If you haven’t caught the first 2 grab party foul. Heres a quick recap. Kirsten Storms and Kelly Monaco are best friends. Kirsten had a bad day and Kelly said come hang by the pool. They did. Kelly had a plan to make her relationship with Kirsten more intimate. It worked. Now Kirsten has a plan. Go check the first 2 to make this make sense
They were both asleep, spooning in each others arms. Neither could have expected the events of the day or what would happen later. But they slept in silent bliss over the events. Kelly Monaco was ecstatic that her plan to seduce her friend went so well. She never anticipated that it would go like this. Kirsten Storms dreamed lustily about a whole new world that she never knew existed and the first person she wanted to experience it with was Kelly. And then, there was payback to happen.
For Kelly, as she lay by the pool, with her best friend in her arms it was the most amazing sexual experience of her life. She’d been with men and been with women, but this was completely different. The physical part was amazing but the emotional connection of trust and submission was bonding. She remembered every detail.
For Kirsten, it was a very different experience. Between the booze and the sex she wasn’t sure what happened. But she knew she liked it. She was comfortable in her sexuality with men, but this was different. AND WITH KELLY. She was still not sure it really happened. She knew she loved Kelly and now in a new way. Did this make her a lesbian, was that bad, what would happen next time, what happens when I see her on set, can she do this to me again, can I feel that way again, what if we can’t do this again, do I EVER want to commit a party foul again…..Her thoughts intermingled. Next thing she knew her pussy was vibrating………………whatthefuck, omg, yes, wake up, damn you, o gawd.
As she awoke from her groggy slumber, Kirsten realized she was naked, in Kelly’s arms and she was unconsciously massaging her clit, and was asleep. Kirsten was spent, horny, drunk and unsure of what to do next but was liking the sensations she was feeling. The sun was still out and she could hear Kellys quiet breathing and feel it against her neck. It made her feel safe. She could feel Kellys large breasts against her back which made her feel hot. So she just decided to enjoy the moment and try to reconstruct the events of the day.. As Kelly continued to rub her clit, driving her to distraction, she tried to put the last confusing events into place. Her body still tingled with both anticipation and reaction from the last few hours. Her mind tried to evaluate and categorize what it all meant, her soul tried to discuss what that meant about her relationship. And mostly, her pussy just said, ready for round 2.
But there was a huge part of her that was new. It said I want to be in control like that. I want to be that confident and create the outcome. How can that happen. How can I do that. But before she could put much thought to that Kelly woke up and hugged her tight. She started to kiss the back of her neck and massage her breasts. At that point any rational analysis went out the window.
Kellys first question was, with her arms around Kirsten and massaging her breasts……..
“That was amazing. Are you Okay? Do we need to talk?”………
Kirstens inner monologue is FUCK NO< WE DON’T NEED TO TALK< WE NEED TO FUCK AND I MEAN RIGHT NOW.. and what she says is “no, im okay, that was pretty intense.”
Kelly holds her closer and tighter and says “ I didn’t expect this” and waits for an answer
Kirsten rolls her eyes and says “ Really, Seriously. You haven’t planed this for EVER. Ive done the same thing with guys since I was 12. ……….I just wasn’t as good as you and I sure didn’t see this coming from you.”
“Okay, busted. Are you upset, or are we cool, I’ve wanted this for a while and was just waiting for the right time. I don’t’ want to kill our friendship but I do want to take it to the next level. And we did have fun today, didn’t we?.......kelly asked, not sure what was going to happen from here.
So, Kirsten listened and realized that while Kelly is massaging her breasts, rubbing into her butt, nuzzling her neck she’s unsure. So Kirsten knows she has a card or 2 to play. And she decides to play one. “ I don’t know. You manipulated this whole thing. Yes, I enjoyed it. But, it would have been better had you come to me straight up and just said hey I really like you”……Breaking the embrace Kirsten rolls over and looks Kelly straight in the eyes “But u didn’t. You felt like you had to create this seduction scene. Which, by the way, put me in a position that gave me no options. Kinda like rape. So you share all this love stuff with me and in a way where u are in complete control. WHICH SUCKS. And That makes me question this whole thing. And by the way, have you recognized IM COMPLETELY NAKED!.” YOU SUCK” And with that she gets up from the lounge and dives into the pool. Smiling as she does, she hopes Kelly doesn’t notice.
