2nd Level Red Feather
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When Peter was asked to tutor Wendy’s step brother Austin he jumped at the chance. The rambunctious young man was failing his classes and the hope was that the cute farmer could give him the help he needed to thrive. Light a fire inside of him. And maybe, just maybe, if poor ol Pete did a good job, he would be rewarded by his southern angel crush.
It took a bit, but Peter was able to travel to Wendy’s apartment where Austin would be waiting for him with his own intentions. Peter was pulled into the apartment before he could even knock.
Peter was laughing manically in his bonds. Austin had made quick work of the fit blond, tying him down to their coffee table with his legs kept wide open. Peter’s overalls were removed and his boxers were snipped in such a way to give the angsty young man sly access to his victims most delicate area.
Austin wanted to start off slow though, building his way up to that thing everyone couldn’t help but to tease. He elected instead to stay at Peter’s nipples. The black haired youth delicately circled his fingers around the chest of Peter without pause, only slowing down when he would begin to go counter clockwise.
“Sorry Pete... well, not really. Truth be told I was never struggling in my classes. All I REALLY wanted to do was get my hands on you. See, I’ve been wanting to have a go at joining the football team, but I am NOT going through the insane pledge hazing. I think you know better then anyone that team is relentless.....”
Peter’s mind flashed with memories of his time in “the shed”. Where the entire football team would tickle and tease new recruits. Really it was used just as much on the people they just didn’t like, Peter having the most “visits” then anyone with a record of 16. It was so embarrassing, especially since they would always be girls there to giggle and comment on his predicament. His cock would be sarcastically complemented and teased, but in the end while his orgasm was being juggled from bully to bully the girls ended the night rewarding their men with blowjobs. Since Peter only has eyes for Wendy anyway it never bothered him too much, but god would his balls be bluer then the sky by the end of those nights.
“So instead of that noise I’m just going to shatter the captain’s “edge the farmer” score and establish dominance. I don’t think anyone will want to fuck with me after they see what I’ve put you through...~”
As Austin spoke his fingers did a different kind of talking. He softly rolled Pete’s sensitive nubs between his fingers while his victim screamed with ticklish laughter.*
“Tell me Pete. What do you think about my plan huh? Pretty smart!”
Peter’s cock was almost like a heart rate monitor, throbbing in a consistent rhythm without fail.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH” The cute farmer boy’s body shook in his bondage. He tried with all his might to free himself from the sensation but nothing worked. All the while Austin grinned down at his helpless little helper as he gladly continued the suffering.
“Or maybe I’m lying. Maybe I just don’t like a loser like you being up my sep sisters ass twenty four seven. Maybe it makes me happy when her boyfriends puts you in your fucking place and I want to do the same. That be fucked up wouldn’t it Pete? God if that were true I’d probably just keep you here, tickling you without rhyme or reason. I don’t know when Wendy will be back but hey, I’m sure she’s caught you in worse situations.”
Austin got into his own little rhythm. After his fingers made about three laps around the outer rim of Peter’s nipples he would start to flick the sides of his digits against the hardening nubs at the center. The sensation making the fit farmer boy heave his chest in the lustful agony of his overstimulation.
“Maybe I should invite him over to help. It’s going to take a lot to get you there all those times. I don’t just want to break the captain’s record you know. I want to fucking shatter it. I’m REALLY competitive Pete, that’s one thing you should know about me. I’m also really good with my fingers. Think I’m lying?”
Peter didn’t think this sadist was lying for a second. Those fingers were tweaking slowly at his chest and resolve as he almost went cross eyed. And his poor cock. Still to this day not knowing what a true orgasm is, it seemed to almost be controlled by what torture was happening to his nipples. It never stopped flexing as the stimulation went on.
“Oh shut up.” Austin shoved a hand towel in Peters mouth. “ I haven’t even started yet. You might want to pace your screaming Pete. I’m only going to make you get louder from here. Now let’s see about that cock.”
The laughter truly never stopped as Wendy’s horrid stepbrother from hell delicately scratched at the sweet spot of his cock from inside the hole he cut in his boxers. Peter flailed around the best he could, but it was useless. That little finger was going to become very intimate with the nerves of his poor cock, drawing several horrible edges out of it and him both.*
When Pete came to he was still tied to the coffee table and his t-shirt was drenched in sweat. You could tell just by looking at then boy that Austin had put him through the ringer. A spark of anxiety ignited when his memories started flooding back.
Austin had been going at Peter for hours, slowly and with agonizing precision. He had known exactly when to back off and when to hold firm on the stimulation he subjected his “tutor” to.*
The only breaks Pete got were when the door bell kept ringing and Austin would go answer it. He never knew what was up or who was there, but it was clearly an annoyance to the evil stepbrother. He would take out his frustrations when he got back by flicking Peter’s bell-end several times until that alone would make him want to squirt all over the place.
