Chapter 11 - The BATtle
“So what do you think of them?” Beth asked from the back seat of Lucy’s car.
“Who?” Vanessa asked as she tried to tighten her boots.
“Who do you think, dummy?” Beth said pointing at Lucy and Faye as they walked towards the ominous building.
“Oh, them, the tall one seems cool, but the Asian girls’s a bitch,” Vanessa answered.
“I mean, do you trust them? They seem to know an awful lot about polyphylon. Do you think they’re leading us into a trap?”
“I don’t trust anyone, especially after what we’ve been through. But I also know that I don’t want to shrink anymore, and if these women really can help us, then I’m willing to take the chance.”
“I know, I feel the same way … but, just in case, take one of these baseball bats. You too Kevin.”
“Huh?” was all Kevin could say, he was too engrossed in using the shrinker’s new features to pay attention as Beth distributed the bats she had taken from the locker room.
“Kevin, pay attention. Take a bat, just in case it gets ugly we’ll need to defend ourselves. I know we can’t be hurt while wearing polyphylon, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be knocked unconscious. The good news is, so can they.”
“How do you know that?” Vanessa asked.
“My mother once … I’d rather not talk about it. Just trust me. Baseball bats will work against polyphylon wearing goons.”
As if in reply to that comment, a baseball bat suddenly came swinging through the windshield of the car.
“EEEEEh!” Vanessa shrieked as several more bats came slamming down on the car windows.
“Oh my god!” Beth cried out clutching her bat. She turned to Kevin who was still playing with the shrinker. “Kevin take your fucking bat now, we’re being attacked!”
The three passengers huddled together in the back seat of the car, careful not to get to close to the windows, which were collapsing in and spraying small bits of glass with each swing. Beth could make out at least four attackers, probably all women dressed in black ninja masks. “Fucking ninjas? You have to be kidding!”
“It figures they’d be using bats,” Kevin joked, attempting to ease the tension.
“Aaaaah!” was all Vanessa could say as each swing of the bats sprayed more bits of broken glass upon her.
“Shut up and let’s think of a plan,” Beth ordered. “Those windows aren’t going to last long; we’ll have to be ready for them. I’m guessing they’ll go for the locks as soon as they make a large enough hole. Be ready to whack their hands with your bat. I’ll take this side, Kevin, you take the other. Vanessa, just try not to scream.”
“”GAAAH!” Vanessa screamed when the window next her shattered. Vanessa did her best to bat away the prying hands that tried to unlock the door.
“Ah you little bitch!” one of the ninja’s said after getting wacked in the hand. She grabbed Vanessa’s bat and pulled hard. Vanessa didn’t let go and was pulled halfway out the window.
“Grab her, Kevin!” Beth ordered just as her window shattered. Kevin grabbed Vanessa’s legs before the woman could pull the tiny girl of the car, but his grip slipped and soon he was only hanging onto her by her boots.
“Not my boots!” Vanessa shouted as she felt her feet slip out of them one again. “Kevin, you idiot!” she screamed. Kevin sat astonished as he watched little Vanessa, now under four feet tall, helplessly get pulled out of the car and out of her boots. Her toes panicked and wiggled in her thin pantyhose as she was lifted away and Kevin couldn’t help but stare as she squirmed to get away from the woman’s grasp as he held her empty boots.
“Kevin!” Beth shouted as she tried her best to swat away the ninja on her side, “wake up and help us.” Just then Beth’s bat was grabbed, and she too found herself in a tug of war. Beth grabbed the ninja’s mask and tore it away, revealing a pretty dark haired Hispanic looking girl who could not have been older than 20. Realizing that her mask, was gone, the girl’s face grew angry and, she pulled more aggressively at the bat. Kevin looked at the boots he was holding and instantly got an idea. With all his strength he threw the boot at the ninja’s hands, forcing her to let go and retreat. “Nice one, Kevin. But watch your side!” Beth ordered just as one of the ninja’s managed to open the door Vanessa had just been pulled through.
Kevin turned to see a bat swing right as his face, knocking him out cold. One of the ninja’s had entered the car. “God dammit, I can’t fight them from in here,” Beth grunted in frustration as she swung awkwardly at the intruder. There wasn’t enough space for her to maneuver, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before they came at her from both sides. Thinking quickly, she unlatched her door, and kicked it open just in time to knock one of the ninja’s to the ground with the swinging door. Speedily, she leapt out of the car just before the one inside could grab her, and slammed the door right in the ninja’s face. The door hit the ninja’s head, and she too collapsed unconscious on top of Kevin.
