Lake Superior
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- Jan 3, 2019
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The proud general of Bern looked upon his favorite sight after a long day. His own reflection in the mirror. What a sight he was with his golden locks, pale skin, and deliciously thin lips. He stretched his arms back behind his own head and admired the way his light muscles rippled beneath his splendid clothes and wondered why anyone would ever want to stare at a sight that wasn't him. He wished that pathetic half-breed Gale was here to lord his latest victory over. At first, joining this "Order of Heroes" had seemed a ridiculous concept to him but after seeing his Lord Zephiel and the Lady Brunnya on this side it seemed the right choice even if he was fighting alongside that Lycian rabble as well. Besides he had seen a few people that he assumed were servants and slaves and had assumed they were to wait upon him and their fellow betters. That hadn't been the case and he still plotted revenge on that silver-haired butler that had dared to get snide with him. Still, they had allowed him his fun and today's excursion had been quite the treat. Picking on those weaker than him had always been a treat and nobody was weaker than those bags of bones that Hel threw out onto the field. The target had some sort of supply cache or rendezvous point, he hadn't cared. Even the ones that could speak he'd cut down as if they couldn't. Those two fellow fliers that been assigned to his team had kept shouting about prisoners but why ask filth where they kept their trash?
Eventually, that terrifying woman with the purple hair had restrained him and scolded him as if he was a child. He clucked his tongue at the memory but finding that she was a princess of some land called Nohr had made him interested. Perhaps he'd do her the honor of a proposition tonight. She'd been quite interested he'd noted when he'd given that short wyvern rider that accompanied her orders. He had to admit he liked the idea of a fellow Wyvern General with her own quiet minion. That little bodyguard of her's even had her own headband just like Gale's. Narcian laughed at the idea of having both that pygmy and Gale watch as he scratched and bit at the massive feet he'd seen the woman sporting. Eventually, he'd have all three on their knee's worshipping his own small feet as was proper.
He turned back to the treasure that he'd claimed at today's raid and admired its gold finish. After he'd slain the last of Hel's pathetic mob he'd been disinterested in whatever the Order of Heroes troops had been doing. He went into the largest tent he could find hoping to find somebody hiding that he could play with but instead found quite a few strange objects. Most had seemed like things that the mages would be more interested in than him but a few had caught his eyes. He'd taken a pendant and an ornate set of boots that he had a plan for, but had promptly lost them somewhere in the castle. He hadn't really cared as the real prize had been put in his room by his orders. This massive floor to ceiling mirror had been the perfect reward for Narcian's hard work for the royals of Askr and if they hadn't been captured he was sure they wouldn't mind him taking it for himself. The gold leaf around it matched the color of his own fair tresses and he particularly admired the pair of faces carved into the top. He loved this mirror almost as much he loved his favorite thing in the world, Himself. He continued to admire his reflection and it's beauty before being caught off guard by a wink from it. Had he done that? He didn't think he had but it was late...
He decided on a test and gave an obscene gesture with his right hand and raising his left eyebrow to the reflection while frowning. This was returned by his counterpart exactly. The same arm and eyebrow moved while his expression was also copied. Narcian sighed in relief at what must have been a trick of the light he sat back on the bed and lay himself down to set to removing his boots. He pulled them free and admired the silken socks that were the only thing he would clad his feet in even in this world of endless conflict. That fool Anna woman had chided him about the expense but he'd been quite clear that if he was to fight for these fool's he'd need to be catered to. She was another yapping mutt that he dreamed of bringing to heel. Those boots he'd taken were much too big for his own precious little feet but they'd been about her size he thought. The idea of getting her in his debt had been nice but now he'd need to do something else to get the floppy footed mutt to heel. Ahh, how he missed the days of when he could just order people to do as he said and then execute them if they refused. He giggled to himself at the idea of all three women in stocks and Gale as well. There hands and feet helpless for Narcian's amusement. He imagined sliding a finger along Gale's toes and biting the warm soles of that blasted Commander Anna and giggled to himself as if he could feel both himself.
It felt a bit too real now that he thought about it. He sat up and looked down at his little feet dangling off the bed. He looked around the room to see if he had some intruder who'd taken an interest in his treasures, even checking under the bed. Nothing but the mirror was in the room and it showed Narcian the frown on his face at his own silliness. He sat back on the bed and groaned at how he had nobody to punish for this. Back in Bern, he had a specific idiot in his army who he'd torment for this. He remembered that boy's feet and how he'd rub cream all over them and force him to lick them clean himself while he watched. He wondered what had happened to that idiot? The last he'd heard the fool had defected to be with his sister. A thought ran through Narcian's head and he suddenly scanned the room for his weapon. He hefted it up and started to search the room even more fervently for an intruder who must have been the one to remove his socks. He searched the closets and sheets for this scoundrel but found neither him or his missing socks. Once again he sat on the bed and something in the reflection caught his eye. His socks were under the bed almost just out of sight.
