for the clowns to play and they fell on him like a pack of wolves. Alfonse saw only stars as Alm and Owain forced their tongues into his ears while Inigo and Lazlow rained hard kisses down on his nose and bright red cheek. All the while a mass of twitching footsies formed just beneath his head as the clowns amused themselves with the titular game as they helped blast away the Prince's resolve. When the games calmed down Alfonse wheezed and strands of drool hung from his reddened lips. "Papa Surtr no more! Please lemme rest!" "Ahhh my son has grown tired? Does poor babe need sleep? Very well send for the servants and we'll have tucked you in for the night. Clowns! Climb up here and amuse your king!" Alfonse fell into the hyperspeed game of toe tennis and for a solid minute, his face was assaulted by the feet until he heard a massive metallic clatter and looked up to see his papa having shed his armor. The King of Muspel folded his massive arms behind his head and showed off his red-haired chest as the clowns clambered up to take advantage. Inigo was the first up and was hooked in an instant. The youthful mercenary was seized by the massive arms and his huge soft feet brought to bear for the king's thick fingers to drag along. His comrades still fell upon the dusky pecs, pits, and abs and made sure that King Surtr's laugh joined with their captured fellow's. Alfonse was pulled away by soft hands and didn't resist as he was bundled up in a downy blanket. Wrapped tight until he couldn't move an inch when Alfonse got his senses back it was too late and Eldigan had already carrier him out of the room.
He'd expected to retire to his chambers but he was instead brought into a freezing cold room with a puddle of water in the center. Laying in the water was a tall blue-haired man that Alfonse recognized as Lif the general of Hel. He'd only found out later that this man was actually a version of himself from a future that had lost their war to Hel but by then the man had long since been claimed by Surtr's tickle monsters and his mind shattered. Now Lif knelt before him and pinched his helpless big toes in each hand making Alfonse shudder. The broken version of himself pushed the big toes back and slipped his fingers through the toes to lightly scratch the tops of Alfonse's feet making the prince squirm in his blankets. "These soft little fortresses are under siege Alfy! What will you do? They've come to tick-tick-tickle you and your sister's cute feet! Is that what mother used to say? It's been so long since I was little enough for her to tickle me but my new wife lives to do it. Dear look it's a little me!" Clammy fingers pinched Alfonse's cheeks and drew them up into a smile that he didn't want as breath like swamp air assailed his ears. The Rusalka leaned down and sat heavily behind Alfonse working her clammy feet up into his lap as he squirmed. In an instant, Lif and Eldigan had seized a little foot each and were moaning loudly as they worshipped the short webbed toes and blessed the soles with loving kisses as Alfonse recoiled. Lif hissed at the disrespect but the Rusalka simply pecked Alfonse on the cheek and tut-tutted the undead general into submission. "My cold baby don't fret. He's just frightened! No matter what he does he knows his destiny is here to be smothered and snuggled by his loving bride of the bog here with you and my Eldie." "My beloved is two not enough for you? Lif and I are two strapping souls with the tickliest of soles just as you love. You must have a third?" "Darling Eldigan just think of our new friend as a little brother. So precocious and giggly that would you not want him in your family? My love for the three of you is deeper than the bogs we live in, from the muddy waters of which will protrude the proud feet of my husbands for the dragonflies to buzz and nip." Eldigan blushed at what seemed like a threat. Alfonse was struck at how odd the red tinge seemed in the proud knight's cheeks, from what he'd read on the proud Lionheart, Eldigan he'd been a Knight's ideal of a Knight and now here he was blushing at the idea of having his toes tickled while he was entombed in mud.
"Dear younger self do not worry. The three of us will have plenty of time to stare at each other when we share a bed with our beloved Maris. Her cold toes are an absolute treat. Let me show you!" Lif dug about in the blankets to find Alfonse's shorts and released the prince's meaty serpent from its chains. His cock stood at attention as the webbed toes of Rusalka wiggled their way closer on either side of it. His toes curled in terror as Eldie and Liffles curled up on either side of him and draped their long legs across the prince in a blanket. They used their knees to trap his poor little soldier boy for Maris's slimy peds to encircle. Alfonse gasped at it felt ad if the cold feet were sweating swamp water but at the same time tried to ignore the skill. The webbed digits pressed into just the right spots on his shaft and head to trap the fountain inside but to also allow the wet soles to slide on his warm dick. Alfonse's eyes were rolling back as an image started to form in his head. More magic was used by the devilish Loki to show him others fates and Alfonse's eyes glazed over as he was shown a woman.