“Two down,” Beth said confidently as she faced off against her next opponent, bat in hand. It was the girl whose mask had been torn off. Beth sized her up. She was rather short, Beth was a full head taller than her, and she probably would have been shorter still had it not been for her large and expensive looking platform sneakers. Her young face also made her look rather cute and almost innocent. Nevertheless there was a toughness to her expression that let Beth know that this girl was far from innocent, and probably had been in a lot more scraps than Beth had. Beth knew that this girl was not to be underestimated. After sizing each other up, the girl swung her bat at Beth, but Beth was quick to dodge and counter with her own bat, knocking the ninja girl right out of her sneakers and flat on her back.
Surprised by the ease of her victory, Beth taunted her. “Did you kick your shoes off in a fit a joy?” Beth laughed as she saw the ninja’s toes wiggle and spread in her sheer pink pantyhose. “Pink stockings? What kind of ninja are you?” But Beth didn’t have long to gloat. The first ninja she had knocked out with the car door wasn’t exactly out, and had snuck up and grabbed her from behind. This woman was quite strong. Beth tried her best to twist free, and she managed to tear off this ninja’s mask revealing her long blond hair and pretty Nordic looking face. But Beth soon found it impossible put up any resistance once the woman’s fingers made their way under her shirt and danced across her ticklish body-stocking clad ribs.
“EEAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!” Beth burst out laughing not expecting it to tickle as much as it did. The intense tickling, magnified by the sheerness of her body-stocking, seemed to suck the strength right out of her.
The ninja who had lost her shoes rose to her feet and approached her angrily. Beth knew she was in deep trouble. “You’ll pay for knocking me out of my Adidas,” the shoeless ninja said slipping back into her errant shoes. She eyed Beth’s own Adidas sneakers. “Hmm, you have good taste in sneakers. I might as well add them to my collection.” Beth noticed she had a thick high pitched New York accent.
As the ninja approached, the tickler allowed Beth to catch her breath for her moment while she restrained her in a headlock. Beth felt so weak and exhausted; she could do nothing to break free. She could hear Vanessa laughing hysterically in the distance and looked to see the other ninja carrying her towards the building while tickling her stocking feet mercilessly. “She’ll have it easy compared to you,” the New York ninja said as she grabbed Beth’s ankle.
“No!” Beth begged as she helplessly watched her foot lift off the ground, “please, don’t take my shoe.”
“You made me lose my shoes, it’s only fair that I return the favor,” the girl sneered as she slowly removed the sneaker from Beth’s quivering foot. She laughed as she exposed more of Beth’s foot. “Green pantyhose? And you were making fun of my cute pink ones. Who wears green pantyhose, really?”
“Actually, this one’s wearing a body-stocking,” the other one said with a sexy Norwegian accent, “I love tickling her tummy through it.
“Body-stocking, eh? I thought the Mistress had caught all of the body-stocking girls already,” the New York ninja said as she slipped Beth’s sneaker off her spreading toes. The two ninjas smiled, “Wow, what a ticklish looking foot,” the New York one said immediately before getting kicked in the face by said foot. She soon found herself on her back again, looking up at her pink stocking feet. She had been knocked out of her shoes again!
With her strength returned, Beth used the distraction to her advantage and flipped the ninja who had grabbed her over her back. Beth had tried to throw the ninja on top of the one she had kicked, but the woman behind her was more flexible than she had anticipated, and managed to counter the flip by curling around wrapping her legs around Beth’s waste. Beth fell to the ground and found herself in a full nelson.
“Hold her tight, Evie, she’s tougher than I thought,” the shoeless one said as she once again retrieved her shoes. “Let’s just knock her out and get this over with.”
“I got her, Mindy,” Evie said gripping Beth tightly. “Hurry up and finish her off, she’s strong.”
“Just a sec,” Mindy said slipping back into her sneakers.
“You and your sneakers … you’re always getting knocked out of them and then we have to wait for you to put them back on.” Evie complained as she tried her best to keep Beth from struggling. “When are you going to learn how to tie your shoes!”
“Shut up, Evie, I do so know how to tie them. Watch.”
As Mindy approached with her bat in hand, Beth looked around frantically for anything to get her out of the situation. Looking down, she saw Evie’s legs still wrapped around her waist. Evie was still wearing her black sneakers. Unlike the New York ninja, she kept them tied tightly. It was going to be tough to remove them, but she had to try, it was the only chance she had.
“Hey, stop that!” Evie protested as the sneakers were pried off her feet. Fortunately Evie’s slick teal pantyhose made removing them easy. “My shoes! Hit her, Mindy!”
But Mindy had once again been knocked out of her sneakers, this time by Evie’s shoe, which had been thrown right at Mindy’s face. Mindy was now on her back again, with her pink stocking feet sticking up in the air.