Kelly didn’t know what to do. RAPE? She couldn’t have meant that. A few moments ago everything was nirvana and now her best friend and lover wouldn’t speak to her. She was at a lost. She watched this beautiful creature swim in her pool. She loved her form, her stroke, her butt, her breasts…….but could not talk to her or join her. She was completely lost as to what to do. She watched her friend swim a moment more and as she did, she felt a few tears form, so she quickly left the pool.
Kirsten hoped against hope that Kelly would not jump in the pool with her, cuz if she did she knew she had no chance. She would grab her and kiss her and never let her go. But……..When she saw Kelly tear up and move to the house 2 things came to her mind. 1 –Bad actress MY ASS …….fuck you all. THAT WAS ACADEMY AWARD LEVEL SHIT> .Beat that Meryl Streep when your naked and horny. But no one will ever see it. 2 – Now its my turn.
So she planned her response. For Kirsten this was amazing and liberating. It was as if she was a completely new person. She had always enjoyed sex but now she hungered for it, she was always a confident person but deferred to her boyfriends. Now, she felt empowered and could be in charge. Heres what I want and heres how I will get it.
She always felt that she had a role to play and so she did. Nice girl, diligent actress, girlfriend. Now she knew there were other options. She longed to be in charge. She’d had very satisfying orgasms but now she wanted to cause that for someone else. And that someone was Kelly. It was very EMPOWERING. So as she swam, she plotted. And she knew her time was now.
So, she got out of the pool quickly and toweled off. At any other time in her life she would have looked for her suit or a cover up or stayed in the pool. Now, that was unnecessary . Naked and without concern, she knew what to do and now was the time to do it. She went into the house.
As she moved into the house quietly, Kirsten headed quickly toward the bedroom. Having been there for parties before, she knew where to go. One of the many highlights of Kelly’s house was her bedroom. It was not large but spacious. A large 4 poster bed dominated the room. It had an ornate metal headboard. For Kelly the best part of the room was the large walk in closet that was off to the side of the bed.
As Kirsten approached she heard Kelly cursing herself. “ You stupid bitch. You had her. She wanted you. You wanted her. You waited forever and now..You fucking screwed it up. You’ve lost it all. She’ll never talk to you again”……….Kirsten smiled with a knowledge of what goes around comes around. She knew more than most that guilt makes you vulnerable.. She knew she had the element of surprise on her side. She also had the element of some very private information that very few people knew. She just had to get Kelly near the bed. Then inspiration struck.
Kelly was one of the few people Kirsten knew that still had a land line. A phone sat on the nightstand across the other side of the bed. So Kirsten grabbed the cell phone that was sitting on the kitchen counter and dialed Kellys land line. When Kelly heard it ring the plan was in place.
“What the fuck…NOW…..whose calling me now. This better be important” So as Kelly reached across the bed to get the phone, it was as if something from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Horny Naked Soap Star occurred………the 100 lb soaking wet, stark naked, and sexually hungry Kirsten Storms struck. She launched herself at Kelly and with form that would make any linebacker proud, caught her, shoulder first, right below the shoulder blades. “ OMPFHFFFFFFF” was all Kirsten heard as the wind briefly left Kelly
While Kelly was stronger, no one could doubt Kirsten’s tenacity. As she tackled Kelly to the bed, Kirsten was able to quickly roll Kelly on her back. Element of surprise was working. Heres where the element of knowledge kicked in. Kelly had shared with Kirsten once that the ornate head board and the 4 poster had comfy cuffs on them because occasionally her old boyfriend liked some kinky sex. Kelly had described them in detail and Kirsten was about to use that information to her benefit. She grabbed the cuffs and before she knew it, Kellys hands were manicaled above her head as the now naked, blond, horny, sexual Tazmanian devil she had created was going bat shit crazy on her.
“Kirsten what the fuck are you doing” she exclaimed.
“Party Foul” gleefully called the naked nymph with an expectant smile.
“What the hell” Kelly bitched. But before she knew it her right leg was handcuffed to the 4 poster and before she could say “You Little Shit” her left leg was as well, effectively leaving her spread eagle, topless, and at Kirsten’s discretions. Kirsten jumped off the bed and surveyed her handiwork. “Not bad if I do say so myself” she exclaimed proudly. It was a sight to behold. Kelly, arms above her head, magnificent breasts heaving, legs spread eagle, and a little naked nymph smiling wickedly at the bedside.