Sighing resignedly he got on his hands and knees to reach under the bed and get them but froze at the feeling of a pair of thumbs driving themselves up into his taut arches on the outside. He jumped in surprise but whoever had dared went on undaunted and began rubbing and massaging his arch even as the spiteful general kicked and bucked under the bed. Narcian aimed a good kick at where he assumed the dastards head would be and fired only to pass through air. His foot was released though and that one was now taken. Narcian could do nothing but howl as he felt a tongue slide up from his heel and overwhelm his short toes.
The threat did the trick and Narcian scrambled out snorting in rage to find nobody waiting. He flipped the mattress off his bed as if this tickler would be hiding there before using his weapon to hack apart his closet.
After destroying the closet and finding nothing Narcian huffed and wheezed before getting the idea to look behind the mirror. Putting his hands behind the massive thing he hefted it forward to scan the small space behind it to see if the intruder was hiding there. He didn't see anything but suddenly felt an arm wrap around his waist and another dig into his ribs. He flailed with his head trapped behind the mirror. He pulled at the massive fixture to try and get himself free but whoever his torturer was they were able to hang onto him quite easily.
They ignored his threats breaking down into pleas as he beat his fists on the wall. A glancing blow at the back of the mirror though had him suddenly released and he collapsed to the floor in a giggling pile. Once he got his breath back he quickly seized his weapon and started hacking apart the bed in a rage.
"WHERE! ARE! YOU! CUR!" He thought he saw a movement under one of the discarded sheets and stomped his barefoot down on it to pin it as he slowly slid his sword between his splayed toes into his prey. He smiled as blood bubbled up before ripping away the sheet to see he had just successfully exterminated a literal rat. He kicked the dead vermin away with his other foot and now stomped in a childish rage at having been denied.
After his stomping tantrum ended with his tormentor watching bemusedly unknown to him Narcian fell back on the bed in exhaustion to look at the one thing that still brought him joy. However that his reflection stood while he wasn't made him yell in surprise. The man in the mirror waved at him before lifting his own foot up and sliding a feather along its small flushed sole. Narcian felt the feather crystal clear and thrashed at the feeling of it along his sole. He slapped at his ankle to try and ward off the ghost feeling but accomplished nothing but making it flush pinker and even cuter. The reflection in the mirror smiled and sat down upon the bed and began sawing the feather between its toes to make the villain howl. He seized his ankle in a strong grip as if he could choke away the soft sensations but was still laughing as it happened.
The reflection wiggled its fingers near it'd own little toes teasingly before suddenly pinching the arch instead in a fakeout. Narcian yipped at the trick and beat his fists upon the ruined bed at how helpless he was. The man in the mirror's tongue lolled out and was soon dragging up his sole while Narcian howled for a rescuer to help him. Nobody heard the vain general though as most of the other heroes tended to avoid the villain out of distaste for his odious personality. So it was Narcian was alone while his dream came true and he was ravaged by his reflection. It's tongue lapped at his heel while he howled and his cock ached. Its teeth grazed the ball of his foot while the nose got itself between the perky little toes. Narcian tried to reach for his blade but the figure then dug its fingers into its own love handles while it stalked towards the mirror causing him to lapse into a snorting, kicking mess. Through teary eyes, he could only watch as the figure emerged from the mirror looking completely different. Outside the glass, it was a blurry creature that seized him by the ankles and started pulling him towards the mirror. It passed through the surface like water and once back inside resembled Narcian again rather than it's another form.
It pulled Narcian's ankles through before the general had gotten enough wherewithal to resist. He seized either side of the mirror and tried to hoist himself out but only succeeded in raising his legs rather than freeing them. He kept doing so until his legs were up at the top of the mirror and while his head rested at the bottom. He pounded on the glass but it accomplished nothing. He could just crane his neck to see the other him twirling the feather that was fast approaching his feet. The fluffy plumage seemed to curl into his toes and the general tried to hold it in but was soon screaming as his feet were being fluffed in such a manner. His doppelganger leaned forwards and huffed on a point on the other foot before bringing his sleeve up to rub the cloth on the ball of his foot as if polishing this little treasure of his. Narcian pulled at his golden tresses and shrieked as again the tongue came out and lapped up his little foot to get to the toes. Narcian's back arched as he again tried to pull himself free but some twiddling for his littlest toes got him calmed back down.
He went weak as he tried to get some air back into his lungs frantically while his doppleganger dragged him deeper into the mirror. By the time he had enough energy to fight back his knee's were in and this sick copy was suckling on the sensitive skin behind them. Narcian's free leg kicked while he howled for aid for any idiot in this entire blasted castle but the toes of the other curled and flexed at the sensations caused by the teeth of this creature on his skin and the groove it was forming in his kneepit. Tears streamed down the villains face as he bucked and pulled but could do nothing but hang upside down like this and laugh. Fingers trailed along his calves and tickled his heels to make his feet wiggle side to side in desperation as if they could break off and run away. His laughter was reaching new pitches and a few of the heroes in neighboring rooms were fed up with it. Most went to go and do some late night training while a few grew concerned at the volume and wondered if perhaps the general was actually in trouble. A few of the more soft-hearted ones wondered if maybe they shouldn't check on him.