Now it was Beth’s turn to do the tickling as she mercilessly attacked Evie’s delicate stocking feet. “Dahahahaha!” Evie laughed as she fell backwards and released her grip. Beth was now sitting on top of her, tickling her toes mercilessly. “Plehehease Stohahahahop!” Evie begged. She tried tickling Beth’s armpits, but found that her hands were still under Beth’s arms, but now trapped in a tight arm lock. Beth clearly had the upper hand now. “Hehehehelllpppp! Mihehehehehindy!”
“This is so embarrassing,” Mindy said as she stared for a moment at her stocking feet. “You’re really asking for it you know … first ripping off my mask, and then making me lose my shoes THREE times!” Finally Mindy got off her back and walked back towards her errant shoes, which were still standing where she had once stood before getting kicked out of them. “That’s it, I’m tying them this time,” she said as she fumbled with the laces.
It was taking her much longer to tie them than Evie liked. “Hahaha! Huhoohurry! Mihihihindeeheheee!” She laughed as Beth moved to her stocking clad arch.
“You’re going to have to wait for that retard to finish tying her shoes,” Beth teased as she tortured Evie more aggressively, “Looks like you’ll be stuck here for a long time.”
“Retard?!” Mindy exclaimed angrily dropping her untied shoelaces. “How dare you insult me, you green tighted twat!” And before Beth knew it, Mindy had grabbed her bat and was already winding up for the hit.
Beth gasped when she looked up and saw the bat descending onto her face. In that split second she knew she was done. It was too late to dodge or duck, too late to block. The bat was coming down and was coming down fast. And it was the last thing she saw before losing consciousness.
The first thing Mindy noticed was that her bat had missed, and missed horribly. Then she felt her sneakers start to come off … again. Then she felt herself falling, as if the momentum of the swing had sent her flying instead of sending her intended target flying. Then she felt her toes lose contact with her shoes. And finally she was on her back again, staring back up at her shoeless stocking feet. What had gone wrong?
“She shrunk!” She heard Evie shout, “Quck, Mindy, help me find her!” But Mindy was too dumbfounded to move. She just stared at her pink stockinged feet in confusion. How did this happen?
And then she heard Evie scream. And then she saw a bat coming at her face. And then blackness.
"Hey, Beth, wake up!" Beth heard Kevin say as he poked and prodded her through her sheer bodystocking.
"Heheee," Beth giggled, "Stop!" When she opened her eyes, she found herself in Kevin's hand. She was a little over 5 inches tall, and was completely naked, save for her body stocking. "Kevin! what have you done?" she asked shocked.
"I shrunk you. It was the only way to save you from that girl with the bat."
Beth shook her head as the events leading up to her losing consciousness came back to her. "Save me? I had everything under control," she said pompously.
"Oh please, she would have knocked your head off if I hadn't shrunk you in time."
"But I'm invulnerable in this thing. All she could have done was knock me out, which seems to have happened anyway."
"Did you really want to test that theory of yours first hand?"
"Oh, shut up Kevin, and get me back to my normal size. I don't feel comfortable with you holding me like this when I'm naked. Where are my clothes anyway?" Beth asked looking around confusedly. It was then that she noticed she was nowhere near the car. Indeed, she was inside a lobby of some sort. In fact, she was inside the building they were parked outside of. The enemy's building ... "Kevin?" Beth asked astonished, "Why did you bring me in here?"
"I wanted to find out where they took Vanessa. One of those ninjas carried her off in here. But now that I'm here I'm not sure where to go. That's why I woke you."
Beth looked at Kevin angrily. "So you thought it was a good idea to just waltz inside our enemies headquarters to find her?"
"Well, it's not like the car was a safer place to stay. Besides, who knows when those two girls will wake up. I didn't hit them that hard. Only enough to knock them out."
Beth thought for a moment. It was only then that she realised exactly what Kevin had done to save her. She sighed, "I guess you're right. Thank you Kevin ... for saving me. Who knows what they would have done with me once they knocked me out."
Kevin smiled, "You're welcome. I didn't think I had it in me," Kevin gently placed Beth on the floor and pulled the shrinker out from his coat pocket. "So you ready to grow back to normal?"
Beth looked around realising that Kevin hadn't brought her clothes. "Wait. You forgot my clothes didnt' you?"
Kevin's face turned red. "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry to catch up with Vanessa's captor."
Beth sighed again. "It's okay, I would have done the same thing. Besides, if you grow me back I'll only be knocked out for awhile again. And it's probably not a good idea to be unconscious in here. Maybe it's better if I stay small and try and find her. It'll be easier for me to sneak around."
"Good idea, and we can communicate through the shrinker," Kevin added, "but you might need help operating the elevator."