He recognized the blonde as one of the Heroes of the World of Three Houses. Her name was Mercedes and while Alfonse hadn't gotten to know her very well she seemed a kind soul considering the tea parties he'd seen her hosting in the castle. Waxing on to tortured souls such as Julius and Legion as if they were nobles all the same. Certainly undeserving of having herself tied spread-eagle and nude on her own altar, practically deifying the busty blonde. She earnestly beseeched her captors to free her but the two women seem uninclined. Echidna and María will strut over with glazed eyes, hungry to break the lady bishop in, once they start anointing her with oils of chamomile and jasmine, her body starts getting hot as the oils sensitize her skin and dull her senses. Mercie falls into haze putting her at her former allies’ mercy, a sleepy smile creeping its way into her face as they massage and tickle her breasts and belly.
“Mmmm...ooh ladies it feels goo—OHohoho that’s the spot, aaahn, mmmhm, you need to break’s leave togethahahaha my nipples oh my Goddess! Mmmm this is fun, oh ‘Chidna my siheeheeheedes! Oh, use your nahahahils pretty please. Oh, mmm, ohhhhhh Maria! Maria little Maria your lips feel—hngh! Suck my nipples Maria!—HEEheeheehahahahaha! Suck them, suck them! Nibble and tiggle—paHAHA Chidna! not my belly buttHA—gasp—HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Annie, Ingrid, oh where are you!? TEEHEEHEE IT TIGGLES IT TIGGLES!” Alfonse tried to blink the images away but his franticness only earned his cheeks strokes and pokes from the men as the cold swamp feet caressed his cock. After the outburst Echidna and Maria grin lustfully at each other and start to really play Echidna climbs atop her legs and starts fingering and licking her mound, playing as a horny kitty with a taste for pussy while calling Mercie her goddess as she squeezes her thighs. Maria sits delicately on the blonde’s belly and brings her long legs over to trap her face in her adorable tiny feet. The drooling redheaded young adult tells Mercie that she knows of her secret foot fetish and will gladly surrender to her bestie’s deviant desires, “But only because you were so nice about the tea parties and listening to how upset I was about how my feet never grew like Mickie and Minnie...” The sensual “torture”, soporific scents of the oils, and her own praise kink are already doing a number on Mercedes’ brain. The woman’s half-convinced that this is yet another lewd dream she’s having, and instead of forcing herself awake and suppressing her desires...why not indulge? Just this once... “Lemme suck your toes, Maria! Your cute little toes are strong like your big sis and bro! Pwetty-pwease lemme suck em, oh Goddess I wive and bweath for your cute feet, they're so strong! Ohhhh yes, stick em in fwont of my face. YES! Wiggle 'em! Wiggle wiggle WIGGLE 'em. HNGH! Oh GODESS YES! Worship me, just like that! Yeahhh worship me, make me your goddess, lick me. Make me wet. Mmmmm oh my—MMMMMM FUCK ME! Stahp the teasing pweeease, stopstopstop. Just do it. Tiggle me! Get me good, I deserve it. Squeeze all my sweet spots, I wanna be your tickle god! Hurry, before I cum, I’m already so—Hah! Ahhh! Oh nonono I’m—NO not yet! Ing—MMPH!” Maria cuts the unholy mewling by finally stuffing her feet into Mercedes’ mouth, and the blonde goes cross-eyed with pleasure before rolling back in her head. With just a few more licks from Echidna, the bishop’s vision goes white as she sprays white into the mercenary’s face causing her to go into a cute coughing fit. While still technically conscious, Mercedes is already a shell of herself, eyes white and tongue hanging out as Maria pulls her feet from the drooling mouth. As the pair unchains her from the altar, the proofs of her orgasm seep into a crest etched into the stone underneath her. The semen activates the magic seal, making it glow purple before the cover of the altar begins emanating the same light. Alfonse's eye's glazed for a second as he painted Meris's webbing and he tried to beg as he realized she wasn't slowing down. Eldigan crushed his lips against his to gag him while he and Lif stroked the prince's nipples through the blankets.
