Chapter 12 - Drink Me
“DRINK ME,” Alice read clearly from the small bottle of strange liquid. It was all very well to say 'Drink Me', but the wise little Alice wasn't going to do that in a hurry. “No, I'll look first, and see whether it's marked 'Poison', or not.” Satisfied that it was not poison, Alice downed a small sip. She stood a moment patiently. “What a curious feeling!” she said, “I must be shutting up like a telescope.”
“Cut!” Angelica, the director, interrupted, “Why isn't she shrinking? Gwen, why aren't you shrinking.”
“Well, I cannot really shrink,” Gwen said breaking character, “Would you like if I stood on my knees?”
“Did you wear the costume we set out for you?”
“Of course.”
“The pantyhose too?”
“Umm ... no. I was already wearing white tights when I arrived.”
Angelica sighed. “Go back to your changing room and put on the damn pantyhose we got for you.”
“Okay ma'am,” Gwen said trying to mask her frustration as she walked off stage, “although I don't see what the big deal is, tights are tights.”
Angelica just shook her head impatiently and waved her off stage. As Alice walked off she overheard the writer ask something of the director. “Umm, don't you think we should tell her about the shrinking scene?”
“I want her reaction to be genuine,” Angelica said, “she's a novice, after all.”
Gwen was tempted to find out what they meant, but she didn't want to push her luck. She was lucky to have this job. It was her first paid acting gig … a musical adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. It was a dream come true, for not only was she the star of the play, Alice in Wonderland had been her favorite book since she was a child. She didn't quite understand why they didn't get someone younger to play Alice. Gwen was already twenty-two, still she looked young for her age, and had a great singing voice. She wasn't complaining. It was the first original play to open in the Nylondon theater and was sure to be a big hit.
Inside the dressing room, Gwen kicked off her shoes, changed out of her tights and grabbed the new tights they had laid out for her. “I don't see what the big deal is with these tights, I--” Gwen's thoughts were interrupted when she noticed it was not a pair of tights at all, but was instead a body stocking.. It was the softest, sheerest, and most delicate tights she had ever felt. It felt amazing. “Goodness!” Gwen said caressing the material, “What brand are these?” Gwen eagerly slipped them onto her feet moaning with pleasure as the incredible material slid against her sensitive skin. “Oh dear, these tights are downright naughty! Now I see why they didn't get a younger actress. They would have been arrested,” she said giggling as she slowly glided them up her slender legs, relishing each moment and savoring every sensation.
It took nearly a half hour for Gwen to finish getting dressed. It seemed that the donning of her tights was so pleasurable that it caused her to climax, and she spent some time recovering before the director's assistant knocked on her door.
“Hurry up Gwen, we want to get this scene finished before we have to pay the union overtime!”
Gwen moaned, still exhausted. She got up from her chair and giggled loudly as the rug tickled her feet through the thin nylon more intensely than she had ever been tickled before. “Ahahaaha-I'll be right there!” She answered trying not to laugh. She slipped back into her shoes quickly so as to avoid getting tickled further, smiling at how easily they slipped on with her new extra slippery stockings. “Oh dear, I feel I could lose my shoes at any second with these tights,” she laughed as she exited the dressing careful not to step out of her shoes.
“You look great in those tights, Gwen,” Angelica smiled when Gwen stepped onto the stage, “Aren't they comfortable?”
“Yes …,” Gwen said her face reddening, “very comfortable. Although I wish I could have worn Mary Janes, or shoes with straps. My shoes feel really loose.”
“That's okay,” Angelica said, “You won't be wearing them long.”
Gwen found this remark a bit unusual. It didn't say anything about removing her shoes in the script. She was about to ask about this, but the director shouted, “Action!” interrupting her. Gwen sprung to attention and nearly hopped out of her shoes.
“DRINK ME,” she read again from the small bottle. She acted as though she was about to drink the liquid but then shook her head, changing her mind. “No, I'll look first and see whether it's marked 'Poison', or not.” Gwen acted as though she was examining the potion carefully, then shrugged and downed a small sip. She stood for a moment and, as rehearsed said, “What a curious feeling!” only this time she actually was experiencing something very curious. A wave a pleasure passed over from her beginning at her toes and spreading to her head and fingers. Her tights, in particular, felt even more pleasurable than when she was putting them on. “I must be … mmmm...,” she trailed off moaning as she felt herself become overcome with arousal. Her hand became involuntary drawn to her privates and she suddenly felt very self conscious of the fact that she was on stage in front of several actors and crewmen.
“Not too quickly, Evie,” the director shouted to seemingly no one, “Gwen try to control yourself. You're moaning too suggestively. Focus on your lines.”
“I-I can't, mmmmm!” Gwen said unable to stop herself from caressing her breasts. “I have to go … just give me a minute.” she said embarrassed stepping towards the stage exit, and a look of surprise when she felt her stocking feet touch the stage floor. She had just stepped out of her shoes. “Oooh no my shoes,” she said slipping her feet back into them. Her arousal was now overwhelming and she found it impossible to keep her shoes on as she tried to make her escape. They felt waaaay too big for her. “Oh goodness,” she moaned again after losing her shoes. “I'm soooo, mmmm,” she moaned again as she felt her shirt fall away exposing her pussy clearly visible through the ultra sheer white pantyhose. “Eeee!” she squealed embarrassed, covering her privates with her hands “My skirt!”
“It's okay, Gwen, just go with it. This is going to be an adult play after all.”
“No one said that!” Gwen shouted embarrassed to see everyone staring at her. “I didn't agree to … mmmmm!” Her arousal had now increased tenfold and she found herself rubbing her clit through her pantyhose. “Ohhh noooo!” She moaned, unable to control herself. Her shirt slipped off her shoulder as she crumpled to the floor. It looked way too big on her now, almost like a nightgown. “Am I really shrinking? Ohhhhhh!” She moaned helplessly as she curled into a fetal position caressing herself in a mound of her clothing.
“Okay, that's enough, Evie,” the director said, again to an unknown person, “We don't want her to pass out.”
“She's still taller than five inches,” a tiny voice with a strong Norther European accent answered from near the director. Gwen would have been curious about this new voice had she not been so caught up in completing her orgasm.
“That's okay, it's her first time, with practice we'll be able to shrink her smaller without her losing consciousness,” the director said as Gwen screamed with pleasure. She had climaxed and now as huffing exhausted. “That was very good Gwen, it looked amazing. See if you can recapture those reactions with a bit more control next time, we'll need you to say your 'telescope' line.
“What did you do to me?” Gwen gasped fearfully.
“We shrunk you. Sorry we didn't warn you about it earlier, but we weren't sure any real actor would accept the job if we advertised this little twist, or if anyone would even believe it.”
“Oh dear! I'm tiny! Why? Why'd you do this to me?” Gwen panicked.
“Don't worry, we can change you back,” Angelica said. “We did this because we needed to test it on you. Amazing tights, aren't they?”
“Tights? You mean those tights you made me wear made me shrink?” Gwen asked astonished.
“Yes. An amazing bit of fabric invented by the very same woman who funded this production. People will be astonished when they see a live person shrink before their eyes. We'll make millions. Don't worry, you'll get your share.”
“I did not consent to this!” Gwen protested as she tried her best to cover herself with her large clothing. “Turn me back to my normal size this instant!”
Angelica nodded and smiled to a tiny person Gwen noticed for the first time. She was only about 6 inches tall and was sitting under the director's chair near a strange device. Gwen didn't have time to process this new turn of events when she suddenly felt a terrible pain rip through her body. Before she knew it she was unconscious.
“So you just decided to work for them? After they tricked you and forced you to become a shrinking freak for audiences to gawk at?” Beth asked Gwen critically.