Beth considered this quandary for a moment before being inturrupted by a tiny voice "They didn't go through the elevator," the voice said from behind the reception desk. It was a female voice, with some sort of English accent. Kevin and Beth looked astonished when they saw a miniature five inch blonde woman clad only in a sheer white body stocking step out from behind the desk.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Gwen," she said politely as they approached her. She was very pretty, and seemed to have a kind face. "But we can introduce ourselves later. There are camera's all over this room, and I'm sure they've heard everything you said. It's only a matter of time before they send more goons after you. Your friend was carried off through that back hallway," she said pointing off to a small door near the elevator. "I think I know where they're taking her. I can lead you there."
"But how do we know we can trust you?" Beth said eyeing Gwen suspiciously.
"Open up the top left drawer on my desk," was all Gwen said in response. With curious trepidation, Kevin opened the drawer. His eyes widened when he saw a tiny Lisa, sitting Indian style inside. She looked up at him fearfully at first, but then gave a relieved smile when she saw who it was. "I kept her in there to keep her safe, before your friends shrunk me."
"Who's in there, Kevin?" Beth asked not able to see.
"It's one of the shrunken girls Lucy was carrying," Kevin said lifting her gently out of the drawer and placing on the floor in front of Beth.
"Lisa?" Beth asked, surprised.
"Yes it's me," Lisa said shyly upon seeing Beth naked again. "I think you can trust Gwen. I've overheard pretty much everything that's gone on in here since she caught me and she doesn't seem like one of the bad guys."
"She caught you ... and trapped you in a drawer, and you say we can trust her?" Beth turned to Gwen accusingly, "And just where are 'our friends' anyway? What happened to them after they shrunk you?
"They were captured too! But I overheard one of the captors say that they were taking them to Nylondon. There's an airplane out back. They're probably loading your friends on that plane as we speak. If we hurry we can catch them. Or at least get the hell out of here before someone catches us."
Beth and Kevin looked at each other quizically, still not sure whether or not it was a good idea to trust Gwen. Beth soon realised that they had little, if any choice. "Okay, we'll follow you, but I'm not sure what we're going to do when we get there. Kevin, carry us gently please."
Kevin grabbed a glass ashtray from the desk that looked as if it had never been used. He ushered the shrunken young women onto it and carried them to the door. On the other side of the door was a narrow hallway leading outside to the airfield. In the distance, they could see three people prepping a small plane for launch.
"Good, we still have time," Gwen said excitedly.
"Time for what?" Beth asked. "Kevin's the only normal sized one here. How are we going to rescue our friends?"
"Maybe we should just call the police," Lisa said somewhat fearfully. "We'll be caught for sure as soon as Kevin sets foot out there."
"If Kevin sets foot out there, yes," Beth said leaping off of the ashtray and onto the floor. "But if we go out without him, we could probably sneak on board."
"But why would we want to sneak on board?" Lisa gasped as she watched Gwen leap down after her.
"Well, you can stay if you want. But I'm not waiting for police, who will most certainly arrive too late, while Vanessa's being carried off to God knows where. Besides, this is our best chance of rescuing Niesa and the rest of them," she said as she ran towards the plane.
Lisa looked around fearfully as she watched them run off. She then looked up at Kevin unable to decide whether to stay or follow them. Reluctantly, she came to a decision. "Ohhh, I'm going to regret this!" Lisa said before finally leaping off after them. "Wait up!"
Beth and Gwen stopped and turned to wait for Lisa. "Kevin, don't communicate with me across the shrinker unless you hear from me first!" Gwen shouted back remembering there method of communication. "I don't want your voice to be blairing out while I'm trying to sneak passed some baddies."
"Got it, sis," Kevin responded giving her the thumbs up. "I'll gather as much intel as I can for you."
Beth nodded in acknowledgement before running down the corridor with Lisa and Gwen. The three tiny women ran as fast as they could out through the corridor and onto the airfield. It looked as if they had finished prepping the plane. The engines rumbled loudly as it prepared for take off.
"We have to hurry!" Gwen shouted as she led them towards the plane. Beth followed close behind with Lisa doing her best to keep up. The three girls managed to reach one of the plane's rear wheels before it started to pull forward.
"Quick, Lisa! It's starting to move!" Beth shouted as she and Gwen climbed up the landing gear.
"This is crazy! This is crazy!" Lisa said to herself as she ran as fast as she could toward the wheel. Beth reached out her hand and pulled her up. As the plane started to pick up speed on the runway, the three girls scurried up the landing gear and into the small compartment above.
"Are you sure there's enough room for us here? What if the landing gear crushes us when it's raised?" Lisa asked trying to catch her breath.
"Don't worry, we can't be crushed while we're wearing polyphylon," Beth reassured.
"Yeah, but don't expect this to be a comfortable trip," Gwen replied as the plane lifted off the ground. The landing gear retracted slowly, and soon all light was eliminated as the compartment closed. Kevin watched from below as the plane flew off into the distance with the tiny rescuers.
