I get and understand what is being said-I know we are very fortunate where I live-I am very thankful and I am counting my blessings-not so terrible-know we are fortunate that we did not have tornadoes wreck havoc here like in Joplin, Missouri, NC and many other places down south, including places in Alabama and other places-but still it is very aggravating-I am so fed up with rain, rain, rain, not light rain-gobs of severe thunderstorms/tornadoes around. I know it could be worse and I acknowledge that but really I think I second the sentiment that many others are thinking-can we please stop with these downpours of marathon storms/tornadoes.
I just want some sunshine, blue skies and nice weather more than a few days-for about a month now straight it seems we have had tons of rain/storms-it is getting old. I am sorry but it really gets aggravating. This is spring, the way it is raining-it is like it is March/April not May 🙁 please God stop all this rain/storms and tornadoes-sure is aggravating. 🙁😡😡😡🙁🙁🙁 but sadly my heart does go out to those that lost so much in Joplin, NC Alabama, places south and in general 🙁 Please God stop this.