2nd Level Red Feather
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Promises upon a Lost Shore
A swath of dark obsidian splashed across the night sky like a canvas punctured by hundreds of drops of dew, the gem-like stars twinkling in and out like the laughter of fair maidens while they giggled at a quiet, secretive joke told in hushed tones. Pushing her arms out from side to side, she let herself fall backward, splatting against the ferociously dry boards while her wrists landed onto the edges of her boat, allowing her hands to dangle precariously over the bitter, wave-less ocean. The vessel lay deathly still, and the thin canvas that rose up the short mast slept quietly, dangling a few feet above her legs. Clamping her teeth down, she let a growl grumble in her throat as she stared towards the painstakingly clear moon and the cloudless skies. Turning on her side, she threw her hands beneath her head, tugging her knees upward and snorting loudly.
As she pressed her knees into her stomach, she felt the weathered touch of parchment as it scraped beneath her belly button. Groaning, she reached down and batted at the paper perched inside of her belt. Out of spite, the paper spit back, slapping against her stomach. With a deep inhale she closed her eyes while the muscles around her shoulders grew terse. The paper slipped downward, striking across her stomach before flapping against the board. In a quick motion she rose upward, slapping at the parchment before huffing and wrapping her arms around her torso, folding her hands beneath her underarms.
Ahead, she watched a star puff out of existence and into shadow. Blinking, she tilted her head and squinted, catching a whiff of murk that obscured part of the horizon. The scent of salt trickled across her nose and the illusory sound of water beating upon rocks hailed her before vanishing like a candle snuffed from existence. Pressing her tongue over her upper lip, she dropped her hand, slicing through the air and snatching at the scratched and torn parchment resting between the lining of her pants. The paper cried out in agony as she tightened her grip around it, tugging it from its abode before drawing it in front of her. As she unfurled it, the ends slashed at one another, filling the air with its rebellious tones.
With a huff, she glanced at the dark scrawlings on the paper, then tapped a finger at the outline of a shore. Tracing her finger up, then curving it around, she fended off make believe waves and imaginary, empty oceans before stopping and tapping at a red X on the western end of the continent depicted before her. Scraping her finger back and weaving it around, she examined the empty pathway she traced then glanced up, her eyes darting back and forth between the mysterious lines the stars formed between one another. Furling her lips together, she glanced back at the paper and bit the inside of her lip before facing ahead, towards the outline of oblivion that stole the stars.
A thin, wide smile crept up her lips, curving into her cheeks. Drawing her left hand away from the parchment, she pressed her thumb and forefinger on either side of her face before dragging them down and stroking her chin. With a chuckle, she thought upon one of the many tales spun when the boats gathered and formed their small, makeshift town: a lost, flooded castle as some refer to it, or others as a ghostly fort that appears in the middle of the ocean late at night, vanishing at morning. Tilting her head down, she pressed the tip of her tongue over the edge of her upper lip, chuckling as she quickly rolled the map back into a cylinder. Quickly returning it to her hip, she silently touched the curved hilt of her dagger before reaching for the nearby oar as the scent of treasure tickled her nose. In a quick motion she dunked it into the depths then pushed before dragging it upwards and slapping at the water on the ocean side of her boat. The boat began to bob forward, and an icy mist prodded at her face while the sail let out a ragged cough as air stroked the canvas.
A jaunty sea-breeze tucked at her bronze hair, knocking the strands off of her shoulders and letting them flutter behind her as she sailed through the crisp night air. Water slurped at her vessel as she paved a wave across the nearly flat surface, and soon she heard the crash of waves slapping against rocks ahead of her. The small ship began to twist and turn suddenly. With a sniff, she held the oar in place as she watched the sky above slowly tilt and spin. Looking around, she chuckled loudly before leaning over the edge and watching near invisible currents of water push her away from her destination.
With renewed vigor she leaned forward, eagerly bashing at the water with her oar as her small vessel fought with her in a vain attempt to spin off course. Ahead, she caught the glimmer of water rising and crashing against stones. Squinting, she caught the silver glimmer of moonlight bouncing merrily off of damp, jagged stones. As she dashed the oar into the water, she could feel choppy waves bobbing up to greet it, and her small ship began to point upward then crash down just as the black shore became visible.