“So what do you think of them?” Beth asked from the back seat of Lucy’s car.
“Who?” Vanessa asked as she tried to tighten her boots.
“Who do you think, dummy?” Beth said pointing at Lucy and Faye as they walked towards the ominous building.
“Oh, them, the tall one seems cool, but the Asian girls’s a bitch,” Vanessa answered.
“I mean, do you trust them? They seem to know an awful lot about polyphylon. Do you think they’re leading us into a trap?”
“I don’t trust anyone, especially after what we’ve been through. But I also know that I don’t want to shrink anymore, and if these women really can help us, then I’m willing to take the chance.”
“I know, I feel the same way … but, just in case, take one of these baseball bats. You too Kevin.”
“Huh?” was all Kevin could say, he was too engrossed in using the shrinker’s new features to pay attention as Beth distributed the bats she had taken from the locker room.
“Kevin, pay attention. Take a bat, just in case it gets ugly we’ll need to defend ourselves. I know we can’t be hurt while wearing polyphylon, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be knocked unconscious. The good news is, so can they.”
“How do you know that?” Vanessa asked.
“My mother once … I’d rather not talk about it. Just trust me. Baseball bats will work against polyphylon wearing goons.”
As if in reply to that comment, a baseball bat suddenly came swinging through the windshield of the car.
“EEEEEh!” Vanessa shrieked as several more bats came slamming down on the car windows.
“Oh my god!” Beth cried out clutching her bat. She turned to Kevin who was still playing with the shrinker. “Kevin take your fucking bat now, we’re being attacked!”
The three passengers huddled together in the back seat of the car, careful not to get to close to the windows, which were collapsing in and spraying small bits of glass with each swing. Beth could make out at least four attackers, probably all women dressed in black ninja masks. “Fucking ninjas? You have to be kidding!”
“It figures they’d be using bats,” Kevin joked, attempting to ease the tension.
“Aaaaah!” was all Vanessa could say as each swing of the bats sprayed more bits of broken glass upon her.
“Shut up and let’s think of a plan,” Beth ordered. “Those windows aren’t going to last long; we’ll have to be ready for them. I’m guessing they’ll go for the locks as soon as they make a large enough hole. Be ready to whack their hands with your bat. I’ll take this side, Kevin, you take the other. Vanessa, just try not to scream.”
“”GAAAH!” Vanessa screamed when the window next her shattered. Vanessa did her best to bat away the prying hands that tried to unlock the door.
“Ah you little bitch!” one of the ninja’s said after getting wacked in the hand. She grabbed Vanessa’s bat and pulled hard. Vanessa didn’t let go and was pulled halfway out the window.
“Grab her, Kevin!” Beth ordered just as her window shattered. Kevin grabbed Vanessa’s legs before the woman could pull the tiny girl of the car, but his grip slipped and soon he was only hanging onto her by her boots.
“Not my boots!” Vanessa shouted as she felt her feet slip out of them one again. “Kevin, you idiot!” she screamed. Kevin sat astonished as he watched little Vanessa, now under four feet tall, helplessly get pulled out of the car and out of her boots. Her toes panicked and wiggled in her thin pantyhose as she was lifted away and Kevin couldn’t help but stare as she squirmed to get away from the woman’s grasp as he held her empty boots.
“Kevin!” Beth shouted as she tried her best to swat away the ninja on her side, “wake up and help us.” Just then Beth’s bat was grabbed, and she too found herself in a tug of war. Beth grabbed the ninja’s mask and tore it away, revealing a pretty dark haired Hispanic looking girl who could not have been older than 20. Realizing that her mask, was gone, the girl’s face grew angry and, she pulled more aggressively at the bat. Kevin looked at the boots he was holding and instantly got an idea. With all his strength he threw the boot at the ninja’s hands, forcing her to let go and retreat. “Nice one, Kevin. But watch your side!” Beth ordered just as one of the ninja’s managed to open the door Vanessa had just been pulled through.
Kevin turned to see a bat swing right as his face, knocking him out cold. One of the ninja’s had entered the car. “God dammit, I can’t fight them from in here,” Beth grunted in frustration as she swung awkwardly at the intruder. There wasn’t enough space for her to maneuver, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before they came at her from both sides. Thinking quickly, she unlatched her door, and kicked it open just in time to knock one of the ninja’s to the ground with the swinging door. Speedily, she leapt out of the car just before the one inside could grab her, and slammed the door right in the ninja’s face. The door hit the ninja’s head, and she too collapsed unconscious on top of Kevin.
