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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Battle of the "It Girls" (f/f consensual -explicit)

Lil Junebug

Registered User
Oct 16, 2023
Hey guys! I'm finding it really hard to stay with my stories. Ideas appear, but I don't have the time nor stamina. So, the ending to this one may seem abrupt. I hope you like it. Came from an idea presented by a friend. I think it's pretty good :)


It must suck knowing that I’m going to get all her roles.

Jennifer Lawrence sat by herself, nursing a plain latte in a nondescript Hollywood hole-in-the wall coffee shop, thinking about the comment. A baseball cap hung so low on her brow it nearly touched her sunglasses. Her two-year-old blouse and ripped jeans screamed mediocrity. Yes, she hadn’t felt this low in a long time.

It wasn’t the statement itself that bothered her. She couldn’t give a flying fart about another actress monopolizing her roles. Her agent could get her elected President if she asked. It was that Hollywood’s new “It” girl Sydney Sweeney had said it openly at a cocktail party and she was co-starring with her in a new movie. If that wasn’t enough, they had a steamy sex scene together smack in the middle of one of the more important parts of the movie.

J Law didn’t dislike Sydney, and she was proud of the budding star’s arrogance. Hollywood needed more confident women unafraid to speak their minds when the paparazzi lights were off. Such things travelled fast in gossip circles. But she didn’t think much of her as an actress, and she hoped she didn’t try to overact each scene to upstage her older co-star (as if 33 made you an old woman). The Hunger Games, Silver Linings Playbook, Winter’s Bone, American Hustle vs. a couple of overpraised TV shows and average films? Yup, someone might be out to prove something.

When filming began, her worst fears came true. Sydney put a ridiculous amount of emphasis on every line, made annoying facial gestures, and so many other rookie mistakes. She even asked the director to cut filming to do new takes. Who did that? Hollywood’s new “It” girl, that’s who.

Then the day of reckoning came. A long day of filming where J Law and Syd the Kyd spent three minutes of screen time in bed. Surprisingly, their volcanic, antagonistic chemistry made for hot, authentic flirting. No problem there. But the train fell off the rails when the heavy stuff began. Sydney seemed to think her shy, prudish character needed to blossom into a porn star in the blink of an eye. The script called for a slow lovemaking scene where Jennifer took the lead, but Sydney jumped her bones and tossed her on the bed like unfolded laundry. Everyone, including Jennifer, knew how important the scene was, and Sydney was ruining it. Even the camera operators rolled their eyes at each other.

But no one felt worse about it than Jennifer. Not only for the film’s sake, but for Sydney’s. This could sink her career, or at least damage it. After two awful takes, she decided to do something about it.

“Veronica, I think you need to come-“ Jennifer said in the confident, sultry manner that her character required. Sydney grabbed her by the shirt, jumped on top of her, and nibbled on her neck like a rabid leech before Jennifer had a chance to spit out her line.

“CUT!!!! “

The director yelled and sighed. Astrid Lucian: a young, promising female director who needed a major film on her resume. What better opportunity than directing an Oscar winner and rising star as co-stars? Her patience was wearing thin.

“Sydney, please tone it down. Remember, slow seduction. This is the moment where Alison draws it out of you, not possesses you into a sex demon. Slow…gentle… ok?”

“I’m telling you, it’s fucking boring,” Sydney snapped back. “That’s not hot. People want to see me and Jennifer go at it. That’s gonna make this film, not some Cary Grant-Grace Kelly thing.”

Astrid threw her hands up and sat back in the director’s chair. She signaled for everyone to assume their places.

“QUIET!!! 3, 2, 1… ACTION.”

“Veronica, I think you need to come – “followed again by the ridiculous molestation. I have to do something to break this chick up. But what? Then it came to her: as she moved to wrap her arms around Sydney, her hands took a detour under her arms and she gently stroked the soft, tender skin with all ten fingers. A wild giggle poured out of Sydney and she fell off the bed.

