Chapter 11
Rain-scented wind grumbled kicked past the door, sputtering through the room and scattering the musty scent around her while a blanket of wet, cool air sprayed across her. Thrusting her hips upward into the bindings, she wiggled her fingers, tasting the feel of leather against her skin as she savored their hold of her. In a smooth motion he scooped up the bottle of lotion, flicking the lid open with a soul shattering click while taking the two darkened gloves into his free hand.
In an dreadfully slow instant that scarred her mind, he stepped in front of her feet. Far above her she heard the skies rumble with satisfaction before being drowned out by the deafening squirt of thick sludge. A cold lump formed just beneath her toes, and in the mirror she saw the familiar puddle of quivering whiteness. Clenching her teeth into a smile, she shook her shoulders against her bindings as his hand swept forward, smoothing the cool sludge over her soles, leaving streaks of stark white against her skin as he rubbed the devilish creation over and into her sole. Her sole glistened and sparkled in the torchlight, crying for subjugation at his hands.
As the seconds dragged on she heard the squealch again, followed by a fresh coating of evil applied to her left foot. Squirming, her mind raced with fear while her heart ached and yearned, dragging her unwilling body forward towards its devastation. Spreading her lips, she squirmed within the chair as the time towards her destruction flew by too quickly, the pace of his hand over her forbidden flesh hastening as he prepared her for her swan song. The sound of his rocky voice broke through the air and his dark eyes glinted against hers, the ruby light of her toes reflected within them for a moment. “While I do this, think of the last few minutes. Focus on it with all of your being.”
His hands dipped, and the rip of velcro rushed through the air as his flesh vanished into the gloves of darkness he held. A tiny quake spasmed within her heart as goosebumps formed against her neck. With all of her body, she knew what would follow. Leaning her head upward, she peered over her ruby toes, catching a splash of blue spikes. As she sucked air through her teeth the sound of velcro split through the air, and in an instant the dark glove wiggled in the mirror to the tune of his fingers. Without hesitation, he pounced towards her feet.
Even before he touched her, she shrieked loudly, her cries whipping around her like the stormy winds that roared outside. Thunder cracked and splintered through the air at the touch, the electricity of the first strike rippling through her body. As the rubber spikes first touched her heels, she began thrashing in her bindings as the need to escape, to run away, over took her body. With all of her might, she screamed out at the top of her lungs "No! No! Nonononoahhhhhahahahah!" Jumping within the chair, her body barely flinched as she howled with laughter.
"Ahhhh!" she cried out, her eyes wide and covered in fear as his palms crested over her heels. As their touch splintered against the arches and wrapped over the edges of her feet while coating her heels she felt her voice rip through her throat, as she cried out another "Ahhhhh!" Clenching her eyes shut, she screamed wildly, her voice hammering into the walls around her, alerting the world to her sensitivity, "AHHHHHAHAHA!"
Drenched in the darkness, she found herself falling away from her body, the sensations assaulting her soles overpowering her, slamming her into the chair and pinning her to it. Ripping her eyes open, she allowed herself to return to the world, unable to cope with the deprivation of her senses. Her cries became like the rain as she howled endlessly, her body melting into the chair as the touch grew ever upward. The electricity from the lightning that poured over her soles lit the river of fire within her alive and it began to hum and glow with a blinding white light.
As he worked ever upward, his hands subtly rippling from side to side as he motioned upward, she remembered his words. Visions of what he had committed to her body frothed upward like a spring, and she felt his tender kisses and tickles, her upper body buzzing with delight, the wonderful feeling merging with the horror that he unearthed within her soles. Flipping her head back and forth, she alternated between screaming out laughter and grumbling with pleasure as the visions of the past felt pressed into her, their touch more real than the onslaught against her feet.