The sail grew taut, and she could feel her hair floating behind her. Holding the oar above the water, she watched as she slowly encroached upon a tight knit cliff of stones from which a structure blacker than the night rose. Shifting about, she spun the flat end of the oar towards the emptiness before her. Within moments a great weight pushed against her. Letting it slowly push the oar back into her, she spread her elbows and let the vessel slow to a still while turning perpendicular to the rocks. The stones banged calmly against the edge of her ship, and she felt her heart leap in her chest as thoughts of what mysterious and otherworldly treasures might be hidden in this nestled away little trove.
Throwing the oar down, she reached ahead toward the iron anchor, gripping into the edges and picking it up. Her torso collapsed towards it, and she felt her muscles tearing while her trembling arms lifted it to the edge of the shift. Releasing her fingers, it fell with a mighty clunk into the sea, the rope hastening into the depths after it. Jumping up, she steadied herself on the bobbing vessel before planting a boot on the stones, her sole slipping forward as she thrust her weight onto it as water sloshed against stone beneath her.
Shadows hopped and played while the sound of water surfing along the edges of the rocks played about around her. Leaping up onto the slick surface, she spun around and scooped up a length of rope, fastening it to a metal ring on the vessel. Standing straight, she raised her arms to her shoulders and stepped back, tugging hard before glancing around. Spotting a jagged spearhead of a rock, she nodded then looped the rope around it before whisking it into a tight bow of a knot. With a step to her side, she brushed her hands together and began striding forward as a hiss of water rose up, splattering up to her ankles and covering the narrow pathway she crossed.
Setting her hand on the smooth cliff that rose several feet above her head, she wound up the slowly inclining pathway. After twenty or so paces she began to round a circular corner, where the path rose sharply. Within a few steps her head began to rise above the flat sheet of obsidian, revealing a black, hulking structure that rose high above her. Whistling, she felt her lower eyelids rise up as a giddy feeling swelled within her. Clenching her hands together, she raised her shoulders and shivered as an icy mist nuzzled the back of her neck. Continuing onward, her eyes remained glued on the cone shaped building before her, its walls rising without so much as a break between them as though the structure were carved out of one massive stone. Suddenly her boot slid backwards, flying up beneath her, and she stumbled forward. Catching herself on the wall of stone, she felt her weight press into it as her knees trembled and buckled beneath her while she glanced at the voracious icy waters that gnawed at the rocks far below her. Sighing, she quickly brushed a hand down her midriff and pressed onward.
The angle of the incline grew wildly as she wrapped ahead, so much so that her boots continually slid back down the damp stones. Digging her hands into the wall, she clawed her way upward as the pathway narrowed so much that she could barely fit her boots side by side, the hungry waves smashing into the wall beneath her, their talons eagerly reaching for her. Staring into those black waters, she watched them reel back, exposing a plethora of long, halberd like rocks. Gulping, she turned ahead and pulled herself up along the pathway as it whisped away into flat land.
Letting out a sigh of relief as she crossed onto steady ground, she hunched forward, gripping her fingers around her knees. Around her, she felt the world grow deathly quiet. Perking her ears, she brought her face up from the stonework and looked around. Stilling her breath, she peered through the dark veil of abyss, watching a lance of silver moonlight rise then sparkle out of existence. Glancing above, she gazed into those forbidden gems that sparked like flint across the inky trail of sky. With a shake of her head, she cast aside the foreboding sense of eeriness that sloped around her like a cloak.
Behind her, she suddenly heard a distant whistle of a cry. Turning, she glanced at the vacant seas as the noise rushed ahead, growing louder by the second. A sudden, maddening gust of wind slammed into her, knocking her forward a few steps while wind roared around her, scattering the ends of her vest while her loose leggings caught the air like a sail. Bending her knees and spreading her legs, she hunched forward, wrapping her arms around herself and tucking her hands at the ends of her vest. Through the wild zephyr an ear piercing cry scrawled down her backside like the vicious fangs of a predator. Though otherworldly, she felt a sense of familiarity rise through her as the screeching tore into her.