Peter looked at his surroundings, but Austin was nowhere to be seen. That relieved him greatly, until he looked down at his desperate tool and saw a sticky note crudely posted on it.
“Dear Peter,
For someone who never nuts, you’re sure a hard one to crack. My buddies and I had bets that you’d pass out earlier then you did. Congrats? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol
I got to be honest though, you’re taking far too long for my liking. Charles last I checked has an edge the farmer score of 12 and I’m only at 5, that won’t do. I’ve run out to grab some stuff that should move things along. Do me a solid and STAY solid till I get back. If you don’t I won’t stop at 15 like I was originally going to.
Be back soon.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Austin”
Peter slunk back in his bonds, clearly not going anywhere for a while. His main concern was hoping to whatever lords above that Wendy wouldn’t be home anytime soon. Heaven forbid she’d walk in here with Her boyfriend of the month of all people. Peter didn’t need the humiliation of getting tickled by ANOTHER lover of his crush.
His train of thought derailed though as he heard a knock at the front of the door. Pete held his breath. Hopefully whoever it is would move on once no one answered.*
That’s not what happened. The front door was heard opening, it was the only sound in the apartment with Peter electing to stay as quite as a church mouse.
The voice wasn’t familiar, which meant Peter was trying his best not to freak the fuck out. Oh god please. Don’t let some random person find him like THIS. What if it was their mother or father? How would he explain that? With the gag still in his mouth that be impossible!
Peter tried to calm himself. Try not to panic. He was sure who ever this was would walk out once no one answered.
How wrong he was...
“Oh lal la. We’ll hello there.~”
Peter’s face flushed deep red from the humiliation of being found the way he was. The young man before him was slim with tattoos poking out from his suit. They were on the left side of his neck and on his right hand. His face was more feminine, even with his shorter hair. With his briefcase he looked like a salesmen.*
“Well well well, who did you piss off there cutie? What’s your name? Are you hurt?” The salesmen went to go take the gag out of Peter’s mouth, before he did though the note on his cock caught their eye.*
“Oh! What’s this?” The suited young man plucked the note and began to read. Peter’s heart sank as they began to laugh. “Oh my! Poor little Peter...~” he looked down at the farmer with his hand resting on his hip. “Looks like your pickle is in a pickle! Pffhahahah! Oh I’m sorry, it’s just so cruelly cute. I mean just look at you!”
It was then the sly salesman noticed the shame must have been too much for the pathetic beauty as his boxer covered cock began to wilt.
“Ah ah aaaaaaah!” The intruder tried his best to wipe the smug smile off his face . “Didn’t you read your note? You should be staying hard there mister.” He knelt down right between his legs, the closer he got the more nervous Peter became.
“Peter sounds way too formal given the circumstances. Pete is cute. How about Petey? Regardless Petey, I’d hate to see you get in trouble so maybe you shouuuuullld....”*
Peter held his breath as he saw the salesman slowly reach his fingers into the hole in his underpants. His fingers quickly zipped down his base. It felt worse then anything the farmer could have expected from a stranger. His fingers were so light, so delicate, it was almost softer then and feather and it made his cock rage.
The salesman jutted back in surprise from the reaction. All that from one little tease? How unfortunate. The young man’s cock was back at full length with the intruder’s hand coming back in and nestling his left pointer finger right against Peter’s sweet spot.
“Oh my god Petey! Are you ticklish???” The teasing man asked with an evil grin. Peter screamed no back at him as loud as he could, but it fell on deaf ears.
“Really?...” Just then the stranger’s finger began to ever so lightly scratch at the underside of Peter’s tip. ”Coochie coochie coo!~”
The finger was quickly pulled away and bitten by the salesman as he laughed at Peter’s pathetic reaction. The farmer was shivering and moaning into his cloth as his cock bounced up and down.
“Oh lord you’re so freaking cute! Is THIS what “Austin and Charles” do to you?” He took hold of the throbbing cock and helped it threw the hole, finally freeing it. Again the hands were drawn back just to slowly lean back in. This time with a menacing wiggle of the fingers. “They just tie you up aaaaaaaaaand..”
“Tickle tickle tickle! Tickle tickle tickle! Tickle tickle on poor Petey’s sensitive little penis! Hahaha!!” He tickled Peter’s cock like one would a foot or his stomach. Fingers fluttered wildly and without reason. He’d lay his penis flat and tickle the base like someone would a midsection. He’d skitter relentlessly at the sides while slowly moving his hands up and down. He’d also flick at the farmer’s backed up testicles and get reactions that way.