The demonic glow shone brighter and brighter until it blinds Echidna and Maria, and the next time they open their eyes the two find themselves laying on their backs. A tickle-drunk Mercie laying between them, all three’s legs are pointing upwards with their ankles sticking out of a stone ceiling in the box they’re trapped in. The situation quickly becomes apparent: the trio of women have clearly been locked inside the altar, their six small feet vulnerable for inevitable tickle torture. Unbeknownst to them, it is, in fact, Libra and Henry who designed this depraved “altar” through a combination of Light and Dark magic. The women inside will be sustained without the need for food or water as long as Libra provides the encasing with his energy. Henry meanwhile will give his own energy to mess with their minds to link all of their pleasure signals directly to their feet. On their command, a horde of impish demons descends on the exposed feet to tickle and torment, though the trapped women will be unable to register their machinations as anything but mind-blowingly erotic.
Dozens of claws and tongues attack Mercedes, Echidna, and Maria’s hyper-ticklish feet and send them mad. The imps nails wear away any toughness Echidna’s 7s have left, shaving away her calluses and blisters between her short toes to leave them baby soft for the tongues to get her screaming and cumming. “! CUMMING! Gasp...gasp...heehee.! I’M WET! Gasp...bwahahaha! Tongues...can’ DADDY! Gasp—GAHAHAHAHAHA! Nothing! Left! Can’t! Cum! Love it! Toes! Need! Lickles! HNGH! HOW!? YEEESSSS! CUMMING AGA—geeheehuhugh!” Alfonse attempts at whispering to these poor women to forgive him for failing as their leader was internal as his mouth was currently being invaded by Eldigan's tongue. He whimpered as Lif produced feathers and opened a two-pronged front on his nostrils as again he lost control of himself and erupted once more.
Maria’s petite 4.5s barely had room for the demons to tickle, but by spreading her delectable piggies with their claws they create more space for the scratches and licks. “Blahahahaha! Who’s there!? Eeeeheehee, my poor piggies!! Weeee! Weeweeweeheehee! Get the pads! Go between em! Yahahahaha! Guhuhuhu—gurgle—hiccup—scratch underehehehe! Googoogaga gitchygitchygitchy!! Underthenails. Underthenahahahails. Underthe—choke—HAHAHAHA—slurp—wannit so bad! Don’t stop! MOOORE!” Mercedes was in utter bliss, beautiful and brainless bliss. She spread her slender toesies of her own volition for the unseen ticklers. Her mind slipped away as she imagined her fellow Kingdom Nobles as the ones ravaging her creamy soles and begged them to ravage her tasty toes. “Oh myheehee! What have you all dohohohone to me!? Trapped me like this—AAAIIIEEEEEHAHAHA! ANNIEHEEHEEHEE you feel sohohoho good on my heeheeheels! Deduhoohoo my arch! Yahahaha! Bwahahaha oh Dimi, Sylvy, Feheheheli no! You bad boys! Don’t lick my soles like—EEEEEHEEHEEHEE!! YES! OH! Lickemlickemgood!! Don’t forget my—BWAHAHAHA! Ingy how’d you know!? I wuv my toes getting sucked! AhHAHAHA! AhHAHAHA! AHAHAHASHE GET IN BETWEEEEE—breath hitches—aaaaiiieeee you’re making me CUM again!!”
Orgasm after orgasm, the female fighters were sent further and further into madness. Their cute and silky feet didn’t get a moment’s reprieve, and thanks to the monk and sorcerer their bodies seemed to never run out of semen to pump out. After a few explosive releases, the broken trio found themselves floating in their own creamy cum while Alfonse watched no longer able to look away. The forced grin on his face had been released a while ago but had stayed of its volution settled upon his face as Meris got him to pop once more at the sight of the three floating beauties.
After such exhaustive use of their magic, it was soon time for Libra and Henry to recharge their own energy. Thankfully the imps were more than willing to aid them in that regard. A few flew behind the altar to a spout carved out of the stone side. Removing a cork stopper, they let out a stream of the women’s collected juices into a flask before resealing it. Then they left the cackling maidens and flew to their summoners to strip and tickle them as well. The imps stuffed the flasks into the men’s mouths as they scratched their pits and sides. They stuffed themselves between the pale legs and teased the tops of their cocks with tongues while scratching their balls. The creatures even wormed up their pink asses to scratch at the flesh inside. Some of the demons were incubi who spread the contents of their flasks on Libra and Henry’s feet, dicks, and nipples. The hexes inside the altar enchanted the cum so as to reenergize the two men, but it also served as a powerful lubricant that would do wonders on their most sensitive spots. Libra choked down his captives’ milk as he felt the tickling worst - well, best - on his alabaster 13s. They were slicked up the point where an incubus only needed a single nail to get him screaming through the flask. Using three sent his body into shock and brought about a violent orgasm. Using five completely recharged him, got him rock hard, and knocked him unconscious even as he fired off another jet of cum in his sleep. Alfonse's weeping eyes bulged as Lif and Eldigan laughed breathily into his ears as Meris webbed toes again seeped with white.