Funneling her brows downward, she let her eyes glaze over and she focused on the sound, picking it apart through the storm that rolled around her. It sparked upward, then disappeared in a brash heave before rising and falling again and again, ringing like a bell while cutting through her like the wind. It rose sharply like a wonderful song then fell flat like a punch to the gut. Narrowing her eyes, she thought for a moment that it sounded like laughter, except wild and crazed, as though the funniest joke in the world were being laid bare like an unrelenting whip cracking at one's backside. The wind vanished suddenly, and with it the banshee's screams. Huddling still for a moment, she shivered then rose, her face rolling up the side of the structure before her.
Shrugging and shaking off the dark winds, she recalled the myths of her tribesmen and strode forward gallantly, taking long, mighty strides while her arms flung back then hurled her forward. Her boots cackled against the stonework as she approached the wide archway, its length approximately three men across and reaching two high. As she crossed the threshold, she saw clear signs of discoloration reaching at eye level. Sniffing, she nodded, facing the light-less void before her. Squinting, she stepped forward, brushing aside the darkness and grazing good, stout wood in front of her chest. As she rained her fingers downward, she felt the strong boards, then near her stomach the singe of cool metal. Her fingers fluttered around the sleek steel, her finger tips dancing along the edge, curving with it then brushing up the bottom. A ring. Wrapping her fingers around it, she lifted the handle and tugged.
The wood refused to budge, instead pulling at her arm. With a sniff, she hunkered down and took a step backward before pulling again, this time throwing her weight backward. Her boots slipped ahead, and she fell at a sharp angle with the door, the soles of her boots posing up the side of the wood as she reared back, pulling with all of her might. Groaning, she relinquished her grip, stepping backward and letting the handle fall loudly against the wood. As though a incantation had been cast, the doorway began to creak forward, a noxious emptiness blacker than the night sky inviting her within. Chuckling, she fell forward, pushing her left shoulder and right hand into the wood so that it fell faster. As she pushed, her boots slid and slipped beneath her while the maw ahead gazed through her, seemingly sucking her into it. The door suddenly flew wide open and her unsupported weight crashed over the threshold into the abyss. A rush of wind ran through her, and she felt the sound of the door slamming shut ripple through her.
A swath of dark obsidian splashed across the night sky like a canvas punctured by hundreds of drops of dew, the gem-like stars twinkling in and out like the laughter of fair maidens while they giggled at a quiet, secretive joke told in hushed tones. Pushing her arms out from side to side, she let herself fall backward, splatting against the ferociously dry boards while her wrists landed onto the edges of her boat, allowing her hands to dangle precariously over the bitter, wave-less ocean. The vessel lay deathly still, and the thin canvas that rose up the short mast slept quietly, dangling a few feet above her legs. Clamping her teeth down, she let a growl grumble in her throat as she stared towards the painstakingly clear moon and the cloudless skies. Turning on her side, she threw her hands beneath her head, tugging her knees upward and snorting loudly.
As she pressed her knees into her stomach, she felt the weathered touch of parchment as it scraped beneath her belly button. Groaning, she reached down and batted at the paper perched inside of her belt. Out of spite, the paper spit back, slapping against her stomach. With a deep inhale she closed her eyes while the muscles around her shoulders grew terse. The paper slipped downward, striking across her stomach before flapping against the board. In a quick motion she rose upward, slapping at the parchment before huffing and wrapping her arms around her torso, folding her hands beneath her underarms.
Ahead, she watched a star puff out of existence and into shadow. Blinking, she tilted her head and squinted, catching a whiff of murk that obscured part of the horizon. The scent of salt trickled across her nose and the illusory sound of water beating upon rocks hailed her before vanishing like a candle snuffed from existence. Pressing her tongue over her upper lip, she dropped her hand, slicing through the air and snatching at the scratched and torn parchment resting between the lining of her pants. The paper cried out in agony as she tightened her grip around it, tugging it from its abode before drawing it in front of her. As she unfurled it, the ends slashed at one another, filling the air with its rebellious tones.
