No Offense TIB but....
...considering recent events and your response to those recent events, to you actually think that anyone will be sending you any $$$ for those streaming vids and any sort of membership?
You know me bro....maybe not personally but you at femfeet aka realtickling aka TC aka whatever else you are or have been, have coresponded with me when I had my site "TickleTales" up and running through WEBTV.
I was always on your side and backed you folks up at every opportunity that it was needed. I have invited you all out the the first Hyenas Club Charity Event(which you declined) and we have always had a great and friendly relationship. In fact I always gave you plenty of webspace and free advertisment therein and you unexpecedly did something very nice for me in return which you swore me to secrecy of and I have followed your request to the letter.
However, people, TIB, over the years, what the friggin hell happened to you and that company?
Over the past year or so you guys have plundged downward stooping the the level of other commercial tickle video producers to are for the most part, full of shit and all fake all the time.
Before you know it, you will find yourselves lumped with the scum of the earth Producers like CalStar and FM.
Basically the scenarios have not changed in the least.
Not that there is a whole lot of room to change a basic scenario of victim tied down and tickled mercilessly but I think that dungeon had been warn out as has the rack and "X" frame(at least for now), give it a rest my friend.
Also, the "models" just don't seem to be as ticklish and you are now heading toward a more "porn" related tickle scene when most if not all of the community wants to see Tickling and Tickle Torture at its' peak intensity!
THEN, to top it all off, you make a bad judgement in your wording of "lifetime membership", take monies and prestoChangeo, it's gone and you for the most part, blow off those who had a fairly decent complaint or grevience.
I know it is a business but I am reasonably sure you could find a better/genuine collection of "tickle victims" who are genuinly ticklish and INTO tickling and or being tickled....making a much better financial arrangement that will assure you of not only a profit but a better more desirable and wanted product.
I have seen and whitnessed all your wars betweem Paradise Vision aka aka aka whatever THEY are calling themselves and frankly, it was all uncalled for.
All you had to do is put out a genuine product at a fair and affordable market value/price while keeping your integrity and standing in the community which you now, as I have deducted through recent events, you have lost as well as the lost of trust you so richly had just three years ago!
Perhaps there is a need for a sabatical....and a re-re-retooling of FemFeet/realtickling/TC..... .
Just a thought and an attempt to help.
BTW, there is practically a wide open market out here on the EAST coast where you folks just might find prosperity.
Forget those plastic,fakers,models who'll do anything for money even act badly who have apparantly ruined your reputation and trustworthyness.
YOU KNOW I am not just blowing smoke here. I have purchased as least 10 of your videos of which I have maybe 1 or 2 left.
I gave most of them away as prizes for contests run on my TickleTales Website a few years back(which I did have femfeet/realtickling permission to do, so don't even attempt to go down that road that I violated any copyright laws, my attourneys are NOT Jacoby and Meyers)because I just could not friggin stand watching another second of them!
Take all this with a grain of salt and some seasoning and let it simmer for a bit while giving it all some thought.