“CUT!!! Sydney, what the hell was that?” Astrid said. She couldn’t help but smile.

“She tickled me!”

Jennifer sat up and winked at Astrid over Sydney’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry, Syd. I slipped.”

Sydney crossed her arms across her bare breasts and shivered. Her embarrassment was palpable, but her helpless smile and sudden ease seemed to chase the tense air from the room.

She pushed Jennifer in the arm playfully and stuck her tongue out.

“It’s okay, just don’t do it again.”

Everyone on set returned to their places.

“QUIET!!! 3,2,1…ACTION.”

“Veronica, I think – “This time, Sydney put a vice grip on both of Jennifer’s arms and pressed her to the bed like someone in an action movie trying to drown the bad guy. Jennifer immediately reached up and wildly skated her fingers across Sydney’s belly. Her eyes bulged and her lips tightened. It was obvious to everyone she was trying to pretend the teases had no effect on her. Jennifer kept at it, circling her finger into Sydney’s belly button. She closed her eyes and a goofy grin stole across her face. Jennifer laughed that iconic geeky, boyish laugh, which broke Sydney and she collapsed on the bed in a fit of giggles.

“Did you forget your line?” Jennifer said, giggling.

“Stop freaking tickling me!” Sydney said.

“You deserve it. You’re hogging the scene.”

Sydney reared back, mortified.

“I am not! Take that back.”

She stood up and stormed toward Astrid, her big boobs flouncing. It wasn’t until she was alone in the middle of the set that she remembered she was stark naked. She rushed back to the bed, yanked a sheet away from Jennifer, and wrapped herself in it.

“Astrid, this is so embarrassing. Tell her I’m not hogging the scene.”

“Honestly, Sydney, you are. But there’s something exciting about watching her tickle you, We can still maintain that power relationship between the characters if you let Jen really get you.”

Sydney balled her toes into fists and clutched the sheet so hard her knuckles flushed. Her hips shook and a chill raced down her spine.

“Getting a little squirmy, are we?” Jennifer said and poked her in the ribs. Sydney slapped her hand in anger. Jennifer laughed again, which only pissed her off more. Her cheeks reddened, and Jennifer hoped she wouldn’t storm off the set.

“Look, that is not in the script,” Sydney said. Astrid approached.

“I know, but let’s improvise,” she said in a motherly voice. “You always tell me you want to go off script and show me your real acting chops.”

“But I’m so freaking ticklish,” Sydney said. She seemed legitimately nervous, but still confident. She wasn’t going down without a fight.

Jennifer reached over and goosed her hips. An adorable, defenseless smile expanded across her face, and she hopped out of reach.

“Fucking stop it!” Astrid stifled a giggle, but Jennifer laughed openly.

“Come on, Syd. It’s just a little tickling. You think you can handle that for whatever millions of dollars your agent sold her soul to get for you?”

When Sydney shook her head and sighed, Jennifer knew that they’d broken her. She was too competitive to back down from a challenge, too concerned with upstaging her now pain in the ass co-star, but also had respect for her and the craft.

“Fine,” she said in a huff.

Everyone on the set took their places to start the scene again. Jennifer had to do everything she could not to smile when she noticed Sydney trembling, refusing to look at her. She’d only planned on tickling Sydney enough to take her down a few notches, but this was too good an opportunity to pass up. The girl was in trouble.

“Remember, Sid,” she whispered. “Get aggressive again. It will make my desire to tickle you out of defense more plausible.”

“QUIET!!! 3,2,1, ACTION!!!”

“Veronica, I think – “ Sydney dug her fingers into Jennifer’s arms and pressed her into the mattress with all her weight. She couldn’t decide if it was because Sydney was bracing herself, or if she wanted to make Jennifer suffer as much as she soon would. She didn’t care, though, because it fucking hurt, so Jennifer immediately thrust both hands under Sydney’s arms and scraped at the hollows of her armpits like she was digging for gold. Sydney thrashed around, giggling, and pressed her arms to her sides to trap Jennifer’s hands. Of course, this only worked for so long: Jennifer forced her pulsing fingers under her arms in random places until she found the sensitive spots, which sent Sydney reeling and giggling again.