With a huff, she glanced at the dark scrawlings on the paper, then tapped a finger at the outline of a shore. Tracing her finger up, then curving it around, she fended off make believe waves and imaginary, empty oceans before stopping and tapping at a red X on the western end of the continent depicted before her. Scraping her finger back and weaving it around, she examined the empty pathway she traced then glanced up, her eyes darting back and forth between the mysterious lines the stars formed between one another. Furling her lips together, she glanced back at the paper and bit the inside of her lip before facing ahead, towards the outline of oblivion that stole the stars.
A thin, wide smile crept up her lips, curving into her cheeks. Drawing her left hand away from the parchment, she pressed her thumb and forefinger on either side of her face before dragging them down and stroking her chin. With a chuckle, she thought upon one of the many tales spun when the boats gathered and formed their small, makeshift town: a lost, flooded castle as some refer to it, or others as a ghostly fort that appears in the middle of the ocean late at night, vanishing at morning. Tilting her head down, she pressed the tip of her tongue over the edge of her upper lip, chuckling as she quickly rolled the map back into a cylinder. Quickly returning it to her hip, she silently touched the curved hilt of her dagger before reaching for the nearby oar as the scent of treasure tickled her nose. In a quick motion she dunked it into the depths then pushed before dragging it upwards and slapping at the water on the ocean side of her boat. The boat began to bob forward, and an icy mist prodded at her face while the sail let out a ragged cough as air stroked the canvas.
A jaunty sea-breeze tucked at her bronze hair, knocking the strands off of her shoulders and letting them flutter behind her as she sailed through the crisp night air. Water slurped at her vessel as she paved a wave across the nearly flat surface, and soon she heard the crash of waves slapping against rocks ahead of her. The small ship began to twist and turn suddenly. With a sniff, she held the oar in place as she watched the sky above slowly tilt and spin. Looking around, she chuckled loudly before leaning over the edge and watching near invisible currents of water push her away from her destination.
With renewed vigor she leaned forward, eagerly bashing at the water with her oar as her small vessel fought with her in a vain attempt to spin off course. Ahead, she caught the glimmer of water rising and crashing against stones. Squinting, she caught the silver glimmer of moonlight bouncing merrily off of damp, jagged stones. As she dashed the oar into the water, she could feel choppy waves bobbing up to greet it, and her small ship began to point upward then crash down just as the black shore became visible.
The sail grew taut, and she could feel her hair floating behind her. Holding the oar above the water, she watched as she slowly encroached upon a tight knit cliff of stones from which a structure blacker than the night rose. Shifting about, she spun the flat end of the oar towards the emptiness before her. Within moments a great weight pushed against her. Letting it slowly push the oar back into her, she spread her elbows and let the vessel slow to a still while turning perpendicular to the rocks. The stones banged calmly against the edge of her ship, and she felt her heart leap in her chest as thoughts of what mysterious and otherworldly treasures might be hidden in this nestled away little trove.
Throwing the oar down, she reached ahead toward the iron anchor, gripping into the edges and picking it up. Her torso collapsed towards it, and she felt her muscles tearing while her trembling arms lifted it to the edge of the shift. Releasing her fingers, it fell with a mighty clunk into the sea, the rope hastening into the depths after it. Jumping up, she steadied herself on the bobbing vessel before planting a boot on the stones, her sole slipping forward as she thrust her weight onto it as water sloshed against stone beneath her.
Shadows hopped and played while the sound of water surfing along the edges of the rocks played about around her. Leaping up onto the slick surface, she spun around and scooped up a length of rope, fastening it to a metal ring on the vessel. Standing straight, she raised her arms to her shoulders and stepped back, tugging hard before glancing around. Spotting a jagged spearhead of a rock, she nodded then looped the rope around it before whisking it into a tight bow of a knot. With a step to her side, she brushed her hands together and began striding forward as a hiss of water rose up, splattering up to her ankles and covering the narrow pathway she crossed.
Setting her hand on the smooth cliff that rose several feet above her head, she wound up the slowly inclining pathway. After twenty or so paces she began to round a circular corner, where the path rose sharply. Within a few steps her head began to rise above the flat sheet of obsidian, revealing a black, hulking structure that rose high above her. Whistling, she felt her lower eyelids rise up as a giddy feeling swelled within her. Clenching her hands together, she raised her shoulders and shivered as an icy mist nuzzled the back of her neck. Continuing onward, her eyes remained glued on the cone shaped building before her, its walls rising without so much as a break between them as though the structure were carved out of one massive stone. Suddenly her boot slid backwards, flying up beneath her, and she stumbled forward. Catching herself on the wall of stone, she felt her weight press into it as her knees trembled and buckled beneath her while she glanced at the voracious icy waters that gnawed at the rocks far below her. Sighing, she quickly brushed a hand down her midriff and pressed onward.