A few orgasms later and the men were back to full magical capability. The imps got to work lathering the ladies’ saliva-covered peds with the white seed collected from their captors. The sensation alone of having hot cum pored in their soles brought the trio to yet another orgasm, but before the demons could take advantage, Mercedes screamed out in blissful agony. “This is heaven! Never let me out! I’ll serve Surtr just please oh PLEASE, bring my friends here! I’ll do anything, I’ll be a tiggle-cow for you to milk every day! I’ll be a good girl! Just get Annie and Ingy and Feli and all of them, please! I know how to find theHEHEHEHEHEM—GYAHAHAH—TIGGLEMETIGGLEMETIGGLEME! Poor, pathetic Mercie would get her chance to sell out the Blue Lion house in time, but at the moment her prison was filling up with too much warm semen from her and her comrades, and soon they were all submerged in their own white juices. What’s more, is the enchantments allowed the tickle sluts to breath even while under, and they freely drank up their magical cum to energize themselves for more torture. With another orgasm of his own Alfonse's head nodded frantically along with the crazed woman's pleas. Though his mind fought to regain control his body simply melted under the trio. A small part of his mind wanted to stay here. No more late nights devising battle plans, stepping in-between the quarrels of soldiers and Heroes old and new or hearing whispered queries of what he had done to earn command here. Nothing but a fluffy, swampy cloud of pure pleasure that he'd never wiggle out of. His brain fought that small thought but it was riding the waves of ticklish agony and pure pleasure right through the defenses of Alfy's rational thought.
Somewhere deep in the recesses of her fried brain, Mercedes also mused but of the thought that she was the only Hero present with a Recover spell that could have easily dispelled the mind control and needed no staff or tome to cast it. In fact, that single incantation would have freed Echidna and Maria of Surtr’s brainwashing and given them all a chance to escape. This lone thought unlocked a memory suppressed with dark magic: one of her locked in a chest with her porcelain feet sticking out, while a malevolent Hubert scrubbed her heels, feathered her balls, and lapped at her tasty soles and toes. She remembered the dangerous man mocking her kink for tickle worship, saying this was her just desserts for inviting him to her room for tea. He despised tea, but he thoroughly enjoyed punishing the cleric for her motherly nature...just how she liked it. The small corner of Mercie’s subconscious relished in this revealed memory, and was desperate to uncover any other tickle session that Hubie may have hidden away in her grey matter. It would have to wait, however, as yet another orgasm from mind-melting tongue torture brought her to the surface. The healer wailed in her bath of cum, ever so thankful that Hubie had tampered with her mind. If not for him sealing her ability to escape tickle torture with her magic, she may have never gotten to fully experience this heavenly torment. Wherever he was, she prayed to Seiros that he’d arrive with her classmates in tow, and proceed to bless all of them with endless tickle worship. Alfonse saw all of this due to the angel and devil pair of Libra and Henry's sorcery and his tongue lolled out at the thought of those long fingers on his own little puppies as another memory played in his head.
The Western Isles Resistance fighters were in a tough spot. The armies of Bern were on their way and they were holed up in a cave with Lord Roy while awaiting the rest of the Elibean forces to reinforce them. Echidna saw that morale was low and had come up with a plan to get their spirits up. Pretending to misplace her boots and one of her socks than playing up stepping on a blade of grass that got a sweet spot that left her a giggling mess her troops gathered round to play with Mama Echidna. No one knows how it went so far but it 8 ended up in a gang tickle situation...specifically 7-on-1 with her in the middle. Gentle Gonzalez had her left foot in an iron armlock as he slipped a finger along her cute foot and ripped her resistance apart. The big man only needed one finger in the center of her sole to utterly wreck her; naturally he used all five, and from that alone she would’ve been in silent laughter if not for the others tiggling her all over. The big fellow was more than happy enough to get a smile on the nice lady Echidna's face and was enamored with the tough woman's little foot. Lot had always been abnormally strong for his age, which made it easy enough to keep his new employer's leg down. After a long look at the blisters sticking through the adorable cotton sock obscuring the cute little size 7 foot, he put his sewing lessons from home to work by unstitching all of the cotton around her blushing toes. Licking his lips with a lust only she would recognize, the fighter took all five piggies in his mouth to munch and suckle on as 'Chidna shrieked like a banshee. Alfonse's lips mouthed "menextmenextmenextmenext"
Roy had always been drawn to the strong woman as the ultimate manifestation of his desires and his kink for tough girls to mommy him into oblivion, but having her completely at his mercy like this brought all of his feelings to the surface. With a lecherous grin, he tore her breeches away to attack her milky mound with two feathers. With the warrior moaning and cackling helplessly he took the opportunity to sample some pure “mother’s milk”, working his tongue deep into her **** to get her juices flowing while Alfonse's own popped again this time with a groan of pain to accompany his wails of pleasure as his mind slipped further into love with his new life.