At long last he reached her toes, the rest of her feet overcome with the forest of spiked abominations that sought to ruin her. Then, like a rake beating at naughty leaves, the gloves swept down and before she had time to comprehend the rush of emotion that filled her their awful touch scraped back up. Her immobile soles withstood the assault, unable to wiggle, unable to pull away, bearing the full fury of the siege of her soul as her eyes grew so wide she thought her eyes might roll out. Her jaw fell so far that it ached, and in a single breath she lashed out "Not that fahahahast! It tickles too much!" before rolling over and pouting with laughter.
He smiled and her heart sank while lust flooded through her. Her eyes fell onto her ruby toes and in her heart she wished to watch them suffer, and as her eyes jumped to the mirror, seeing the beauty of her soles smothered behind his gloves, she wished for more than anything to have them punished for the desire they created in her adversary. Whipping his hands up and down, the multitude of spikes scoured her all over, every inch of her flesh overrun with feelings and emotions that seemed to burrow from hell itself to torment her, and in her heart she welcomed it with open arms even as she bayed like a wolf, spluttering out sickly sweet yelps of laughter.
The roar of the storm hissed outside and the door swung open, the wind so thick it was nearly visible as it thrust through the room, kicking the flames onto their sides before banishing them from this world. Her vision slowly sank as the light spluttered away, plucked from each torch one at a time, each one casting a bright beacon of light over her before vanishing all together. As the last one died, she fell into the dark nothingness that surrounded her.
As the void gobbled her up she felt her awareness of herself wink out, leaving her alone with nothing more than her thoughts and her feet. Relishing in the torture, she throbbed with the blissful light, feeling it flow through her as she began to groan out a moan before shrieking with laughter again. "Aiiieahahaha!" she cried out as her feet seemed to grow in size beneath her, dwarfing her existence. Every strike against them became more palpable, echoing against her mind a hundred times as the deathly touch of the gloves gnawed at her. She could feel each individual prong strike against her, falling down on its side and sweeping up her sole. The storm of sensation garbed her feet, the glove allowing them to mold to her flesh and press into her curves while her feet twitched and flexed with all of their might, desperate to flee the battle. The demonic prongs held her in place, unable to wiggle, unable to squirm away, forced to endure the brutal assault.
She felt herself begin to peel apart, layer by layer, with each laugh, the man at her feet taunting her through the darkness, picking at her, pulling her apart. A deep fear latched into her as a hot tightness gripped into her chest. Huffing in air, she felt her rib cage expand with bottled laughter as though she would explode in the mere instant that she required to regain her breath between endlessly laughing. Crying louder, harder, she attempted to please him, to please herself, yet with each cry she only fueled her own emotions further, dread filling her with the thought that this, in turn, would drive him further as he scrubbed away her sanity. Her mind began to wink in and out and she clawed desperately at it in hopes to maintain herself, but she knew. She knew she was broken already, that she would never recover. He had won, long ago, and though her body thrashed in the bindings, though her mind spiraled to maintain itself and though her feet suffered more than she ever thought conceivable she wanted to remain, to laugh forever, to endure and to break over and over again. To please him.
In that darkness, with those thoughts, she felt a true helplessness set in. Even without the bindings she could not will herself to resist, even with the insane touches that crashed over her again and again, she knew she would offer herself up over and over. She felt herself slip further into the darkness, falling downward into it as she laughed and screamed, the rain-slick winds spiraling around her as she drifted away.
As he used the fingers of the gloves to nurture the bottoms of her toes, she began to feel herself crack apart, the magma-like light burning at her skin and pouring from her. She felt the flames wash over her, licking at her bones. All around her a great blanket of heat clung to her, holding her prisoner within her own body as she shrieked louder and louder. Her throat grew raw, and she knew her face to be a bright red. Wet clumps of hair clung to her face, and tears ran down her cheeks as her laughter became fewer and fewer, turning into loud, whining sobs and moans. Groaning loudly, the edges of her lips curved downward and she sobbed wildly as her body popped and crackled. "NO MORE!" she cried out desperately.