“I resisted at first,” Gwen answered defensively. “When I woke up I was in my bed, back to my normal size, but, of course, I couldn't take the damn thing off. I demanded they remove it and let me go and I threatened to expose them, but they had complete power over me. They could shrink me or grow me when ever they wanted. Any time I showed any sort of defiance I was usually forced unconscious by a fast shrink or growth. They even tried to hypnotize me while I was asleep into serving them. I found out because I saw them doing it on one of the other girls. They would hook up some strange machine to their tights and a doctor of some sort sat at their bedside speaking to them. I didn't hear what he said because I was quickly ushered out of the room before I could witness anything more, but I recall strange dreams of voices urging me to 'obey the mistress'. I don't think the hypnosis worked on me though, because I was still as defiant as ever. I refused to act in the play and it was eventually abandoned. But they broke my spirit and I agreed to serve them in other capacities, mainly as an errand girl for them and eventually as a secretary for one of their warehouses.”
“Do you think the hypnosis worked on the other girls?” Lisa asked.
“I have no clue, but I will say this, I know that there were others like me who admitted that the hypnosis did not work, but they, like me pretended that it did, if only to avoid punishment. Anything was better than being suddenly shrunken and grown as punishment for disobeying. It was better to make them believe that their methods worked.”
“So you pretended to be hypnotized?” Beth asked suspiciously.
“I had too. It was the only way they'd let me out of their dungeon.”
“Dungeon?” Lisa gulped.
“Yes,” Gwen said serious, “there were other girls who resisted were sent there and never seen again. I heard rumors that it was located in the basement of the Mistress's mansion. Who knows what she did to them there.”
The girls sat silently for a moment. Beth finally broke the silence, “We have to save them. All of them. We have to find this mansion and save them all.”
Lisa broke in, “Beth you're crazy! This Mistress sounds extremely wealthy and powerful. Her resources are ridiculous. How are we going to pull something like that off.”
“You don't have to help if you don't want, Lisa. But I'm going to try!”
“No, I'll help you, Beth. Who knows how many of our friends are trapped there? The entire cheerleading squad for all I know. But we're going to need help. The three of us won't be enough against a whole army of her minions, hypnotized or not.”
The two of them turned to Gwen. “Do you know of anyone who can help us?” Beth asked.
“I know there are a few girls who will join us, they also secretly hate the Mistress, and will help us if we can find them. But I don't think it will be enough. Still ...” Gwen thought for a moment, “Yes there is someone who can help us. But it won't be easy ...”
Back in the Doll Collector's mansion, within a spacious and expensive looking laboratory, a young scientist was working diligently with a dropper and some chemicals. Dr. Jasmine Cole, a chemist in her mid twenties was quite pretty, with blonde hair and black framed glasses that made her look intelligent and capable. Her small frame and large eyes made her look much younger than she actually was. But her face almost always wore an expression of stress and weariness, which made it clear to others that she had faced more difficulties than most women her age.
Jasmine nervously played with her shoes under her desk as she ran chemical tests on a polyphylon body stocking. She giggled softly as her leather dress shoes slipped and slid off her heels and toes. It was becoming increasingly more distracting. “I can't focus,” she said to herself as she kicked them off her feet. Her blue pantyhose made her feet so sensitive that not wearing her shoes was actually more distracting than playing with them. Frustrated, she pushed her sensitive stocking feet back into her shoes and forced herself to avoid shoe playing. After a few minutes, she crossed her legs and felt gravity tug at her loose shoe. Feeling the tickle, she giggled again as it slipped off her foot, and for the eleventh time had accidentally messed up a measurement of a chemical she was trying to test with the fabric due to her laughter. “That's it!” she shouted in frustration, and slammed the dropper on the table. Clumsily slipping her pretty foot back into her shoe, she stood up and marched out of her lab, ignoring the slight tickle as her heels slipped out of her shoes with each step.
“I'm shrinking again, Sedgewick!” she accused an older, somewhat sinister looking scientist.
“Don't blame me,” he responded disinterested as he read through code on his computer, “You were probably playing with your shoes again. You know that any small tickling sensation will cost you millimeters of volume and mass.”
“I never used to play with my shoes, but thanks to the pantyhose you forced me to wear, I can barely keep my shoes on. At least let me change out of this uniform and wear some boots or something.”
“You know as well as I that our sponsor will not approve of that. She provided us with these uniforms and expects us to wear them at all times. You don't want her to punish you for a dress code violation. And furthermore, I didn't force you do anything. It was our sponsor who required you to wear it.”
“She may of ordered you to do it. But I know you're the one who drugged me and put it on me as I slept. You belong in jail with that horrible woman you call a sponsor.”
“Now now, Jasmine,” Sedgewick said finally looking away from his computer screen. “We can't have you spreading lies and insulting our sponsor. I'm afraid I'm going to have to punish you again,” Dr. Sedgewick said pulling a shrinking device from his belt.”
“No Sedgewick, please!” Jasmine begged as she watched his hand move towards the dial on the shrinker. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm just frustrated because I can't focus on my work.”
“I accept your apology, Jasmine, but you know that I'll still have to punish you. Part of accepting responsibility for your transgressions is to accept the punishment,” he said coldly has he slowly turned the dial of the shrinker.
Jasmine started to moan as pleasurable sensations filled her body. Her clothes started to billow around her as she shrunk into them.
“Part of me wonders if you act this way on purpose. I have a feeling you really enjoy these punishments,” he said amused as he continually turned the dial slowly so as not to overwhelm her. He had become very good at finding the limits of his victims, so that they would shrink just enough to feel the intense effects of the shrinking, without overwhelming them to the point of losing consciousness or climaxing.
Jasmine moaned as if having an orgasm. She couldn't resist playing with herself as she fell to the floor in a fetal position, losing her shoes in the process.
“Nevertheless, it's important you appreciate all the Mistress has done for us. Had it not been for her funding, we'd have never isolated the compound, and found a way to replicate polyphylon. Now that we can control our own invention, the task remains to crack the code to the original fabric so that we can gain full control over that as well. I know you want that as much as I do. After all, it's the only way we'll be able to remove the body stockings from the original subjects … including your sister.”
“You don't care about her!” Jasmine gasped in between moans, she had shrunken to under three feet now and was swimming in her clothes. “You just care about controlling them all!”
“I care very much for your sister's well being,” he said has he continued to turn the dial. “How is she anyway? Still on good behavior I'm hoping. She has always been the Mistress's favorite.”
Jasmine couldn't respond, the effects of the shrinking was so great that her moans had become a scream. She wouldn't have wanted to answer him if she could. She hated when he talked about her sister, Penelope. She was the first person he betrayed. She hated herself for not seeing what he had done to her sooner. As usual she was too caught up in her research to realize what was going on. She even believed Sedgewick when he told her that Penelope had left of her own volition, in order to find others like her. Had she known what really happened when Penelope disappeared from NYU all those years ago, she never would have continued working with him. In a way, she felt she deserved the punishments she was enduring. But the fact that it was Sedgewick administering it enraged her.
When Jasmine had shrunk to five inches tall, the effects stopped. One of the worst things about the way Sedgewick shrunk her is that it always brought her so close to completion, but she was never able to actually feel the satisfaction of reaching it. Jasmine shivered uneasily in her mountains of clothes. She was too weak to move, but still used her last remaining strength to squirm away. It was a futile effort, Sedgewick had grabbed her and she was now helplessly held in his hand. He was already wearing the wicked glove that had tortured her so many times before. His fingers, now coated with thousands of tiny feather-like tendrils, glided across her ultra sensitive stocking clad body.