“Two down,” Beth said confidently as she faced off against her next opponent, bat in hand. It was the girl whose mask had been torn off. Beth sized her up. She was rather short, Beth was a full head taller than her, and she probably would have been shorter still had it not been for her large and expensive looking platform sneakers. Her young face also made her look rather cute and almost innocent. Nevertheless there was a toughness to her expression that let Beth know that this girl was far from innocent, and probably had been in a lot more scraps than Beth had. Beth knew that this girl was not to be underestimated. After sizing each other up, the girl swung her bat at Beth, but Beth was quick to dodge and counter with her own bat, knocking the ninja girl right out of her sneakers and flat on her back.
Surprised by the ease of her victory, Beth taunted her. “Did you kick your shoes off in a fit a joy?” Beth laughed as she saw the ninja’s toes wiggle and spread in her sheer pink pantyhose. “Pink stockings? What kind of ninja are you?” But Beth didn’t have long to gloat. The first ninja she had knocked out with the car door wasn’t exactly out, and had snuck up and grabbed her from behind. This woman was quite strong. Beth tried her best to twist free, and she managed to tear off this ninja’s mask revealing her long blond hair and pretty Nordic looking face. But Beth soon found it impossible put up any resistance once the woman’s fingers made their way under her shirt and danced across her ticklish body-stocking clad ribs.
“EEAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!” Beth burst out laughing not expecting it to tickle as much as it did. The intense tickling, magnified by the sheerness of her body-stocking, seemed to suck the strength right out of her.
The ninja who had lost her shoes rose to her feet and approached her angrily. Beth knew she was in deep trouble. “You’ll pay for knocking me out of my Adidas,” the shoeless ninja said slipping back into her errant shoes. She eyed Beth’s own Adidas sneakers. “Hmm, you have good taste in sneakers. I might as well add them to my collection.” Beth noticed she had a thick high pitched New York accent.
As the ninja approached, the tickler allowed Beth to catch her breath for her moment while she restrained her in a headlock. Beth felt so weak and exhausted; she could do nothing to break free. She could hear Vanessa laughing hysterically in the distance and looked to see the other ninja carrying her towards the building while tickling her stocking feet mercilessly. “She’ll have it easy compared to you,” the New York ninja said as she grabbed Beth’s ankle.
“No!” Beth begged as she helplessly watched her foot lift off the ground, “please, don’t take my shoe.”
“You made me lose my shoes, it’s only fair that I return the favor,” the girl sneered as she slowly removed the sneaker from Beth’s quivering foot. She laughed as she exposed more of Beth’s foot. “Green pantyhose? And you were making fun of my cute pink ones. Who wears green pantyhose, really?”
“Actually, this one’s wearing a body-stocking,” the other one said with a sexy Norwegian accent, “I love tickling her tummy through it.
“Body-stocking, eh? I thought the Mistress had caught all of the body-stocking girls already,” the New York ninja said as she slipped Beth’s sneaker off her spreading toes. The two ninjas smiled, “Wow, what a ticklish looking foot,” the New York one said immediately before getting kicked in the face by said foot. She soon found herself on her back again, looking up at her pink stocking feet. She had been knocked out of her shoes again!
With her strength returned, Beth used the distraction to her advantage and flipped the ninja who had grabbed her over her back. Beth had tried to throw the ninja on top of the one she had kicked, but the woman behind her was more flexible than she had anticipated, and managed to counter the flip by curling around wrapping her legs around Beth’s waste. Beth fell to the ground and found herself in a full nelson.
“Hold her tight, Evie, she’s tougher than I thought,” the shoeless one said as she once again retrieved her shoes. “Let’s just knock her out and get this over with.”
“I got her, Mindy,” Evie said gripping Beth tightly. “Hurry up and finish her off, she’s strong.”
“Just a sec,” Mindy said slipping back into her sneakers.
“You and your sneakers … you’re always getting knocked out of them and then we have to wait for you to put them back on.” Evie complained as she tried her best to keep Beth from struggling. “When are you going to learn how to tie your shoes!”
“Shut up, Evie, I do so know how to tie them. Watch.”
As Mindy approached with her bat in hand, Beth looked around frantically for anything to get her out of the situation. Looking down, she saw Evie’s legs still wrapped around her waist. Evie was still wearing her black sneakers. Unlike the New York ninja, she kept them tied tightly. It was going to be tough to remove them, but she had to try, it was the only chance she had.
“Hey, stop that!” Evie protested as the sneakers were pried off her feet. Fortunately Evie’s slick teal pantyhose made removing them easy. “My shoes! Hit her, Mindy!”
But Mindy had once again been knocked out of her sneakers, this time by Evie’s shoe, which had been thrown right at Mindy’s face. Mindy was now on her back again, with her pink stocking feet sticking up in the air.