A stiffing silence greeted her, and the touches to her soles slowed, then evaporated. Huffing in air, she silently wept, sobbing as she shifted her ankles, trying to rub the soles of her feet against the tops of them. She knew her soles to be a bright pink as they sung and buzzed praise of their tormentor while she coughed for air, giggling lightly while specters stabbed at her soles with their pointed pitchforks. Lightning snapped outside, and the room filled with a violent purple light, and in that moment she saw the bottle of lotion, heard the snap of the lid. "No," she choked out before sobbing wildly. A gooey wetness materialized beneath her toes, sifting about, "no, no. No more," she begged more sincerely than she ever had in her life, needing an end to her suffering more than anything she had ever needed. The squirting sound resonated against her spine, and she felt the gooey substance lap beneath the toes of her other foot, the wicked liquid dripping around the ball of her foot. She sucked in air as the droplet raced down, tickling her with its mere presence. "No more, please." The shadow before her shifted, and she felt the lotion whisk downward. "Please. No more. Please."
"Please," she tried again as he began to rub the lotion in, "please, plehehe-hehehehaaaaahhh!ahhh!ahhhahahah." Her cries for mercy faded away into another bout of endless laughter as he siphoned away her life essence by merely touching her feet. For a moment she considered this weakness, that with the lightest of touch against the bottoms of her feet she was turned into a begging, sobbing mess, willing with all of her being to do anything for an end she didn't want. Her body turned against her, simultaneously filling her with a forbidden euphoria while also threatening to overwhelm her with absolute agony. She could feel the two opposing forces merging within her, filling her with an overabundance of joy, enough to last a lifetime and more as she screamed into the night.
Bathing in the blissful pleasure, she rattled within her bondage, shaking and convulsing as she screamed at the ceiling. The laughter began to clog her throat, and she could feel it tightening, a wall of air pressing into her, gagging her as she shimmied about on the table, her damp clothes sticking to her as the waterfall of tears pelted down the sides of her neck and onto her shoulders. All at once her muscles gave way, relaxing, and she felt herself melt into the table as her body acquiesced to her captor, releasing her to the suffering. As though paralyzed she sat perfectly still, silent screams of laughter scraping at her throat, unable to break free of her and announce her torment to the world.
The pleasure within her seared her with agony as she sat, roasting in her own desire. As more and more sensations ambushed her feet, all she could think was that it tickled too good, that she craved more and more, but her body began to collapse. Her bones pushed against her skin, and she felt herself grow weak as air escaped her lungs. Roaring with a moan, she reeled her lips back from her teeth as she clenched them closely together, panting between each scream of pleasure that the man tore from her. Her eyes burned as though blighted by the sun and she could feel her mind unraveling.
"Stop!" she shrieked, his movements not even faltering at her cry. True fear fell over her like a mask as she envisioned her undoing. He really wouldn't stop, she realized as she fought with her body to resist his urges, but it refused to obey, sitting obediently before her interrogator. Whimpering, she called out "uncle!" as he marched ever onward towards her destruction. "Uncle!" A deafening silence met her, and she felt her body shiver with tension. "Uncle! Uncle!" Nothing save the sound of rubber scraping against her came back. Pressing her body into the table, she screamed out "REEED" at the top of her lungs, her words vanishing into the void like a puff of smoke. As she lay there, trembling, her feet overcome with her captor's wrathful vengeance for her beauty and sensitivity, thoughts fret across her mind. Clenching her teeth, she squealed wildly before descending into a series of strained sobs. "An-he-ye-thiiiing!" she pleaded with all of her heart, all of her sincerity. Her mind raced for any word that might halt his advances as the strings that stitched her together came undone, her body spilling onto the floor around her.