Then it came to her. This is an NC-17 sex scene. Let’s make it one. As Sydney slowly devolved into a giggling wreck, Jennifer fixed her eyes upon her tits that were now bouncing around like Jello molds in an earthquake. She leaned down and planted a huge, wet raspberry in Sydney’s cleavage and rubbed her nipples with dainty, wiggling fingertips. Hollywood’s newest “It” girl squealed and seized Jennifer’s wrists, holding on for dear life. Unfortunately for her, Hollywood’s former “It” girl was stronger and had weakened Sydney enough to break free and grab her wrists. She pinned her arms behind her back and laid on top of her with her lips planted inside her cleavage. Sydney was now howling with laughter and bucking her hips as Jennifer turned to planting rapid-fire kisses all over her tits, accentuated by slithering her tongue around her now rock-hard nipples.

“CUT!!!! FUCKING HAHAHAHAHAHAHA CUT!!!! HOLY HAHAHA SHHHHH AHAHAHA TTT CUT” Sydney screamed as Jennifer greedily munched on her tits.

“Ok, cut, cut…” Astrid said. Jennifer retreated quickly, figuring that her humbled, hyper-ticklish lover would come up swinging. Sydney didn’t expel the frustration by attacking Jennifer, but rather by curling up in a fetal position with the sheet wrapped around her.

“No fucking way I’m doing this,” she growled. “You can’t pay me enough.”

Jennifer cradled her arms around and rocked her.

“Awwwww, why not? You were so good.”

“Ha fucking ha, Jen.”

“Sometimes these are the things you need to deal with to make it to the top, girl. You think I wanted to film a scene getting abused by a bunch of hillbillies? And that was ten takes.”

Jennifer let her hands climb just below Sydney’s huge, perky tits and leaned in to whisper:

“Besides, I think you liked it.”

Sydney was silent. She froze and then puffed out her chest to imbibe the pleasure of Jennifer’s soft fingertips cradling the underside of her breasts. The answer was obvious to Jennifer, though no one else seemed to notice. Astrid had turned to her assistant to discuss lighting problems, and the rest of the crew was occupied with their own jobs.

“Looks like the only one who knows you’re into me is…me.”

“You know I hate you.” Sydney leaned back with her arms planted behind her. She stuck her leg out and groped Jennifer’s thigh with her big toe.

“Are you gonna hate me in five years when I take all your jobs?” She pursed her lips into a seductive kiss and winked.

“Let’s get the camera rolling,” Jennifer said and slid her finger underneath Sydney’s toe. She winked back as Sydney kicked her foot out of reach.

“And see how much hate is left after a few more takes.”

“Astrid!” Jennifer called out in her trademark Kentucky drawl. “Let’s go. Sid’s getting cranky and wants to break for lunch.”

Sydney rolled her eyes.

“Okay then,” Astrid said and clapped her hands several times. “Places, places…”

Everyone hustled into their proper positions.

“QUIET!!! 3,2,1, ACTION!!!”

The next few takes exasperated Astrid so much she nearly canceled the shoot for the day. Sydney was insanely ticklish everywhere. Worse still was that it seemed Jennifer was so enamored with torturing her screen partner that she’d abandoned her dedication to the film. Kissing, licking, and tickling up top made some sense in a sex scene, but who the hell would wrap their sheet round their lover’s ankles to keep them still while scraping at their foot arches and sucking their toes? Maybe it made sense in J Law’s private bedroom, but would audiences react to an out-of-place foot fetish scene? After a while, though, she noticed a change. Joy and vulnerability replaced the frustration and anger in Sydney’s eyes. And she sure as hell couldn’t work out of character while pinned to the bed, thrashing, squealing with cheeks as flush as sunburns.