The gurgling moans of pleasure that started coming from Narcian's room though were enough to dissuade all but Niles and his daughter however both who kept ears open for different reasons. Niles to listen to the bristly noble break and Nina to see if she couldn't hear a second male voice to make this interesting. For Narcian though who'd been dragged up to his hips into the mirror, to have his trousers pulled down and now suffered the dupe's tongue sliding along his taint while its hands busied themselves between teasing that feather along his not-so virgin butthole and working his cock in a sadistic stroke. The thumb and middle finger kept the head of his cock in a pinch that denied him release, even as the index stroked along the tender slit of his circumcised cock. Each touch interrupted Narcian's laughter with throaty moans and served to deter any do-gooders listening in. He tried to beg for release but his throat put the orders behind moaning and laughing in it's list of priorities as he was easily reeled deeper into the mirror.
The very second his cock was released Narcian came explosively and it splattered all over the mirror. Acting as lube it was quite easy for his copy to pull him in up to his armpits before he managed to brace his hands against the glass and halt the progress. Still suspended halfway through the other him was to take up a position between his legs to lap his tongue along the villain's ballsack and shaft while his manicured fingers danced along the now white stained taut and slender stomach. Oiled up nice with his own juices and his shirt bunched against the glass of the other side. That Narcian's fingers slid nicely along this Narcian's stomach while his legs waved helplessly trapped in the mirror world. He came once again explosively right into the hair of his captor who paid him back by nibbling his ballsack while his palms now sank into the mirror. He thrashed about as belly button became his doppelganger's new focus until seizing up at a new feeling. His ankles were suddenly seized into headlocks and perring through the looking glass made him go pale.
Waving back at him and licking their lips were two more clones of his glorious personage who each pressed index fingers to his big toes and pushed them far back as they could go to dig their remaining fingers into the stem of the chunky digits. Between the renewed assault on his feet and the licking on his genitals Narcian lapsed into silent wheezes before he finally got the idea to scream for help but had no energy to do so. Nina outside the door hesitated to open it. She'd wanted to peer in and see of maybe the flamboyant flier had been sharing his bed with another masculine delight. His sudden silence though gave her an image of the freak alone on his bed stroking himself and that was something she wanted to not see for real. She turned and walked away to see if maybe this was the time she could sneak up on Kaze and Saizo's meditation unnoticed.
His fingertips outside the mirror left Narcian's palms unprotected as two more copies of himself stepped forward to join in his ticklish absorption to this world. These two had deigned to forego their clothes altogether and instead pressed their small erect cocks into Narcian's trapped palms and stroked them about while the flier went mad. Narcian's own penis ached to release but was once again in the death grip that denied that. His pants were pulled down far enough that the two at his could knot the fabric into an impromptu pair of shackles for his ankles. They each took a pair of fingers upon a stroll up Narcian's plush and pampered soles while laughing themselves at how the barenaked pair at his hands were moaning during their games.
Narcian trembled as he was pulled further into glass. At this point more of him was inside than out so his body was starting to come down from the ridiculous height his tantrum had placed him in. The two at his ankles sat down to enjoy their captive prizes and poke at the captives toes that were so glad to feel the solid ground, while the two tasked with his hands were quick to take his wrists and place them in a pair of manacles that hung down from above the mirror. Though now only in his own world with the shoulders and up Narcian observed the knob to his room rattling and tried to work up enough saliva in his burning throat to call out to whoever was doing it. He cursed himself for locking the door behind him but now he begged internally for whoever was out there to not be discouraged. Niles was interested in what his flamboyant comrade was up to in there and had never let a locked door discourage him before. He had his kit out and was picking his tools when he heard a voice though. It was Commander Anna yelling for Narcian and stomping about. Niles pouted as he put his tools away quickly, it just wouldn't do to get caught here with his hand in the cookie jar. The thief slipped away unknowingly stealing Narcian's last hope at a rescue.
Now he was in up to his neck with his wrists shackled above him to the top of the mirror. His various clones had now all foregone his various other parts to deluge his slender neck in feather tickles. Narcy could only wiggle like a fish on the line as they all attacked his neck with fluffy pegasus feathers save one. He squealed like a child at the feeling of the downy plumes on his neck and even more at the actions of that lone copy. One Narcian hadn't joined the others and instead held the general by one big toe giving it an ever so gentle pull. As he did so he guided his victims struggles to pull him deeper into the mirror. The group started poking Narcian's various spots as he was pulled into the mirror fully and chanting a ridiculous.
"Eeny-meeny, miney-moe. Catch a cutie by the toe! If he giggles, never let him go! He'll just learn to love it though!"
The top of Narcian's head disappeared into the mirror just as a pounding on the door heralded Anna finding him. He couldn't hear her yelling about just how much of the orders coffers he'd spent on those socks of his as once he was fully in the realm of the dopplegangera he saw a number of things.