The angle of the incline grew wildly as she wrapped ahead, so much so that her boots continually slid back down the damp stones. Digging her hands into the wall, she clawed her way upward as the pathway narrowed so much that she could barely fit her boots side by side, the hungry waves smashing into the wall beneath her, their talons eagerly reaching for her. Staring into those black waters, she watched them reel back, exposing a plethora of long, halberd like rocks. Gulping, she turned ahead and pulled herself up along the pathway as it whisped away into flat land.
Letting out a sigh of relief as she crossed onto steady ground, she hunched forward, gripping her fingers around her knees. Around her, she felt the world grow deathly quiet. Perking her ears, she brought her face up from the stonework and looked around. Stilling her breath, she peered through the dark veil of abyss, watching a lance of silver moonlight rise then sparkle out of existence. Glancing above, she gazed into those forbidden gems that sparked like flint across the inky trail of sky. With a shake of her head, she cast aside the foreboding sense of eeriness that sloped around her like a cloak.
Behind her, she suddenly heard a distant whistle of a cry. Turning, she glanced at the vacant seas as the noise rushed ahead, growing louder by the second. A sudden, maddening gust of wind slammed into her, knocking her forward a few steps while wind roared around her, scattering the ends of her vest while her loose leggings caught the air like a sail. Bending her knees and spreading her legs, she hunched forward, wrapping her arms around herself and tucking her hands at the ends of her vest. Through the wild zephyr an ear piercing cry scrawled down her backside like the vicious fangs of a predator. Though otherworldly, she felt a sense of familiarity rise through her as the screeching tore into her.
Funneling her brows downward, she let her eyes glaze over and she focused on the sound, picking it apart through the storm that rolled around her. It sparked upward, then disappeared in a brash heave before rising and falling again and again, ringing like a bell while cutting through her like the wind. It rose sharply like a wonderful song then fell flat like a punch to the gut. Narrowing her eyes, she thought for a moment that it sounded like laughter, except wild and crazed, as though the funniest joke in the world were being laid bare like an unrelenting whip cracking at one's backside. The wind vanished suddenly, and with it the banshee's screams. Huddling still for a moment, she shivered then rose, her face rolling up the side of the structure before her.
Shrugging and shaking off the dark winds, she recalled the myths of her tribesmen and strode forward gallantly, taking long, mighty strides while her arms flung back then hurled her forward. Her boots cackled against the stonework as she approached the wide archway, its length approximately three men across and reaching two high. As she crossed the threshold, she saw clear signs of discoloration reaching at eye level. Sniffing, she nodded, facing the light-less void before her. Squinting, she stepped forward, brushing aside the darkness and grazing good, stout wood in front of her chest. As she rained her fingers downward, she felt the strong boards, then near her stomach the singe of cool metal. Her fingers fluttered around the sleek steel, her finger tips dancing along the edge, curving with it then brushing up the bottom. A ring. Wrapping her fingers around it, she lifted the handle and tugged.
The wood refused to budge, instead pulling at her arm. With a sniff, she hunkered down and took a step backward before pulling again, this time throwing her weight backward. Her boots slipped ahead, and she fell at a sharp angle with the door, the soles of her boots posing up the side of the wood as she reared back, pulling with all of her might. Groaning, she relinquished her grip, stepping backward and letting the handle fall loudly against the wood. As though a incantation had been cast, the doorway began to creak forward, a noxious emptiness blacker than the night sky inviting her within. Chuckling, she fell forward, pushing her left shoulder and right hand into the wood so that it fell faster. As she pushed, her boots slid and slipped beneath her while the maw ahead gazed through her, seemingly sucking her into it. The door suddenly flew wide open and her unsupported weight crashed over the threshold into the abyss. A rush of wind ran through her, and she felt the sound of the door slamming shut ripple through her.