Had she had the energy to laugh, she would have. Instead she felt herself being pushed beyond the limits as he tickled her to pure exhaustion for what seemed like hours. His evil smile was all she could see as he gazed down at her squirming body maniacally. She tried to beg for mercy, but no words came out. She was being pushed to the brink of tickle insanity. Tears of despair came to her eyes. Why was she not passing out? How could he push it so far without making her lose consciousness. This was the worst tickling she had ever endured at his hand. He seemed to get better at his preferred method of torture each time he engaged in it. Though Jasmine was an atheist, she prayed to whatever higher being may have the possibility of existing to make it stop, at whatever the cost.
As if in answer to her prayers, a tall, statuesque woman entered the room. Her dark hair in a bun, her business suit looking like a military uniform, and her authoritative expression making her look quite imposing. As soon as he he saw her, Sedgewick stop instantly. “Hello Angelica,” he said clutching a quivering Jasmine in his fist so as not to make it known he was holding her.
Angelica knew better, the lab uniform and shoes that was in a pile at the far side of the room was a dead giveaway. “Are you tickling Dr. Cole again?” she asked accusingly.
“Yes,” Sedgewick said sheepishly, “I'm afraid she was acting up again. She said some awful things about the Mistress. I had to put her in her place, you understand.”
“I understand you're a sick fuck, Sedgewick,” Angelica said, “And if the Mistress didn't like you as much as she does I'd have had you behind bars years ago.”
“Without me you'd still be 6 inches tall, and at the mercy of the pantyhose you're wearing,” he said eyeing the sheer tan pantyhose that were barely visible on her legs.
“Without you I wouldn't be wearing them at all. You invented the evil thing!” She answered harshly.
“Dr. Cole invented the compound. I helped her here and there. But it was me who actually cracked the code and allowed the building of the control device you women like to call the shrink ray that allows you to stay full sized, and even remove the thing, if the Mistress decides to allow you the privilege. I still hate that name … shrink ray. It's so much more than that.” He muttered in disgust.
“I don't have time to argue with you Sedgewick. I have orders from the Mistress. There are some people coming who may have some pertinent information about the original fabric you and Dr. Cole have been trying to crack. She needs both of you to be in your labs working, and at full size.”
“Very well,” he muttered in disappointment dropping the much weakened Jasmine to the ground. His mood quickly changed when he actually processed what she had said. “What sort of information is she talking about?” he asked with a hint of excitement.
“I don't know, but it seems important. It could be the answers you two have been searching for,” Angelica said betraying no hint of shared excitement at the prospect. She looked down at Jasmine with disgust. Jasmine was lying on the floor gasping. “What did you do to her? She looks terrible.”
“Just a bit of tickle punishment. She'll be fine,” he said turning the dial on his shrink ray. “She's more resilient than she looks.”
Angelica looked on with bemused disgust as Jasmine screamed. She was growing quite rapidly, but not quite fast enough for the pain to be so unbearable that it would make her pass out. As he was at shrinking and tickling, Sedgewick was a master of finding the perfect growth speed at which to just about keep his victim conscious. “We need her able to work within an hour, you sadistic bastard. How do you expect her to recover from this?”
“Will you relax, Angelica? All the effects are temporary, you should know that she can't be harmed while wearing polyphylon. In a way, I envy you women for being as indestructible as you are.”
“You seem like the cross dressing type, Sedgewick, why don't you put a pair on and you can be just like the girls.”
Sedgewick only laughed in response as he watched Jasmine grow to full size. Angelica may be a polyphylon slave, but she was also the Mistress's second in command and he dared not cross her. Unlike Jasmine, he did not have authority to shrink her, and his shrink ray was purposely designed to not work on the higher ranking minions of the Mistress's little army. Only the Mistress herself had the shrink ray capable of doing that.
“Why isn't she moving?” Angelica asked impatiently as she examined the collapsed, now full sized naked body of Dr. Jasmine Cole lying before her. “Did she pass out?”
“I don't know,” he said curiously, “Usually I'm quite good at preventing such loss of consciousness,” he said with a frown. Sedgewick knelt down and gave Jasmine a slight tickle on the sole of her foot. Jasmine kicked it away and tried to squirm. “You little faker,” Sedgewick laughed, “Get dressed and get back to work,” he ordered, “unless you want me to put your clothes on for you.” Jasmine crawled to her clothes weakly, feeling completely defeated. “Stop behaving like an invalid and hurry up, I know it wasn't that bad,” he said impatiently. “She's a very good actor,” he said turning to Angelica, “You should cast her in one of your little productions.”
“Funny,” Angelica said sarcastically and giving him a dirty look, “You know I don't do that anymore.” And with that she turned and walked out of the room in disgust.
“You shouldn't give up on your dreams so easily, Angelica,” he laughed and called out to her as she left.
Niesa felt like they had been climbing for hours. Her arms were exhausted as she followed Penelope up the little plastic ladders that were glued to the studs within the walls of the mansion. It was dark, cold and quite scary in these walls. Cobwebs were everywhere, and at her small size she found it quite difficult breaking through some of them. Fortunately they had not run into a spider.
“How did you manage to build all this?” Tamara asked, her energy not yet completely sapped unlike the rest of the newcomers.
“I told you, Jasmine helped smuggle in some tools and toy ladders. The hardest part was drilling large enough holes through the studs. Fortunately, my sister's quite resourceful and was able to put together a small drill that we could fit through here. It took us a little less than a year to get it all done.”
Amanda squeaked and giggled below Niesa. “You could have cleaned out the cobwebs,” Amanda complained as she found herself shoeless once again. Her little penny loafers had stuck to some cobwebs and she couldn't pull them free. Luvia had to help her dislodge them. “I feel like my shoes always come off more easily than anyone else's. It's not fair.”
“Stop whining, Amanda, we're almost there,” Niesa said trying her best to lift their spirits. “These slippery pantyhose make all of our shoes really loose. I'm wearing high heels and I'm managing okay,” she said as she nearly stepped out of her own shoe. “We are almost there, aren't we?” Niesa asked trying hard not to sound like she was complaining as well.
“Yes,” Chun Li said, “See that light up ahead?”
Before anyone answered Penelope said, “That's my sister's lab. She cut a little mouse hole for me to sneak in when I want to, this way I don't always have to wait for her to find me when we wanted to talk.”
“Thank god,” Amanda said, finally pulling her shoes free of the web and slipping them back on her slippery stocking feet.
As they climbed into a more spacious section of the inner wall, Niesa could hear a scratching noise from the darkness. “Umm, there are no mice in this mouse hole, are there?”
“Mice? In this mansion?” Morrigan laughed, “The Mistress would evacuate this place.
“Then what was that noise?” Niesa asked nervously.
“What noise?” Penelope asked curiously. “I don't hear anything.” Surely enough, the scratching had stopped. Niesa still felt uneasy as they walked toward the hole up ahead.
When they emerged, the brightness of the white laboratory was nearly blinding. Niesa squinted to allow her eyes time to adjust. When they did she was amazed at the hugeness of the room. They appeared to be under a desk, but even from here, Niesa could see how far back the lab went and how wide it was. “This place must have cost a fortune!” she said with wonder.
“The Mistress spares no expense,” Penelope said, “Look there's my sister,” she said pointing a pair of feet clad in leather dress shoes over sheer blue polyphylon, “She's probably working diligently as usual.” Penelope poked the exposed top of Jasmine's foot where the low cut shoe curved near her toes “Hey sis, I'm here, I brought some friends. We were wondering if you could help us out.”
There was no answer. “That's funny,” Penelope said baffled, “A poke like that on her exposed hose clad foot usually gets her attention instantly.” She tickled the top of her foot more vigorously.