Although Astrid could see the chemistry burgeoning, Jennifer knew something else far more intimate; something only she, rolling around naked in the sheets with her partner, could notice. Sydney was aroused. Not “I’m a little hot for my steamy sex scene partner.” More like “I’m wiping my moist pussy on my partner’s knee as she grinds me and skates her fingertips up and down my sides while I pretend to stop her.”

Though Astrid finally saw hope for her costars, her antennae still detected something awry. Somehow, an added artistic flourish would make the scene sing. Then it came to her.


Jennifer and Sydney sat suddenly, out of breath, goofy grins on their faces like two teenagers after a pillow fight.

“What’s wrong, Astrid?” Jennifer said.

“I thought we were doing fine,” Sydney added.

“No, no you guys are great. I finally have hope for all of us. I want to add something, though. What would you think, Sydney, if Jenifer tied you up?”

Her eyes popped open, and she reared back.

“Yeah, why don’t you let me tie you up?” Jennifer said and laughed.” I’m having so much trouble getting a reaction out of you.”

“Oh, shut up,” Sydney said and turned to Astrid. “If you think it will help.”

She couldn’t believe her luck. A half hour ago her Hollywood career was in jeopardy because her rising star wanted to walk off the set. Now she agreed to offer her ticklish body up like a sacrificial lamb to her rival, one who’d broken her into a submissive puddle of giggling goo.

“I do. You can do your ‘I want to be aggressive, Veronica’ thing, followed by this adorable but powerful ‘not so fast, you’re still mine and let this tickle torture remind you thing.’ Put it all together and it achieves exactly what we’d scripted: a steamy sex scene between two antagonistic women who had finally fallen for each other. I think everyone can agree that this is true in more than one way.

The two hyped-up women glared at each other, stone-faced, lips quivering. Finally, they broke into laughter.

“Hell of a day at work, huh?”

“Just a day at the office.”

The excitement on the set was palpable as everyone shuffled into place. A lanky junior prop master in his early 20s shuffled toward the bed and dropped a pair of handcuffs and two leather cuffs on the bed near Jennifer’s thigh.

“One for the wrists, one for each ankle. Got experience in this department, do we?”

“No m’am,” he said and rushed away.

“Oh my God, what a doll,” Sydney said.

With the prop master out of the way, Astrid did a 360 to make sure everyone was in place and sat in her director’s chair.

“QUIET ON THE SET!!! 3,2,1, ACTION!!!”

On cue, Jennifer slid across Sydney’s body until they were face-to-face, lips inches apart.

“Veronica, I think we should get that timeshare.”

Sydney arched her back, sighed, and craned her neck, inviting Jennifer to treat it like a lollipop. This confused her: Sydney was supposed to act unnecessarily aggressively, which would prompt Jennifer to tickle her back into her place. She’s probably so into this she’s acting the scene as it was written. The girl DOES know her part. Knowing that Sydney longed to be ravished, Jennifer gave her the most boring, innocuous touches and hoped it would piss her off. Right on cue, Sydney dug her fingers into Jennifer’s arms and flipped her over like a turtle. Worked like a charm…

Jennifer went for Sydney’s hips first, knowing it would break her concentration and send her to the bed flapping around like a seal.

“You really need to relax, Alison,” she said and circled her fingertips across the surface of her nipples. Sydney’s pumping hips and adorable giggles told her wild horses couldn’t drag her away from teasing this chick’s nipples. She moistened each with a kiss and continued the tease.

“Is someone a little ticklish? Feeling a little teased?”

“Stttt hehehehe oppppp it Veronica!!”

“And why would I sto-hehe-op it, Alison?”

Sydney forced her way under Jennifer’s fingers and guarded her breasts with both hands. She smiled and retorted with a knee into Sydney’s crotch, kneading her pussy mound like bread dough. She wiggled the toes of her other foot underneath Sydney’s and planted a delicate raspberry at the base of her neck, turning her breathless sighs into squeals and giggles. Now that her partner was fully distracted, she eased the handcuffs from underneath the sheet and dangled them in front of Sydney.