He'd never wondered what was on the other side but now he screamed in horror at what he saw. His tickle crazed torture was atop a floor of warm alabaster flesh that his feet practically sank into. He looked in the distance and could see that this was all taking place atop another copy of himself. This one massive enough that he barely took notice at the scene taking place on his chest. The giant didn't seem inclined to notice them though as the huge copy had been blindfolded and tied down. It's mouth was gagged and even his ears had been stuffed. The ground beneath them shook as on all sides the massive Narcian was tickled mercilessly by feathers the size of ships wielded by more giant clones. In a daze Narcian took in the sight of this world around him. They were in a dungeon and all along the walls were more giant mirror images of himself strapped into various ticklish torture devices and being tormented by more copies of him. One wall was nothing but pairs of feet protruding from the wall and being sucked and bitten upon by more Narcian's who teased the Narcian's whose heads begged for mercy above each pair.
Narcian was pulled from staring at the scene in awe by a familiar tiny cock sliding up between his bared asscheeks. He screamed away the last of his energy as the Narcian who had entered him began to dig into his hairy blonde pits and running his tongue up his neck. His little feet pinned and each given attention by two more clones on each. One lapping their tongue up the sole while the other brutally twisted their index fingers in between his toes. Another pair of Narcian's crawled through the tangle of limbs to get to Narcian's proud little dick. It had already shot again since he was fully pulled into the mirror world that seemed to only be ticklish Narcian's, but now they licked and blew on the little piece of meat to try and encourage it into another round. They also dug their fingers into the wyvern riders hips to give this fish a bit of a wiggle to please their friend coming in the backdoor. Sure enough Narcian was soon up and at them again to shoot a load over both of those snakes.
Stuffed up against the mirror while he was tormented from every angle Narcian couldn't see the door to his room be kicked until a booted foot came right through the wood. It was pulled back and Anna reached through the hole to unlock it from the other side. Pressed up against the glass like so Narcian still didn't hear any of this from this other realm. When he peeked back over his shoulder what he instead saw was a skeletal hand sneaking through the glass to beging tracing his nipple, it's partner emerged to do the same and bring him to a new level of torture. Back on the other side though Anna looked down at her boot that had been sacrificed to get in here. The splintering wood had shredded it and the sock beneath. She sighed and sat down on the bed to pull both off and make sure her foot was unharmed. The size 16 almost seemed to gleam as she wiggled it's thick toes. She sighed again at the massive foot and not for the first time wished she had smaller more feminine feet like some of her various sisters. For some reason members of her clan seemed to have bigger and feet as time went on while the older ones had smaller. Her sister from Archanea as the exception though with her 12's. Here though the Anna of Askr was cursed with these stomping boats that while useful as an axe fighter were a drawback in courtship. Indeed only the strangest people seemed interested in them and she was loathed to admit Narcian was one of them. She stared about the destroyed room and wondered what the strange blonde had done this time. No other member of the Order was near as troublesome or abrasive as this narcissist. As the sole commander of the organization now after Shareena and Alfonse's capture she definitely didn't need to be stomping down here to scream at him about plundering their coffers to buy himself expensive silken socks and undergarments.
To her the mirror showed onl her own reflection and something shining under the bed. It didn't show her a sticky and broken Narcian screaming as Hel's cold, bony fingers toyed with his ears as she emerged from the mirror behind him. The other copies released him as she drew the sniveling villain into her lap and sat down to tease his tear-streaked cheeks as he slipped into unconsciousness. She snapped her fingers and the image in the mirror on Anna's side changed to this startling the redhead. She stood up quickly and looked for a weapon to try and save that idiot Narcian from the mirror but due to the reflection being gone didn't see the shoe beneath the bed start stretching out spindly little legs. It took off like a shot with it's front opening wide.
Commander Anna never saw it coming until it had snapped itself shut on her ankle after dragging her foot right out from under her. She rubbed her head as Hel doted on the slumbering Narcian and laughed at her plight. It wasn't until the redheaded merchant felt a tongue dragging up her formerly bare sole that she realized what had happened. She pulled her trapped foot just in time to see the last locks click shut on her ankle before the tongue at the bottom of the shoe began lapping at the sensitive skin in earnest. She's howled at the attention and yelled for help from whoever was nearby.
Hel simply chuckled and beckoned with one finger for the other shoe beneath the bed to come forward. It crawled out and it's sharp legs went to work shredding Anna's other boot and sock while she kept yelling for help through teary eyes.
Hel laughed as the other shoe clamped itself around Anna's ankle and started lapping at the commander's big foot, turning her pleas for help into nonsensical babbles.
"Silly young girl nobody can save you. You and this tasty flower of a man are all mine now. I do so look forward to trussing you both up nicely and seeing how long you'll take to break to my will. "
The pair of fiendish foot wear extended their legs and started crawling Anna's tortured tootsies to the mirror. Slipping through the glass like water.