Lalum was totally fixated on her bestie’s belly. She couldn’t explain it, but the reactions she got from counting Echidna’s ribs, or squeezing her abs just filled the ginger with hot bliss. A quick drag of her talented little feet allowed her to use some brushes to cover those spots, while she focused all her efforts on that suckable belly button. She licked and chewed hungrily at the rebel leader’s expense, but Lalum was beyond reason now lost in the melodic wails of hysteria that Echidna was emitting just as Alfonse was from his unseen vantage.
Geese and Elfin were double-teaming her sweating armpits and lovely breasts. Despite Roy’s thirsty indecency, Elfin couldn’t bring himself to undress her, but that didn’t stop a mischevious Geese from ripping his side of her shirt and starting to tweak the ticklish nipple underneath. Elfin meanwhile massaged it over the fabric with maddening carefulness, while lapping at her pits with catlike licks his royal visage would have never revealed his skill beied. Geese was without conscience as he nibbled into her other pit fiercely while squishing, kneading, and tickling her firm breast. Echidna was cross-eyed from the insane double team, unable to determine which strategy was wrecking her best the tender touches or the devious tweaks. Meris finally released Alfie's tired cock and joined her hubbies in reveling in Alfie's awakening to his true wants in life as a swampy tickle bitch.
There was something about Mercie’s complete openness that made Perceval comfortable enough to indulge in a “game” like this. He cheekily planted his size 12 feet on either side of the healer’s weeping head, curling his toes long enough to scritch and scratch the exposed neck. The knight cooed and teased Echidie, calling her “tiggle pig” and “foot bitch” and plenty of other unchivalrous names. She never lost her laughter throughout the experience, and as her subordinates tickled her into sublimation she found her exploding with creamy excitement at the prospect of being a go-to tickle Bern for the rest of her life a fate which Alfonse's tired brain now ached to share as the sights swirled again.
Now Maria is returned to her captivity in her homeland was bound to a chair now on its back, the tall redhead howls through her gag as a number of the less scrupulous generals slowly remove her shoes and stockings, joking that her common clothing will be stripped and burned before they put her in attire proper for the new maid. One caresses her hypersensitive feet, admiring them, completely objectifying her as he proclaims these little 4.5's to be the only truly “noble” part of the bloodline as evidenced by her snake of a brother. He massages them for 20 straight min, wearing her down as she giggles madly from the not-quite-tiggles. He then produces a single feather to stroke her heel, and she quickly sees where this is going... He slides the feather gently around that right heel for what must have been 10 min, and the young woman is already begging. No matter how appalled she is by his behavior, a primal voice in Maria’s gut spurs her to beg pathetically around the gag even now in her early twenties she begs to return to the simple days of her and her siblings being scooped up by their happy father in a ticklish bouquet of feetsies for him to drag his beard along. She’s just too ticklish, and the heel torture is driving her mind to hideaway. The monster grins smugly at the early surrender and rewards her with a second feather on her left heel, making Marie scream before falling into nonstop laughter. She whips her head madly and cries out, but now the dastards are sweeping those feathers up to her soles and making her world go white, her breath hitches, and she spurts out involuntary globs of cum while cackling in insanity.