“What are you going to do with those?”

“Maybe you should just relax and let me tease the shyness out of you. Delicate women don’t interest me. And you, Alison, are no delicate woman. And you know it.”

Jennifer pressed Sydney’s lips closed as she prepared to speak.

“Shhhhhhh… Trust me. Let me show you.”

She eased Sydney’s hands to the headboard and snapped the cuffs snuggly around her wrists; without breaking contact, she traced her nails across the length of Sydney’s body to her ankles, eliciting a low moan as the teasing touches descended below her waist. By the time she had her ankles cuffed, Sydney was trembling with sexual energy. Jennifer wondered if a quick clit stroke would dislocate her hips. Without looking away from the camera, Astrid gave her a thumbs up.

Jennifer straddled her now helpless partner and traced her fingers through her silky blonde hair.

“Look at you, so sweet, helpless, beautiful, and…”

Her hands crept across Sydney’s neck into her armpits, where all ten fingers scribbled in slow, curlicue patterns. She burst into violent laughter and thrashed so hard the bed creaked.


“Ticklish! Such a delicious, adorable laugh. Like a birdsong.”

She increased the pace of her finger strokes.

“Sing me a song! There one uh huh once was this giiirrrlll! Her name was Al-is-o-on. And she was tickl i-i-ish. So bad she was gonna cry-y-eye boo hoo hoo!”


“Sydney, you dumbass. Now you’re gonna get tickled for ruining the scene!”

“Don’t worry,” Astrid called out. “Keep rolling. We’ll edit it way down later.”

“Astrid, I can’t do this. I’m gonna ooooohhhhh.”

Her complaint was cut short as Jennifer hooked a finger inside her sloppy, wet pussy and tapped on her clit. Sydney let out a low moan as Jennifer scratched and poked at it from all sides.

“Still want to stop?” Jennifer said. Sydney smiled and tugged on her cuffs.

“Fuck you, Veronica.”

“Fuck me? Really?” She squeezed both tits and bent down to lick each nipple one-by-one, back and forth, with long, wet slurps. Her fingernails raced across her waist and belly, pausing occasionally to squeeze her hips. Sydney exploded with laughter.

“That’s how you talk to your lover, Veronica? Fuck you?! You definitely need some discipline and a lesson in how to please your lover.”

Jennifer whirled around and shimmied her ass backward until her pussy practically suffocated Sydney. She seized one of her feet and skittered her nails across the sole while nibbling on Sydney’s toes. She screamed muffled laughs into Jennifer’s pussy, generating electricity inside her that manifested an assault on Sydney’s toes. Every pulse of breath into Jennifer’s tingling crotch became a greedy sortie of nibbles, slithery, slippery licks and fingernail strokes that slid all over her feet like a swarm of tickly bees.

MMMMHHHHMMMMHHHH!!!!! Jennifer spread her legs to avoid suffocating Sydney as her thighs tightened. Before sustaining too much pleasure, she stood up, hovering above Sydney and continued to tickle her feet.



She straddled Sydney facing her feet, ass cheeks crammed against her rack. Her fingers crawled up her calves behind her knees. Sydney squealed and her feet kicked wildly.

“There’s a nice spot, my love. I’m so glad we will be vacationing together. We can do this anytime!”

Jennifer’s aggression grew as Sydney continued to break down. She began squeezing the insides of her thighs and kissed her groin right above her pussy. This turned Sydney into a screaming mess, as if undergoing an exorcism of a laughing, squealing ghost.


“Awwww, you too, hun.

“AAAAND, CUT!!!” Astrid bellowed. “That’s a wrap.”
Not bad. Not bad at all. The ending did feel kind of sudden, but it wasn't bad overall. Honestly, I liked the story overall but I guess I was kinda hoping Sydney would fight back a little bit or get some revenge.
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