“ Ok, very funny, you win. Now let me out of here” Kelly was trying to be upset but she was more than a little impressed her friend could [ A ] muster the energy to pull this off so quickly after the afternoon of sex and booze [ B ] come up with this plan and carry it out.
“oh you’re so cute” Kirsten teased and quickly kissed her on her forehead like you do to a child. “Lets see what we can find in here” and with that she bounced into the walk in closet.
As Kelly watched that perfect ass disappear she was concerned and a little turned on. She wasn’t too worried because Kirsten was inexperienced with women and this wouldn’t last too long. But she was happy that her earlier concerns about their new relationship seemed mute at this point. The she heard whistling from the closet.
“Kirsten Renee Storms let me out of these things this minute. I Swear…….” a more agitated Monaco shouted.
“Yes you do, and I bet I’m gonna hear some doozies in just a minute. Oh this will work nicely.” And with that the newly boldly nude Kirsten emerged triumphantly from the closet with a purple boa in one hand and a bristled hair brush in the other. “TA DA” she exclaimed and held up her prizes for Kelly to see.
“What the FUCK!” Shouted Monaco.
“OK. New Party Foul rules. You cuss you get busted” said the new sheriff in town
“Okay, right” was all a chastised Kelly could say. “Great then we should celebrate” and with that Kirsten ran out of the room. Once again, Kelly couldn’t help but smile at the sight of that perfect ass leaving the room. When she returned, Kirsten held up 2 Jaeggerbombs. “Cherry, isn’t that your favorite” “Yes” said a questioning Kelly
“Good, here. Drink up shriner!” and with that Kirsten proceeded to pour the shout down Kelly’s throat. “Okay, heres number 2” and she started to pour the second one. “Hey, that’s for you” complained Kelly. “New game, new rules” pronounced Kirsten. And this time poured it quicker spilling much of it on her friend.
“Hey, be careful this stuff was fucking expensive” Kelly said.
“Oops. Party foul. 2 for cussing” gleefully said Kirsten. “2 what?” asked Kelly
“This.” And Kirsten started licking the shot off of Kellys amazing chest. It felt wonderful and Kirsten took her time and enjoyed it. Kelly was surprised at how quickly her friend had embraced this new dynamic and closed her eyes and just enjoyed the moment. But it passed quickly as Kirsten hopped to the end of the bed. “and now…..this” and with that she took the hair brush and attacked Monacos left foot. Kelly had never felt such a sensation.
“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK.” Was all she could say in between wails of laughter. At the end of the bed, Kirsten was scrubbing like she was trying to remove barnacles from a boat. Kelly was jerking, and shaking and screaming and bucking. She could barely catch her breath. She’d been tickled before, but never like this and never tied up. “ You Little Bitch, STOOOOOOPPPPPP” she yelled when Kirsten finally stopped for a moment.
“Oooppsie. 2 for cussing” sweetly said Kirsten. So she went back up and kissed and sucked on Kelly breasts, driving her nuts. And just as quickly went back down to the end of the bed and grabbed the boa. “Sorry, but you know the rules” and with that started running the boa between Kelly’s toes. If the hairbrush was bad this was worse. “ Oh MY FUCKING GAWD, KIRSTEN, YOU LITTLE SHIT, PLEASE. IM BEGGING YOU” was all she could get out between thrashing and laughing hysterically.
“ok, im sorry for tickling your feet so much” Kelly felt a sigh of relief. “When there is so much other great territory to explore” and with that Kirsten hopped on the bed and positioned herself at Kellys knees and smiled at her disheveled friend. “You are so beautiful” and then she layed down on top of Kelly and kissed her deeply and passionately. Their tongues danced, and Kirstens hands toyed with the very erect nipples of her friend. Kelly was on fire and could do nothing about it. Suddenly, it was over.
“ I believe there was a ‘ fucking gawd and a little shit’ in there somewhere, now wasn’t there” and before she could finish she lobster clawed Kelly right above both knees. “MOTHERFUCKER”……was about all Kelly could say before it was followed by more insane laughter and manic movement. Kelly was in torture but Kirsten was loving every minute and was getting more and more aroused. This control over this most beautiful body was turning her on like nothing ever had. And she knew there was more to come, and cum.