“It looks like she's asleep,” Morrigan said after she moved out from under the table and peered up at the chair.
“Asleep? She never sleeps on the job,” Penelope said a little worried. “We're going to have to wake her up. See if you can tickle her arch, that will surely do the trick.”
“Easier said than done,” Luvia said trying to reach into the instep of her shoe. The shoes were like low cut loafers, but with rather large bulky heels that made it quite difficult to reach into her shoe. “Niesa, come over here, we'll boost you up like we do in cheer leading practice.”
“Good idea,” Niesa said as she approached.
Luvia and Tamara were about to boost Niesa on top of Jasmine's shoe when they noticed her white high heels. “No way we're boosting you while wearing those,” Tamara said.
Niesa sighed and reluctantly kicked them off. “No tickling!” she warned them. But quickly found that it was no use. As soon as her ultra sensitive stocking feet touched their hands, she found herself giggling helplessly. She had no strength to pull herself up. “Thihehehehis isn't going to work, hahahah!” she laughed as she jumped out of their hands and quickly slipped back into her shoes. “I'm too ticklish.”
“Joyce is wearing heels too, we'll have to boost Amanda, she's the next lightest,” Tamara said.
“No way,” Amanda said, “I hate being tickled.”
“You don't have to take off you're shoes, you're wearing penny loafers.”
“They'll come off again, I just know it.”
“Amanda, we're not going to let your shoes fall off. Just help us out for once,” Luvia said impatiently.
“You can do it, Amanda,” Niesa reassured.
Amanda hesitated, and Chun Li was about to volunteer to go in her place, but Niesa shook her head at her as if to say, “let her do it.” Amanda approached Luvia and Tamara nervously as they held out their gripped hands a place for Amanda to step and boost herself up. With trepidation, she lifted her delicate foot and stepped into their hands. The two girls grabbed her by her loose penny loafters and pushed her up on top of Jasmine's shoe. She slid both of her thin arms into the instep of Jasmine's soft stocking foot and reached as far as she could to the bottom of the arch of Jasmine's warm and silky arch.
“Good job,” Niesa said with her back to the hole they had come out of. “Now tickle her. We have to wake her up.”
“I'm trying,” Amanda groaned. “It's hard, and it kind of hurts. Don't let go of me and don't let my shoes come off.”
Suddenly a loud squeak was heard behind Niesa. She turned around in time to see a large rat charging out of the hole and jumping on top of her, knocking her right out her shoes and clawing at her body. Niesa screamed as the rat bit and scratched her arms as she tried to protect her face.
Chun Li and Morrigan jumped to her aid, kicking and punching the rat, just managing to get it off of Niesa. But now the rat's attention was on them. He whipped his tale at Morrigan, Knocking her to the ground and wrapping it around her boot. Morrigan screamed as she was lifted off the ground upside down. The rat bit at Chun Li and knocked her into Tamara, clawing at her fiercely.
“What the fuck!” Tamara said as she and Luvia drew away.
“My shoes!” Amanda screamed as she hung helplessly from the shoe in her stocking feet. “You took off my shoes!”
Tamara and Luvia suddenly realized they each had one of Amanda's shoes in their hands. As if both of them shared the same thoughts, they both threw each of Amanda's shoes at the rat that was drawing in on them. The rat caught the first shoe in his mouth and shook his head as if to tear it to pieces. But the second shoe hit the him square in the eye. The rat dropped the shoe from his mouth and drew back, giving Tamara and Luvia time to help Chun Li to her feet.
Meanwhile Morrigan had been tossed helplessly out of her boot and had landed on Penelope who had been screaming to Jasmine to wake up. Morrigan looked down and saw Penelope's outstretched legs clad in her sheer white pantyhose and dress flats. Thinking quickly, Morrigan easily stripped Penelope of her shoes and threw them at the rat. “Hey!” Penelope protested upon feeling her shoes come off. But she quickly learned the wisdom of this action when she noticed the rat was being driven away back into its hole.
“Throw your shoes at it!” Morrigan shouted. “It's working.”
Niesa had found her errant high heels and were now throwing them at the rat. Joyce had also removed her own high heels and were throwing them as well. One of the sharp heels stuck in the rat's body and the rat squealed in pain. The rat was almost all the way back in the hole, when it was suddenly pushed out again. Another rat had joined the fray!
“Fuck!” Tamara said as she kicked her clogs at the new threat. Luvia was still wearing her penny loafers and had refused to throw them. “Give me those!” Tamara said angrily as she pulled Luvia's feet out from under her and stripped her shoes off her. Each shoe was thrown at each rat followed by Morrigan's remaining spiked heeled boot. This held them back, but neither retreated.
Chun Li was the only one still wearing her footwear as she charged at the new rat kicking wildly. “I'm not taking off my boots if I can still kick!” she shouted. But the rat soon caught her boot in it's mouth and ripped it right off of her during one of her lightning kicks. “Oh shit,” she said as her silky shoeless foot brushed against the rat's fur. She laughed loudly and fell over helplessly.
“I'm out of shoes,” Tamara said as she drew back from the angry rats fearfully.
“What are we going to do?” Luvia asked panicking as she ran slipping and falling over on her slippery stocking feet. “The floor is too smooth! We can barely even run without our shoes!”
“Our stockings are too slippery! We're fucked!” Joyce said as she too slipped and fell as she tried to run as well.
Things were not looking good as one of the rats was now on top of Chun Li biting and clawing at her. Niesa, who had slipped and fell on her knees while running away in her stocking feet was also about to be pounced on from behind. She looked up and cried out helplessly when she saw something large and black flying towards her. She felt herself being knocked hard against the wall, crushed by something large and leathery. She heard a crack as she slammed into the rat behind her. It was the sound of bones breaking. The rat squealed in agony and limped away from her back into its hole. She looked around amazed. The other rat had also been struck by the same leathery missile and was retreating as well. It was Jasmine's shoe!
Niesa couldn't believe it. As she crawled out from under the shoe she saw that Jasmine's foot was now shoeless. Her toes were wiggling in her thin blue stockings looking somewhat surprised to be exposed. Amanda was nowhere to be seen.
“What the fuck happened?” Tamara asked as she took stock of the situation. “Where'd Amanda go?”
“I'm up here,” Amanda said. To everyone's amazement, she was sitting on Jasmine's knee.
“How the hell did you get up there?” Morrigan asked as if echoing everyone's unvoiced question.
Amanda answered somewhat baffled by the whole idea of the situation as well. “Well, you said throw your shoes at the rat. Of course I had lost mine thanks to Tamara and Luvia. But then I noticed that Jasmine's shoe seemed kind of loose. So I thought, 'hey why don't I throw Jasmine's shoe'. Of course it was too heavy for me to throw, or even remove. But then I remembered how I lost my shoe one time at the doctor's office when he hit me in my knee. So I climbed the hem of Jasmine's skirt up to her knee, and hit her patellar reflex point as hard as I could. She kicked her shoe right off and I guess it hit the rats.”
“You're one crazy little bitch!” Tamara shouted amazed. “I can hardly believe you managed that. How the hell did you climb the hem of her skirt? How did you hit her patellar reflex point hard enough to get her to kick her shoe off! How did you ...”
But Tamara's thoughts were interrupted by a loud booming voice. “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY SHOE?” Amanda was knocked off Jasmine's knee as her leg moved back. Jasmine peered under the desk just in time to see Tamara catch Amanda as she fell. The two girls tumbled to the ground and laughed despite themselves. “UMMM WHAT'S GOING ON?” Jasmine asked as she gazed at the tiny shoeless women with a dumbfounded expression.
