Thanks for the replies, Per, and Tropic. Now, I'm going to post my thoughts on this subject.
Before I do, I want to make clear that what I am about to post is directed at someone who commented on this subject, who I personally can't stand.., (a non forum member), and is NOT directed at any forum members who might, and do, disagree with me, as I'm sure there will be.
This morning, my assistant, who, as I've posted on here before, is a small minded jackass, with a big mouth.. said..
"I don't think kids should be served breakfast at school. I'm a taxpayer, and I'm footing the bill for this program. I think they should cut out school breakfast.. the kids dont need it. Let them eat at home".
Hello.. Maybe some of these kids don't have TIME to eat at home, if their mothers and fathers have to hustle them, and a couple of siblings.. off to school. Maybe in this bad economy.. a family struggling to get by.. can't afford to feed their kids three good square meals a day.
This rant, by the way.. is coming from someone who has three homes. He wouldn't, and doesn't, understand the idea of kids needing to perhaps be fed at school, because of need. lack of time.. lack of money by their familes, and perhaps, lack of food in their fridge. This yutzhole's biggest problem is deciding where to go on his next vacation.,. or to his next house.
As I said.. my rant is directed at HIM, and not any forum member who disagrees with me, as I suspect some will. I respect an opinion if it's different than mine is.. but NOT in the way he presented it!