I Agree
Hello everyone,
this post wants to get the attention to the fact that the tickling video industry is not producing good clips anymore. Straight and simple.
No good/new plots
No good costumes
Non-ticklish models (most important)
No teasing talks
Just have a look to an old tickle-abuse video and you will see he difference with the ones they are producing now. And they’re still spending the same budget, if not more, so piracy is not the problem here. Just FANTASY.
I see Ftkl producing some good stuff but then, once the plot is set, there it comes: always, the same, scene! I can’t believe it!
So the paradox now is that many of us enjoy more old-fashioned Tickling Paradise videos than expensive Tickling-Submission ones. They have gorgeous models, first class bondage equipment... and ticklers who can’t tickle!
To the producers I ask, have you tried using some passion and imagination, instead of just money, to produce a video? Try watching videoclips with Tasha from Tickle-Abuse or with Simone tickling stunning girls from Tickle-Central, you may learn something.
Sorry for my rudeness but my post has the intention to shake everyone! Hopefully it will happen!
I agree 100% with you, roughly 2 years ago i posted a thread talking about the samething with some positive and some negative response. I've pasted what I wrote below and a couple of links if you would like to read the responses.
I was spending anywhere from $30 to $50 a month on clip stores or websites about 18 months to 2 years ago now I'm barely spending $30 to $50 a year. This is alarming as a consumer that tells me something's wrong with the product it just seems like most clip stores about 90% of them just strap a girl to a bed or in the stocks and tickets her there's no reason there's no plot there's no storyline there's no fantasy involved everything that used to be what sold in the past it just seems like everyone is just doing the same clip just using a different model same stocks will just put a new model in it and then if you end of the day you spend your money and then you say to yourself what did I spend my money on I got this clip the last time just a different model.
Some problems I have ran into:
Recently I had one clip store email me and expressed how they miss my business, I haven't bought any clips in quite some time, my reply was your not doing anything I like anymore they returned an email asking me what I like their follow up email after I sent them an email letting them know what I like and what I used to buy from their clip store basically was yes we're not doing clips like that anymore hopefully we will get your business in the future well my immediate thought is you're not gonna do what I like I'm pretty sure you're not gonna get my business in the future.
Another clip store sent out a mass email about a year ago or so to all its customers seemingly (there was a good handful of emails) expressing their thoughts on getting feedback from all of their customers on ideas and things that they can do in the future to keep their clip store fresh and keeping the customer's interest in the product after about a couple of months or so that same clip store email all those mass emails and expressed how overwhelming the feed back was and are not sure if we're going to be able to honor all of your request and ideas, here again you have to take a step back and say to yourself well you reached out to us.
For me I may be part of the minority of the members here TMF I want a plot , a storyline you know give me the MILF college professor who's being tickled by the sorority girls or even better yet the sorority hazing tickling the the roommate who's upset with her other roommate for flirting with her boyfriend whatever the ideas and the plots could be endless again I may be a part of the minority I don't know.
I don't understand for the life of me why clip stores use men as a tickler or Especially as a ticklee if you've noticed and I could be the only one that noticed this when you watch a clip store that uses a male tickler it's a guy that usually looks overweight disheveled and it just looks like he's getting his jollies by tickling a female it's not a turn on for me I'd like to think that I'm not alone in that thought process.
Now I've had clip stores reach out to me and say Hey if you don't like what we're doing we can do a custom OK great they send you or they advertise a list of models I choose the model I want to be a ticklee, they tell me all she doesn't like being a ticklee OK then why she listed as a model for a custom clip under tickling it doesn't add up. I have no problem spending whatever a custom clip cost but when I don't get the clip or when I do send the storyline or plot I want I don't expect to be told we don't use that girl or we don't do that plot or storyline.
Again this is all just my opinion if you agree with me great if you disagree with me that's OK to, either way if you wanna voice your opinion on this thread that's fine but I don't wanna get into a back-and-forth mudslinging ugly argument with anyone. I'm just trying to get the websites and clip stores Taking care of what's best for the customer
Thank you,