“DRINK ME,” Alice read clearly from the small bottle of strange liquid. It was all very well to say 'Drink Me', but the wise little Alice wasn't going to do that in a hurry. “No, I'll look first, and see whether it's marked 'Poison', or not.” Satisfied that it was not poison, Alice downed a small sip. She stood a moment patiently. “What a curious feeling!” she said, “I must be shutting up like a telescope.”
“Cut!” Angelica, the director, interrupted, “Why isn't she shrinking? Gwen, why aren't you shrinking.”
“Well, I cannot really shrink,” Gwen said breaking character, “Would you like if I stood on my knees?”
“Did you wear the costume we set out for you?”
“Of course.”
“The pantyhose too?”
“Umm ... no. I was already wearing white tights when I arrived.”
Angelica sighed. “Go back to your changing room and put on the damn pantyhose we got for you.”
“Okay ma'am,” Gwen said trying to mask her frustration as she walked off stage, “although I don't see what the big deal is, tights are tights.”
Angelica just shook her head impatiently and waved her off stage. As Alice walked off she overheard the writer ask something of the director. “Umm, don't you think we should tell her about the shrinking scene?”
“I want her reaction to be genuine,” Angelica said, “she's a novice, after all.”
Gwen was tempted to find out what they meant, but she didn't want to push her luck. She was lucky to have this job. It was her first paid acting gig … a musical adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. It was a dream come true, for not only was she the star of the play, Alice in Wonderland had been her favorite book since she was a child. She didn't quite understand why they didn't get someone younger to play Alice. Gwen was already twenty-two, still she looked young for her age, and had a great singing voice. She wasn't complaining. It was the first original play to open in the Nylondon theater and was sure to be a big hit.
Inside the dressing room, Gwen kicked off her shoes, changed out of her tights and grabbed the new tights they had laid out for her. “I don't see what the big deal is with these tights, I--” Gwen's thoughts were interrupted when she noticed it was not a pair of tights at all, but was instead a body stocking.. It was the softest, sheerest, and most delicate tights she had ever felt. It felt amazing. “Goodness!” Gwen said caressing the material, “What brand are these?” Gwen eagerly slipped them onto her feet moaning with pleasure as the incredible material slid against her sensitive skin. “Oh dear, these tights are downright naughty! Now I see why they didn't get a younger actress. They would have been arrested,” she said giggling as she slowly glided them up her slender legs, relishing each moment and savoring every sensation.
It took nearly a half hour for Gwen to finish getting dressed. It seemed that the donning of her tights was so pleasurable that it caused her to climax, and she spent some time recovering before the director's assistant knocked on her door.
“Hurry up Gwen, we want to get this scene finished before we have to pay the union overtime!”
Gwen moaned, still exhausted. She got up from her chair and giggled loudly as the rug tickled her feet through the thin nylon more intensely than she had ever been tickled before. “Ahahaaha-I'll be right there!” She answered trying not to laugh. She slipped back into her shoes quickly so as to avoid getting tickled further, smiling at how easily they slipped on with her new extra slippery stockings. “Oh dear, I feel I could lose my shoes at any second with these tights,” she laughed as she exited the dressing careful not to step out of her shoes.
“You look great in those tights, Gwen,” Angelica smiled when Gwen stepped onto the stage, “Aren't they comfortable?”
“Yes …,” Gwen said her face reddening, “very comfortable. Although I wish I could have worn Mary Janes, or shoes with straps. My shoes feel really loose.”
“That's okay,” Angelica said, “You won't be wearing them long.”
Gwen found this remark a bit unusual. It didn't say anything about removing her shoes in the script. She was about to ask about this, but the director shouted, “Action!” interrupting her. Gwen sprung to attention and nearly hopped out of her shoes.
“DRINK ME,” she read again from the small bottle. She acted as though she was about to drink the liquid but then shook her head, changing her mind. “No, I'll look first and see whether it's marked 'Poison', or not.” Gwen acted as though she was examining the potion carefully, then shrugged and downed a small sip. She stood for a moment and, as rehearsed said, “What a curious feeling!” only this time she actually was experiencing something very curious. A wave a pleasure passed over from her beginning at her toes and spreading to her head and fingers. Her tights, in particular, felt even more pleasurable than when she was putting them on. “I must be … mmmm...,” she trailed off moaning as she felt herself become overcome with arousal. Her hand became involuntary drawn to her privates and she suddenly felt very self conscious of the fact that she was on stage in front of several actors and crewmen.
“Not too quickly, Evie,” the director shouted to seemingly no one, “Gwen try to control yourself. You're moaning too suggestively. Focus on your lines.”
“I-I can't, mmmmm!” Gwen said unable to stop herself from caressing her breasts. “I have to go … just give me a minute.” she said embarrassed stepping towards the stage exit, and a look of surprise when she felt her stocking feet touch the stage floor. She had just stepped out of her shoes. “Oooh no my shoes,” she said slipping her feet back into them. Her arousal was now overwhelming and she found it impossible to keep her shoes on as she tried to make her escape. They felt waaaay too big for her. “Oh goodness,” she moaned again after losing her shoes. “I'm soooo, mmmm,” she moaned again as she felt her shirt fall away exposing her pussy clearly visible through the ultra sheer white pantyhose. “Eeee!” she squealed embarrassed, covering her privates with her hands “My skirt!”
“It's okay, Gwen, just go with it. This is going to be an adult play after all.”
“No one said that!” Gwen shouted embarrassed to see everyone staring at her. “I didn't agree to … mmmmm!” Her arousal had now increased tenfold and she found herself rubbing her clit through her pantyhose. “Ohhh noooo!” She moaned, unable to control herself. Her shirt slipped off her shoulder as she crumpled to the floor. It looked way too big on her now, almost like a nightgown. “Am I really shrinking? Ohhhhhh!” She moaned helplessly as she curled into a fetal position caressing herself in a mound of her clothing.
“Okay, that's enough, Evie,” the director said, again to an unknown person, “We don't want her to pass out.”
“She's still taller than five inches,” a tiny voice with a strong Norther European accent answered from near the director. Gwen would have been curious about this new voice had she not been so caught up in completing her orgasm.
“That's okay, it's her first time, with practice we'll be able to shrink her smaller without her losing consciousness,” the director said as Gwen screamed with pleasure. She had climaxed and now as huffing exhausted. “That was very good Gwen, it looked amazing. See if you can recapture those reactions with a bit more control next time, we'll need you to say your 'telescope' line.
“What did you do to me?” Gwen gasped fearfully.
“We shrunk you. Sorry we didn't warn you about it earlier, but we weren't sure any real actor would accept the job if we advertised this little twist, or if anyone would even believe it.”
“Oh dear! I'm tiny! Why? Why'd you do this to me?” Gwen panicked.
“Don't worry, we can change you back,” Angelica said. “We did this because we needed to test it on you. Amazing tights, aren't they?”
“Tights? You mean those tights you made me wear made me shrink?” Gwen asked astonished.
“Yes. An amazing bit of fabric invented by the very same woman who funded this production. People will be astonished when they see a live person shrink before their eyes. We'll make millions. Don't worry, you'll get your share.”
“I did not consent to this!” Gwen protested as she tried her best to cover herself with her large clothing. “Turn me back to my normal size this instant!”
Angelica nodded and smiled to a tiny person Gwen noticed for the first time. She was only about 6 inches tall and was sitting under the director's chair near a strange device. Gwen didn't have time to process this new turn of events when she suddenly felt a terrible pain rip through her body. Before she knew it she was unconscious.
“So you just decided to work for them? After they tricked you and forced you to become a shrinking freak for audiences to gawk at?” Beth asked Gwen critically.