This earns her spiteful jabs from the villains, calling her a sham of a devout believer, a harlot masquerading as a woman of piety. One removes his boots and kneels over her bound body, facing the tops of her feet and sticking his narrow 11.5s in her face. He'll joke that when he’s through with her she’ll be kissing his toes in utter servitude so she should get used to the smell sooner than later. Marie tried to turn away but find her cheeks pressed between his pink, high arches, and skin and finds herself dazed and wet from the scent of his strong feet. She’s so distracted that the resurgence of feathers on her sensitized soles makes her go cross-eyed with laughter, and he'll keep her there for 20 more min before moving to the balls. He was just about to get started when the two were interrupted by the door bursting open and Michalis and Minerva bursting in at the sound of their sisters suffering. Maria could barely register them in her state, but made out enough to see the warm blood as the two cut the villains down with no mercy. The conniving Michalis had shaken with rage at the sight of what the bastards had done to his noble sibling but was gobsmacked at the drunken mewling of Maria begging him and sister to ravage her little soles with their own titanic tootsies. He still felt guilt over how he had kept her captive so he and Minerva acquiesced and removed their boots and socks as he made his way to her. Seating himself with Maria’s head near his crotch, he smiled as he ungagged his fellow sibling to greet her. The poor cherub couldn’t get a single warning out about the sorcerer in the corner charming their minds into committing these acts and instead took Mickie’s feet and had them stuffed between her lips, effectively regagging her as his broad 14's. Minerva assured her that this was their family being happy together before leaning down to kiss her lips and suck her brother’s toes, all while massaging Maria’s face with her own tough feet. Minerva wasn't completely controlled and was instead throbbing with memories of her "little" sister that was now taller than her nagging her even more than usual, offering sweets and even requesting to bathe her wyvern. What had made her snap was how she’d been prancing around in open-toes heels for the past 2 weeks, constantly asking for his opinion on her footwear and recent pedicure. The way she teased her soft feet right in front of her had nearly sent her insane, but with her tied and vulnerable now Minnie could finally get back at the giraffe girl. She let Michalis go back to feathering her heels, while she brought out a whole feather duster to “clean” both of the little soles, as well as the balls of her feet. Maria went buck wild in her restraints, and the dragoon could just barely make out cries for surrender that she duly ignored. She produced a bag of candied cherries and put them between her pink toes before dusting the pads and skin underneath. Minerva threatened that if any cherry fell out or got squished, she’d immediately begin eating all of them out from her toesies. With that she forced her toes still, giving the evil king’s duster free reign over all ten pigs in their blanket. Alfonse howled in lust to be there as the trio laughed as his vision faded to white.
Shareena swam as fast as she could. Last time they'd caught her and the time before but this time she'd reach the clamshell where she could take refuge and hide from the tickle crazed mer-woman and the green-haired little tickle sprite that swam as her finman. They'd caught her every day for the week since she'd been foolish enough to trust Surtr's word and surrender. There had been all kinds of tricks in here to catch whether it was the jellyfish she'd been tangled in that had zapped her cross-eyed with laughter or the squid that had scrubbed her soapy and pink there was always a gimmick. Wolt and his mer-girlfriend would catch her and spend the night floating about in Surtr's fish tank stroking her size 14's and flossing her toes with seaweed while licking the creamy arches of the bubbly blonde who's light personality always kept her floating. Surtr had promised she could see her brother when she made it and today she was gonna! She swam as fast as she could even as the fishies nails just grazed her silly pruny flippers. She just barely made it to the clam and closed it behind her when she realized it wasn't big enough! Her silly bigfoots were stuck outside and she couldn't pull them in! Wolt and his Mer-pal head locked the ankles and dug in Shareena went wild inside her bivalve. She saw that there was a window and peered through it with teary eyes to see a throne that held Surtr with something wiggling in his lap. She saw the blonde highlight and realized it was her brother! "Papa Surtr look! She made it! That silly tickly girl made it! Can I have a little sister now? NOHOO NOT MY TUHUUMMY!" "Ohhh but my wormy little Fonso your tummy is far too cute not to bully! Besides I wanted you to smile when I told you that your little sister is here! That silly bigfooted girl is your new darling sister!" Once we fish her out and scrub her cute like you she'll love her new big brother!" "PAHAHAPPA SUHUHURTR YOUR THE BEHEHEHST! TWO SISHIHSTERS WASN'T ENOUGH!" "HAHAHA Yes Alfonse I love my tickly son and I'll give him anything! I'm quite proud of your wonderful wife!" "Can I go swimming papa? There's still slime from Meris in my TOHOHOES! PAHAPA NO!" "Oh, there is! Yes, my boy go swim! Have fun with the nice ladies in the water when they've finished scrubbing your new sister!" Through teary eyes, Shareena saw the three she'd sacrificed swimming towards wielding a net. She swallowed hard at the tickling she knew she deserved and knew that at least she'd be reunited with her brother once she was a giggly slave.