They were both asleep, spooning in each others arms. Neither could have expected the events of the day or what would happen later. But they slept in silent bliss over the events. Kelly Monaco was ecstatic that her plan to seduce her friend went so well. She never anticipated that it would go like this. Kirsten Storms dreamed lustily about a whole new world that she never knew existed and the first person she wanted to experience it with was Kelly. And then, there was payback to happen.
For Kelly, as she lay by the pool, with her best friend in her arms it was the most amazing sexual experience of her life. She’d been with men and been with women, but this was completely different. The physical part was amazing but the emotional connection of trust and submission was bonding. She remembered every detail.
For Kirsten, it was a very different experience. Between the booze and the sex she wasn’t sure what happened. But she knew she liked it. She was comfortable in her sexuality with men, but this was different. AND WITH KELLY. She was still not sure it really happened. She knew she loved Kelly and now in a new way. Did this make her a lesbian, was that bad, what would happen next time, what happens when I see her on set, can she do this to me again, can I feel that way again, what if we can’t do this again, do I EVER want to commit a party foul again…..Her thoughts intermingled. Next thing she knew her pussy was vibrating………………whatthefuck, omg, yes, wake up, damn you, o gawd.
As she awoke from her groggy slumber, Kirsten realized she was naked, in Kelly’s arms and she was unconsciously massaging her clit, and was asleep. Kirsten was spent, horny, drunk and unsure of what to do next but was liking the sensations she was feeling. The sun was still out and she could hear Kellys quiet breathing and feel it against her neck. It made her feel safe. She could feel Kellys large breasts against her back which made her feel hot. So she just decided to enjoy the moment and try to reconstruct the events of the day.. As Kelly continued to rub her clit, driving her to distraction, she tried to put the last confusing events into place. Her body still tingled with both anticipation and reaction from the last few hours. Her mind tried to evaluate and categorize what it all meant, her soul tried to discuss what that meant about her relationship. And mostly, her pussy just said, ready for round 2.
But there was a huge part of her that was new. It said I want to be in control like that. I want to be that confident and create the outcome. How can that happen. How can I do that. But before she could put much thought to that Kelly woke up and hugged her tight. She started to kiss the back of her neck and massage her breasts. At that point any rational analysis went out the window.
Kellys first question was, with her arms around Kirsten and massaging her breasts……..
“That was amazing. Are you Okay? Do we need to talk?”………
Kirstens inner monologue is FUCK NO< WE DON’T NEED TO TALK< WE NEED TO FUCK AND I MEAN RIGHT NOW.. and what she says is “no, im okay, that was pretty intense.”
Kelly holds her closer and tighter and says “ I didn’t expect this” and waits for an answer
Kirsten rolls her eyes and says “ Really, Seriously. You haven’t planed this for EVER. Ive done the same thing with guys since I was 12. ……….I just wasn’t as good as you and I sure didn’t see this coming from you.”
“Okay, busted. Are you upset, or are we cool, I’ve wanted this for a while and was just waiting for the right time. I don’t’ want to kill our friendship but I do want to take it to the next level. And we did have fun today, didn’t we?.......kelly asked, not sure what was going to happen from here.
So, Kirsten listened and realized that while Kelly is massaging her breasts, rubbing into her butt, nuzzling her neck she’s unsure. So Kirsten knows she has a card or 2 to play. And she decides to play one. “ I don’t know. You manipulated this whole thing. Yes, I enjoyed it. But, it would have been better had you come to me straight up and just said hey I really like you”……Breaking the embrace Kirsten rolls over and looks Kelly straight in the eyes “But u didn’t. You felt like you had to create this seduction scene. Which, by the way, put me in a position that gave me no options. Kinda like rape. So you share all this love stuff with me and in a way where u are in complete control. WHICH SUCKS. And That makes me question this whole thing. And by the way, have you recognized IM COMPLETELY NAKED!.” YOU SUCK” And with that she gets up from the lounge and dives into the pool. Smiling as she does, she hopes Kelly doesn’t notice.