"Don't worry pet, we'll all be busy soon when I take over Muspel. Now come here my pretty thing."
In a fog Anna looked up to see dozens of copies of her taking hold of her thighs and helping to pull her through the glass quickly.
Heroes and soldiers alike arrived in time to watch Anna's desperately waving hand disappear through the glass and both their Commander and the Wyvern General, Narcian be carried away by a floating Hel and a legion of indistinguishable figures. They moved to help them but could only watch as the mirror cracked and shattered. Their eyes all trained on this scene, none saw the pendant slither between their legs and down the hallway. It looked for a place to wait and a Hero to strike.
Eventually, that terrifying woman with the purple hair had restrained him and scolded him as if he was a child. He clucked his tongue at the memory but finding that she was a princess of some land called Nohr had made him interested. Perhaps he'd do her the honor of a proposition tonight. She'd been quite interested he'd noted when he'd given that short wyvern rider that accompanied her orders. He had to admit he liked the idea of a fellow Wyvern General with her own quiet minion. That little bodyguard of her's even had her own headband just like Gale's. Narcian laughed at the idea of having both that pygmy and Gale watch as he scratched and bit at the massive feet he'd seen the woman sporting. Eventually, he'd have all three on their knee's worshipping his own small feet as was proper.
He turned back to the treasure that he'd claimed at today's raid and admired its gold finish. After he'd slain the last of Hel's pathetic mob he'd been disinterested in whatever the Order of Heroes troops had been doing. He went into the largest tent he could find hoping to find somebody hiding that he could play with but instead found quite a few strange objects. Most had seemed like things that the mages would be more interested in than him but a few had caught his eyes. He'd taken a pendant and an ornate set of boots that he had a plan for, but had promptly lost them somewhere in the castle. He hadn't really cared as the real prize had been put in his room by his orders. This massive floor to ceiling mirror had been the perfect reward for Narcian's hard work for the royals of Askr and if they hadn't been captured he was sure they wouldn't mind him taking it for himself. The gold leaf around it matched the color of his own fair tresses and he particularly admired the pair of faces carved into the top. He loved this mirror almost as much he loved his favorite thing in the world, Himself. He continued to admire his reflection and it's beauty before being caught off guard by a wink from it. Had he done that? He didn't think he had but it was late...
He decided on a test and gave an obscene gesture with his right hand and raising his left eyebrow to the reflection while frowning. This was returned by his counterpart exactly. The same arm and eyebrow moved while his expression was also copied. Narcian sighed in relief at what must have been a trick of the light he sat back on the bed and lay himself down to set to removing his boots. He pulled them free and admired the silken socks that were the only thing he would clad his feet in even in this world of endless conflict. That fool Anna woman had chided him about the expense but he'd been quite clear that if he was to fight for these fool's he'd need to be catered to. She was another yapping mutt that he dreamed of bringing to heel. Those boots he'd taken were much too big for his own precious little feet but they'd been about her size he thought. The idea of getting her in his debt had been nice but now he'd need to do something else to get the floppy footed mutt to heel. Ahh, how he missed the days of when he could just order people to do as he said and then execute them if they refused. He giggled to himself at the idea of all three women in stocks and Gale as well. There hands and feet helpless for Narcian's amusement. He imagined sliding a finger along Gale's toes and biting the warm soles of that blasted Commander Anna and giggled to himself as if he could feel both himself.
It felt a bit too real now that he thought about it. He sat up and looked down at his little feet dangling off the bed. He looked around the room to see if he had some intruder who'd taken an interest in his treasures, even checking under the bed. Nothing but the mirror was in the room and it showed Narcian the frown on his face at his own silliness. He sat back on the bed and groaned at how he had nobody to punish for this. Back in Bern, he had a specific idiot in his army who he'd torment for this. He remembered that boy's feet and how he'd rub cream all over them and force him to lick them clean himself while he watched. He wondered what had happened to that idiot? The last he'd heard the fool had defected to be with his sister. A thought ran through Narcian's head and he suddenly scanned the room for his weapon. He hefted it up and started to search the room even more fervently for an intruder who must have been the one to remove his socks. He searched the closets and sheets for this scoundrel but found neither him or his missing socks. Once again he sat on the bed and something in the reflection caught his eye. His socks were under the bed almost just out of sight.
Sighing resignedly he got on his hands and knees to reach under the bed and get them but froze at the feeling of a pair of thumbs driving themselves up into his taut arches on the outside. He jumped in surprise but whoever had dared went on undaunted and began rubbing and massaging his arch even as the spiteful general kicked and bucked under the bed. Narcian aimed a good kick at where he assumed the dastards head would be and fired only to pass through air. His foot was released though and that one was now taken. Narcian could do nothing but howl as he felt a tongue slide up from his heel and overwhelm his short toes.
The threat did the trick and Narcian scrambled out snorting in rage to find nobody waiting. He flipped the mattress off his bed as if this tickler would be hiding there before using his weapon to hack apart his closet.