Now it was Beth’s turn to do the tickling as she mercilessly attacked Evie’s delicate stocking feet. “Dahahahaha!” Evie laughed as she fell backwards and released her grip. Beth was now sitting on top of her, tickling her toes mercilessly. “Plehehease Stohahahahop!” Evie begged. She tried tickling Beth’s armpits, but found that her hands were still under Beth’s arms, but now trapped in a tight arm lock. Beth clearly had the upper hand now. “Hehehehelllpppp! Mihehehehehindy!”
“This is so embarrassing,” Mindy said as she stared for a moment at her stocking feet. “You’re really asking for it you know … first ripping off my mask, and then making me lose my shoes THREE times!” Finally Mindy got off her back and walked back towards her errant shoes, which were still standing where she had once stood before getting kicked out of them. “That’s it, I’m tying them this time,” she said as she fumbled with the laces.
It was taking her much longer to tie them than Evie liked. “Hahaha! Huhoohurry! Mihihihindeeheheee!” She laughed as Beth moved to her stocking clad arch.
“You’re going to have to wait for that retard to finish tying her shoes,” Beth teased as she tortured Evie more aggressively, “Looks like you’ll be stuck here for a long time.”
“Retard?!” Mindy exclaimed angrily dropping her untied shoelaces. “How dare you insult me, you green tighted twat!” And before Beth knew it, Mindy had grabbed her bat and was already winding up for the hit.
Beth gasped when she looked up and saw the bat descending onto her face. In that split second she knew she was done. It was too late to dodge or duck, too late to block. The bat was coming down and was coming down fast. And it was the last thing she saw before losing consciousness.
The first thing Mindy noticed was that her bat had missed, and missed horribly. Then she felt her sneakers start to come off … again. Then she felt herself falling, as if the momentum of the swing had sent her flying instead of sending her intended target flying. Then she felt her toes lose contact with her shoes. And finally she was on her back again, staring back up at her shoeless stocking feet. What had gone wrong?
“She shrunk!” She heard Evie shout, “Quck, Mindy, help me find her!” But Mindy was too dumbfounded to move. She just stared at her pink stockinged feet in confusion. How did this happen?
And then she heard Evie scream. And then she saw a bat coming at her face. And then blackness.
"Hey, Beth, wake up!" Beth heard Kevin say as he poked and prodded her through her sheer bodystocking.
"Heheee," Beth giggled, "Stop!" When she opened her eyes, she found herself in Kevin's hand. She was a little over 5 inches tall, and was completely naked, save for her body stocking. "Kevin! what have you done?" she asked shocked.
"I shrunk you. It was the only way to save you from that girl with the bat."
Beth shook her head as the events leading up to her losing consciousness came back to her. "Save me? I had everything under control," she said pompously.
"Oh please, she would have knocked your head off if I hadn't shrunk you in time."
"But I'm invulnerable in this thing. All she could have done was knock me out, which seems to have happened anyway."
"Did you really want to test that theory of yours first hand?"
"Oh, shut up Kevin, and get me back to my normal size. I don't feel comfortable with you holding me like this when I'm naked. Where are my clothes anyway?" Beth asked looking around confusedly. It was then that she noticed she was nowhere near the car. Indeed, she was inside a lobby of some sort. In fact, she was inside the building they were parked outside of. The enemy's building ... "Kevin?" Beth asked astonished, "Why did you bring me in here?"
"I wanted to find out where they took Vanessa. One of those ninjas carried her off in here. But now that I'm here I'm not sure where to go. That's why I woke you."
Beth looked at Kevin angrily. "So you thought it was a good idea to just waltz inside our enemies headquarters to find her?"
"Well, it's not like the car was a safer place to stay. Besides, who knows when those two girls will wake up. I didn't hit them that hard. Only enough to knock them out."
Beth thought for a moment. It was only then that she realised exactly what Kevin had done to save her. She sighed, "I guess you're right. Thank you Kevin ... for saving me. Who knows what they would have done with me once they knocked me out."
Kevin smiled, "You're welcome. I didn't think I had it in me," Kevin gently placed Beth on the floor and pulled the shrinker out from his coat pocket. "So you ready to grow back to normal?"
Beth looked around realising that Kevin hadn't brought her clothes. "Wait. You forgot my clothes didnt' you?"
Kevin's face turned red. "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry to catch up with Vanessa's captor."
Beth sighed again. "It's okay, I would have done the same thing. Besides, if you grow me back I'll only be knocked out for awhile again. And it's probably not a good idea to be unconscious in here. Maybe it's better if I stay small and try and find her. It'll be easier for me to sneak around."
"Good idea, and we can communicate through the shrinker," Kevin added, "but you might need help operating the elevator."