“I resisted at first,” Gwen answered defensively. “When I woke up I was in my bed, back to my normal size, but, of course, I couldn't take the damn thing off. I demanded they remove it and let me go and I threatened to expose them, but they had complete power over me. They could shrink me or grow me when ever they wanted. Any time I showed any sort of defiance I was usually forced unconscious by a fast shrink or growth. They even tried to hypnotize me while I was asleep into serving them. I found out because I saw them doing it on one of the other girls. They would hook up some strange machine to their tights and a doctor of some sort sat at their bedside speaking to them. I didn't hear what he said because I was quickly ushered out of the room before I could witness anything more, but I recall strange dreams of voices urging me to 'obey the mistress'. I don't think the hypnosis worked on me though, because I was still as defiant as ever. I refused to act in the play and it was eventually abandoned. But they broke my spirit and I agreed to serve them in other capacities, mainly as an errand girl for them and eventually as a secretary for one of their warehouses.”
“Do you think the hypnosis worked on the other girls?” Lisa asked.
“I have no clue, but I will say this, I know that there were others like me who admitted that the hypnosis did not work, but they, like me pretended that it did, if only to avoid punishment. Anything was better than being suddenly shrunken and grown as punishment for disobeying. It was better to make them believe that their methods worked.”
“So you pretended to be hypnotized?” Beth asked suspiciously.
“I had too. It was the only way they'd let me out of their dungeon.”
“Dungeon?” Lisa gulped.
“Yes,” Gwen said serious, “there were other girls who resisted were sent there and never seen again. I heard rumors that it was located in the basement of the Mistress's mansion. Who knows what she did to them there.”
The girls sat silently for a moment. Beth finally broke the silence, “We have to save them. All of them. We have to find this mansion and save them all.”
Lisa broke in, “Beth you're crazy! This Mistress sounds extremely wealthy and powerful. Her resources are ridiculous. How are we going to pull something like that off.”
“You don't have to help if you don't want, Lisa. But I'm going to try!”
“No, I'll help you, Beth. Who knows how many of our friends are trapped there? The entire cheerleading squad for all I know. But we're going to need help. The three of us won't be enough against a whole army of her minions, hypnotized or not.”
The two of them turned to Gwen. “Do you know of anyone who can help us?” Beth asked.
“I know there are a few girls who will join us, they also secretly hate the Mistress, and will help us if we can find them. But I don't think it will be enough. Still ...” Gwen thought for a moment, “Yes there is someone who can help us. But it won't be easy ...”
Back in the Doll Collector's mansion, within a spacious and expensive looking laboratory, a young scientist was working diligently with a dropper and some chemicals. Dr. Jasmine Cole, a chemist in her mid twenties was quite pretty, with blonde hair and black framed glasses that made her look intelligent and capable. Her small frame and large eyes made her look much younger than she actually was. But her face almost always wore an expression of stress and weariness, which made it clear to others that she had faced more difficulties than most women her age.
Jasmine nervously played with her shoes under her desk as she ran chemical tests on a polyphylon body stocking. She giggled softly as her leather dress shoes slipped and slid off her heels and toes. It was becoming increasingly more distracting. “I can't focus,” she said to herself as she kicked them off her feet. Her blue pantyhose made her feet so sensitive that not wearing her shoes was actually more distracting than playing with them. Frustrated, she pushed her sensitive stocking feet back into her shoes and forced herself to avoid shoe playing. After a few minutes, she crossed her legs and felt gravity tug at her loose shoe. Feeling the tickle, she giggled again as it slipped off her foot, and for the eleventh time had accidentally messed up a measurement of a chemical she was trying to test with the fabric due to her laughter. “That's it!” she shouted in frustration, and slammed the dropper on the table. Clumsily slipping her pretty foot back into her shoe, she stood up and marched out of her lab, ignoring the slight tickle as her heels slipped out of her shoes with each step.
“I'm shrinking again, Sedgewick!” she accused an older, somewhat sinister looking scientist.
“Don't blame me,” he responded disinterested as he read through code on his computer, “You were probably playing with your shoes again. You know that any small tickling sensation will cost you millimeters of volume and mass.”
“I never used to play with my shoes, but thanks to the pantyhose you forced me to wear, I can barely keep my shoes on. At least let me change out of this uniform and wear some boots or something.”
“You know as well as I that our sponsor will not approve of that. She provided us with these uniforms and expects us to wear them at all times. You don't want her to punish you for a dress code violation. And furthermore, I didn't force you do anything. It was our sponsor who required you to wear it.”
“She may of ordered you to do it. But I know you're the one who drugged me and put it on me as I slept. You belong in jail with that horrible woman you call a sponsor.”
“Now now, Jasmine,” Sedgewick said finally looking away from his computer screen. “We can't have you spreading lies and insulting our sponsor. I'm afraid I'm going to have to punish you again,” Dr. Sedgewick said pulling a shrinking device from his belt.”
“No Sedgewick, please!” Jasmine begged as she watched his hand move towards the dial on the shrinker. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm just frustrated because I can't focus on my work.”
“I accept your apology, Jasmine, but you know that I'll still have to punish you. Part of accepting responsibility for your transgressions is to accept the punishment,” he said coldly has he slowly turned the dial of the shrinker.
Jasmine started to moan as pleasurable sensations filled her body. Her clothes started to billow around her as she shrunk into them.
“Part of me wonders if you act this way on purpose. I have a feeling you really enjoy these punishments,” he said amused as he continually turned the dial slowly so as not to overwhelm her. He had become very good at finding the limits of his victims, so that they would shrink just enough to feel the intense effects of the shrinking, without overwhelming them to the point of losing consciousness or climaxing.
Jasmine moaned as if having an orgasm. She couldn't resist playing with herself as she fell to the floor in a fetal position, losing her shoes in the process.
“Nevertheless, it's important you appreciate all the Mistress has done for us. Had it not been for her funding, we'd have never isolated the compound, and found a way to replicate polyphylon. Now that we can control our own invention, the task remains to crack the code to the original fabric so that we can gain full control over that as well. I know you want that as much as I do. After all, it's the only way we'll be able to remove the body stockings from the original subjects … including your sister.”
“You don't care about her!” Jasmine gasped in between moans, she had shrunken to under three feet now and was swimming in her clothes. “You just care about controlling them all!”
“I care very much for your sister's well being,” he said has he continued to turn the dial. “How is she anyway? Still on good behavior I'm hoping. She has always been the Mistress's favorite.”
Jasmine couldn't respond, the effects of the shrinking was so great that her moans had become a scream. She wouldn't have wanted to answer him if she could. She hated when he talked about her sister, Penelope. She was the first person he betrayed. She hated herself for not seeing what he had done to her sooner. As usual she was too caught up in her research to realize what was going on. She even believed Sedgewick when he told her that Penelope had left of her own volition, in order to find others like her. Had she known what really happened when Penelope disappeared from NYU all those years ago, she never would have continued working with him. In a way, she felt she deserved the punishments she was enduring. But the fact that it was Sedgewick administering it enraged her.
When Jasmine had shrunk to five inches tall, the effects stopped. One of the worst things about the way Sedgewick shrunk her is that it always brought her so close to completion, but she was never able to actually feel the satisfaction of reaching it. Jasmine shivered uneasily in her mountains of clothes. She was too weak to move, but still used her last remaining strength to squirm away. It was a futile effort, Sedgewick had grabbed her and she was now helplessly held in his hand. He was already wearing the wicked glove that had tortured her so many times before. His fingers, now coated with thousands of tiny feather-like tendrils, glided across her ultra sensitive stocking clad body.