Clutching her eyes shut, she slammed her teeth together and spirited out "Pleeeehehehease!" As she rolled about on the table, she shrilly cried out, "I'll do anytheeeheehe! Anything!" Sincerity glossed her spirit as she wholeheartedly wished herself away to him, thoughts racing of all the horrors that might await her to buy but a moment of respite. "Please! Pleeheheheaaase!" She screeched out, her words shattering like ice on pavement as she realized the only thing that would stop him. Images of her feet danced before her, and though her mind said no, her heart slapped it aside, readily forging the words and binding her soul to them "I'll promise you-- I'll promise youuuhoohoo!" Clamping her teeth together, she hissed out a series of teetering giggles before crying out "My feet! I promise them to you!"
The chaotic kiss of the gloves continued to scrape at her, faster and harder, chipping away at her, revealing her truest form. She felt his thoughts press into her, felt him thinking 'Swear it.' Slamming her head into the rest behind her, she squeaked out, "I'll be your tickle slave!" Before twisting onto her side, her body contorting at the words she felt herself forced to call out. "Anything! ANYTHING!" She felt the spikes slip over her toes and she cackled maddeningly, her throat seizing up as she slipped further into the void around her. "Anything! Please, just STAHAHAHAP!"
After her final cry she fell away, sliding through the darkness, only dimly aware of her body. She watched over herself as though dreaming, her body writhing about as he squeezed her for every ounce of ticklishness she had to offer, the life fading from her form as she slowly spluttered to a standstill, no longer struggling or laughing, just laying there, limply dancing to his touch. Even then, even where she stood, it felt more real than possible, the gloves more honest and pointed than ever before. She could feel the room spinning around her as she took in laborious breaths of air, his hands reaching through her, striking at her soul, their touches rattling directly against her brain.
Rocking back and forth in the chair, she felt the room twirling around her in the silence. She vaguely recalled the taste of chocolate and the sweet kiss of cool, refreshing water pouring down her tongue. Time crawled around her like sludge, and she heard the rattle of metal as her dizzy gaze focused, her eyes blinking slowly at the dark shape that stood over her. A tightness gripped the ends of her lips, then wrapped around the side of her face. Inhaling a deep breath through her nose, the familiar taste of cloth greeted her. Smiling widely, she weakly called out “mmph!” pulling at her wrists and shifting her ankles within the bondage as he turned his back to her. “Mmph-mmph!” she tried again as he spun about towards her, his hands moving to either side of her head. The thunderous drumming of the rain popped out of existence.
Shivering so wildly that the table shook beneath her, she watched as he slowly lifted a black length of cloth, spreading his hands apart from one another as he turned to her. A streak of lightning blazed from the door, transforming the blackened room to a bright purple. The ethereal light spilled around him, casting him in shadow so that only his wide smile remained. She could feel the white teeth of his grin and the sinister look in his eyes, and as the shadows vanquished the light once more, he sped towards her, darkness taking her sight from her. There, locked in her own world away from that one, she sat, openly crying as her heart ripened within her while a flood of rejuvenating energy seeped through her. Her mind raced to the chocolate and water as a rush of re-invigoration spread through her. As she realized he meant to continue, she felt the cool touch of sludge kiss her feet and she knew with her whole body. With every fiber of her being, she knew.
The instant he began scraping the gloves up and down her slick soles she lost any sense of the world around her, constantly falling, spinning to her demise. There, in her own private reality, the only thing for her was the tickling. Every part of her body focused upon it as though they sat in a dreary audience, watching her feet perform for her. She shrieked and screamed into the gag, the cries bubbling from the bottoms of her feet and rising through her entire body, filling her with a wonderful, blazing joy. There was nothing left for her, nothing for her to do except laugh and suffer. Melting into the chair beneath her, she relaxed, accepting her existence, accepting tickling as her one and only truth. It was so easy to laugh, to free herself of the former world and to simply be. Tickled. Tickling. For eons she imagined her feet, watching them suffer as she grinned with a forbidden catharsis, drooling at the beauty of herself as she was, in that moment.