Beth considered this quandary for a moment before being inturrupted by a tiny voice "They didn't go through the elevator," the voice said from behind the reception desk. It was a female voice, with some sort of English accent. Kevin and Beth looked astonished when they saw a miniature five inch blonde woman clad only in a sheer white body stocking step out from behind the desk.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Gwen," she said politely as they approached her. She was very pretty, and seemed to have a kind face. "But we can introduce ourselves later. There are camera's all over this room, and I'm sure they've heard everything you said. It's only a matter of time before they send more goons after you. Your friend was carried off through that back hallway," she said pointing off to a small door near the elevator. "I think I know where they're taking her. I can lead you there."
"But how do we know we can trust you?" Beth said eyeing Gwen suspiciously.
"Open up the top left drawer on my desk," was all Gwen said in response. With curious trepidation, Kevin opened the drawer. His eyes widened when he saw a tiny Lisa, sitting Indian style inside. She looked up at him fearfully at first, but then gave a relieved smile when she saw who it was. "I kept her in there to keep her safe, before your friends shrunk me."
"Who's in there, Kevin?" Beth asked not able to see.
"It's one of the shrunken girls Lucy was carrying," Kevin said lifting her gently out of the drawer and placing on the floor in front of Beth.
"Lisa?" Beth asked, surprised.
"Yes it's me," Lisa said shyly upon seeing Beth naked again. "I think you can trust Gwen. I've overheard pretty much everything that's gone on in here since she caught me and she doesn't seem like one of the bad guys."
"She caught you ... and trapped you in a drawer, and you say we can trust her?" Beth turned to Gwen accusingly, "And just where are 'our friends' anyway? What happened to them after they shrunk you?
"They were captured too! But I overheard one of the captors say that they were taking them to Nylondon. There's an airplane out back. They're probably loading your friends on that plane as we speak. If we hurry we can catch them. Or at least get the hell out of here before someone catches us."
Beth and Kevin looked at each other quizically, still not sure whether or not it was a good idea to trust Gwen. Beth soon realised that they had little, if any choice. "Okay, we'll follow you, but I'm not sure what we're going to do when we get there. Kevin, carry us gently please."
Kevin grabbed a glass ashtray from the desk that looked as if it had never been used. He ushered the shrunken young women onto it and carried them to the door. On the other side of the door was a narrow hallway leading outside to the airfield. In the distance, they could see three people prepping a small plane for launch.
"Good, we still have time," Gwen said excitedly.
"Time for what?" Beth asked. "Kevin's the only normal sized one here. How are we going to rescue our friends?"
"Maybe we should just call the police," Lisa said somewhat fearfully. "We'll be caught for sure as soon as Kevin sets foot out there."
"If Kevin sets foot out there, yes," Beth said leaping off of the ashtray and onto the floor. "But if we go out without him, we could probably sneak on board."
"But why would we want to sneak on board?" Lisa gasped as she watched Gwen leap down after her.
"Well, you can stay if you want. But I'm not waiting for police, who will most certainly arrive too late, while Vanessa's being carried off to God knows where. Besides, this is our best chance of rescuing Niesa and the rest of them," she said as she ran towards the plane.
Lisa looked around fearfully as she watched them run off. She then looked up at Kevin unable to decide whether to stay or follow them. Reluctantly, she came to a decision. "Ohhh, I'm going to regret this!" Lisa said before finally leaping off after them. "Wait up!"
Beth and Gwen stopped and turned to wait for Lisa. "Kevin, don't communicate with me across the shrinker unless you hear from me first!" Gwen shouted back remembering there method of communication. "I don't want your voice to be blairing out while I'm trying to sneak passed some baddies."
"Got it, sis," Kevin responded giving her the thumbs up. "I'll gather as much intel as I can for you."
Beth nodded in acknowledgement before running down the corridor with Lisa and Gwen. The three tiny women ran as fast as they could out through the corridor and onto the airfield. It looked as if they had finished prepping the plane. The engines rumbled loudly as it prepared for take off.
"We have to hurry!" Gwen shouted as she led them towards the plane. Beth followed close behind with Lisa doing her best to keep up. The three girls managed to reach one of the plane's rear wheels before it started to pull forward.
"Quick, Lisa! It's starting to move!" Beth shouted as she and Gwen climbed up the landing gear.
"This is crazy! This is crazy!" Lisa said to herself as she ran as fast as she could toward the wheel. Beth reached out her hand and pulled her up. As the plane started to pick up speed on the runway, the three girls scurried up the landing gear and into the small compartment above.
"Are you sure there's enough room for us here? What if the landing gear crushes us when it's raised?" Lisa asked trying to catch her breath.
"Don't worry, we can't be crushed while we're wearing polyphylon," Beth reassured.
"Yeah, but don't expect this to be a comfortable trip," Gwen replied as the plane lifted off the ground. The landing gear retracted slowly, and soon all light was eliminated as the compartment closed. Kevin watched from below as the plane flew off into the distance with the tiny rescuers.