just received my voting form for the election of area councillors here in the u.k.,included is a "security statement" form,which must be sealed in with my vote,it has my name on it and a number i`ve been allocated by the state so i guess the idea of an election vote being cast annonymously,without fear of victimisation if you vote against the government,is now a thing of the past over here.Maybe we should get the U.N. in to oversea fair,annonymous voting democracy here.I know many will think this is no big deal but there`s been instances here of people bringing legal action against our government after rail crashes etc,even the press who support this government have been disgusted by leaks concerning the plaintiffs in the paddington rail disaster having e-mails intercepted and their political affiliations used to smear these people with spin basically saying it`s not the family members they`ve lost that`s the motive,the real reason they`re suing and creating a fuss is because of their political beliefs!...remember,this is the blair government who thought 9/11 was a "good day to bury bad news",and released all the stuff that they didn`t want people to know about but,legally had to publish,the day after when all the media were covering the twin towers-the stuff they wanted to go un-noticed hardly saw the light of day.Luckily a whistle blower from inside blairs own spinners was so disgusted he brought this to the publics attention,it still took blair weeks to sack the spin doctor responsible "for her error in judgement",just please remember what kind of tricks are being pulled in the name of security and freedom when you`re waving your flags....