After destroying the closet and finding nothing Narcian huffed and wheezed before getting the idea to look behind the mirror. Putting his hands behind the massive thing he hefted it forward to scan the small space behind it to see if the intruder was hiding there. He didn't see anything but suddenly felt an arm wrap around his waist and another dig into his ribs. He flailed with his head trapped behind the mirror. He pulled at the massive fixture to try and get himself free but whoever his torturer was they were able to hang onto him quite easily.
They ignored his threats breaking down into pleas as he beat his fists on the wall. A glancing blow at the back of the mirror though had him suddenly released and he collapsed to the floor in a giggling pile. Once he got his breath back he quickly seized his weapon and started hacking apart the bed in a rage.
"WHERE! ARE! YOU! CUR!" He thought he saw a movement under one of the discarded sheets and stomped his barefoot down on it to pin it as he slowly slid his sword between his splayed toes into his prey. He smiled as blood bubbled up before ripping away the sheet to see he had just successfully exterminated a literal rat. He kicked the dead vermin away with his other foot and now stomped in a childish rage at having been denied.
After his stomping tantrum ended with his tormentor watching bemusedly unknown to him Narcian fell back on the bed in exhaustion to look at the one thing that still brought him joy. However that his reflection stood while he wasn't made him yell in surprise. The man in the mirror waved at him before lifting his own foot up and sliding a feather along its small flushed sole. Narcian felt the feather crystal clear and thrashed at the feeling of it along his sole. He slapped at his ankle to try and ward off the ghost feeling but accomplished nothing but making it flush pinker and even cuter. The reflection in the mirror smiled and sat down upon the bed and began sawing the feather between its toes to make the villain howl. He seized his ankle in a strong grip as if he could choke away the soft sensations but was still laughing as it happened.
The reflection wiggled its fingers near it'd own little toes teasingly before suddenly pinching the arch instead in a fakeout. Narcian yipped at the trick and beat his fists upon the ruined bed at how helpless he was. The man in the mirror's tongue lolled out and was soon dragging up his sole while Narcian howled for a rescuer to help him. Nobody heard the vain general though as most of the other heroes tended to avoid the villain out of distaste for his odious personality. So it was Narcian was alone while his dream came true and he was ravaged by his reflection. It's tongue lapped at his heel while he howled and his cock ached. Its teeth grazed the ball of his foot while the nose got itself between the perky little toes. Narcian tried to reach for his blade but the figure then dug its fingers into its own love handles while it stalked towards the mirror causing him to lapse into a snorting, kicking mess. Through teary eyes, he could only watch as the figure emerged from the mirror looking completely different. Outside the glass, it was a blurry creature that seized him by the ankles and started pulling him towards the mirror. It passed through the surface like water and once back inside resembled Narcian again rather than it's another form.
It pulled Narcian's ankles through before the general had gotten enough wherewithal to resist. He seized either side of the mirror and tried to hoist himself out but only succeeded in raising his legs rather than freeing them. He kept doing so until his legs were up at the top of the mirror and while his head rested at the bottom. He pounded on the glass but it accomplished nothing. He could just crane his neck to see the other him twirling the feather that was fast approaching his feet. The fluffy plumage seemed to curl into his toes and the general tried to hold it in but was soon screaming as his feet were being fluffed in such a manner. His doppelganger leaned forwards and huffed on a point on the other foot before bringing his sleeve up to rub the cloth on the ball of his foot as if polishing this little treasure of his. Narcian pulled at his golden tresses and shrieked as again the tongue came out and lapped up his little foot to get to the toes. Narcian's back arched as he again tried to pull himself free but some twiddling for his littlest toes got him calmed back down.
He went weak as he tried to get some air back into his lungs frantically while his doppleganger dragged him deeper into the mirror. By the time he had enough energy to fight back his knee's were in and this sick copy was suckling on the sensitive skin behind them. Narcian's free leg kicked while he howled for aid for any idiot in this entire blasted castle but the toes of the other curled and flexed at the sensations caused by the teeth of this creature on his skin and the groove it was forming in his kneepit. Tears streamed down the villains face as he bucked and pulled but could do nothing but hang upside down like this and laugh. Fingers trailed along his calves and tickled his heels to make his feet wiggle side to side in desperation as if they could break off and run away. His laughter was reaching new pitches and a few of the heroes in neighboring rooms were fed up with it. Most went to go and do some late night training while a few grew concerned at the volume and wondered if perhaps the general was actually in trouble. A few of the more soft-hearted ones wondered if maybe they shouldn't check on him.
The gurgling moans of pleasure that started coming from Narcian's room though were enough to dissuade all but Niles and his daughter however both who kept ears open for different reasons. Niles to listen to the bristly noble break and Nina to see if she couldn't hear a second male voice to make this interesting. For Narcian though who'd been dragged up to his hips into the mirror, to have his trousers pulled down and now suffered the dupe's tongue sliding along his taint while its hands busied themselves between teasing that feather along his not-so virgin butthole and working his cock in a sadistic stroke. The thumb and middle finger kept the head of his cock in a pinch that denied him release, even as the index stroked along the tender slit of his circumcised cock. Each touch interrupted Narcian's laughter with throaty moans and served to deter any do-gooders listening in. He tried to beg for release but his throat put the orders behind moaning and laughing in it's list of priorities as he was easily reeled deeper into the mirror.