Kelly didn’t know what to do. RAPE? She couldn’t have meant that. A few moments ago everything was nirvana and now her best friend and lover wouldn’t speak to her. She was at a lost. She watched this beautiful creature swim in her pool. She loved her form, her stroke, her butt, her breasts…….but could not talk to her or join her. She was completely lost as to what to do. She watched her friend swim a moment more and as she did, she felt a few tears form, so she quickly left the pool.
Kirsten hoped against hope that Kelly would not jump in the pool with her, cuz if she did she knew she had no chance. She would grab her and kiss her and never let her go. But……..When she saw Kelly tear up and move to the house 2 things came to her mind. 1 –Bad actress MY ASS …….fuck you all. THAT WAS ACADEMY AWARD LEVEL SHIT> .Beat that Meryl Streep when your naked and horny. But no one will ever see it. 2 – Now its my turn.
So she planned her response. For Kirsten this was amazing and liberating. It was as if she was a completely new person. She had always enjoyed sex but now she hungered for it, she was always a confident person but deferred to her boyfriends. Now, she felt empowered and could be in charge. Heres what I want and heres how I will get it.
She always felt that she had a role to play and so she did. Nice girl, diligent actress, girlfriend. Now she knew there were other options. She longed to be in charge. She’d had very satisfying orgasms but now she wanted to cause that for someone else. And that someone was Kelly. It was very EMPOWERING. So as she swam, she plotted. And she knew her time was now.
So, she got out of the pool quickly and toweled off. At any other time in her life she would have looked for her suit or a cover up or stayed in the pool. Now, that was unnecessary . Naked and without concern, she knew what to do and now was the time to do it. She went into the house.
As she moved into the house quietly, Kirsten headed quickly toward the bedroom. Having been there for parties before, she knew where to go. One of the many highlights of Kelly’s house was her bedroom. It was not large but spacious. A large 4 poster bed dominated the room. It had an ornate metal headboard. For Kelly the best part of the room was the large walk in closet that was off to the side of the bed.
As Kirsten approached she heard Kelly cursing herself. “ You stupid bitch. You had her. She wanted you. You wanted her. You waited forever and now..You fucking screwed it up. You’ve lost it all. She’ll never talk to you again”……….Kirsten smiled with a knowledge of what goes around comes around. She knew more than most that guilt makes you vulnerable.. She knew she had the element of surprise on her side. She also had the element of some very private information that very few people knew. She just had to get Kelly near the bed. Then inspiration struck.
Kelly was one of the few people Kirsten knew that still had a land line. A phone sat on the nightstand across the other side of the bed. So Kirsten grabbed the cell phone that was sitting on the kitchen counter and dialed Kellys land line. When Kelly heard it ring the plan was in place.
“What the fuck…NOW…..whose calling me now. This better be important” So as Kelly reached across the bed to get the phone, it was as if something from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Horny Naked Soap Star occurred………the 100 lb soaking wet, stark naked, and sexually hungry Kirsten Storms struck. She launched herself at Kelly and with form that would make any linebacker proud, caught her, shoulder first, right below the shoulder blades. “ OMPFHFFFFFFF” was all Kirsten heard as the wind briefly left Kelly
While Kelly was stronger, no one could doubt Kirsten’s tenacity. As she tackled Kelly to the bed, Kirsten was able to quickly roll Kelly on her back. Element of surprise was working. Heres where the element of knowledge kicked in. Kelly had shared with Kirsten once that the ornate head board and the 4 poster had comfy cuffs on them because occasionally her old boyfriend liked some kinky sex. Kelly had described them in detail and Kirsten was about to use that information to her benefit. She grabbed the cuffs and before she knew it, Kellys hands were manicaled above her head as the now naked, blond, horny, sexual Tazmanian devil she had created was going bat shit crazy on her.
“Kirsten what the fuck are you doing” she exclaimed.
“Party Foul” gleefully called the naked nymph with an expectant smile.
“What the hell” Kelly bitched. But before she knew it her right leg was handcuffed to the 4 poster and before she could say “You Little Shit” her left leg was as well, effectively leaving her spread eagle, topless, and at Kirsten’s discretions. Kirsten jumped off the bed and surveyed her handiwork. “Not bad if I do say so myself” she exclaimed proudly. It was a sight to behold. Kelly, arms above her head, magnificent breasts heaving, legs spread eagle, and a little naked nymph smiling wickedly at the bedside.
