Weather related discussion.. so hopefully okay
Most are aware just how brutally hot this summer was in most of the North East/Mid Atlantic, with temps in the 90s F seemingly every day.
The weather seems to have definitely cooled off.. finally!
I just looked at the forecast for NYC for the next two weeks.
While we know things can change .. the current forecast calls for high temps in the 70s F.. and no temp even at 80.
Such will feel.. fantastic, and will be a relief for both the people, and the AC bill.
Some/most summers will usually have at least one.. cool week.
This summer.. nothing... 90s F every day.
I'm aware that Indian Summer can still occur, and that we can still get 80s or 90 F for a few days or a week as late at October or even November.
For now.. I plan to enjoy the cool weather, after the brutal summer that NYC had.
Most are aware just how brutally hot this summer was in most of the North East/Mid Atlantic, with temps in the 90s F seemingly every day.
The weather seems to have definitely cooled off.. finally!
I just looked at the forecast for NYC for the next two weeks.
While we know things can change .. the current forecast calls for high temps in the 70s F.. and no temp even at 80.
Such will feel.. fantastic, and will be a relief for both the people, and the AC bill.
Some/most summers will usually have at least one.. cool week.
This summer.. nothing... 90s F every day.
I'm aware that Indian Summer can still occur, and that we can still get 80s or 90 F for a few days or a week as late at October or even November.
For now.. I plan to enjoy the cool weather, after the brutal summer that NYC had.