The very second his cock was released Narcian came explosively and it splattered all over the mirror. Acting as lube it was quite easy for his copy to pull him in up to his armpits before he managed to brace his hands against the glass and halt the progress. Still suspended halfway through the other him was to take up a position between his legs to lap his tongue along the villain's ballsack and shaft while his manicured fingers danced along the now white stained taut and slender stomach. Oiled up nice with his own juices and his shirt bunched against the glass of the other side. That Narcian's fingers slid nicely along this Narcian's stomach while his legs waved helplessly trapped in the mirror world. He came once again explosively right into the hair of his captor who paid him back by nibbling his ballsack while his palms now sank into the mirror. He thrashed about as belly button became his doppelganger's new focus until seizing up at a new feeling. His ankles were suddenly seized into headlocks and perring through the looking glass made him go pale.
Waving back at him and licking their lips were two more clones of his glorious personage who each pressed index fingers to his big toes and pushed them far back as they could go to dig their remaining fingers into the stem of the chunky digits. Between the renewed assault on his feet and the licking on his genitals Narcian lapsed into silent wheezes before he finally got the idea to scream for help but had no energy to do so. Nina outside the door hesitated to open it. She'd wanted to peer in and see of maybe the flamboyant flier had been sharing his bed with another masculine delight. His sudden silence though gave her an image of the freak alone on his bed stroking himself and that was something she wanted to not see for real. She turned and walked away to see if maybe this was the time she could sneak up on Kaze and Saizo's meditation unnoticed.
His fingertips outside the mirror left Narcian's palms unprotected as two more copies of himself stepped forward to join in his ticklish absorption to this world. These two had deigned to forego their clothes altogether and instead pressed their small erect cocks into Narcian's trapped palms and stroked them about while the flier went mad. Narcian's own penis ached to release but was once again in the death grip that denied that. His pants were pulled down far enough that the two at his could knot the fabric into an impromptu pair of shackles for his ankles. They each took a pair of fingers upon a stroll up Narcian's plush and pampered soles while laughing themselves at how the barenaked pair at his hands were moaning during their games.
Narcian trembled as he was pulled further into glass. At this point more of him was inside than out so his body was starting to come down from the ridiculous height his tantrum had placed him in. The two at his ankles sat down to enjoy their captive prizes and poke at the captives toes that were so glad to feel the solid ground, while the two tasked with his hands were quick to take his wrists and place them in a pair of manacles that hung down from above the mirror. Though now only in his own world with the shoulders and up Narcian observed the knob to his room rattling and tried to work up enough saliva in his burning throat to call out to whoever was doing it. He cursed himself for locking the door behind him but now he begged internally for whoever was out there to not be discouraged. Niles was interested in what his flamboyant comrade was up to in there and had never let a locked door discourage him before. He had his kit out and was picking his tools when he heard a voice though. It was Commander Anna yelling for Narcian and stomping about. Niles pouted as he put his tools away quickly, it just wouldn't do to get caught here with his hand in the cookie jar. The thief slipped away unknowingly stealing Narcian's last hope at a rescue.
Now he was in up to his neck with his wrists shackled above him to the top of the mirror. His various clones had now all foregone his various other parts to deluge his slender neck in feather tickles. Narcy could only wiggle like a fish on the line as they all attacked his neck with fluffy pegasus feathers save one. He squealed like a child at the feeling of the downy plumes on his neck and even more at the actions of that lone copy. One Narcian hadn't joined the others and instead held the general by one big toe giving it an ever so gentle pull. As he did so he guided his victims struggles to pull him deeper into the mirror. The group started poking Narcian's various spots as he was pulled into the mirror fully and chanting a ridiculous.
"Eeny-meeny, miney-moe. Catch a cutie by the toe! If he giggles, never let him go! He'll just learn to love it though!"
The top of Narcian's head disappeared into the mirror just as a pounding on the door heralded Anna finding him. He couldn't hear her yelling about just how much of the orders coffers he'd spent on those socks of his as once he was fully in the realm of the dopplegangera he saw a number of things.
He'd never wondered what was on the other side but now he screamed in horror at what he saw. His tickle crazed torture was atop a floor of warm alabaster flesh that his feet practically sank into. He looked in the distance and could see that this was all taking place atop another copy of himself. This one massive enough that he barely took notice at the scene taking place on his chest. The giant didn't seem inclined to notice them though as the huge copy had been blindfolded and tied down. It's mouth was gagged and even his ears had been stuffed. The ground beneath them shook as on all sides the massive Narcian was tickled mercilessly by feathers the size of ships wielded by more giant clones. In a daze Narcian took in the sight of this world around him. They were in a dungeon and all along the walls were more giant mirror images of himself strapped into various ticklish torture devices and being tormented by more copies of him. One wall was nothing but pairs of feet protruding from the wall and being sucked and bitten upon by more Narcian's who teased the Narcian's whose heads begged for mercy above each pair.