“ Ok, very funny, you win. Now let me out of here” Kelly was trying to be upset but she was more than a little impressed her friend could [ A ] muster the energy to pull this off so quickly after the afternoon of sex and booze [ B ] come up with this plan and carry it out.
“oh you’re so cute” Kirsten teased and quickly kissed her on her forehead like you do to a child. “Lets see what we can find in here” and with that she bounced into the walk in closet.
As Kelly watched that perfect ass disappear she was concerned and a little turned on. She wasn’t too worried because Kirsten was inexperienced with women and this wouldn’t last too long. But she was happy that her earlier concerns about their new relationship seemed mute at this point. The she heard whistling from the closet.
“Kirsten Renee Storms let me out of these things this minute. I Swear…….” a more agitated Monaco shouted.
“Yes you do, and I bet I’m gonna hear some doozies in just a minute. Oh this will work nicely.” And with that the newly boldly nude Kirsten emerged triumphantly from the closet with a purple boa in one hand and a bristled hair brush in the other. “TA DA” she exclaimed and held up her prizes for Kelly to see.
“What the FUCK!” Shouted Monaco.
“OK. New Party Foul rules. You cuss you get busted” said the new sheriff in town
“Okay, right” was all a chastised Kelly could say. “Great then we should celebrate” and with that Kirsten ran out of the room. Once again, Kelly couldn’t help but smile at the sight of that perfect ass leaving the room. When she returned, Kirsten held up 2 Jaeggerbombs. “Cherry, isn’t that your favorite” “Yes” said a questioning Kelly
“Good, here. Drink up shriner!” and with that Kirsten proceeded to pour the shout down Kelly’s throat. “Okay, heres number 2” and she started to pour the second one. “Hey, that’s for you” complained Kelly. “New game, new rules” pronounced Kirsten. And this time poured it quicker spilling much of it on her friend.
“Hey, be careful this stuff was fucking expensive” Kelly said.
“Oops. Party foul. 2 for cussing” gleefully said Kirsten. “2 what?” asked Kelly
“This.” And Kirsten started licking the shot off of Kellys amazing chest. It felt wonderful and Kirsten took her time and enjoyed it. Kelly was surprised at how quickly her friend had embraced this new dynamic and closed her eyes and just enjoyed the moment. But it passed quickly as Kirsten hopped to the end of the bed. “and now…..this” and with that she took the hair brush and attacked Monacos left foot. Kelly had never felt such a sensation.
“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK.” Was all she could say in between wails of laughter. At the end of the bed, Kirsten was scrubbing like she was trying to remove barnacles from a boat. Kelly was jerking, and shaking and screaming and bucking. She could barely catch her breath. She’d been tickled before, but never like this and never tied up. “ You Little Bitch, STOOOOOOPPPPPP” she yelled when Kirsten finally stopped for a moment.
“Oooppsie. 2 for cussing” sweetly said Kirsten. So she went back up and kissed and sucked on Kelly breasts, driving her nuts. And just as quickly went back down to the end of the bed and grabbed the boa. “Sorry, but you know the rules” and with that started running the boa between Kelly’s toes. If the hairbrush was bad this was worse. “ Oh MY FUCKING GAWD, KIRSTEN, YOU LITTLE SHIT, PLEASE. IM BEGGING YOU” was all she could get out between thrashing and laughing hysterically.
“ok, im sorry for tickling your feet so much” Kelly felt a sigh of relief. “When there is so much other great territory to explore” and with that Kirsten hopped on the bed and positioned herself at Kellys knees and smiled at her disheveled friend. “You are so beautiful” and then she layed down on top of Kelly and kissed her deeply and passionately. Their tongues danced, and Kirstens hands toyed with the very erect nipples of her friend. Kelly was on fire and could do nothing about it. Suddenly, it was over.
“ I believe there was a ‘ fucking gawd and a little shit’ in there somewhere, now wasn’t there” and before she could finish she lobster clawed Kelly right above both knees. “MOTHERFUCKER”……was about all Kelly could say before it was followed by more insane laughter and manic movement. Kelly was in torture but Kirsten was loving every minute and was getting more and more aroused. This control over this most beautiful body was turning her on like nothing ever had. And she knew there was more to come, and cum.