“Oh Petey I’m so sorry. I just can’t resist! You’ll let me have a little fun won’t you? Good boy.~”
The salesman’s “little fun” almost had Peter passing out again. It was a different kind of torment then Austin’s. He tickled with the intent to deny Peter as where this stranger just tickled. Peter was harder then his session before with the evil step brother but in this session he was climbing to climax slower. Through the thirty minutes of tickling Peter was just now starting to reach his limits.
Slowly the first drop of precum oozed down from the now purple head of the victim’s cock. The salesman just then raised his hands, cutting off contact, but still hovered them over the organ. Threatening/ promising his touch would return any minute.
“Tell me Petey. Does this ‘edge the farmer’ game mean exactly what it sounds like? Do you think it’s a game I would win if I’d ever play?”
Peter nodded rapidly. Not wanting to say anything that might cause him to make this any worse.
“Mmmmm I don’t know. Edging just seems too mean. I don’t think I have the heart to do that to you Petey.” The salesman smugly admired his hands like a girl checking her nails. Keeping them agonizing close to the tool that needed them most. “Oh, but that little friend of yours is going to be back any minute. God he’s probably chomping at the bit to put you through hell again. I know I would.... what to do, what to do..~”
Peter was completely at attention now. He was boiling over with need and desire and being played with like this just made it all the worse. Then he heard the magic words.*
“I can make you cum.” The salesman giggled as he knew that would work. “In fact I’d be as bold to say I WANT to make you cum really bad. If this is you with a tease my heart is racing to see how wild I can make while also turning you into a park fountain.” His hands kept leaning in but never touching. “It would be so easy too... tickle tickle....”
Peters eyes were closed. He wanted it so bad. He wanted to shoot more then anything else right now. He’ll deal with it all later, he just needed to cum.
“....what’s in it for me though. See Petey, playing with you is fun and all but I’m suppose to be working right now. If I don’t sell all my product I might be in just as much trouble... ok not JUST as much, but I don’t like to be yelled at.” Just then both hands firmly grabbed Peter’s penis.
“Maybe if you buy all of it I can help you out here. A mind bending orgasm and a great deal? You’d be the luckiest boy on earth.... considering..”
The sly merchant jerked ever so slowly in order to coax the right answer out of the bound young man. Peter had to try to think through the pleasure. Did he even have enough money? The only cash he had was the cash he needed to get home! He couldn’t part with it! In a moment of clarity shook his head no.
“No?” The salesman’s eye raised. Really? He’s turning HIM down? “Hmmm. Then I guess I’ve been too nice then. Ok Peter.”
The salesman dropped Peter’s cock like he was disgusted by it. He leaned down and opened his suitcase, taking a minute and coming up with a single paint brush. The farmer boy’s eyes locked on to the implement and went wide.
“Beautifully crafted and one of a kind.* Please allow me to show you. For performance reasons, of course.” The grin on the young man’s face was evident while he traced the brush from the balls to the tip. He slowly dusted at the sides and poked every now and again at his sweet spot. “As you can see the bristles are soft, as not to ruin your brush strokes. It allows for quick movement like this.”
The brush zipped all the way down Peter’s base. His eyes again rolling in the back of his head while the salesman bit his lip.
“Or like this.”
He traced the brush quickly back up, just for the purposes of messing with the helpless young man further.
“Or this and this and this!~”
The brush danced over Peter’s aching mushroom cap, drawing all kind of tormented lustful Moans out of him.
“Works great on any canvas... also on stupid boys who don’t know when to take a great deal when it’s offered. Don’t worry though, it doesn’t matter now, what’s done is done. Let me show you my other brushes. I have a lovely selection.~”
“MMOOOO! MMFMFMFOOO! MMFMFMFM!!!” Peter tried his best to take it all back. Tell him he’d buy whatever he wanted if it meant it make him cum. But as said before. What’s done was done.*
For someone who said they could never find it in their heart to edge the poor pretty boy, the salesman picked up pretty quickly. It wasn’t a bluff, he did have a wide assortment of products, and he had no trouble using each and every one of them to frustrate the already dribbling cock.*
The brushes kissed, licked, traced, danced, teased, tormented, destroyed Poor Peter’s aching cock and there was nothing he could do. Especially later on when Austin finally returned, tickle tools in hand, ready for the second round.*
Surely it was a surprise to see a stranger on his house but the most important thing to him was that Peter not be allowed to orgasm. In fact the teamwork moved things along quite nicely.
In the end Austin had obliterated the record of the football captain. He was welcomed into the team with open arms and didn’t have to feel a single tickle for his troubles. All thanks to Peter, who was thanked by getting his 17th visit to “the shed.”
Poor Peter.