Had she had the energy to laugh, she would have. Instead she felt herself being pushed beyond the limits as he tickled her to pure exhaustion for what seemed like hours. His evil smile was all she could see as he gazed down at her squirming body maniacally. She tried to beg for mercy, but no words came out. She was being pushed to the brink of tickle insanity. Tears of despair came to her eyes. Why was she not passing out? How could he push it so far without making her lose consciousness. This was the worst tickling she had ever endured at his hand. He seemed to get better at his preferred method of torture each time he engaged in it. Though Jasmine was an atheist, she prayed to whatever higher being may have the possibility of existing to make it stop, at whatever the cost.
As if in answer to her prayers, a tall, statuesque woman entered the room. Her dark hair in a bun, her business suit looking like a military uniform, and her authoritative expression making her look quite imposing. As soon as he he saw her, Sedgewick stop instantly. “Hello Angelica,” he said clutching a quivering Jasmine in his fist so as not to make it known he was holding her.
Angelica knew better, the lab uniform and shoes that was in a pile at the far side of the room was a dead giveaway. “Are you tickling Dr. Cole again?” she asked accusingly.
“Yes,” Sedgewick said sheepishly, “I'm afraid she was acting up again. She said some awful things about the Mistress. I had to put her in her place, you understand.”
“I understand you're a sick fuck, Sedgewick,” Angelica said, “And if the Mistress didn't like you as much as she does I'd have had you behind bars years ago.”
“Without me you'd still be 6 inches tall, and at the mercy of the pantyhose you're wearing,” he said eyeing the sheer tan pantyhose that were barely visible on her legs.
“Without you I wouldn't be wearing them at all. You invented the evil thing!” She answered harshly.
“Dr. Cole invented the compound. I helped her here and there. But it was me who actually cracked the code and allowed the building of the control device you women like to call the shrink ray that allows you to stay full sized, and even remove the thing, if the Mistress decides to allow you the privilege. I still hate that name … shrink ray. It's so much more than that.” He muttered in disgust.
“I don't have time to argue with you Sedgewick. I have orders from the Mistress. There are some people coming who may have some pertinent information about the original fabric you and Dr. Cole have been trying to crack. She needs both of you to be in your labs working, and at full size.”
“Very well,” he muttered in disappointment dropping the much weakened Jasmine to the ground. His mood quickly changed when he actually processed what she had said. “What sort of information is she talking about?” he asked with a hint of excitement.
“I don't know, but it seems important. It could be the answers you two have been searching for,” Angelica said betraying no hint of shared excitement at the prospect. She looked down at Jasmine with disgust. Jasmine was lying on the floor gasping. “What did you do to her? She looks terrible.”
“Just a bit of tickle punishment. She'll be fine,” he said turning the dial on his shrink ray. “She's more resilient than she looks.”
Angelica looked on with bemused disgust as Jasmine screamed. She was growing quite rapidly, but not quite fast enough for the pain to be so unbearable that it would make her pass out. As he was at shrinking and tickling, Sedgewick was a master of finding the perfect growth speed at which to just about keep his victim conscious. “We need her able to work within an hour, you sadistic bastard. How do you expect her to recover from this?”
“Will you relax, Angelica? All the effects are temporary, you should know that she can't be harmed while wearing polyphylon. In a way, I envy you women for being as indestructible as you are.”
“You seem like the cross dressing type, Sedgewick, why don't you put a pair on and you can be just like the girls.”
Sedgewick only laughed in response as he watched Jasmine grow to full size. Angelica may be a polyphylon slave, but she was also the Mistress's second in command and he dared not cross her. Unlike Jasmine, he did not have authority to shrink her, and his shrink ray was purposely designed to not work on the higher ranking minions of the Mistress's little army. Only the Mistress herself had the shrink ray capable of doing that.
“Why isn't she moving?” Angelica asked impatiently as she examined the collapsed, now full sized naked body of Dr. Jasmine Cole lying before her. “Did she pass out?”
“I don't know,” he said curiously, “Usually I'm quite good at preventing such loss of consciousness,” he said with a frown. Sedgewick knelt down and gave Jasmine a slight tickle on the sole of her foot. Jasmine kicked it away and tried to squirm. “You little faker,” Sedgewick laughed, “Get dressed and get back to work,” he ordered, “unless you want me to put your clothes on for you.” Jasmine crawled to her clothes weakly, feeling completely defeated. “Stop behaving like an invalid and hurry up, I know it wasn't that bad,” he said impatiently. “She's a very good actor,” he said turning to Angelica, “You should cast her in one of your little productions.”
“Funny,” Angelica said sarcastically and giving him a dirty look, “You know I don't do that anymore.” And with that she turned and walked out of the room in disgust.
“You shouldn't give up on your dreams so easily, Angelica,” he laughed and called out to her as she left.
Niesa felt like they had been climbing for hours. Her arms were exhausted as she followed Penelope up the little plastic ladders that were glued to the studs within the walls of the mansion. It was dark, cold and quite scary in these walls. Cobwebs were everywhere, and at her small size she found it quite difficult breaking through some of them. Fortunately they had not run into a spider.
“How did you manage to build all this?” Tamara asked, her energy not yet completely sapped unlike the rest of the newcomers.
“I told you, Jasmine helped smuggle in some tools and toy ladders. The hardest part was drilling large enough holes through the studs. Fortunately, my sister's quite resourceful and was able to put together a small drill that we could fit through here. It took us a little less than a year to get it all done.”
Amanda squeaked and giggled below Niesa. “You could have cleaned out the cobwebs,” Amanda complained as she found herself shoeless once again. Her little penny loafers had stuck to some cobwebs and she couldn't pull them free. Luvia had to help her dislodge them. “I feel like my shoes always come off more easily than anyone else's. It's not fair.”
“Stop whining, Amanda, we're almost there,” Niesa said trying her best to lift their spirits. “These slippery pantyhose make all of our shoes really loose. I'm wearing high heels and I'm managing okay,” she said as she nearly stepped out of her own shoe. “We are almost there, aren't we?” Niesa asked trying hard not to sound like she was complaining as well.
“Yes,” Chun Li said, “See that light up ahead?”
Before anyone answered Penelope said, “That's my sister's lab. She cut a little mouse hole for me to sneak in when I want to, this way I don't always have to wait for her to find me when we wanted to talk.”
“Thank god,” Amanda said, finally pulling her shoes free of the web and slipping them back on her slippery stocking feet.
As they climbed into a more spacious section of the inner wall, Niesa could hear a scratching noise from the darkness. “Umm, there are no mice in this mouse hole, are there?”
“Mice? In this mansion?” Morrigan laughed, “The Mistress would evacuate this place.
“Then what was that noise?” Niesa asked nervously.
“What noise?” Penelope asked curiously. “I don't hear anything.” Surely enough, the scratching had stopped. Niesa still felt uneasy as they walked toward the hole up ahead.
When they emerged, the brightness of the white laboratory was nearly blinding. Niesa squinted to allow her eyes time to adjust. When they did she was amazed at the hugeness of the room. They appeared to be under a desk, but even from here, Niesa could see how far back the lab went and how wide it was. “This place must have cost a fortune!” she said with wonder.
“The Mistress spares no expense,” Penelope said, “Look there's my sister,” she said pointing a pair of feet clad in leather dress shoes over sheer blue polyphylon, “She's probably working diligently as usual.” Penelope poked the exposed top of Jasmine's foot where the low cut shoe curved near her toes “Hey sis, I'm here, I brought some friends. We were wondering if you could help us out.”
There was no answer. “That's funny,” Penelope said baffled, “A poke like that on her exposed hose clad foot usually gets her attention instantly.” She tickled the top of her foot more vigorously.