Narcian was pulled from staring at the scene in awe by a familiar tiny cock sliding up between his bared asscheeks. He screamed away the last of his energy as the Narcian who had entered him began to dig into his hairy blonde pits and running his tongue up his neck. His little feet pinned and each given attention by two more clones on each. One lapping their tongue up the sole while the other brutally twisted their index fingers in between his toes. Another pair of Narcian's crawled through the tangle of limbs to get to Narcian's proud little dick. It had already shot again since he was fully pulled into the mirror world that seemed to only be ticklish Narcian's, but now they licked and blew on the little piece of meat to try and encourage it into another round. They also dug their fingers into the wyvern riders hips to give this fish a bit of a wiggle to please their friend coming in the backdoor. Sure enough Narcian was soon up and at them again to shoot a load over both of those snakes.
Stuffed up against the mirror while he was tormented from every angle Narcian couldn't see the door to his room be kicked until a booted foot came right through the wood. It was pulled back and Anna reached through the hole to unlock it from the other side. Pressed up against the glass like so Narcian still didn't hear any of this from this other realm. When he peeked back over his shoulder what he instead saw was a skeletal hand sneaking through the glass to beging tracing his nipple, it's partner emerged to do the same and bring him to a new level of torture. Back on the other side though Anna looked down at her boot that had been sacrificed to get in here. The splintering wood had shredded it and the sock beneath. She sighed and sat down on the bed to pull both off and make sure her foot was unharmed. The size 16 almost seemed to gleam as she wiggled it's thick toes. She sighed again at the massive foot and not for the first time wished she had smaller more feminine feet like some of her various sisters. For some reason members of her clan seemed to have bigger and feet as time went on while the older ones had smaller. Her sister from Archanea as the exception though with her 12's. Here though the Anna of Askr was cursed with these stomping boats that while useful as an axe fighter were a drawback in courtship. Indeed only the strangest people seemed interested in them and she was loathed to admit Narcian was one of them. She stared about the destroyed room and wondered what the strange blonde had done this time. No other member of the Order was near as troublesome or abrasive as this narcissist. As the sole commander of the organization now after Shareena and Alfonse's capture she definitely didn't need to be stomping down here to scream at him about plundering their coffers to buy himself expensive silken socks and undergarments.
To her the mirror showed onl her own reflection and something shining under the bed. It didn't show her a sticky and broken Narcian screaming as Hel's cold, bony fingers toyed with his ears as she emerged from the mirror behind him. The other copies released him as she drew the sniveling villain into her lap and sat down to tease his tear-streaked cheeks as he slipped into unconsciousness. She snapped her fingers and the image in the mirror on Anna's side changed to this startling the redhead. She stood up quickly and looked for a weapon to try and save that idiot Narcian from the mirror but due to the reflection being gone didn't see the shoe beneath the bed start stretching out spindly little legs. It took off like a shot with it's front opening wide.
Commander Anna never saw it coming until it had snapped itself shut on her ankle after dragging her foot right out from under her. She rubbed her head as Hel doted on the slumbering Narcian and laughed at her plight. It wasn't until the redheaded merchant felt a tongue dragging up her formerly bare sole that she realized what had happened. She pulled her trapped foot just in time to see the last locks click shut on her ankle before the tongue at the bottom of the shoe began lapping at the sensitive skin in earnest. She's howled at the attention and yelled for help from whoever was nearby.
Hel simply chuckled and beckoned with one finger for the other shoe beneath the bed to come forward. It crawled out and it's sharp legs went to work shredding Anna's other boot and sock while she kept yelling for help through teary eyes.
Hel laughed as the other shoe clamped itself around Anna's ankle and started lapping at the commander's big foot, turning her pleas for help into nonsensical babbles.
"Silly young girl nobody can save you. You and this tasty flower of a man are all mine now. I do so look forward to trussing you both up nicely and seeing how long you'll take to break to my will. "
The pair of fiendish foot wear extended their legs and started crawling Anna's tortured tootsies to the mirror. Slipping through the glass like water.
"Don't worry pet, we'll all be busy soon when I take over Muspel. Now come here my pretty thing."
In a fog Anna looked up to see dozens of copies of her taking hold of her thighs and helping to pull her through the glass quickly.
Heroes and soldiers alike arrived in time to watch Anna's desperately waving hand disappear through the glass and both their Commander and the Wyvern General, Narcian be carried away by a floating Hel and a legion of indistinguishable figures. They moved to help them but could only watch as the mirror cracked and shattered. Their eyes all trained on this scene, none saw the pendant slither between their legs and down the hallway. It looked for a place to wait and a Hero to strike.