Izzy is naked and spread and tries her best to hold in her laughter much to the dismay of Stella. Stella however will find a way to get Izzy going and sure enough she does. Stella tickles Izzy's entire body. Lots of great angles in this one.
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Izzy and her best friend Stella have decided to stay in watch some movies. Izzy asks Stella if she would like to come up on the sofa and have a seat. Stella insist she more comfortable on the floor and for Izzy to just relax and stretch her legs out. Izzy says OK and they begin to watch a movie. Stella's eyes are locked onto Izzy's feet and wants more then anything to get a whiff. Stella waits for her best opportunity and goes in for it. Stella takes a big whiff of Izzy's socked feet. Izzy immediately looks down and catches Stella in the act. Izzy laughs and ask what Stella is doing. Stella tries to play coy and acts like she doesn't know what Izzy is talking about. Izzy is not letting this go she then takes off her socks and puts them in Stella's face. Izzy inches her feet closer to Stella's face. Stella can no longer take it she goes after Izzy's feet. Izzy being the good friend she is laughs it off and lets her roommate have her fun.
Stella has Izzy naked and suspended. Izzy really wants to cum but doesn't expect to be so sensitive after she does. She also doesn't know that Stella doesn't care how sensitive she gets because she is going to make her cum over and over.