“It looks like she's asleep,” Morrigan said after she moved out from under the table and peered up at the chair.
“Asleep? She never sleeps on the job,” Penelope said a little worried. “We're going to have to wake her up. See if you can tickle her arch, that will surely do the trick.”
“Easier said than done,” Luvia said trying to reach into the instep of her shoe. The shoes were like low cut loafers, but with rather large bulky heels that made it quite difficult to reach into her shoe. “Niesa, come over here, we'll boost you up like we do in cheer leading practice.”
“Good idea,” Niesa said as she approached.
Luvia and Tamara were about to boost Niesa on top of Jasmine's shoe when they noticed her white high heels. “No way we're boosting you while wearing those,” Tamara said.
Niesa sighed and reluctantly kicked them off. “No tickling!” she warned them. But quickly found that it was no use. As soon as her ultra sensitive stocking feet touched their hands, she found herself giggling helplessly. She had no strength to pull herself up. “Thihehehehis isn't going to work, hahahah!” she laughed as she jumped out of their hands and quickly slipped back into her shoes. “I'm too ticklish.”
“Joyce is wearing heels too, we'll have to boost Amanda, she's the next lightest,” Tamara said.
“No way,” Amanda said, “I hate being tickled.”
“You don't have to take off you're shoes, you're wearing penny loafers.”
“They'll come off again, I just know it.”
“Amanda, we're not going to let your shoes fall off. Just help us out for once,” Luvia said impatiently.
“You can do it, Amanda,” Niesa reassured.
Amanda hesitated, and Chun Li was about to volunteer to go in her place, but Niesa shook her head at her as if to say, “let her do it.” Amanda approached Luvia and Tamara nervously as they held out their gripped hands a place for Amanda to step and boost herself up. With trepidation, she lifted her delicate foot and stepped into their hands. The two girls grabbed her by her loose penny loafters and pushed her up on top of Jasmine's shoe. She slid both of her thin arms into the instep of Jasmine's soft stocking foot and reached as far as she could to the bottom of the arch of Jasmine's warm and silky arch.
“Good job,” Niesa said with her back to the hole they had come out of. “Now tickle her. We have to wake her up.”
“I'm trying,” Amanda groaned. “It's hard, and it kind of hurts. Don't let go of me and don't let my shoes come off.”
Suddenly a loud squeak was heard behind Niesa. She turned around in time to see a large rat charging out of the hole and jumping on top of her, knocking her right out her shoes and clawing at her body. Niesa screamed as the rat bit and scratched her arms as she tried to protect her face.
Chun Li and Morrigan jumped to her aid, kicking and punching the rat, just managing to get it off of Niesa. But now the rat's attention was on them. He whipped his tale at Morrigan, Knocking her to the ground and wrapping it around her boot. Morrigan screamed as she was lifted off the ground upside down. The rat bit at Chun Li and knocked her into Tamara, clawing at her fiercely.
“What the fuck!” Tamara said as she and Luvia drew away.
“My shoes!” Amanda screamed as she hung helplessly from the shoe in her stocking feet. “You took off my shoes!”
Tamara and Luvia suddenly realized they each had one of Amanda's shoes in their hands. As if both of them shared the same thoughts, they both threw each of Amanda's shoes at the rat that was drawing in on them. The rat caught the first shoe in his mouth and shook his head as if to tear it to pieces. But the second shoe hit the him square in the eye. The rat dropped the shoe from his mouth and drew back, giving Tamara and Luvia time to help Chun Li to her feet.
Meanwhile Morrigan had been tossed helplessly out of her boot and had landed on Penelope who had been screaming to Jasmine to wake up. Morrigan looked down and saw Penelope's outstretched legs clad in her sheer white pantyhose and dress flats. Thinking quickly, Morrigan easily stripped Penelope of her shoes and threw them at the rat. “Hey!” Penelope protested upon feeling her shoes come off. But she quickly learned the wisdom of this action when she noticed the rat was being driven away back into its hole.
“Throw your shoes at it!” Morrigan shouted. “It's working.”
Niesa had found her errant high heels and were now throwing them at the rat. Joyce had also removed her own high heels and were throwing them as well. One of the sharp heels stuck in the rat's body and the rat squealed in pain. The rat was almost all the way back in the hole, when it was suddenly pushed out again. Another rat had joined the fray!
“Fuck!” Tamara said as she kicked her clogs at the new threat. Luvia was still wearing her penny loafers and had refused to throw them. “Give me those!” Tamara said angrily as she pulled Luvia's feet out from under her and stripped her shoes off her. Each shoe was thrown at each rat followed by Morrigan's remaining spiked heeled boot. This held them back, but neither retreated.
Chun Li was the only one still wearing her footwear as she charged at the new rat kicking wildly. “I'm not taking off my boots if I can still kick!” she shouted. But the rat soon caught her boot in it's mouth and ripped it right off of her during one of her lightning kicks. “Oh shit,” she said as her silky shoeless foot brushed against the rat's fur. She laughed loudly and fell over helplessly.
“I'm out of shoes,” Tamara said as she drew back from the angry rats fearfully.
“What are we going to do?” Luvia asked panicking as she ran slipping and falling over on her slippery stocking feet. “The floor is too smooth! We can barely even run without our shoes!”
“Our stockings are too slippery! We're fucked!” Joyce said as she too slipped and fell as she tried to run as well.
Things were not looking good as one of the rats was now on top of Chun Li biting and clawing at her. Niesa, who had slipped and fell on her knees while running away in her stocking feet was also about to be pounced on from behind. She looked up and cried out helplessly when she saw something large and black flying towards her. She felt herself being knocked hard against the wall, crushed by something large and leathery. She heard a crack as she slammed into the rat behind her. It was the sound of bones breaking. The rat squealed in agony and limped away from her back into its hole. She looked around amazed. The other rat had also been struck by the same leathery missile and was retreating as well. It was Jasmine's shoe!
Niesa couldn't believe it. As she crawled out from under the shoe she saw that Jasmine's foot was now shoeless. Her toes were wiggling in her thin blue stockings looking somewhat surprised to be exposed. Amanda was nowhere to be seen.
“What the fuck happened?” Tamara asked as she took stock of the situation. “Where'd Amanda go?”
“I'm up here,” Amanda said. To everyone's amazement, she was sitting on Jasmine's knee.
“How the hell did you get up there?” Morrigan asked as if echoing everyone's unvoiced question.
Amanda answered somewhat baffled by the whole idea of the situation as well. “Well, you said throw your shoes at the rat. Of course I had lost mine thanks to Tamara and Luvia. But then I noticed that Jasmine's shoe seemed kind of loose. So I thought, 'hey why don't I throw Jasmine's shoe'. Of course it was too heavy for me to throw, or even remove. But then I remembered how I lost my shoe one time at the doctor's office when he hit me in my knee. So I climbed the hem of Jasmine's skirt up to her knee, and hit her patellar reflex point as hard as I could. She kicked her shoe right off and I guess it hit the rats.”
“You're one crazy little bitch!” Tamara shouted amazed. “I can hardly believe you managed that. How the hell did you climb the hem of her skirt? How did you hit her patellar reflex point hard enough to get her to kick her shoe off! How did you ...”
But Tamara's thoughts were interrupted by a loud booming voice. “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY SHOE?” Amanda was knocked off Jasmine's knee as her leg moved back. Jasmine peered under the desk just in time to see Tamara catch Amanda as she fell. The two girls tumbled to the ground and laughed despite themselves. “UMMM WHAT'S GOING ON?” Jasmine asked as she gazed at the tiny shoeless women with a dumbfounded expression.
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